path: root/arch/mips/isa
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'arch/mips/isa')
2 files changed, 274 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/arch/mips/isa/bitfields.isa b/arch/mips/isa/bitfields.isa
index 94a8a6467..bead9c151 100644
--- a/arch/mips/isa/bitfields.isa
+++ b/arch/mips/isa/bitfields.isa
@@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ def bitfield RT_HI <20:19>;
def bitfield RT_LO <18:16>;
def bitfield RS <25:21>;
+def bitfield RS_MSB <25:25>;
def bitfield RS_HI <25:24>;
def bitfield RS_LO <23:21>;
diff --git a/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa b/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
index acd00e70d..2ec7da805 100644
--- a/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
+++ b/arch/mips/isa/decoder.isa
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x3: movn({{ if (Rt != 0) Rd = Rs; }});
- format Trap {
+ format WarnUnimpl {
0x4: syscall({{ xc->syscall()}},IsNonSpeculative);
0x5: break({{ }});
0x7: sync({{ }});
@@ -131,12 +131,12 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x6: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format Trap {
- 0x0: tge({{ }});
- 0x1: tgeu({{ }});
- 0x2: tlt({{ }});
- 0x3: tltu({{ }});
- 0x4: teq({{ }});
- 0x6: tne({{ }});
+ 0x0: tge({{ cond = (Rs.sw >= Rt.sw); }});
+ 0x1: tgeu({{ cond = (Rs.uw >= Rt.uw); }});
+ 0x2: tlt({{ cond = (Rs.sw < Rt.sw); }});
+ 0x3: tltu({{ cond = (Rs.uw >= Rt.uw); }});
+ 0x4: teq({{ cond = (Rs.sw == Rt.sw); }});
+ 0x6: tne({{ cond = (Rs.sw != Rt.sw); }});
@@ -155,12 +155,12 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x1: decode REGIMM_LO {
format Trap {
- 0x0: tgei({{ }});
- 0x1: tgeiu({{ }});
- 0x2: tlti({{ }});
- 0x3: tltiu({{ }});
- 0x4: teqi({{ }});
- 0x6: tnei({{ }});
+ 0x0: tgei({{ cond = (Rs.sw >= INTIMM; }});
+ 0x1: tgeiu({{ cond = (Rs.uw < INTIMM); }});
+ 0x2: tlti({{ cond = (Rs.sw < INTIMM); }});
+ 0x3: tltiu({{ cond = (Rs.uw < INTIMM); }});
+ 0x4: teqi({{ cond = (Rs.sw == INTIMM); }});
+ 0x6: tnei({{ cond = (Rs.sw != INTIMM); }});
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x3: decode REGIMM_LO {
- format Trap {
+ format WarnUnimpl {
0x7: synci({{ }});
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
Rt = xc->miscRegs.cop0[reg_num];
- 0xC: mtc0({{
+ 0x4: mtc0({{
//The contents of the coprocessor 0 register specified by the
//combination of rd and sel are loaded into general register
//rt. Note that not all coprocessor 0 registers support the
@@ -243,6 +243,25 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
xc->miscRegs.cop0[reg_num] = Rt;
+ 0x8: mftr({{
+ //The contents of the coprocessor 0 register specified by the
+ //combination of rd and sel are loaded into general register
+ //rt. Note that not all coprocessor 0 registers support the
+ //sel field. In those instances, the sel field must be zero.
+ //MT Code Needed Here
+ }});
+ 0xC: mttr({{
+ //The contents of the coprocessor 0 register specified by the
+ //combination of rd and sel are loaded into general register
+ //rt. Note that not all coprocessor 0 registers support the
+ //sel field. In those instances, the sel field must be zero.
