diff options
87 files changed, 8039 insertions, 318 deletions
diff --git a/configs/boot/ammp.rcS b/configs/boot/ammp.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..485244c3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/ammp.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cd /benchmarks/spec/ammp00/
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 0 0
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 100000000 200000000
+/sbin/m5 loadsymbol
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+./ammp < input/
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/ammp.symbol b/configs/boot/ammp.symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..93ef40555
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/ammp.symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+000000012001da40 T AMMPmonitor
+000000012001dfc0 T AMMPmonitor_mute
+0000000120034338 D _DYNAMIC
+00000001200346c8 D _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
+0000000120034d60 G _IO_stdin_used
+0000000120034500 T _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
+00000001200344e0 d __CTOR_END__
+00000001200344d8 d __CTOR_LIST__
+00000001200344f0 d __DTOR_END__
+00000001200344e8 d __DTOR_LIST__
+0000000120034334 r __FRAME_END__
+00000001200344f8 d __JCR_END__
+00000001200344f8 d __JCR_LIST__
+0000000120034da0 A __bss_start
+00000001200328c8 D __data_start
+0000000120020c40 t __do_global_ctors_aux
+0000000120001090 t __do_global_dtors_aux
+0000000120034d68 G __dso_handle
+00000001200328c8 A __fini_array_end
+00000001200328c8 A __fini_array_start
+00000001200328c8 A __init_array_end
+00000001200328c8 A __init_array_start
+0000000120020ba0 T __libc_csu_fini
+0000000120020af0 T __libc_csu_init
+0000000120001050 W __start
+0000000120034da0 A _edata
+0000000120035418 A _end
+0000000120020ca0 T _fini
+0000000120000fe8 T _init
+0000000120001050 T _start
+000000012000d220 T a_angle
+000000012000b3d0 T a_bond
+000000012000e1b0 T a_c_angle
+0000000120009cd0 T a_d_zero
+0000000120009c90 T a_f_zero
+0000000120009f70 T a_ftodx
+000000012000a000 T a_ftogx
+000000012000a090 T a_ftovx
+0000000120009d20 T a_g_zero
+0000000120010950 T a_hybrid
+000000012000a7c0 T a_inactive_f_zero
+0000000120009e50 T a_inc_d
+0000000120009dc0 T a_inc_f
+0000000120009ee0 T a_inc_v
+000000012000a370 T a_l2_d
+000000012000a220 T a_l2_f
+000000012000a290 T a_l2_g
+000000012000a300 T a_l2_v
+0000000120008bf0 T a_m_serial
+000000012000a1a0 T a_max_d
+000000012000a120 T a_max_f
+000000012000d570 T a_mmangle
+000000012000b620 T a_mmbond
+0000000120009c30 T a_next
+0000000120005350 T a_noel
+0000000120004700 T a_nonbon
+0000000120009bc0 T a_number
+00000001200096b0 T a_pr_beta
+000000012000a660 T a_readvelocity
+0000000120020750 T a_restrain
+000000012001eda0 T a_tether
+000000012001a2e0 T a_torsion
+0000000120009d70 T a_v_zero
+0000000120003c90 T aaerror
+0000000120009a60 T activate
+000000012001fef0 T alltether
+0000000120004370 T analyze
+000000012000c0d0 T angle
+0000000120034df8 S angle_first
+0000000120034e00 S angle_last
+0000000120034dd0 s ap.2
+0000000120034de0 s ap.4
+0000000120008970 T atom
+0000000120034dc8 s atomNUMBER
+0000000120034dcc s atomUPDATE
+000000012000a8b0 T bond
+0000000120034de8 S bond_first
+0000000120034df0 S bond_last
+000000012000bf20 T bond_length
+000000012001f240 T bstrot
+0000000120034ea0 b buff.0
+000000012001ad40 T cngdel
+0000000120034da0 s completed.1
+00000001200200c0 T cpyvec
+00000001200328c8 W data_start
+0000000120034d98 g dielecold.0
+000000012000efe0 T dump_angles
+0000000120008d00 T dump_atoms
+000000012000be40 T dump_bonds
+000000012000a3e0 T dump_excludes
+000000012000a6c0 T dump_force
+0000000120011a50 T dump_hybrids
+0000000120005c20 T dump_noels
+0000000120008f40 T dump_pdb
+0000000120020a10 T dump_restrains
+000000012001ffe0 T dump_tethers
+0000000120017b30 T dump_tgroup
+000000012001a170 T dump_torsions
+000000012001b7a0 T dump_variable
+000000012000a590 T dump_velocity
+0000000120034d7c g echo.0
+0000000120001760 T eval
+000000012000c580 T f_angle
+000000012000ac60 T f_bond
+0000000120001230 T f_box
+000000012000dc50 T f_c_angle
+000000012000ea10 T f_ho_angle
+000000012000bab0 T f_ho_bond
+0000000120011020 T f_ho_hybrid
+0000000120005840 T f_ho_noel
+000000012001fca0 T f_ho_tether
+00000001200102b0 T f_hybrid
+000000012000cd10 T f_mmangle
+000000012000b0e0 T f_mmbond
+0000000120005060 T f_noel
+00000001200155d0 T f_nonbon
+0000000120020500 T f_restrain
+000000012001ebd0 T f_tether
+0000000120019850 T f_torsion
+000000012000fbd0 T f_trace
+0000000120034db8 S first
+0000000120035058 B forces
+0000000120001130 t frame_dummy
+0000000120014b20 T fv_update_nonbon
+0000000120034e58 s fx.0
+0000000120034e60 s fy.1
+0000000120034e68 s fz.2
+000000012000ef40 T get_angle
+000000012000bda0 T get_bond
+000000012000c050 T get_bond_pointer
+000000012001b6e0 T get_f_variable
+00000001200119b0 T get_hybrid
+000000012001b740 T get_i_variable
+0000000120005b80 T get_noel
+0000000120020970 T get_restrain
+000000012001a9f0 T get_torsion
+00000001200184a0 T get_torsion_value
+000000012001ca50 T getatomdata
+000000012000f130 T gsdg
+000000012000e5a0 T gsdg_angle
+000000012000bfc0 T gsdg_bond
+000000012000f810 T gsdg_dgeom
+0000000120011790 T gsdg_hybrid
+000000012000f6c0 T gsdg_line_search
+0000000120005d30 T gsdg_noel
+000000012001a850 T gsdg_torsion
+0000000120034d84 g highest.0
+0000000120007490 T hpac
+000000012000fe30 T hybrid
+0000000120034e08 S hybrid_first
+0000000120034e10 S hybrid_last
+0000000120034e70 S in_mom_list
+0000000120009920 T inactivate
+00000001200097a0 T inactivate_non_zero
+0000000120034d80 g inloop.1
+0000000120034e74 s ip.1
+0000000120034e78 s jp.2
+0000000120034e7c s kp.3
+0000000120034dc0 S last
+0000000120034dd8 s lastmatched.3
+000000012001b0d0 T linmin
+0000000120003f80 T loadloop
+0000000120034e28 s local.3
+0000000120034d88 g lowest.1
+0000000120034e20 s lsize.2
+0000000120001180 T main
+0000000120017c10 T match_tgroup
+000000012001b450 T match_variable
+000000012001b860 T math
+000000012001cd40 T math_findlabel
+000000012001ccb0 T math_match_atom
+0000000120020100 T matmul
+0000000120012b90 T mm_fv_update_nonbon
+000000012001cef0 T mom
+000000012001d3f0 T mom_add
+000000012001d900 T mom_jab
+00000001200350f8 B mom_list
+000000012001d890 T mom_param
+000000012001d600 T mom_solve
+0000000120004c70 T noel
+0000000120034da8 S noel_first
+0000000120034db0 S noel_last
+0000000120034d78 G nused
+0000000120034e18 s oldatomnumber.0
+0000000120034d90 g oldcutoff.4
+0000000120034d70 g p.0
+0000000120006430 T pac
+0000000120006dd0 T pacpac
+00000001200350a8 B potentials
+0000000120007ac0 T ppac
+0000000120008180 T ptpac
+000000012001e840 T rand3
+000000012001e480 T randf
+000000012001e760 T randg
+0000000120001550 T read_eval_do
+00000001200201c0 T restrain
+0000000120034e90 S restrain_first
+0000000120034e98 S restrain_last
+000000012001b4e0 T set_f_variable
+000000012001b5e0 T set_i_variable
+0000000120018730 T set_torsion
+000000012001e2a0 T significance
+0000000120034e1c s since.1
+000000012001aa90 T steep
+0000000120018f50 T tailor_exclude
+0000000120018d30 T tailor_include
+0000000120019110 T tailor_qab
+000000012001e940 T tether
+0000000120034e80 S tether_first
+0000000120034e88 S tether_last
+00000001200171f0 T tg_apply
+0000000120017490 T tg_d_apply
+0000000120016fd0 T tg_do_search
+0000000120034e30 S tg_first
+0000000120017a20 T tg_gen_con
+0000000120016b90 T tg_init
+0000000120017700 T tg_nonbon
+0000000120016220 T tgroup
+0000000120004220 T tisint
+0000000120003cd0 T tisvariable
+00000001200189e0 T tmap
+0000000120017ec0 T tmin
+0000000120019190 T torsion
+0000000120034e38 S torsion_first
+0000000120034e40 S torsion_last
+0000000120006840 T tpac
+0000000120016800 T tsearch
+0000000120017c80 T tset
+0000000120018200 T tset_bond_build
+0000000120012100 T u_f_nonbon
+0000000120011b60 T u_v_nonbon
+0000000120012770 T uselist
+000000012000c310 T v_angle
+000000012000aac0 T v_bond
+0000000120001540 T v_box
+000000012000d930 T v_c_angle
+000000012000e750 T v_ho_angle
+000000012000b8a0 T v_ho_bond
+0000000120010ce0 T v_ho_hybrid
+00000001200055e0 T v_ho_noel
+000000012001faf0 T v_ho_tether
+000000012000fff0 T v_hybrid
+0000000120005dc0 T v_maxwell
+000000012000ca20 T v_mmangle
+000000012000aef0 T v_mmbond
+0000000120004e60 T v_noel
+0000000120015a80 T v_nonbon
+0000000120005fd0 T v_rescale
+0000000120020360 T v_restrain
+000000012001eab0 T v_tether
+00000001200193e0 T v_torsion
+000000012000f990 T v_trace
+000000012001c6f0 T validatom
+0000000120034e48 S variableFIRST
+0000000120034e50 S variableLAST
+00000001200061a0 T verlet
+0000000120015ec0 T zone_nonbon
diff --git a/configs/boot/art.rcS b/configs/boot/art.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..caca5889e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/art.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#/benchmarks/spec/art00/art -scanfile -trainfile1 a10.img -stride 2 -startx 134 -starty 220 -endx 184 -endy 240 -objects 3
+cd /benchmarks/spec/art00/
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+/benchmarks/spec/art00/art -scanfile -trainfile1 a10.img -stride 5 -startx 134 -starty 220 -endx 184 -endy 240 -objects 1
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/bonnie.rcS b/configs/boot/bonnie.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..65b2fd6c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/bonnie.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# /etc/init.d/rcS
+echo -n "Mounting empty disk..."
+mkdir /tmp-space
+/bin/mount /dev/hdb1 /tmp-space
+chmod a+rwx /tmp-space
+echo "done."
+/bin/bonnie++ -u 99 -s 700 -r 0 -n 0 -f -F -d /tmp-space
+m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/bonnie.symbol b/configs/boot/bonnie.symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..041753eb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/bonnie.symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+0000000120025cb0 V DW.ref._ZTISt9bad_alloc
+0000000120025c98 V DW.ref.__gxx_personality_v0
+0000000120025018 D _DYNAMIC
+00000001200255a0 D _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
+0000000120025c80 G _IO_stdin_used
+00000001200251e0 T _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
+000000012000e8a0 T _Unwind_Backtrace
+000000012000e860 T _Unwind_DeleteException
+000000012000c290 T _Unwind_FindEnclosingFunction
+0000000120010df0 T _Unwind_Find_FDE
+0000000120010850 t _Unwind_Find_registered_FDE
+000000012000e470 T _Unwind_ForcedUnwind
+000000012000e340 t _Unwind_ForcedUnwind_Phase2
+000000012000c260 T _Unwind_GetCFA
+000000012000c2d0 T _Unwind_GetDataRelBase
+000000012000e9d0 T _Unwind_GetGR
+000000012000e9f0 T _Unwind_GetIP
+000000012000c270 T _Unwind_GetLanguageSpecificData
+000000012000c280 T _Unwind_GetRegionStart
+000000012000c2e0 T _Unwind_GetTextRelBase
+0000000120010ac0 t _Unwind_IteratePhdrCallback
+000000012000e160 T _Unwind_RaiseException
+000000012000e070 t _Unwind_RaiseException_Phase2
+000000012000e5c0 T _Unwind_Resume
+000000012000e710 T _Unwind_Resume_or_Rethrow
+000000012000e9e0 T _Unwind_SetGR
+000000012000ea00 T _Unwind_SetIP
+0000000120003cb0 T _Z10TestDirOpsiiiiR12CGlobalItems
+0000000120003220 T _Z11TestFileOpsiR12CGlobalItems
+0000000120009250 T _Z11bon_setugidPKcS0_b
+00000001200096b4 t _Z12read_sleb128PKhPl
+0000000120009678 t _Z12read_uleb128PKhPm
+0000000120009a04 t _Z15get_ttype_entryP16lsda_header_infom
+0000000120009a84 t _Z16get_adjusted_ptrPKSt9type_infoS1_PPv
+000000012000ab40 t _Z16get_globals_dtorPv
+000000012000ab9c t _Z16get_globals_initv
+00000001200098a8 t _Z17parse_lsda_headerP15_Unwind_ContextPKhP16lsda_header_info
+0000000120009b30 t _Z20check_exception_specP16lsda_header_infoPKSt9type_infoPvl
+0000000120009be0 t _Z20empty_exception_specP16lsda_header_infol
+00000001200095b4 t _Z21base_of_encoded_valuehP15_Unwind_Context
+000000012000abe0 t _Z21get_globals_init_oncev
+0000000120009548 t _Z21size_of_encoded_valueh
+000000012000a3ec t _Z23__gxx_exception_cleanup19_Unwind_Reason_CodeP17_Unwind_Exception
+000000012000970c t _Z28read_encoded_value_with_basehmPKhPm
+0000000120004200 T _Z5usagev
+0000000120004510 T _Z6seekerP4ForkPvi
+0000000120004240 T _Z8io_errorPKcb
+000000012000a310 T _ZN10__cxxabiv111__terminateEPFvvE
+000000012000a374 T _ZN10__cxxabiv112__unexpectedEPFvvE
+000000012000b08c T _ZN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoD0Ev
+000000012000b058 T _ZN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoD1Ev
+000000012000b024 T _ZN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoD2Ev
+0000000120025ca0 G _ZN10__cxxabiv119__terminate_handlerE
+000000012000b148 T _ZN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoD0Ev
+000000012000b114 T _ZN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoD1Ev
+000000012000b0e0 T _ZN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoD2Ev
+0000000120025ca8 G _ZN10__cxxabiv120__unexpected_handlerE
+000000012000b204 T _ZN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoD0Ev
+000000012000b1d0 T _ZN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoD1Ev
+000000012000b19c T _ZN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoD2Ev
+00000001200024b0 T _ZN12CGlobalItems18decrement_and_waitEi
+0000000120002380 T _ZN12CGlobalItemsC1EPb
+0000000120002250 T _ZN12CGlobalItemsC2EPb
+0000000120008de0 T _ZN4Fork2goEPFvPS_PviES1_i
+0000000120009080 T _ZN4Fork4ReadEPvii
+0000000120009010 T _ZN4Fork4waitEv
+0000000120009160 T _ZN4Fork5WriteEPvii
+0000000120008d60 T _ZN4Fork7startitEP11THREAD_DATA
+0000000120008d40 T _ZN4ForkC1Ev
+0000000120008d20 T _ZN4ForkC2Ev
+0000000120004cd0 T _ZN7CFileOp10read_blockEPv
+0000000120004f90 T _ZN7CFileOp11write_blockEPv
+0000000120004e70 T _ZN7CFileOp15read_block_getcEPc
+0000000120005080 T _ZN7CFileOp16write_block_putcEv
+0000000120005180 T _ZN7CFileOp4openEPKcbb
+0000000120004a40 T _ZN7CFileOp4seekEii
+0000000120005770 T _ZN7CFileOp5closeEv
+0000000120005910 T _ZN7CFileOp6doseekElb
+0000000120005630 T _ZN7CFileOp6m_openEPKcib
+0000000120005430 T _ZN7CFileOp6reopenEbb
+0000000120004760 T _ZN7CFileOp9seek_testEbR9Semaphore
+0000000120005330 T _ZN7CFileOpC1ER8BonTimeriib
+0000000120005230 T _ZN7CFileOpC2ER8BonTimeriib
+0000000120004400 T _ZN7CFileOpD1Ev
+00000001200042f0 T _ZN7CFileOpD2Ev
+0000000120007b40 T _ZN8BonTimer10InitializeEv
+0000000120007820 T _ZN8BonTimer10cpu_so_farEv
+0000000120007c80 T _ZN8BonTimer10print_statE7tests_t
+0000000120007f80 T _ZN8BonTimer11PrintHeaderEP8_IO_FILE
+00000001200078f0 T _ZN8BonTimer11get_cpu_useEv
+0000000120007970 T _ZN8BonTimer11get_delta_tE7tests_t
+00000001200077e0 T _ZN8BonTimer11time_so_farEv
+0000000120007860 T _ZN8BonTimer12get_cur_timeEv
+0000000120007b70 T _ZN8BonTimer14print_cpu_statE7tests_t
+0000000120007e40 T _ZN8BonTimer15print_file_statE7tests_t
+0000000120007a10 T _ZN8BonTimer16add_delta_reportER8report_s7tests_t
+00000001200079c0 T _ZN8BonTimer16get_delta_reportER8report_s
+0000000120008030 T _ZN8BonTimer8DoReportEPKciiiiiiP8_IO_FILE
+0000000120007790 T _ZN8BonTimer9timestampEv
+0000000120007b00 T _ZN8BonTimerC1Ev
+0000000120007ac0 T _ZN8BonTimerC2Ev
+00000001200061a0 T _ZN9COpenTest10make_namesEb
+0000000120005bf0 T _ZN9COpenTest11random_sortEv
+0000000120007400 T _ZN9COpenTest11stat_randomER8BonTimer
+0000000120006520 T _ZN9COpenTest13create_a_fileEPKcPcii
+0000000120006710 T _ZN9COpenTest13create_a_linkEPKcS1_i
+0000000120006c50 T _ZN9COpenTest13delete_randomER8BonTimer
+00000001200074c0 T _ZN9COpenTest15stat_sequentialER8BonTimer
+0000000120006f10 T _ZN9COpenTest17delete_sequentialER8BonTimer
+0000000120006830 T _ZN9COpenTest6createEPKcR8BonTimeriiiib
+0000000120007280 T _ZN9COpenTest9stat_fileEPKc
+0000000120005b50 T _ZN9COpenTestC1EibPb
+0000000120005ab0 T _ZN9COpenTestC2EibPb
+0000000120005f40 T _ZN9COpenTestD1Ev
+0000000120005ce0 T _ZN9COpenTestD2Ev
+0000000120008aa0 T _ZN9Semaphore18decrement_and_waitEi
+0000000120008920 T _ZN9Semaphore6createEi
+0000000120008850 T _ZN9Semaphore9clear_semEv
+0000000120008be0 T _ZN9Semaphore9get_mutexEv
+0000000120008a10 T _ZN9Semaphore9get_semidEv
+0000000120008c80 T _ZN9Semaphore9put_mutexEv
+00000001200087d0 T _ZN9SemaphoreC1Eiii
+0000000120008750 T _ZN9SemaphoreC2Eiii
+000000012000b258 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info10__do_catchEPKSt9type_infoPPvj
+000000012000ba74 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info11__do_upcastEPKS0_PKvRNS0_15__upcast_resultE
+000000012000b2b8 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info11__do_upcastEPKS0_PPv
+000000012000b4c0 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info12__do_dyncastElNS0_10__sub_kindEPKS0_PKvS3_S5_RNS0_16__dyncast_resultE
+000000012000b330 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv117__class_type_info20__do_find_public_srcElPKvPKS0_S2_
+000000012000baa4 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info11__do_upcastEPKNS_17__class_type_infoEPKvRNS1_15__upcast_resultE
+000000012000b510 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info12__do_dyncastElNS_17__class_type_info10__sub_kindEPKS1_PKvS4_S6_RNS1_16__dyncast_resultE
+000000012000b340 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_info20__do_find_public_srcElPKvPKNS_17__class_type_infoES2_
+000000012000bb38 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_info11__do_upcastEPKNS_17__class_type_infoEPKvRNS1_15__upcast_resultE
+000000012000b5c4 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_info12__do_dyncastElNS_17__class_type_info10__sub_kindEPKS1_PKvS4_S6_RNS1_16__dyncast_resultE
+000000012000b394 T _ZNK10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_info20__do_find_public_srcElPKvPKNS_17__class_type_infoES2_
+000000012000ab30 T _ZNKSt9exception4whatEv
+000000012000b00c T _ZNKSt9type_info10__do_catchEPKS_PPvj
+000000012000b01c T _ZNKSt9type_info11__do_upcastEPKN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoEPPv
+000000012000affc T _ZNKSt9type_info14__is_pointer_pEv
+000000012000b004 T _ZNKSt9type_info15__is_function_pEv
+000000012000afa8 T _ZNSt10bad_typeidD0Ev
+000000012000af74 T _ZNSt10bad_typeidD1Ev
+000000012000af40 T _ZNSt10bad_typeidD2Ev
+000000012000aadc T _ZNSt13bad_exceptionD0Ev
+000000012000aaa8 T _ZNSt13bad_exceptionD1Ev
+000000012000aa74 T _ZNSt13bad_exceptionD2Ev
+000000012000aeec T _ZNSt8bad_castD0Ev
+000000012000aeb8 T _ZNSt8bad_castD1Ev
+000000012000ae84 T _ZNSt8bad_castD2Ev
+000000012000add4 T _ZNSt9bad_allocD0Ev
+000000012000ada0 T _ZNSt9bad_allocD1Ev
+000000012000ad6c T _ZNSt9bad_allocD2Ev
+000000012000aa40 T _ZNSt9exceptionD0Ev
+000000012000aa2c T _ZNSt9exceptionD1Ev
+000000012000aa18 T _ZNSt9exceptionD2Ev
+000000012000ae50 T _ZNSt9type_infoD0Ev
+000000012000ae3c T _ZNSt9type_infoD1Ev
+000000012000ae28 T _ZNSt9type_infoD2Ev
+000000012000a39c T _ZSt10unexpectedv
+000000012000a3bc T _ZSt13set_terminatePFvvE
+000000012000a3d4 T _ZSt14set_unexpectedPFvvE
+000000012000ad54 T _ZSt15set_new_handlerPFvvE
+000000012000a9e4 T _ZSt18uncaught_exceptionv
+0000000120025cd0 G _ZSt7nothrow
+000000012000a354 T _ZSt9terminatev
+00000001200127d8 V _ZTIN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
+00000001200127f0 V _ZTIN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
+0000000120012808 V _ZTIN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE
+00000001200127c0 V _ZTISt10bad_typeid
+0000000120012578 V _ZTISt13bad_exception
+00000001200127a8 V _ZTISt8bad_cast
+00000001200125d8 V _ZTISt9bad_alloc
+0000000120012568 V _ZTISt9exception
+0000000120012798 V _ZTISt9type_info
+000000012001286b V _ZTSN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
+0000000120012846 V _ZTSN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
+0000000120012820 V _ZTSN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE
+000000012001288d V _ZTSSt10bad_typeid
+0000000120012590 V _ZTSSt13bad_exception
+000000012001289c V _ZTSSt8bad_cast
+00000001200125f0 V _ZTSSt9bad_alloc
+00000001200125a2 V _ZTSSt9exception
+00000001200128a8 V _ZTSSt9type_info
+00000001200126b0 V _ZTVN10__cxxabiv117__class_type_infoE
+0000000120012658 V _ZTVN10__cxxabiv120__si_class_type_infoE
+0000000120012600 V _ZTVN10__cxxabiv121__vmi_class_type_infoE
+0000000120012708 V _ZTVSt10bad_typeid
+0000000120012518 V _ZTVSt13bad_exception
+0000000120012730 V _ZTVSt8bad_cast
+00000001200125b0 V _ZTVSt9bad_alloc
+0000000120012540 V _ZTVSt9exception
+0000000120012758 V _ZTVSt9type_info
+0000000120025cb8 g _ZZ18__gthread_active_pvE20__gthread_active_ptr
+0000000120025cc8 g _ZZ18__gthread_active_pvE20__gthread_active_ptr
+0000000120025cc4 g _ZZ21get_globals_init_oncevE4once
+0000000120009518 T _ZdlPv
+000000012000a648 T _Znam
+000000012000a580 T _Znwm
+00000001200251c0 d __CTOR_END__
+00000001200251b8 d __CTOR_LIST__
+00000001200251d0 d __DTOR_END__
+00000001200251c8 d __DTOR_LIST__
+0000000120024f30 r __FRAME_END__
+00000001200251d8 d __JCR_END__
+00000001200251d8 d __JCR_LIST__
+0000000120025ce8 A __bss_start
+000000012000a694 T __cxa_allocate_exception
+000000012000a884 T __cxa_begin_catch
+000000012000a19c T __cxa_call_unexpected
+000000012000a930 T __cxa_end_catch
+000000012000a7b4 T __cxa_free_exception
+000000012000ac84 T __cxa_get_globals
+000000012000ac3c T __cxa_get_globals_fast
+000000012000a4f8 T __cxa_rethrow
+000000012000a45c T __cxa_throw
+0000000120024000 D __data_start
+000000012000fa50 T __deregister_frame
+000000012000fa20 T __deregister_frame_info
+000000012000f8c0 T __deregister_frame_info_bases
+0000000120011470 t __do_global_ctors_aux
+0000000120002160 t __do_global_dtors_aux
+0000000120025c88 G __dso_handle
+000000012000bd74 T __dynamic_cast
+0000000120024000 A __fini_array_end
+0000000120024000 A __fini_array_start
+000000012000d250 T __frame_state_for
+0000000120025ce0 g __gthread_active_ptr.0
+0000000120025cd8 g __gthread_active_ptr.1
+0000000120009c28 T __gxx_personality_v0
+0000000120024000 A __init_array_end
+0000000120024000 A __init_array_start
+00000001200113e0 T __libc_csu_fini
+0000000120011350 T __libc_csu_init
+0000000120025d00 S __new_handler
+000000012000f6f0 T __register_frame
+000000012000f6b0 T __register_frame_info
+000000012000f5f0 T __register_frame_info_bases
+000000012000f820 T __register_frame_info_table
+000000012000f760 T __register_frame_info_table_bases
+000000012000f860 T __register_frame_table
+0000000120002120 W __start
+0000000120025ce8 A _edata
+0000000120035db0 A _end
+00000001200114d0 T _fini
+00000001200020b0 T _init
+0000000120002120 T _start
+0000000120010250 t add_fdes
+0000000120025cea s already_printed_error
+00000001200094b0 T arm
+0000000120010a30 t base_from_cb_data
+000000012000fab0 t base_from_object
+000000012000bf50 t base_of_encoded_value
+00000001200094f8 T checkpoint
+00000001200100e0 t classify_object_over_fdes
+0000000120025ce8 s completed.1
+00000001200024f0 T ctrl_c_handler
+0000000120024000 W data_start
+0000000120009508 T debugbreak
+00000001200094e8 T dump_stats
+00000001200094f0 T dumpreset_stats
+0000000120035d40 b dwarf_reg_size_table
+0000000120025d30 b emergency_buffer
+0000000120024008 d emergency_mutex
+0000000120025cf0 s emergency_used
+000000012000caa0 t execute_cfa_program
+000000012000c520 t execute_stack_op
+0000000120025ce9 s exitNow
+000000012000c2f0 t extract_cie_info
+000000012000fd20 t fde_mixed_encoding_compare
+000000012000fc60 t fde_single_encoding_compare
+00000001200111d0 t fde_split
+000000012000fc30 t fde_unencoded_compare
+0000000120002200 t frame_dummy
+000000012000fe00 t frame_heapsort
+000000012000fb40 t get_cie_encoding
+0000000120025cf8 s globals_key
+0000000120035d30 b globals_static
+000000012000ea10 t init_dwarf_reg_size_table
+0000000120010e90 t init_object
+00000001200094d8 T initparam
+00000001200094c0 T ivlb
+00000001200094c8 T ivle
+00000001200103d0 t linear_search_fdes
+00000001200094d0 T m5exit
+0000000120002590 T main
+0000000120025d10 s marker.1
+0000000120035d88 b object_mutex
+0000000120025d08 s once_regsizes.0
+0000000120025c90 g p.0
+00000001200094b8 T quiesce
+000000012000c0d0 t read_encoded_value_with_base
+000000012000f460 t read_encoded_value_with_base
+000000012000c060 t read_sleb128
+000000012000f3f0 t read_sleb128
+000000012000c020 t read_uleb128
+000000012000f3b0 t read_uleb128
+0000000120009500 T readfile
+00000001200094e0 T reset_stats
+0000000120010560 t search_object
+0000000120025d20 s seen_objects
+000000012000bed0 t size_of_encoded_value
+000000012000f330 t size_of_encoded_value
+0000000120009510 T switchcpu
+0000000120025d18 s unseen_objects
+0000000120025cc0 g use_thread_key
+000000012000cf90 t uw_frame_state_for
+000000012000d590 t uw_init_context_1
+000000012000d650 t uw_install_context_1
+000000012000d540 t uw_update_context
+000000012000d390 t uw_update_context_1
diff --git a/configs/boot/bzip.rcS b/configs/boot/bzip.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..369659ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/bzip.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+cd /benchmarks/spec/bzip200/
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+/benchmarks/spec/bzip200/bzip2 lgred.graphic 1
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/cc1.symbol b/configs/boot/cc1.symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..16c16912b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/cc1.symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,3454 @@
+00000001201fec60 G DFbignan
+00000001201fec68 G DFlittlenan
+0000000120006f30 T GNU_xref_begin
+0000000120006f70 T GNU_xref_end
+00000001201e9b60 d Reg_names
+00000001201fec70 G SFbignan
+00000001201fec74 G SFlittlenan
+00000001201e9ff8 D TFbignan
+00000001201ea008 D TFlittlenan
+00000001201e82c8 D W_options
+00000001201ea018 D XFbignan
+00000001201ea024 D XFlittlenan
+00000001201fad48 D _DYNAMIC
+00000001201fb210 D _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
+00000001201febe8 G _IO_stdin_used
+00000001201faf10 T _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
+00000001201faef0 d __CTOR_END__
+00000001201faee8 d __CTOR_LIST__
+00000001201faf00 d __DTOR_END__
+00000001201faef8 d __DTOR_LIST__
+00000001201fad44 r __FRAME_END__
+00000001201faf08 d __JCR_END__
+00000001201faf08 d __JCR_LIST__
+00000001201fecdc A __bss_start
+00000001201e6a58 D __data_start
+000000012019eb20 t __do_global_ctors_aux
+00000001200019e0 t __do_global_dtors_aux
+00000001201febf0 G __dso_handle
+00000001201e6a58 A __fini_array_end
+00000001201e6a58 A __fini_array_start
+00000001201e6a58 A __init_array_end
+00000001201e6a58 A __init_array_start
+000000012019ea80 T __libc_csu_fini
+000000012019e9d0 T __libc_csu_init
+00000001200019a0 W __start
+00000001201fecdc A _edata
+00000001202157c8 A _end
+000000012019eb80 T _fini
+0000000120001938 T _init
+00000001200019a0 T _start
+00000001202003e8 S abs_optab
+00000001200d89c0 t abstract_origin_attribute
+000000012016a550 t actual_hazard
+000000012016af00 t actual_hazard_this_instance
+000000012016fb20 t add_bb_string
+00000001201831a0 T add_clobbers
+00000001201ff138 s add_cost
+0000000120200858 S add_cost
+0000000120164b10 t add_dependence
+0000000120055d40 T add_double
+00000001200b4c60 T add_insn
+00000001200b2c40 T add_insn_after
+00000001200b2d90 T add_insn_before
+000000012002f860 t add_ixpansion
+00000001200fed90 t add_label_notes
+0000000120197770 T add_operand
+0000000120200408 S add_optab
+000000012015d210 t add_to_delay_list
+00000001201ff5f8 s added_links_insn
+00000001201ff4c0 s addr_combined_regs
+00000001201ff4b8 s addr_placeholder
+00000001201731d0 T address_operand
+00000001201720f0 T adj_offsettable_operand
+00000001200dfe00 t adjust_copied_decl_tree
+000000012016aa30 t adjust_priority
+0000000120095b20 T adjust_stack
+00000001200291a0 t affix_data_type
+00000001201ff588 s after_insn_hard_regs
+0000000120062e10 T aggregate_value_p
+00000001201fed48 s align.4
+000000012005f550 t all_blocks
+000000012006a350 T all_cases_count
+00000001201eb418 d all_from_align
+00000001201ff3e8 s all_minus_one
+0000000120200110 S all_types_permanent
+0000000120134ef0 t alloc_qty_for_scratch
+0000000120094f90 T allocate_dynamic_stack_space
+000000012010fc50 T allocate_for_life_analysis
+0000000120154180 t allocate_reload_reg
+00000001200422b0 T allocation_temporary_p
+00000001201ff808 s allocno_calls_crossed
+000000012013a160 t allocno_compare
+00000001201ff818 s allocno_live_length
+00000001201ff810 s allocno_n_refs
+00000001201ff7a0 s allocno_order
+00000001201ff798 s allocno_reg
+00000001201ff7c0 s allocno_row_words
+00000001201ff7a8 s allocno_size
+00000001201ff820 s allocnos_live
+00000001201fed6c s already.0
+00000001201ff698 s altclass
+000000012014b230 t alter_reg
+000000012016e1e0 T alter_subreg
+0000000120140e20 t alternative_allows_memconst
+0000000120190fb0 t alu_unit_blockage
+000000012018cc20 T alu_unit_blockage_range
+000000012018c790 T alu_unit_ready_cost
+00000001202005d8 S and_optab
+00000001200387d0 T announce_function
+00000001201ff258 s anonymous_types
+0000000120095bd0 T anti_adjust_stack
+00000001201645f0 T anti_dependence
+000000012006f4f0 T any_pending_cleanups
+000000012016f6b0 T app_disable
+000000012016f690 T app_enable
+00000001201ffb1c s app_on
+0000000120203548 b apply_args_mode
+0000000120203748 b apply_args_reg_offset
+0000000120082a30 T apply_args_register_offset
+0000000120084640 t apply_args_size
+00000001201ff108 s apply_args_value
+000000012016fd70 T apply_change_group
+0000000120122f00 t apply_distributive_law
+0000000120203648 b apply_result_mode
+0000000120084920 t apply_result_size
+000000012010d890 t approx_final_value
+00000001202007d8 S arg_pointer_rtx
+00000001202001e8 S arg_pointer_save_area
+00000001201e73ff d argnofun.1
+00000001201e73e8 d argstring.0
+0000000120197640 T arith32_operand
+00000001201975c0 T arith5_operand
+00000001201976b0 T arith64_operand
+0000000120197540 T arith_operand
+00000001201eb6b8 d arityvec
+0000000120043af0 T array_type_nelts
+00000001200ba350 t asctoe
+00000001200ba340 t asctoe113
+00000001200ba310 t asctoe24
+00000001200ba320 t asctoe53
+00000001200ba330 t asctoe64
+00000001200ba360 t asctoeg
+00000001202004f0 S ashl_optab
+0000000120200608 S ashr_optab
+00000001201fff10 S asm_file_name
+000000012016f110 T asm_fprintf
+000000012016c9c0 t asm_insn_count
+0000000120171ab0 T asm_noperands
+0000000120200058 S asm_out_file
+00000001200a80b0 T assemble_alias
+00000001200a8fb0 T assemble_align
+00000001200a8b20 T assemble_asm
+00000001200a8a10 T assemble_constant_align
+00000001200a8cb0 T assemble_constructor
+00000001200a8bd0 T assemble_destructor
+00000001200a8dd0 T assemble_end_function
+00000001200a9310 T assemble_external
+00000001200a9320 T assemble_external_libcall
+00000001200a8d40 T assemble_gc_entry
+00000001200a9330 T assemble_global
+00000001200a4660 T assemble_integer
+00000001200a93b0 T assemble_label
+00000001200a3d40 T assemble_name
+00000001200a4890 T assemble_real
+00000001200a2700 T assemble_start_function
+00000001200a3e80 T assemble_static_space
+00000001200a9060 T assemble_string
+00000001200a40f0 T assemble_trampoline_template
+00000001200a2be0 T assemble_variable
+00000001200a8f30 T assemble_zeros
+0000000120059c00 T assign_outer_stack_local
+000000012005d300 T assign_parms
+0000000120059a60 T assign_stack_local
+0000000120059db0 T assign_stack_temp
+00000001201e7368 d asso_values.0
+0000000120162c10 t attach_deaths
+0000000120169c10 t attach_deaths_insn
+0000000120040b10 T attribute_hash_list
+0000000120040bc0 T attribute_list_contained
+0000000120040b40 T attribute_list_equal
+0000000120200b10 b attrtab
+00000001201feec8 s attrtab_idx
+0000000120200000 S aux_info_file
+00000001201fefe0 s aux_info_file_name
+000000012010cd40 T back_branch_in_range_p
+00000001201ff8a4 s bad_spill_regs
+000000012006c730 t balance_case_nodes
+00000001201ff218 s base_label_num
+00000001201ff520 s basic_block_drops_in
+00000001202008c8 S basic_block_end
+00000001202008d8 S basic_block_head
+0000000120200878 S basic_block_live_at_start
+00000001201ff528 s basic_block_loop_depth
+0000000120215098 B basic_block_needs
+00000001201045b0 t basic_induction_var
+00000001201ffa18 s bb_dead_regs
+00000001201fecb8 g bb_file_label_num
+00000001201fecbc g bb_func_label_num
+00000001201ffad0 s bb_head
+00000001201ffa20 s bb_live_regs
+00000001201fecb0 g bb_tail
+00000001201ff968 s bb_ticks
+0000000120081f90 T bc_adjust_stack
+000000012019c610 T bc_align
+000000012019b890 T bc_align_bytecode
+000000012019bd00 T bc_align_const
+000000012019bfa0 T bc_align_data
+00000001200810f0 T bc_allocate_local
+0000000120082af0 T bc_allocate_variable_array
+000000012019b760 T bc_begin_function
+0000000120063420 T bc_build_calldesc
+0000000120081320 T bc_canonicalize_array_ref
+000000012006ab50 t bc_check_for_full_enumeration_handling
+000000012019c5f0 T bc_data
+00000001201ffbc8 s bc_data_seg
+000000012019b710 T bc_define_pointer
+000000012019c760 T bc_emit
+000000012019cb00 T bc_emit_bytecode
+000000012019b960 T bc_emit_bytecode_const
+000000012019ba90 T bc_emit_bytecode_labeldef
+000000012019bb10 T bc_emit_bytecode_labelref
+000000012019bc00 T bc_emit_code_labelref
+000000012019c240 T bc_emit_common
+000000012019bdd0 T bc_emit_const
+000000012019bf60 T bc_emit_const_labeldef
+000000012019bf80 T bc_emit_const_labelref
+000000012019bea0 T bc_emit_const_skip
+000000012019c070 T bc_emit_data
+000000012019c200 T bc_emit_data_labeldef
+000000012019c220 T bc_emit_data_labelref
+000000012019c140 T bc_emit_data_skip
+000000012019ac10 T bc_emit_instruction
+000000012019c9b0 T bc_emit_labeldef
+000000012019ca00 T bc_emit_labelref
+000000012019c890 T bc_emit_skip
+000000012019cc40 T bc_emit_trampoline
+000000012019a140 T bc_end_function
+0000000120081600 T bc_expand_address
+000000012019d430 T bc_expand_binary_operation
+0000000120081480 T bc_expand_component_address
+0000000120081a90 T bc_expand_constructor
+000000012019dd40 T bc_expand_conversion
+0000000120068a10 t bc_expand_decl
+0000000120068ce0 t bc_expand_decl_init
+0000000120068110 t bc_expand_end_bindings
+000000012006bc60 t bc_expand_end_case
+0000000120065b50 t bc_expand_end_cond
+000000012006fc40 t bc_expand_end_loop
+000000012007b490 T bc_expand_expr
+0000000120064180 t bc_expand_fixup
+0000000120063670 T bc_expand_function_end
+000000012005fcc0 T bc_expand_function_start
+000000012006f690 t bc_expand_goto_internal
+000000012019df90 T bc_expand_increment
+0000000120069450 t bc_expand_start_case
+0000000120065ab0 t bc_expand_start_cond
+000000012019de90 T bc_expand_truth_conversion
+000000012019d900 T bc_expand_unary_operation
+0000000120064240 t bc_fixup_gotos
+0000000120081910 T bc_gen_constr_label
+000000012019ca60 T bc_gen_rtx
+000000012019ba30 T bc_get_bytecode_label
+000000012019c420 T bc_globalize_label
+000000012019d350 T bc_init_mode_to_code_map
+000000012006fe00 T bc_init_mode_to_opcode_maps
+0000000120199ef0 T bc_initialize
+0000000120082b60 T bc_load_bit_field
+00000001200811a0 T bc_load_externaddr
+0000000120081200 T bc_load_externaddr_id
+0000000120081290 T bc_load_localaddr
+0000000120080f90 T bc_load_memory
+00000001200812d0 T bc_load_parmaddr
+00000001200a9d10 t bc_make_decl_rtl
+000000012006f5a0 T bc_new_uid
+00000001200a9160 T bc_output_constructor
+00000001200a9250 T bc_output_data_constructor
+000000012019caf0 T bc_print_rtl
+00000001200815a0 T bc_push_offset_and_size
+000000012006a050 t bc_pushcase
+0000000120081870 T bc_runtime_type_code
+0000000120081f50 T bc_store_bit_field
+0000000120081e50 T bc_store_field
+0000000120081040 T bc_store_memory
+000000012019c5d0 T bc_text
+00000001201ffbc0 s bc_text_seg
+00000001201ff0b0 s bc_uid.1
+000000012019ca50 T bc_write_file
+000000012019ce50 T bc_xstrdup
+000000012020c108 B bcc_gen_fctn
+00000001202004d0 S bcmp_libfunc
+0000000120200698 S bcopy_libfunc
+00000001201eb43c d best_from_align
+000000012002b5a0 T binary_op_error
+0000000120043510 T binfo_member
+000000012016add0 t birthing_insn_p
+00000001200d8380 t bit_offset_attribute
+000000012018ed90 T bit_unit_ready_cost
+000000012010ce50 T biv_total_increment
+0000000120132150 t block_alloc
+00000001201ffb18 s block_depth
+00000001201ff530 s block_live_static
+0000000120198b80 t block_move_loop
+0000000120191ea0 t block_move_no_loop
+00000001201921e0 t block_move_sequence
+00000001202002d0 S block_stack
+00000001202002ac S block_start_count
+00000001201ff0e8 s block_vector
+000000012005f520 t blocks_nreverse
+00000001201e9f94 d bmask
+00000001201ffda0 S boolean_false_node
+00000001201ffcc8 S boolean_true_node
+00000001201ffe58 S boolean_type_node
+0000000120038bb0 T botch
+0000000120096150 t break_out_memory_refs
+0000000120205fe4 b buffer.0
+0000000120206048 b buffer.1
+00000001202063cc b buffer.10
+0000000120206430 b buffer.11
+0000000120206494 b buffer.12
+00000001201fedf8 s buffer.2
+00000001202060ac b buffer.2
+0000000120206110 b buffer.3
+0000000120206174 b buffer.4
+00000001202061d8 b buffer.5
+000000012020623c b buffer.6
+00000001202062a0 b buffer.7
+0000000120206304 b buffer.8
+0000000120206368 b buffer.9
+00000001201feee0 s buffer_length.2
+000000012003fff0 T build
+0000000120040250 T build1
+000000012001adb0 T build_array_ref
+00000001200414f0 T build_array_type
+000000012001c1a0 T build_binary_op
+0000000120044230 T build_block
+000000012001fc20 T build_c_cast
+0000000120042a00 T build_complex
+00000001200415e0 T build_complex_type
+000000012001a930 T build_component_ref
+00000001200255b0 T build_compound_expr
+000000012001f570 T build_conditional_expr
+0000000120044170 T build_decl
+00000001200442b0 T build_decl_attribute_variant
+00000001200437a0 T build_decl_list
+0000000120014920 T build_enumerator
+000000012001b260 T build_function_call
+0000000120044ed0 T build_function_type
+0000000120044dd0 T build_index_2_type
+0000000120044c40 T build_index_type
+000000012001abc0 T build_indirect_ref
+00000001200427b0 T build_int_2_wide
+0000000120045090 T build_method_type
+0000000120020200 T build_modify_expr
+00000001200403e0 T build_nt
+0000000120006f10 T build_objc_string
+0000000120045170 T build_offset_type
+00000001200404a0 T build_parse_node
+00000001200412a0 T build_pointer_type
+00000001200413a0 T build_range_type
+0000000120042800 T build_real
+000000012003dc50 T build_real_from_int_cst
+0000000120044fd0 T build_reference_type
+000000012003e0c0 T build_string
+0000000120043750 T build_tree_list
+0000000120040590 T build_type_attribute_variant
+0000000120040810 T build_type_copy
+0000000120040740 T build_type_variant
+000000012001e500 T build_unary_op
+00000001200105e0 T builtin_function
+00000001202006f4 S byte_mode
+00000001200d81c0 t byte_size_attribute
+0000000120200a28 S bytecode
+0000000120200510 S bzero_libfunc
+0000000120025510 T c_alignof
+0000000120019fd0 T c_alignof_expr
+000000012002d690 T c_build_type_variant
+000000012000c410 T c_decode_option
+0000000120024980 T c_expand_asm_operands
+000000012002d190 T c_expand_expr_stmt
+0000000120024c10 T c_expand_return
+0000000120025bf0 T c_expand_start_case
+00000001201ffc18 S c_function_chain
+00000001201fedc0 s c_function_varargs
+0000000120017a00 T c_mark_varargs
+0000000120025430 T c_size_in_bytes
+0000000120019e30 T c_sizeof
+0000000120025350 T c_sizeof_nowarn
+0000000120084500 t c_strlen
+000000012010d100 t calculate_giv_inc
+0000000120197400 T call_address_operand
+0000000120200928 S call_fixed_reg_set
+0000000120213ab0 B call_fixed_regs
+0000000120200910 S call_used_reg_set
+0000000120213a70 B call_used_regs
+0000000120200978 S caller_save_needed
+0000000120084d50 t calls_function_1
+00000001201ff128 s calls_function_save_exprs
+000000012012c200 t can_combine_p
+000000012009c7e0 T can_compare_p
+00000001200a15b0 T can_extend_p
+0000000120200800 S can_reach_end
+00000001200e6860 T can_reverse_comparison_p
+00000001201700e0 T cancel_changes
+00000001201ff8c0 s cannot_omit_stores
+00000001200e9090 t canon_hash
+00000001200ea190 t canon_reg
+00000001201648e0 t canon_rtx
+000000012006f570 T case_index_expr_type
+00000001202002c8 S case_stack
+00000001201ff53c s cc0_live
+0000000120200718 S cc0_rtx
+00000001202007c8 S cc1_rtx
+0000000120093200 T ceil_log2
+0000000120043540 T chain_member
+00000001200435a0 T chain_member_purpose
+0000000120043570 T chain_member_value
+00000001200435f0 T chainon
+00000001200b22f0 T change_address
+0000000120209a58 b change_locs
+0000000120044710 T change_main_variant
+0000000120209800 b change_objects
+0000000120209990 b change_old_codes
+0000000120209be8 b change_olds
+00000001201ffc30 S char_array_type_node
+00000001201ffcb8 S char_type_node
+000000012016fc40 T check_asm_operands
+000000012002d290 T check_case_value
+0000000120105f70 t check_dbra_loop
+00000001201040a0 t check_final_value
+000000012006a850 T check_for_full_enumeration_handling
+000000012002d7a0 t check_format_info
+000000012002cce0 T check_function_format
+00000001200234d0 t check_init_type_bitfields
+0000000120008020 T check_newline
+000000012012ff00 T choose_hard_reg_mode
+0000000120093540 t choose_multiplier
+000000012014e7e0 t choose_reload_regs
+0000000120213514 B class_narrowest_mode
+00000001200b3080 T classify_insn
+0000000120196810 T classify_integer
+0000000120200240 S cleanup_label
+00000001202002d8 S cleanups_this_call
+0000000120200a40 b clear_binding_level
+00000001200a9450 T clear_const_double_mem
+000000012006e9f0 T clear_last_expr
+0000000120042460 T clear_momentary
+0000000120017050 T clear_parm_order
+0000000120082a90 T clear_pending_stack_adjust
+00000001201559d0 t clear_reg_live
+0000000120153020 t clear_reload_reg_in_use
+0000000120082650 T clear_storage
+0000000120200358 S cmp_optab
+000000012020c4a8 B code_to_optab
+000000012002e9d0 t collect_iterators
+0000000120114400 t combinable_i3pat
+00000001201ff590 s combine_attempts
+00000001201fef14 S combine_dump
+00000001201ffef0 S combine_dump_file
+00000001201ff598 s combine_extras
+0000000120105650 t combine_givs
+0000000120113b30 T combine_instructions
+00000001201ff5bc s combine_max_regno
+00000001201ff594 s combine_merges
+00000001200fe3a0 t combine_movables
+0000000120015c30 T combine_parm_decls
+0000000120133580 t combine_regs
+0000000120146c80 t combine_reloads
+00000001200294d0 T combine_strings
+00000001201ff59c s combine_successes
