path: root/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
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Diffstat (limited to 'arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa')
1 files changed, 36 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa b/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
index 3f054f6a5..3a8a4dfd8 100644
--- a/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
+++ b/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
@@ -20,26 +20,27 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCI {
format BasicOp {
- 0: movf({{ if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR,0) != CC) Rd = Rs}});
- 1: movt({{ if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR,0) == CC) Rd = Rs}});
+ 0: movf({{ if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) != CC) Rd = Rs}});
+ 1: movt({{ if (xc->readMiscReg(FPCR) == CC) Rd = Rs}});
format BasicOp {
//Table A-3 Note: "1. Specific encodings of the rt, rd, and sa fields
- //are used to distinguish among the SLL, NOP, SSNOP and EHB functions."
- 0x0: decode RS {
- 0x0: decode RT default BasicOp::sll({{ Rd = Rt.uw << SA; }}) {
- 0x0: decode RD{
- 0x0: decode HINT {
- 0x0:nop({{}}); //really sll r0,r0,0
- 0x1:ssnop({{}});//really sll r0,r0,1
- 0x3:ehb({{}}); //really sll r0,r0,3
- }
- }
+ //are used to distinguish among the SLL, NOP, SSNOP and EHB functions.
+ 0x0: decode RS {
+ 0x0: decode RT { //fix Nop traditional vs. Nop converted disassembly later
+ 0x0: decode RD default Nop::nop(){
+ 0x0: decode SA {
+ 0x1: ssnop({{ ; }}); //really sll r0,r0,1
+ 0x3: ehb({{ ; }}); //really sll r0,r0,3
+ }
+ }
+ default: sll({{ Rd = Rt.uw << SA; }});
0x2: decode SRL {
@@ -76,9 +77,9 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x1: decode HINT {
- 0: jalr({{ NNPC = Rs; }},IsCall,IsReturn);
+ 0: jalr({{ Rd = NNPC; NNPC = Rs; }},IsCall,IsReturn);
- 1: jalr_hb({{ NNPC = Rs; clear_exe_inst_hazards();}},IsCall,IsReturn);
+ 1: jalr_hb({{ Rd = NNPC; NNPC = Rs; clear_exe_inst_hazards();}},IsCall,IsReturn);
@@ -87,10 +88,10 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x3: movn({{ if (Rt != 0) Rd = Rs; }});
- format WarnUnimpl {
- 0x4: syscall();//{{ xc->syscall()}},IsNonSpeculative
- 0x5: break();
- 0x7: sync();
+ format BasicOp {
+ 0x4: syscall({{ xc->syscall(); }},IsNonSpeculative);
+ 0x5: break({{ panic("Not implemented break yet"); }},IsNonSpeculative);
+ 0x7: sync({{ panic("Not implemented sync yet"); }},IsNonSpeculative);
@@ -283,55 +284,37 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x0: decode SC {
0x0: dvpe({{
- int idx;
- int sel;
- getMiscRegIdx(MVPControl,idx,sel);
- Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(idx,sel);
- xc->setMiscReg(idx,sel);
+ Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(MVPControl);
+ xc->setMiscReg(MVPControl,0);
0x1: evpe({{
- int idx;
- int sel;
- getMiscRegIdx(MVPControl,idx,sel);
- Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(idx,sel);
- xc->setMiscReg(idx,sel,1);
+ Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(MVPControl);
+ xc->setMiscReg(MVPControl,1);
0x1: decode SC {
0x0: dmt({{
- int idx;
- int sel;
- getMiscRegIdx(VPEControl,idx,sel);
- Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(idx,sel);
- xc->setMiscReg(idx,sel);
+ Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(VPEControl);
+ xc->setMiscReg(VPEControl,0);
0x1: emt({{
- int idx;
- int sel;
- getMiscRegIdx(VPEControl,idx,sel);
- Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(idx,sel);
- xc->setMiscReg(idx,sel,1);
+ Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(VPEControl);
+ xc->setMiscReg(VPEControl,1);
0xC: decode SC {
0x0: di({{
- int idx;
- int sel;
- getMiscRegIdx(Status,idx,sel);
- Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(idx,sel);
- xc->setMiscReg(idx,sel);
+ Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(Status);
+ xc->setMiscReg(Status,0);
0x1: ei({{
- int idx;
- int sel;
- getMiscRegIdx(Status,idx,sel);
- Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(idx,sel);
- xc->setMiscReg(idx,sel,1);
+ Rt.sw = xc->readMiscReg(Status);
+ xc->setMiscReg(Status,1);
@@ -883,7 +866,7 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
0x0: lb({{ Rt.sw =; }});
0x1: lh({{ Rt.sw =; }});
0x2: lwl({{ Rt.sw = Mem.sw; }});//, WordAlign);
- 0x3: lw({{ Rt.sw =; }});
+ 0x3: lw({{ Rt.sw = Mem.sw; }});
0x4: lbu({{ Rt.uw = Mem.ub; }});
0x5: lhu({{ Rt.uw = Mem.uh; }});
0x6: lwr({{ Rt.uw = Mem.uw; }});//, WordAlign);
@@ -896,9 +879,9 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default Unknown::unknown() {
format StoreMemory {
0x0: sb({{ Mem.ub = Rt<7:0>; }});
0x1: sh({{ Mem.uh = Rt<15:0>; }});
- 0x2: swl({{ Mem.ub = Rt<31:0>; }});//,WordAlign);
- 0x3: sw({{ Mem.ub = Rt<31:0>; }});
- 0x6: swr({{ Mem.ub = Rt<31:0>; }});//,WordAlign);
+ 0x2: swl({{ Mem.uw = Rt<31:0>; }});//,WordAlign);
+ 0x3: sw({{ Mem.uw = Rt<31:0>; }});
+ 0x6: swr({{ Mem.uw = Rt<31:0>; }});//,WordAlign);
format WarnUnimpl {