path: root/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa')
1 files changed, 66 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa b/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
index 6f1081dab..285ac21ae 100644
--- a/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
+++ b/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-// -*- mode:c++ -*-
+ // -*- mode:c++ -*-
@@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCI {
format BasicOp {
- 0: movf({{ if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Rd = Rs}});
- 1: movt({{ if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Rd = Rs}});
+ 0: movf({{ if (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 0) Rd = Rs}});
+ 1: movt({{ if (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 1) Rd = Rs}});
@@ -476,15 +476,15 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x1: decode ND {
0x0: decode TF {
format Branch {
- 0x0: bc1f({{ cond = (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == 0); }});
- 0x1: bc1t({{ cond = (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == 1); }});
+ 0x0: bc1f({{ cond = (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 0); }});
+ 0x1: bc1t({{ cond = (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 1); }});
0x1: decode TF {
format BranchLikely {
- 0x0: bc1fl({{ cond = (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == 0); }});
- 0x1: bc1tl({{ cond = (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == 1); }});
+ 0x0: bc1fl({{ cond = (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 0); }});
+ 0x1: bc1tl({{ cond = (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 1); }});
@@ -701,51 +701,51 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x1: decode FUNCTION_HI {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format FloatOp {
- 0x0: addd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df + Ft.df;}});
- 0x1: subd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df - Ft.df;}});
- 0x2: muld({{ Fd.df = Fs.df * Ft.df;}});
- 0x3: divd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df / Ft.df;}});
- 0x4: sqrtd({{ Fd.df = sqrt(Fs.df);}});
- 0x5: absd({{ Fd.df = fabs(Fs.df);}});
- 0x6: movd({{ Fd.ud = Fs.ud;}});
- 0x7: negd({{ Fd.df = -1 * Fs.df;}});
+ 0x0: add_d({{ Fd.df = Fs.df + Ft.df;}});
+ 0x1: sub_d({{ Fd.df = Fs.df - Ft.df;}});
+ 0x2: mul_d({{ Fd.df = Fs.df * Ft.df;}});
+ 0x3: div_d({{ Fd.df = Fs.df / Ft.df;}});
+ 0x4: sqrt_d({{ Fd.df = sqrt(Fs.df);}});
+ 0x5: abs_d({{ Fd.df = fabs(Fs.df);}});
+ 0x6: mov_d({{ Fd.ud = Fs.ud;}});
+ 0x7: neg_d({{ Fd.df = -1 * Fs.df;}});
0x1: decode FUNCTION_LO {
- format Float64Op {
+ format FloatOp {
0x0: round_l_d({{
- Fd.ud = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_LONG, RND_NEAREST);
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(roundFP(Fs.ud), DOUBLE_TO_LONG);
0x1: trunc_l_d({{
- Fd.ud = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_LONG, RND_ZERO);
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(truncFP(Fs.ud), DOUBLE_TO_LONG);
0x2: ceil_l_d({{
- Fd.ud = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_LONG, RND_UP);
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(ceil(Fs.ud), DOUBLE_TO_LONG);
0x3: floor_l_d({{
- Fd.ud = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_LONG, RND_DOWN);
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(floor(Fs.ud), DOUBLE_TO_LONG);
format FloatOp {
0x4: round_w_d({{
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_WORD, RND_NEAREST);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(roundFP(Fs.ud), DOUBLE_TO_WORD);
0x5: trunc_w_d({{
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_WORD, RND_ZERO);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(truncFP(Fs.ud), DOUBLE_TO_WORD);
0x6: ceil_w_d({{
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_WORD, RND_UP);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(ceil(Fs.ud), DOUBLE_TO_WORD);
0x7: floor_w_d({{
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_WORD, RND_DOWN);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(floor(Fs.ud), DOUBLE_TO_WORD);
@@ -753,40 +753,34 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x2: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCF {
format FloatOp {
- 0x0: movfd({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
- 0x1: movtd({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
+ 0x0: movf_d({{if (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
+ 0x1: movt_d({{if (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 1) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
format BasicOp {
- 0x2: movzd({{ if (Rt == 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
- 0x3: movnd({{ if (Rt != 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
+ 0x2: movz_d({{ if (Rt == 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
+ 0x3: movn_d({{ if (Rt != 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
- format Float64Op {
- 0x5: recipd({{ Fd.df = 1 / Fs.df}});
- 0x6: rsqrtd({{ Fd.df = 1 / sqrt(Fs.df) }});
+ format FloatOp {
+ 0x5: recip_d({{ Fd.df = 1 / Fs.df}});
+ 0x6: rsqrt_d({{ Fd.df = 1 / sqrt(Fs.df) }});
0x4: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format FloatOp {
0x0: cvt_s_d({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_SINGLE, rnd_mode);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_SINGLE);
0x4: cvt_w_d({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_WORD, rnd_mode);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_WORD);
- }
- //only legal for 64 bit
- format Float64Op {
0x5: cvt_l_d({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.ud = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_LONG, rnd_mode);
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(Fs.ud, DOUBLE_TO_LONG);
@@ -904,15 +898,19 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
//Table A-16 MIPS32 COP1 Encoding of Function Field When rs=W
0x4: decode FUNCTION {
- format FloatOp {
+ format FloatConvertOp {
0x20: cvt_s_w({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.sf, WORD_TO_SINGLE, rnd_mode);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(Fs.sf, WORD_TO_SINGLE);
0x21: cvt_d_w({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.ud = convert_and_round(Fs.sf, WORD_TO_DOUBLE, rnd_mode);
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(Fs.sf, WORD_TO_DOUBLE);
+ }});
+ }
+ format Float64ConvertOp {
+ 0x26: cvt_ps_pw({{
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(Fs.ud, WORD_TO_PS);
@@ -921,15 +919,17 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
//Note: "1. Format type L is legal only if 64-bit floating point operations
//are enabled."