+000000012005a0d0 T combine_temp_slots
+00000001201fffd4 S combine_time
+0000000120019070 T common_type
+00000001200801f0 t compare
+00000001200a5200 t compare_constant_1
+0000000120080310 T compare_from_rtx
+0000000120152d50 t compare_spill_regs
+00000001200e6bb0 T comparison_dominates_p
+0000000120173a00 T comparison_operator
+0000000120039530 t compile_file
+00000001201feeb8 s compiled_from_record.0
+0000000120011560 T complete_array_type
+00000001201fece0 s completed.1
+00000001201ffc08 S complex_double_type_node
+00000001201ffe70 S complex_float_type_node
+00000001201ffc38 S complex_integer_type_node
+00000001201ffce8 S complex_long_double_type_node
+00000001200196f0 T comptypes
+0000000120200288 S cond_stack
+00000001201968b0 T condition_value
+00000001200e6db0 T condjump_in_parallel_p
+00000001200e6cd0 T condjump_p
+00000001201ff7b8 s conflicts
+00000001201ff3f0 s consec_ints
+0000000120105360 t consec_sets_giv
+00000001201012d0 t consec_sets_invariant_p
+0000000120200708 S const0_rtx
+0000000120200780 S const1_rtx
+0000000120200750 S const2_rtx
+000000012004aac0 t const_binop
+00000001201ff170 s const_double_chain
+0000000120173400 T const_double_operand
+00000001200a4df0 t const_hash
+0000000120203b98 b const_hash_table
+00000001201733f0 T const_int_operand
+0000000120205b20 b const_int_rtx
+00000001202006c8 S const_labelno
+000000012018ee30 T const_num_delay_slots
+00000001201ffe38 S const_ptr_type_node
+00000001201ff188 s const_rtx_hash_table
+00000001201ff1a8 s const_rtx_sym_hash_table
+00000001200a8260 T const_section
+00000001201ffe60 S const_string_type_node
+0000000120213530 B const_tiny_rtx
+00000001202007b8 S const_true_rtx
+00000001200d9fa0 t const_value_attribute
+000000012002cd30 T constant_expression_warning
+00000001201ff438 s constant_pool_entries_cost
+0000000120200798 S constm1_rtx
+00000001201723a0 T constrain_operands
+0000000120152980 t constraint_accepts_reg_p
+00000001201feea0 s constructor_asmspec
+00000001201fee58 s constructor_bit_index
+00000001201fee68 s constructor_constant
+00000001201fee98 s constructor_decl
+00000001201fee80 s constructor_depth
+00000001201fee60 s constructor_elements
+00000001201fee70 s constructor_erroneous
+00000001201fee28 s constructor_fields
+00000001201fee84 s constructor_implicit
+00000001201fee90 s constructor_incremental
+00000001201fee30 s constructor_index
+00000001201fee40 s constructor_max_index
+00000001201fee00 S constructor_no_implicit
+00000001201fee78 s constructor_pending_elts
+00000001201fee38 s constructor_range_end
+00000001201feeb0 s constructor_result
+00000001201fee6c s constructor_simple
+00000001201ffe98 S constructor_stack
+00000001201fee74 s constructor_subconstants_deferred
+00000001201feea8 s constructor_top_level
+00000001201fee20 s constructor_type
+00000001201fee48 s constructor_unfilled_fields
+00000001201fee50 s constructor_unfilled_index
+0000000120043f90 T contains_placeholder_p
+00000001200a3c50 t contains_pointers_p
+00000001201ff030 s context_display
+00000001201ec720 d conversion_info
+000000012019e5b0 t conversion_reasonable_p
+000000012020ae90 b conversion_recipe
+0000000120026880 T convert
+000000012002cf90 T convert_and_check
+000000012001b520 t convert_arguments
+0000000120020650 t convert_for_assignment
+0000000120071230 T convert_modes
+0000000120070530 T convert_move
+0000000120199c60 T convert_to_complex
+0000000120199080 T convert_to_integer
+00000001200711f0 T convert_to_mode
+0000000120199930 T convert_to_pointer
+0000000120199ad0 T convert_to_real
+00000001200959e0 T copy_addr_to_reg
+0000000120095600 T copy_all_regs
+00000001201ff300 s copy_asm_constraints_vector
+00000001201ff2f8 s copy_asm_operands_vector
+00000001200a5dc0 t copy_constant
+000000012012f480 t copy_cost
+0000000120200834 S copy_cost
+00000001200dae60 t copy_decl_list
+00000001200dafd0 t copy_decl_rtls
+00000001200daf10 t copy_decl_tree
+00000001200db590 t copy_for_inline
+0000000120017c10 T copy_lang_decl
+00000001200426f0 T copy_list
+0000000120109ac0 t copy_loop_body
+00000001200aab70 T copy_most_rtx
+000000012003d5b0 T copy_node
+0000000120143780 T copy_replacements
+00000001200aa7c0 T copy_rtx
+00000001200dda30 T copy_rtx_and_substitute
+00000001200b2430 T copy_rtx_if_shared
+0000000120094b10 T copy_to_mode_reg
+0000000120094a50 T copy_to_reg
+0000000120095a90 T copy_to_suggested_reg
+0000000120200440 S cos_optab
+00000001201ff0d0 s cost_table
+00000001201ff688 s costs
+00000001201ffaf8 s count_basic_blocks
+0000000120038620 T count_error
+0000000120101550 t count_loop_regs_set
+0000000120100050 t count_nonfixed_reads
+0000000120152a80 t count_occurrences
+000000012014a920 t count_possible_groups
+00000001200f4b50 t count_reg_usage
+00000001201ff8b0 s counted_for_groups
+00000001201ff8b8 s counted_for_nongroups
+0000000120165850 t create_reg_dead_note
+00000001201ff310 s cross_jump_death_matters
+00000001201fef0c S cse2_dump
+00000001201fff38 S cse2_dump_file
+00000001201fff90 S cse2_time
+00000001200f4080 t cse_basic_block
+00000001201ff3fc s cse_basic_block_end
+00000001201ff3f8 s cse_basic_block_start
+00000001200fc2e0 t cse_check_loop_start
+00000001201ff440 s cse_check_loop_start_value
+00000001201fef04 S cse_dump
+00000001201ffff8 S cse_dump_file
+00000001200f3530 T cse_end_of_basic_block
+00000001200ed360 t cse_gen_binary
+00000001200f6d90 t cse_insn
+00000001201ff40c s cse_jumps_altered
+00000001200f3a60 T cse_main
+00000001202002e4 S cse_not_expected
+00000001200f3290 t cse_process_notes
+00000001200fb530 t cse_set_around_loop
+00000001201fff44 S cse_time
+00000001200a83f0 T ctors_section
+00000001201fec54 g cur_insn_uid
+00000001201fedd0 s current_binding_level
+00000001201fed08 s current_declspecs
+00000001201ff290 s current_dienum
+00000001201fedc8 s current_extern_inline
+00000001201fec90 g current_funcdef_number
+0000000120200218 S current_function_arg_offset_rtx
+0000000120200230 S current_function_args_info
+0000000120200214 S current_function_args_size
+0000000120200170 S current_function_calls_alloca
+0000000120200188 S current_function_calls_longjmp
+00000001202001a8 S current_function_calls_setjmp
+0000000120200234 S current_function_contains_functions
+00000001201ffd80 S current_function_decl
+0000000120200168 S current_function_epilogue_delay_list
+0000000120200258 S current_function_has_nonlocal_goto
+0000000120200270 S current_function_has_nonlocal_label
+00000001202001c8 S current_function_internal_arg_pointer
+00000001202001f8 S current_function_name
+0000000120200160 S current_function_needs_context
+0000000120200248 S current_function_outgoing_args_size
+00000001201fed98 s current_function_parm_tags
+00000001201fed90 s current_function_parms
+00000001202001c0 S current_function_pops_args
+000000012020015c S current_function_pretend_args_size
+00000001201feda0 s current_function_prototype_file
+00000001201feda8 s current_function_prototype_line
+0000000120200178 S current_function_return_rtx
+00000001201ffcb0 S current_function_returns_null
+0000000120200280 S current_function_returns_pcc_struct
+0000000120200208 S current_function_returns_pointer
+000000012020018c S current_function_returns_struct
+00000001201ffdc0 S current_function_returns_value
+00000001202001f0 S current_function_stdarg
+0000000120200210 S current_function_uses_const_pool
+00000001202001d0 S current_function_uses_pic_offset_table
+000000012020020c S current_function_varargs
+00000001201ff980 s current_live_regs
+00000001202000a0 S current_obstack
+00000001200d74c0 t data_member_location_attribute
+00000001200a8580 T data_section
+00000001201e6a58 W data_start
+00000001201feec0 s data_type
+00000001201fef2c S dbr_sched_dump
+0000000120200038 S dbr_sched_dump_file
+00000001201ffee0 S dbr_sched_time
+00000001201593d0 T dbr_schedule
+000000012016f6d0 T dbr_sequence_length
+0000000120200730 S dconst0
+00000001202007d0 S dconst1
+0000000120200788 S dconst2
+0000000120200700 S dconstm1
+00000001201ffa30 s dead_notes
+00000001200b08c0 T dead_or_set_p
+00000001200ae500 T dead_or_set_regno_p
+00000001201fef3c S debug_info_level
+00000001201ffab8 s debug_insn
+00000001201feffc S debug_no_type_hash
+0000000120042380 T debug_obstack
+00000001200bce10 T debug_real
+0000000120145250 T debug_reload
+00000001200acd80 T debug_rtx
+00000001201ff1b8 S debug_rtx_count
+00000001200acec0 T debug_rtx_find
+00000001200acdd0 T debug_rtx_list
+00000001201fec10 G debug_temp_inits
+0000000120047750 T debug_tree
+0000000120029800 T decl_attributes
+0000000120041b90 T decl_function_context
+0000000120039220 t decl_name
+0000000120200060 S decl_printable_name
+0000000120043810 T decl_tree_cons
+00000001200453e0 T decl_type_context
+000000012002c750 T declare_function_name
+000000012006e810 T declare_nonlocal_label
+0000000120016590 T declare_parm_level
+00000001200a9b50 T declare_weak
+00000001201fed10 s declspec_stack
+00000001200a9f90 t decode_addr_const
+0000000120171c90 T decode_asm_operands
+0000000120058ce0 t decode_field_reference
+00000001200a1bf0 T decode_reg_name
+00000001200aa310 t decode_rtx_const
+000000012013d160 t decompose
+000000012019e060 t deduce_conversion
+000000012001a1d0 T default_conversion
+00000001201ffc48 S default_function_type
+00000001200388a0 T default_print_error_function
+00000001200a94a0 T defer_addressed_constants
+00000001201ff180 s defer_addressed_constants_flag
+000000012007e5d0 t defer_cleanups_to
+00000001201ff178 s deferred_constants
+000000012000e1a0 T define_label
+0000000120016730 T delete_block
+00000001200e4330 t delete_computation
+00000001200f4de0 T delete_dead_from_cse
+000000012014b150 t delete_dead_insn
+00000001200e6f00 T delete_for_peephole
+000000012015d2f0 t delete_from_delay_slot
+00000001200e4d90 t delete_from_jump_chain
+00000001200e4560 T delete_insn
+00000001200b4ca0 T delete_insns_since
+00000001200e42c0 T delete_jump
+00000001200e5260 t delete_labelref_insn
+0000000120152360 t delete_output_reload
+0000000120021fc0 t digest_init
+000000012020350c b direct_load
+0000000120203529 b direct_store
+00000001201feed8 s directive_buffer.1
+0000000120056e70 t distribute_bit_expr
+000000012012ba90 t distribute_links
+000000012012ad10 t distribute_notes
+000000012004a2b0 T div_and_round_double
+0000000120203a3c b div_cost
+000000012018ee60 t div_unit_blockage
+000000012018ebb0 T div_unit_blockage_range
+000000012018b380 T div_unit_ready_cost
+0000000120038b90 T do_abort
+00000001201ff250 s do_block
+00000001200e3700 t do_cross_jump
+00000001201ff000 s do_identifier_warnings
+000000012007e800 T do_jump
+000000012007fc50 t do_jump_by_parts_equality
+000000012007fe50 t do_jump_by_parts_equality_rtx
+000000012007f710 t do_jump_by_parts_greater
+000000012007f9e0 T do_jump_by_parts_greater_rtx
+000000012007fff0 t do_jump_for_compare
+000000012006c110 t do_jump_if_equal
+00000001201ff414 s do_not_record
+000000012007e550 T do_pending_stack_adjust
+00000001201fec3c G do_preexpand_calls
+0000000120080560 t do_store_flag
+00000001201ffc00 S doing_objc_thang
+00000001201fed68 S dollars_in_ident
+00000001201ffd98 S double_ftype_double
+00000001201ffe18 S double_ftype_double_double
+0000000120200998 S double_reg_address_ok
+00000001201ffd78 S double_type_node
+000000012006f350 T drop_through_at_end_p
+00000001200a8470 T dtors_section
+0000000120200018 S dump_base_name
+000000012012beb0 T dump_combine_stats
+000000012012bf10 T dump_combine_total_stats
+0000000120139930 t dump_conflicts
+0000000120112190 T dump_flow_info
+0000000120139f80 T dump_global_regs
+0000000120134e20 T dump_local_alloc
+00000001201fff6c S dump_time
+00000001200454e0 T dump_tree_statistics
+0000000120017c20 t duplicate_decls
+00000001200e2ab0 t duplicate_loop_exit_test
+00000001200ce060 t dwarf_attr_name
+00000001200ce5e0 t dwarf_fund_type_name
+00000001201ff2c0 s dwarf_last_decl
+00000001200d7200 t dwarf_tag_name
+00000001200cd250 T dwarfout_begin_block
+00000001200cd480 T dwarfout_begin_function
+00000001200cd900 T dwarfout_define
+00000001200cd300 T dwarfout_end_block
+00000001200cd5c0 T dwarfout_end_epilogue
+00000001200cd520 T dwarfout_end_function
+00000001200caa30 T dwarfout_file_scope_decl
+00000001200cc540 T dwarfout_finish
+00000001200cb950 T dwarfout_init
+00000001200cd3b0 T dwarfout_label
+00000001200cb160 T dwarfout_line
+00000001200cd7c0 T dwarfout_resume_previous_source_file
+00000001200cd650 T dwarfout_start_new_source_file
+00000001200cdbb0 T dwarfout_undef
+00000001201ff094 s dynamic_offset
+00000001200b8a30 t e113toe
+00000001200b8e80 t e24toe
+00000001201e9e2c D e32
+00000001200b80a0 t e53toe
+00000001200b8570 t e64toe
+00000001200b6c40 t eadd
+00000001200b6df0 t eadd1
+00000001200b65e0 T earith
+000000012013c790 t earlyclobber_operand_p
+00000001200b95e0 t ecmp
+00000001200b7570 t ediv
+00000001200bd6a0 t edivm
+00000001200bc0d0 T efixi
+00000001200bc140 T efixui
+00000001200bb210 t efloor
+00000001201e9e08 D ehalf
+00000001200bea70 t eifrac
+00000001200bb5c0 t eiremain
+00000001200b6a30 t eisnan
+00000001200b6a10 t eisneg
+00000001200bb380 t eldexp
+00000001200d84f0 t element_list_attribute
+000000012018e7c0 T eligible_for_annul_true
+000000012018e1b0 T eligible_for_delay
+00000001201ff548 s elim_reg_set
+00000001201e8fc8 d elim_regs.0
+00000001201ff834 s eliminable_regset
+00000001201ea050 d eliminables.0
+00000001201ea0a0 d eliminables.0
+00000001201ea688 d eliminables.0
+00000001201ea670 d eliminables.2
+0000000120095380 T eliminate_constant_term
+000000012014bc10 T eliminate_regs
+000000012014cd40 t eliminate_regs_in_insn
+00000001201e9e38 D elog2
+00000001200bdd70 t emdnorm
+00000001200b5f30 T emit
+00000001200a1250 T emit_0_to_1_insn
+0000000120194ba0 t emit_add
+00000001200b5be0 T emit_barrier
+00000001200b3010 T emit_barrier_after
+00000001200b5250 T emit_barrier_before
+00000001201957a0 T emit_bcnd
+0000000120071840 T emit_block_move
+0000000120089a50 t emit_call_1
+00000001200b5ab0 T emit_call_insn
+00000001200b5190 T emit_call_insn_before
+000000012006cac0 t emit_case_nodes
+00000001200a1210 T emit_clr_insn
+000000012009c090 T emit_cmp_insn
+000000012015cec0 t emit_delay_sequence
+0000000120200298 S emit_filename
+000000012009c830 T emit_float_lib_cmp
+00000001200a1290 T emit_indirect_jump
+00000001200b5750 T emit_insn
+00000001200b2ee0 T emit_insn_after
+00000001200b5340 T emit_insn_after_with_line_notes
+00000001200b4fc0 T emit_insn_before
+00000001200b58a0 T emit_insns
+00000001200b5970 T emit_insns_after
+00000001200b5900 T emit_insns_before
+0000000120105ac0 T emit_iv_add_mult
+000000012006e580 T emit_jump
+000000012006ca30 t emit_jump_if_reachable
+00000001200b59f0 T emit_jump_insn
+00000001200b5500 T emit_jump_insn_after
+00000001200b50e0 T emit_jump_insn_before
+00000001200b5b80 T emit_label
+00000001200b55b0 T emit_label_after
+0000000120194ef0 t emit_ldst
+000000012009be10 T emit_libcall_block
+0000000120088070 T emit_library_call
+00000001200887a0 T emit_library_call_value
+00000001200b5c50 T emit_line_note
+00000001200b5690 T emit_line_note_after
+00000001200b5ef0 T emit_line_note_force
+0000000120200290 S emit_lineno
+0000000120071c20 T emit_move_insn
+0000000120071e90 T emit_move_insn_1
+0000000120191520 T emit_move_sequence
+000000012009ba10 T emit_no_conflict_block
+000000012006e460 T emit_nop
+00000001200b5db0 T emit_note
+00000001200b5610 T emit_note_after
+00000001200b52c0 T emit_note_before
+0000000120072360 T emit_push_insn
+00000001200821d0 T emit_queue
+0000000120150350 t emit_reload_insns
+0000000120095df0 T emit_stack_restore
+0000000120094d40 T emit_stack_save
+00000001200922d0 T emit_store_flag
+00000001201989a0 T emit_test
+000000012019dc30 T emit_typecode_conversion
+00000001200a0dc0 T emit_unop_insn
+000000012010a770 T emit_unrolled_add
+00000001200b6990 t emov
+00000001200bd500 t emovi
+00000001201e9ef8 d emtens
+00000001200b7b30 t emul
+00000001200bdb40 t emulm
+000000012016b090 T end_final
+00000001201fed28 s end_of_file
+00000001201ff958 s end_of_function_label
+0000000120209514 b end_of_function_needs
+00000001200b6430 T end_sequence
+0000000120042160 T end_temporary_allocation
+00000001200bd410 t endian
+00000001200b69e0 t eneg
+00000001200b9ff0 t enormlz
+00000001201fed70 s enum_next_value
+00000001201fed78 s enum_overflow
+00000001201e9e14 D eone
+00000001201e9e50 D epi
+00000001201ff0a8 s epilogue
+00000001201ffb94 s epilogue_marked
+00000001202005b0 S eqdf2_libfunc
+0000000120200458 S eqhf2_libfunc
+00000001202006b0 S eqsf2_libfunc
+00000001202005e0 S eqtf2_libfunc
+0000000120197ba0 T equality_op
+00000001200f16c0 t equiv_constant
+00000001201ff778 s equiv_mem
+00000001201ff780 s equiv_mem_modified
+0000000120205f5c b equot
+00000001202003f0 S eqxf2_libfunc
+00000001200b6750 T ereal_atof
+00000001200bd250 T ereal_cmp
+00000001200bd340 T ereal_from_double
+00000001200bd2f0 T ereal_from_float
+00000001200bc1b0 T ereal_from_int
+00000001200bc7c0 T ereal_from_uint
+00000001200bd2b0 T ereal_isneg
+00000001200bcd90 T ereal_ldexp
+00000001200bc080 T ereal_negate
+00000001200bd200 T ereal_to_decimal
+00000001200b6840 T ereal_to_int
+00000001201e9fb8 d ermsg
+0000000120030560 T error
+00000001200301d0 T error_for_asm
+0000000120021a20 T error_init
+00000001201ffd48 S error_mark_node
+000000012002ffa0 T error_with_decl
+000000012002fcf0 T error_with_file_and_line
+00000001201fef44 S errorcount
+00000001200b9cc0 t eshift
+00000001201ff240 s esqinited
+00000001201e9e44 D esqrt2
+000000012006c220 t estimate_case_costs
+00000001200b6a90 t esub
+00000001200bd090 T etardouble
+00000001200bcf80 T etarldouble
+00000001200bd0f0 T etarsingle
+00000001200bce70 T etartdouble
+00000001201e9e5c d etens
+00000001200bf010 t etoasc
+00000001200b92e0 t etoe53
+00000001200bba10 T etrunci
+00000001200bbd60 T etruncui
+00000001201e9e20 D etwo
+00000001200b9750 t euifrac
+000000012004bf50 t eval_subst
+0000000120197a00 T even_relop
+00000001201fec98 g everything.1
+00000001201fec9c g everything.2
+00000001201feca0 g everything.5
+0000000120038c80 T exact_log2_wide
+00000001200e9450 t exp_equiv_p
+000000012009ad30 T expand_abs
+00000001200921b0 T expand_and
+0000000120068e40 T expand_anon_union_decl
+000000012006e940 T expand_asm
+0000000120064330 T expand_asm_operands
+0000000120072c90 T expand_assignment
+00000001200962f0 T expand_binop
+0000000120196d00 T expand_block_move
+000000012007bde0 t expand_builtin
+000000012007d3f0 t expand_builtin_apply
+000000012007d180 t expand_builtin_apply_args
+000000012007dad0 t expand_builtin_return
+0000000120082930 T expand_builtin_return_addr
+0000000120085050 T expand_call
+00000001200690e0 t expand_cleanups
+000000012007e6e0 T expand_cleanups_to
+000000012009b0c0 T expand_complex_abs
+000000012011e640 t expand_compound_operation
+000000012006e5f0 T expand_computed_goto
+000000012006eed0 T expand_continue_loop
+0000000120093170 T expand_dec
+0000000120068320 T expand_decl
+000000012006f3f0 T expand_decl_cleanup
+0000000120068b10 T expand_decl_init
+000000012008eaa0 T expand_divmod
+000000012006ed50 T expand_elseif
+0000000120067850 T expand_end_bindings
+000000012006acc0 T expand_end_case
+0000000120069630 T expand_end_case_dummy
+00000001200658d0 T expand_end_cond
+0000000120065d70 T expand_end_loop
+00000001200654b0 T expand_end_stmt_expr
+000000012006ef30 T expand_exit_loop
+000000012006ef90 T expand_exit_loop_if_false
+000000012006f160 T expand_exit_something
+0000000120075360 T expand_expr
+0000000120064f60 T expand_expr_stmt
+000000012011e960 t expand_field_assignment
+000000012009ddb0 T expand_fix
+0000000120063eb0 t expand_fixup
+000000012006e920 T expand_fixups
+000000012009cf70 T expand_float
+00000001200607d0 T expand_function_end
+000000012005ff70 T expand_function_start
+00000001200639c0 T expand_goto
+0000000120063ce0 t expand_goto_internal
+00000001200930e0 T expand_inc
+000000012007dce0 t expand_increment
+00000001200dbc40 T expand_inline_function
+000000012006e6a0 T expand_label
+000000012006ee30 T expand_loop_continue_here
+0000000120063660 T expand_main_function
+000000012008da30 T expand_mult
+00000001200933d0 T expand_mult_add
+000000012008e3a0 T expand_mult_highpart
+0000000120093240 T expand_mult_highpart_adjust
+000000012006f1d0 T expand_null_return
+00000001201374d0 t expand_preferences
+0000000120066330 T expand_return
+000000012008ce50 T expand_shift
+0000000120067600 T expand_start_bindings
+0000000120069210 T expand_start_case
+0000000120069500 T expand_start_case_dummy
+0000000120065700 T expand_start_cond
+000000012006ec10 T expand_start_else
+000000012006eb00 T expand_start_elseif
+0000000120065b90 T expand_start_loop
+000000012006edd0 T expand_start_loop_continue_elsewhere
+000000012006ea10 T expand_start_stmt_expr
+000000012002f4a0 t expand_stmt_with_iterators_1
+00000001200998a0 T expand_twoval_binop
+0000000120099f20 T expand_unop
+00000001201fed54 S explicit_flag_signed_bitfields
+0000000120095510 T expr_size
+00000001202002a8 S expr_stmts_for_value
+00000001202000b8 S expression_obstack
+00000001202003f8 S extenddftf2_libfunc
+0000000120200320 S extenddfxf2_libfunc
+000000012012bd50 T extended_count
+0000000120200658 S extendsfdf2_libfunc
+0000000120200418 S extendsftf2_libfunc
+0000000120200488 S extendsfxf2_libfunc
+000000012020fce0 B extendtab
+00000001201fefc4 S extra_warnings
+000000012008b320 T extract_bit_field
+000000012008c510 t extract_fixed_bit_field
+000000012012c9c0 t extract_left_shift
+000000012008cb50 t extract_split_bit_field
+0000000120205f50 B ezero
+00000001201e7a08 D f_options
+00000001201ea030 D factors
+00000001201ffba8 s failure_errno.1
+00000001201ff2b8 s fake_containing_scope
+0000000120038b70 T fancy_abort
+0000000120030830 T fatal
+000000012002f9d0 T fatal_insn
+0000000120038790 T fatal_insn_not_found
+0000000120038740 T fatal_io_error
+0000000120200688 S ffs_optab
+00000001200d9980 t field_byte_offset
+0000000120018f00 t field_decl_cmp
+00000001201ff270 s filename_table
+000000012015b4b0 t fill_eager_delay_slots
+0000000120159ed0 t fill_simple_delay_slots
+000000012015e3a0 t fill_slots_from_thread
+000000012016ca70 T final
+000000012010bd30 T final_biv_value
+000000012016f890 T final_end_function
+000000012010c1d0 T final_giv_value
+000000012016cdb0 T final_scan_insn
+00000001202009c0 S final_sequence
+000000012016f720 T final_start_function
+00000001201ffed8 S final_time
+00000001201ff264 s finalizing
+00000001201003a0 t find_and_verify_loops
+000000012010df00 t find_basic_blocks
+00000001200f5950 t find_best_addr
+00000001200f67a0 t find_comparison_args
+0000000120173f60 t find_constant_term_loc
+00000001200e3280 t find_cross_jump
+000000012013c220 t find_dummy_reload
+000000012015cc40 t find_end_label
+0000000120143fa0 T find_equiv_reg
+0000000120134400 t find_free_reg
+0000000120061c20 T find_function_data
+0000000120144fc0 t find_inc_amount
+00000001200b03c0 T find_last_value
+000000012006f5c0 T find_loop_tree_blocks
+0000000120103610 t find_mem_givs
+0000000120093b30 T find_next_ref
+0000000120137ba0 t find_reg
+00000001200ae880 T find_reg_fusage
+00000001200b09c0 T find_reg_note
+00000001200ae9e0 T find_regno_fusage
+00000001200b0a20 T find_regno_note
+000000012013d610 T find_reloads
+0000000120141490 t find_reloads_address
+0000000120142720 t find_reloads_address_1
+0000000120143360 t find_reloads_address_part
+0000000120140ed0 t find_reloads_toplev
+0000000120145e60 T find_replacement
+0000000120173060 T find_single_use
+0000000120170dc0 t find_single_use_1
+0000000120107b10 t find_single_use_in_loop
+0000000120117900 t find_split_point
+000000012010aff0 t find_splittable_givs
+000000012010a800 t find_splittable_regs
+0000000120164a10 t find_symbolic_term
+0000000120111f40 t find_use_as_address
+0000000120010df0 T finish_decl
+0000000120014560 T finish_enum
+0000000120006fb0 T finish_file
+0000000120015fe0 T finish_function
+0000000120016430 T finish_incomplete_decl
+00000001200257e0 T finish_init
+0000000120013a60 T finish_struct
+0000000120200010 S finput
+00000001202006d8 S first_global_object_name
+00000001201ff1e8 s first_insn
+00000001201ff210 s first_label_num
+00000001201ff190 s first_pool
+000000012005ed80 T fix_lexical_addr
+0000000120130180 T fix_register
+00000001202003b0 S fixdfdi_libfunc
+0000000120200370 S fixdfsi_libfunc
+00000001202002f8 S fixdfti_libfunc
+0000000120200920 S fixed_reg_set
+0000000120213bec B fixed_regs
+0000000120200468 S fixsfdi_libfunc
+00000001202005f0 S fixsfsi_libfunc
+0000000120200368 S fixsfti_libfunc
+000000012020c850 B fixtab
+0000000120200400 S fixtfdi_libfunc
+00000001202003a0 S fixtfsi_libfunc
+00000001202004c0 S fixtfti_libfunc
+0000000120211728 B fixtrunctab
+00000001202005c8 S fixunsdfdi_libfunc
+00000001202004e8 S fixunsdfsi_libfunc
+00000001202005a0 S fixunsdfti_libfunc
+0000000120200378 S fixunssfdi_libfunc
+0000000120200448 S fixunssfsi_libfunc
+0000000120200328 S fixunssfti_libfunc
+00000001202003c8 S fixunstfdi_libfunc
+00000001202006b8 S fixunstfsi_libfunc
+00000001202003b8 S fixunstfti_libfunc
+0000000120200310 S fixunsxfdi_libfunc
+00000001202004f8 S fixunsxfsi_libfunc
+0000000120200650 S fixunsxfti_libfunc
+000000012006f820 t fixup_gotos
+000000012005bd20 t fixup_memory_subreg
+00000001200493d0 T fixup_signed_type
+000000012005c060 t fixup_stack_1
+00000001200494e0 T fixup_unsigned_type
+000000012005aaa0 t fixup_var_refs
+000000012005afa0 t fixup_var_refs_1
+000000012005ac10 t fixup_var_refs_insns
+0000000120200318 S fixxfdi_libfunc
+0000000120200630 S fixxfsi_libfunc
+0000000120200490 S fixxfti_libfunc
+00000001201fed50 S flag_allow_single_precision
+00000001201fef74 S flag_caller_saves
+00000001201ffc40 S flag_cond_mismatch
+00000001201fff28 S flag_cse_follow_jumps
+00000001201fff98 S flag_cse_skip_blocks
+00000001201fef84 S flag_defer_pop
+0000000120200024 S flag_delayed_branch
+00000001201fff88 S flag_expensive_optimizations
+00000001201fef9c S flag_fast_math
+00000001201fef88 S flag_float_store
+00000001201fef80 S flag_force_addr
+00000001201fef7c S flag_force_mem
+00000001201fefa4 S flag_gen_aux_info
+00000001201fec24 G flag_gnu_linker
+00000001201fefb4 S flag_inhibit_size_directive
+00000001201ffef8 S flag_inline_functions
+00000001201ffecc S flag_keep_inline_functions
+00000001201fec78 g flag_minimal_debug
+00000001201ffe50 S flag_no_asm
+00000001201ffc98 S flag_no_builtin
+0000000120200008 S flag_no_common
+00000001201fef90 S flag_no_function_cse
+00000001201fed58 S flag_no_ident
+00000001201fff68 S flag_no_inline
+00000001201ffc94 S flag_no_nonansi_builtin
+00000001201fef98 S flag_no_peephole
+00000001201fef94 S flag_omit_frame_pointer
+00000001201fefbc S flag_pack_struct
+00000001201fef78 S flag_pcc_struct_return
+00000001201fefa8 S flag_pedantic_errors
+00000001201fffdc S flag_pic
+00000001201ffec8 S flag_pretend_float
+00000001201fef30 S flag_print_asm_name
+00000001201fefdc s flag_rerun_cse_after_loop
+00000001201fefac S flag_schedule_insns
+00000001201fefb0 S flag_schedule_insns_after_reload
+0000000120200030 S flag_shared_data
+00000001201ffe20 S flag_short_double
+00000001201ffee8 S flag_short_enums
+00000001201fffb8 S flag_short_temps
+00000001201fec0c G flag_signed_bitfields
+00000001201fff48 S flag_signed_char
+00000001201fef8c S flag_strength_reduce
+00000001201fefa0 S flag_syntax_only
+00000001201fff08 S flag_thread_jumps
+00000001201ffdf8 S flag_traditional
+00000001201fff94 S flag_unroll_all_loops
+00000001201fec1c G flag_unroll_loops
+00000001201fefb8 S flag_verbose_asm
+00000001201fff60 S flag_volatile
+0000000120200068 S flag_volatile_global
+00000001201fec20 G flag_writable_strings
+00000001202033e8 b float_error
+00000001201ffd88 S float_ftype_float
+00000001201fff0c S float_handled
+000000012020ba18 B float_handler
+00000001200394c0 t float_signal
+00000001201ffdd0 S float_type_node
+0000000120200648 S floatdidf_libfunc
+00000001202004b8 S floatdisf_libfunc
+0000000120200638 S floatditf_libfunc
+0000000120200668 S floatdixf_libfunc
+0000000120200380 S floatsidf_libfunc
+0000000120200528 S floatsisf_libfunc
+00000001202004a0 S floatsitf_libfunc
+00000001202003e0 S floatsixf_libfunc
+000000012020e298 B floattab
+00000001202003a8 S floattidf_libfunc
+0000000120200530 S floattisf_libfunc
+00000001202005f8 S floattitf_libfunc
+0000000120200338 S floattixf_libfunc
+0000000120200438 S flodiv_optab
+0000000120038ce0 T floor_log2_wide
+000000012010db80 T flow_analysis
+000000012010eea0 t flow_delete_insn
+00000001201fef10 S flow_dump
+0000000120200048 S flow_dump_file
+0000000120200040 S flow_time
+0000000120164f30 t flush_pending_lists
+000000012004c5f0 T fold
+0000000120056820 t fold_convert
+00000001200ee250 t fold_rtx
+0000000120057700 t fold_truthop
+00000001200e3cc0 T follow_jumps
+000000012020099c S forbidden_regs
+00000001200a69e0 T force_const_mem
+0000000120049f20 T force_fit_type
+00000001200fe2a0 t force_movables
+00000001200b5f10 T force_next_line_note
+0000000120095a00 T force_not_mem
+0000000120074c00 T force_operand
+0000000120094bf0 T force_reg
+0000000120120540 t force_to_mode
+00000001202007f8 S forced_labels
+000000012014e490 t forget_old_reloads_1
+000000012000b7d0 T forget_protocol_qualifiers
+0000000120145b80 T form_sum
+000000012018f1c0 t fpadd100_unit_blockage
+000000012018b860 T fpadd100_unit_blockage_range
+000000012018b5e0 T fpadd100_unit_ready_cost
+000000012018ef60 t fpadd110_unit_blockage
+000000012018b460 T fpadd110_unit_blockage_range
+000000012018ec40 T fpadd110_unit_ready_cost
+000000012018fa70 t fpmul100_unit_blockage
+000000012018bb20 T fpmul100_unit_blockage_range
+000000012018ba30 T fpmul100_unit_ready_cost
+000000012018ed00 T fpmul110_unit_ready_cost
+0000000120001a80 t frame_dummy
+00000001201ffb88 s frame_laid_out
+00000001202001d8 S frame_offset
+00000001202009ac S frame_pointer_needed
+00000001202007c0 S frame_pointer_rtx
+00000001201ffb8c s frame_size
+00000001201fedd8 s free_binding_level
+00000001200e7f30 t free_element
+00000001201ff420 s free_element_chain
+00000001201688c0 t free_pending_lists
+0000000120062020 T free_temp_slots
+0000000120062090 T free_temps_for_rtl_expr
+00000001201ff27c s ft_entries
+00000001201ff278 s ft_entries_allocated
+0000000120200498 S ftrunc_optab
+0000000120200284 S function_call_count
+00000001200da320 T function_cannot_inline_p
+00000001201ff160 s function_defined
+00000001201feed0 s function_format_list
+00000001202000f0 S function_maybepermanent_obstack
+00000001202000c8 S function_obstack
+00000001200a8830 T function_section
+00000001200199a0 t function_types_compatible_p
+00000001201eb100 D function_units
+000000012018ced0 T function_units_used
+00000001200ce960 t fundamental_type_code
+00000001201fff9c S g_switch_set
+00000001201ffeb0 S g_switch_value
+000000012003bd90 T gcc_obstack_init
+0000000120200360 S gedf2_libfunc
+00000001202003d0 S gehf2_libfunc
+000000012018a050 T gen_absdf2
+000000012018a0c0 T gen_abssf2
+00000001200a1330 T gen_add2_insn
+0000000120188dc0 T gen_adddf3
+0000000120188f50 T gen_adddi3
+0000000120188ee0 T gen_addsf3
+0000000120188d50 T gen_addsi3
+00000001201898e0 T gen_anddi3
+00000001201815c0 T gen_andsi3
+0000000120181aa0 T gen_ashlsi3
+0000000120181f00 T gen_ashrsi3
+0000000120028650 T gen_aux_info_record
+0000000120185ee0 T gen_bcnd
+0000000120186100 T gen_beq
+0000000120186a80 T gen_bge
+0000000120186bd0 T gen_bgeu
+00000001201863a0 T gen_bgt
+00000001201864f0 T gen_bgtu
+0000000120126bf0 t gen_binary
+0000000120186df0 T gen_ble
+0000000120186f40 T gen_bleu
+000000012018a630 T gen_blockage
+0000000120186710 T gen_blt
+0000000120186860 T gen_bltu
+0000000120186250 T gen_bne
+0000000120185ff0 T gen_bxx
+000000012018a130 T gen_call
+0000000120187a30 T gen_call_block_move
+0000000120187dc0 T gen_call_movstrsi_loop
+000000012018a2e0 T gen_call_value
+0000000120182830 T gen_casesi
+0000000120182fc0 T gen_casesi_enter
+0000000120182de0 T gen_casesi_jump
+0000000120185360 T gen_cmpdf
+0000000120185260 T gen_cmpsf
+0000000120185120 T gen_cmpsi
+0000000120027d40 t gen_decl
+000000012018a6d0 T gen_decrement_and_branch_until_zero
+0000000120181340 T gen_divdf3
+0000000120189870 T gen_divsf3
+000000012017f050 T gen_divsi3
+0000000120183160 T gen_dummy
+000000012018a590 T gen_epilogue
+00000001200a15e0 T gen_extend_insn
+0000000120188720 T gen_extendhisi2
+0000000120188850 T gen_extendqihi2
+0000000120188980 T gen_extendqisi2
+0000000120188ab0 T gen_extendsfdf2
+00000001201885a0 T gen_extendsidi2
+0000000120189e90 T gen_extv
+0000000120189f00 T gen_extzv
+0000000120189d60 T gen_ffssi2
+0000000120188c70 T gen_fix_truncdfsi2
+0000000120188ce0 T gen_fix_truncsfsi2
+0000000120188b90 T gen_floatsidf2
+0000000120188c00 T gen_floatsisf2
+0000000120028c20 t gen_formal_list_for_func_def
+00000001200287b0 t gen_formal_list_for_type
+00000001200b1bf0 T gen_highpart
+00000001200b3e60 T gen_imagpart
+000000012018a690 T gen_indirect_jump
+00000001200b43f0 T gen_inline_header_rtx
+0000000120189950 T gen_iordi3
+0000000120181780 T gen_iorsi3
+0000000120183100 T gen_jump
+00000001200b4360 T gen_label_rtx
+0000000120187160 T gen_locate1
+0000000120187220 T gen_locate2
+00000001200b4000 T gen_lowpart
+00000001200b14c0 T gen_lowpart_common
+00000001201265a0 t gen_lowpart_for_combine
+00000001200f1980 T gen_lowpart_if_possible
+0000000120182360 T gen_lshrsi3
+00000001201833f0 T gen_m88k_rcs_id
+00000001201877a0 T gen_movdf
+00000001201876d0 T gen_movdi
+000000012009cbd0 T gen_move_insn
+0000000120187530 T gen_movhi
+0000000120187600 T gen_movqi
+0000000120187870 T gen_movsf
+0000000120187370 T gen_movsi
+0000000120187940 T gen_movstrsi
+00000001201893a0 T gen_muldf3
+00000001201894c0 T gen_mulsf3
+0000000120189330 T gen_mulsi3
+0000000120189f70 T gen_negdf2
+0000000120189fe0 T gen_negsf2
+00000001201827c0 T gen_negsi2
+000000012018a4c0 T gen_nop
+0000000120189aa0 T gen_one_cmpldi2
+0000000120189a30 T gen_one_cmplsi2
+000000012018a520 T gen_prologue
+00000001200828f0 T gen_push_operand
+00000001200b3e10 T gen_realpart
+00000001200b1290 T gen_reg_rtx
+0000000120151de0 T gen_reload
+0000000120187440 T gen_reload_insi
+000000012018a4e0 T gen_return
+0000000120189b70 T gen_rotlsi3
+0000000120189cf0 T gen_rotrsi3
+00000001200b1100 T gen_rtvec
+00000001200b1210 T gen_rtvec_v
+00000001200b0e00 T gen_rtx
+00000001201269a0 t gen_rtx_combine
+00000001201854a0 T gen_seq
+00000001200b64a0 T gen_sequence
+0000000120185920 T gen_sge
+00000001201859e0 T gen_sgeu
+0000000120185620 T gen_sgt
+00000001201856e0 T gen_sgtu
+0000000120185aa0 T gen_sle
+0000000120185b60 T gen_sleu
+00000001201857a0 T gen_slt
+0000000120185860 T gen_sltu
+0000000120185560 T gen_sne
+0000000120183430 T gen_split_1
+000000012017eed0 T gen_split_125
+000000012017e110 T gen_split_13
+000000012017e390 T gen_split_14
+000000012017e5a0 T gen_split_15
+0000000120184140 T gen_split_16
+00000001201842e0 T gen_split_17
+0000000120184450 T gen_split_18
+000000012017e7f0 T gen_split_19
+0000000120183610 T gen_split_2
+000000012017ea70 T gen_split_20
+000000012017ec80 T gen_split_21
+00000001201845e0 T gen_split_22
+0000000120184780 T gen_split_23
+00000001201848f0 T gen_split_24
+00000001201837f0 T gen_split_3
+0000000120184a80 T gen_split_31
+0000000120184bb0 T gen_split_33
+0000000120184d00 T gen_split_35
+0000000120184e30 T gen_split_37
+00000001201839d0 T gen_split_4
+0000000120183bb0 T gen_split_5
+0000000120183d90 T gen_split_6
+0000000120183f70 T gen_split_7
+0000000120185c20 T gen_split_75
+0000000120185d70 T gen_split_80
+00000001200a1470 T gen_sub2_insn
+00000001201890b0 T gen_subdf3
+0000000120189240 T gen_subdi3
+00000001201891d0 T gen_subsf3
+0000000120189040 T gen_subsi3
+0000000120189b10 T gen_tbnd
+0000000120189570 T gen_tcnd_divide_by_zero
+0000000120184f80 T gen_test
+0000000120189530 T gen_trap_divide_by_zero
+0000000120188b20 T gen_truncdfsf2
+0000000120026a00 t gen_type
+0000000120180e90 T gen_udivsi3
+0000000120126f10 t gen_unary
+00000001201899c0 T gen_xordi3
+0000000120181920 T gen_xorsi3
+00000001201881f0 T gen_zero_extendhisi2
+0000000120188320 T gen_zero_extendqihi2
+0000000120188450 T gen_zero_extendqisi2
+00000001201049d0 t general_induction_var
+0000000120171140 T general_operand
+0000000120200428 S gesf2_libfunc
+000000012018ee20 T get_attr_cpu
+000000012018d8b0 T get_attr_fpu
+000000012016be50 T get_attr_length
+000000012018da20 T get_attr_type
+0000000120048ce0 T get_best_mode
+0000000120157380 t get_branch_condition
+0000000120107100 T get_condition
+0000000120107760 T get_condition_for_loop
+000000012002c580 T get_directive_line
+0000000120041c40 T get_file_function_name
+0000000120062d80 T get_first_block_beg
+00000001200b3df0 T get_first_label_num
+0000000120062d30 T get_first_nonparm_insn
+0000000120061cb0 T get_frame_size
+000000012003d8a0 T get_identifier
+00000001200746b0 T get_inner_reference
+00000001200745e0 t get_inner_unaligned_p
+00000001200b4830 T get_insns
+00000001200afcb0 T get_integer_term
+0000000120156dd0 t get_jump_flags
+00000001200e39a0 T get_label_after
+00000001200e3910 T get_label_before
+00000001200b4850 T get_last_insn
+00000001200b48b0 T get_last_insn_anywhere
+00000001201299d0 t get_last_value
+00000001201297d0 t get_last_value_validate
+00000001200b4900 T get_max_uid
+0000000120041960 T get_narrower
+0000000120013760 T get_parm_info
+0000000120048e70 T get_pending_sizes
+00000001200842e0 t get_pointer_alignment
+00000001200a9760 T get_pool_constant
+00000001200a9830 T get_pool_mode
+00000001200a9900 T get_pool_offset
+00000001200a99d0 T get_pool_size
+00000001200afd30 T get_related_value
+00000001200384e0 T get_run_time
+0000000120041e00 T get_set_constructor_bits
+0000000120041fc0 T get_set_constructor_bytes
+0000000120021790 t get_spelling
+00000001200416b0 T get_unwidened
+0000000120016e20 T getdecls
+0000000120200580 S getf2_libfunc
+0000000120198ed0 T getpwd
+0000000120016e40 T gettags
+0000000120200678 S gexf2_libfunc
+0000000120135fa0 T global_alloc
+0000000120200090 S global_alloc_time
+00000001201fede0 s global_binding_level
+00000001200164d0 T global_bindings_p
+0000000120136f90 t global_conflicts
+00000001202007e8 S global_const_equiv_map
+00000001202007f0 S global_const_equiv_map_size
+00000001201fef20 S global_reg_dump
+0000000120200078 S global_reg_dump_file
+0000000120213d0c B global_regs
+0000000120130270 T globalize_reg
+00000001201ff0e0 s goto_fixup_chain
+0000000120011750 t grokdeclarator
+0000000120017710 T grokfield
+0000000120013550 t grokparms
+0000000120016ee0 T groktypename
+0000000120016f20 T groktypename_in_parm_context
+000000012006c550 t group_case_nodes
+0000000120200340 S gtdf2_libfunc
+0000000120200670 S gthf2_libfunc
+0000000120200500 S gtsf2_libfunc
+0000000120200460 S gttf2_libfunc
+0000000120200598 S gtxf2_libfunc
+000000012000c110 T handle_pragma_token
+00000001200a99f0 T handle_pragma_weak
+0000000120008c80 T handle_sysv_pragma
+00000001202007e0 S hard_frame_pointer_rtx
+0000000120095f70 T hard_function_value
+0000000120096090 T hard_libcall_value
+00000001201ff7d0 s hard_reg_conflicts
+00000001201ff7e0 s hard_reg_copy_preferences
+00000001201ff7e8 s hard_reg_full_preferences
+00000001201ff7d8 s hard_reg_preferences
+000000012013c7e0 t hard_reg_set_here_p
+0000000120152d20 t hard_reg_use_compare
+00000001201ff3d8 s hard_regs_in_table
+00000001201ff7c4 s hard_regs_live
+00000001201ff938 s hard_regs_live
+00000001201ff85c s hard_regs_live_known
+00000001201ff948 s hard_regs_need_restore
+00000001201ff940 s hard_regs_saved
+00000001201ff418 s hash_arg_in_memory
+00000001201ff41c s hash_arg_in_struct
+0000000120201258 b hash_table
+0000000120209db8 b hashtab
+00000001200a1440 T have_add2_insn
+00000001200a1580 T have_sub2_insn
+00000001201ff244 s have_used_extensions
+00000001201ffae8 s high_block_linenum
+00000001201ffaec s high_function_linenum
+00000001201ff120 s highest_outgoing_arg_in_use
+00000001201ff6a8 s highest_regno_in_uid_map
+00000001201ffff0 S id_clash_len
+00000001201feff8 S id_string_size
+000000012005f2a0 T identify_blocks
+00000001201fecf8 s if_stmt_file
+00000001201fed00 s if_stmt_line
+00000001201219a0 t if_then_else_cond
+00000001200fe1d0 t ignore_some_movables
+00000001200a4ad0 T immed_double_const
+00000001200a9420 T immed_real_const
+00000001200a4d30 T immed_real_const_1
+00000001201732d0 T immediate_operand
+0000000120200148 S immediate_size_expand
+00000001200169f0 T implicitly_declare
+00000001201ff08c s in_arg_offset
+00000001201ff168 s in_named_name
+00000001201ff308 s in_nonparm_insns
+00000001200165c0 T in_parm_level_p
+00000001201ff148 s in_section
+00000001200b6480 T in_sequence_p
+00000001201fef68 S in_system_header
+00000001200a86e0 T in_text_section
+0000000120152660 t inc_for_reload
+00000001201fef58 S incomplete_decl_finalize_hook
+0000000120018f40 T incomplete_type_error
+00000001201ff1b4 s indent.0
+0000000120047830 T indent_to
+0000000120044df0 T index_type_equal
+0000000120173810 T indirect_operand
+0000000120200999 S indirect_symref_ok
+00000001200af270 T inequality_comparisons_p
+00000001202002ec S inhibit_defer_pop
+00000001201fefc0 S inhibit_warnings
+00000001201ff348 s init.0
+00000001201ff34c s init.3
+00000001201ff350 s init.4
+00000001201641d0 T init_alias_analysis
+00000001201740b0 T init_all_optabs
+00000001201549c0 T init_caller_save
+00000001200a9560 T init_const_rtx_hash_table
+000000012000e5d0 T init_decl_processing
+00000001200b35a0 T init_emit
+00000001200b3800 T init_emit_once
+0000000120089c70 T init_expmed
+0000000120082040 T init_expr
+000000012006ff10 T init_expr_once
+000000012016f630 T init_final
+000000012002cb10 T init_function_format_info
+000000012005f5e0 T init_function_start
+000000012016f700 T init_insn_lengths
+000000012002e8e0 T init_iterators
+0000000120007110 T init_lex
+00000001200a1640 t init_libfuncs
+0000000120107800 T init_loop
+000000012018a8b0 T init_mov_optab
+0000000120084200 t init_noncopied_parts
+000000012003b990 T init_obstacks
+000000012009ecb0 T init_optabs
+0000000120082a70 T init_pending_stack_adjust
+0000000120172e30 T init_recog
+0000000120172e10 T init_recog_no_volatile
+0000000120114280 t init_reg_last_arrays
+0000000120109a30 t init_reg_map
+0000000120130b10 t init_reg_modes
+000000012012d1e0 T init_reg_sets
+00000001201307a0 t init_reg_sets_1
+000000012012fec0 T init_regs
+000000012010ff40 t init_regset_vector
+0000000120147440 T init_reload