+ //MT Code Needed Here
+ }});
0xA: rdpgpr({{
//Accessing Previous Shadow Set Register Number
uint64_t prev = xc->miscRegs.cop0[SRSCtl][PSS];
@@ -252,23 +271,52 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
- 0xB: decode SC {
- format BasicOp {
- 0x0: di({{
- //Accessing Coprocessor 0 "Status" Register
- Rt.sw = xc->miscRegs.cop0[12];
- xc->miscRegs.cop0[12][INTERRUPT_ENABLE] = 0;
+ 0xB: decode RD {
+ 0x0: decode SC {
+ format BasicOp {
+ 0x0: dvpe({{
+ Rt.sw = xc->miscRegs.cop0.MVPControl;
+ xc->miscRegs.cop0.MVPControl[EVP] = 0;
- 0x1: ei({{
- //Accessing Coprocessor 0 "Status" Register
- Rt.sw = xc->miscRegs.cop0[12];
- xc->miscRegs.cop0[12][INTERRUPT_ENABLE] = 1;
+ 0x1: evpe({{
+ Rt.sw = xc->miscRegs.cop0.MVPControl;
+ xc->miscRegs.cop0.MVPControl[EVP] = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ 0x1: decode SC {
+ format BasicOp {
+ 0x0: dmt({{
+ Rt.sw = xc->miscRegs.cop0.VPEControl;
+ xc->miscRegs.cop0.VPEControl[THREAD_ENABLE] = 0;
+ }});
+ 0x1: emt({{
+ Rt.sw = xc->miscRegs.cop0.VPEControl;
+ xc->miscRegs.cop0.VPEControl[THREAD_ENABLE] = 1;
+ }});
+ }
+ }
+ 0xC: decode SC {
+ format BasicOp {
+ 0x0: di({{
+ Rt.sw = xc->miscRegs.cop0.Status;
+ xc->miscRegs.cop0.Status[INTERRUPT_ENABLE] = 0;
+ }});
+ 0x1: ei({{
+ Rt.sw = xc->miscRegs.cop0.Status;
+ xc->miscRegs.cop0.Status[INTERRUPT_ENABLE] = 1;
+ }});
+ }
+ }
- }
- 0xE: BasicOp::wrpgpr({{
+ 0xE: BasicOp::wrpgpr({{
//Accessing Previous Shadow Set Register Number
uint64_t prev = xc->miscRegs.cop0[SRSCtl][PSS];
uint64_t reg_num = Rd.uw;
@@ -334,61 +382,69 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x0: decode RS_HI {
0x0: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp {
- 0x0: add_fmt({{ }});
- 0x1: sub_fmt({{ }});
- 0x2: mul_fmt({{ }});
- 0x3: div_fmt({{ }});
- 0x4: sqrt_fmt({{ }});
- 0x5: abs_fmt({{ }});
- 0x6: mov_fmt({{ }});
- 0x7: neg_fmt({{ }});
+ 0x0: adds({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf + Ft.sf;}});
+ 0x1: subs({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf - Ft.sf;}});
+ 0x2: muls({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf * Ft.sf;}});
+ 0x3: divs({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf / Ft.sf;}});
+ 0x4: sqrts({{ Fd.sf = sqrt(Fs.sf);}});
+ 0x5: abss({{ Fd.sf = abs(Fs.sf);}});
+ 0x6: movs({{ Fd.sf = Fs.sf;}});
+ 0x7: negs({{ Fd.sf = -1 * Fs.sf;}});
0x1: decode RS_LO {
//only legal for 64 bit
format Float64Op {
- 0x0: round_l({{ }});
- 0x1: trunc_l({{ }});
- 0x2: ceil_l({{ }});
- 0x3: floor_l({{ }});
+ 0x0: round_l_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_NEAREST,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);}});
+ 0x1: trunc_l_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_ZERO,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);}});
+ 0x2: ceil_l_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_UP,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);}});
+ 0x3: floor_l_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_DOWN,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);}});
format FloatOp {
- 0x4: round_w({{ }});
- 0x5: trunc_w({{ }});
- 0x6: ceil_w({{ }});
- 0x7: floor_w({{ }});
+ 0x4: round_w_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_NEAREST,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);}});
+ 0x5: trunc_w_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_ZERO,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);}});
+ 0x6: ceil_w_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_UP,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);}});
+ 0x7: floor_w_s({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,RND_DOWN,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);}});
0x2: decode RS_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCF {
format FloatOp {
- 0x0: movf_fmt({{ }});
- 0x1: movt_fmt({{ }});
+ 0x0: movfs({{ if ( FPConditionCode(CC) == 0 ) Fd = Fs; }});
+ 0x1: movts({{ if ( FPConditionCode(CC) == 1 ) Fd = Fs;}});
format BasicOp {
- 0x2: movz({{ if (Rt == 0) Rd = Rs; }});
- 0x3: movn({{ if (Rt != 0) Rd = Rs; }});
+ 0x2: movzs({{ if (Rt == 0) Fd = Fs; }});
+ 0x3: movns({{ if (Rt != 0) Fd = Fs; }});
format Float64Op {
- 0x2: recip({{ }});
- 0x3: rsqrt{{ }});
+ 0x2: recips({{ Fd = 1 / Fs; }});
+ 0x3: rsqrts{{ Fd = 1 / sqrt(Fs); }});