0x5: decode FUNCTION_HI {
- format Float64Op {
- 0x10: cvt_s_l({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, LONG_TO_SINGLE, rnd_mode);
+ format Float64ConvertOp {
+ 0x20: cvt_s_l({{
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(Fs.ud, LONG_TO_SINGLE);
+ }});
+ 0x21: cvt_d_l({{
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(Fs.ud, LONG_TO_DOUBLE);
- 0x11: cvt_d_l({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.ud = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, LONG_TO_DOUBLE, rnd_mode);
+ 0x26: cvt_ps_l({{
+ Fd.ud = fpConvert(Fs.ud, LONG_TO_PS);
@@ -940,33 +940,27 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x6: decode FUNCTION_HI {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format Float64Op {
- 0x0: addps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ 0x0: add_ps({{
Fd.df = Fs.df + Ft.df;
- 0x1: subps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ 0x1: sub_ps({{
Fd.df = Fs.df - Ft.df;
- 0x2: mulps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ 0x2: mul_ps({{
Fd.df = Fs.df * Ft.df;
- 0x5: absps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ 0x5: abs_ps({{
Fd.df = fabs(Fs.df);
- 0x6: movps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
- //Fd.df = Fs<31:0> | Ft<31:0>;
+ 0x6: mov_ps({{
+ Fd.df = Fs | Ft;
- 0x7: negps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ 0x7: neg_ps({{
Fd.df = -1 * Fs.df;
@@ -975,31 +969,28 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x2: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCF {
format Float64Op {
- 0x0: movfps({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Fd = Fs;}});
- 0x1: movtps({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Fd = Fs;}});
+ 0x0: movf_ps({{if (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 0) Fd = Fs;}});
+ 0x1: movt_ps({{if (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 1) Fd = Fs;}});
- format BasicOp {
- 0x2: movzps({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Fd = Fs; }});
- 0x3: movnps({{if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Fd = Fs; }});
+ format Float64Op {
+ 0x2: movz_ps({{if (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 0) Fd = Fs; }});
+ 0x3: movn_ps({{if (getFPConditionCode(CC) == 1) Fd = Fs; }});
0x4: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x0: Float64Op::cvt_s_pu({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, PUPPER_TO_SINGLE, rnd_mode);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(Fs.ud, PU_TO_SINGLE);
0x5: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format Float64Op {
0x0: cvt_s_pl({{
- int rnd_mode = xc->readMiscReg(FCSR) & 0x03;
- Fd.uw = convert_and_round(Fs.ud, PLOWER_TO_SINGLE,
- rnd_mode);
+ Fd.uw = fpConvert(Fs.ud, PL_TO_SINGLE);
0x4: pll({{ Fd.ud = Fs.ud<31:0> << 32 | Ft.ud<31:0>; }});
@@ -1102,8 +1093,6 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x0: madd_s({{ Fd.sf = (Fs.sf * Fs.sf) + Fr.sf; }});
0x1: madd_d({{ Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df; }});
0x6: madd_ps({{
- //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
@@ -1112,8 +1101,6 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x0: msub_s({{ Fd.sf = (Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
0x1: msub_d({{ Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df; }});
0x6: msub_ps({{
- //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df;
@@ -1122,8 +1109,6 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x0: nmadd_s({{ Fd.sf = (-1 * Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
0x1: nmadd_d({{ Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df; }});
0x6: nmadd_ps({{
- //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
@@ -1132,8 +1117,6 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x0: nmsub_s({{ Fd.sf = (-1 * Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
0x1: nmsub_d({{ Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df; }});
0x6: nmsub_ps({{
- //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
- //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
@@ -1141,7 +1124,6 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
- //MIPS obsolete instructions
format BranchLikely {
0x4: beql({{ cond = (Rs.sw == 0); }});
0x5: bnel({{ cond = (Rs.sw != 0); }});