+00000001200ac2b0 T init_rtl
+0000000120156100 T init_save_areas
+000000012006e240 T init_stmt
+000000012006e270 T init_stmt_for_function
+00000001200425f0 T init_tree_codes
+00000001201ea0f8 d initial_call_used_regs
+00000001201ea0b8 d initial_fixed_regs
+000000012010d3a0 t initial_reg_note_copy
+00000001201ff028 s initial_trampoline.1
+00000001201ffea0 S initialization_message
+00000001200dfa70 t initialize_for_inline
+00000001201ff26c s initialized.2
+00000001200213c0 T initializer_constant_valid_p
+00000001201ffe90 S initializer_stack
+0000000120200198 S inline_function_decl
+0000000120200108 S inline_obstacks
+00000001201fff20 S input_file_stack
+000000012020000c S input_file_stack_tick
+00000001201fffc0 S input_filename
+00000001200e7f50 t insert
+00000001200167b0 T insert_block
+00000001200e7ab0 t insert_regs
+0000000120155d20 t insert_save_restore
+00000001202009b8 S insn_addresses
+00000001201ff9f0 s insn_blockage
+0000000120164cf0 t insn_cost
+00000001201ff9e0 s insn_costs
+00000001201ffac8 s insn_counter
+00000001202009b4 S insn_current_address
+000000012018ea90 T insn_current_length
+00000001201109b0 t insn_dead_p
+000000012018a8c0 T insn_default_length
+000000012017c590 T insn_extract
+00000001201bf238 R insn_gen_function
+00000001201ffb28 s insn_lengths
+00000001201ff9d0 s insn_luid
+00000001201ff2d8 s insn_map
+00000001201cec10 R insn_n_alternatives
+00000001201bff7c R insn_n_dups
+00000001201bfb10 R insn_n_operands
+00000001201ea800 D insn_name
+00000001201fecc8 G insn_name_ptr
+00000001201ffb08 s insn_noperands
+00000001201c03e8 R insn_operand_constraint
+00000001201c5c58 R insn_operand_mode
+00000001201c93a0 R insn_operand_predicate
+00000001201c8890 R insn_operand_strict_low
+00000001201be960 R insn_outfun
+00000001201ff9d8 s insn_priority
+0000000120209570 b insn_queue
+00000001201ff9f8 s insn_ref_count
+00000001201be088 R insn_template
+00000001201ffa38 s insn_tick
+00000001201ff9e8 s insn_units
+000000012018eb20 T insn_variable_length_p
+0000000120063780 t instantiate_decls_1
+00000001200621a0 T instantiate_virtual_regs
+000000012005c860 t instantiate_virtual_regs_1
+0000000120197760 T int32_operand
+0000000120197730 T int5_operand
+00000001201ffcf8 S intDI_type_node
+00000001201ffd08 S intHI_type_node
+00000001201ffc78 S intQI_type_node
+00000001201ffcd8 S intSI_type_node
+00000001201ffdb0 S int_array_type_node
+0000000120045270 T int_fits_type_p
+00000001201ffe08 S int_ftype_cptr_cptr_sizet
+00000001201ffd30 S int_ftype_int
+00000001201ffca8 S int_ftype_ptr_ptr_int
+00000001201ffde0 S int_ftype_string_string
+00000001201ea238 d int_reg_class_contents
+0000000120043a30 T int_size_in_bytes
+0000000120042cf0 T integer_all_onesp
+0000000120196960 T integer_ok_for_set
+00000001201ffd58 S integer_one_node
+0000000120042b90 T integer_onep
+0000000120042ef0 T integer_pow2p
+00000001201ffe80 S integer_type_node
+00000001201ffd68 S integer_zero_node
+0000000120042ac0 T integer_zerop
+00000001200dd810 t integrate_decl_tree
+00000001200dd710 t integrate_parm_decls
+00000001201ffefc S integration_time
+00000001200387c0 T interim_eh
+0000000120200088 S interim_eh_hook
+0000000120025d50 t internal_build_compound_expr
+00000001200e87e0 t invalidate
+00000001200f5710 t invalidate_for_call
+00000001200f2dd0 t invalidate_from_clobbers
+00000001200fb1e0 t invalidate_skipped_set
+0000000120100fe0 T invariant_p
+00000001200e4a60 T invert_exp
+00000001200e6f60 T invert_jump
+000000012004c250 T invert_truthvalue
+0000000120200538 S ior_optab
+0000000120044300 T is_attribute_p
+0000000120006eb0 T is_class_name
+000000012000b660 T is_reserved_word
+00000001201ffea8 S iter_stack
+000000012010d480 t iteration_info
+000000012002ef90 T iterator_expand
+000000012002ee60 T iterator_for_loop_end
+000000012002ed40 T iterator_for_loop_start
+00000001201feee8 s ixp_firstobj
+0000000120201150 b ixp_obstack
+00000001201fef28 S jump2_opt_dump
+00000001201fffc8 S jump2_opt_dump_file
+00000001200e3a30 t jump_back_p
+00000001201ff318 s jump_chain
+00000001201fef00 S jump_opt_dump
+00000001201fffb0 S jump_opt_dump_file
+00000001200e0140 T jump_optimize
+0000000120200070 S jump_time
+000000012007e7c0 T jumpif
+000000012007e790 T jumpifnot
+00000001201ffb38 s junk
+00000001201fedec s keep_next_if_subblocks
+00000001200164f0 T keep_next_level
+00000001201fede8 s keep_next_level_flag
+0000000120016510 T kept_level_p
+00000001201222b0 t known_cond
+00000001202034f8 b label.4
+00000001201ff0f8 s label_counter.3
+00000001201fedf0 s label_level_chain
+00000001201ff2d0 s label_map
+00000001201fec50 g label_num
+000000012006e510 T label_rtx
+00000001201ff628 s label_tick
+00000001201ff14c s labelno.1
+00000001201ff150 s labelno.2
+0000000120200a30 S labelrefs
+0000000120200a38 S labels
+0000000120100f60 t labels_in_range_p
+0000000120006de0 T lang_decode_option
+00000001201fffa0 S lang_expand_expr
+0000000120006e60 T lang_finish
+0000000120006e70 T lang_identify
+0000000120006e10 T lang_init
+00000001201e7db0 D lang_options
+00000001201fec00 G language_string
+00000001201fff5c S larger_than_size
+00000001201ffb78 s last_addr.2
+00000001202006d0 S last_assemble_variable_decl
+00000001201ff0c8 s last_block_end_note
+00000001201ff5d4 s last_call_cuid
+00000001201ff558 s last_call_suid
+000000012006f4d0 T last_cleanup_this_contour
+00000001201fefd0 s last_error_function
+00000001201fefec s last_error_tick
+00000001201ff0b8 s last_expr_type
+00000001201ff0c0 s last_expr_value
+00000001201ff208 s last_filename
+00000001201ff288 s last_filename
+00000001201ffaf0 s last_filename
+00000001201ffa98 s last_function_call
+00000001201fed88 s last_function_parm_tags
+00000001201fed80 s last_function_parms
+00000001201ffac0 s last_ignored_compare
+00000001201ff1f0 s last_insn
+00000001201ff430 s last_jump_equiv_class
+00000001201ff214 s last_label_num
+00000001201ff268 s last_line_entry_num.0
+00000001201ff200 s last_linenum
+00000001201ffae4 s last_linenum
+00000001201ff540 s last_mem_set
+00000001201ff048 s last_parm_insn
+00000001201ffa90 s last_pending_memory_flush
+00000001201ff198 s last_pool
+00000001201ffaa8 s last_scheduled_insn
+00000001201ff8ac s last_spill_reg
+0000000120106ed0 t last_use_this_basic_block
+00000001201ffbf0 S lastiddecl
+00000001200144f0 t layout_array_type
+00000001200478c0 T layout_decl
+00000001200495d0 t layout_record
+0000000120047db0 T layout_type
+0000000120049bc0 t layout_union
+00000001201ffe00 S ldouble_ftype_ldouble
+00000001201ea470 d leaf.0
+00000001202009c8 S leaf_function
+000000012016fa00 T leaf_function_p
+0000000120200480 S ledf2_libfunc
+0000000120191870 T legitimize_address
+0000000120197110 T legitimize_operand
+0000000120200330 S lehf2_libfunc
+00000001202005c0 S lesf2_libfunc
+0000000120200560 S letf2_libfunc
+00000001202003d8 S lexf2_libfunc
+00000001200fe070 t libcall_benefit
+0000000120110c60 t libcall_dead_p
+00000001200fdec0 t libcall_other_reg
+000000012010eec0 t life_analysis
+00000001201ffa00 s line_note
+00000001201ffb20 s line_note_exists
+00000001201ffa08 s line_note_head
+00000001201feff0 s line_position
+0000000120200094 S lineno
+00000001200435d0 T list_length
+00000001200436d0 T listify
+0000000120130d90 T local_alloc
+00000001201fff8c S local_alloc_time
+00000001201fef1c S local_reg_dump
+00000001201ffeb8 S local_reg_dump_file
+0000000120206f90 b local_reg_live_length
+0000000120206e90 b local_reg_n_refs
+00000001202001e0 S local_vars_size
+000000012005e850 T locate_and_pad_parm
+00000001200d9aa0 t location_attribute
+00000001200d78e0 t location_or_const_value_attribute
+00000001201ffca0 S long_double_type_node
+00000001201ffc88 S long_ftype_long
+00000001201ffd50 S long_integer_type_node
+00000001201ffe40 S long_long_integer_type_node
+00000001201ffd18 S long_long_unsigned_type_node
+00000001201ffe88 S long_unsigned_type_node
+00000001200444f0 T lookup_attribute
+000000012001a760 t lookup_field
+00000001200cdce0 t lookup_filename
+0000000120006ea0 T lookup_interface
+0000000120016b90 T lookup_label
+000000012000e4c0 T lookup_name
+000000012000e500 T lookup_name_current_level
+000000012000e560 T lookup_name_current_level_global
+0000000120063370 T lookup_static_chain
+00000001201ff470 s loop_continue
+00000001201ff6a4 s loop_cost
+00000001201ff538 s loop_depth
+00000001201ff6a0 s loop_depth
+00000001201ff770 s loop_depth
+00000001201fef08 S loop_dump
+0000000120200050 S loop_dump_file
+0000000120200820 S loop_dump_stream
+00000001201ff4f0 s loop_final_value
+00000001201ff468 s loop_has_call
+00000001201ff46c s loop_has_volatile
+00000001201ff4e8 s loop_increment
+00000001201ff4e0 s loop_initial_value
+00000001201ff460 s loop_invalid
+00000001201ff4d8 s loop_iteration_var
+000000012010c720 T loop_iterations
+0000000120200848 S loop_iv_list
+0000000120200808 S loop_n_iterations
+0000000120200840 S loop_number_exit_count
+0000000120200810 S loop_number_exit_labels
+00000001201ff458 s loop_number_loop_ends
+00000001201ff450 s loop_number_loop_starts
+00000001200fc370 T loop_optimize
+0000000120200818 S loop_outer_loop
+0000000120101da0 t loop_reg_used_before_p
+00000001202002c0 S loop_stack
+0000000120206608 b loop_store_mems
+00000001201ff498 s loop_store_mems_idx
+00000001201ffed0 S loop_time
+00000001201ff4a8 s loops_enclosed
+0000000120055f40 T lrotate_double
+0000000120055db0 T lshift_double
+000000012008cab0 t lshift_value
+00000001202006c0 S lshr_optab
+00000001202005a8 S ltdf2_libfunc
+0000000120200548 S lthf2_libfunc
+0000000120200518 S ltsf2_libfunc
+0000000120200470 S lttf2_libfunc
+0000000120200430 S ltxf2_libfunc
+000000012001f0a0 T lvalue_or_else
+000000012001eff0 T lvalue_p
+00000001200c0300 t m16m
+0000000120197de0 T m88k_begin_epilogue
+0000000120197cd0 T m88k_begin_prologue
+0000000120195430 T m88k_builtin_saveregs
+0000000120200a08 S m88k_case_index
+0000000120200a00 S m88k_compare_op0
+0000000120200a18 S m88k_compare_op1
+00000001202009e8 S m88k_compare_reg
+00000001202009e0 S m88k_cpu
+0000000120198220 T m88k_debugger_offset
+0000000120197e80 T m88k_end_epilogue
+0000000120197cf0 T m88k_end_prologue
+0000000120198160 T m88k_expand_epilogue
+0000000120194880 T m88k_expand_prologue
+00000001201ffb4c S m88k_fp_offset
+00000001201987f0 T m88k_function_arg
+00000001201ffb48 S m88k_function_number
+00000001201ffb40 S m88k_gp_threshold
+0000000120194400 T m88k_layout_frame
+00000001201fecd0 G m88k_pound_sign
+00000001201ffb44 S m88k_prologue_done
+0000000120200a10 S m88k_short_data
+00000001201ffb50 S m88k_stack_size
+00000001202009f0 S m88k_version
+00000001202009f8 S m88k_volatile_code
+00000001201eb4a8 d m_options
+0000000120036b90 T main
+0000000120200028 S main_input_filename
+0000000120197800 T mak_mask_p
+000000012011f8b0 t make_compound_operation
+00000001200a1df0 T make_decl_rtl
+000000012011ed90 t make_extraction
+0000000120122800 t make_field_assignment
+00000001200a1880 T make_function_rtl
+00000001200b4bf0 T make_insn_raw
+00000001200bb910 t make_nan
+000000012003d170 T make_node
+000000012000b790 T make_pointer_declarator
+000000012015c790 t make_return_insns
+00000001200b46f0 T make_safe_from
+0000000120049170 T make_signed_type
+0000000120091e70 T make_tree
+000000012003e220 T make_tree_vec
+00000001200492c0 T make_unsigned_type
+00000001200a89c0 T make_var_volatile
+000000012001f3c0 T mark_addressable
+0000000120139ec0 T mark_elimination
+000000012014b680 T mark_home_live
+00000001200e3f10 t mark_jump_label
+000000012010ecc0 t mark_label_ref
+0000000120134950 t mark_life
+0000000120100be0 t mark_loop_jump
+00000001200e7250 t mark_modified_reg
+0000000120152c40 t mark_not_eliminable
+0000000120156280 t mark_referenced_resources
+0000000120139030 t mark_reg_clobber
+0000000120139220 t mark_reg_conflicts
+0000000120139370 t mark_reg_death
+00000001201394c0 t mark_reg_live_nc
+00000001200b3d50 T mark_reg_pointer
+0000000120138df0 t mark_reg_store
+0000000120152e70 t mark_reload_reg_in_use
+000000012014b750 t mark_scratch_live
+000000012006a560 T mark_seen_cases
+0000000120110e70 t mark_set_1
+0000000120110d50 t mark_set_regs
+0000000120156860 t mark_set_resources
+00000001200df8d0 T mark_stores
+0000000120158370 t mark_target_live_regs
+0000000120061e00 T mark_temp_addr_taken
+0000000120111510 t mark_used_regs
+000000012012a230 t mark_used_regs_combine
+0000000120063640 T mark_varargs
+000000012008c9c0 t mask_rtx
+00000001201ff788 s max_allocno
+00000001201ffb0c s max_block_depth
+00000001201ff42c s max_elements_made
+00000001201eb3f4 d max_from_align
+00000001201ff320 s max_jump_chain
+00000001200b3db0 T max_label_num
+00000001201ff44c s max_loop_num
+00000001201ff448 s max_luid
+0000000120200930 S max_parallel
+00000001201ff050 s max_parm_reg
+00000001201ff2e8 s max_parm_reg
+0000000120062d10 T max_parm_reg_num
+00000001201ffab0 s max_priority
+00000001201ff358 s max_qty
+00000001201ff354 s max_reg
+0000000120200830 S max_reg_before_loop
+00000001200b3d90 T max_reg_num
+00000001202008a4 S max_regno
+0000000120200880 S max_scratch
+0000000120200158 S max_stack_depth
+00000001201ff408 s max_uid
+00000001201ff978 s max_uid
+00000001201ff5b8 s max_uid_cuid
+00000001201ff4f8 s max_uid_for_flow
+0000000120200868 S max_uid_for_loop
+000000012020014c S maximum_field_alignment
+00000001201fed24 s maxtoken
+0000000120206c8c b may_move_cost
+00000001201ff488 s may_not_optimize
+00000001200aef80 T may_trap_p
+0000000120016f60 T maybe_build_cleanup
+0000000120006ef0 T maybe_building_objc_message_expr
+0000000120106830 t maybe_eliminate_biv
+00000001201069c0 t maybe_eliminate_biv_1
+0000000120006ec0 T maybe_objc_check_decl
+0000000120006ed0 T maybe_objc_comptypes
+0000000120006ee0 T maybe_objc_method_name
+00000001202000c0 S maybepermanent_firstobj
+000000012020bdf0 B maybepermanent_obstack
+0000000120190250 t mem100_unit_blockage
+000000012018c440 T mem100_unit_blockage_range
+0000000120190b80 t mem100_unit_conflict_cost
+000000012018c1d0 T mem100_unit_ready_cost
+000000012018fca0 t mem110_unit_blockage
+000000012018be80 T mem110_unit_blockage_range
+000000012018bc10 T mem110_unit_ready_cost
+00000001201ff5d0 s mem_last_set
+0000000120200568 S memcmp_libfunc
+0000000120200520 S memcpy_libfunc
+0000000120207540 b memlocs
+0000000120093c80 T memory_address
+00000001200956f0 T memory_address_noforce
+00000001201716e0 T memory_address_p
+0000000120173730 T memory_operand
+0000000120131600 t memref_referenced_p
+0000000120160a20 t memrefs_conflict_p
+0000000120200420 S memset_libfunc
+00000001200e77c0 t mention_regs
+00000001200f5390 t merge_equiv_classes
+000000012012cba0 t merge_outer_ops
+00000001201ff23c S merror
+0000000120200a88 b message.0
+00000001201e740e d message.4
+000000012002d590 T min_precision
+00000001201fee04 s missing_braces_mentioned
+00000001200cee50 t mod_fund_type_attribute
+00000001200cf2c0 t mod_u_d_type_attribute
+00000001201e9488 D mode_class
+0000000120173e40 T mode_dependent_address_p
+0000000120049050 T mode_for_size
+00000001201eb3d0 d mode_from_align
+0000000120173e50 T mode_independent_operand
+00000001201e93a0 D mode_name
+00000001201e94fc D mode_size
+000000012020bf38 B mode_to_const_map
+000000012020bfac B mode_to_load_map
+000000012020c094 B mode_to_store_map
+00000001201e9570 D mode_unit_size
+00000001201e95e4 D mode_wider_mode
+000000012014ac70 t modes_equiv_for_class_p
+00000001200ad550 T modified_between_p
+00000001200ad830 T modified_in_p
+00000001201ff340 s modified_mem
+00000001201ff338 s modified_regs
+00000001202000e0 S momentary_firstobj
+00000001202000a8 S momentary_function_firstobj
+000000012020bb28 B momentary_obstack
+0000000120200118 S momentary_stack
+00000001201928e0 T mostly_false_jump
+0000000120156f70 t mostly_true_jump
+0000000120200618 S mov_optab
+0000000120082310 T move_block_from_reg
+0000000120082240 T move_block_to_reg
+0000000120082c80 t move_by_pieces
+0000000120071640 t move_by_pieces_1
+0000000120071540 t move_by_pieces_ninsns
+000000012006f470 T move_cleanups_up
+0000000120206bc8 b move_cost
+000000012012a4e0 t move_deaths
+00000001200fef90 t move_movables
+0000000120197240 T move_operand
+00000001201ff490 s moved_once
+000000012020c020 B movstr_optab
+00000001202005e8 S movstrict_optab
+00000001200bb870 t mtherr
+00000001202039c8 b mul_cost
+000000012004a0a0 T mul_double
+0000000120203b24 b mul_highpart_cost
+0000000120203ab0 b mul_widen_cost
+00000001201ffbbc s n.3
+00000001202008b0 S n_basic_blocks
+0000000120200958 S n_earlyclobbers
+00000001201ff428 s n_elements_made
+00000001201ff848 s n_memlocs
+0000000120200900 S n_non_fixed_regs
+00000001201ff668 s n_occurrences
+0000000120145880 T n_occurrences
+00000001202009a4 S n_regs_saved
+00000001201ff830 s n_regs_set
+0000000120200954 S n_reloads
+00000001201ff844 s n_replacements
+00000001201ff8a0 s n_spills
+00000001201ff478 s n_times_set
+00000001201ff480 s n_times_used
+00000001201fed38 s name.2
+00000001201fedb0 s named_labels
+00000001200a8700 T named_section
+0000000120200388 S nedf2_libfunc
+00000001201fefe8 s need_error_newline
+0000000120055d70 T neg_double
+00000001202005d0 S neg_optab
+00000001201ff13c s negate_cost
+0000000120093010 T negate_rtx
+0000000120200690 S nehf2_libfunc
+0000000120200680 S nesf2_libfunc
+00000001202002b0 S nesting_depth
+00000001202002a0 S nesting_stack
+0000000120200350 S netf2_libfunc
+00000001201ff8f8 s new_asm_operands_vec
+00000001200f5100 t new_basic_block
+00000001201feca8 g new_block
+000000012016a0d0 t new_insn_dead_notes
+000000012014ae20 t new_spill_reg
+00000001201fed20 s newline_warning.1
+00000001201ff5ec s newpat_used_regs
+00000001202004c8 S nexf2_libfunc
+00000001200b4ab0 T next_active_insn
+00000001202009a8 S next_block_index
+00000001201ff254 s next_block_number
+00000001201fec88 g next_block_number
+00000001201ff004 s next_decl_uid
+00000001200b4920 T next_insn
+00000001200b4b90 T next_label
+00000001200e6ed0 T next_nondeleted_insn
+00000001200b49d0 T next_nonnote_insn
+00000001201ff260 s next_pubname_number
+00000001201ff35c s next_qty
+00000001201ff6b0 s next_qty
+00000001200b4a30 T next_real_insn
+00000001201fec38 g next_type_uid
+00000001201fec8c g next_unused_dienum
+00000001201fec08 g nextchar
+00000001201ff020 s nlab.0
+00000001201ffbb0 s nlab.0
+0000000120134bb0 t no_conflict_p
+00000001201ff7f8 s no_global_alloc_regs
+00000001200afdb0 T no_labels_between_p
+00000001201ff21c s no_line_numbers
+00000001200563a0 T non_lvalue
+00000001201734b0 T nonimmediate_operand
+00000001201ea570 d nonleaf.1
+00000001202001b0 S nonlocal_goto_handler_slot
+0000000120200220 S nonlocal_goto_stack_level
+0000000120062ae0 T nonlocal_label_rtx_list
+0000000120200268 S nonlocal_labels
+0000000120173540 T nonmemory_operand
+0000000120123780 t nonzero_bits
+00000001201ff638 s nonzero_bits_mode
+00000001201ff648 s nonzero_sign_valid
+00000001201078e0 t note_addr_stored
+00000001201ff4b0 s note_insn
+00000001201e9a70 D note_insn_name
+00000001201ffa10 s note_list
+00000001200f2a60 t note_mem_written
+00000001200dfe50 t note_modified_parmregs
+00000001200ae350 T note_stores
+00000001201ffb80 s nregs
+00000001200436a0 T nreverse
+00000001201ffdc8 S null_pointer_node
+0000000120197c50 T null_prologue
+00000001201ffb30 s num_changes
+000000012018d780 T num_delay_slots
+00000001201ff8d0 s num_eliminable
+0000000120209530 b num_filled_delays
+0000000120209520 b num_insns_needing_delays
+00000001201ff8e8 s num_labels
+00000001201ff4a4 s num_mem_sets
+00000001201ff4a0 s num_movables
+00000001201ff8cc s num_not_at_initial_offset
+00000001201ff330 s num_same_regs
+00000001201ff510 s num_scratch
+0000000120124310 t num_sign_bit_copies
+0000000120173000 T num_validated_changes
+00000001201ffb84 s nxregs
+000000012003ca00 T oballoc
+00000001201fef6c S obey_regdecls
+0000000120042310 T obfree
+00000001200423e0 T object_permanent_p
+00000001202000d0 S obstack_stack
+0000000120201200 b obstack_stack_obstack
+0000000120197a60 T odd_relop
+00000001201ff8e0 s offsets_at
+00000001201ff8d8 s offsets_known_at
+0000000120173b60 T offsettable_address_p
+0000000120173a80 T offsettable_memref_p
+0000000120173af0 T offsettable_nonstrict_memref_p
+00000001201ff8f0 s old_asm_operands_vec
+00000001201ffa28 s old_live_regs
+0000000120200348 S one_cmpl_optab
+0000000120206d50 b op_costs
+000000012003b850 t open_dump_file
+000000012004b950 T operand_equal_p
+00000001200b1df0 T operand_subword
+00000001200b41c0 T operand_subword_force
+000000012013ce20 T operands_match_p
+00000001201ec06c D optab_bit_and_expr
+00000001201ec09c D optab_bit_ior_expr
+00000001201ec544 D optab_bit_not_expr
+00000001201ec0cc D optab_bit_xor_expr
+00000001201ec41c D optab_eq_expr
+00000001201ec2fc D optab_ge_expr
+00000001201ec38c D optab_gt_expr
+00000001201ec26c D optab_le_expr
+00000001201ec0fc D optab_lshift_expr
+00000001201ec1dc D optab_lt_expr
+00000001201ebe9c D optab_minus_expr
+00000001201ebf0c D optab_mult_expr
+00000001201ec48c D optab_ne_expr
+00000001201ec4fc D optab_negate_expr
+00000001201ebe2c D optab_plus_expr
+00000001201ec650 D optab_postdecrement_expr
+00000001201ec6b8 D optab_postincrement_expr
+00000001201ec580 D optab_predecrement_expr
+00000001201ec5e8 D optab_preincrement_expr
+00000001201ec02c D optab_rdiv_expr
+00000001201ec14c D optab_rshift_expr
+00000001201ebf8c D optab_trunc_div_expr
+00000001201ebfdc D optab_trunc_mod_expr
+00000001201ec19c D optab_truth_and_expr
+00000001201ec568 D optab_truth_not_expr
+00000001201ec1bc D optab_truth_or_expr
+00000001201fec18 G optimize
+000000012005c2c0 t optimize_bit_field
+0000000120056ff0 t optimize_bit_field_compare
+0000000120135250 t optimize_reg_copy_1
+0000000120135790 t optimize_reg_copy_2
+000000012015d5d0 t optimize_skip
+000000012014d780 t order_regs_for_reload
+00000001201ff2f0 s orig_asm_operands_vector
+00000001201ff098 s out_arg_offset
+00000001201eb388 d out_rcs_id
+00000001202001b8 S outer_function_chain
+00000001201ff1c0 s outfile
+000000012017d430 t output_107
+000000012017d460 t output_108
+000000012017d1b0 t output_11
+000000012017d490 t output_114
+000000012017d4c0 t output_117
+000000012017d230 t output_12
+000000012017d4f0 t output_120
+000000012017d520 t output_121
+000000012017d550 t output_123
+000000012017d580 t output_126
+000000012017d5b0 t output_127
+000000012017d5e0 t output_129
+000000012017d610 t output_131
+000000012017d640 t output_132
+000000012017d670 t output_134
+000000012017d6a0 t output_147
+000000012017d6d0 t output_149
+000000012017d700 t output_151
+000000012017d730 t output_154
+000000012017d760 t output_156
+000000012017d790 t output_158
+000000012017d7c0 t output_169
+000000012017d7f0 t output_223
+000000012017d820 t output_225
+000000012017d960 t output_228
+000000012017d990 t output_230
+000000012017dad0 t output_233
+000000012017db00 t output_235
+000000012017dc40 t output_245
+000000012017dc70 t output_247
+000000012017dca0 t output_249
+000000012017dcd0 t output_252
+000000012017dd00 t output_254
+000000012017dd70 t output_256
+000000012017dde0 t output_257
+000000012017de50 t output_258
+000000012017dec0 t output_259
+000000012017dfb0 t output_261
+000000012017dfe0 t output_262
+000000012017e010 t output_264
+000000012017e040 t output_269
+000000012017e080 t output_271
+000000012017e0b0 t output_273
+000000012017e0e0 t output_281
+000000012017d2b0 t output_46
+000000012017d380 t output_58
+000000012017d3b0 t output_61
+000000012017d3e0 t output_94
+000000012016edc0 T output_addr_const
+000000012016ed70 T output_address
+00000001200a7340 t output_addressed_constants
+0000000120196ed0 T output_and
+00000001200cf650 t output_array_type_die
+00000001201941b0 T output_ascii
+000000012016e3b0 T output_asm_insn
+000000012016ebc0 T output_asm_label
+00000001200d6fa0 t output_block
+0000000120198690 T output_block_profiler
+00000001200d9460 t output_bound_representation
+00000001201fef50 S output_bytecode
+0000000120192610 T output_call
+00000001200d3530 t output_compile_unit_die
+00000001200a74b0 T output_constant
+00000001200a5ff0 T output_constant_def
+00000001200a6550 t output_constant_def_contents
+00000001200a6ff0 T output_constant_pool
+00000001200a79b0 t output_constructor
+00000001200ca140 t output_decl
+00000001200c9f60 t output_decls_for_scope
+00000001200a94c0 T output_deferred_addressed_constants
+0000000120164770 T output_dependence
+00000001200d6db0 t output_die
+00000001200d98c0 t output_enumeral_list
+00000001200d0550 t output_enumeration_type_die
+0000000120039010 T output_file_directive
+0000000120192b90 T output_file_start
+00000001200d0ad0 t output_formal_parameter_die
+00000001201982d0 T output_function_block_profiler
+0000000120195060 T output_function_profiler
+00000001200d0f40 t output_global_subroutine_die
+00000001200d1b20 t output_global_variable_die
+0000000120026240 t output_init_element
+00000001200df520 T output_inline_function
+00000001200cfef0 t output_inlined_enumeration_type_die
+00000001200d0110 t output_inlined_structure_type_die
+00000001200d8fb0 t output_inlined_subroutine_die
+00000001200d0330 t output_inlined_union_type_die
+0000000120196f90 T output_ior
+0000000120197be0 T output_label
+00000001200d2050 t output_label_die
+00000001200d8b40 t output_lexical_block_die
+0000000120196c00 T output_load_const_dimode
+0000000120196b00 T output_load_const_double
+0000000120196a80 T output_load_const_float
+0000000120196990 T output_load_const_int
+00000001200d4cd0 t output_local_subroutine_die
+00000001200d2540 t output_local_variable_die
+00000001200c8e30 t output_mem_loc_descriptor
+00000001200d2a60 t output_member_die
+000000012016ecd0 t output_operand
+000000012016f9b0 T output_operand_lossage
+00000001200d6d60 t output_padded_null_die
+0000000120023cd0 t output_pending_init_elements
+00000001200d2fd0 t output_ptr_to_mbr_type_die
+0000000120038f10 T output_quoted_string
+00000001201ff86c s output_reloadnum
+00000001200cfaa0 t output_set_type_die
+000000012016e090 t output_source_line
+00000001200d43b0 t output_string_type_die
+00000001200d46e0 t output_structure_type_die
+00000001200d58b0 t output_subroutine_type_die
+00000001200c97e0 t output_type
+00000001200d5e50 t output_typedef_die
+00000001200d6370 t output_union_type_die
+00000001200d6960 t output_unspecified_parameters_die
+0000000120197020 T output_xor
+000000012002cda0 T overflow_warning
+00000001201febf8 g p.0
+000000012005ec10 t pad_below
+000000012005eb40 t pad_to_arg_alignment
+00000001201ff040 s parm_birth_insn
+00000001201ff058 s parm_reg_stack_loc
+00000001201ff2e0 s parmdecl_map
+0000000120017070 T parmlist_tags_warning
+000000012020006c S parse_time
+000000012001bc20 T parser_build_binary_op
+0000000120197960 T partial_ccmode_register_operand
+00000001201eb678 d patterns.3
+0000000120197bc0 T pc_or_label_ref
+0000000120200770 S pc_rtx
+00000001201fef64 S pedantic
+000000012001f1f0 t pedantic_lvalue_warning
+0000000120200150 S pedantic_lvalues
+0000000120056480 T pedantic_non_lvalue
+0000000120031860 T pedwarn
+0000000120021cf0 T pedwarn_init
+0000000120031df0 T pedwarn_with_decl
+0000000120032230 T pedwarn_with_file_and_line
+00000001202156c8 B peep_operand
+0000000120156270 T peephole
+00000001201ffb10 s pending_blocks
+00000001201ff110 s pending_chain
+00000001201ff988 s pending_dead_regs
+00000001201ffdd8 S pending_invalid_xref
+00000001201ffdb8 S pending_invalid_xref_file
+00000001201ffc60 S pending_invalid_xref_line
+00000001201ffa78 s pending_lists_length
+00000001201ffa58 s pending_read_insns
+00000001201ffa60 s pending_read_mems
+00000001201ff298 s pending_sibling_stack
+00000001201ff2a0 s pending_siblings
+00000001201ff2a4 s pending_siblings_allocated
+00000001201ff018 s pending_sizes
+00000001202002e0 S pending_stack_adjust
+00000001201ff2b4 s pending_types
+00000001201ff2b0 s pending_types_allocated
+00000001201ff2a8 s pending_types_list
+00000001201ffa68 s pending_write_insns
+00000001201ffa70 s pending_write_mems
+0000000120016e60 T pending_xref_error
+000000012003cbe0 T perm_calloc
+0000000120043860 T perm_tree_cons
+000000012003caf0 T permalloc
+000000012003c480 T permanent_allocation
+000000012020bd98 B permanent_obstack
+00000001200386e0 T pfatal_with_name
+0000000120198a50 T pic_address_needs_scratch
+0000000120200768 S pic_offset_table_rtx
+0000000120039510 t pipe_closed
+00000001201ff0f0 s placeholder_list.0
+00000001200c0440 t plain_type_1
+00000001200952f0 T plus_constant_for_output_wide
+0000000120093810 T plus_constant_wide
+000000012001e270 t pointer_diff
+000000012001deb0 t pointer_int_sum
+00000001201ff1a0 s pool_offset
+0000000120017b10 T pop_c_function_context
+0000000120038df0 T pop_float_handler
+0000000120061c90 T pop_function_context
+00000001200596f0 T pop_function_context_from
+0000000120023580 T pop_init_level
+000000012002f420 T pop_iterator_stack
+000000012000d3d0 T pop_label_level
+00000001200424e0 T pop_momentary
+0000000120042570 T pop_momentary_nofree
+0000000120042200 T pop_obstacks
+0000000120062100 T pop_temp_slots
+00000001200b63b0 T pop_topmost_sequence
+000000012000cfb0 T poplevel
+000000012000b9c0 T position_after_white_space
+000000012014a6a0 t possible_group_p
+0000000120134a40 t post_mark_life
+0000000120161fb0 t potential_hazard
+0000000120207ed0 b potential_reload_regs
+0000000120109670 t precondition_loop_p
+000000012007e2d0 t preexpand_calls
+00000001201ff690 s prefclass
+000000012019dce0 T preferred_typecode
+00000001201fece8 s prefix_attributes
+0000000120089940 T prepare_call_address
+0000000120164c60 t prepare_unit
+00000001201001f0 t prescan_loop
+000000012003c6b0 T preserve_data
+000000012003c790 T preserve_initializer
+0000000120042420 T preserve_momentary
+0000000120194ca0 t preserve_registers
+0000000120061f10 T preserve_rtl_expr_result
+000000012006f0c0 T preserve_subexpressions_p
+000000012005a270 T preserve_temp_slots
+00000001200b4b20 T prev_active_insn
+00000001201fec94 g prev_file_entry_num.1
+00000001201ff3a0 s prev_insn
+00000001200b4bc0 T prev_label
+00000001201fecd8 g prev_lineno.1
+00000001200b4a00 T prev_nonnote_insn
+00000001200b4a70 T prev_real_insn
+00000001200b4970 T previous_insn
+00000001201ff600 s previous_num_undos
+00000001201ff280 s primary_filename
+00000001201e7428 d print_char_table
+00000001201fec28 G print_error_function
+00000001200162f0 T print_lang_decl
+0000000120016310 T print_lang_identifier
+0000000120006e90 T print_lang_statistics
+0000000120016300 T print_lang_type
+00000001200458e0 T print_node
+0000000120045560 T print_node_brief
+000000012003cde0 T print_obstack_name
+0000000120045470 T print_obstack_statistics
+0000000120195a90 T print_operand
+0000000120196430 T print_operand_address
+00000001200ad020 T print_rtl
+00000001200ac610 t print_rtx
+0000000120038150 t print_switch_values
+0000000120038570 T print_time
+0000000120162160 t priority
+00000001200240c0 T process_init_element
+0000000120105c10 t product_cheap_p
+00000001201fffec S profile_block_flag
+00000001201fef60 S profile_flag
+00000001202009b0 S profile_label_no
+00000001201ffec0 S progname
+00000001201ff0a0 s prologue
+00000001201ffb98 s prologue_marked
+0000000120095b10 T promote_mode
+000000012010ff70 t propagate_block
+0000000120070290 T protect_from_queue
+00000001201377f0 t prune_preferences
+00000001202006f0 S ptr_mode
+00000001201ffcd0 S ptr_type_node
+00000001201ffbd0 s ptrconsts
+00000001201ffc58 S ptrdiff_type_node
+00000001200434e0 T purpose_member
+0000000120082740 T push_block
+0000000120017a20 T push_c_function_context
+0000000120038d60 T push_float_handler
+0000000120061c70 T push_function_context
+00000001200593c0 T push_function_context_to
+0000000120022dd0 T push_init_level
+000000012002ec40 T push_iterator_stack
+0000000120016830 T push_label_level
+000000012003d050 T push_momentary
+000000012003c210 T push_obstacks
+000000012003c360 T push_obstacks_nochange
+00000001201736d0 T push_operand
+0000000120016f70 T push_parm_decl
+000000012013a430 t push_reload
+0000000120145fe0 t push_secondary_reload
+00000001200620e0 T push_temp_slots
+00000001200b6220 T push_to_sequence
+00000001200b62f0 T push_topmost_sequence
+00000001200697b0 T pushcase
+0000000120069ba0 T pushcase_range
+000000012000d580 T pushdecl
+00000001200169a0 T pushdecl_top_level
+00000001200165f0 T pushlevel
+00000001200168c0 T pushtag
+0000000120048eb0 T put_pending_sizes
+000000012005a830 t put_reg_into_stack
+000000012005a5a0 T put_var_into_stack
+00000001201ffba0 s pwd.0
+00000001201ff990 s q_ptr
+00000001201ff994 s q_size
+00000001201ff718 s qty_alternate_class
+00000001201ff6f0 s qty_birth
+00000001201ff728 s qty_changes_size
+00000001201331b0 t qty_compare
+0000000120135d80 t qty_compare_1
+00000001201ff388 s qty_comparison_code
+00000001201ff390 s qty_comparison_const
+00000001201ff398 s qty_comparison_qty
+00000001201ff378 s qty_const
+00000001201ff380 s qty_const_insn
+00000001201ff6f8 s qty_death
+00000001201ff360 s qty_first_reg
+00000001201ff730 s qty_first_reg
+00000001201ff368 s qty_last_reg
+00000001201ff6e8 s qty_min_class
+00000001201ff370 s qty_mode
+00000001201ff708 s qty_mode
+00000001201ff710 s qty_n_calls_crossed
+00000001201ff6e0 s qty_n_refs
+00000001201ff6c0 s qty_phys_copy_sugg
+00000001201ff6d0 s qty_phys_num_copy_sugg
+00000001201ff6d8 s qty_phys_num_sugg
+00000001201ff6b8 s qty_phys_reg
+00000001201ff6c8 s qty_phys_sugg
+00000001201ff720 s qty_scratch_rtx
+00000001201ff700 s qty_size
+0000000120133350 t qty_sugg_compare
+0000000120135b10 t qty_sugg_compare_1
+0000000120082bb0 t queued_subexp_p
+00000001201fef70 S quiet_flag
+0000000120058ff0 t range_test
+00000001201690b0 t rank_for_schedule
+0000000120205f6e b rbit
+00000001201eb0d8 d rcs_id.0
+00000001201ff234 s re
+0000000120164430 T read_dependence
+00000001200ab100 T read_rtx
+00000001200aaf00 T read_skip_spaces
+000000012000bd20 t readescape
+00000001200a8640 T readonly_data_section
+000000012001f260 T readonly_warning
+0000000120043160 T real_onep
+00000001201978b0 T real_or_0_operand
+0000000120197080 T real_power_of_2_operand
+00000001200432e0 T real_twop
+0000000120042870 T real_value_from_int_cst
+0000000120056130 T real_value_truncate
+0000000120043080 T real_zerop
+0000000120043460 T really_constant_p
+00000001200328e0 T really_sorry
+00000001200229e0 T really_start_incremental_init
+00000001201ff230 s rebit
+000000012017a390 T recog
+00000001201743e0 T recog_1
+0000000120174bf0 T recog_2
+0000000120175520 T recog_3
+0000000120175ca0 T recog_4
+0000000120176f90 T recog_5
+00000001201792d0 T recog_6
+0000000120215768 B recog_dup_loc
+00000001202009d8 S recog_dup_num
+00000001201260e0 t recog_for_combine
+0000000120172e50 T recog_memoized
+0000000120215718 B recog_operand
+0000000120215778 B recog_operand_loc
+0000000120006f00 T recognize_objc_keyword
+000000012012f5f0 t record_address_regs
+0000000120103860 t record_biv
+0000000120138d10 t record_conflicts
+00000001200aa180 t record_constant
+00000001200a5640 t record_constant_1
+00000001200aa490 t record_constant_rtx
+00000001201295b0 t record_dead_and_set_regs
+000000012012cf60 t record_dead_and_set_regs_1
+00000001201ff670 s record_dead_insn
+00000001200fdd00 T record_excess_regs
+000000012002b190 T record_function_format
+0000000120103a90 t record_giv
+0000000120107a90 t record_initial
+00000001200f1b10 t record_jump_cond
+000000012013a2d0 t record_one_conflict
+000000012012e7c0 t record_reg_classes
+00000001201290e0 t record_value_for_reg
+00000001201ff410 s recorded_label_ref
+000000012000dfc0 t redeclaration_error_message
+00000001200e4ec0 T redirect_exp
+00000001200e7000 T redirect_jump
+00000001200e5150 t redirect_tablejump
+0000000120157570 t redundant_insn
+0000000120143e80 T refers_to_mem_for_reload_p
+00000001200e9f90 t refers_to_mem_p
+00000001200e99e0 t refers_to_p
+0000000120143900 T refers_to_regno_for_reload_p
+00000001200adaa0 T refers_to_regno_p
+00000001201ea138 D reg_alloc_order
+00000001201ff790 s reg_allocno
+0000000120130460 T reg_alternate_class
+00000001202008b8 S reg_basic_block
+000000012012ab60 t reg_bitfield_target_p
+0000000120200870 S reg_biv_class
+00000001202008d0 S reg_changes_size
+0000000120213bb4 B reg_class_contents
+00000001201ea6e8 d reg_class_names
+00000001201ea7c8 d reg_class_names.0
+00000001201ea068 d reg_class_names.1
+0000000120213c2c B reg_class_size
+00000001202137e8 B reg_class_subclasses
+0000000120130720 T reg_class_subset_p
+0000000120213af0 B reg_class_subunion
+0000000120213c48 B reg_class_superclasses
+00000001202138ac B reg_class_superunion
+000000012012fde0 T reg_classes_intersect_p
+000000012010d990 t reg_dead_after_loop
+0000000120129fa0 t reg_dead_at_p
+000000012012d120 t reg_dead_at_p_1
+00000001201ff67c s reg_dead_endregno
+00000001201ff680 s reg_dead_flag
+00000001201ff678 s reg_dead_regno
+00000001201ea720 d reg_eliminate
+0000000120200988 S reg_equiv_address
+0000000120200990 S reg_equiv_constant
+00000001201ff898 s reg_equiv_init
+0000000120200970 S reg_equiv_mem
+0000000120200968 S reg_equiv_memory_loc
+0000000120173e80 T reg_fits_class_p
+00000001201ff880 s reg_has_output_reload
+00000001200fdf70 t reg_in_basic_block_p
+00000001201ff3d0 s reg_in_table
+0000000120133f10 t reg_is_born
+00000001201ff888 s reg_is_output_reload
+0000000120135f50 t reg_is_set
+0000000120200828 S reg_iv_info
+0000000120200838 S reg_iv_type
+00000001201ffa48 s reg_known_equiv_p
+00000001201ffa40 s reg_known_value
+00000001201ffa50 s reg_known_value_size
+00000001201ff5c0 s reg_last_death
+00000001201ff878 s reg_last_reload_reg
+00000001201ff5c8 s reg_last_set
+00000001201ff620 s reg_last_set_invalid
+00000001201ff610 s reg_last_set_label
+00000001201ff650 s reg_last_set_mode
+00000001201ff658 s reg_last_set_nonzero_bits
+00000001201ff660 s reg_last_set_sign_bit_copies
+00000001201ff618 s reg_last_set_table_tick
+00000001201ff608 s reg_last_set_value
+00000001201ff9b8 s reg_last_sets
+00000001201ff9b0 s reg_last_uses
+0000000120200888 S reg_live_length
+00000001201ff2c8 s reg_map
+00000001201ff890 s reg_max_ref_width
+00000001201ff7b0 s reg_may_share
+0000000120133d40 t reg_meets_class_p
+00000001200ad0f0 T reg_mentioned_p
+0000000120200898 S reg_n_calls_crossed
+0000000120200890 S reg_n_deaths
+00000001202008c0 S reg_n_refs
+0000000120200918 S reg_n_sets
+00000001201ea270 D reg_names
+00000001201ff3b8 s reg_next_eqv
+00000001201ff738 s reg_next_in_qty
+00000001201ff518 s reg_next_use
+00000001201ff630 s reg_nonzero_bits
+00000001201e9ae0 D reg_note_name
+00000001201ff748 s reg_offset
+00000001201974e0 T reg_or_0_operand
+0000000120197820 T reg_or_bbx_mask_operand
+00000001201ff570 s reg_order
+0000000120143cd0 T reg_overlap_mentioned_for_reload_p
+00000001200ade60 T reg_overlap_mentioned_p
+00000001201ff9c0 s reg_pending_sets
+00000001201ff9c8 s reg_pending_sets_all
+0000000120130430 T reg_preferred_class
+00000001201ff3c0 s reg_prev_eqv
+00000001201ff3b0 s reg_qty
+00000001201ff740 s reg_qty
+0000000120213970 B reg_raw_mode
+00000001200aff00 T reg_referenced_between_p
+00000001200ad320 T reg_referenced_p
+00000001202076d0 b reg_reloaded_contents
+00000001202077d0 b reg_reloaded_insn
+0000000120200940 S reg_renumber
+00000001202091b0 b reg_restore_code
+00000001201fec48 G reg_rtx_no
+0000000120208eb0 b reg_save_code
+00000001201304c0 T reg_scan
+000000012012f920 t reg_scan_mark_refs
+00000001200afff0 T reg_set_between_p
+00000001201ff1d0 s reg_set_flag
+00000001200b0600 T reg_set_last
+00000001200b0d20 t reg_set_last_1
+00000001201ff1e0 s reg_set_last_first_regno
+00000001201ff1e4 s reg_set_last_last_regno
+00000001201ff1d4 s reg_set_last_unknown
+00000001201ff1d8 s reg_set_last_value
+00000001200b0140 T reg_set_p
+00000001200b0cc0 t reg_set_p_1
+00000001201ff1c8 s reg_set_reg
+00000001201ff640 s reg_sign_bit_copies
+00000001201ff3c8 s reg_tick
+00000001200afdf0 T reg_used_between_p
+00000001201ff568 s reg_where_born
+00000001201ff560 s reg_where_dead
+000000012012db20 T regclass
+00000001201304a0 T regclass_init
+00000001201731f0 T register_operand
+0000000120112800 T regno_clobbered_at_setjmp
+0000000120145180 T regno_clobbered_p
+00000001202008f0 S regno_first_uid
+00000001202008f8 S regno_last_note_uid
+0000000120200908 S regno_last_uid
+0000000120200738 S regno_pointer_flag
+00000001202006f8 S regno_pointer_flag_length
+0000000120200760 S regno_reg_rtx
+00000001202088b0 b regno_save_mem
+00000001202085b0 b regno_save_mode
+0000000120112780 T regno_uninitialized
+000000012016ac40 t regno_use_in
+00000001201ff580 s regs_change_size
+00000001202156d8 B regs_ever_live
+0000000120207f50 b regs_explicitly_used
+00000001201ff3e0 s regs_invalidated_by_call
+00000001201ff578 s regs_live
+00000001201ff750 s regs_live
+00000001201ff758 s regs_live_at
+00000001202008e0 S regs_live_at_setjmp
+00000001202008a8 S regs_may_share
+00000001201ff828 s regs_set
+00000001201ff7f0 s regs_someone_prefers
+00000001201ff800 s regs_used_so_far
+00000001202008a0 S regset_bytes
+00000001202008e8 S regset_size
+00000001200e8e90 t rehash_using_reg
+000000012000b8f0 T reinit_parse_for_function
+000000012015ba10 t relax_delay_slots
+0000000120147750 T reload
+000000012014db60 t reload_as_needed
+00000001202009d0 S reload_completed
+0000000120214818 B reload_earlyclobbers
+0000000120200960 S reload_first_uid
+0000000120200980 S reload_firstobj
+0000000120214200 B reload_in
+0000000120215580 B reload_in_optab
+00000001201ff870 S reload_in_progress
+0000000120214e08 B reload_in_reg
+0000000120214868 B reload_inc
+00000001202153a0 B reload_inheritance_insn
+0000000120214fe8 B reload_inherited
+00000001202143e0 B reload_inmode
+0000000120208290 b reload_mode
+000000012020095c S reload_n_operands
+00000001202147dc B reload_nocombine
+0000000120208380 b reload_nregs
+00000001202155f8 B reload_obstack
+00000001202144d0 B reload_opnum
+00000001202146b0 B reload_optional
+0000000120215650 B reload_order
+0000000120213e40 B reload_out
+0000000120215024 B reload_out_optab
+0000000120214020 B reload_outmode
+00000001202151c0 B reload_override_in
+0000000120214b38 B reload_reg_class
+0000000120152d80 t reload_reg_class_lower
+00000001201537f0 t reload_reg_free_before_p
+00000001201531c0 t reload_reg_free_p
+0000000120153c50 t reload_reg_reaches_end_p
+0000000120214c28 B reload_reg_rtx
+00000001201ff900 s reload_reg_used
+00000001201ff928 s reload_reg_used_at_all
+00000001201ff930 s reload_reg_used_for_inherit