0x4: decode RS_LO {
- 0x1: cvt_d({{ }});
- 0x4: cvt_w({{ }});
+ 0x1: cvt_d_s({{ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,rnd_mode,FP_DOUBLE,FP_SINGLE);
+ }});
+ 0x4: cvt_w_s({{ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,rnd_mode,FP_WORD,FP_SINGLE);
+ }});
//only legal for 64 bit
format Float64Op {
- 0x5: cvt_l({{ }});
- 0x6: cvt_ps({{ }});
+ 0x5: cvt_l_s({{ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.sf,rnd_mode,FP_LONG,FP_SINGLE);
+ }});
+ 0x6: cvt_ps_s({{ Fd.df = Fs.df<31:0> | Ft.df<31:0>; }});
@@ -397,62 +453,72 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x1: decode RS_HI {
0x0: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp {
- 0x0: add_fmt({{ }});
- 0x1: sub_fmt({{ }});
- 0x2: mul_fmt({{ }});
- 0x3: div_fmt({{ }});
- 0x4: sqrt_fmt({{ }});
- 0x5: abs_fmt({{ }});
- 0x6: mov_fmt({{ }});
- 0x7: neg_fmt({{ }});
+ 0x0: addd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df + Ft.df;}});
+ 0x1: subd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df - Ft.df;}});
+ 0x2: muld({{ Fd.df = Fs.df * Ft.df;}});
+ 0x3: divd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df / Ft.df;}});
+ 0x4: sqrtd({{ Fd.df = sqrt(Fs.df);}});
+ 0x5: absd({{ Fd.df = abs(Fs.df);}});
+ 0x6: movd({{ Fd.df = Fs.df;}});
+ 0x7: negd({{ Fd.df = -1 * Fs.df;}});
0x1: decode RS_LO {
//only legal for 64 bit
format FloatOp64 {
- 0x0: round_l({{ }});
- 0x1: trunc_l({{ }});
- 0x2: ceil_l({{ }});
- 0x3: floor_l({{ }});
+ 0x0: round_l_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_NEAREST,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
+ 0x1: trunc_l_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_ZERO,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE);}});
+ 0x2: ceil_l_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_UP,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE);}});
+ 0x3: floor_l_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_DOWN,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE);}});
format FloatOp {
- 0x4: round_w({{ }});
- 0x5: trunc_w({{ }});
- 0x6: ceil_w({{ }});
- 0x7: floor_w({{ }});
+ 0x4: round_w_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_NEAREST,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
+ 0x5: trunc_w_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_ZERO,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
+ 0x6: ceil_w_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_UP,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
+ 0x7: floor_w_d({{ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,RND_DOWN,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE); }});
0x2: decode RS_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCF {
format FloatOp {
- 0x0: movf_fmt({{ }});
- 0x1: movt_fmt({{ }});
+ 0x0: movfd({{ if (FPConditionCode(CC) == 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
+ 0x1: movtd({{ if (FPConditionCode(CC) == 1) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
format BasicOp {
- 0x2: movz({{ if (Rt == 0) Rd = Rs; }});
- 0x3: movn({{ if (Rt != 0) Rd = Rs; }});
+ 0x2: movz({{ if (Rt == 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
+ 0x3: movn({{ if (Rt != 0) Fd.df = Fs.df; }});
format FloatOp64 {
- 0x5: recip({{ }});
- 0x6: rsqrt{{ }});
+ 0x5: recipd({{ Fd.df = 1 / Fs.df}});
+ 0x6: rsqrtd{{ Fd.df = 1 / sqrt(Fs.df) }});
0x4: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp {
- 0x0: cvt_s({{ }});
- 0x4: cvt_w({{ }});
+ 0x0: cvt_s_d({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_SINGLE,FP_DOUBLE);
+ }});
+ 0x4: cvt_w_d({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_WORD,FP_DOUBLE);
+ }});
//only legal for 64 bit
format FloatOp64 {
- 0x5: cvt_l({{ }});
+ 0x5: cvt_l_d({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_LONG,FP_DOUBLE);
+ }});
@@ -460,8 +526,15 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
//Table A-16 MIPS32 COP1 Encoding of Function Field When rs=W
0x4: decode FUNCTION {
format FloatOp {
- 0x10: cvt_s({{ }});
- 0x10: cvt_d({{ }});
+ 0x10: cvt_s({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_SINGLE,FP_WORD);
+ }});
+ 0x10: cvt_d({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_DOUBLE,FP_WORD);
+ }});
@@ -470,8 +543,15 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
//are enabled."
