path: root/src/python/SConscript
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authorSteve Reinhardt <>2006-05-30 13:11:34 -0400
committerSteve Reinhardt <>2006-05-30 13:11:34 -0400
commit0337db3388db335ea23f02f3aa00bca9d483ef1c (patch)
tree8293d1d4e9520acabde7e37bd0a065467147ba87 /src/python/SConscript
parentd308055afc1ace1f321b76e8a85a9a45165da2ce (diff)
Link in Python interpreter.
Use embedded zip archive to carry Python code instead of homegrown embedded string/file mechanism. Do argument parsing in Python instead of C++. SConstruct: Add Python interpreter include path & library. Define two new simple builders which copy & concatenate files, respectively, for use by the Python embedded zipfile code. src/SConscript: Encapsulate environment creation in a function. Add code to append Python zip archive to final executable. Eliminate references to obsolete files. src/python/SConscript: Rewrite to generate embedded zip archive of Python code (replacing old "embedded string" mechanism). src/python/m5/ Move main arg-parsing loop here (out of C++ main()). src/python/m5/ Minor fix (version incompatibility?). src/sim/ Invoke embedded Python interpreter to parse args and generate config.ini, replacing C++ arg parsing code. --HG-- extra : convert_revision : 72d21236b2bee139ff39ba4cf031a4a1f8560029
Diffstat (limited to 'src/python/SConscript')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/SConscript b/src/python/SConscript
index 4407e403d..1f2d7fe0e 100644
--- a/src/python/SConscript
+++ b/src/python/SConscript
@@ -27,126 +27,55 @@
import os, os.path, re, sys
+from zipfile import PyZipFile
+# handy function for path joins
+def join(*args):
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(*args))
-import scons_helper
-def WriteEmbeddedPyFile(target, source, path, name, ext, filename):
- if isinstance(source, str):
- source = file(source, 'r')
- if isinstance(target, str):
- target = file(target, 'w')
- print >>target, "AddModule(%s, %s, %s, %s, '''\\" % \
- (`path`, `name`, `ext`, `filename`)
- for line in source:
- line = line
- # escape existing backslashes
- line = line.replace('\\', '\\\\')
- # escape existing triple quotes
- line = line.replace("'''", r"\'\'\'")
- print >>target, line,
- print >>target, "''')"
- print >>target
-def WriteCFile(target, source, name):
- if isinstance(source, str):
- source = file(source, 'r')
- if isinstance(target, str):
- target = file(target, 'w')
- print >>target, 'const char %s_string[] = {' % name
- count = 0
- from array import array
- try:
- while True:
- foo = array('B')
- foo.fromfile(source, 10000)
- l = [ str(i) for i in foo.tolist() ]
- count += len(l)
- for i in xrange(0,9999,20):
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:i+20]) + ','
- except EOFError:
- l = [ str(i) for i in foo.tolist() ]
- count += len(l)
- for i in xrange(0,len(l),20):
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:i+20]) + ','
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:]) + ','
- print >>target, '};'
- print >>target, 'const int %s_length = %d;' % (name, count)
- print >>target
-def splitpath(path):
- dir,file = os.path.split(path)
- path = []
- assert(file)
- while dir:
- dir,base = os.path.split(dir)
- path.insert(0, base)
- return path, file
-def MakeEmbeddedPyFile(target, source, env):
- target = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
- tree = {}
- for src in source:
- src = str(src)
- path,pyfile = splitpath(src)
- node = tree
- for dir in path:
- if not node.has_key(dir):
- node[dir] = { }
- node = node[dir]
- name,ext = pyfile.split('.')