+0000000120208510 b reload_reg_used_in_input
+0000000120208470 b reload_reg_used_in_input_addr
+00000001201ff918 s reload_reg_used_in_insn
+00000001201ff908 s reload_reg_used_in_op_addr
+00000001201ff910 s reload_reg_used_in_op_addr_reload
+00000001201ff920 s reload_reg_used_in_other_addr
+0000000120208560 b reload_reg_used_in_output
+00000001202084c0 b reload_reg_used_in_output_addr
+0000000120214a48 B reload_secondary_in_icode
+00000001202146ec B reload_secondary_in_reload
+0000000120214958 B reload_secondary_out_icode
+0000000120213d50 B reload_secondary_out_reload
+0000000120214110 B reload_secondary_p
+00000001202150d0 B reload_spill_index
+00000001202145c0 B reload_when_needed
+00000001201ea6a0 d reload_when_needed_name
+000000012014e650 t reloads_conflict
+00000001201979e0 T relop
+0000000120197ac0 T relop_no_unsigned
+000000012010cb90 t remap_split_bivs
+000000012006f3d0 T remember_end_note
+000000012000b820 T remember_protocol_qualifiers
+000000012012be00 T remove_death
+00000001200f5250 t remove_from_table
+00000001200e8db0 t remove_invalid_refs
+00000001200b0b00 T remove_note
+000000012005f400 T reorder_blocks
+00000001200b4cd0 T reorder_insns
+00000001200b4d70 T reorder_insns_with_line_notes
+00000001201ff97c s reorg_pass_number
+00000001201581f0 t reorg_redirect_jump
+00000001200af410 T replace_regs
+00000001201ff840 s replace_reloads
+00000001200b0b70 T replace_rtx
+0000000120207090 b replacements
+00000001200389c0 T report_error_function
+00000001200617b0 T reposition_prologue_and_epilogue_notes
+0000000120024f80 T require_complete_type
+00000001201fee8c s require_constant_elements
+00000001201fee88 s require_constant_value
+0000000120134d50 t requires_inout
+00000001200b27e0 T reset_used_flags
+0000000120032ef0 T rest_of_compilation
+0000000120032a40 T rest_of_decl_compilation
+00000001200390c0 T rest_of_type_compilation
+00000001200df230 t restore_constants
+00000001200b4580 T restore_emit_status
+0000000120082170 T restore_expr_status
+0000000120200250 S restore_machine_status
+0000000120155ac0 t restore_referenced_regs
+00000001200b31a0 T restore_reg_data
+00000001200b32b0 t restore_reg_data_1
+000000012006e3a0 T restore_stmt_status
+00000001200495c0 T restore_storage_status
+000000012003c060 T restore_tree_status
+00000001200a9670 T restore_varasm_status
+000000012018abe0 T result_ready_cost
+00000001200425d0 T resume_momentary
+0000000120042190 T resume_temporary_allocation
+0000000120139db0 T retry_global_alloc
+00000001202001a0 S return_label
+00000001200b4280 T reverse_comparison
+00000001200e3c20 T reverse_condition
+00000001201ffb74 s reversep.1
+0000000120128fd0 t reversible_comparison_p
+000000012020b920 B ridpointers
+00000001201fec5c g rlast
+00000001201ff22e s rmbit
+00000001201ff22c s rmsk
+00000001201fec58 G rndprc
+00000001200cecf0 t root_type
+0000000120200308 S rotl_optab
+0000000120200600 S rotr_optab
+0000000120095c80 T round_push
+000000012005f1b0 t round_trampoline_addr
+00000001200490d0 T round_up
+0000000120056050 T rrotate_double
+0000000120055ea0 T rshift_double
+00000001201feef8 S rtl_dump
+00000001201feefc S rtl_dump_and_exit
+00000001201fffe0 S rtl_dump_file
+0000000120200190 S rtl_expr_chain
+00000001200422d0 T rtl_in_current_obstack
+00000001200422f0 T rtl_in_saveable_obstack
+00000001202000e8 S rtl_obstack
+00000001200aa6a0 T rtvec_alloc
+00000001200af9c0 T rtx_addr_can_trap_p
+00000001200afad0 T rtx_addr_varies_p
+00000001200ac4c0 T rtx_alloc
+00000001201e99f8 D rtx_class
+00000001200e7360 T rtx_cost
+00000001200fe8c0 t rtx_equal_for_loop_p
+00000001201604d0 t rtx_equal_for_memref_p
+00000001200e6340 T rtx_equal_for_thread_p
+00000001202006ec S rtx_equal_function_value_matters
+00000001200ae090 T rtx_equal_p
+00000001201e9658 D rtx_format
+00000001200ac5a0 T rtx_free
+0000000120213340 B rtx_length
+00000001201e9000 D rtx_name
+00000001200e5350 T rtx_renumbered_equal_p
+00000001200960d0 T rtx_to_tree_code
+00000001200af710 T rtx_unstable_p
+00000001200af860 T rtx_varies_p
+00000001201ff228 s rw
+00000001201458d0 T safe_from_earlyclobber
+0000000120074f60 t safe_from_p
+00000001200e93d0 t safe_hash
+00000001201ff328 s same_regs
+00000001201fff58 S save_argc
+00000001201fff50 S save_argv
+0000000120155370 T save_call_clobbered_regs
+00000001200db2e0 t save_constants
+00000001200b44e0 T save_emit_status
+0000000120043d00 T save_expr
+0000000120200260 S save_expr_regs
+00000001200820a0 T save_expr_status
+00000001201feef0 s save_exprs
+00000001200da5d0 T save_for_inline_copying
+00000001200db060 T save_for_inline_nocopy
+0000000120200278 S save_machine_status
+0000000120083fb0 t save_noncopied_parts
+0000000120209d78 b save_regs
+000000012006e2e0 T save_stmt_status
+00000001200495b0 T save_storage_status
+000000012003bdd0 T save_tree_status
+00000001200a9620 T save_varasm_status
+00000001200421d0 T saveable_allocation
+00000001202000f8 S saveable_obstack
+0000000120043900 T saveable_tree_cons
+000000012003ccf0 T savealloc
+00000001201ff100 s saveregs_value
+00000001201ff1b0 s sawclose
+00000001201ffb60 s sb_high
+00000001201ffb68 s sb_low
+00000001201ffb58 s sb_name
+00000001201ffad8 s sbb_head
+00000001201ffae0 s sbb_label_num
+00000001201fecc0 g sbb_tail
+00000001201e7768 d scan_char_table
+00000001200fc970 t scan_loop
+000000012014d5a0 t scan_paradoxical_subregs
+00000001201fef24 S sched2_dump
+00000001201fff80 S sched2_dump_file
+00000001201fff78 S sched2_time
+00000001201689d0 t sched_analyze
+0000000120165080 t sched_analyze_1
+0000000120162450 t sched_analyze_2
+000000012016a620 t sched_analyze_insn
+00000001201ffaa0 s sched_before_next_call
+00000001201fef18 S sched_dump
+00000001201fff30 S sched_dump_file
+0000000120168d80 t sched_note_set
+00000001201ff9a8 s sched_reg_live_length
+00000001201ff9a0 s sched_reg_n_calls_crossed
+00000001201ff998 s sched_reg_n_deaths
+00000001201fffa8 S sched_time
+0000000120165a80 t schedule_block
+0000000120169250 t schedule_insn
+00000001201631a0 T schedule_insns
+0000000120169560 t schedule_select
+000000012016a480 t schedule_unit
+0000000120200938 S scratch_block
+00000001201ff760 s scratch_index
+0000000120200948 S scratch_list
+0000000120200950 S scratch_list_length
+0000000120173270 T scratch_operand
+00000001200a8380 T sdata_section
+00000001201fec80 G sdb_begin_function_line
+00000001202064f8 b sdb_dims
+00000001201ff24c s sdb_n_dims
+00000001201fec84 g sdb_type_size
+00000001200c4ef0 T sdbout_begin_block
+00000001200c5510 T sdbout_begin_function
+00000001200c6170 t sdbout_block
+00000001200c52e0 T sdbout_end_block
+00000001200c5a10 T sdbout_end_epilogue
+00000001200c5770 T sdbout_end_function
+00000001200c6070 T sdbout_init
+00000001200c5c90 T sdbout_label
+00000001200c6150 T sdbout_mark_begin_function
+00000001200c2ea0 t sdbout_one_type
+00000001200c66d0 t sdbout_parms
+00000001200c2e50 t sdbout_queue_anonymous_type
+00000001200c7cb0 t sdbout_reg_parms
+00000001200c0a30 T sdbout_symbol
+00000001200c25d0 T sdbout_toplevel_data
+00000001200c6250 t sdbout_type
+00000001200c6080 T sdbout_types
+00000001202006a0 S sdiv_optab
+00000001201ff130 s sdiv_pow2_cheap
+0000000120200610 S sdivmod_optab
+00000001201ffbb4 s section
+000000012019ced0 t seg_defsym
+000000012019d0e0 t seg_refsym
+0000000120019cb0 T self_promoting_args_p
+0000000120019d90 t self_promoting_type_p
+00000001201ff220 s sequence_element_free_list
+0000000120205f28 b sequence_result
+00000001201ff1f8 S sequence_rtl_expr
+0000000120200728 S sequence_stack
+00000001201ffb70 s sequencep.0
+00000001201ff010 S set_alignment
+0000000120016810 T set_block
+00000001200e0010 t set_block_abstract_flags
+00000001200dfec0 t set_block_origin_self
+00000001200df9e0 T set_decl_abstract_flags
+00000001200dffa0 t set_decl_origin_self
+0000000120038d10 T set_float_handler
+0000000120042790 T set_identifier_size
+0000000120025950 T set_init_index
+0000000120025b30 T set_init_label
+000000012014b7f0 t set_label_offsets
+00000001200b4870 T set_last_insn
+00000001200b4490 T set_new_first_and_last_insn
+00000001200b44b0 T set_new_first_and_last_label_num
+00000001200e9ba0 t set_nonvarying_address_components
+000000012012bf70 t set_nonzero_bits_and_sign_copies
+0000000120139550 t set_preference
+0000000120156150 t set_reg_live
+0000000120037fe0 T set_target_switch
+000000012000bba0 T set_yydebug
+0000000120213170 B setcc_gen_code
+0000000120063180 T setjmp_args_warning
+0000000120063220 T setjmp_protect
+00000001200632e0 T setjmp_protect_args
+00000001200e6eb0 T sets_cc0_p
+00000001201143f0 t setup_incoming_promotions
+0000000120154f30 T setup_save_areas
+0000000120016d60 T shadow_label
+0000000120016ed0 T shadow_tag
+0000000120010760 T shadow_tag_warned
+00000001201fedb8 s shadowed_labels
+0000000120203848 b shift_cost
+00000001202038c8 b shiftadd_cost
+0000000120203948 b shiftsub_cost
+00000001201ffd38 S short_integer_type_node
+00000001201ffd70 S short_unsigned_type_node
+00000001201fffd8 S shorten_branch_time
+000000012016c150 T shorten_branches
+000000012002b730 T shorten_compare
+00000001200aedf0 T side_effects_p
+00000001200a0bc0 T sign_expand_binop
+00000001201ffdf0 S signed_char_type_node
+00000001200e6b20 T signed_condition
+000000012020ada0 b signed_mode_to_code_map
+00000001200251f0 T signed_or_unsigned_type
+00000001200250e0 T signed_type
+00000001201ffcc0 S signed_wchar_type_node
+00000001200bd3a0 T significand_size
+0000000120040f40 T simple_cst_equal
+0000000120044bb0 T simple_cst_list_equal
+00000001200e6c70 T simplejump_p
+0000000120123360 t simplify_and_const_int
+00000001200eaff0 T simplify_binary_operation
+0000000120126f90 t simplify_comparison
+0000000120104be0 t simplify_giv_expr
+000000012011b950 t simplify_if_then_else
+000000012011d980 t simplify_logical
+00000001200ecbf0 t simplify_plus_minus
+00000001200ed5c0 T simplify_relational_operation
+0000000120119230 t simplify_rtx
+000000012011cb90 t simplify_set
+0000000120124b80 t simplify_shift_const
+00000001200a96c0 T simplify_subtraction
+00000001200ee0b0 T simplify_ternary_operation
+00000001200ea450 T simplify_unary_operation
+00000001202004e0 S sin_optab
+00000001200b0230 T single_set
+00000001201fec40 g size.1
+00000001201fec44 g size.2
+00000001201fec14 g size.3
+00000001200562a0 T size_binop
+00000001202006e0 S size_directive_output
+0000000120043950 T size_in_bytes
+000000012004b850 T size_int
+0000000120200138 S size_one_node
+00000001202031e0 b size_table.0
+0000000120200130 S size_zero_node
+0000000120200140 S sizetype
+00000001200fe130 t skip_consec_insns
+000000012000bbc0 t skip_white_space
+00000001201ff43c s skipped_writes_memory
+0000000120200410 S smax_optab
+0000000120200558 S smin_optab
+00000001202004b0 S smod_optab
+00000001201ff134 s smod_pow2_cheap
+00000001202004a8 S smul_highpart_optab
+0000000120200660 S smul_optab
+0000000120200540 S smul_widen_optab
+0000000120032770 T sorry
+00000001201fef4c S sorrycount
+00000001201fec7c g source_label_number
+00000001201e9d60 D spaces
+00000001201fee08 s spelling
+00000001201fee10 s spelling_base
+00000001201fee18 s spelling_size
+000000012014ada0 t spill_failure
+000000012014d130 t spill_hard_reg
+00000001201ff8c8 s spill_indirect_levels
+0000000120207dd0 b spill_reg_order
+00000001202079d0 b spill_reg_rtx
+0000000120207bd0 b spill_reg_store
+0000000120207e50 b spill_regs
+0000000120207f90 b spill_stack_slot
+0000000120208190 b spill_stack_slot_width
+000000012017ab80 T split_1
+000000012016f4e0 T split_double
+0000000120169db0 t split_hard_reg_notes
+000000012017bb60 T split_insns
+0000000120056580 t split_tree
+00000001201ff4c8 s splittable_regs
+00000001201ff4d0 s splittable_regs_updates
+0000000120205fd0 b sqrndbit
+0000000120200550 S sqrt_optab
+00000001200e31d0 T squeeze_notes
+00000001200957d0 T stabilize
+000000012003f560 T stabilize_reference
+000000012003fa50 T stabilize_reference_1
+00000001202002f0 S stack_arg_under_construction
+00000001202002b8 S stack_block_stack
+00000001202001f4 S stack_depth
+0000000120200748 S stack_pointer_rtx
+00000001201fef34 S stack_reg_dump
+00000001201fff00 S stack_reg_dump_file
+00000001201ffedc S stack_reg_time
+0000000120200238 S stack_slot_list
+00000001201ff118 s stack_usage_map
+00000001201e8968 D standard_tree_code_length
+00000001201e8b60 D standard_tree_code_name
+00000001201e8578 D standard_tree_code_type
+0000000120010a80 T start_decl
+00000001200177b0 T start_enum
+0000000120014be0 T start_function
+0000000120042770 T start_identifier_warnings
+0000000120022750 T start_init
+0000000120209508 b start_of_epilogue_needs
+00000001200b60d0 T start_sequence
+00000001200b6170 T start_sequence_for_rtl_expr
+00000001200174a0 T start_struct
+00000001201fed30 s state.0
+0000000120200710 S static_chain_incoming_rtx
+0000000120200778 S static_chain_rtx
+00000001201ffe28 S static_ctors
+00000001201ffc68 S static_dtors
+00000001201ff860 s static_reload_reg_p
+0000000120043bf0 T staticp
+000000012015feb0 t steal_delay_list_from_fallthrough
+000000012015f680 t steal_delay_list_from_target
+00000001201fecf0 s stmt_count
+00000001201ff088 s stmt_expr_depth
+000000012020bee0 B stmt_obstack
+000000012008a440 T store_bit_field
+0000000120082f80 t store_constructor
+00000001200733f0 T store_expr
+0000000120074000 t store_field
+000000012008ab00 t store_fixed_bit_field
+0000000120025700 T store_init_value
+00000001200891e0 t store_one_arg
+00000001200152a0 T store_parm_decls
+000000012008afe0 t store_split_bit_field
+0000000120101e80 t strength_reduce
+000000012013c930 T strict_memory_address_p
+0000000120084b90 t string_constant
+00000001201ffe78 S string_ftype_ptr_ptr
+00000001200d8790 t string_length_attribute
+00000001201ffc28 S string_type_node
+00000001201cf0c0 r strings_107.2
+00000001201cf110 r strings_108.3
+00000001201cf138 r strings_114.4
+00000001201cf158 r strings_117.5
+00000001201cf178 r strings_120.6
+00000001201cf188 r strings_121.7
+00000001201cf1c8 r strings_126.8
+00000001201cf1d8 r strings_127.9
+00000001201cf218 r strings_131.10
+00000001201cf228 r strings_132.11
+00000001201cf268 r strings_147.12
+00000001201cf280 r strings_149.13
+00000001201cf298 r strings_151.14
+00000001201cf2b0 r strings_154.15
+00000001201cf2d0 r strings_156.16
+00000001201cf2f0 r strings_158.17
+00000001201cf310 r strings_169.18
+00000001201cf320 r strings_228.19
+00000001201cf340 r strings_233.20
+00000001201cf358 r strings_245.21
+00000001201cf368 r strings_247.22
+00000001201cf378 r strings_249.23
+00000001201cf388 r strings_252.24
+00000001201cf398 r strings_261.25
+00000001201cf3a8 r strings_262.26
+00000001201cf3b8 r strings_264.27
+00000001201cf3c8 r strings_281.28
+00000001201cf080 r strings_58.0
+00000001201cf0a0 r strings_61.1
+0000000120058b80 t strip_compound_expr
+0000000120038e50 T strip_off_ending
+00000001202006a8 S strlen_optab
+00000001202007a8 S struct_value_incoming_rtx
+0000000120200790 S struct_value_rtx
+0000000120113120 t stupid_find_reg
+00000001201128c0 T stupid_life_analysis
+0000000120113470 t stupid_mark_refs
+0000000120113aa0 t stupid_reg_compare
+0000000120200478 S sub_optab
+00000001201ff238 s subflg
+000000012020ba00 B sublevel_ixpansions
+00000001200b4110 T subreg_lowpart_p
+00000001200b3fc0 T subreg_realpart_p
+00000001200d7a80 t subscript_data_attribute
+00000001201188c0 t subst
+00000001200de850 t subst_constants
+0000000120142000 t subst_indexed_address
+00000001201ff5d8 s subst_insn
+00000001201ff5e8 s subst_low_cuid
+00000001201ff5e0 s subst_prev_insn
+0000000120141ec0 t subst_reg_equivs
+00000001201ff868 s subst_reg_equivs_changed
+0000000120143600 T subst_reloads
+000000012003e4d0 T substitute_in_expr
+000000012003e800 T substitute_in_type
+00000001200425a0 T suspend_momentary
+00000001200e69c0 T swap_condition
+000000012019b560 T sym_lookup
+0000000120197460 T symbolic_address_p
+0000000120198ae0 T symbolic_operand
+00000001201fff18 S symout_time
+000000012008d240 t synth_mult
+00000001201ff008 s table
+0000000120206510 b table
+00000001201e8fe0 d table.0
+0000000120067350 t tail_recursion_args
+0000000120200200 S tail_recursion_label
+0000000120200228 S tail_recursion_reentry
+00000001202006e8 S target_flags
+00000001201ff960 s target_hash_table
+0000000120056170 T target_isinf
+00000001200561d0 T target_isnan
+0000000120056260 T target_negative
+00000001201e8558 D target_options
+00000001201e8388 D target_switches
+00000001202002e8 S target_temp_slot_level
+00000001200a8300 T tdesc_section
+0000000120200128 S temp_decl_firstobj
+00000001202011a8 b temp_decl_obstack
+00000001202066a8 b temp_obstack
+0000000120200174 S temp_slot_level
+0000000120200180 S temp_slots
+00000001200438b0 T temp_tree_cons
+0000000120042110 T temporary_allocation
+0000000120200120 S temporary_firstobj
+000000012020be48 B temporary_obstack
+00000001200e3e20 t tension_vector_labels
+00000001200a84f0 T text_section
+00000001201e79e8 d tfaff
+00000001201ff604 s this_basic_block
+00000001201ff078 s this_function_bytecode
+00000001201ff080 s this_function_calldesc
+00000001201ff070 s this_function_callinfo
+00000001201ff068 s this_function_decl
+00000001201ff3a8 s this_insn
+00000001201ff768 s this_insn
+00000001201ff850 s this_insn
+00000001201ff858 s this_insn_is_asm
+00000001201ff764 s this_insn_number
+00000001201ffb00 s this_is_asm_operands
+00000001200e58c0 T thread_jumps
+00000001200613a0 T thread_prologue_and_epilogue_insns
+00000001201eb3a5 d tm_rcs_id
+00000001200be4f0 t toe113
+00000001200be8d0 t toe24
+00000001200b93d0 t toe53
+00000001200be680 t toe64
+00000001201ffbf8 S token_buffer
+00000001202000b0 S toplev_inline_obstacks
+00000001201ff5a0 s total_attempts
+00000001201ff5a8 s total_extras
+00000001201ff5a4 s total_merges
+00000001201ff5ac s total_successes
+0000000120200a20 S trampoline
+000000012005ef80 T trampoline_address
+00000001201ff038 s trampoline_list
+0000000120145820 T transfer_replacements
+0000000120200098 S tree_code_length
+0000000120200100 S tree_code_name
+00000001202000d8 S tree_code_type
+000000012003e370 T tree_cons
+0000000120040ed0 T tree_int_cst_equal
+0000000120044ac0 T tree_int_cst_lt
+0000000120044b70 T tree_int_cst_sgn
+0000000120043670 T tree_last
+000000012020bd58 B tree_node_counts
+00000001201e8f50 D tree_node_kind_names
+000000012020bea0 B tree_node_sizes
+0000000120164460 T true_dependence
+00000001200e7190 T true_regnum
+0000000120200570 S truncdfsf2_libfunc
+0000000120200450 S trunctfdf2_libfunc
+0000000120200628 S trunctfsf2_libfunc
+0000000120200640 S truncxfdf2_libfunc
+0000000120200390 S truncxfsf2_libfunc
+000000012002c1a0 T truthvalue_conversion
+0000000120114730 t try_combine
+00000001200de6e0 T try_constants
+000000012015d8b0 t try_merge_delay_insns
+00000001200b2940 T try_split
+0000000120200300 S tst_optab
+000000012004bce0 t twoval_comparison_p
+00000001201fed34 s type.1
+00000001200c9400 t type_attribute
+000000012002b270 T type_for_mode
+000000012002d3e0 T type_for_size
+0000000120044950 T type_hash_add
+0000000120040880 T type_hash_canon
+0000000120044780 T type_hash_list
+00000001200447b0 T type_hash_lookup
+000000012020bb80 B type_hash_table
+00000001200cede0 t type_is_fundamental
+0000000120044a00 T type_list_equal
+0000000120019ab0 t type_lists_compatible_p
+0000000120045220 T type_precision
+00000001201ebdf8 D typecode_mode
+0000000120200398 S ucmp_optab
+0000000120200508 S udiv_optab
+0000000120200620 S udivmod_optab
+00000001201ff500 s uid_block_number
+00000001201ff400 s uid_cuid
+00000001201ff5b0 s uid_cuid
+0000000120200850 S uid_loop_num
+0000000120200860 S uid_luid
+00000001201ff550 s uid_suid
+00000001201ff970 s uid_to_ruid
+00000001201ff508 s uid_volatile
+0000000120200588 S umax_optab
+0000000120200590 S umin_optab
+00000001202005b8 S umod_optab
+0000000120200578 S umul_highpart_optab
+00000001202003c0 S umul_widen_optab
+000000012001f100 t unary_complex_lvalue
+00000001201fed18 s undeclared_variable_notice
+0000000120117840 t undo_all
+0000000120206700 b undobuf
+00000001201ff950 s unfilled_firstobj
+00000001202094b0 b unfilled_slots_obstack
+0000000120062fe0 T uninitialized_vars_warning
+0000000120209770 b unit_last_insn
+00000001202097dc b unit_n_insns
+00000001202097b8 b unit_tick
+00000001201ff49c s unknown_address_altered
+00000001201ff248 s unnamed_struct_number
+000000012006f630 T unroll_block_trees
+0000000120107ce0 T unroll_loop
+00000001200b4660 T unshare_all_rtl
+00000001201ffce0 S unsigned_char_type_node
+00000001200e6a90 T unsigned_condition
+000000012002cea0 T unsigned_conversion_warning
+00000001201ffd00 S unsigned_intDI_type_node
+00000001201ffe48 S unsigned_intHI_type_node
+00000001201ffe68 S unsigned_intQI_type_node
+00000001201ffcf0 S unsigned_intSI_type_node
+000000012020ae18 b unsigned_mode_to_code_map
+0000000120024fd0 T unsigned_type
+00000001201ffd20 S unsigned_type_node
+00000001201ffc70 S unsigned_wchar_type_node
+00000001201ffa88 s unused_expr_list
+00000001201ffa80 s unused_insn_list
+0000000120158050 t update_block
+00000001201317d0 t update_equiv_regs
+0000000120167ad0 t update_flow_info
+00000001201043c0 t update_giv_derive
+0000000120159d50 t update_live_status
+0000000120133de0 t update_qty_class
+0000000120106f50 t update_reg_last_use
+000000012012ce30 t update_table_tick
+0000000120061cd0 T update_temp_slot_address
+00000001201ff0d8 s use_cost_table
+0000000120129d70 t use_crosses_set_p
+00000001201fef40 S use_gnu_debug_info_extensions
+00000001200824b0 T use_reg
+0000000120082550 T use_regs
+00000001200fc0a0 t use_related_value
+0000000120062b70 T use_variable
+0000000120062c40 T use_variable_after
+000000012010eb40 t uses_reg_or_mem
+0000000120039230 t v_message_with_decl
+0000000120025ed0 t valid_compound_expr_initializer
+0000000120103530 t valid_initial_value_p
+00000001200442c0 T valid_machine_attribute
+0000000120172eb0 T validate_change
+00000001201351a0 t validate_equiv_mem_from_store
+0000000120173020 T validate_replace_rtx
+0000000120170180 t validate_replace_rtx_1
+0000000120095730 T validize_mem
+00000001201fed40 s value.3
+00000001200434b0 T value_member
+00000001202006e4 S var_labelno
+00000001201ff090 s var_offset
+00000001201fffd0 S varconst_time
+00000001201ffb90 s variable_args_p
+0000000120048ef0 T variable_size
+00000001201fec30 G version_string
+0000000120200740 S virtual_incoming_args_rtx
+0000000120200758 S virtual_outgoing_args_rtx
+00000001202007b0 S virtual_stack_dynamic_rtx
+0000000120200720 S virtual_stack_vars_rtx
+00000001201ff060 s virtuals_instantiated
+00000001201ffd40 S void_ftype_ptr_int_int
+00000001201ffc50 S void_ftype_ptr_ptr_int
+00000001201ffd90 S void_type_node
+00000001200aead0 T volatile_insn_p
+00000001202009cc S volatile_ok
+00000001200aec60 T volatile_refs_p
+000000012016e310 t walk_alter_subreg
+000000012005bec0 t walk_fixup_memory_subreg
+00000001201fedc4 s warn_about_return_type
+0000000120200044 S warn_aggregate_return
+00000001201ffe24 S warn_bad_function_cast
+0000000120200080 S warn_cast_align
+00000001201ffd60 S warn_cast_qual
+00000001201fed64 S warn_char_subscripts
+00000001201ffd10 S warn_conversion
+0000000120021280 t warn_for_assignment
+00000001201ffe10 S warn_format
+00000001201fffe8 S warn_id_clash
+00000001200652c0 T warn_if_unused_value
+00000001201ffc10 S warn_implicit
+00000001201ffed4 S warn_inline
+00000001201fff74 S warn_larger_than
+00000001201ffc90 S warn_missing_braces
+00000001201ffdec S warn_missing_declarations
+00000001201ffde8 S warn_missing_prototypes
+00000001201fed60 S warn_nested_externs
+00000001201ffdfc S warn_parentheses
+00000001201ffe30 S warn_pointer_arith
+00000001201fed5c S warn_redundant_decls
+0000000120200020 S warn_return_type
+00000001201fff40 S warn_shadow
+00000001201ffc84 S warn_strict_prototypes
+00000001201fff70 S warn_switch
+00000001201ffda8 S warn_traditional
+00000001201fff64 S warn_uninitialized
+00000001201ffee4 S warn_unused
+00000001201ffc80 S warn_write_strings
+0000000120031500 T warning
+00000001200310d0 T warning_for_asm
+0000000120025f70 t warning_init
+00000001201fefd8 s warning_message.0
+0000000120030e20 T warning_with_decl
+0000000120030ae0 T warning_with_file_and_line
+00000001201fef48 S warningcount
+00000001201fefc8 S warnings_are_errors
+00000001201ffc20 S wchar_array_type_node
+00000001201ffd28 S wchar_type_node
+00000001201ff158 s weak_decls
+00000001200a9be0 T weak_finish
+00000001202009d4 S which_alternative
+00000001201341f0 t wipe_dead_reg
+00000001202007a0 S word_mode
+00000001201e6a58 d wordlist
+00000001200c8b80 t write_modifier_bytes
+00000001201fef38 S write_symbols
+0000000120205f80 b wstring
+0000000120038bd0 T xmalloc
+00000001202004d8 S xor_optab
+0000000120038c30 T xrealloc
+00000001200171f0 T xref_tag
+00000001201ffbe8 S yychar
+00000001201a35c0 r yycheck
+00000001201ffbdc S yydebug
+00000001201a18ac r yydefact
+00000001201a1dd2 r yydefgoto
+000000012000ba50 T yyerror
+0000000120008e00 T yylex
+00000001201ffbe0 S yylval
+00000001201ffbd8 S yynerrs
+00000001201a1ef2 r yypact
+0000000120001ad0 T yyparse
+00000001201a2418 r yypgoto
+000000012019fc46 r yyprhs
+000000012000b900 T yyprint
+00000001201a12d0 r yyr1
+00000001201a15be r yyr2
+000000012019ff34 r yyrhs
+00000001201a08b8 r yyrline
+00000001201a2538 r yytable
+00000001201a0ba8 r yytname
+000000012019fb08 r yytranslate
+00000001201ffbb8 s zero.2
+00000001201ff140 s zero_cost
diff --git a/configs/boot/equake.rcS b/configs/boot/equake.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6b799aaf3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/equake.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cd /benchmarks/spec/equake00/
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 0 0
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 100000000 200000000
+/sbin/m5 loadsymbol
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+/benchmarks/spec/equake00/equake <
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/equake.symbol b/configs/boot/equake.symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4b28299c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/equake.symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+000000012001a868 S ARCHcholeskylen
+000000012001a878 S ARCHcoord
+000000012001a930 S ARCHcorners
+000000012001a938 S ARCHduration
+000000012001a940 S ARCHelems
+000000012001a8b0 S ARCHglobalelem
+000000012001a8d0 S ARCHglobalelems
+000000012001a8e8 S ARCHglobalnode
+000000012001a8a8 S ARCHglobalnodes
+000000012001a8d8 S ARCHmatrixcol
+000000012001a898 S ARCHmatrixindex
+000000012001a924 S ARCHmatrixlen
+000000012001a8ac S ARCHmesh_dim
+000000012001a8f8 S ARCHmine
+000000012001a90c S ARCHnodes
+000000012001a908 S ARCHpriv
+000000012001a920 S ARCHsubdomains
+000000012001a8b8 S ARCHvertex
+000000012001a900 S C
+000000012001a918 S C23
+000000012001a9a8 B Damp
+000000012001a9c8 B Exc
+000000012001a8a0 S K
+000000012001a928 S M
+000000012001a888 S M23
+000000012001a950 B Src
+000000012001a890 S V23
+000000012001a388 D _DYNAMIC
+000000012001a5f8 D _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
+000000012001a848 G _IO_stdin_used
+000000012001a550 T _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
+000000012001a530 d __CTOR_END__
+000000012001a528 d __CTOR_LIST__
+000000012001a540 d __DTOR_END__
+000000012001a538 d __DTOR_LIST__
+000000012001a384 r __FRAME_END__
+000000012001a548 d __JCR_END__
+000000012001a548 d __JCR_LIST__
+000000012001a860 A __bss_start
+000000012001a000 D __data_start
+0000000120008c50 t __do_global_ctors_aux
+00000001200008d0 t __do_global_dtors_aux
+000000012001a850 G __dso_handle
+000000012001a000 A __fini_array_end
+000000012001a000 A __fini_array_start
+000000012001a000 A __init_array_end
+000000012001a000 A __init_array_start
+0000000120008bb0 T __libc_csu_fini
+0000000120008b00 T __libc_csu_init
+0000000120000890 W __start
+000000012001a860 A _edata
+000000012001a9e0 A _end
+0000000120008cb0 T _fini
+0000000120000828 T _init
+0000000120000890 T _start
+00000001200049c4 T abe_matrix
+00000001200056b8 T arch_bail
+00000001200056e4 T arch_info
+0000000120006584 T arch_init
+00000001200057e0 T arch_parsecommandline
+0000000120005bf4 T arch_readdouble
+0000000120005ad0 T arch_readelemvector
+00000001200059ac T arch_readnodevector
+0000000120004530 T area_triangle
+00000001200051e8 T centroid
+000000012001a860 s completed.1
+000000012001a000 W data_start
+000000012001a948 S disp
+00000001200050bc T distance
+0000000120003c70 T element_matrices
+0000000120000970 t frame_dummy
+00000001200036f8 T get_Enu
+0000000120003820 T inv_J
+00000001200009c0 T main
+0000000120007a88 T mem_init
+00000001200054b8 T mv12x12
+000000012001a8c0 S nodekind
+000000012001a910 S nodekindf
+000000012001a8f0 S options
+000000012001a858 g p.0
+000000012001a8c8 S packfile
+0000000120004bc4 T phi0
+0000000120004cc4 T phi1
+0000000120004d98 T phi2
+00000001200052e8 T point2fault
+000000012001a870 S progname
+0000000120005cd8 T readpackfile
+000000012000360c T shape_ders
+0000000120004e84 T slip
+0000000120006604 T smvp
+00000001200070f8 T smvp_opt
+000000012001a880 S source_elms
+000000012001a8e0 S vel
+000000012000561c T vv12x12
diff --git a/configs/boot/gcc.rcS b/configs/boot/gcc.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6bcd7e03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/gcc.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cd /benchmarks/spec/gcc00/
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 0 0
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 100000000 200000000
+/sbin/m5 loadsymbol
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+./cc1 mdred.rtlanal.i
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/gzip.rcS b/configs/boot/gzip.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c7aca7e9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/gzip.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cd /benchmarks/spec/gzip00/
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 0 0
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 100000000 200000000
+/sbin/m5 loadsymbol
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+./gzip lgred.log 1
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/gzip.symbol b/configs/boot/gzip.symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d965c99a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/gzip.symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+0000000120022c08 D _DYNAMIC
+0000000120022fd0 D _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
+0000000120023498 G _IO_stdin_used
+0000000120022dc0 T _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
+0000000120022da0 d __CTOR_END__
+0000000120022d98 d __CTOR_LIST__
+0000000120022db0 d __DTOR_END__
+0000000120022da8 d __DTOR_LIST__
+0000000120022c04 r __FRAME_END__
+0000000120022db8 d __JCR_END__
+0000000120022db8 d __JCR_LIST__
+00000001200234f8 A __bss_start
+0000000120021030 D __data_start
+000000012000fbc0 t __do_global_ctors_aux
+00000001200012a0 t __do_global_dtors_aux
+00000001200234a0 G __dso_handle
+0000000120021030 A __fini_array_end
+0000000120021030 A __fini_array_start
+0000000120021030 A __init_array_end
+0000000120021030 A __init_array_start
+000000012000fb20 T __libc_csu_fini
+000000012000fa70 T __libc_csu_init
+0000000120001260 W __start
+00000001200234f8 A _edata
+0000000120073b10 A _end
+000000012000fc20 T _fini
+00000001200011f8 T _init
+0000000120001260 T _start
+0000000120004cf0 T abort_gzip
+000000012000de80 T add_envopt
+0000000120023550 S args
+0000000120023520 S ascii
+000000012002551c b base_dist
+00000001200254a8 b base_length
+0000000120023698 S bb
+00000001200234fc s bi_buf
+0000000120001ad0 T bi_init
+0000000120001b20 T bi_reverse
+0000000120023500 s bi_valid
+00000001200015d0 T bi_windup
+00000001200235b8 s bitbuf
+00000001200235e0 s bitbuf
+00000001200235c0 s bitcount
+0000000120023690 S bk
+0000000120024654 b bl_count
+0000000120021830 d bl_desc
+0000000120021858 d bl_order
+00000001200245b8 b bl_tree
+00000001200234ec G block_mode
+0000000120023610 S block_start
+00000001200235b4 s blocksize
+0000000120021540 d border
+0000000120009620 t build_tree
+0000000120023650 S bytes_in
+0000000120023668 S bytes_out
+0000000120004740 t check_ofname
+000000012000d5c0 T check_zipfile
+000000012000e540 T clear_bufs
+00000001200234f8 s completed.1
+0000000120023518 s compr_level
+00000001200092e0 t compress_block
+00000001200235a0 s compressed_len
+0000000120021030 d configuration_table
+000000012000e280 T copy
+00000001200017d0 T copy_block
+0000000120004ae0 t copy_stat
+0000000120021644 d cpdext
+0000000120021608 d cpdist
+000000012002158c d cplens
+00000001200215ca d cplext
+00000001200235f8 s crc
+00000001200234f0 g crc.0
+0000000120021870 D crc_32_tab
+0000000120002b90 t create_outfile
+0000000120008450 T ct_init
+0000000120008f60 T ct_tally
+000000012002ea20 B d_buf
+0000000120021808 d d_desc
+0000000120021030 W data_start
+00000001200234e8 G dbglvl
+00000001200234e4 G dbits
+0000000120008440 T debug_time
+000000012000a5e0 t decode
+000000012000ad50 t decode_c
+000000012000ab90 t decode_start
+0000000120023528 S decompress
+00000001200236c0 S decrypt
+0000000120002250 T deflate
+0000000120002770 t deflate_fast
+0000000120024f68 b depth
+000000012000ee70 T display_ratio
+00000001200252a5 b dist_code
+0000000120004c60 t do_exit
+0000000120003f00 t do_list
+0000000120023540 S do_lzw
+00000001200235c8 s done
+0000000120023fcc b dyn_dtree
+00000001200236d8 b dyn_ltree
+0000000120023678 S env
+000000012002350c s eofile
+000000012000e1c0 T error
+0000000120023548 S exit_code
+00000001200235f4 S ext_header
+0000000120021794 d extra_blbits
+000000012002171c d extra_dbits
+00000001200216a8 d extra_lbits
+00000001200236b8 S file_method
+000000012000f9c0 T file_read
+00000001200236b0 S file_type
+000000012000e580 T fill_inbuf
+0000000120002030 t fill_window
+00000001200234d8 g first_time.2
+000000012002358d s flag_bit
+0000000120025594 b flag_buf
+000000012002358c s flags
+0000000120008ba0 T flush_block
+000000012000e730 T flush_outbuf
+000000012000e860 T flush_window
+000000012002352c S force
+0000000120023640 S foreground
+0000000120001340 t frame_dummy
+000000012000a1a0 t gen_bitlen
+0000000120008a80 t gen_codes
+0000000120002dd0 t get_istat
+00000001200032c0 T get_method
+0000000120004d50 t get_suffix
+0000000120023618 S good_match
+000000012000ebf0 T gzipbasename
+00000001200236d0 S header_bytes
+0000000120024674 b heap
+0000000120023578 s heap_len
+000000012002357c s heap_max
+00000001200214b8 d help_msg.5
+0000000120004ee0 T huft_build
+0000000120005670 T huft_free
+00000001200236a0 S hufts
+00000001200235b0 s i.0
+0000000120023688 S ifd
+0000000120023658 S ifile_size
+000000012005eea8 B ifname
+000000012002356c s in_exit.4
+00000001200269e0 B inbuf
+0000000120006e00 T inflate
+0000000120006bf0 T inflate_block
+00000001200056d0 T inflate_codes
+00000001200062b0 T inflate_dynamic
+00000001200060f0 T inflate_fixed
+0000000120005e10 T inflate_stored
+0000000120008960 t init_block
+0000000120023684 S inptr
+00000001200235a8 s input_len
+0000000120023508 s ins_h
+0000000120023644 S insize
+000000012003ea20 B istat
+00000001200235c4 s j
+00000001200236c8 S key
+00000001200213f8 d known_suffixes.0
+00000001200217e0 d l_desc
+0000000120023584 s last_dist
+0000000120023588 s last_flags
+0000000120023580 s last_lit
+000000012002364c S last_member
+00000001200234e0 G lbits
+0000000120026910 b leaves
+00000001200251a5 b length_code
+00000001200234c8 G level
+0000000120021080 d license_msg
+0000000120023534 S list
+00000001200268a8 b lit_base
+00000001200267a8 b literal
+0000000120001b60 T lm_init
+0000000120001d90 T longest_match
+00000001200210f8 D longopts
+0000000120023510 s lookahead
+0000000120006ed0 T lzw
+0000000120007a80 T main
+0000000120003040 t make_ofname
+000000012000ec40 T make_simple_name
+000000012000c130 t make_table
+0000000120021680 D mask_bits
+0000000120023624 S match_start
+000000012002361c S max_chain_length
+0000000120023514 s max_lazy_match
+00000001200235d8 s max_len
+00000001200234c0 G maxbits
+00000001200234c4 G method
+0000000120021470 d methods.3
+0000000120023570 s msg_done
+0000000120004310 t name_too_long
+0000000120023608 S nice_match
+00000001200234b8 G no_name
+00000001200234bc G no_time
+0000000120023630 S ofd
+000000012003eaa8 B ofname
+0000000120023590 s opt_len
+00000001200235d0 s orig_len
+000000012005f2a8 B outbuf
+0000000120023648 S outcnt
+00000001200234a8 g p.0
+0000000120026978 b parents
+0000000120023680 S part_nb
+00000001200235dc s peek_bits
+00000001200235f0 S pkzip
+000000012003eea8 B prev
+000000012002360c S prev_length
+0000000120023628 S progname
+0000000120026594 b pt_len
+00000001200265a8 b pt_table
+000000012002353c S quiet
+00000001200080c0 T ran
+0000000120023600 S read_buf
+000000012000b8c0 t read_c_len
+000000012000ed50 T read_error
+000000012000b130 t read_pt_len
+000000012000d2a0 t read_tree
+0000000120023530 S recursive
+0000000120023568 S remove_ofname
+0000000120023660 S save_orig_name
+0000000120009d90 t scan_tree
+00000001200236a8 S seedi
+0000000120001390 T send_bits
+0000000120009f40 t send_tree
+0000000120009540 t set_file_type
+0000000120004420 t shorten_name
+0000000120007f90 T spec_compress
+0000000120073ac8 B spec_fd
+0000000120007800 T spec_getc
+0000000120006f70 T spec_init
+0000000120007f40 T spec_initbufs
+0000000120007430 T spec_load
+0000000120008350 T spec_putc
+0000000120007090 T spec_random_load
+0000000120007670 T spec_read
+00000001200081b0 T spec_reset
+0000000120008190 T spec_rewind
+0000000120008010 T spec_uncompress
+0000000120007930 T spec_ungetc
+0000000120008210 T spec_write
+0000000120024540 b static_dtree
+0000000120023598 s static_len
+00000001200240c0 b static_ltree
+000000012000eb20 T strlwr
+0000000120023620 S strstart
+00000001200235bc s subbitbuf
+0000000120021440 d suffixes.1
+0000000120023544 S test
+0000000120023638 S time_stamp
+0000000120023524 S to_stdout
+0000000120023558 S total_in
+0000000120023560 S total_out
+000000012000a510 T unlzh
+000000012000c5c0 T unlzw
+000000012000cde0 T unpack
+000000012000d7a0 T unzip
+000000012000e4c0 T updcrc
+00000001200235e8 s valid
+0000000120023538 S verbose
+000000012000ecd0 T warn
+0000000120063aa8 B window
+00000001200234b0 G window_size
+00000001200234d0 G work
+000000012000ea20 T write_buf
+000000012000ee00 T write_error
+000000012000e220 T xmalloc
+0000000120023670 S z_len
+0000000120073aa8 B z_suffix
+0000000120023504 s zfile
+000000012000ef80 T zip
diff --git a/configs/boot/ b/configs/boot/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b1332ebab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/ls.rcS b/configs/boot/ls.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cfe38d2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/ls.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+cd bin
+cd ../benchmarks
diff --git a/configs/boot/mcf.rcS b/configs/boot/mcf.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..864966dfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/mcf.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cd /benchmarks/spec/mcf00/
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 0 0
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 100000000 200000000
+/sbin/m5 loadsymbol
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/mcf.symbol b/configs/boot/mcf.symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..878f12961
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/mcf.symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+0000000120014350 D _DYNAMIC
+0000000120014608 D _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
+0000000120014770 G _IO_stdin_used
+0000000120014518 T _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
+00000001200144f8 d __CTOR_END__
+00000001200144f0 d __CTOR_LIST__
+0000000120014508 d __DTOR_END__
+0000000120014500 d __DTOR_LIST__
+000000012001434c r __FRAME_END__
+0000000120014510 d __JCR_END__
+0000000120014510 d __JCR_LIST__
+0000000120014790 A __bss_start
+0000000120014000 D __data_start
+00000001200034d0 t __do_global_ctors_aux
+0000000120000a40 t __do_global_dtors_aux
+0000000120014778 G __dso_handle
+0000000120014000 A __fini_array_end
+0000000120014000 A __fini_array_start
+0000000120014000 A __init_array_end
+0000000120014000 A __init_array_start
+0000000120003430 T __libc_csu_fini
+0000000120003380 T __libc_csu_init
+0000000120000a00 W __start
+0000000120014790 A _edata
+0000000120017c30 A _end
+0000000120003530 T _fini
+0000000120000998 T _init
+0000000120000a00 T _start
+00000001200147b0 b basket
+0000000120014798 s basket_size
+0000000120003320 T bea_compute_red_cost
+0000000120003340 T bea_is_dual_infeasible
+0000000120014790 s completed.1
+0000000120002410 T compute_red_cost
+0000000120014000 W data_start
+0000000120001480 T dual_feasible
+0000000120001090 T flow_cost
+00000001200011d0 T flow_org_cost
+0000000120000ae0 t frame_dummy
+00000001200015f0 T getfree
+0000000120000e30 T global_opt
+00000001200147a8 s group_pos
+0000000120014788 g initialize
+0000000120002420 T insert_new_arc
+0000000120000b30 T main
+00000001200179d0 B net
+00000001200147a0 s nr_group
+0000000120014780 g p.0
+0000000120016d48 b perm
+0000000120001d20 T price_out_impl
+0000000120003080 T primal_bea_mpp
+0000000120001310 T primal_feasible
+0000000120002a60 T primal_iminus
+0000000120002c00 T primal_net_simplex
+0000000120002510 T primal_start_artificial
+0000000120002ba0 T primal_update_flow
+00000001200016b0 T read_min
+0000000120001580 T refresh_neighbour_lists
+0000000120000fa0 T refresh_potential
+0000000120001c10 T replace_weaker_arc
+0000000120002310 T resize_prob
+0000000120002f30 T sort_basket
+00000001200021b0 T suspend_impl
+00000001200027e0 T update_tree
+0000000120002600 T write_circulations
diff --git a/configs/boot/mesa.rcS b/configs/boot/mesa.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3e931a881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/mesa.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+cd /benchmarks/spec/mesa00/
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 0 0
+/sbin/m5 checkpoint 100000000 200000000
+/sbin/m5 loadsymbol
+/sbin/m5 resetstats
+/benchmarks/spec/mesa00/mesa -frames 1 -meshfile