0x5: decode FUNCTION_HI {
format FloatOp {
- 0x10: cvt_s({{ }});
- 0x11: cvt_d({{ }});
+ 0x10: cvt_s_l({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_SINGLE,FP_LONG);
+ }});
+ 0x11: cvt_d_l({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_DOUBLE,FP_LONG);
+ }});
@@ -481,36 +561,65 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x6: decode RS_HI {
0x0: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp64 {
- 0x0: add_fmt({{ }});
- 0x1: sub_fmt({{ }});
- 0x2: mul_fmt({{ }});
- 0x5: abs_fmt({{ }});
- 0x6: mov_fmt({{ }});
- 0x7: neg_fmt({{ }});
+ 0x0: addps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = Fs.df + Ft.df;
+ }});
+ 0x1: subps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = Fs.df - Ft.df;
+ }});
+ 0x2: mulps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = Fs.df * Ft.df;
+ }});
+ 0x5: absps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = abs(Fs.df);
+ }});
+ 0x6: movps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = Fs<31:0> | Ft<31:0>;
+ }});
+ 0x7: negps({{ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = -1 * Fs.df;
+ }});
0x2: decode RS_LO {
0x1: decode MOVCF {
format FloatOp64 {
- 0x0: movf_fmt({{ }});
- 0x1: movt_fmt({{ }});
+ 0x0: movfps({{ if ( FPConditionCode(CC) == 0) Fd = Fs;}})
+ 0x1: movtps({{ if ( FPConditionCode(CC) == 0) Fd = Fs;}})
0x4: decode RS_LO {
- 0x0: FloatOp64::cvt_s_pu({{ }});
+ 0x0: FloatOp64::cvt_s_pu({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_DOUBLE,FP_PS_HI);
+ }});
0x5: decode RS_LO {
format FloatOp64 {
- 0x0: cvt_s_pl({{ }});
- 0x4: pll_s_pl({{ }});
- 0x5: plu_s_pl({{ }});
- 0x6: pul_s_pl({{ }});
- 0x7: puu_s_pl({{ }});
+ 0x0: cvt_s_pl({{
+ int rnd_mode = xc->miscRegs.fcsr;
+ Fd = convert_and_round(Fs.df,rnd_mode,FP_SINGLE,FP_PS_LO);
+ }});
+ 0x4: pll({{ Fd.df = Fs<31:0> | Ft<31:0>}});
+ 0x5: plu({{ Fd.df = Fs<31:0> | Ft<63:32>}});
+ 0x6: pul({{ Fd.df = Fs<63:32> | Ft<31:0>}});
+ 0x7: puu({{ Fd.df = Fs<63:32 | Ft<63:32>}});
@@ -532,14 +641,14 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x1: decode ND {
0x0: decode TF {
- format Branch {
+ format WarnUnimpl {
0x0: bc2f({{ cond = (xc->miscRegs.cop2cc == 0); }}, COP2);
0x1: bc2t({{ cond = (xc->miscRegs.cop2cc == 1); }}, COP2}});
0x1: decode TF {
- format Branch {
+ format WarnUnimpl {
0x0: bc2fl({{ cond = (xc->miscRegs.cop2cc == 0); }}, COP2}});
0x1: bc2tl({{ cond = (xc->miscRegs.cop2cc == 1); }}, COP2}});
@@ -554,46 +663,70 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
0x3: decode FUNCTION_HI {
0x0: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format Memory {
- 0x0: lwxc1({{ }});
- 0x1: ldxc1({{ }});
- 0x5: luxc1({{ }});
+ 0x0: lwxc1({{ EA = Rs + Rt; }},{{ Ft<31:0> = Mem.uf; }});
+ 0x1: ldxc1({{ EA = Rs + Rt; }},{{ Ft<63:0> = Mem.df; }});
+ 0x5: luxc1({{ //Need to make EA<2:0> = 0
+ EA = Rs + Rt;
+ }},
+ {{ Ft<31:0> = Mem.df; }});
0x1: decode FUNCTION_LO {
format Memory {
- 0x0: swxc1({{ }});
- 0x1: sdxc1({{ }});
- 0x5: suxc1({{ }});
+ 0x0: swxc1({{ EA = Rs + Rt; }},{{ Mem.uf = Ft<31:0>; }});