- if name == '__init__':
- node['.hasinit'] = True
- node[pyfile] = (src,name,ext,src)
- done = False
- while not done:
- done = True
- for name,entry in tree.items():
- if not isinstance(entry, dict): continue
- if entry.has_key('.hasinit'): continue
- done = False
- del tree[name]
- for key,val in entry.iteritems():
- if tree.has_key(key):
- raise NameError, \
- "dir already has %s can't add it again" % key
- tree[key] = val
- files = []
- def populate(node, path = []):
- names = node.keys()
- names.sort()
- for name in names:
- if name == '.hasinit':
- continue
- entry = node[name]
- if isinstance(entry, dict):
- if not entry.has_key('.hasinit'):
- raise NameError, 'package directory missing'
- populate(entry, path + [ name ])
- else:
- pyfile,name,ext,filename = entry
- files.append((pyfile, path, name, ext, filename))
- populate(tree)
- for pyfile, path, name, ext, filename in files:
- WriteEmbeddedPyFile(target, pyfile, path, name, ext, filename)
+# This SConscript is in charge of collecting .py files and generating a zip archive that is appended to the m5 binary.
+# Copy .py source files here (relative to src/python in the build
+# directory).
+pyzip_root = 'zip'
+# List of files & directories to include in the zip file. To include
+# a package, list only the root directory of the package, not any
+# internal .py files (else they will get the path stripped off when
+# they are imported into the zip file).
+pyzip_files = []
+# List of additional files on which the zip archive depends, but which
+# are not included in pyzip_files... i.e. individual .py files within
+# a package.
+pyzip_dep_files = []
+# Add the specified package to the zip archive. Adds the directory to
+# pyzip_files and all included .py files to pyzip_dep_files.
+def addPkg(pkgdir):
+ pyzip_files.append(join(pyzip_root, pkgdir))
+ origdir = os.getcwd()
+ srcdir = join(Dir('.').srcnode().abspath, pkgdir)
+ os.chdir(srcdir)
+ for path, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
+ for i,dir in enumerate(dirs):
+ if dir == 'SCCS':
+ del dirs[i]
+ break
+ for f in files:
+ if f.endswith('.py'):
+ source = join(pkgdir, path, f)
+ target = join(pyzip_root, source)
+ pyzip_dep_files.append(target)
+ env.CopyFile(target, source)
+ os.chdir(origdir)
+# Generate Python file that contains a dict specifying the current
+# build_env flags.
def MakeDefinesPyFile(target, source, env):
f = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
print >>f, "import __main__"
@@ -154,54 +83,21 @@ def MakeDefinesPyFile(target, source, env):
print >>f, source[0]
-CFileCounter = 0
-def MakePythonCFile(target, source, env):
- global CFileCounter
- target = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
- print >>target, '''\
-#include "base/embedfile.hh"
-namespace {
- for src in source:
- src = str(src)
- fname = os.path.basename(src)
- name = 'embedded_file%d' % CFileCounter
- CFileCounter += 1
- WriteCFile(target, src, name)
- print >>target, '''\
-EmbedMap %(name)s("%(fname)s",
- %(name)s_string, %(name)s_length);
-''' % locals()
- print >>target, '''\
-/* namespace */ }
-# base list of .py files to embed
-embedded_py_files = [ os.path.join(env['ROOT'], 'util/pbs/') ]
-# add all .py files in python/m5
-objpath = os.path.join(env['SRCDIR'], 'python', 'm5')
-for root, dirs, files in os.walk(objpath, topdown=True):
- for i,dir in enumerate(dirs):
- if dir == 'SCCS':
- del dirs[i]
- break
- assert(root.startswith(objpath))
- for f in files:
- if f.endswith('.py'):
- embedded_py_files.append(os.path.join(root, f))
-embedfile_hh = os.path.join(env['SRCDIR'], 'base/embedfile.hh')
optionDict = dict([(opt, env[opt]) for opt in env.ExportOptions])
env.Command('', Value(optionDict), MakeDefinesPyFile)
-env.Command('', embedded_py_files, MakeEmbeddedPyFile)
-env.Depends('', embedfile_hh)
- ['', '', ''],
- MakePythonCFile)
+# Now specify the packages & files for the zip archive.
+pyzip_files.append(join(env['ROOT'], 'util/pbs/'))
+# Action function to build the zip archive. Uses the PyZipFile module
+# included in the standard Python library.
+def buildPyZip(target, source, env):
+ pzf = PyZipFile(str(target[0]), 'w')
+ for s in source:
+ pzf.writepy(str(s))
+# Add the zip file target to the environment.
+env.Command('', pyzip_files, buildPyZip)
+env.Depends('', pyzip_dep_files)