+/sbin/m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/mesa.symbol b/configs/boot/mesa.symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6666dc819
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/mesa.symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,1135 @@
+00000001200b93f0 S CC
+00000001200b9428 s Current
+00000001200b9410 s CurrentBlock
+00000001200b9408 s CurrentListNum
+00000001200b9400 s CurrentListPtr
+00000001200b9418 s CurrentPos
+000000012004b870 T DeleteHashTable
+000000012004b6c0 T HashFindFreeKeyBlock
+000000012004bbd0 T HashFirstEntry
+000000012004ba60 T HashInsert
+000000012004b950 T HashLookup
+000000012004bc50 T HashPrint
+000000012004b580 T HashRemove
+00000001200aff60 d Identity
+0000000120098be0 t Init
+00000001200b9448 b InstSize
+000000012004b830 T NewHashTable
+00000001200b9434 s NumColumns
+00000001200b9430 s NumRows
+000000012005e400 T OSMesaCreateContext
+000000012005e9b0 T OSMesaDestroyContext
+000000012005eb70 T OSMesaGetCurrentContext
+000000012005ed00 T OSMesaGetDepthBuffer
+000000012005ec40 T OSMesaGetIntegerv
+000000012005ea30 T OSMesaMakeCurrent
+000000012005eb90 T OSMesaPixelStore
+0000000120098520 t ReadMesh
+0000000120098790 t Render
+00000001200b93ec s Space
+00000001200b9440 s SurfaceN
+00000001200b9438 s SurfaceV
+0000000120099030 t WriteImage
+00000001200b93d4 g Xmax
+00000001200b93d0 g Xmin
+00000001200b93e0 g Xrot
+00000001200b93dc g Ymax
+00000001200b93d8 g Ymin
+00000001200b93e4 g Yrot
+00000001200b7a50 D _DYNAMIC
+00000001200b7db0 D _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_
+00000001200b93a0 G _IO_stdin_used
+00000001200b7c18 T _PROCEDURE_LINKAGE_TABLE_
+00000001200b7bf8 d __CTOR_END__
+00000001200b7bf0 d __CTOR_LIST__
+00000001200b7c08 d __DTOR_END__
+00000001200b7c00 d __DTOR_LIST__
+00000001200b7a4c r __FRAME_END__
+00000001200b7c10 d __JCR_END__
+00000001200b7c10 d __JCR_LIST__
+00000001200b93e8 A __bss_start
+00000001200aff20 D __data_start
+0000000120099390 t __do_global_ctors_aux
+0000000120000ec0 t __do_global_dtors_aux
+00000001200b93a8 G __dso_handle
+00000001200aff20 A __fini_array_end
+00000001200aff20 A __fini_array_start
+00000001200aff20 A __init_array_end
+00000001200aff20 A __init_array_start
+00000001200992f0 T __libc_csu_fini
+0000000120099240 T __libc_csu_init
+0000000120000e80 W __start
+00000001200b93e8 A _edata
+00000001200b9fe8 A _end
+00000001200993f0 T _fini
+0000000120000e10 T _init
+0000000120000e80 T _start
+000000012001e060 t alloc_proxy_textures
+000000012001d0a0 t alloc_shared_state
+0000000120068840 t antialiased_rgba_points
+0000000120073f40 t apply_stencil_op_to_pixels
+0000000120073af0 t apply_stencil_op_to_span
+000000012007f040 t apply_texture
+00000001200affb0 d blue.1
+000000012005f340 t buffer_size
+0000000120060230 t choose_line_function
+000000012005efb0 t clear
+000000012005ef70 t clear_color
+000000012005dfd0 t clear_color_buffer_with_masking
+000000012005de60 t clear_color_buffers
+000000012005ef60 t clear_index
+0000000120072360 t clip_span
+00000001200b93e8 s completed.1
+000000012003bd60 t components
+0000000120076630 t components_in_intformat
+000000012005ed60 t compute_row_addresses
+000000012001f550 t copy_ci_pixels
+000000012001f8e0 t copy_depth_pixels
+000000012001ec60 t copy_rgb_pixels
+000000012001fd10 t copy_stencil_pixels
+0000000120078d60 t copy_tex_sub_image
+00000001200aff20 W data_start
+000000012003aa90 t de_casteljau_surf
+000000012001b530 t decode_internal_format
+00000001200764c0 t decode_internal_format
+0000000120069f90 t dist_atten_antialiased_rgba_points
+0000000120069060 t dist_atten_general_ci_points
+00000001200694b0 t dist_atten_general_rgba_points
+00000001200699e0 t dist_atten_textured_rgba_points
+00000001200166a0 t do_blend
+0000000120032720 t draw_color_pixels
+0000000120031d60 t draw_depth_pixels
+0000000120031000 t draw_index_pixels
+0000000120031810 t draw_stencil_pixels
+0000000120030d40 t drawpixels
+0000000120030690 t enum_string
+0000000120022040 t execute_list
+00000001200b93c8 g extensions.3
+000000012004f6c0 t feedback_line
+00000001200675b0 t feedback_points
+0000000120083ac0 t feedback_triangle
+0000000120062050 t flat_blend_color_line
+0000000120062360 t flat_blend_color_z_line
+00000001200627b0 t flat_blend_color_z_line_write
+000000012004fc60 t flat_ci_line
+0000000120084040 t flat_ci_triangle
+000000012004ff10 t flat_ci_z_line
+0000000120061aa0 t flat_color_line
+0000000120061ce0 t flat_color_z_line
+0000000120061280 t flat_color_z_triangle
+0000000120050270 t flat_rgba_line
+0000000120085190 t flat_rgba_triangle
+0000000120050590 t flat_rgba_z_line
+00000001200557b0 t flat_textured_line
+0000000120000f60 t frame_dummy
+0000000120067c60 t general_ci_points
+00000001200527c0 t general_flat_ci_line
+0000000120054ac0 t general_flat_rgba_line
+0000000120067fe0 t general_rgba_points
+00000001200519d0 t general_smooth_ci_line
+0000000120053450 t general_smooth_rgba_line
+0000000120087f50 t general_textured_triangle
+0000000120083090 t get_1d_texel
+0000000120083300 t get_2d_texel
+00000001200835b0 t get_3d_texel
+00000001200036f0 T glAccum
+00000001200037a0 T glAlphaFunc
+0000000120003850 T glAreTexturesResident
+0000000120011bc0 T glAreTexturesResidentEXT
+0000000120003900 T glArrayElement
+0000000120011a80 T glArrayElementEXT
+00000001200039a0 T glBegin
+0000000120003a40 T glBindTexture
+0000000120011bf0 T glBindTextureEXT
+0000000120002f80 T glBitmap
+0000000120011560 T glBlendColorEXT
+00000001200114c0 T glBlendEquationEXT
+0000000120003ae0 T glBlendFunc
+0000000120003b80 T glCallList
+0000000120003c20 T glCallLists
+0000000120003cc0 T glClear
+0000000120003d60 T glClearAccum
+0000000120003ec0 T glClearColor
+0000000120003f80 T glClearDepth
+0000000120003e20 T glClearIndex
+0000000120004020 T glClearStencil
+00000001200040c0 T glClipPlane
+00000001200041a0 T glColor3b
+0000000120004d10 T glColor3bv
+0000000120004240 T glColor3d
+0000000120004de0 T glColor3dv
+0000000120004290 T glColor3f
+0000000120004e40 T glColor3fv
+00000001200042d0 T glColor3i
+0000000120004e80 T glColor3iv
+0000000120004370 T glColor3s
+0000000120004f20 T glColor3sv
+0000000120004410 T glColor3ub
+0000000120004ff0 T glColor3ubv
+0000000120004460 T glColor3ui
+0000000120005050 T glColor3uiv
+00000001200045a0 T glColor3us
+0000000120005190 T glColor3usv
+00000001200046d0 T glColor4b
+00000001200052d0 T glColor4bv
+0000000120004780 T glColor4d
+00000001200053d0 T glColor4dv
+00000001200047e0 T glColor4f
+0000000120005430 T glColor4fv
+0000000120004830 T glColor4i
+0000000120005480 T glColor4iv
+00000001200048e0 T glColor4s
+0000000120005540 T glColor4sv
+0000000120004990 T glColor4ub
+0000000120005640 T glColor4ubv
+00000001200049e0 T glColor4ui
+0000000120005680 T glColor4uiv
+0000000120004b80 T glColor4us
+0000000120005830 T glColor4usv
+00000001200059f0 T glColorMask
+0000000120005aa0 T glColorMaterial
+0000000120005b40 T glColorPointer
+0000000120011760 T glColorPointerEXT
+0000000120005d00 T glColorSubTableEXT
+0000000120005bf0 T glColorTableEXT
+0000000120005e10 T glCopyPixels
+0000000120005ec0 T glCopyTexImage1D
+0000000120005f80 T glCopyTexImage2D
+0000000120006050 T glCopyTexSubImage1D
+0000000120006110 T glCopyTexSubImage2D
+0000000120011d50 T glCopyTexSubImage3DEXT
+00000001200061e0 T glCullFace
+0000000120006460 T glDeleteLists
+0000000120006500 T glDeleteTextures
+0000000120011c20 T glDeleteTexturesEXT
+0000000120006280 T glDepthFunc
+0000000120006320 T glDepthMask
+00000001200063c0 T glDepthRange
+00000001200065a0 T glDisable
+0000000120006640 T glDisableClientState
+00000001200066e0 T glDrawArrays
+0000000120011b20 T glDrawArraysEXT
+0000000120006780 T glDrawBuffer
+0000000120006820 T glDrawElements
+00000001200068d0 T glDrawPixels
+0000000120007310 T glEdgeFlag
+0000000120007450 T glEdgeFlagPointer
+0000000120011940 T glEdgeFlagPointerEXT
+00000001200073b0 T glEdgeFlagv
+0000000120006980 T glEnable
+0000000120006a20 T glEnableClientState
+0000000120006ac0 T glEnd
+0000000120006b60 T glEndList
+0000000120006c00 T glEvalCoord1d
+0000000120006d40 T glEvalCoord1dv
+0000000120006ca0 T glEvalCoord1f
+0000000120006df0 T glEvalCoord1fv
+0000000120006e90 T glEvalCoord2d
+0000000120006fe0 T glEvalCoord2dv
+0000000120006f40 T glEvalCoord2f
+0000000120007090 T glEvalCoord2fv
+0000000120007270 T glEvalMesh1
+00000001200074f0 T glEvalMesh2
+0000000120007130 T glEvalPoint1
+00000001200071d0 T glEvalPoint2
+00000001200075a0 T glFeedbackBuffer
+0000000120007640 T glFinish
+00000001200076e0 T glFlush
+0000000120007780 T glFogf
+00000001200078e0 T glFogfv
+0000000120007820 T glFogi
+00000001200031c0 T glFogiv
+0000000120007980 T glFrontFace
+0000000120007a20 T glFrustum
+0000000120007ae0 T glGenLists
+0000000120007b80 T glGenTextures
+0000000120011c50 T glGenTexturesEXT
+0000000120007c20 T glGetBooleanv
+0000000120007cc0 T glGetClipPlane
+0000000120007d60 T glGetColorTableEXT
+0000000120007eb0 T glGetColorTableParameterfvEXT
+0000000120007e10 T glGetColorTableParameterivEXT
+0000000120007f80 T glGetDoublev
+0000000120008020 T glGetError
+0000000120008070 T glGetFloatv
+0000000120008110 T glGetIntegerv
+00000001200081b0 T glGetLightfv
+0000000120008250 T glGetLightiv
+00000001200082f0 T glGetMapdv
+0000000120008390 T glGetMapfv
+0000000120008430 T glGetMapiv
+00000001200084d0 T glGetMaterialfv
+0000000120008570 T glGetMaterialiv
+0000000120008610 T glGetPixelMapfv
+00000001200086b0 T glGetPixelMapuiv
+0000000120008750 T glGetPixelMapusv
+00000001200087f0 T glGetPointerv
+00000001200119e0 T glGetPointervEXT
+0000000120008890 T glGetPolygonStipple
+0000000120008930 T glGetString
+00000001200089c0 T glGetTexEnvfv
+0000000120008a60 T glGetTexEnviv
+0000000120008ba0 T glGetTexGendv
+0000000120008c40 T glGetTexGenfv
+0000000120008b00 T glGetTexGeniv
+0000000120008ce0 T glGetTexImage
+0000000120008d90 T glGetTexLevelParameterfv
+0000000120008e40 T glGetTexLevelParameteriv
+0000000120008ef0 T glGetTexParameterfv
+0000000120008f90 T glGetTexParameteriv
+0000000120009030 T glHint
+0000000120009370 T glIndexMask
+00000001200093b0 T glIndexPointer
+0000000120011800 T glIndexPointerEXT
+00000001200090d0 T glIndexd
+0000000120009210 T glIndexdv
+0000000120009110 T glIndexf
+0000000120009260 T glIndexfv
+0000000120009150 T glIndexi
+00000001200092a0 T glIndexiv
+0000000120009190 T glIndexs
+00000001200092e0 T glIndexsv
+00000001200091d0 T glIndexub
+0000000120009330 T glIndexubv
+00000001200094f0 T glInitNames
+0000000120009450 T glInterleavedArrays
+000000012000e330 T glIsEnabled
+0000000120009590 T glIsList
+0000000120009640 T glIsTexture
+0000000120011c80 T glIsTextureEXT
+0000000120009910 T glLightModelf
+0000000120009a70 T glLightModelfv
+00000001200099b0 T glLightModeli
+0000000120009b10 T glLightModeliv
+00000001200096f0 T glLightf
+0000000120009860 T glLightfv
+00000001200097a0 T glLighti
+0000000120003330 T glLightiv
+0000000120009d10 T glLineStipple
+0000000120009c70 T glLineWidth
+0000000120009db0 T glListBase
+0000000120009e50 T glLoadIdentity
+0000000120009ef0 T glLoadMatrixd
+0000000120009fd0 T glLoadMatrixf
+000000012000a070 T glLoadName
+000000012000a110 T glLogicOp
+000000012000a1b0 T glMap1d
+000000012000a2e0 T glMap1f
+000000012000a410 T glMap2d
+000000012000a580 T glMap2f
+000000012000a6e0 T glMapGrid1d
+000000012000a7a0 T glMapGrid1f
+000000012000a850 T glMapGrid2d
+000000012000a920 T glMapGrid2f
+000000012000a9d0 T glMaterialf
+000000012000ab40 T glMaterialfv
+000000012000aa80 T glMateriali
+0000000120003520 T glMaterialiv
+000000012000abe0 T glMatrixMode
+000000012000ac80 T glMultMatrixd
+000000012000ad60 T glMultMatrixf
+000000012000ae00 T glNewList
+000000012000aea0 T glNormal3b
+000000012000b250 T glNormal3bv
+000000012000af40 T glNormal3d
+000000012000b320 T glNormal3dv
+000000012000b070 T glNormal3f
+000000012000b460 T glNormal3fv
+000000012000b110 T glNormal3i
+000000012000b500 T glNormal3iv
+000000012000b1b0 T glNormal3s
+000000012000b5a0 T glNormal3sv
+000000012000b670 T glNormalPointer
+00000001200116c0 T glNormalPointerEXT
+000000012000bae0 T glOrtho
+000000012000bba0 T glPassThrough
+000000012000bc40 T glPixelMapfv
+000000012000b710 T glPixelMapuiv
+000000012000b8f0 T glPixelMapusv
+000000012000bce0 T glPixelStoref
+000000012000bd90 T glPixelStorei
+000000012000be30 T glPixelTransferf
+000000012000bee0 T glPixelTransferi
+000000012000bfa0 T glPixelZoom
+00000001200120f0 T glPointParameterfEXT
+0000000120012190 T glPointParameterfvEXT
+000000012000c040 T glPointSize
+000000012000c0e0 T glPolygonMode
+000000012000c180 T glPolygonOffset
+000000012000c220 T glPolygonOffsetEXT
+000000012000c2e0 T glPolygonStipple
+000000012000c380 T glPopAttrib
+000000012000c420 T glPopClientAttrib
+000000012000c4c0 T glPopMatrix
+000000012000c560 T glPopName
+000000012000c600 T glPrioritizeTextures
+0000000120011cb0 T glPrioritizeTexturesEXT
+000000012000e3e0 T glPushAttrib
+000000012000e480 T glPushClientAttrib
+000000012000c6a0 T glPushMatrix
+000000012000e520 T glPushName
+000000012000c740 T glRasterPos2d
+000000012000d090 T glRasterPos2dv
+000000012000c800 T glRasterPos2f
+000000012000d160 T glRasterPos2fv
+000000012000c8b0 T glRasterPos2i
+000000012000d220 T glRasterPos2iv
+000000012000c980 T glRasterPos2s
+000000012000d2f0 T glRasterPos2sv
+000000012000ca50 T glRasterPos3d
+000000012000d3e0 T glRasterPos3dv
+000000012000cb20 T glRasterPos3f
+000000012000d4a0 T glRasterPos3fv
+000000012000cbd0 T glRasterPos3i
+000000012000d550 T glRasterPos3iv
+000000012000cca0 T glRasterPos3s
+000000012000d620 T glRasterPos3sv
+000000012000cd70 T glRasterPos4d
+000000012000d730 T glRasterPos4dv
+000000012000ce30 T glRasterPos4f
+000000012000d7f0 T glRasterPos4fv
+000000012000cef0 T glRasterPos4i
+000000012000d8a0 T glRasterPos4iv
+000000012000cfc0 T glRasterPos4s
+000000012000d970 T glRasterPos4sv
+000000012000da90 T glReadBuffer
+000000012000db30 T glReadPixels
+000000012000dc00 T glRectd
+000000012000df20 T glRectdv
+000000012000dcc0 T glRectf
+000000012000dfe0 T glRectfv
+000000012000dd80 T glRecti
+000000012000e090 T glRectiv
+000000012000de50 T glRects
+000000012000e160 T glRectsv
+000000012000e5c0 T glRenderMode
+0000000120013510 T glResizeBuffersMESA
+000000012000e660 T glRotated
+000000012000e720 T glRotatef
+000000012000e880 T glScaled
+000000012000e930 T glScalef
+000000012000e280 T glScissor
+000000012000e7e0 T glSelectBuffer
+000000012000e9e0 T glShadeModel
+000000012000ea80 T glStencilFunc
+000000012000eb20 T glStencilMask
+000000012000ebc0 T glStencilOp
+000000012000ec60 T glTexCoord1d
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+000000012000ecb0 T glTexCoord1f
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+000000012000ed00 T glTexCoord1i
+000000012000f2c0 T glTexCoord1iv
+000000012000ed60 T glTexCoord1s
+000000012000f320 T glTexCoord1sv
+000000012000edc0 T glTexCoord2d
+000000012000f390 T glTexCoord2dv
+000000012000ee10 T glTexCoord2f
+000000012000f3e0 T glTexCoord2fv
+000000012000ee50 T glTexCoord2i
+000000012000f420 T glTexCoord2iv
+000000012000eea0 T glTexCoord2s
+000000012000f480 T glTexCoord2sv
+000000012000eef0 T glTexCoord3d
+000000012000f500 T glTexCoord3dv
+000000012000ef50 T glTexCoord3f
+000000012000f560 T glTexCoord3fv
+000000012000efa0 T glTexCoord3i
+000000012000f5b0 T glTexCoord3iv
+000000012000f010 T glTexCoord3s
+000000012000f620 T glTexCoord3sv
+000000012000f080 T glTexCoord4d
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+000000012000f0e0 T glTexCoord4f
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+000000012000f130 T glTexCoord4i
+000000012000f770 T glTexCoord4iv
+000000012000f1a0 T glTexCoord4s
+000000012000f7e0 T glTexCoord4sv
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+00000001200118a0 T glTexCoordPointerEXT
+000000012000fde0 T glTexEnvf
+000000012000ff60 T glTexEnvfv
+000000012000fe90 T glTexEnvi
+0000000120010000 T glTexEnviv
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+000000012000fa00 T glTexGenf
+000000012000fd40 T glTexGenfv
+000000012000fab0 T glTexGeni
+000000012000fc50 T glTexGeniv
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+00000001200103c0 T glTexParameterf
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+0000000120010470 T glTexParameteri
+00000001200105e0 T glTexParameteriv
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+0000000120011f90 T glTexSubImage3DEXT
+00000001200109c0 T glTranslated
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+0000000120010f80 T glVertex2fv
+0000000120010bb0 T glVertex2i
+0000000120010fc0 T glVertex2iv
+0000000120010c00 T glVertex2s
+0000000120011020 T glVertex2sv
+0000000120010c50 T glVertex3d
+00000001200110a0 T glVertex3dv
+0000000120010ca0 T glVertex3f
+0000000120011100 T glVertex3fv
+0000000120010ce0 T glVertex3i
+0000000120011140 T glVertex3iv
+0000000120010d40 T glVertex3s
+00000001200111a0 T glVertex3sv
+0000000120010da0 T glVertex4d
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+0000000120010e00 T glVertex4f
+00000001200112a0 T glVertex4fv
+0000000120010e50 T glVertex4i
+00000001200112f0 T glVertex4iv
+0000000120010ec0 T glVertex4s
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+0000000120011420 T glVertexPointer
+0000000120011620 T glVertexPointerEXT
+0000000120011470 T glViewport
+0000000120012520 T glWindowPos2dMESA
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+00000001200122f0 T glWindowPos2iMESA
+00000001200125e0 T glWindowPos2ivMESA
+00000001200123b0 T glWindowPos2sMESA
+00000001200126a0 T glWindowPos2svMESA
+0000000120012b40 T glWindowPos3dMESA
+0000000120012e70 T glWindowPos3dvMESA
+0000000120012a90 T glWindowPos3fMESA
+0000000120012dc0 T glWindowPos3fvMESA
+00000001200128f0 T glWindowPos3iMESA
+0000000120012c00 T glWindowPos3ivMESA
+00000001200129c0 T glWindowPos3sMESA
+0000000120012cc0 T glWindowPos3svMESA
+00000001200130d0 T glWindowPos4dMESA
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+0000000120012230 T glWindowPos4fMESA
+0000000120013390 T glWindowPos4fvMESA
+0000000120012f30 T glWindowPos4iMESA
+0000000120013190 T glWindowPos4ivMESA
+0000000120013000 T glWindowPos4sMESA
+0000000120013270 T glWindowPos4svMESA
+0000000120000fb0 T gl_Accum
+0000000120002660 T gl_AlphaFunc
+0000000120079e90 T gl_AreTexturesResident
+000000012008ba30 T gl_ArrayElement
+000000012008e8e0 T gl_Begin
+0000000120079a30 T gl_BindTexture
+0000000120015e40 T gl_Bitmap
+00000001200163a0 T gl_BlendColor
+00000001200162a0 T gl_BlendEquation
+0000000120016160 T gl_BlendFunc
+000000012002faf0 T gl_CallList
+000000012002fb50 T gl_CallLists
+000000012005dc40 T gl_Clear
+0000000120002200 T gl_ClearAccum
+000000012005da80 T gl_ClearColor
+0000000120021400 T gl_ClearDepth
+000000012005d9e0 T gl_ClearIndex
+0000000120073640 T gl_ClearStencil
+000000012001a5e0 T gl_ClipPlane
+000000012008ed20 T gl_Color3f
+000000012008ef20 T gl_Color3fv
+000000012008f120 T gl_Color4f
+000000012008f390 T gl_Color4fv
+000000012008f600 T gl_Color4ub
+000000012008f730 T gl_Color4ub8bit
+000000012008f780 T gl_Color4ubv
+000000012008f8d0 T gl_Color4ubv8bit
+000000012005a770 T gl_ColorMask
+000000012008f900 T gl_ColorMat3f
+000000012008fb20 T gl_ColorMat3fv
+000000012008fd60 T gl_ColorMat4f
+0000000120090010 T gl_ColorMat4fv
+00000001200902d0 T gl_ColorMat4ub
+00000001200904c0 T gl_ColorMat4ubv
+000000012004e190 T gl_ColorMaterial
+000000012008b750 T gl_ColorPointer
+000000012001b3e0 T gl_ColorSubTable
+000000012001b010 T gl_ColorTable
+000000012001e8d0 T gl_CopyPixels
+0000000120075a90 T gl_CopyTexImage1D
+0000000120075c50 T gl_CopyTexImage2D
+0000000120075e50 T gl_CopyTexSubImage1D
+0000000120075f80 T gl_CopyTexSubImage2D
+0000000120076110 T gl_CopyTexSubImage3DEXT
+000000012006ab20 T gl_CullFace
+000000012002f860 T gl_DeleteLists
+0000000120079820 T gl_DeleteTextures
+0000000120021490 T gl_DepthFunc
+0000000120021520 T gl_DepthMask
+00000001200215a0 T gl_DepthRange
+0000000120034b10 T gl_Disable
+0000000120034dd0 T gl_DisableClientState
+000000012008d0d0 T gl_DrawArrays
+000000012005d6c0 T gl_DrawBuffer
+000000012008d990 T gl_DrawElements
+0000000120030830 T gl_DrawPixels
+0000000120090710 T gl_EdgeFlag
+000000012008e1f0 T gl_EdgeFlagPointer
+0000000120034b00 T gl_Enable
+0000000120034c50 T gl_EnableClientState
+00000001200908e0 T gl_End
+000000012002f920 T gl_EndList
+00000001200388a0 T gl_EvalCoord1f
+0000000120038d40 T gl_EvalCoord2f
+0000000120039690 T gl_EvalMesh1
+0000000120039830 T gl_EvalMesh2
+000000012003a440 T gl_EvalPoint1
+0000000120039530 T gl_EvalPoint2
+000000012003bdd0 T gl_FeedbackBuffer
+000000012005dd80 T gl_Finish
+000000012005ddf0 T gl_Flush
+000000012003ca70 T gl_Fogfv
+000000012006abc0 T gl_FrontFace
+000000012005aae0 T gl_Frustum
+0000000120023540 T gl_GenLists
+0000000120079fc0 T gl_GenTextures
+000000012003e2d0 T gl_GetBooleanv
+000000012001a6b0 T gl_GetClipPlane
+000000012001b420 T gl_GetColorTable
+000000012001b4e0 T gl_GetColorTableParameterfv
+000000012001b280 T gl_GetColorTableParameteriv
+00000001200419d0 T gl_GetDoublev
+000000012001d050 T gl_GetError
+0000000120045800 T gl_GetFloatv
+00000001200492e0 T gl_GetIntegerv
+000000012004d830 T gl_GetLightfv
+000000012004da80 T gl_GetLightiv
+00000001200367e0 T gl_GetMapdv
+0000000120037060 T gl_GetMapfv
+0000000120037930 T gl_GetMapiv
+000000012004e390 T gl_GetMaterialfv
+000000012004e5b0 T gl_GetMaterialiv
+0000000120065190 T gl_GetPixelMapfv
+0000000120065350 T gl_GetPixelMapuiv
+0000000120065790 T gl_GetPixelMapusv
+000000012004b460 T gl_GetPointerv
+000000012006ad10 T gl_GetPolygonStipple
+000000012005d420 T gl_GetString
+000000012007bb80 T gl_GetTexEnvfv
+000000012007bc70 T gl_GetTexEnviv
+000000012007b420 T gl_GetTexGendv
+000000012007b680 T gl_GetTexGenfv
+000000012007b920 T gl_GetTexGeniv
+00000001200763a0 T gl_GetTexImage
+000000012007bd60 T gl_GetTexLevelParameterfv
+000000012007a6d0 T gl_GetTexLevelParameteriv
+000000012007a990 T gl_GetTexParameterfv
+000000012007ad00 T gl_GetTexParameteriv
+000000012005d5d0 T gl_Hint
+000000012005a700 T gl_IndexMask
+000000012008b860 T gl_IndexPointer
+000000012008ecc0 T gl_Indexf
+000000012008ecf0 T gl_Indexi
+000000012003c620 T gl_InitNames
+000000012008dcf0 T gl_InterleavedArrays
+00000001200344c0 T gl_IsEnabled
+00000001200234e0 T gl_IsList
+000000012007a0a0 T gl_IsTexture
+000000012004f2e0 T gl_LightModelfv
+000000012004d340 T gl_Lightfv
+000000012004f620 T gl_LineStipple
+000000012004f5a0 T gl_LineWidth
+00000001200237c0 T gl_ListBase
+000000012005b3e0 T gl_LoadIdentity
+000000012005c980 T gl_LoadMatrixf
+000000012003c1d0 T gl_LoadName
+0000000120057ab0 T gl_LogicOp
+0000000120035d40 T gl_Map1f
+0000000120036220 T gl_Map2f
+000000012003a320 T gl_MapGrid1f
+000000012003a3a0 T gl_MapGrid2f
+000000012004e290 T gl_Materialfv
+000000012005c900 T gl_MatrixMode
+000000012005b6f0 T gl_MultMatrixf
+0000000120023690 T gl_NewList
+000000012008ec50 T gl_Normal3f
+000000012008ec80 T gl_Normal3fv
+000000012008b670 T gl_NormalPointer
+000000012005aca0 T gl_Ortho
+000000012003c470 T gl_PassThrough
+0000000120064bc0 T gl_PixelMapfv
+00000001200648a0 T gl_PixelStorei
+0000000120065ce0 T gl_PixelTransferf
+0000000120066320 T gl_PixelZoom
+0000000120067160 T gl_PointParameterfvEXT
+0000000120067530 T gl_PointSize
+000000012006aa00 T gl_PolygonMode
+000000012006ad20 T gl_PolygonOffset
+000000012006ac30 T gl_PolygonStipple
+0000000120014560 T gl_PopAttrib
+00000001200156b0 T gl_PopClientAttrib
+000000012005b0e0 T gl_PopMatrix
+000000012003c7f0 T gl_PopName
+0000000120079d50 T gl_PrioritizeTextures
+00000001200135b0 T gl_PushAttrib
+0000000120015470 T gl_PushClientAttrib
+000000012005adf0 T gl_PushMatrix
+000000012003c710 T gl_PushName
+000000012006ae90 T gl_RasterPos4f
+000000012005d860 T gl_ReadBuffer
+000000012006b910 T gl_ReadPixels
+000000012006e450 T gl_Rectf
+000000012003c2b0 T gl_RenderMode
+000000012001c560 T gl_ResizeBuffersMESA
+000000012005cbf0 T gl_Rotatef
+000000012005bd30 T gl_Scalef
+000000012006e580 T gl_Scissor
+000000012003c530 T gl_SelectBuffer
+000000012004f240 T gl_ShadeModel
+00000001200736c0 T gl_StencilFunc
+0000000120073790 T gl_StencilMask
+0000000120072410 T gl_StencilOp
+0000000120090830 T gl_TexCoord2f
+0000000120090840 T gl_TexCoord2f4
+0000000120090870 T gl_TexCoord4f
+000000012008b930 T gl_TexCoordPointer
+000000012007a130 T gl_TexEnvfv
+000000012007b0b0 T gl_TexGenfv
+0000000120074530 T gl_TexImage1D
+00000001200747e0 T gl_TexImage2D
+0000000120074a90 T gl_TexImage3DEXT
+000000012007a330 T gl_TexParameterfv
+0000000120074d70 T gl_TexSubImage1D
+0000000120075090 T gl_TexSubImage2D
+00000001200754f0 T gl_TexSubImage3DEXT
+000000012005bec0 T gl_Translatef
+000000012008b570 T gl_VertexPointer
+000000012005cc40 T gl_Viewport
+00000001200979a0 T gl_WindowPos4fMESA
+0000000120002140 T gl_alloc_accum_buffer
+0000000120002740 T gl_alloc_alpha_buffers
+0000000120021b40 T gl_alloc_depth_buffer
+0000000120063ad0 T gl_alloc_pb
+00000001200738f0 T gl_alloc_stencil_buffer
+00000001200762f0 T gl_alloc_texture_image
+00000001200792d0 T gl_alloc_texture_object
+000000012008e270 T gl_alloc_vb
+0000000120002330 T gl_alpha_test
+000000012005c080 T gl_analyze_modelview_matrix
+000000012005c3f0 T gl_analyze_projection_matrix
+000000012005c6a0 T gl_analyze_texture_matrix
+0000000120016550 T gl_blend_pixels
+0000000120016460 T gl_blend_span
+0000000120001da0 T gl_clear_accum_buffer
+00000001200028e0 T gl_clear_alpha_buffers
+00000001200210d0 T gl_clear_depth_buffer
+00000001200739d0 T gl_clear_stencil_buffer
+0000000120034b20 T gl_client_state
+000000012006e780 T gl_color_shade_vertices
+000000012006f180 T gl_color_shade_vertices_fast
+000000012004d210 T gl_components_in_format
+000000012004eaf0 T gl_compute_material_shine_table
+000000012004e9c0 T gl_compute_spot_exp_table
+000000012001bd80 T gl_copy_context
+0000000120039f40 T gl_copy_map_points1d
+0000000120039e50 T gl_copy_map_points1f
+000000012003a1a0 T gl_copy_map_points2d
+000000012003a030 T gl_copy_map_points2f
+000000012001b9f0 T gl_create_context
+000000012001ce30 T gl_create_framebuffer
+000000012001b670 T gl_create_visual
+0000000120073450 T gl_depth_stencil_pixels
+0000000120072b50 T gl_depth_stencil_span
+0000000120020790 T gl_depth_test_pixels_generic
+00000001200218d0 T gl_depth_test_pixels_greater
+0000000120021810 T gl_depth_test_pixels_less
+0000000120020000 T gl_depth_test_span_generic
+0000000120021760 T gl_depth_test_span_greater
+00000001200216b0 T gl_depth_test_span_less
+000000012001cc60 T gl_destroy_context
+000000012001bc70 T gl_destroy_framebuffer
+0000000120021c00 T gl_destroy_list
+000000012001cc30 T gl_destroy_visual
+0000000120034f00 t gl_enable
+000000012001c1d0 T gl_error
+000000012008e670 T gl_eval_vertex
+000000012003bf70 T gl_feedback_vertex
+000000012004d020 T gl_flip_bytes
+0000000120062c40 T gl_flush_pb
+000000012003d4d0 T gl_fog_color_pixels
+000000012003cbb0 T gl_fog_color_vertices
+000000012003dd90 T gl_fog_index_pixels
+000000012003d140 T gl_fog_index_vertices
+0000000120035b70 T gl_free_control_points
+000000012004d2d0 T gl_free_image
+0000000120076330 T gl_free_texture_image
+0000000120079420 T gl_free_texture_object
+000000012001cef0 T gl_get_current_context
+000000012006f6b0 T gl_index_shade_vertices
+00000001200664a0 T gl_init_api_function_pointers
+0000000120039e30 T gl_init_eval
+0000000120021e00 T gl_init_lists
+000000012005e3c0 T gl_init_math
+0000000120023820 T gl_list_index
+0000000120058140 T gl_logicop_ci_pixels
+0000000120057b40 T gl_logicop_ci_span
+00000001200595d0 T gl_logicop_rgba_pixels
+0000000120058740 T gl_logicop_rgba_span
+000000012001ce90 T gl_make_current
+000000012005a540 T gl_mask_color_pixels
+000000012005a800 T gl_mask_color_span
+000000012005aa20 T gl_mask_index_pixels
+000000012005a960 T gl_mask_index_span
+000000012004dd90 T gl_material_bitmask
+000000012004bd20 T gl_pixel_addr_in_image
+000000012001cf60 T gl_problem
+0000000120002ef0 T gl_read_alpha_pixels
+0000000120002e80 T gl_read_alpha_span
+0000000120071ff0 T gl_read_color_span
+0000000120021990 T gl_read_depth_span_float
+0000000120021aa0 T gl_read_depth_span_int
+0000000120072220 T gl_read_index_span
+0000000120073810 T gl_read_stencil_span
+00000001200159f0 T gl_render_bitmap
+0000000120091e80 T gl_render_vb
+0000000120092c40 T gl_reset_vb
+000000012005bae0 T gl_rotation_matrix
+0000000120023840 T gl_save_Accum
+00000001200239c0 T gl_save_AlphaFunc
+000000012008c820 T gl_save_ArrayElement
+0000000120023b40 T gl_save_Begin
+0000000120023cb0 T gl_save_BindTexture
+0000000120023e30 T gl_save_Bitmap
+0000000120024300 T gl_save_BlendColor
+0000000120024010 T gl_save_BlendEquation
+0000000120024180 T gl_save_BlendFunc
+00000001200244b0 T gl_save_CallList
+0000000120024620 T gl_save_CallLists
+00000001200247e0 T gl_save_Clear
+0000000120024950 T gl_save_ClearAccum
+0000000120024b00 T gl_save_ClearColor
+0000000120024cb0 T gl_save_ClearDepth
+0000000120024e30 T gl_save_ClearIndex
+0000000120024fa0 T gl_save_ClearStencil
+0000000120025110 T gl_save_ClipPlane
+00000001200252b0 T gl_save_Color3f
+0000000120025450 T gl_save_Color3fv
+00000001200255d0 T gl_save_Color4f
+0000000120025780 T gl_save_Color4fv
+0000000120025910 T gl_save_Color4ub
+0000000120025ae0 T gl_save_Color4ubv
+0000000120025cc0 T gl_save_ColorMask
+0000000120025e90 T gl_save_ColorMaterial
+00000001200261c0 T gl_save_ColorSubTable
+0000000120026010 T gl_save_ColorTable
+0000000120026370 T gl_save_CopyPixels
+0000000120026520 T gl_save_CopyTexImage1D
+0000000120026700 T gl_save_CopyTexImage2D
+00000001200268f0 T gl_save_CopyTexSubImage1D
+0000000120026ab0 T gl_save_CopyTexSubImage2D
+0000000120026ca0 T gl_save_CopyTexSubImage3DEXT
+0000000120026eb0 T gl_save_CullFace
+0000000120027020 T gl_save_DepthFunc
+0000000120027190 T gl_save_DepthMask
+0000000120027310 T gl_save_DepthRange
+00000001200274a0 T gl_save_Disable
+000000012008d8a0 T gl_save_DrawArrays
+0000000120027610 T gl_save_DrawBuffer
+000000012008db60 T gl_save_DrawElements
+0000000120027780 T gl_save_DrawPixels
+00000001200278f0 T gl_save_EdgeFlag
+0000000120027a70 T gl_save_Enable
+0000000120027be0 T gl_save_End
+0000000120027d40 T gl_save_EvalCoord1f
+0000000120027eb0 T gl_save_EvalCoord2f
+0000000120028030 T gl_save_EvalMesh1
+00000001200281c0 T gl_save_EvalMesh2
+0000000120028370 T gl_save_EvalPoint1
+00000001200284e0 T gl_save_EvalPoint2
+0000000120028660 T gl_save_Fogfv
+0000000120028800 T gl_save_FrontFace
+0000000120028970 T gl_save_Frustum
+0000000120028b60 T gl_save_Hint
+0000000120028fd0 T gl_save_IndexMask
+0000000120028e50 T gl_save_Indexf
+0000000120028ce0 T gl_save_Indexi
+0000000120029140 T gl_save_InitNames
+000000012008e260 T gl_save_InterleavedArrays
+0000000120029460 T gl_save_LightModelfv
+00000001200292a0 T gl_save_Lightfv
+0000000120029600 T gl_save_LineStipple
+0000000120029790 T gl_save_LineWidth
+0000000120029900 T gl_save_ListBase
+0000000120029a70 T gl_save_LoadIdentity
+0000000120029bd0 T gl_save_LoadMatrixf
+0000000120029d70 T gl_save_LoadName
+0000000120029ee0 T gl_save_LogicOp
+000000012002a050 T gl_save_Map1f
+000000012002a220 T gl_save_Map2f
+000000012002a440 T gl_save_MapGrid1f
+000000012002a5e0 T gl_save_MapGrid2f
+000000012002a7b0 T gl_save_Materialfv
+000000012002a960 T gl_save_MatrixMode
+000000012002aad0 T gl_save_MultMatrixf
+000000012002ac70 T gl_save_NewList
+000000012002ae30 T gl_save_Normal3f
+000000012002acb0 T gl_save_Normal3fv
+000000012002afd0 T gl_save_Ortho
+000000012002ca10 T gl_save_PassThrough
+000000012002b1c0 T gl_save_PixelMapfv
+000000012002b390 T gl_save_PixelTransferf
+000000012002b510 T gl_save_PixelZoom
+000000012002b690 T gl_save_PointParameterfvEXT
+000000012002b830 T gl_save_PointSize
+000000012002b9a0 T gl_save_PolygonMode
+000000012002bcc0 T gl_save_PolygonOffset
+000000012002bb20 T gl_save_PolygonStipple
+000000012002be40 T gl_save_PopAttrib
+000000012002bfa0 T gl_save_PopMatrix
+000000012002c100 T gl_save_PopName
+000000012002c260 T gl_save_PrioritizeTextures
+000000012002c420 T gl_save_PushAttrib
+000000012002c590 T gl_save_PushMatrix
+000000012002c6f0 T gl_save_PushName
+000000012002c860 T gl_save_RasterPos4f
+000000012002cb80 T gl_save_ReadBuffer
+000000012002ccf0 T gl_save_Rectf
+000000012002cea0 T gl_save_Rotatef
+000000012002cf00 T gl_save_Scalef
+000000012002d0a0 T gl_save_Scissor
+000000012002d240 T gl_save_ShadeModel
+000000012002d3b0 T gl_save_StencilFunc
+000000012002d540 T gl_save_StencilMask
+000000012002d6b0 T gl_save_StencilOp
+000000012002d840 T gl_save_TexCoord2f
+000000012002d9c0 T gl_save_TexCoord4f
+000000012002db70 T gl_save_TexEnvfv
+000000012002dd20 T gl_save_TexGenfv
+000000012002e080 T gl_save_TexImage1D
+000000012002e280 T gl_save_TexImage2D
+000000012002e4a0 T gl_save_TexImage3DEXT
+000000012002ded0 T gl_save_TexParameterfv
+000000012002e6c0 T gl_save_TexSubImage1D
+000000012002e8b0 T gl_save_TexSubImage2D
+000000012002ead0 T gl_save_TexSubImage3DEXT
+000000012002ed20 T gl_save_Translatef
+000000012002eec0 T gl_save_Vertex2f
+000000012002f040 T gl_save_Vertex3f
+000000012002f390 T gl_save_Vertex3fv
+000000012002f1e0 T gl_save_Vertex4f
+000000012002f510 T gl_save_Viewport
+000000012002f6b0 T gl_save_WindowPos4fMESA
+000000012006e6e0 T gl_scissor_pixels
+000000012006e620 T gl_scissor_span
+000000012001cf10 T gl_set_api_table
+000000012008e570 T gl_set_color_function
+000000012004f430 T gl_set_line_function
+000000012004de80 T gl_set_material
+00000001200673e0 T gl_set_point_function
+000000012006ad80 T gl_set_quad_function
+000000012007c950 T gl_set_texture_sampler
+00000001200838a0 T gl_set_triangle_function
+000000012008e3c0 T gl_set_vertex_function
+000000012004d180 T gl_sizeof_type
+000000012005e370 T gl_sqrt
+0000000120072d40 T gl_stencil_pixels
+0000000120072510 T gl_stencil_span
+000000012004d0c0 T gl_swap2
+000000012004d120 T gl_swap4
+0000000120079540 T gl_test_texture_object_completeness
+000000012007be80 T gl_texgen
+000000012007cb00 T gl_texture_pixels
+0000000120095710 T gl_transform_vb_part1
+00000001200952a0 T gl_transform_vb_part2
+0000000120098180 T gl_transform_vector
+0000000120016120 T gl_unpack_bitmap
+000000012004d290 T gl_unpack_image
+000000012004bf80 T gl_unpack_image3D
+0000000120065f90 T gl_unpack_pixels
+00000001200763e0 T gl_unpack_texsubimage
+000000012003c6b0 T gl_update_hitflag
+000000012004eb30 T gl_update_lighting
+000000012001c690 T gl_update_state
+000000012007bdb0 T gl_update_texture_state
+0000000120019bc0 T gl_userclip_line
+000000012001a800 T gl_userclip_point
+0000000120019fe0 T gl_userclip_polygon
+00000001200907b0 T gl_vertex2f_nop
+0000000120090770 T gl_vertex3f_nop
+00000001200907f0 T gl_vertex3fv_nop
+0000000120090730 T gl_vertex4f_nop
+0000000120017660 T gl_viewclip_line
+000000012001a770 T gl_viewclip_point
+0000000120018340 T gl_viewclip_polygon
+000000012001cfd0 T gl_warning
+000000012006b500 T gl_windowpos
+0000000120002c50 T gl_write_alpha_pixels
+0000000120002ac0 T gl_write_alpha_span
+0000000120070780 T gl_write_color_span
+000000012006fd10 T gl_write_index_span
+0000000120002d70 T gl_write_mono_alpha_pixels
+0000000120002ba0 T gl_write_mono_alpha_span
+0000000120070f00 T gl_write_monocolor_span
+00000001200701b0 T gl_write_monoindex_span
+0000000120073880 T gl_write_stencil_span
+0000000120071840 T gl_write_texture_span
+0000000120063b50 T gl_write_zoomed_color_span
+00000001200640c0 T gl_write_zoomed_index_span
+00000001200644e0 T gl_write_zoomed_stencil_span
+0000000120097ea0 T gl_xform_normals_3fv
+0000000120097c90 T gl_xform_points_3fv
+00000001200979d0 T gl_xform_points_4fv
+00000001200b0020 d grayblue.8
+00000001200b0010 d graygreen.7
+00000001200b0000 d grayred.6
+000000012003a500 t horner_bezier_curve
+000000012003a720 t horner_bezier_surf
+00000001200aff20 d identity.0
+0000000120076780 t image_to_texture
+0000000120066b90 t init_dlist_pointers
+00000001200665c0 t init_exec_pointers
+00000001200b93f8 s init_flag.0
+00000001200b9420 s init_flag.0
+000000012001e7c0 t init_light
+000000012001d270 t initialize_context
+00000001200b9424 s initialized.0
+000000012001a8c0 t interpolate_aux
+000000012005cda0 t invert_matrix
+000000012005d130 t invert_matrix_general
+00000001200897a0 t lambda_textured_triangle
+0000000120098270 T main
+0000000120077d40 t make_null_texture
+000000012002fc30 T mesa_print_display_list
+0000000120057aa0 t null_line
+0000000120069050 t null_points
+000000012006ae80 t null_quad
+000000012008b560 t null_triangle
+000000012007e110 t opt_sample_rgb_2d
+000000012007e2c0 t opt_sample_rgba_2d
+000000012005e7c0 t osmesa_setup_DD_pointers
+00000001200b93b0 g p.0
+0000000120082df0 t palette_sample
+00000001200afff0 d posblue.5
+00000001200affe0 d posgreen.4
+00000001200affd0 d posred.3
+000000012002fdd0 t print_list
+00000001200963f0 t project_and_cliptest
+000000012006ade0 t quad
+0000000120030ae0 t quickdraw_rgb
+0000000120078780 t read_color_image
+000000012005fa40 t read_color_pixels
+000000012006ce90 t read_color_pixels
+00000001200600f0 t read_color_pixels3
+000000012005f8e0 t read_color_span
+000000012005fff0 t read_color_span3
+000000012006c140 t read_depth_pixels
+000000012005f9c0 t read_index_pixels
+000000012006bae0 t read_index_pixels
+000000012005f890 t read_index_span
+000000012006c880 t read_stencil_pixels
+0000000120093ac0 t render_clipped_line
+0000000120094390 t render_clipped_polygon
+0000000120093f70 t render_polygon
+0000000120094d40 t render_quad
+0000000120094a70 t render_triangle
+00000001200b9a00 b renderer.0
+0000000120061a80 t renderer_string
+00000001200807d0 t sample_1d_linear
+00000001200804c0 t sample_1d_nearest
+0000000120081060 t sample_2d_linear
+0000000120080c70 t sample_2d_nearest
+0000000120081dd0 t sample_3d_linear
+0000000120081920 t sample_3d_nearest
+000000012007cd70 t sample_lambda_1d
+000000012007d7d0 t sample_lambda_2d
+000000012007e680 t sample_lambda_3d
+000000012007ccb0 t sample_linear_1d
+000000012007d700 t sample_linear_2d
+000000012007e5a0 t sample_linear_3d
+000000012007cbf0 t sample_nearest_1d
+000000012007d630 t sample_nearest_2d
+000000012007e4c0 t sample_nearest_3d
+000000012004fbb0 t select_line
+0000000120067950 t select_points
+0000000120083f60 t select_triangle
+000000012005ef50 t set_buffer
+000000012005f300 t set_color
+000000012005f2f0 t set_index
+0000000120096f30 t shade_vertices
+0000000120086820 t simple_textured_triangle
+0000000120087250 t simple_z_textured_triangle
+0000000120067280 T size1_ci_points
+0000000120067a30 t size1_rgba_points
+0000000120050960 t smooth_ci_line
+0000000120084850 t smooth_ci_triangle
+0000000120050bc0 t smooth_ci_z_line
+0000000120060460 t smooth_color_z_triangle
+0000000120050f00 t smooth_rgba_line
+0000000120085a20 t smooth_rgba_triangle
+00000001200513f0 t smooth_rgba_z_line
+0000000120056630 t smooth_textured_line
+00000001200b9de8 b sqrttab
+00000001200affa0 d texPlane.0
+0000000120078040 t texture_1d_error_check
+0000000120078250 t texture_2d_error_check
+00000001200784a0 t texture_3d_error_check
+00000001200683e0 t textured_rgba_points
+00000001200b9618 b tmp
+0000000120095830 t transform_points3
+0000000120095c40 t transform_points4
+00000001200960b0 t transform_texcoords
+000000012002fc50 t translate_id
+0000000120095020 t unfilled_polygon
+000000012001e720 t update_clipmask
+0000000120097630 t update_material
+000000012001e320 t update_pixel_logic
+000000012001e3f0 t update_pixel_masking
+000000012001e520 t update_rasterflags
+0000000120096b10 t userclip_vertices
+00000001200b93b8 g vendor.1
+00000001200b93c0 g version.2
+00000001200916b0 t vertex2f_color
+0000000120091500 t vertex2f_color_tex2
+00000001200915d0 t vertex2f_color_tex4
+0000000120090b20 t vertex2f_feedback
+0000000120091770 t vertex2f_index
+0000000120091440 t vertex2f_normal
+0000000120091250 t vertex2f_normal_color_tex2
+0000000120091340 t vertex2f_normal_color_tex4
+00000001200910d0 t vertex3f_color
+0000000120090f20 t vertex3f_color_tex2
+0000000120090ff0 t vertex3f_color_tex4
+0000000120090b00 t vertex3f_feedback
+0000000120091190 t vertex3f_index
+0000000120090e60 t vertex3f_normal
+0000000120090c70 t vertex3f_normal_color_tex2
+0000000120090d60 t vertex3f_normal_color_tex4
+0000000120091ce0 t vertex3fv_color
+0000000120091b10 t vertex3fv_color_tex2
+0000000120091bf0 t vertex3fv_color_tex4
+0000000120090b40 t vertex3fv_feedback
+0000000120091db0 t vertex3fv_index
+0000000120091a40 t vertex3fv_normal
+0000000120091830 t vertex3fv_normal_color_tex2
+0000000120091930 t vertex3fv_normal_color_tex4
+0000000120090b60 t vertex4
+00000001200909f0 t vertex4f_feedback
+0000000120096c50 t viewport_map_vertices
+00000001200affc0 d white.2
+000000012005f520 t write_color_pixels
+000000012005fde0 t write_color_pixels3
+000000012005f360 t write_color_span
+000000012005fb50 t write_color_span3
+000000012003c8c0 t write_hit_record
+000000012005f780 t write_index_pixels
+000000012005f6a0 t write_index_span
+000000012005f630 t write_monocolor_pixels
+000000012005fef0 t write_monocolor_pixels3
+000000012005f4d0 t write_monocolor_span
+000000012005fcf0 t write_monocolor_span3
+000000012005f810 t write_monoindex_pixels
+000000012005f710 t write_monoindex_span
diff --git a/configs/boot/micro_tlblat2.rcS b/configs/boot/micro_tlblat2.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ab05fd9ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/micro_tlblat2.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/benchmarks/micros/lmbench/bin/alphaev6-linux-gnu/lat_mem_rd_2MB 2 8192
+m5 exit
diff --git a/configs/boot/micro_tlblat3.rcS b/configs/boot/micro_tlblat3.rcS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fd5fd53c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/configs/boot/micro_tlblat3.rcS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+/benchmarks/micros/lmbench/bin/alphaev6-linux-gnu/lat_mem_rd_2MB 20 8192
+m5 exit
diff --git a/src/arch/alpha/ b/src/arch/alpha/
index 796ed07de..7595423c3 100644
--- a/src/arch/alpha/
+++ b/src/arch/alpha/
@@ -554,6 +554,7 @@ AlphaISA::MiscRegFile::setIpr(int idx, uint64_t val, ThreadContext *tc)
return NoFault;
AlphaISA::copyIprs(ThreadContext *src, ThreadContext *dest)
@@ -562,6 +563,7 @@ AlphaISA::copyIprs(ThreadContext *src, ThreadContext *dest)
* Check for special simulator handling of specific PAL calls.