+ 0x1: sdxc1({{ EA = Rs + Rt; }},{{ Mem.uf = Ft<63:0>}});
+ 0x5: suxc1({{ //Need to make EA<2:0> = 0
+ EA = Rs + Rt;
+ }},
+ {{ Mem.df = Ft<63:0>;}});
0x7: prefx({{ }});
format FloatOp {
- 0x3: alnv_ps({{ }});
+ 0x3: WarnUnimpl::alnv_ps({{ }});
- 0x4: decode FUNCTION_LO {
- 0x0: madd_s({{ }});
- 0x1: madd_d({{ }});
- 0x6: madd_ps({{ }});
- }
+ format BasicOp {
+ 0x4: decode FUNCTION_LO {
+ 0x0: madd_s({{ Fd.sf = (Fs.sf * Fs.sf) + Fr.sf; }});
+ 0x1: madd_d({{ Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df; }});
+ 0x6: madd_ps({{
+ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
+ }});
+ }
- 0x5: decode FUNCTION_LO {
- 0x0: msub_s({{ }});
- 0x1: msub_d({{ }});
- 0x6: msub_ps({{ }});
- }
+ 0x5: decode FUNCTION_LO {
+ 0x0: msub_s({{ Fd.sf = (Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
+ 0x1: msub_d({{ Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df; }});
+ 0x6: msub_ps({{
+ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = (Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df;
+ }});
+ }
- 0x6: decode FUNCTION_LO {
- 0x0: nmadd_s({{ }});
- 0x1: nmadd_d({{ }});
- 0x6: nmadd_ps({{ }});
- }
+ 0x6: decode FUNCTION_LO {
+ 0x0: nmadd_s({{ Fd.sf = (-1 * Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
+ 0x1: nmadd_d({{ Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df; }});
+ 0x6: nmadd_ps({{
+ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
+ }});
+ }
- 0x7: decode FUNCTION_LO {
- 0x0: nmsub_s({{ }});
- 0x1: nmsub_d({{ }});
- 0x6: nmsub_ps({{ }});
+ 0x7: decode FUNCTION_LO {
+ 0x0: nmsub_s({{ Fd.sf = (-1 * Fs.sf * Fs.sf) - Fr.sf; }});
+ 0x1: nmsub_d({{ Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) - Fr.df; }});
+ 0x6: nmsub_ps({{
+ //Must Check for Exception Here... Supposed to Operate on Upper and
+ //Lower Halves Independently but we take simulator shortcut
+ Fd.df = (-1 * Fs.df * Fs.df) + Fr.df;
+ }});
+ }
@@ -687,17 +820,27 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
+ 0x1: decode FUNCTION_LO {
+ format WarnUnimpl {
+ 0x0: fork({{ }});
+ 0x1: yield({{ }});
+ }
+ }
//Table A-10 MIPS32 BSHFL Encoding of sa Field
0x4: decode SA {
+ 0x02: WarnUnimpl::wsbh({{ }});
format BasicOp {
- 0x02: wsbh({{ }});
0x10: seb({{ Rd.sw = /* sext32(Rt<7>,24) | */ Rt<7:0>}});
0x18: seh({{ Rd.sw = /* sext32(Rt<15>,16) | */ Rt<15:0>}});
0x6: decode FUNCTION_LO {
- 0x7: BasicOp::rdhwr({{ }});
+ 0x7: BasicOp::rdhwr({{ Rt = xc->hwRegs[RD];}});
@@ -726,24 +869,24 @@ decode OPCODE_HI default FailUnimpl::unknown() {
format WarnUnimpl {
- 0x4: reserved({{ }});
- 0x5: reserved({{ }});
0x7: cache({{ }});
0x6: decode OPCODE_LO default FailUnimpl::reserved() {
+ 0x0: WarnUnimpl::ll({{ }});
format Memory {
- 0x0: ll({{ }});
0x1: lwc1({{ EA = Rs + disp; }},{{ Ft<31:0> = Mem.uf; }});
0x5: ldc1({{ EA = Rs + disp; }},{{ Ft<63:0> = Mem.df; }});
0x7: decode OPCODE_LO default FailUnimpl::reserved() {
+ 0x0: WarnUnimpl::sc({{ }});
format Memory {
- 0x0: sc({{ }});
0x1: swc1({{ EA = Rs + disp; }},{{ Mem.uf = Ft<31:0>; }});
0x5: sdc1({{ EA = Rs + disp; }},{{ Mem.df = Ft<63:0>; }});