* If return value is false, actual PAL call will be suppressed.
diff --git a/src/arch/alpha/freebsd/ b/src/arch/alpha/freebsd/
index 8d50e1612..99be25057 100644
--- a/src/arch/alpha/freebsd/
+++ b/src/arch/alpha/freebsd/
@@ -105,6 +105,7 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(FreebsdAlphaSystem)
Param<string> boot_osflags;
Param<string> readfile;
+ Param<string> symbolfile;
Param<unsigned int> init_param;
Param<uint64_t> system_type;
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(FreebsdAlphaSystem)
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(boot_osflags, "flags to pass to the kernel during boot",
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(readfile, "file to read startup script from", ""),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(symbolfile, "file to read symbols from", ""),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(init_param, "numerical value to pass into simulator", 0),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_type, "Type of system we are emulating", 34),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_rev, "Revision of system we are emulating", 1<<10)
@@ -143,6 +145,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(FreebsdAlphaSystem)
p->boot_osflags = boot_osflags;
p->init_param = init_param;
p->readfile = readfile;
+ p->symbolfile = symbolfile;
p->system_type = system_type;
p->system_rev = system_rev;
return new FreebsdAlphaSystem(p);
diff --git a/src/arch/alpha/isa/decoder.isa b/src/arch/alpha/isa/decoder.isa
index 30959c72e..4fc9da3f3 100644
--- a/src/arch/alpha/isa/decoder.isa
+++ b/src/arch/alpha/isa/decoder.isa
@@ -779,10 +779,10 @@ decode OPCODE default Unknown::unknown() {
}}, IsNonSpeculative, IsQuiesce);
0x03: quiesceCycles({{
AlphaPseudo::quiesceCycles(xc->tcBase(), R16);
- }}, IsNonSpeculative, IsQuiesce);
+ }}, IsNonSpeculative, IsQuiesce, IsUnverifiable);
0x04: quiesceTime({{
R0 = AlphaPseudo::quiesceTime(xc->tcBase());
- }}, IsNonSpeculative);
+ }}, IsNonSpeculative, IsUnverifiable);
0x10: ivlb({{
}}, No_OpClass, IsNonSpeculative);
@@ -795,6 +795,9 @@ decode OPCODE default Unknown::unknown() {
0x21: m5exit({{
AlphaPseudo::m5exit(xc->tcBase(), R16);
}}, No_OpClass, IsNonSpeculative);
+ 0x31: loadsymbol({{
+ AlphaPseudo::loadsymbol(xc->tcBase());
+ }}, No_OpClass, IsNonSpeculative);
0x30: initparam({{ Ra = xc->tcBase()->getCpuPtr()->system->init_param; }});
0x40: resetstats({{
AlphaPseudo::resetstats(xc->tcBase(), R16, R17);
diff --git a/src/arch/alpha/isa/mem.isa b/src/arch/alpha/isa/mem.isa
index a5dda7fc6..fe69c36a5 100644
--- a/src/arch/alpha/isa/mem.isa
+++ b/src/arch/alpha/isa/mem.isa
@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ def template MiscInitiateAcc {{
Fault %(class_name)s::initiateAcc(%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
- panic("Misc instruction does not support split access method!");
+ warn("Misc instruction does not support split access method!");
return NoFault;
@@ -539,7 +539,7 @@ def template MiscCompleteAcc {{
%(CPU_exec_context)s *xc,
Trace::InstRecord *traceData) const
- panic("Misc instruction does not support split access method!");
+ warn("Misc instruction does not support split access method!");
return NoFault;
diff --git a/src/arch/alpha/linux/ b/src/arch/alpha/linux/
index ef4e18cb5..7cf234eeb 100644
--- a/src/arch/alpha/linux/
+++ b/src/arch/alpha/linux/
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(LinuxAlphaSystem)
Param<string> boot_osflags;
Param<string> readfile;
+ Param<string> symbolfile;
Param<unsigned int> init_param;
Param<uint64_t> system_type;
@@ -218,6 +219,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(LinuxAlphaSystem)
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(boot_osflags, "flags to pass to the kernel during boot",
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(readfile, "file to read startup script from", ""),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(symbolfile, "file to read symbols from", ""),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(init_param, "numerical value to pass into simulator", 0),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_type, "Type of system we are emulating", 34),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_rev, "Revision of system we are emulating", 1<<10)
@@ -237,6 +239,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(LinuxAlphaSystem)
p->boot_osflags = boot_osflags;
p->init_param = init_param;
p->readfile = readfile;
+ p->symbolfile = symbolfile;
p->system_type = system_type;
p->system_rev = system_rev;
return new LinuxAlphaSystem(p);
diff --git a/src/arch/alpha/ b/src/arch/alpha/
index a7e615531..5597eaedc 100644
--- a/src/arch/alpha/
+++ b/src/arch/alpha/
@@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(AlphaSystem)
Param<std::string> boot_osflags;
Param<std::string> readfile;
+ Param<std::string> symbolfile;
Param<unsigned int> init_param;
Param<uint64_t> system_type;
@@ -248,6 +249,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(AlphaSystem)
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(boot_osflags, "flags to pass to the kernel during boot",
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(readfile, "file to read startup script from", ""),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(symbolfile, "file to read symbols from", ""),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(init_param, "numerical value to pass into simulator", 0),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_type, "Type of system we are emulating", 34),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_rev, "Revision of system we are emulating", 1<<10)
@@ -267,6 +269,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(AlphaSystem)
p->boot_osflags = boot_osflags;
p->init_param = init_param;
p->readfile = readfile;
+ p->symbolfile = symbolfile;
p->system_type = system_type;
p->system_rev = system_rev;
return new AlphaSystem(p);
diff --git a/src/arch/alpha/tru64/ b/src/arch/alpha/tru64/
index 3ef1e4d3c..00918bda4 100644
--- a/src/arch/alpha/tru64/
+++ b/src/arch/alpha/tru64/
@@ -103,6 +103,7 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(Tru64AlphaSystem)
Param<string> boot_osflags;
Param<string> readfile;
+ Param<string> symbolfile;
Param<unsigned int> init_param;
Param<uint64_t> system_type;
@@ -122,6 +123,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(Tru64AlphaSystem)
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(boot_osflags, "flags to pass to the kernel during boot",
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(readfile, "file to read startup script from", ""),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(symbolfile, "file to read symbols from", ""),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(init_param, "numerical value to pass into simulator", 0),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_type, "Type of system we are emulating", 12),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(system_rev, "Revision of system we are emulating", 2<<1)
@@ -141,6 +143,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(Tru64AlphaSystem)
p->boot_osflags = boot_osflags;
p->init_param = init_param;
p->readfile = readfile;
+ p->symbolfile = symbolfile;
p->system_type = system_type;
p->system_rev = system_rev;
diff --git a/src/cpu/ b/src/cpu/
index ce440aeff..513dd7c55 100644
--- a/src/cpu/
+++ b/src/cpu/
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
#include "base/trace.hh"
+// Hack
+#include "sim/stat_control.hh"
using namespace std;
vector<BaseCPU *> BaseCPU::cpuList;
@@ -57,6 +60,39 @@ vector<BaseCPU *> BaseCPU::cpuList;
// been initialized
int maxThreadsPerCPU = 1;
+CPUProgressEvent::CPUProgressEvent(EventQueue *q, Tick ival,
+ BaseCPU *_cpu)
+ : Event(q, Event::Stat_Event_Pri), interval(ival),
+ lastNumInst(0), cpu(_cpu)
+ if (interval)
+ schedule(curTick + interval);
+ Counter temp = cpu->totalInstructions();
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ double ipc = double(temp - lastNumInst) / (interval / cpu->cycles(1));
+ DPRINTFN("%s progress event, instructions committed: %lli, IPC: %0.8d\n",
+ cpu->name(), temp - lastNumInst, ipc);
+ ipc = 0.0;
+ cprintf("%lli: %s progress event, instructions committed: %lli\n",
+ curTick, cpu->name(), temp - lastNumInst);
+ lastNumInst = temp;
+ schedule(curTick + interval);
+const char *
+ return "CPU Progress event";
BaseCPU::BaseCPU(Params *p)
: MemObject(p->name), clock(p->clock), checkInterrupts(true),
@@ -67,6 +103,7 @@ BaseCPU::BaseCPU(Params *p)
number_of_threads(p->numberOfThreads), system(p->system)
+// currentTick = curTick;
DPRINTF(FullCPU, "BaseCPU: Creating object, mem address %#x.\n", this);
// add self to global list of CPUs
@@ -153,7 +190,6 @@ BaseCPU::BaseCPU(Params *p)
if (params->profile)
profileEvent = new ProfileEvent(this, params->profile);
@@ -188,6 +224,11 @@ BaseCPU::startup()
if (!params->deferRegistration && profileEvent)
+ if (params->progress_interval) {
+ new CPUProgressEvent(&mainEventQueue, params->progress_interval,
+ this);
+ }
@@ -238,7 +279,11 @@ BaseCPU::registerThreadContexts()
- panic("This CPU doesn't support sampling!");
+// panic("This CPU doesn't support sampling!");
+ if (profileEvent && profileEvent->scheduled())
+ profileEvent->deschedule();
@@ -261,18 +306,22 @@ BaseCPU::takeOverFrom(BaseCPU *oldCPU)
assert(newTC->getProcessPtr() == oldTC->getProcessPtr());
newTC->getProcessPtr()->replaceThreadContext(newTC, newTC->readCpuId());
+// TheISA::compareXCs(oldXC, newXC);
for (int i = 0; i < TheISA::NumInterruptLevels; ++i)
interrupts[i] = oldCPU->interrupts[i];
intstatus = oldCPU->intstatus;
+ checkInterrupts = oldCPU->checkInterrupts;
for (int i = 0; i < threadContexts.size(); ++i)
- if (profileEvent)
- profileEvent->schedule(curTick);
+ // The Sampler must take care of this!
+// if (profileEvent)
+// profileEvent->schedule(curTick);
diff --git a/src/cpu/base.hh b/src/cpu/base.hh
index 2be6e4e81..e02527371 100644
--- a/src/cpu/base.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/base.hh
@@ -46,6 +46,21 @@ class ThreadContext;
class System;
class Port;
+class CPUProgressEvent : public Event
+ protected:
+ Tick interval;
+ Counter lastNumInst;
+ BaseCPU *cpu;
+ public:
+ CPUProgressEvent(EventQueue *q, Tick ival, BaseCPU *_cpu);
+ void process();
+ virtual const char *description();
class BaseCPU : public MemObject
@@ -53,6 +68,7 @@ class BaseCPU : public MemObject
Tick clock;
+// Tick currentTick;
inline Tick frequency() const { return Clock::Frequency / clock; }
inline Tick cycles(int numCycles) const { return clock * numCycles; }
inline Tick curCycle() const { return curTick / clock; }
@@ -128,6 +144,7 @@ class BaseCPU : public MemObject
int cpu_id;
Tick profile;
+ Tick progress_interval;
BaseCPU *checker;
diff --git a/src/cpu/base_dyn_inst.hh b/src/cpu/base_dyn_inst.hh
index 3158aa9cf..c68810954 100644
--- a/src/cpu/base_dyn_inst.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/base_dyn_inst.hh
@@ -197,7 +197,7 @@ class BaseDynInst : public FastAlloc, public RefCounted
union Result {
uint64_t integer;
- float fp;
+// float fp;
double dbl;
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ class BaseDynInst : public FastAlloc, public RefCounted
uint64_t readIntResult() { return instResult.integer; }
/** Returns the result of a floating point instruction. */
- float readFloatResult() { return instResult.fp; }
+ float readFloatResult() { return (float)instResult.dbl; }
/** Returns the result of a floating point (double) instruction. */
double readDoubleResult() { return instResult.dbl; }
@@ -409,7 +409,7 @@ class BaseDynInst : public FastAlloc, public RefCounted
void setFloatReg(const StaticInst *si, int idx, FloatReg val, int width)
if (width == 32)
- instResult.fp = val;
+ instResult.dbl = (double)val;
else if (width == 64)
instResult.dbl = val;
@@ -419,7 +419,8 @@ class BaseDynInst : public FastAlloc, public RefCounted
/** Records an fp register being set to a value. */
void setFloatReg(const StaticInst *si, int idx, FloatReg val)
- instResult.fp = val;
+// instResult.fp = val;
+ instResult.dbl = (double)val;
/** Records an fp register being set to an integer value. */
diff --git a/src/cpu/checker/cpu.hh b/src/cpu/checker/cpu.hh
index 6d6ae1e0a..00b01171f 100644
--- a/src/cpu/checker/cpu.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/checker/cpu.hh
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ class CheckerCPU : public BaseCPU
Process *process;
bool exitOnError;
+ bool updateOnError;
bool warnOnlyOnLoadError;
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ class CheckerCPU : public BaseCPU
union Result {
uint64_t integer;
- float fp;
+// float fp;
double dbl;
@@ -257,7 +258,7 @@ class CheckerCPU : public BaseCPU
thread->setFloatReg(reg_idx, val, width);
switch(width) {
case 32:
- result.fp = val;
+ result.dbl = (double)val;
case 64:
result.dbl = val;
@@ -269,7 +270,7 @@ class CheckerCPU : public BaseCPU
int reg_idx = si->destRegIdx(idx) - TheISA::FP_Base_DepTag;
thread->setFloatReg(reg_idx, val);
- result.fp = val;
+ result.dbl = (double)val;
void setFloatRegBits(const StaticInst *si, int idx, FloatRegBits val,
@@ -318,7 +319,7 @@ class CheckerCPU : public BaseCPU
return thread->setMiscRegWithEffect(misc_reg, val);
- void recordPCChange(uint64_t val) { changedPC = true; }
+ void recordPCChange(uint64_t val) { changedPC = true; newPC = val; }
void recordNextPCChange(uint64_t val) { changedNextPC = true; }
bool translateInstReq(Request *req);
@@ -360,6 +361,7 @@ class CheckerCPU : public BaseCPU
uint64_t newPC;
bool changedNextPC;
bool exitOnError;
+ bool updateOnError;
bool warnOnlyOnLoadError;
InstSeqNum youngestSN;
@@ -376,7 +378,7 @@ class Checker : public CheckerCPU
Checker(Params *p)
- : CheckerCPU(p)
+ : CheckerCPU(p), updateThisCycle(false), unverifiedInst(NULL)
{ }
void switchOut();
@@ -393,12 +395,19 @@ class Checker : public CheckerCPU
void handleError(DynInstPtr &inst)
- if (exitOnError)
+ if (exitOnError) {
+ } else if (updateOnError) {
+ updateThisCycle = true;
+ }
void dumpAndExit(DynInstPtr &inst);
+ bool updateThisCycle;
+ DynInstPtr unverifiedInst;
std::list<DynInstPtr> instList;
typedef typename std::list<DynInstPtr>::iterator InstListIt;
void dumpInsts();
diff --git a/src/cpu/checker/cpu_impl.hh b/src/cpu/checker/cpu_impl.hh
index 81f97726c..8aec79754 100644
--- a/src/cpu/checker/cpu_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/checker/cpu_impl.hh
@@ -94,6 +94,8 @@ Checker<DynInstPtr>::verify(DynInstPtr &completed_inst)
+ unverifiedInst = inst;
// Try to check all instructions that are completed, ending if we
// run out of instructions to check or if an instruction is not
// yet completed.
@@ -171,7 +173,7 @@ Checker<DynInstPtr>::verify(DynInstPtr &completed_inst)
thread->setNextPC(thread->readNextPC() + sizeof(MachInst));
- return;
+ break;
} else {
// The instruction is carrying an ITB fault. Handle
// the fault and see if our results match the CPU on
@@ -220,7 +222,8 @@ Checker<DynInstPtr>::verify(DynInstPtr &completed_inst)
- fault = curStaticInst->execute(this, NULL);
+ if (!inst->isUnverifiable())
+ fault = curStaticInst->execute(this, NULL);
// Checks to make sure instrution results are correct.
@@ -289,6 +292,7 @@ Checker<DynInstPtr>::verify(DynInstPtr &completed_inst)
+ unverifiedInst = NULL;
template <class DynInstPtr>
@@ -395,6 +399,24 @@ template <class DynInstPtr>
+ if (updateThisCycle) {
+ warn("%lli: Instruction PC %#x results didn't match up, copying all "
+ "registers from main CPU", curTick, unverifiedInst->readPC());
+ // Heavy-weight copying of all registers
+ thread->copyArchRegs(unverifiedInst->tcBase());
+ // Also advance the PC. Hopefully no PC-based events happened.
+ // go to the next instruction
+ thread->setPC(thread->readNextPC());
+ thread->setNextPC(thread->readNextPC() + sizeof(MachInst));
+ // go to the next instruction
+ thread->setPC(thread->readNextPC());
+ thread->setNextPC(thread->readNextNPC());
+ thread->setNextNPC(thread->readNextNPC() + sizeof(MachInst));
+ updateThisCycle = false;
+ }
template <class DynInstPtr>
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/alpha/ b/src/cpu/o3/alpha/
index 5e767655d..ff123a6f7 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/alpha/
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/alpha/
@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ SimObjectParam<System *> system;
Param<int> cpu_id;
SimObjectParam<AlphaITB *> itb;
SimObjectParam<AlphaDTB *> dtb;
+Param<Tick> profile;
SimObjectVectorParam<Process *> workload;
#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
@@ -68,6 +69,7 @@ Param<Counter> max_insts_any_thread;
Param<Counter> max_insts_all_threads;
Param<Counter> max_loads_any_thread;
Param<Counter> max_loads_all_threads;
+Param<Tick> progress_interval;
Param<unsigned> cachePorts;
@@ -162,6 +164,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(DerivO3CPU)
INIT_PARAM(cpu_id, "processor ID"),
INIT_PARAM(itb, "Instruction translation buffer"),
INIT_PARAM(dtb, "Data translation buffer"),
+ INIT_PARAM(profile, ""),
INIT_PARAM(workload, "Processes to run"),
#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
@@ -184,6 +187,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(DerivO3CPU)
"Terminate when all threads have reached this load"
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(progress_interval, "Progress interval", 0),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(cachePorts, "Cache Ports", 200),
@@ -305,6 +309,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(DerivO3CPU)
params->cpu_id = cpu_id;
params->itb = itb;
params->dtb = dtb;
+ params->profile = profile;
params->workload = workload;
#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
@@ -317,6 +322,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(DerivO3CPU)
params->max_insts_all_threads = max_insts_all_threads;
params->max_loads_any_thread = max_loads_any_thread;
params->max_loads_all_threads = max_loads_all_threads;
+ params->progress_interval = progress_interval;
// Caches
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/ b/src/cpu/o3/
index 782d963b0..02c817499 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/
@@ -64,6 +64,7 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(O3Checker)
Param<Counter> max_insts_all_threads;
Param<Counter> max_loads_any_thread;
Param<Counter> max_loads_all_threads;
+ Param<Tick> progress_interval;
SimObjectParam<AlphaITB *> itb;
@@ -78,6 +79,7 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(O3Checker)
Param<bool> defer_registration;
Param<bool> exitOnError;
+ Param<bool> updateOnError;
Param<bool> warnOnlyOnLoadError;
Param<bool> function_trace;
Param<Tick> function_trace_start;
@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(O3Checker)
"terminate when any thread reaches this load count"),
"terminate when all threads have reached this load count"),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(progress_interval, "CPU Progress Interval", 0),
INIT_PARAM(itb, "Instruction TLB"),
@@ -109,6 +112,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(O3Checker)
INIT_PARAM(defer_registration, "defer system registration (for sampling)"),
INIT_PARAM(exitOnError, "exit on error"),
+ INIT_PARAM(updateOnError, "Update the checker with the main CPU's state on error"),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(warnOnlyOnLoadError, "warn, but don't exit, if a load "
"result errors", false),
INIT_PARAM(function_trace, "Enable function trace"),
@@ -127,6 +131,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(O3Checker)
params->max_loads_any_thread = 0;
params->max_loads_all_threads = 0;
params->exitOnError = exitOnError;
+ params->updateOnError = updateOnError;
params->warnOnlyOnLoadError = warnOnlyOnLoadError;
params->deferRegistration = defer_registration;
params->functionTrace = function_trace;
@@ -139,6 +144,9 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(O3Checker)
temp = max_insts_all_threads;
temp = max_loads_any_thread;
temp = max_loads_all_threads;
+ Tick temp2 = progress_interval;
+ params->progress_interval = 0;
+ temp2++;
params->itb = itb;
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh b/src/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh
index 34f487e2c..c80e4d8c1 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh
@@ -1083,12 +1083,26 @@ DefaultCommit<Impl>::commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num)
// Generate trap squash event.
+// warn("%lli fault (%d) handled @ PC %08p", curTick, inst_fault->name(), head_inst->readPC());
return false;
+ if (thread[tid]->profile) {
+// bool usermode =
+// (cpu->readMiscReg(AlphaISA::IPR_DTB_CM, tid) & 0x18) != 0;
+// thread[tid]->profilePC = usermode ? 1 : head_inst->readPC();
+ thread[tid]->profilePC = head_inst->readPC();
+ ProfileNode *node = thread[tid]->profile->consume(thread[tid]->getTC(),
+ head_inst->staticInst);
+ if (node)
+ thread[tid]->profileNode = node;
+ }
if (head_inst->traceData) {
@@ -1102,6 +1116,9 @@ DefaultCommit<Impl>::commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num)
+ if (head_inst->isCopy())
+ panic("Should not commit any copy instructions!");
// Finally clear the head ROB entry.
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/ b/src/cpu/o3/
index 19ab7f4c5..7386dfadd 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include "config/use_checker.hh"
+#include "cpu/quiesce_event.hh"
#include "sim/system.hh"
#include "sim/process.hh"
@@ -793,6 +794,7 @@ template <class Impl>
unsigned int
FullO3CPU<Impl>::drain(Event *drain_event)
+ DPRINTF(O3CPU, "Switching out\n");
drainCount = 0;
@@ -849,6 +851,8 @@ FullO3CPU<Impl>::signalDrained()
+ BaseCPU::switchOut();
if (drainEvent) {
drainEvent = NULL;
@@ -863,6 +867,7 @@ FullO3CPU<Impl>::switchOut()
+ iew.switchOut();
while (!removeList.empty()) {
@@ -874,6 +879,8 @@ FullO3CPU<Impl>::switchOut()
if (checker)
+ if (tickEvent.scheduled())
+ tickEvent.squash();
template <class Impl>
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/fetch_impl.hh b/src/cpu/o3/fetch_impl.hh
index 1e080181c..2d447bfe5 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/fetch_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/fetch_impl.hh
@@ -442,6 +442,7 @@ DefaultFetch<Impl>::takeOverFrom()
wroteToTimeBuffer = false;
_status = Inactive;
switchedOut = false;
+ interruptPending = false;
@@ -563,7 +564,7 @@ DefaultFetch<Impl>::fetchCacheLine(Addr fetch_PC, Fault &ret_fault, unsigned tid
unsigned flags = 0;
#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
- if (cacheBlocked || (interruptPending && flags == 0)) {
+ if (cacheBlocked || isSwitchedOut() || (interruptPending && flags == 0)) {
// Hold off fetch from getting new instructions when:
// Cache is blocked, or
// while an interrupt is pending and we're not in PAL mode, or
@@ -1152,8 +1153,8 @@ DefaultFetch<Impl>::fetch(bool &status_change)
fetch_PC = next_PC;
if (instruction->isQuiesce()) {
- warn("cycle %lli: Quiesce instruction encountered, halting fetch!",
- curTick);
+// warn("%lli: Quiesce instruction encountered, halting fetch!",
+// curTick);
fetchStatus[tid] = QuiescePending;
status_change = true;
@@ -1268,7 +1269,7 @@ DefaultFetch<Impl>::fetch(bool &status_change)
fetchStatus[tid] = TrapPending;
status_change = true;
- warn("cycle %lli: fault (%s) detected @ PC %08p", curTick, fault->name(), PC[tid]);
+// warn("%lli fault (%d) detected @ PC %08p", curTick, fault, PC[tid]);
#else // !FULL_SYSTEM
warn("cycle %lli: fault (%s) detected @ PC %08p", curTick, fault->name(), PC[tid]);
#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/iew.hh b/src/cpu/o3/iew.hh
index 76fa008ee..a400c9fa8 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/iew.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/iew.hh
@@ -216,6 +216,7 @@ class DefaultIEW
if (++wbOutstanding == wbMax)
ableToIssue = false;
DPRINTF(IEW, "wbOutstanding: %i\n", wbOutstanding);
+ assert(wbOutstanding <= wbMax);
#ifdef DEBUG
@@ -226,6 +227,7 @@ class DefaultIEW
if (wbOutstanding-- == wbMax)
ableToIssue = true;
DPRINTF(IEW, "wbOutstanding: %i\n", wbOutstanding);
+ assert(wbOutstanding >= 0);
#ifdef DEBUG
assert(wbList.find(sn) != wbList.end());
@@ -450,7 +452,9 @@ class DefaultIEW
unsigned wbCycle;
/** Number of instructions in flight that will writeback. */
- unsigned wbOutstanding;
+ /** Number of instructions in flight that will writeback. */
+ int wbOutstanding;
/** Writeback width. */
unsigned wbWidth;
@@ -507,6 +511,8 @@ class DefaultIEW
Stats::Scalar<> iewExecutedInsts;
/** Stat for total number of executed load instructions. */
Stats::Vector<> iewExecLoadInsts;
+ /** Stat for total number of executed store instructions. */
+// Stats::Scalar<> iewExecStoreInsts;
/** Stat for total number of squashed instructions skipped at execute. */
Stats::Scalar<> iewExecSquashedInsts;
/** Number of executed software prefetches. */
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/iew_impl.hh b/src/cpu/o3/iew_impl.hh
index e9b24a6d4..b2baae296 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/iew_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/iew_impl.hh
@@ -162,17 +162,17 @@ DefaultIEW<Impl>::regStats()
branchMispredicts = predictedTakenIncorrect + predictedNotTakenIncorrect;
- .name(name() + ".EXEC:insts")
+ .name(name() + ".iewExecutedInsts")
.desc("Number of executed instructions");
- .name(name() + ".EXEC:loads")
+ .name(name() + ".iewExecLoadInsts")
.desc("Number of load instructions executed")
- .name(name() + ".EXEC:squashedInsts")
+ .name(name() + ".iewExecSquashedInsts")
.desc("Number of squashed instructions skipped in execute");
@@ -372,6 +372,8 @@ DefaultIEW<Impl>::switchOut()
// Clear any state.
switchedOut = true;
+ assert(insts[0].empty());
+ assert(skidBuffer[0].empty());
@@ -410,7 +412,6 @@ DefaultIEW<Impl>::takeOverFrom()
updateLSQNextCycle = false;
- // @todo: Fix hardcoded number
for (int i = 0; i < issueToExecQueue.getSize(); ++i) {
@@ -611,9 +612,11 @@ DefaultIEW<Impl>::instToCommit(DynInstPtr &inst)
wbNumInst = 0;
- assert((wbCycle * wbWidth + wbNumInst) < wbMax);
+ assert((wbCycle * wbWidth + wbNumInst) <= wbMax);
+ DPRINTF(IEW, "Current wb cycle: %i, width: %i, numInst: %i\nwbActual:%i\n",
+ wbCycle, wbWidth, wbNumInst, wbCycle * wbWidth + wbNumInst);
// Add finished instruction to queue to commit.
(*iewQueue)[wbCycle].insts[wbNumInst] = inst;
@@ -1273,13 +1276,23 @@ DefaultIEW<Impl>::executeInsts()
// event adds the instruction to the queue to commit
fault = ldstQueue.executeLoad(inst);
} else if (inst->isStore()) {
- ldstQueue.executeStore(inst);
+ fault = ldstQueue.executeStore(inst);
// If the store had a fault then it may not have a mem req
- if (inst->req && !(inst->req->getFlags() & LOCKED)) {
+ if (!inst->isStoreConditional() && fault == NoFault) {
+ } else if (fault != NoFault) {
+ // If the instruction faulted, then we need to send it along to commit
+ // without the instruction completing.
+ // Send this instruction to commit, also make sure iew stage
+ // realizes there is activity.
+ inst->setExecuted();
+ instToCommit(inst);
+ activityThisCycle();
// Store conditionals will mark themselves as
@@ -1404,7 +1417,7 @@ DefaultIEW<Impl>::writebackInsts()
// E.g. Uncached loads have not actually executed when they
// are first sent to commit. Instead commit must tell the LSQ
// when it's ready to execute the uncached load.
- if (!inst->isSquashed() && inst->isExecuted()) {
+ if (!inst->isSquashed() && inst->isExecuted() && inst->getFault() == NoFault) {
int dependents = instQueue.wakeDependents(inst);
for (int i = 0; i < inst->numDestRegs(); i++) {
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/inst_queue.hh b/src/cpu/o3/inst_queue.hh
index d745faf7b..3dd4dc658 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/inst_queue.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/inst_queue.hh
@@ -479,13 +479,13 @@ class InstructionQueue
/** Distribution of number of instructions in the queue.
* @todo: Need to create struct to track the entry time for each
* instruction. */
- Stats::VectorDistribution<> queueResDist;
+// Stats::VectorDistribution<> queueResDist;
/** Distribution of the number of instructions issued. */
Stats::Distribution<> numIssuedDist;
/** Distribution of the cycles it takes to issue an instruction.
* @todo: Need to create struct to track the ready time for each
* instruction. */
- Stats::VectorDistribution<> issueDelayDist;
+// Stats::VectorDistribution<> issueDelayDist;
/** Number of times an instruction could not be issued because a
* FU was busy.
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/inst_queue_impl.hh b/src/cpu/o3/inst_queue_impl.hh
index 47634f645..6edb528a9 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/inst_queue_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/inst_queue_impl.hh
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ InstructionQueue<Impl>::regStats()
.name(name() + ".iqSquashedNonSpecRemoved")
.desc("Number of squashed non-spec instructions that were removed")
.init(Num_OpClasses, 0, 99, 2)
.name(name() + ".IQ:residence:")
@@ -240,6 +240,7 @@ InstructionQueue<Impl>::regStats()
for (int i = 0; i < Num_OpClasses; ++i) {
queueResDist.subname(i, opClassStrings[i]);
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:issued_per_cycle")
@@ -268,7 +269,7 @@ InstructionQueue<Impl>::regStats()
// How long did instructions for a particular FU type wait prior to issue
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:")
@@ -281,7 +282,7 @@ InstructionQueue<Impl>::regStats()
subname << opClassStrings[i] << "_delay";
issueDelayDist.subname(i, subname.str());
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:rate")
.desc("Inst issue rate")
@@ -385,8 +386,16 @@ template <class Impl>
+ if (!instList[0].empty() || (numEntries != freeEntries) ||
+ !readyInsts[0].empty() || !nonSpecInsts.empty() || !listOrder.empty()) {
+ dumpInsts();
+// assert(0);
+ }
+ instsToExecute.clear();
switchedOut = true;
for (int i = 0; i < numThreads; ++i) {
@@ -642,9 +651,12 @@ template <class Impl>
InstructionQueue<Impl>::processFUCompletion(DynInstPtr &inst, int fu_idx)
+ DPRINTF(IQ, "Processing FU completion [sn:%lli]\n", inst->seqNum);
// The CPU could have been sleeping until this op completed (*extremely*
// long latency op). Wake it if it was. This may be overkill.
if (isSwitchedOut()) {
+ DPRINTF(IQ, "FU completion not processed, IQ is switched out [sn:%lli]\n",
+ inst->seqNum);
@@ -1036,6 +1048,10 @@ InstructionQueue<Impl>::doSquash(unsigned tid)
(squashed_inst->isMemRef() &&
!squashed_inst->memOpDone)) {
+ DPRINTF(IQ, "[tid:%i]: Instruction [sn:%lli] PC %#x "
+ "squashed.\n",
+ tid, squashed_inst->seqNum, squashed_inst->readPC());
// Remove the instruction from the dependency list.
if (!squashed_inst->isNonSpeculative() &&
!squashed_inst->isStoreConditional() &&
@@ -1066,7 +1082,7 @@ InstructionQueue<Impl>::doSquash(unsigned tid)
- } else {
+ } else if (!squashed_inst->isStoreConditional() || !squashed_inst->isCompleted()) {
NonSpecMapIt ns_inst_it =
assert(ns_inst_it != nonSpecInsts.end());
@@ -1093,10 +1109,6 @@ InstructionQueue<Impl>::doSquash(unsigned tid)
- DPRINTF(IQ, "[tid:%i]: Instruction [sn:%lli] PC %#x "
- "squashed.\n",
- tid, squashed_inst->seqNum, squashed_inst->readPC());
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh
index 1358a3699..90d1a3d53 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit.hh
@@ -407,7 +407,6 @@ class LSQUnit {
// Will also need how many read/write ports the Dcache has. Or keep track
// of that in stage that is one level up, and only call executeLoad/Store
// the appropriate number of times.
/** Total number of loads forwaded from LSQ stores. */
Stats::Scalar<> lsqForwLoads;
@@ -421,6 +420,9 @@ class LSQUnit {
* ignored due to the instruction already being squashed. */
Stats::Scalar<> lsqIgnoredResponses;
+ /** Tota number of memory ordering violations. */
+ Stats::Scalar<> lsqMemOrderViolation;
/** Total number of squashed stores. */
Stats::Scalar<> lsqSquashedStores;
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit_impl.hh b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit_impl.hh
index fa716c712..98bea74fb 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/lsq_unit_impl.hh
@@ -180,6 +180,10 @@ LSQUnit<Impl>::regStats()
.name(name() + ".ignoredResponses")
.desc("Number of memory responses ignored because the instruction is squashed");
+ lsqMemOrderViolation
+ .name(name() + ".memOrderViolation")
+ .desc("Number of memory ordering violations");
.name(name() + ".squashedStores")
.desc("Number of stores squashed");
@@ -220,8 +224,10 @@ void
switchedOut = true;
- for (int i = 0; i < loadQueue.size(); ++i)
+ for (int i = 0; i < loadQueue.size(); ++i) {
+ assert(!loadQueue[i]);
loadQueue[i] = NULL;
+ }
assert(storesToWB == 0);
@@ -408,6 +414,11 @@ LSQUnit<Impl>::executeLoad(DynInstPtr &inst)
if (load_fault != NoFault) {
// Send this instruction to commit, also make sure iew stage
// realizes there is activity.
+ // Mark it as executed unless it is an uncached load that
+ // needs to hit the head of commit.
+ if (!(inst->req->getFlags() & UNCACHEABLE) || inst->isAtCommit()) {
+ inst->setExecuted();
+ }
@@ -467,6 +478,7 @@ LSQUnit<Impl>::executeStore(DynInstPtr &store_inst)
// A load incorrectly passed this store. Squash and refetch.
// For now return a fault to show that it was unsuccessful.
memDepViolator = loadQueue[load_idx];
+ ++lsqMemOrderViolation;
return genMachineCheckFault();
@@ -820,6 +832,7 @@ LSQUnit<Impl>::completeStore(int store_idx)
// A bit conservative because a store completion may not free up entries,
// but hopefully avoids two store completions in one cycle from making
// the CPU tick twice.
+ cpu->wakeCPU();
if (store_idx == storeHead) {
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh b/src/cpu/o3/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh
index 16f67a4e0..c649ca385 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh
@@ -109,6 +109,9 @@ template <class MemDepPred, class Impl>
MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::switchOut()
+ assert(instList[0].empty());
+ assert(instsToReplay.empty());
+ assert(memDepHash.empty());
// Clear any state.
for (int i = 0; i < Impl::MaxThreads; ++i) {
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/rename.hh b/src/cpu/o3/rename.hh
index ba26a01dd..177b9cb87 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/rename.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/rename.hh
@@ -417,6 +417,8 @@ class DefaultRename
/** The maximum skid buffer size. */
unsigned skidBufferMax;
+ PhysRegIndex maxPhysicalRegs;
/** Enum to record the source of a structure full stall. Can come from
* either ROB, IQ, LSQ, and it is priortized in that order.
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/rename_impl.hh b/src/cpu/o3/rename_impl.hh
index 782c0fe5f..248d7deb6 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/rename_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/rename_impl.hh
@@ -41,7 +41,8 @@ DefaultRename<Impl>::DefaultRename(Params *params)
- numThreads(params->numberOfThreads)
+ numThreads(params->numberOfThreads),
+ maxPhysicalRegs(params->numPhysIntRegs + params->numPhysFloatRegs)
_status = Inactive;
@@ -286,6 +287,11 @@ DefaultRename<Impl>::switchOut()
// Put the renamed physical register back on the free list.
+ // Be sure to mark its register as ready if it's a misc register.
+ if (hb_it->newPhysReg >= maxPhysicalRegs) {
+ scoreboard->setReg(hb_it->newPhysReg);
+ }
@@ -889,6 +895,11 @@ DefaultRename<Impl>::doSquash(const InstSeqNum &squashed_seq_num, unsigned tid)
// Put the renamed physical register back on the free list.
+ // Be sure to mark its register as ready if it's a misc register.
+ if (hb_it->newPhysReg >= maxPhysicalRegs) {
+ scoreboard->setReg(hb_it->newPhysReg);
+ }
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/thread_context_impl.hh b/src/cpu/o3/thread_context_impl.hh
index a4546e669..25e1db21c 100755
--- a/src/cpu/o3/thread_context_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/thread_context_impl.hh
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ template <class Impl>
- // Currently not supported
+ thread->dumpFuncProfile();
@@ -239,12 +239,16 @@ O3ThreadContext<Impl>::readLastSuspend()
template <class Impl>
+ thread->profileClear();
template <class Impl>
+ thread->profileSample();
template <class Impl>
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/thread_state.hh b/src/cpu/o3/thread_state.hh
index b6f2e14c0..5fe7bb94d 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/thread_state.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/thread_state.hh
@@ -31,8 +31,11 @@
#ifndef __CPU_O3_THREAD_STATE_HH__
#define __CPU_O3_THREAD_STATE_HH__
+#include "base/callback.hh"
+#include "base/output.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_state.hh"
+#include "sim/sim_exit.hh"
class Event;
class Process;
@@ -75,8 +78,22 @@ struct O3ThreadState : public ThreadState {
O3ThreadState(O3CPU *_cpu, int _thread_num)
: ThreadState(-1, _thread_num),
- inSyscall(0), trapPending(0)
- { }
+ cpu(_cpu), inSyscall(0), trapPending(0)
+ {
+ if (cpu->params->profile) {
+ profile = new FunctionProfile(cpu->params->system->kernelSymtab);
+ Callback *cb =
+ new MakeCallback<O3ThreadState,
+ &O3ThreadState::dumpFuncProfile>(this);
+ registerExitCallback(cb);
+ }
+ // let's fill with a dummy node for now so we don't get a segfault
+ // on the first cycle when there's no node available.
+ static ProfileNode dummyNode;
+ profileNode = &dummyNode;
+ profilePC = 3;
+ }
O3ThreadState(O3CPU *_cpu, int _thread_num, Process *_process, int _asid,
MemObject *mem)
@@ -95,6 +112,14 @@ struct O3ThreadState : public ThreadState {
/** Handles the syscall. */
void syscall(int64_t callnum) { process->syscall(callnum, tc); }
+ void dumpFuncProfile()
+ {
+ std::ostream *os = simout.create(csprintf("profile.%s.dat", cpu->name()));
+ profile->dump(tc, *os);
+ }
#endif // __CPU_O3_THREAD_STATE_HH__
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/ b/src/cpu/o3/
index 7cf78dcb1..ffb941c77 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ TournamentBP::TournamentBP(unsigned _localPredictorSize,
for (int i = 0; i < localPredictorSize; ++i)
+ localPredictorMask = floorPow2(localPredictorSize) - 1;
if (!isPowerOf2(localHistoryTableSize)) {
fatal("Invalid local history table size!\n");
@@ -158,7 +160,7 @@ TournamentBP::lookup(Addr &branch_addr, void * &bp_history)
//Lookup in the local predictor to get its branch prediction
local_history_idx = calcLocHistIdx(branch_addr);
local_predictor_idx = localHistoryTable[local_history_idx]
- & localHistoryMask;
+ & localPredictorMask;
local_prediction = localCtrs[local_predictor_idx].read() > threshold;
//Lookup in the global predictor to get its branch prediction
@@ -176,7 +178,8 @@ TournamentBP::lookup(Addr &branch_addr, void * &bp_history)
bp_history = (void *)history;
assert(globalHistory < globalPredictorSize &&
- local_history_idx < localPredictorSize);
+ local_history_idx < localHistoryTableSize &&
+ local_predictor_idx < localPredictorSize);
// Commented code is for doing speculative update of counters and
// all histories.
@@ -234,7 +237,7 @@ TournamentBP::update(Addr &branch_addr, bool taken, void *bp_history)
// Get the local predictor's current prediction
local_history_idx = calcLocHistIdx(branch_addr);
local_predictor_hist = localHistoryTable[local_history_idx];
- local_predictor_idx = local_predictor_hist & localHistoryMask;
+ local_predictor_idx = local_predictor_hist & localPredictorMask;
// Update the choice predictor to tell it which one was correct if
// there was a prediction.
@@ -256,6 +259,7 @@ TournamentBP::update(Addr &branch_addr, bool taken, void *bp_history)
assert(globalHistory < globalPredictorSize &&
+ local_history_idx < localHistoryTableSize &&
local_predictor_idx < localPredictorSize);
// Update the counters and local history with the proper
diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/tournament_pred.hh b/src/cpu/o3/tournament_pred.hh
index 66b4aaae2..472944910 100644
--- a/src/cpu/o3/tournament_pred.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/tournament_pred.hh
@@ -159,6 +159,9 @@ class TournamentBP
/** Size of the local predictor. */
unsigned localPredictorSize;
+ /** Mask to get the proper index bits into the predictor. */
+ unsigned localPredictorMask;
/** Number of bits of the local predictor's counters. */
unsigned localCtrBits;
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/ b/src/cpu/ozone/
index c372e51d6..b4c4686b7 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(OzoneChecker)
Param<Counter> max_insts_all_threads;
Param<Counter> max_loads_any_thread;
Param<Counter> max_loads_all_threads;
+ Param<Tick> progress_interval;
SimObjectParam<AlphaITB *> itb;
@@ -79,6 +80,7 @@ BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(OzoneChecker)
Param<bool> defer_registration;
Param<bool> exitOnError;
+ Param<bool> updateOnError;
Param<bool> warnOnlyOnLoadError;
Param<bool> function_trace;
Param<Tick> function_trace_start;
@@ -95,6 +97,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(OzoneChecker)
"terminate when any thread reaches this load count"),
"terminate when all threads have reached this load count"),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(progress_interval, "CPU Progress Interval", 0),
INIT_PARAM(itb, "Instruction TLB"),
@@ -110,6 +113,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(OzoneChecker)
INIT_PARAM(defer_registration, "defer system registration (for sampling)"),
INIT_PARAM(exitOnError, "exit on error"),
+ INIT_PARAM(updateOnError, "Update the checker with the main CPU's state on error"),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(warnOnlyOnLoadError, "warn, but don't exit, if a load "
"result errors", false),
INIT_PARAM(function_trace, "Enable function trace"),
@@ -128,6 +132,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(OzoneChecker)
params->max_loads_any_thread = 0;
params->max_loads_all_threads = 0;
params->exitOnError = exitOnError;
+ params->updateOnError = updateOnError;
params->warnOnlyOnLoadError = warnOnlyOnLoadError;
params->deferRegistration = defer_registration;
params->functionTrace = function_trace;
@@ -140,6 +145,9 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(OzoneChecker)
temp = max_insts_all_threads;
temp = max_loads_any_thread;
temp = max_loads_all_threads;
+ Tick temp2 = progress_interval;
+ temp2++;
+ params->progress_interval = 0;
params->itb = itb;
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/cpu.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/cpu.hh
index e411c12bd..8c5be9424 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/cpu.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/cpu.hh
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
- * Copyright (c) 2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+ * Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -33,6 +33,7 @@
#include <set>
+#include "arch/regfile.hh"
#include "base/statistics.hh"
#include "base/timebuf.hh"
#include "config/full_system.hh"
@@ -81,13 +82,13 @@ template <class>
class Checker;
- * Declaration of Out-of-Order CPU class. Basically it is a SimpleCPU with
- * simple out-of-order capabilities added to it. It is still a 1 CPI machine
- * (?), but is capable of handling cache misses. Basically it models having
- * a ROB/IQ by only allowing a certain amount of instructions to execute while
- * the cache miss is outstanding.
+ * Light weight out of order CPU model that approximates an out of
+ * order CPU. It is separated into a front end and a back end, with
+ * the template parameter Impl describing the classes used for each.
+ * The goal is to be able to specify through the Impl the class to use
+ * for the front end and back end, with different classes used to
+ * model different levels of detail.
template <class Impl>
class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
@@ -257,8 +258,8 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
void setFuncExeInst(Counter new_val)
{ thread->funcExeInst = new_val; }
- void changeRegFileContext(TheISA::RegFile::ContextParam param,
- TheISA::RegFile::ContextVal val)
+ void changeRegFileContext(TheISA::RegContextParam param,
+ TheISA::RegContextVal val)
{ panic("Not supported on Alpha!"); }
@@ -273,6 +274,7 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
typedef OzoneThreadState<Impl> ImplState;
+ // Committed thread state for the OzoneCPU.
OzoneThreadState<Impl> thread;
@@ -310,12 +312,6 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
- private:
- Trace::InstRecord *traceData;
- template<typename T>
- void trace_data(T data);
enum Status {
@@ -326,8 +322,6 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
Status _status;
- bool checkInterrupts;
void post_interrupt(int int_num, int index);
void zero_fill_64(Addr addr) {
@@ -379,6 +373,7 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
FrontEnd *frontEnd;
BackEnd *backEnd;
Status status() const { return _status; }
void setStatus(Status new_status) { _status = new_status; }
@@ -410,12 +405,11 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
// number of idle cycles
Stats::Average<> notIdleFraction;
Stats::Formula idleFraction;
- public:
+ public:
virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os);
virtual void unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const std::string &section);
/** Translates instruction requestion. */
Fault translateInstReq(RequestPtr &req, OzoneThreadState<Impl> *thread)
@@ -582,12 +576,9 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
Fault copy(Addr dest);
- InstSeqNum globalSeqNum;
void squashFromTC();
- // @todo: This can be a useful debug function. Implement it.
void dumpInsts() { frontEnd->dumpInsts(); }
@@ -605,7 +596,6 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
ThreadContext *tcBase() { return tc; }
- bool decoupledFrontEnd;
struct CommStruct {
InstSeqNum doneSeqNum;
InstSeqNum nonSpecSeqNum;
@@ -614,8 +604,13 @@ class OzoneCPU : public BaseCPU
bool stall;
+ InstSeqNum globalSeqNum;
TimeBuffer<CommStruct> comm;
+ bool decoupledFrontEnd;
bool lockFlag;
Stats::Scalar<> quiesceCycles;
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/ b/src/cpu/ozone/
index e239b7a94..730158258 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/
@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ SimObjectParam<System *> system;
Param<int> cpu_id;
SimObjectParam<AlphaITB *> itb;
SimObjectParam<AlphaDTB *> dtb;
+Param<Tick> profile;
SimObjectVectorParam<Process *> workload;
//SimObjectParam<PageTable *> page_table;
@@ -76,16 +77,18 @@ Param<Counter> max_insts_any_thread;
Param<Counter> max_insts_all_threads;
Param<Counter> max_loads_any_thread;
Param<Counter> max_loads_all_threads;
+Param<Tick> progress_interval;
//SimObjectParam<BaseCache *> icache;
//SimObjectParam<BaseCache *> dcache;
Param<unsigned> cachePorts;
Param<unsigned> width;
+Param<unsigned> frontEndLatency;
Param<unsigned> frontEndWidth;
+Param<unsigned> backEndLatency;
Param<unsigned> backEndWidth;
Param<unsigned> backEndSquashLatency;
-Param<unsigned> backEndLatency;
Param<unsigned> maxInstBufferSize;
Param<unsigned> numPhysicalRegs;
Param<unsigned> maxOutstandingMemOps;
@@ -140,6 +143,7 @@ Param<unsigned> RASSize;
Param<unsigned> LQEntries;
Param<unsigned> SQEntries;
+Param<bool> lsqLimits;
Param<unsigned> LFSTSize;
Param<unsigned> SSITSize;
@@ -181,6 +185,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(DerivOzoneCPU)
INIT_PARAM(cpu_id, "processor ID"),
INIT_PARAM(itb, "Instruction translation buffer"),
INIT_PARAM(dtb, "Data translation buffer"),
+ INIT_PARAM(profile, ""),
INIT_PARAM(workload, "Processes to run"),
// INIT_PARAM(page_table, "Page table"),
@@ -204,16 +209,18 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(DerivOzoneCPU)
"Terminate when all threads have reached this load"
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(progress_interval, "Progress interval", 0),
// INIT_PARAM_DFLT(icache, "L1 instruction cache", NULL),
// INIT_PARAM_DFLT(dcache, "L1 data cache", NULL),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(cachePorts, "Cache Ports", 200),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(width, "Width", 1),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(frontEndLatency, "Front end latency", 1),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(frontEndWidth, "Front end width", 1),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(backEndLatency, "Back end latency", 1),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(backEndWidth, "Back end width", 1),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(backEndSquashLatency, "Back end squash latency", 1),
- INIT_PARAM_DFLT(backEndLatency, "Back end latency", 1),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(maxInstBufferSize, "Maximum instruction buffer size", 16),
INIT_PARAM(numPhysicalRegs, "Number of physical registers"),
INIT_PARAM_DFLT(maxOutstandingMemOps, "Maximum outstanding memory operations", 4),
@@ -274,6 +281,7 @@ BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(DerivOzoneCPU)
INIT_PARAM(LQEntries, "Number of load queue entries"),
INIT_PARAM(SQEntries, "Number of store queue entries"),
+ INIT_PARAM_DFLT(lsqLimits, "LSQ size limits dispatch", true),
INIT_PARAM(LFSTSize, "Last fetched store table size"),
INIT_PARAM(SSITSize, "Store set ID table size"),
@@ -336,6 +344,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(DerivOzoneCPU)
params->cpu_id = cpu_id;
params->itb = itb;
params->dtb = dtb;
+ params->profile = profile;
params->workload = workload;
// params->pTable = page_table;
@@ -347,6 +356,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(DerivOzoneCPU)
params->max_insts_all_threads = max_insts_all_threads;
params->max_loads_any_thread = max_loads_any_thread;
params->max_loads_all_threads = max_loads_all_threads;
+ params->progress_interval = progress_interval;
// Caches
@@ -357,6 +367,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(DerivOzoneCPU)
params->width = width;
params->frontEndWidth = frontEndWidth;
+ params->frontEndLatency = frontEndLatency;
params->backEndWidth = backEndWidth;
params->backEndSquashLatency = backEndSquashLatency;
params->backEndLatency = backEndLatency;
@@ -414,6 +425,7 @@ CREATE_SIM_OBJECT(DerivOzoneCPU)
params->LQEntries = LQEntries;
params->SQEntries = SQEntries;
+ params->lsqLimits = lsqLimits;
params->SSITSize = SSITSize;
params->LFSTSize = LFSTSize;
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/cpu_impl.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/cpu_impl.hh
index 80f18434c..bf547bf94 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/cpu_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/cpu_impl.hh
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
#include "arch/isa_traits.hh" // For MachInst
#include "base/trace.hh"
#include "cpu/base.hh"
+#include "cpu/simple_thread.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
#include "cpu/ozone/cpu.hh"
@@ -50,9 +51,9 @@
#include "arch/alpha/types.hh"
#include "arch/vtophys.hh"
#include "base/callback.hh"
-//#include "base/remote_gdb.hh"
#include "cpu/profile.hh"
#include "kern/kernel_stats.hh"
+#include "mem/physical.hh"
#include "sim/faults.hh"
#include "sim/sim_events.hh"
#include "sim/sim_exit.hh"
@@ -68,15 +69,6 @@
using namespace TheISA;
template <class Impl>
-template<typename T>
-OzoneCPU<Impl>::trace_data(T data) {
- if (traceData) {
- traceData->setData(data);
- }
-template <class Impl>
OzoneCPU<Impl>::TickEvent::TickEvent(OzoneCPU *c, int w)
: Event(&mainEventQueue, CPU_Tick_Pri), cpu(c), width(w)
@@ -126,6 +118,8 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneCPU(Params *p)
panic("Checker enabled but not compiled in!");
} else {
+ // If checker is not being used, then the xcProxy points
+ // directly to the CPU's ExecContext.
checker = NULL; = &ozoneTC;
tc = &ozoneTC;
@@ -138,7 +132,7 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneCPU(Params *p)
- /***** All thread state stuff *****/
+ // Setup thread state stuff.
thread.cpu = this;
@@ -187,12 +181,15 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneCPU(Params *p)
- decoupledFrontEnd = p->decoupledFrontEnd;
globalSeqNum = 1;
checkInterrupts = false;
+ lockFlag = 0;
+ // Setup rename table, initializing all values to ready.
for (int i = 0; i < TheISA::TotalNumRegs; ++i) {
thread.renameTable[i] = new DynInst(this);
@@ -233,8 +230,6 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneCPU(Params *p)
- lockFlag = 0;
DPRINTF(OzoneCPU, "OzoneCPU: Created Ozone cpu object.\n");
@@ -247,6 +242,7 @@ template <class Impl>
+ BaseCPU::switchOut();
switchCount = 0;
// Front end needs state from back end, so switch out the back end first.
@@ -257,6 +253,8 @@ template <class Impl>
+ // Only complete the switchout when both the front end and back
+ // end have signalled they are ready to switch.
if (++switchCount == 2) {
@@ -266,6 +264,17 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::signalSwitched()
_status = SwitchedOut;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ // Loop through all registers
+ for (int i = 0; i < AlphaISA::TotalNumRegs; ++i) {
+ assert(thread.renameTable[i] == frontEnd->renameTable[i]);
+ assert(thread.renameTable[i] == backEnd->renameTable[i]);
+ DPRINTF(OzoneCPU, "Checking if register %i matches.\n", i);
+ }
if (tickEvent.scheduled())
@@ -278,13 +287,25 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::takeOverFrom(BaseCPU *oldCPU)
+ thread.trapPending = false;
+ thread.inSyscall = false;
+ frontEnd->renameTable.copyFrom(thread.renameTable);
+ backEnd->renameTable.copyFrom(thread.renameTable);
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+ // Check rename table.
+ for (int i = 0; i < TheISA::TotalNumRegs; ++i) {
+ assert(thread.renameTable[i]->isResultReady());
+ }
// @todo: Fix hardcoded number
// Clear out any old information in time buffer.
- for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 15; ++i) {
@@ -316,6 +337,10 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::activateContext(int thread_num, int delay)
_status = Running;
+ if (thread.quiesceEvent && thread.quiesceEvent->scheduled())
+ thread.quiesceEvent->deschedule();
@@ -393,7 +418,7 @@ template <class Impl>
- startNumInst = numInst;
+// startNumInst = numInst;
notIdleFraction = (_status != Idle);
@@ -441,6 +466,15 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::serialize(std::ostream &os)
nameOut(os, csprintf("%s.tickEvent", name()));
+ // Use SimpleThread's ability to checkpoint to make it easier to
+ // write out the registers. Also make this static so it doesn't
+ // get instantiated multiple times (causes a panic in statistics).
+ static SimpleThread temp;
+ nameOut(os, csprintf("%s.xc.0", name()));
+ temp.copyTC(thread.getTC());
+ temp.serialize(os);
template <class Impl>
@@ -451,6 +485,15 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const std::string &section)
ozoneTC.unserialize(cp, csprintf("", section));
tickEvent.unserialize(cp, csprintf("%s.tickEvent", section));
+ // Use SimpleThread's ability to checkpoint to make it easier to
+ // read in the registers. Also make this static so it doesn't
+ // get instantiated multiple times (causes a panic in statistics).
+ static SimpleThread temp;
+ temp.copyTC(thread.getTC());
+ temp.unserialize(cp, csprintf("%s.xc.0", section));
+ thread.getTC()->copyArchRegs(temp.getTC());
template <class Impl>
@@ -705,11 +748,13 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::processInterrupts()
if (ipl && ipl > thread.readMiscReg(IPR_IPLR)) {
thread.setMiscReg(IPR_ISR, summary);
thread.setMiscReg(IPR_INTID, ipl);
// @todo: Make this more transparent
if (checker) {
checker->threadBase()->setMiscReg(IPR_ISR, summary);
checker->threadBase()->setMiscReg(IPR_INTID, ipl);
Fault fault = new InterruptFault;
DPRINTF(Flow, "Interrupt! IPLR=%d ipl=%d summary=%x\n",
@@ -810,7 +855,9 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneTC::halt()
template <class Impl>
-{ }
+ thread->dumpFuncProfile();
template <class Impl>
@@ -829,6 +876,7 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneTC::takeOverFrom(ThreadContext *old_context)
+ thread->setInst(old_context->getInst());
@@ -842,6 +890,7 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneTC::takeOverFrom(ThreadContext *old_context)
thread->quiesceEvent->tc = this;
+ // Copy kernel stats pointer from old context.
thread->kernelStats = old_context->getKernelStats();
// storeCondFailures = 0;
cpu->lockFlag = false;
@@ -863,7 +912,11 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneTC::regStats(const std::string &name)
template <class Impl>
OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneTC::serialize(std::ostream &os)
-{ }
+ // Once serialization is added, serialize the quiesce event and
+ // kernel stats. Will need to make sure there aren't multiple
+ // things that serialize them.
template <class Impl>
@@ -896,16 +949,14 @@ template <class Impl>
- if (thread->profile)
- thread->profile->clear();
+ thread->profileClear();
template <class Impl>
- if (thread->profile)
- thread->profile->sample(thread->profileNode, thread->profilePC);
+ thread->profileSample();
@@ -916,7 +967,6 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneTC::getThreadNum()
return thread->readTid();
-// Also somewhat obnoxious. Really only used for the TLB fault.
template <class Impl>
@@ -934,14 +984,20 @@ OzoneCPU<Impl>::OzoneTC::copyArchRegs(ThreadContext *tc)
- for (int i = 0; i < TheISA::TotalNumRegs; ++i) {
- if (i < TheISA::FP_Base_DepTag) {
- thread->renameTable[i]->setIntResult(tc->readIntReg(i));
- } else if (i < (TheISA::FP_Base_DepTag + TheISA::NumFloatRegs)) {
- int fp_idx = i - TheISA::FP_Base_DepTag;
- thread->renameTable[i]->setDoubleResult(
- tc->readFloatReg(fp_idx, 64));
- }
+ // First loop through the integer registers.
+ for (int i = 0; i < TheISA::NumIntRegs; ++i) {
+/* DPRINTF(OzoneCPU, "Copying over register %i, had data %lli, "
+ "now has data %lli.\n",
+ i, thread->renameTable[i]->readIntResult(),
+ tc->readIntReg(i));
+ thread->renameTable[i]->setIntResult(tc->readIntReg(i));
+ }
+ // Then loop through the floating point registers.
+ for (int i = 0; i < TheISA::NumFloatRegs; ++i) {
+ int fp_idx = i + TheISA::FP_Base_DepTag;
+ thread->renameTable[fp_idx]->setIntResult(tc->readFloatRegBits(i));
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/dyn_inst_impl.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/dyn_inst_impl.hh
index ba0d70417..db1460eba 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/dyn_inst_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/dyn_inst_impl.hh
@@ -215,14 +215,14 @@ OzoneDynInst<Impl>::clearMemDependents()
template <class Impl>
OzoneDynInst<Impl>::readMiscReg(int misc_reg)
return this->thread->readMiscReg(misc_reg);
template <class Impl>
OzoneDynInst<Impl>::readMiscRegWithEffect(int misc_reg, Fault &fault)
return this->thread->readMiscRegWithEffect(misc_reg, fault);
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/front_end.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/front_end.hh
index 3ed3c4d18..5ffd3666e 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/front_end.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/front_end.hh
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
#include <deque>
#include "arch/utility.hh"
+#include "base/timebuf.hh"
#include "cpu/inst_seq.hh"
#include "cpu/o3/bpred_unit.hh"
#include "cpu/ozone/rename_table.hh"
@@ -246,15 +247,21 @@ class FrontEnd
void dumpInsts();
+ TimeBuffer<int> numInstsReady;
typedef typename std::deque<DynInstPtr> InstBuff;
typedef typename InstBuff::iterator InstBuffIt;
+ InstBuff feBuffer;
InstBuff instBuffer;
int instBufferSize;
int maxInstBufferSize;
+ int latency;
int width;
int freeRegs;
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/front_end_impl.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/front_end_impl.hh
index 1b120460a..d34716de6 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/front_end_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/front_end_impl.hh
@@ -92,8 +92,10 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::FrontEnd(Params *params)
: branchPred(params),
+ numInstsReady(params->frontEndLatency, 0),
+ latency(params->frontEndLatency),
@@ -326,6 +328,18 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::tick()
if (switchedOut)
+ for (int insts_to_queue = numInstsReady[-latency];
+ !instBuffer.empty() && insts_to_queue;
+ --insts_to_queue)
+ {
+ DPRINTF(FE, "Transferring instruction [sn:%lli] to the feBuffer\n",
+ instBuffer.front()->seqNum);
+ feBuffer.push_back(instBuffer.front());
+ instBuffer.pop_front();
+ }
+ numInstsReady.advance();
// @todo: Maybe I want to just have direct communication...
if (fromCommit->doneSeqNum) {
branchPred.update(fromCommit->doneSeqNum, 0);
@@ -339,8 +353,8 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::tick()
cacheBlkValid = true;
status = Running;
- if (barrierInst)
- status = SerializeBlocked;
+// if (barrierInst)
+// status = SerializeBlocked;
if (freeRegs <= 0)
status = RenameBlocked;
@@ -414,11 +428,12 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::tick()
// latency
+ numInstsReady[0]++;
if (inst->isQuiesce()) {
- warn("%lli: Quiesce instruction encountered, halting fetch!", curTick);
+// warn("%lli: Quiesce instruction encountered, halting fetch!", curTick);
status = QuiescePending;
@@ -572,10 +587,10 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::processBarriers(DynInstPtr &inst)
// Change status over to SerializeBlocked so that other stages know
// what this is blocked on.
- status = SerializeBlocked;
+// status = SerializeBlocked;
- barrierInst = inst;
- return true;
+// barrierInst = inst;
+// return true;
} else if ((inst->isStoreConditional() || inst->isSerializeAfter())
&& !inst->isSerializeHandled()) {
DPRINTF(FE, "Serialize after instruction encountered.\n");
@@ -620,6 +635,7 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::handleFault(Fault &fault)
instruction->fault = fault;
+ numInstsReady[0]++;
@@ -649,6 +665,21 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &squash_num, const Addr &next_PC,
freeRegs+= inst->numDestRegs();
+ while (!feBuffer.empty() &&
+ feBuffer.back()->seqNum > squash_num) {
+ DynInstPtr inst = feBuffer.back();
+ DPRINTF(FE, "Squashing instruction [sn:%lli] PC %#x\n",
+ inst->seqNum, inst->readPC());
+ inst->clearDependents();
+ feBuffer.pop_back();
+ --instBufferSize;
+ freeRegs+= inst->numDestRegs();
+ }
// Copy over rename table from the back end.
@@ -666,12 +697,12 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &squash_num, const Addr &next_PC,
DPRINTF(FE, "Squashing outstanding Icache access.\n");
memReq = NULL;
if (status == SerializeBlocked) {
assert(barrierInst->seqNum > squash_num);
barrierInst = NULL;
// Unless this squash originated from the front end, we're probably
// in running mode now.
// Actually might want to make this latency dependent.
@@ -683,13 +714,22 @@ template <class Impl>
typename Impl::DynInstPtr
- if (instBufferSize == 0) {
+ if (feBuffer.empty()) {
return NULL;
- DynInstPtr inst = instBuffer.front();
+ DynInstPtr inst = feBuffer.front();
- instBuffer.pop_front();
+ if (inst->isSerializeBefore() || inst->isIprAccess()) {
+ DPRINTF(FE, "Back end is getting a serialize before inst\n");
+ if (!backEnd->robEmpty()) {
+ DPRINTF(FE, "Rob is not empty yet, not returning inst\n");
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ inst->clearSerializeBefore();
+ }
+ feBuffer.pop_front();
@@ -784,11 +824,11 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::updateStatus()
if (status == BEBlocked && !be_block) {
- if (barrierInst) {
- status = SerializeBlocked;
- } else {
+// if (barrierInst) {
+// status = SerializeBlocked;
+// } else {
status = Running;
- }
+// }
ret_val = true;
return ret_val;
@@ -810,6 +850,7 @@ template <class Impl>
typename Impl::DynInstPtr
if (status == SerializeComplete) {
DynInstPtr inst = barrierInst;
status = Running;
@@ -817,7 +858,7 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::getInstFromCacheline()
return inst;
InstSeqNum inst_seq;
MachInst inst;
// @todo: Fix this magic number used here to handle word offset (and
@@ -932,6 +973,7 @@ FrontEnd<Impl>::doSwitchOut()
squash(0, 0);
instBufferSize = 0;
+ feBuffer.clear();
status = Idle;
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/inorder_back_end_impl.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/inorder_back_end_impl.hh
index 701fc0ee9..16ebac163 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/inorder_back_end_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/inorder_back_end_impl.hh
@@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ InorderBackEnd<Impl>::executeInsts()
- inst->setCompleted();
+ inst->setResultReady();
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/inst_queue_impl.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/inst_queue_impl.hh
index f2d80e621..32a940241 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/inst_queue_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/inst_queue_impl.hh
@@ -850,13 +850,13 @@ template <class Impl>
InstQueue<Impl>::addReadyMemInst(DynInstPtr &ready_inst)
- OpClass op_class = ready_inst->opClass();
+// OpClass op_class = ready_inst->opClass();
DPRINTF(IQ, "Instruction is ready to issue, putting it onto "
"the ready list, PC %#x opclass:%i [sn:%lli].\n",
- ready_inst->readPC(), op_class, ready_inst->seqNum);
+ ready_inst->readPC(), ready_inst->opClass(), ready_inst->seqNum);
template <class Impl>
@@ -1177,11 +1177,11 @@ InstQueue<Impl>::addIfReady(DynInstPtr &inst)
- OpClass op_class = inst->opClass();
+// OpClass op_class = inst->opClass();
DPRINTF(IQ, "Instruction is ready to issue, putting it onto "
"the ready list, PC %#x opclass:%i [sn:%lli].\n",
- inst->readPC(), op_class, inst->seqNum);
+ inst->readPC(), inst->opClass(), inst->seqNum);
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/lw_back_end.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/lw_back_end.hh
index d836ceebd..49c6a1ae2 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/lw_back_end.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/lw_back_end.hh
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@ class LWBackEnd
TimeBuffer<IssueToExec> i2e;
typename TimeBuffer<IssueToExec>::wire instsToExecute;
TimeBuffer<ExecToCommit> e2c;
- TimeBuffer<Writeback> numInstsToWB;
+ TimeBuffer<int> numInstsToWB;
TimeBuffer<CommStruct> *comm;
typename TimeBuffer<CommStruct>::wire toIEW;
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class LWBackEnd
Tick lastCommitCycle;
- bool robEmpty() { return instList.empty(); }
+ bool robEmpty() { return numInsts == 0; }
bool isFull() { return numInsts >= numROBEntries; }
bool isBlocked() { return status == Blocked || dispatchStatus == Blocked; }
@@ -194,6 +194,7 @@ class LWBackEnd
void instToCommit(DynInstPtr &inst);
+ void readyInstsForCommit();
void switchOut();
void doSwitchOut();
@@ -255,12 +256,13 @@ class LWBackEnd
RenameTable<Impl> renameTable;
+ int latency;
// General back end width. Used if the more specific isn't given.
int width;
// Dispatch width.
int dispatchWidth;
- int numDispatchEntries;
int dispatchSize;
int waitingInsts;
@@ -285,6 +287,7 @@ class LWBackEnd
int numROBEntries;
int numInsts;
+ bool lsqLimits;
std::set<InstSeqNum> waitingMemOps;
typedef std::set<InstSeqNum>::iterator MemIt;
@@ -295,9 +298,6 @@ class LWBackEnd
InstSeqNum squashSeqNum;
Addr squashNextPC;
- Fault faultFromFetch;
- bool fetchHasFault;
bool switchedOut;
bool switchPending;
@@ -321,8 +321,6 @@ class LWBackEnd
std::list<DynInstPtr> replayList;
std::list<DynInstPtr> writeback;
- int latency;
int squashLatency;
bool exactFullStall;
@@ -331,37 +329,39 @@ class LWBackEnd
/* Stats::Scalar<> dcacheStallCycles;
Counter lastDcacheStall;
- Stats::Vector<> rob_cap_events;
- Stats::Vector<> rob_cap_inst_count;
- Stats::Vector<> iq_cap_events;
- Stats::Vector<> iq_cap_inst_count;
+ Stats::Vector<> robCapEvents;
+ Stats::Vector<> robCapInstCount;
+ Stats::Vector<> iqCapEvents;
+ Stats::Vector<> iqCapInstCount;
// total number of instructions executed
- Stats::Vector<> exe_inst;
- Stats::Vector<> exe_swp;
- Stats::Vector<> exe_nop;
- Stats::Vector<> exe_refs;
- Stats::Vector<> exe_loads;
- Stats::Vector<> exe_branches;
+ Stats::Vector<> exeInst;
+ Stats::Vector<> exeSwp;
+ Stats::Vector<> exeNop;
+ Stats::Vector<> exeRefs;
+ Stats::Vector<> exeLoads;
+ Stats::Vector<> exeBranches;
- Stats::Vector<> issued_ops;
+ Stats::Vector<> issuedOps;
// total number of loads forwaded from LSQ stores
- Stats::Vector<> lsq_forw_loads;
+ Stats::Vector<> lsqForwLoads;
// total number of loads ignored due to invalid addresses
- Stats::Vector<> inv_addr_loads;
+ Stats::Vector<> invAddrLoads;
// total number of software prefetches ignored due to invalid addresses
- Stats::Vector<> inv_addr_swpfs;
+ Stats::Vector<> invAddrSwpfs;
// ready loads blocked due to memory disambiguation
- Stats::Vector<> lsq_blocked_loads;
+ Stats::Vector<> lsqBlockedLoads;
Stats::Scalar<> lsqInversion;
- Stats::Vector<> n_issued_dist;
- Stats::VectorDistribution<> issue_delay_dist;
+ Stats::Vector<> nIssuedDist;
+ Stats::VectorDistribution<> issueDelayDist;
- Stats::VectorDistribution<> queue_res_dist;
+ Stats::VectorDistribution<> queueResDist;
Stats::Vector<> stat_fu_busy;
Stats::Vector2d<> stat_fuBusy;
@@ -379,37 +379,37 @@ class LWBackEnd
Stats::Formula commit_ipb;
Stats::Formula lsq_inv_rate;
- Stats::Vector<> writeback_count;
- Stats::Vector<> producer_inst;
- Stats::Vector<> consumer_inst;
- Stats::Vector<> wb_penalized;
+ Stats::Vector<> writebackCount;
+ Stats::Vector<> producerInst;
+ Stats::Vector<> consumerInst;
+ Stats::Vector<> wbPenalized;
- Stats::Formula wb_rate;
- Stats::Formula wb_fanout;
- Stats::Formula wb_penalized_rate;
+ Stats::Formula wbRate;
+ Stats::Formula wbFanout;
+ Stats::Formula wbPenalizedRate;
// total number of instructions committed
- Stats::Vector<> stat_com_inst;
- Stats::Vector<> stat_com_swp;
- Stats::Vector<> stat_com_refs;
- Stats::Vector<> stat_com_loads;
- Stats::Vector<> stat_com_membars;
- Stats::Vector<> stat_com_branches;
+ Stats::Vector<> statComInst;
+ Stats::Vector<> statComSwp;
+ Stats::Vector<> statComRefs;
+ Stats::Vector<> statComLoads;
+ Stats::Vector<> statComMembars;
+ Stats::Vector<> statComBranches;
- Stats::Distribution<> n_committed_dist;
+ Stats::Distribution<> nCommittedDist;
- Stats::Scalar<> commit_eligible_samples;
- Stats::Vector<> commit_eligible;
+ Stats::Scalar<> commitEligibleSamples;
+ Stats::Vector<> commitEligible;
Stats::Vector<> squashedInsts;
Stats::Vector<> ROBSquashedInsts;
- Stats::Scalar<> ROB_fcount;
- Stats::Formula ROB_full_rate;
+ Stats::Scalar<> ROBFcount;
+ Stats::Formula ROBFullRate;
- Stats::Vector<> ROB_count; // cumulative ROB occupancy
- Stats::Formula ROB_occ_rate;
- Stats::VectorDistribution<> ROB_occ_dist;
+ Stats::Vector<> ROBCount; // cumulative ROB occupancy
+ Stats::Formula ROBOccRate;
+// Stats::VectorDistribution<> ROBOccDist;
void dumpInsts();
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/lw_back_end_impl.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/lw_back_end_impl.hh
index a4f1d805e..c39b9e08b 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/lw_back_end_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/lw_back_end_impl.hh
@@ -141,13 +141,14 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::replayMemInst(DynInstPtr &inst)
template <class Impl>
LWBackEnd<Impl>::LWBackEnd(Params *params)
- : d2i(5, 5), i2e(5, 5), e2c(5, 5), numInstsToWB(5, 5),
+ : d2i(5, 5), i2e(5, 5), e2c(5, 5), numInstsToWB(params->backEndLatency, 0),
trapSquash(false), tcSquash(false),
- width(params->backEndWidth), exactFullStall(true)
+ latency(params->backEndLatency),
+ width(params->backEndWidth), lsqLimits(params->lsqLimits),
+ exactFullStall(true)
numROBEntries = params->numROBEntries;
numInsts = 0;
- numDispatchEntries = 32;
maxOutstandingMemOps = params->maxOutstandingMemOps;
numWaitingMemOps = 0;
waitingInsts = 0;
@@ -184,78 +185,79 @@ void
using namespace Stats;
- rob_cap_events
+ LSQ.regStats();
+ robCapEvents
.name(name() + ".ROB:cap_events")
.desc("number of cycles where ROB cap was active")
- rob_cap_inst_count
+ robCapInstCount
.name(name() + ".ROB:cap_inst")
.desc("number of instructions held up by ROB cap")
- iq_cap_events
+ iqCapEvents
.name(name() +".IQ:cap_events" )
.desc("number of cycles where IQ cap was active")
- iq_cap_inst_count
+ iqCapInstCount
.name(name() + ".IQ:cap_inst")
.desc("number of instructions held up by IQ cap")
- exe_inst
+ exeInst
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:count")
.desc("number of insts issued")
- exe_swp
+ exeSwp
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:swp")
.desc("number of swp insts issued")
- exe_nop
+ exeNop
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:nop")
.desc("number of nop insts issued")
- exe_refs
+ exeRefs
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:refs")
.desc("number of memory reference insts issued")
- exe_loads
+ exeLoads
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:loads")
.desc("number of load insts issued")
- exe_branches
+ exeBranches
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:branches")
.desc("Number of branches issued")
- issued_ops
+ issuedOps
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:op_count")
.desc("number of insts issued")
@@ -272,28 +274,28 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::regStats()
// Other stats
- lsq_forw_loads
+ lsqForwLoads
.name(name() + ".LSQ:forw_loads")
.desc("number of loads forwarded via LSQ")
- inv_addr_loads
+ invAddrLoads
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:addr_loads")
.desc("number of invalid-address loads")
- inv_addr_swpfs
+ invAddrSwpfs
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:addr_swpfs")
.desc("number of invalid-address SW prefetches")
- lsq_blocked_loads
+ lsqBlockedLoads
.name(name() + ".LSQ:blocked_loads")
.desc("number of ready loads not issued due to memory disambiguation")
@@ -305,51 +307,52 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::regStats()
.desc("Number of times LSQ instruction issued early")
- n_issued_dist
+ nIssuedDist
.init(issueWidth + 1)
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:issued_per_cycle")
.desc("Number of insts issued each cycle")
.flags(total | pdf | dist)
- issue_delay_dist
+ issueDelayDist
.name(name() + ".ISSUE:")
.desc("cycles from operands ready to issue")
.flags(pdf | cdf)
- queue_res_dist
+ queueResDist
.init(Num_OpClasses, 0, 99, 2)
.name(name() + ".IQ:residence:")
.desc("cycles from dispatch to issue")
.flags(total | pdf | cdf )
for (int i = 0; i < Num_OpClasses; ++i) {
- queue_res_dist.subname(i, opClassStrings[i]);
+ queueResDist.subname(i, opClassStrings[i]);
- writeback_count
+ writebackCount
.name(name() + ".WB:count")
.desc("cumulative count of insts written-back")
- producer_inst
+ producerInst
.name(name() + ".WB:producers")
.desc("num instructions producing a value")
- consumer_inst
+ consumerInst
.name(name() + ".WB:consumers")
.desc("num instructions consuming a value")
- wb_penalized
+ wbPenalized
.name(name() + ".WB:penalized")
.desc("number of instrctions required to write to 'other' IQ")
@@ -357,71 +360,71 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::regStats()
- wb_penalized_rate
+ wbPenalizedRate
.name(name() + ".WB:penalized_rate")
.desc ("fraction of instructions written-back that wrote to 'other' IQ")
- wb_penalized_rate = wb_penalized / writeback_count;
+ wbPenalizedRate = wbPenalized / writebackCount;
- wb_fanout
+ wbFanout
.name(name() + ".WB:fanout")
.desc("average fanout of values written-back")
- wb_fanout = producer_inst / consumer_inst;
+ wbFanout = producerInst / consumerInst;
- wb_rate
+ wbRate
.name(name() + ".WB:rate")
.desc("insts written-back per cycle")
- wb_rate = writeback_count / cpu->numCycles;
+ wbRate = writebackCount / cpu->numCycles;
- stat_com_inst
+ statComInst
.name(name() + ".COM:count")
.desc("Number of instructions committed")
- stat_com_swp
+ statComSwp
.name(name() + ".COM:swp_count")
.desc("Number of s/w prefetches committed")
- stat_com_refs
+ statComRefs
.name(name() + ".COM:refs")
.desc("Number of memory references committed")
- stat_com_loads
+ statComLoads
.name(name() + ".COM:loads")
.desc("Number of loads committed")
- stat_com_membars
+ statComMembars
.name(name() + ".COM:membars")
.desc("Number of memory barriers committed")
- stat_com_branches
+ statComBranches
.name(name() + ".COM:branches")
.desc("Number of branches committed")
- n_committed_dist
+ nCommittedDist
.name(name() + ".COM:committed_per_cycle")
.desc("Number of insts commited each cycle")
@@ -441,14 +444,14 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::regStats()
// -> The standard deviation is computed only over cycles where
// we reached the BW limit
- commit_eligible
+ commitEligible
.name(name() + ".COM:bw_limited")
.desc("number of insts not committed due to BW limits")
- commit_eligible_samples
+ commitEligibleSamples
.name(name() + ".COM:bw_lim_events")
.desc("number cycles where commit BW limit reached")
@@ -465,37 +468,38 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::regStats()
.desc("Number of instructions removed from inst list when they reached the head of the ROB")
- ROB_fcount
+ ROBFcount
.name(name() + ".ROB:full_count")
.desc("number of cycles where ROB was full")
- ROB_count
+ ROBCount
.name(name() + ".ROB:occupancy")
.desc(name() + ".ROB occupancy (cumulative)")
- ROB_full_rate
+ ROBFullRate
.name(name() + ".ROB:full_rate")
.desc("ROB full per cycle")
- ROB_full_rate = ROB_fcount / cpu->numCycles;
+ ROBFullRate = ROBFcount / cpu->numCycles;
- ROB_occ_rate
+ ROBOccRate
.name(name() + ".ROB:occ_rate")
.desc("ROB occupancy rate")
- ROB_occ_rate = ROB_count / cpu->numCycles;
- ROB_occ_dist
+ ROBOccRate = ROBCount / cpu->numCycles;
+ ROBOccDist
.name(name() + ".ROB:occ_dist")
.desc("ROB Occupancy per cycle")
.flags(total | cdf)
template <class Impl>
@@ -588,17 +592,21 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::tick()
DPRINTF(BE, "Ticking back end\n");
+ // Read in any done instruction information and update the IQ or LSQ.
+ updateStructures();
if (switchPending && robEmpty() && !LSQ.hasStoresToWB()) {
- ROB_count[0]+= numInsts;
+ readyInstsForCommit();
- wbCycle = 0;
+ numInstsToWB.advance();
- // Read in any done instruction information and update the IQ or LSQ.
- updateStructures();
+ ROBCount[0]+= numInsts;
+ wbCycle = 0;
@@ -674,6 +682,10 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::dispatchInsts()
while (numInsts < numROBEntries &&
numWaitingMemOps < maxOutstandingMemOps) {
// Get instruction from front of time buffer
+ if (lsqLimits && LSQ.isFull()) {
+ break;
+ }
DynInstPtr inst = frontEnd->getInst();
if (!inst) {
@@ -732,6 +744,7 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::dispatchInsts()
+ numInstsToWB[0]++;
} else {
DPRINTF(BE, "Instruction [sn:%lli] ready, addding to "
@@ -866,8 +879,17 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::executeInsts()
if (inst->isLoad()) {
} else if (inst->isStore()) {
- LSQ.executeStore(inst);
- if (inst->req && !(inst->req->getFlags() & LOCKED)) {
+ Fault fault = LSQ.executeStore(inst);
+ if (!inst->isStoreConditional() && fault == NoFault) {
+ inst->setExecuted();
+ instToCommit(inst);
+ } else if (fault != NoFault) {
+ // If the instruction faulted, then we need to send it along to commit
+ // without the instruction completing.
+ // Send this instruction to commit, also make sure iew stage
+ // realizes there is activity.
@@ -908,36 +930,54 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::executeInsts()
- issued_ops[0]+= num_executed;
- n_issued_dist[num_executed]++;
+ issuedOps[0]+= num_executed;
+ nIssuedDist[num_executed]++;
template<class Impl>
LWBackEnd<Impl>::instToCommit(DynInstPtr &inst)
DPRINTF(BE, "Sending instructions to commit [sn:%lli] PC %#x.\n",
inst->seqNum, inst->readPC());
if (!inst->isSquashed()) {
- DPRINTF(BE, "Writing back instruction [sn:%lli] PC %#x.\n",
- inst->seqNum, inst->readPC());
- inst->setCanCommit();
if (inst->isExecuted()) {
int dependents = wakeDependents(inst);
if (dependents) {
- producer_inst[0]++;
- consumer_inst[0]+= dependents;
+ producerInst[0]++;
+ consumerInst[0]+= dependents;
- writeback_count[0]++;
+ writeback.push_back(inst);
+ numInstsToWB[0]++;
+ writebackCount[0]++;
+template <class Impl>
+ for (int i = numInstsToWB[-latency];
+ !writeback.empty() && i;
+ --i)
+ {
+ DynInstPtr inst = writeback.front();
+ writeback.pop_front();
+ if (!inst->isSquashed()) {
+ DPRINTF(BE, "Writing back instruction [sn:%lli] PC %#x.\n",
+ inst->seqNum, inst->readPC());
+ inst->setCanCommit();
+ }
+ }
#if 0
template <class Impl>
@@ -1010,7 +1050,7 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::commitInst(int inst_num)
// or store inst. Signal backwards that it should be executed.
if (!inst->isExecuted()) {
if (inst->isNonSpeculative() ||
- inst->isStoreConditional() ||
+ (inst->isStoreConditional() && inst->getFault() == NoFault) ||
inst->isMemBarrier() ||
inst->isWriteBarrier()) {
@@ -1151,6 +1191,20 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::commitInst(int inst_num)
+ if (thread->profile) {
+// bool usermode =
+// (xc->readMiscReg(AlphaISA::IPR_DTB_CM) & 0x18) != 0;
+// thread->profilePC = usermode ? 1 : inst->readPC();
+ thread->profilePC = inst->readPC();
+ ProfileNode *node = thread->profile->consume(thread->getTC(),
+ inst->staticInst);
+ if (node)
+ thread->profileNode = node;
+ }
if (inst->traceData) {
@@ -1158,6 +1212,9 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::commitInst(int inst_num)
inst->traceData = NULL;
+ if (inst->isCopy())
+ panic("Should not commit any copy instructions!");
@@ -1207,9 +1264,9 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::commitInsts()
while (!instList.empty() && inst_num < commitWidth) {
if (instList.back()->isSquashed()) {
+ ROBSquashedInsts[instList.back()->threadNumber]++;
- ROBSquashedInsts[instList.back()->threadNumber]++;
@@ -1221,7 +1278,7 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::commitInsts()
- n_committed_dist.sample(inst_num);
+ nCommittedDist.sample(inst_num);
template <class Impl>
@@ -1231,10 +1288,10 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &sn)
int freed_regs = 0;
- InstListIt waiting_list_end = waitingList.end();
+ InstListIt insts_end_it = waitingList.end();
InstListIt insts_it = waitingList.begin();
- while (insts_it != waiting_list_end && (*insts_it)->seqNum > sn)
+ while (insts_it != insts_end_it && (*insts_it)->seqNum > sn)
if ((*insts_it)->isSquashed()) {
@@ -1260,6 +1317,7 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &sn)
while (!instList.empty() && (*insts_it)->seqNum > sn)
if ((*insts_it)->isSquashed()) {
+ panic("Instruction should not be already squashed and on list!");
@@ -1291,18 +1349,6 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &sn)
- insts_it = waitingList.begin();
- while (!waitingList.empty() && insts_it != waitingList.end()) {
- if ((*insts_it)->seqNum < sn) {
- ++insts_it;
- continue;
- }
- assert((*insts_it)->isSquashed());
- waitingList.erase(insts_it++);
- waitingInsts--;
- }
while (memBarrier && memBarrier->seqNum > sn) {
DPRINTF(BE, "[sn:%lli] Memory barrier squashed (or previously "
"squashed)\n", memBarrier->seqNum);
@@ -1320,6 +1366,18 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &sn)
+ insts_it = replayList.begin();
+ insts_end_it = replayList.end();
+ while (!replayList.empty() && insts_it != insts_end_it) {
+ if ((*insts_it)->seqNum < sn) {
+ ++insts_it;
+ continue;
+ }
+ assert((*insts_it)->isSquashed());
+ replayList.erase(insts_it++);
+ }
@@ -1392,14 +1450,6 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::squashDueToMemBlocked(DynInstPtr &inst)
template <class Impl>
-LWBackEnd<Impl>::fetchFault(Fault &fault)
- faultFromFetch = fault;
- fetchHasFault = true;
-template <class Impl>
switchPending = true;
@@ -1416,17 +1466,25 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::doSwitchOut()
// yet written back.
+ writeback.clear();
+ for (int i = 0; i < numInstsToWB.getSize() + 1; ++i)
+ numInstsToWB.advance();
+// squash(0);
+ assert(waitingList.empty());
+ assert(instList.empty());
+ assert(replayList.empty());
+ assert(writeback.empty());
- squash(0);
template <class Impl>
LWBackEnd<Impl>::takeOverFrom(ThreadContext *old_tc)
- switchedOut = false;
+ assert(!squashPending);
+ squashSeqNum = 0;
+ squashNextPC = 0;
tcSquash = false;
trapSquash = false;
@@ -1451,27 +1509,27 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::updateExeInstStats(DynInstPtr &inst)
if (inst->isDataPrefetch())
- exe_swp[thread_number]++;
+ exeSwp[thread_number]++;
- exe_inst[thread_number]++;
+ exeInst[thread_number]++;
- exe_inst[thread_number]++;
+ exeInst[thread_number]++;
// Control operations
if (inst->isControl())
- exe_branches[thread_number]++;
+ exeBranches[thread_number]++;
// Memory operations
if (inst->isMemRef()) {
- exe_refs[thread_number]++;
+ exeRefs[thread_number]++;
if (inst->isLoad())
- exe_loads[thread_number]++;
+ exeLoads[thread_number]++;
@@ -1491,33 +1549,33 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::updateComInstStats(DynInstPtr &inst)
if (inst->isDataPrefetch()) {
- stat_com_swp[tid]++;
+ statComSwp[tid]++;
} else {
- stat_com_inst[tid]++;
+ statComInst[tid]++;
- stat_com_inst[tid]++;
+ statComInst[tid]++;
// Control Instructions
if (inst->isControl())
- stat_com_branches[tid]++;
+ statComBranches[tid]++;
// Memory references
if (inst->isMemRef()) {
- stat_com_refs[tid]++;
+ statComRefs[tid]++;
if (inst->isLoad()) {
- stat_com_loads[tid]++;
+ statComLoads[tid]++;
if (inst->isMemBarrier()) {
- stat_com_membars[tid]++;
+ statComMembars[tid]++;
@@ -1569,6 +1627,45 @@ LWBackEnd<Impl>::dumpInsts()
+ inst_list_it = --(writeback.end());
+ cprintf("Writeback list size: %i\n", writeback.size());
+ while (inst_list_it != writeback.end())
+ {
+ cprintf("Instruction:%i\n",
+ num);
+ if (!(*inst_list_it)->isSquashed()) {
+ if (!(*inst_list_it)->isIssued()) {
+ ++valid_num;
+ cprintf("Count:%i\n", valid_num);
+ } else if ((*inst_list_it)->isMemRef() &&
+ !(*inst_list_it)->memOpDone) {
+ // Loads that have not been marked as executed still count
+ // towards the total instructions.
+ ++valid_num;
+ cprintf("Count:%i\n", valid_num);
+ }
+ }
+ cprintf("PC:%#x\n[sn:%lli]\n[tid:%i]\n"
+ "Issued:%i\nSquashed:%i\n",
+ (*inst_list_it)->readPC(),
+ (*inst_list_it)->seqNum,
+ (*inst_list_it)->threadNumber,
+ (*inst_list_it)->isIssued(),
+ (*inst_list_it)->isSquashed());
+ if ((*inst_list_it)->isMemRef()) {
+ cprintf("MemOpDone:%i\n", (*inst_list_it)->memOpDone);
+ }
+ cprintf("\n");
+ inst_list_it--;
+ ++num;
+ }
cprintf("Waiting list size: %i\n", waitingList.size());
inst_list_it = --(waitingList.end());
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/lw_lsq.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/lw_lsq.hh
index 9a21a9d01..6640a9f34 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/lw_lsq.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/lw_lsq.hh
@@ -84,6 +84,8 @@ class OzoneLWLSQ {
/** Returns the name of the LSQ unit. */
std::string name() const;
+ void regStats();
/** Sets the CPU pointer. */
void setCPU(OzoneCPU *cpu_ptr);
@@ -179,7 +181,7 @@ class OzoneLWLSQ {
int numLoads() { return loads; }
/** Returns the number of stores in the SQ. */
- int numStores() { return stores; }
+ int numStores() { return stores + storesInFlight; }
/** Returns if either the LQ or SQ is full. */
bool isFull() { return lqFull() || sqFull(); }
@@ -188,7 +190,7 @@ class OzoneLWLSQ {
bool lqFull() { return loads >= (LQEntries - 1); }
/** Returns if the SQ is full. */
- bool sqFull() { return stores >= (SQEntries - 1); }
+ bool sqFull() { return (stores + storesInFlight) >= (SQEntries - 1); }
/** Debugging function to dump instructions in the LSQ. */
void dumpInsts();
@@ -223,7 +225,9 @@ class OzoneLWLSQ {
void storePostSend(Packet *pkt, DynInstPtr &inst);
/** Completes the store at the specified index. */
- void completeStore(int store_idx);
+ void completeStore(DynInstPtr &inst);
+ void removeStore(int store_idx);
/** Handles doing the retry. */
void recvRetry();
@@ -394,6 +398,10 @@ class OzoneLWLSQ {
int storesToWB;
+ public:
+ int storesInFlight;
+ private:
/// @todo Consider moving to a more advanced model with write vs read ports
/** The number of cache ports available each cycle. */
int cachePorts;
@@ -403,6 +411,9 @@ class OzoneLWLSQ {
//list<InstSeqNum> mshrSeqNums;
+ /** Tota number of memory ordering violations. */
+ Stats::Scalar<> lsqMemOrderViolation;
//Stats::Scalar<> dcacheStallCycles;
Counter lastDcacheStall;
@@ -525,7 +536,7 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::read(RequestPtr req, T &data, int load_idx)
store_size = (*sq_it).size;
- if (store_size == 0) {
+ if (store_size == 0 || (*sq_it).committed) {
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/lw_lsq_impl.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/lw_lsq_impl.hh
index 7eef4b11f..4c96ad149 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/lw_lsq_impl.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/lw_lsq_impl.hh
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::completeDataAccess(PacketPtr pkt)
if (inst->isStore()) {
- completeStore(state->idx);
+ completeStore(inst);
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::completeDataAccess(PacketPtr pkt)
template <class Impl>
: switchedOut(false), dcachePort(this), loads(0), stores(0),
- storesToWB(0), stalled(false), isStoreBlocked(false),
+ storesToWB(0), storesInFlight(0), stalled(false), isStoreBlocked(false),
isLoadBlocked(false), loadBlockedHandled(false)
@@ -173,6 +173,15 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::name() const
template<class Impl>
+ lsqMemOrderViolation
+ .name(name() + ".memOrderViolation")
+ .desc("Number of memory ordering violations");
+template<class Impl>
OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::setCPU(OzoneCPU *cpu_ptr)
cpu = cpu_ptr;
@@ -321,7 +330,7 @@ unsigned
unsigned free_lq_entries = LQEntries - loads;
- unsigned free_sq_entries = SQEntries - stores;
+ unsigned free_sq_entries = SQEntries - (stores + storesInFlight);
// Both the LQ and SQ entries have an extra dummy entry to differentiate
// empty/full conditions. Subtract 1 from the free entries.
@@ -385,6 +394,9 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::executeLoad(DynInstPtr &inst)
// Actually probably want the oldest faulting load
if (load_fault != NoFault) {
DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Load [sn:%lli] has a fault\n", inst->seqNum);
+ if (!(inst->req->getFlags() & UNCACHEABLE && !inst->isAtCommit())) {
+ inst->setExecuted();
+ }
// Maybe just set it as can commit here, although that might cause
// some other problems with sending traps to the ROB too quickly.
@@ -461,6 +473,7 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::executeStore(DynInstPtr &store_inst)
// A load incorrectly passed this store. Squash and refetch.
// For now return a fault to show that it was unsuccessful.
memDepViolator = (*lq_it);
+ ++lsqMemOrderViolation;
return TheISA::genMachineCheckFault();
@@ -553,8 +566,8 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::writebackStores()
if ((*sq_it).size == 0 && !(*sq_it).completed) {
- completeStore(inst->sqIdx);
+ removeStore(inst->sqIdx);
+ completeStore(inst);
@@ -626,6 +639,8 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::writebackStores()
req->paddr, *(req->data),
+ DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "StoresInFlight: %i\n",
+ storesInFlight + 1);
if (dcacheInterface) {
@@ -687,6 +702,8 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::writebackStores()
+ ++storesInFlight;
+// removeStore(inst->sqIdx);
} else {
panic("Must HAVE DCACHE!!!!!\n");
@@ -704,7 +721,7 @@ void
OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &squashed_num)
DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Squashing until [sn:%lli]!"
- "(Loads:%i Stores:%i)\n",squashed_num,loads,stores);
+ "(Loads:%i Stores:%i)\n",squashed_num,loads,stores+storesInFlight);
LQIt lq_it = loadQueue.begin();
@@ -881,7 +898,7 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::writeback(DynInstPtr &inst, PacketPtr pkt)
template <class Impl>
-OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::completeStore(int store_idx)
+OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::removeStore(int store_idx)
SQHashIt sq_hash_it = SQItHash.find(store_idx);
assert(sq_hash_it != SQItHash.end());
@@ -891,8 +908,6 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::completeStore(int store_idx)
(*sq_it).completed = true;
DynInstPtr inst = (*sq_it).inst;
- --storesToWB;
if (isStalled() &&
inst->seqNum == stallingStoreIsn) {
DPRINTF(OzoneLSQ, "Unstalling, stalling store [sn:%lli] "
@@ -910,6 +925,13 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::completeStore(int store_idx)
+template <class Impl>
+OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::completeStore(DynInstPtr &inst)
+ --storesToWB;
@@ -935,9 +957,14 @@ OzoneLWLSQ<Impl>::switchOut()
switchedOut = true;
// Clear the queue to free up resources
+ assert(stores == 0);
+ assert(storeQueue.empty());
+ assert(loads == 0);
+ assert(loadQueue.empty());
+ assert(storesInFlight == 0);
- loads = stores = storesToWB = 0;
+ loads = stores = storesToWB = storesInFlight = 0;
template <class Impl>
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/simple_params.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/simple_params.hh
index 11cee716f..3f63d2e1d 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/simple_params.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/simple_params.hh
@@ -71,10 +71,11 @@ class SimpleParams : public BaseCPU::Params
unsigned cachePorts;
unsigned width;
+ unsigned frontEndLatency;
unsigned frontEndWidth;
+ unsigned backEndLatency;
unsigned backEndWidth;
unsigned backEndSquashLatency;
- unsigned backEndLatency;
unsigned maxInstBufferSize;
unsigned numPhysicalRegs;
unsigned maxOutstandingMemOps;
@@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ class SimpleParams : public BaseCPU::Params
unsigned LQEntries;
unsigned SQEntries;
+ bool lsqLimits;
// Memory dependence
diff --git a/src/cpu/ozone/thread_state.hh b/src/cpu/ozone/thread_state.hh
index 8234cf938..c86f3552e 100644
--- a/src/cpu/ozone/thread_state.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/ozone/thread_state.hh
@@ -34,9 +34,12 @@
#include "arch/faults.hh"
#include "arch/types.hh"
#include "arch/regfile.hh"
+#include "base/callback.hh"
+#include "base/output.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_state.hh"
#include "sim/process.hh"
+#include "sim/sim_exit.hh"
class Event;
//class Process;
@@ -65,8 +68,21 @@ struct OzoneThreadState : public ThreadState {
OzoneThreadState(CPUType *_cpu, int _thread_num)
: ThreadState(-1, _thread_num),
- intrflag(0), inSyscall(0), trapPending(0)
+ intrflag(0), cpu(_cpu), inSyscall(0), trapPending(0)
+ if (cpu->params->profile) {
+ profile = new FunctionProfile(cpu->params->system->kernelSymtab);
+ Callback *cb =
+ new MakeCallback<OzoneThreadState,
+ &OzoneThreadState::dumpFuncProfile>(this);
+ registerExitCallback(cb);
+ }
+ // let's fill with a dummy node for now so we don't get a segfault
+ // on the first cycle when there's no node available.
+ static ProfileNode dummyNode;
+ profileNode = &dummyNode;
+ profilePC = 3;
@@ -130,6 +146,14 @@ struct OzoneThreadState : public ThreadState {
void setNextPC(uint64_t val)
{ nextPC = val; }
+ void dumpFuncProfile()
+ {
+ std::ostream *os = simout.create(csprintf("profile.%s.dat", cpu->name()));
+ profile->dump(tc, *os);
+ }
diff --git a/src/cpu/simple/ b/src/cpu/simple/
index f801b93fa..522fe79aa 100644
--- a/src/cpu/simple/
+++ b/src/cpu/simple/
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ BaseSimpleCPU::regStats()
- startNumInst = numInst;
+// startNumInst = numInst;
// notIdleFraction = (_status != Idle);
diff --git a/src/cpu/ b/src/cpu/
index 5f86cf2b7..4fc47c982 100644
--- a/src/cpu/
+++ b/src/cpu/
@@ -162,6 +162,11 @@ SimpleThread::takeOverFrom(ThreadContext *oldContext)
if (quiesceEvent) {
quiesceEvent->tc = tc;
+ Kernel::Statistics *stats = oldContext->getKernelStats();
+ if (stats) {
+ kernelStats = stats;
+ }
storeCondFailures = 0;
diff --git a/src/cpu/thread_state.hh b/src/cpu/thread_state.hh
index 6e985054f..14e033b7f 100644
--- a/src/cpu/thread_state.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/thread_state.hh
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
#include "arch/types.hh"
+#include "cpu/profile.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
@@ -191,6 +192,7 @@ struct ThreadState {
// simulation only; all functional memory accesses should use
// one of the FunctionalMemory pointers above.
short asid;
/** Current instruction the thread is committing. Only set and
diff --git a/src/dev/ide_disk.hh b/src/dev/ide_disk.hh
index 0bc0b73ab..2ed860013 100644
--- a/src/dev/ide_disk.hh
+++ b/src/dev/ide_disk.hh
@@ -242,6 +242,10 @@ class IdeDisk : public SimObject
Stats::Scalar<> dmaWriteFullPages;
Stats::Scalar<> dmaWriteBytes;
Stats::Scalar<> dmaWriteTxs;
+ Stats::Formula rdBandwidth;
+ Stats::Formula wrBandwidth;
+ Stats::Formula totBandwidth;
+ Stats::Formula totBytes;
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index e296453db..e93ef3a36 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -144,6 +144,8 @@ add_option("--trace-flags", metavar="FLAG[,FLAG]", action='append', split=',',
help="Sets the flags for tracing")
add_option("--trace-start", metavar="TIME", default='0s',
help="Start tracing at TIME (must have units)")
+add_option("--trace-cycle", metavar="CYCLE", default='0',
+ help="Start tracing at CYCLE")
add_option("--trace-file", metavar="FILE", default="cout",
help="Sets the output file for tracing [Default: %default]")
add_option("--trace-circlebuf", metavar="SIZE", type="int", default=0,
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 5100c7ccb..59b40c6e8 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ class DerivO3CPU(BaseCPU):
activity = Param.Unsigned(0, "Initial count")
numThreads = Param.Unsigned(1, "number of HW thread contexts")
+ if build_env['FULL_SYSTEM']:
+ profile = Param.Latency('0ns', "trace the kernel stack")
if build_env['USE_CHECKER']:
if not build_env['FULL_SYSTEM']:
checker = Param.BaseCPU(O3Checker(workload=Parent.workload,
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 8f25d77ed..0913e044c 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -8,12 +8,15 @@ class DerivOzoneCPU(BaseCPU):
numThreads = Param.Unsigned("number of HW thread contexts")
checker = Param.BaseCPU("Checker CPU")
+ if build_env['FULL_SYSTEM']:
+ profile = Param.Latency('0ns', "trace the kernel stack")
icache_port = Port("Instruction Port")
dcache_port = Port("Data Port")
width = Param.Unsigned("Width")
frontEndWidth = Param.Unsigned("Front end width")
+ frontEndLatency = Param.Unsigned("Front end latency")
backEndWidth = Param.Unsigned("Back end width")
backEndSquashLatency = Param.Unsigned("Back end squash latency")
backEndLatency = Param.Unsigned("Back end latency")
@@ -76,6 +79,7 @@ class DerivOzoneCPU(BaseCPU):
LQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of load queue entries")
SQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of store queue entries")
+ lsqLimits = Param.Bool(True, "LSQ size limits dispatch")
LFSTSize = Param.Unsigned("Last fetched store table size")
SSITSize = Param.Unsigned("Store set ID table size")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index f01fc06c4..8e8d87f6d 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
from m5.SimObject import SimObject
from m5.params import *
from Serialize import Serialize
+from Serialize import Statreset
from Statistics import Statistics
from Trace import Trace
from ExeTrace import ExecutionTrace
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index bc2a002cb..e7dd1bc60 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ class System(SimObject):
boot_osflags = Param.String("a", "boot flags to pass to the kernel")
kernel = Param.String("file that contains the kernel code")
readfile = Param.String("", "file to read startup script from")
+ symbolfile = Param.String("", "file to get the symbols from")
class AlphaSystem(System):
type = 'AlphaSystem'
diff --git a/src/sim/eventq.hh b/src/sim/eventq.hh
index 430473df3..537bfb918 100644
--- a/src/sim/eventq.hh
+++ b/src/sim/eventq.hh
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
#include "sim/host.hh" // for Tick
#include "base/fast_alloc.hh"
+#include "base/misc.hh"
#include "base/trace.hh"
#include "sim/serialize.hh"
@@ -135,7 +136,7 @@ class Event : public Serializable, public FastAlloc
/// same cycle (after unscheduling the old CPU's tick event).
/// The switch needs to come before any tick events to make
/// sure we don't tick both CPUs in the same cycle.
- CPU_Switch_Pri = 31,
+ CPU_Switch_Pri = -31,
/// Serailization needs to occur before tick events also, so
/// that a serialize/unserialize is identical to an on-line
@@ -351,7 +352,8 @@ inline void
Event::schedule(Tick t)
- assert(t >= curTick);
+// if (t < curTick)
+// warn("t is less than curTick, ensure you don't want cycles");
diff --git a/src/sim/ b/src/sim/
index bd26e9dc5..b66c78b2c 100644
--- a/src/sim/
+++ b/src/sim/
@@ -149,6 +149,54 @@ namespace AlphaPseudo
+ loadsymbol(ThreadContext *tc)
+ {
+ const string &filename = tc->getCpuPtr()->system->params()->symbolfile;
+ if (filename.empty()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string buffer;
+ ifstream file(filename.c_str());
+ if (!file)
+ fatal("file error: Can't open symbol table file %s\n", filename);
+ while (!file.eof()) {
+ getline(file, buffer);
+ if (buffer.empty())
+ continue;
+ int idx = buffer.find(' ');
+ if (idx == string::npos)
+ continue;
+ string address = "0x" + buffer.substr(0, idx);
+ eat_white(address);
+ if (address.empty())
+ continue;
+ // Skip over letter and space
+ string symbol = buffer.substr(idx + 3);
+ eat_white(symbol);
+ if (symbol.empty())
+ continue;
+ Addr addr;
+ if (!to_number(address, addr))
+ continue;
+ if (!tc->getSystemPtr()->kernelSymtab->insert(addr, symbol))
+ continue;
+ DPRINTF(Loader, "Loaded symbol: %s @ %#llx\n", symbol, addr);
+ }
+ file.close();
+ }
+ void
resetstats(ThreadContext *tc, Tick delay, Tick period)
if (!doStatisticsInsts)
diff --git a/src/sim/pseudo_inst.hh b/src/sim/pseudo_inst.hh
index da2fb4ee3..d211de44e 100644
--- a/src/sim/pseudo_inst.hh
+++ b/src/sim/pseudo_inst.hh
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ namespace AlphaPseudo
void ivle(ThreadContext *tc);
void m5exit(ThreadContext *tc, Tick delay);
void m5exit_old(ThreadContext *tc);
+ void loadsymbol(ThreadContext *xc);
void resetstats(ThreadContext *tc, Tick delay, Tick period);
void dumpstats(ThreadContext *tc, Tick delay, Tick period);
void dumpresetstats(ThreadContext *tc, Tick delay, Tick period);
diff --git a/src/sim/ b/src/sim/
index 6a1d084b7..941f0b1c6 100644
--- a/src/sim/
+++ b/src/sim/
@@ -52,6 +52,9 @@
#include "sim/sim_exit.hh"
#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
+// For stat reset hack
+#include "sim/stat_control.hh"
using namespace std;
int Serializable::ckptMaxCount = 0;
@@ -404,3 +407,36 @@ Checkpoint::sectionExists(const std::string &section)
return db->sectionExists(section);
+/** Hacked stat reset event */
+class StatresetParamContext : public ParamContext
+ public:
+ StatresetParamContext(const string &section);
+ ~StatresetParamContext();
+ void startup();
+StatresetParamContext statParams("statsreset");
+Param<Tick> reset_cycle(&statParams, "reset_cycle",
+ "Cycle to reset stats on", 0);
+StatresetParamContext::StatresetParamContext(const string &section)
+ : ParamContext(section)
+{ }
+ if (reset_cycle > 0) {
+ Stats::SetupEvent(Stats::Reset, curTick + reset_cycle, 0);
+ cprintf("Stats reset event scheduled for %lli\n",
+ curTick + reset_cycle);
+ }
diff --git a/src/sim/ b/src/sim/
index 041830ab7..dfed2a0c8 100644
--- a/src/sim/
+++ b/src/sim/
@@ -160,13 +160,13 @@ class StatEvent : public Event
Tick repeat;
- StatEvent(int _flags, Tick _when, Tick _repeat);
+ StatEvent(EventQueue *queue, int _flags, Tick _when, Tick _repeat);
virtual void process();
virtual const char *description();
-StatEvent::StatEvent(int _flags, Tick _when, Tick _repeat)
- : Event(&mainEventQueue, Stat_Event_Pri),
+StatEvent::StatEvent(EventQueue *queue, int _flags, Tick _when, Tick _repeat)
+ : Event(queue, Stat_Event_Pri),
flags(_flags), repeat(_repeat)
@@ -185,8 +185,10 @@ StatEvent::process()
if (flags & Stats::Dump)
- if (flags & Stats::Reset)
+ if (flags & Stats::Reset) {
+ cprintf("Resetting stats!\n");
+ }
if (repeat)
schedule(curTick + repeat);
@@ -214,9 +216,12 @@ DumpNow()
-SetupEvent(int flags, Tick when, Tick repeat)
+SetupEvent(int flags, Tick when, Tick repeat, EventQueue *queue)
- new StatEvent(flags, when, repeat);
+ if (queue == NULL)
+ queue = &mainEventQueue;
+ new StatEvent(queue, flags, when, repeat);
/* namespace Stats */ }
diff --git a/src/sim/stat_control.hh b/src/sim/stat_control.hh
index fb369f640..67f7cc491 100644
--- a/src/sim/stat_control.hh
+++ b/src/sim/stat_control.hh
@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@
#include <fstream>
#include <list>
+class EventQueue;
namespace Stats {
enum {
@@ -45,7 +47,7 @@ class Output;
extern std::list<Output *> OutputList;
void DumpNow();
-void SetupEvent(int flags, Tick when, Tick repeat = 0);
+void SetupEvent(int flags, Tick when, Tick repeat = 0, EventQueue *queue = NULL);
void InitSimStats();
diff --git a/src/sim/system.hh b/src/sim/system.hh
index 11f4f0c90..3ab1d81f2 100644
--- a/src/sim/system.hh
+++ b/src/sim/system.hh
@@ -182,6 +182,7 @@ class System : public SimObject
std::string kernel_path;
std::string readfile;
+ std::string symbolfile;
diff --git a/util/batch/ b/util/batch/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..91d354e97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/batch/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Kevin Lim
+import os, popen2, re, sys
+class MyPOpen(object):
+ def __init__(self, cmd, input = None, output = None, bufsize = -1):
+ self.status = -1
+ if input is None:
+ p2c_read, p2c_write = os.pipe()
+ self.tochild = os.fdopen(p2c_write, 'w', bufsize)
+ else:
+ p2c_write = None
+ if isinstance(input, file):
+ p2c_read = input.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(input, str):
+ input = file(input, 'r')
+ p2c_read = input.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(input, int):
+ p2c_read = input
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError
+ if output is None:
+ c2p_read, c2p_write = os.pipe()
+ self.fromchild = os.fdopen(c2p_read, 'r', bufsize)
+ else:
+ c2p_read = None
+ if isinstance(output, file):
+ c2p_write = output.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(output, str):
+ output = file(output, 'w')
+ c2p_write = output.fileno()
+ elif isinstance(output, int):
+ c2p_write = output
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError
+ = os.fork()
+ if == 0:
+ os.dup2(p2c_read, sys.stdin.fileno())
+ os.dup2(c2p_write, sys.stdout.fileno())
+ os.dup2(c2p_write, sys.stderr.fileno())
+ try:
+ os.execvp(cmd[0], cmd)
+ finally:
+ os._exit(1)
+ os.close(p2c_read)
+ os.close(c2p_write)
+ def poll(self):
+ if self.status < 0:
+ pid, status = os.waitpid(, os.WNOHANG)
+ if pid ==
+ self.status = status
+ return self.status
+ def wait(self):
+ if self.status < 0:
+ pid, status = os.waitpid(, 0)
+ if pid ==
+ self.status = status
+ return self.status
+class oarsub:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.walltime = None
+ self.queue = None
+ = None
+ # OAR 2.0 parameters only!
+ = None
+ self.afterok = None
+ self.notify = None
+ self.stderr = None
+ self.stdout = None
+ self.oarhost = None
+ self.oarsub = 'oarsub'
+ self.jobid = re.compile('IdJob = (\S+)')
+ #self.outfile = open("jobnames.dat", "a+")
+ def build(self, script, args = []):
+ self.cmd = [ self.oarsub ]
+ print "args:", args
+ print "script:", script
+ if
+ self.cmd.append('-p"%s"' % )
+ if self.queue:
+ self.cmd.append('-q "%s"' % self.queue)
+ if self.walltime:
+ self.cmd.append('-l walltime=%s' % self.walltime)
+ if script[0] != "/":
+ self.script = os.getcwd()
+ else:
+ self.script = script
+ self.cmd.extend(args)
+ self.cmd.append(self.script)
+ #cmd = [ 'ssh', '-x', self.oarhost, '"cd %s; %s"' % (os.getcwd(), self.command) ]
+ self.command = ' '.join(self.cmd)
+ print "command: [%s]" % self.command
+ def do(self):
+ oar = MyPOpen(self.cmd)
+ self.result =
+ ec = oar.wait()
+ if ec != 0 and self.oarhost:
+ pstdin, pstdout = os.popen4(self.command)
+ self.result =
+ jobid = self.jobid.match(self.result)
+ if jobid == None:
+ print "Couldn't get jobid from [%s]" % self.result
+ sys.exit(1)
+ else:
+ #self.outfile.write("%d %s\n" %(int(,;
+ #self.outfile.flush()
+ self.result =
+ return 0
+class qsub:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.afterok = None
+ self.hold = False
+ self.join = False
+ self.keep_stdout = False
+ self.keep_stderr = False
+ self.node_type = None
+ self.mail_abort = False
+ self.mail_begin = False
+ self.mail_end = False
+ = None
+ self.stdout = None
+ self.priority = None
+ self.queue = None
+ self.pbshost = None
+ self.qsub = 'qsub'
+ self.env = {}
+ def build(self, script, args = []):
+ self.cmd = [ self.qsub ]
+ if self.env:
+ arg = '-v'
+ arg += ','.join([ '%s=%s' % i for i in self.env.iteritems() ])
+ self.cmd.append(arg)
+ if self.hold:
+ self.cmd.append('-h')
+ if self.stdout:
+ self.cmd.append('-olocalhost:' + self.stdout)
+ if self.keep_stdout and self.keep_stderr:
+ self.cmd.append('-koe')
+ elif self.keep_stdout:
+ self.cmd.append('-ko')
+ elif self.keep_stderr:
+ self.cmd.append('-ke')
+ else:
+ self.cmd.append('-kn')
+ if self.join:
+ self.cmd.append('-joe')
+ if self.node_type:
+ self.cmd.append('-lnodes=' + self.node_type)
+ if self.mail_abort or self.mail_begin or self.mail_end:
+ flags = ''
+ if self.mail_abort:
+ flags.append('a')
+ if self.mail_begin:
+ flags.append('b')
+ if self.mail_end:
+ flags.append('e')
+ if len(flags):
+ self.cmd.append('-m ' + flags)
+ else:
+ self.cmd.append('-mn')
+ if
+ self.cmd.append("-N%s" %
+ if self.priority:
+ self.cmd.append('-p' + self.priority)
+ if self.queue:
+ self.cmd.append('-q' + self.queue)
+ if self.afterok:
+ self.cmd.append('-Wdepend=afterok:%s' % self.afterok)
+ self.cmd.extend(args)
+ self.script = script
+ self.command = ' '.join(self.cmd + [ self.script ])
+ def do(self):
+ pbs = MyPOpen(self.cmd + [ self.script ])
+ self.result =
+ ec = pbs.wait()
+ if ec != 0 and self.pbshost:
+ cmd = ' '.join(self.cmd + [ '-' ])
+ cmd = [ 'ssh', '-x', self.pbshost, cmd ]
+ self.command = ' '.join(cmd)
+ ssh = MyPOpen(cmd, input = self.script)
+ self.result =
+ ec = ssh.wait()
+ return ec
diff --git a/util/batch/ b/util/batch/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..9d7ecca8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/batch/
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Kevin Lim
+import os, os.path, shutil, signal, socket, sys
+from os import environ as env
+from os.path import join as joinpath, expanduser
+def date():
+ import time
+ return time.strftime('%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Z %Y', time.localtime())
+def cleandir(dir):
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(dir, False):
+ for name in files:
+ os.remove(joinpath(root, name))
+ for name in dirs:
+ os.rmdir(joinpath(root, name))
+class rsync:
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.sudo = False
+ self.rsync = 'rsync'
+ self.compress = False
+ self.archive = True
+ self.delete = False
+ self.options = ''
+ def do(self, src, dst):
+ args = []
+ if self.sudo:
+ args.append('sudo')
+ args.append(self.rsync)
+ if (self.archive):
+ args.append('-a')
+ if (self.compress):
+ args.append('-z')
+ if (self.delete):
+ args.append('--delete')
+ if len(self.options):
+ args.append(self.options)
+ args.append(src)
+ args.append(dst)
+ return os.spawnvp(os.P_WAIT, args[0], args)
+class JobDir(object):
+ def __init__(self, dir):
+ self.dir = dir
+ def file(self, filename):
+ return joinpath(self.dir, filename)
+ def create(self):
+ if os.path.exists(self.dir):
+ if not os.path.isdir(self.dir):
+ sys.exit('%s is not a directory. Cannot build job' % self.dir)
+ else:
+ os.mkdir(self.dir)
+ def exists(self):
+ return os.path.isdir(self.dir)
+ def clean(self):
+ cleandir(self.dir)
+ def hasfile(self, filename):
+ return os.path.isfile(self.file(filename))
+ def echofile(self, filename, string):
+ filename = self.file(filename)
+ try:
+ f = file(filename, 'w')
+ print >>f, string
+ f.flush()
+ f.close()
+ except IOError,e:
+ sys.exit(e)
+ def rmfile(self, filename):
+ filename = self.file(filename)
+ if os.path.isfile(filename):
+ os.unlink(filename)
+ def readval(self, filename):
+ filename = self.file(filename)
+ f = file(filename, 'r')
+ value = f.readline().strip()
+ f.close()
+ return value
+ def setstatus(self, string):
+ filename = self.file('.status')
+ try:
+ f = file(filename, 'a')
+ print >>f, string
+ f.flush()
+ f.close()
+ except IOError,e:
+ sys.exit(e)
+ def getstatus(self):
+ filename = self.file('.status')
+ try:
+ f = file(filename, 'r')
+ except IOError, e:
+ return 'none'
+ # fast forward to the end
+ for line in f: pass
+ # the first word on the last line is the status
+ return line.split(' ')[0]
+ def __str__(self):
+ return self.dir
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import platform
+ binaries = { 'i686' : 'm5.i386',
+ 'x86_64' : 'm5.amd64' }
+ binary = binaries[platform.machine()]
+ cwd = os.getcwd()
+ rootdir = env.setdefault('ROOTDIR', os.path.dirname(cwd))
+ oar_jobid = int(env['OAR_JOBID'])
+ oar_jobname = os.path.basename(cwd)
+ #pbs_jobname = env['PBS_JOBNAME']
+ basedir = joinpath(rootdir, 'Base')
+ jobname = env.setdefault('JOBNAME', oar_jobname)
+ jobfile = env.setdefault('JOBFILE', joinpath(rootdir, ''))
+ outdir = env.setdefault('OUTPUT_DIR', cwd)
+ env['POOLJOB'] = 'True'
+ if os.path.isdir("/work"):
+ workbase = "/work"
+ else:
+ workbase = "/tmp/"
+ workdir = joinpath(workbase, '%s.%s' % (env['USER'], oar_jobid))
+ host = socket.gethostname()
+ os.umask(0022)
+ jobdir = JobDir(outdir)
+ started = date()
+ jobdir.echofile('.running', started)
+ jobdir.rmfile('.queued')
+ jobdir.echofile('.host', host)
+ jobdir.setstatus('running on %s on %s' % (host, started))
+ if os.path.isdir(workdir):
+ cleandir(workdir)
+ else:
+ os.mkdir(workdir)
+ if False and os.path.isdir('/z/dist'):
+ sync = rsync()
+ sync.delete = True
+ sync.sudo = True
+'poolfs::dist/m5/', '/z/dist/m5/')
+ try:
+ os.chdir(workdir)
+ except OSError,e:
+ sys.exit(e)
+ os.symlink(jobdir.file('output'), 'status.out')
+ args = [ joinpath(basedir, binary), joinpath(basedir, '') ]
+ if not len(args):
+ sys.exit("no arguments")
+ print 'starting job... %s' % started
+ print ' '.join(args)
+ print
+ sys.stdout.flush()
+ childpid = os.fork()
+ if not childpid:
+ # Execute command
+ sys.stdin.close()
+ fd ="output"),
+ os.O_WRONLY | os.O_CREAT | os.O_TRUNC)
+ os.dup2(fd, sys.stdout.fileno())
+ os.dup2(fd, sys.stderr.fileno())
+ os.execvp(args[0], args)
+ def handler(signum, frame):
+ if childpid != 0:
+ os.kill(childpid, signum)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGHUP, handler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGQUIT, handler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, handler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGCONT, handler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR1, handler)
+ signal.signal(signal.SIGUSR2, handler)
+ done = 0
+ while not done:
+ try:
+ thepid,ec = os.waitpid(childpid, 0)
+ if ec:
+ print 'Exit code ', ec
+ status = 'failure'
+ else:
+ status = 'success'
+ done = 1
+ except OSError:
+ pass
+ complete = date()
+ print '\njob complete... %s' % complete
+ jobdir.echofile('.%s' % status, complete)
+ jobdir.rmfile('.running')
+ jobdir.setstatus('%s on %s' % (status, complete))
diff --git a/util/batch/ b/util/batch/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b78d7f3e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/batch/
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Kevin Lim
+import sys
+class ternary(object):
+ def __new__(cls, *args):
+ if len(args) > 1:
+ raise TypeError, \
+ '%s() takes at most 1 argument (%d given)' % \
+ (cls.__name__, len(args))
+ if args:
+ if not isinstance(args[0], (bool, ternary)):
+ raise TypeError, \
+ '%s() argument must be True, False, or Any' % \
+ cls.__name__
+ return args[0]
+ return super(ternary, cls).__new__(cls)
+ def __bool__(self):
+ return True
+ def __neg__(self):
+ return self
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return True
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return False
+ def __str__(self):
+ return 'Any'
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return 'Any'
+Any = ternary()
+class Flags(dict):
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ super(Flags, self).__init__()
+ self.update(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return self[attr]
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ self[attr] = value
+ def __setitem__(self, item, value):
+ return super(Flags, self).__setitem__(item, ternary(value))
+ def __getitem__(self, item):
+ if item not in self:
+ return False
+ return super(Flags, self).__getitem__(item)
+ def update(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ for arg in args:
+ if isinstance(arg, Flags):
+ super(Flags, self).update(arg)
+ elif isinstance(arg, dict):
+ for key,val in kwargs.iteritems():
+ self[key] = val
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ 'flags not of type %s or %s, but %s' % \
+ (Flags, dict, type(arg))
+ for key,val in kwargs.iteritems():
+ self[key] = val
+ def match(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ match = Flags(*args, **kwargs)
+ for key,value in match.iteritems():
+ if self[key] != value:
+ return False
+ return True
+def crossproduct(items):
+ if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
+ raise AttributeError, 'crossproduct works only on sequences'
+ if not items:
+ yield None
+ return
+ current = items[0]
+ remainder = items[1:]
+ if not hasattr(current, '__iter__'):
+ current = [ current ]
+ for item in current:
+ for rem in crossproduct(remainder):
+ data = [ item ]
+ if rem:
+ data += rem
+ yield data
+def flatten(items):
+ if not isinstance(items, (list, tuple)):
+ yield items
+ return
+ for item in items:
+ for flat in flatten(item):
+ yield flat
+class Data(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, desc, **kwargs):
+ = name
+ self.desc = desc
+ self.system = None
+ self.flags = Flags()
+ self.env = {}
+ for k,v in kwargs.iteritems():
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+ def update(self, obj):
+ if not isinstance(obj, Data):
+ raise AttributeError, "can only update from Data object"
+ self.env.update(obj.env)
+ self.flags.update(obj.flags)
+ if obj.system:
+ if self.system and self.system != obj.system:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "conflicting values for system: '%s'/'%s'" % \
+ (self.system, obj.system)
+ self.system = obj.system
+ def printinfo(self):
+ if
+ print 'name: %s' %
+ if self.desc:
+ print 'desc: %s' % self.desc
+ if self.system:
+ print 'system: %s' % self.system
+ def printverbose(self):
+ print 'flags:'
+ keys = self.flags.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for key in keys:
+ print ' %s = %s' % (key, self.flags[key])
+ print 'env:'
+ keys = self.env.keys()
+ keys.sort()
+ for key in keys:
+ print ' %s = %s' % (key, self.env[key])
+ print
+ def __str__(self):
+ return
+class Job(Data):
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ super(Job, self).__init__('', '')
+ self.setoptions(options)
+ self.checkpoint = False
+ opts = []
+ for opt in options:
+ cpt =
+ if not cpt:
+ self.checkpoint = True
+ continue
+ if isinstance(cpt, Option):
+ opt = cpt.clone(suboptions=False)
+ else:
+ opt = opt.clone(suboptions=False)
+ opts.append(opt)
+ if not opts:
+ self.checkpoint = False
+ if self.checkpoint:
+ self.checkpoint = Job(opts)
+ def clone(self):
+ return Job(self.options)
+ def __getattribute__(self, attr):
+ if attr == 'name':
+ names = [ ]
+ for opt in self.options:
+ if
+ names.append(
+ return ':'.join(names)
+ if attr == 'desc':
+ descs = [ ]
+ for opt in self.options:
+ if opt.desc:
+ descs.append(opt.desc)
+ return ', '.join(descs)
+ return super(Job, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ def setoptions(self, options):
+ config = options[0].config
+ for opt in options:
+ if opt.config != config:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "All options are not from the same Configuration"
+ self.config = config
+ self.groups = [ for opt in options ]
+ self.options = options
+ self.update(self.config)
+ for group in self.groups:
+ self.update(group)
+ for option in self.options:
+ self.update(option)
+ if option._suboption:
+ self.update(option._suboption)
+ def printinfo(self):
+ super(Job, self).printinfo()
+ if self.checkpoint:
+ print 'checkpoint: %s' %
+ print 'config: %s' %
+ print 'groups: %s' % [ for g in self.groups ]
+ print 'options: %s' % [ for o in self.options ]
+ super(Job, self).printverbose()
+class SubOption(Data):
+ def __init__(self, name, desc, **kwargs):
+ super(SubOption, self).__init__(name, desc, **kwargs)
+ self.number = None
+class Option(Data):
+ def __init__(self, name, desc, **kwargs):
+ super(Option, self).__init__(name, desc, **kwargs)
+ self._suboptions = []
+ self._suboption = None
+ self.number = None
+ def __getattribute__(self, attr):
+ if attr == 'name':
+ name = self.__dict__[attr]
+ if self._suboption is not None:
+ name = '%s:%s' % (name,
+ return name
+ if attr == 'desc':
+ desc = [ self.__dict__[attr] ]
+ if self._suboption is not None and self._suboption.desc:
+ desc.append(self._suboption.desc)
+ return ', '.join(desc)
+ return super(Option, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ def suboption(self, name, desc, **kwargs):
+ subo = SubOption(name, desc, **kwargs)
+ subo.config = self.config
+ =
+ subo.option = self
+ subo.number = len(self._suboptions)
+ self._suboptions.append(subo)
+ return subo
+ def clone(self, suboptions=True):
+ option = Option(self.__dict__['name'], self.__dict__['desc'])
+ option.update(self)
+ =
+ option.config = self.config
+ option.number = self.number
+ if suboptions:
+ option._suboptions.extend(self._suboptions)
+ option._suboption = self._suboption
+ return option
+ def subopts(self):
+ if not self._suboptions:
+ return [ self ]
+ subopts = []
+ for subo in self._suboptions:
+ option = self.clone()
+ option._suboption = subo
+ subopts.append(option)
+ return subopts
+ def printinfo(self):
+ super(Option, self).printinfo()
+ print 'config: %s' %
+ super(Option, self).printverbose()
+class Group(Data):
+ def __init__(self, name, desc, **kwargs):
+ super(Group, self).__init__(name, desc, **kwargs)
+ self._options = []
+ self.checkpoint = False
+ self.number = None
+ def option(self, name, desc, **kwargs):
+ opt = Option(name, desc, **kwargs)
+ opt.config = self.config
+ = self
+ opt.number = len(self._options)
+ self._options.append(opt)
+ return opt
+ def options(self):
+ return self._options
+ def subopts(self):
+ subopts = []
+ for opt in self._options:
+ for subo in opt.subopts():
+ subopts.append(subo)
+ return subopts
+ def printinfo(self):
+ super(Group, self).printinfo()
+ print 'config: %s' %
+ print 'options: %s' % [ for o in self._options ]
+ super(Group, self).printverbose()
+class Configuration(Data):
+ def __init__(self, name, desc, **kwargs):
+ super(Configuration, self).__init__(name, desc, **kwargs)
+ self._groups = []
+ self._posfilters = []
+ self._negfilters = []
+ def group(self, name, desc, **kwargs):
+ grp = Group(name, desc, **kwargs)
+ grp.config = self
+ grp.number = len(self._groups)
+ self._groups.append(grp)
+ return grp
+ def groups(self, flags=Flags(), sign=True):
+ if not flags:
+ return self._groups
+ return [ grp for grp in self._groups if sign ^ grp.flags.match(flags) ]
+ def checkchildren(self, kids):
+ for kid in kids:
+ if kid.config != self:
+ raise AttributeError, "child from the wrong configuration"
+ def sortgroups(self, groups):
+ groups = [ (grp.number, grp) for grp in groups ]
+ groups.sort()
+ return [ grp[1] for grp in groups ]
+ def options(self, groups = None, checkpoint = False):
+ if groups is None:
+ groups = self._groups
+ self.checkchildren(groups)
+ groups = self.sortgroups(groups)
+ if checkpoint:
+ groups = [ grp for grp in groups if grp.checkpoint ]
+ optgroups = [ g.options() for g in groups ]
+ else:
+ optgroups = [ g.subopts() for g in groups ]
+ for options in crossproduct(optgroups):
+ for opt in options:
+ cpt =
+ if not isinstance(cpt, bool) and cpt != opt:
+ if checkpoint:
+ break
+ else:
+ yield options
+ else:
+ if checkpoint:
+ yield options
+ def addfilter(self, filt, pos=True):
+ import re
+ filt = re.compile(filt)
+ if pos:
+ self._posfilters.append(filt)
+ else:
+ self._negfilters.append(filt)
+ def jobfilter(self, job):
+ for filt in self._negfilters:
+ if filt.match(
+ return False
+ if not self._posfilters:
+ return True
+ for filt in self._posfilters:
+ if filt.match(
+ return True
+ return False
+ def checkpoints(self, groups = None):
+ for options in self.options(groups, True):
+ job = Job(options)
+ if self.jobfilter(job):
+ yield job
+ def jobs(self, groups = None):
+ for options in self.options(groups, False):
+ job = Job(options)
+ if self.jobfilter(job):
+ yield job
+ def alljobs(self, groups = None):
+ for options in self.options(groups, True):
+ yield Job(options)
+ for options in self.options(groups, False):
+ yield Job(options)
+ def find(self, jobname):
+ for job in self.alljobs():
+ if == jobname:
+ return job
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "job '%s' not found" % jobname
+ def job(self, options):
+ self.checkchildren(options)
+ options = [ (, opt) for opt in options ]
+ options.sort()
+ options = [ opt[1] for opt in options ]
+ job = Job(options)
+ return job
+ def printinfo(self):
+ super(Configuration, self).printinfo()
+ print 'groups: %s' % [ for g in self._grouips ]
+ super(Configuration, self).printverbose()
+def JobFile(jobfile):
+ from os.path import expanduser, isfile, join as joinpath
+ filename = expanduser(jobfile)
+ # Can't find filename in the current path, search sys.path
+ if not isfile(filename):
+ for path in sys.path:
+ testname = joinpath(path, filename)
+ if isfile(testname):
+ filename = testname
+ break
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "Could not find file '%s'" % jobfile
+ data = {}
+ execfile(filename, data)
+ if 'conf' not in data:
+ raise ImportError, 'cannot import name conf from %s' % jobfile
+ conf = data['conf']
+ import jobfile
+ if not isinstance(conf, Configuration):
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ 'conf in jobfile: %s (%s) is not type %s' % \
+ (jobfile, type(conf), Configuration)
+ return conf
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ from jobfile import *
+ import sys
+ usage = 'Usage: %s [-b] [-c] [-v] <jobfile>' % sys.argv[0]
+ try:
+ import getopt
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '-bcv')
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ sys.exit(usage)
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ raise AttributeError, usage
+ both = False
+ checkpoint = False
+ verbose = False
+ for opt,arg in opts:
+ if opt == '-b':
+ both = True
+ checkpoint = True
+ if opt == '-c':
+ checkpoint = True
+ if opt == '-v':
+ verbose = True
+ jobfile = args[0]
+ conf = JobFile(jobfile)
+ if both:
+ gen = conf.alljobs()
+ elif checkpoint:
+ gen = conf.checkpoints()
+ else:
+ gen =
+ for job in gen:
+ if not verbose:
+ cpt = ''
+ if job.checkpoint:
+ cpt =
+ print, cpt
+ else:
+ job.printinfo()
diff --git a/util/batch/ b/util/batch/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e7bf1958f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/batch/
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (c) 2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Kevin Lim
+import os, os.path, re, socket, sys
+from os import environ as env, listdir
+from os.path import basename, isdir, isfile, islink, join as joinpath, normpath
+from filecmp import cmp as filecmp
+from shutil import copy
+def nfspath(dir):
+ if dir.startswith('/.automount/'):
+ dir = '/n/%s' % dir[12:]
+ elif not dir.startswith('/n/'):
+ dir = '/n/%s%s' % (socket.gethostname().split('.')[0], dir)
+ return dir
+def syncdir(srcdir, destdir):
+ srcdir = normpath(srcdir)
+ destdir = normpath(destdir)
+ if not isdir(destdir):
+ sys.exit('destination directory "%s" does not exist' % destdir)
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(srcdir):
+ root = normpath(root)
+ prefix = os.path.commonprefix([root, srcdir])
+ root = root[len(prefix):]
+ if root.startswith('/'):
+ root = root[1:]
+ for rem in [ d for d in dirs if d.startswith('.') or d == 'SCCS']:
+ dirs.remove(rem)
+ for entry in dirs:
+ newdir = joinpath(destdir, root, entry)
+ if not isdir(newdir):
+ os.mkdir(newdir)
+ print 'mkdir', newdir
+ for i,d in enumerate(dirs):
+ if islink(joinpath(srcdir, root, d)):
+ dirs[i] = joinpath(d, '.')
+ for entry in files:
+ dest = normpath(joinpath(destdir, root, entry))
+ src = normpath(joinpath(srcdir, root, entry))
+ if not isfile(dest) or not filecmp(src, dest):
+ print 'copy %s %s' % (dest, src)
+ copy(src, dest)
+progpath = nfspath(sys.path[0])
+progname = basename(sys.argv[0])
+usage = """\
+ %(progname)s [-c] [-e] [-f] [-j <jobfile>] [-q queue] [-v] <regexp>
+ -c clean directory if job can be run
+ -C submit the checkpointing runs
+ -d Make jobs be dependent on the completion of the checkpoint runs
+ -e only echo pbs command info, don't actually send the job
+ -f force the job to run regardless of state
+ -q <queue> submit job to the named queue
+ -j <jobfile> specify the jobfile (default is <rootdir>/
+ -v be verbose
+ %(progname)s [-j <jobfile>] -l [-v] <regexp>
+ -j <jobfile> specify the jobfile (default is <rootdir>/
+ -l list job names, don't submit
+ -v be verbose (list job parameters)
+ %(progname)s -h
+ -h display this help
+""" % locals()
+ import getopt
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '-Ccdefhj:lnq:Rt:v')
+except getopt.GetoptError:
+ sys.exit(usage)
+depend = False
+clean = False
+onlyecho = False
+exprs = []
+force = False
+listonly = False
+queue = ''
+verbose = False
+jfile = ''
+docpts = False
+doruns = True
+runflag = False
+node_type = 'FAST'
+update = True
+for opt,arg in opts:
+ if opt == '-C':
+ docpts = True
+ if opt == '-c':
+ clean = True
+ if opt == '-d':
+ depend = True
+ if opt == '-e':
+ onlyecho = True
+ if opt == '-f':
+ force = True
+ if opt == '-h':
+ print usage
+ sys.exit(0)
+ if opt == '-j':
+ jfile = arg
+ if opt == '-l':
+ listonly = True
+ if opt == '-n':
+ update = False
+ if opt == '-q':
+ queue = arg
+ if opt == '-R':
+ runflag = True
+ if opt == '-t':
+ node_type = arg
+ if opt == '-v':
+ verbose = True
+if docpts:
+ doruns = runflag
+for arg in args:
+ exprs.append(re.compile(arg))
+import jobfile, batch
+from job import JobDir, date
+conf = jobfile.JobFile(jfile)
+if update and not listonly and not onlyecho and isdir(conf.linkdir):
+ if verbose:
+ print 'Checking for outdated files in Link directory'
+ if not isdir(conf.basedir):
+ os.mkdir(conf.basedir)
+ syncdir(conf.linkdir, conf.basedir)
+jobnames = {}
+joblist = []
+if docpts and doruns:
+ gen = conf.alljobs()
+elif docpts:
+ gen = conf.checkpoints()
+elif doruns:
+ gen =
+for job in gen:
+ if in jobnames:
+ continue
+ if exprs:
+ for expr in exprs:
+ if expr.match(
+ joblist.append(job)
+ break
+ else:
+ joblist.append(job)
+if listonly:
+ if verbose:
+ for job in joblist:
+ job.printinfo()
+ else:
+ for job in joblist:
+ print
+ sys.exit(0)
+if not onlyecho:
+ newlist = []
+ for job in joblist:
+ jobdir = JobDir(joinpath(conf.rootdir,
+ if jobdir.exists():
+ if not force:
+ status = jobdir.getstatus()
+ if status == 'queued':
+ continue
+ if status == 'running':
+ continue
+ if status == 'success':
+ continue
+ if not clean:
+ sys.exit('job directory %s not clean!' % jobdir)
+ jobdir.clean()
+ newlist.append(job)
+ joblist = newlist
+class NameHack(object):
+ def __init__(self, host='pbs.pool', port=24465):
+ = host
+ self.port = port
+ self.socket = None
+ def setname(self, jobid, jobname):
+ try:
+ jobid = int(jobid)
+ except ValueError:
+ jobid = int(jobid.strip().split('.')[0])
+ jobname = jobname.strip()
+ # since pbs can handle jobnames of 15 characters or less,
+ # don't use the raj hack.
+ if len(jobname) <= 15:
+ return
+ if self.socket is None:
+ import socket
+ self.socket = socket.socket()
+ # Connect to pbs.pool and send the jobid/jobname pair to port
+ # 24465 (Raj didn't realize that there are only 64k ports and
+ # setup inetd to point to port 90001)
+ self.socket.connect((, self.port))
+ self.socket.send("%s %s\n" % (jobid, jobname))
+namehack = NameHack()
+rootdir = conf.rootdir
+script = joinpath(rootdir, 'Base', '')
+for job in joblist:
+ jobdir = JobDir(joinpath(rootdir,
+ if depend:
+ cptdir = JobDir(joinpath(rootdir,
+ path = str(cptdir)
+ if not isdir(path) or not isfile(joinpath(path, '.success')):
+ continue
+ cptjob = cptdir.readval('.batch_jobid')
+ if not onlyecho:
+ jobdir.create()
+ os.chdir(str(jobdir))
+ os.environ['PWD'] = str(jobdir)
+ print 'Job name: %s' %
+ print 'Job directory: %s' % jobdir
+ qsub = batch.oarsub()
+ qsub.oarhost = ''
+ #qsub.stdout = jobdir.file('jobout')
+ =
+ qsub.walltime = '50'
+ #qsub.join = True
+ #qsub.node_type = node_type
+ #qsub.env['ROOTDIR'] = conf.rootdir
+ #qsub.env['JOBNAME'] =
+ #if depend:
+ # qsub.afterok = cptjob
+ #if queue:
+ # qsub.queue = queue
+ = "64bit = 'Yes' or 64bit = 'No'"
+ if verbose:
+ print 'cwd: %s' % qsub.command
+ print 'PBS Command: %s' % qsub.command
+ if not onlyecho:
+ ec =
+ if ec == 0:
+ jobid = qsub.result
+ print 'OAR Jobid: %s' % jobid
+ #namehack.setname(jobid,
+ queued = date()
+ jobdir.echofile('.batch_jobid', jobid)
+ jobdir.echofile('.batch_jobname',
+ jobdir.echofile('.queued', queued)
+ jobdir.setstatus('queued on %s' % queued)
+ else:
+ print 'OAR Failed'
+ print
+ print
diff --git a/util/m5/m5.c b/util/m5/m5.c
index 193c0e329..23401aea5 100644
--- a/util/m5/m5.c
+++ b/util/m5/m5.c
@@ -169,6 +169,22 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
+ if (COMPARE("readfile")) {
+ char buf[256*1024];
+ int offset = 0;
+ int len;
+ if (argc != 2)
+ usage();
+ while ((len = m5_readfile(buf, sizeof(buf), offset)) > 0) {
+ write(STDOUT_FILENO, buf, len);
+ offset += len;
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
if (COMPARE("checkpoint")) {
switch (argc) {
case 4:
@@ -186,6 +202,9 @@ main(int argc, char *argv[])
return 0;
+ if (COMPARE("loadsymbol")) {
+ m5_loadsymbol(arg1);
+ return 0;
if (COMPARE("readfile")) {
char buf[256*1024];
int offset = 0;
diff --git a/util/m5/m5op.S b/util/m5/m5op.S
index 5c0212189..a19113e62 100644
--- a/util/m5/m5op.S
+++ b/util/m5/m5op.S
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
#define exit_old_func 0x20 // deprectated!
#define exit_func 0x21
#define initparam_func 0x30
+#define loadsymbol_func 0x31
#define resetstats_func 0x40
#define dumpstats_func 0x41
#define dumprststats_func 0x42
@@ -77,6 +78,7 @@ func:
#define IVLE(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, ivle_func)
#define M5EXIT(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, exit_func)
#define INITPARAM(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, initparam_func)
+#define LOADSYMBOL(reg) INST(m5_op, reg, 0, loadsymbol_func)
#define RESET_STATS(r1, r2) INST(m5_op, r1, r2, resetstats_func)
#define DUMP_STATS(r1, r2) INST(m5_op, r1, r2, dumpstats_func)
#define DUMPRST_STATS(r1, r2) INST(m5_op, r1, r2, dumprststats_func)
@@ -147,6 +149,12 @@ LEAF(m5_initparam)
.align 4
+ .align 4