path: root/configs/common/
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/common/')
1 files changed, 108 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/configs/common/ b/configs/common/
index 78be4fc3a..a2be27af4 100644
--- a/configs/common/
+++ b/configs/common/
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ def makeLinuxAlphaSystem(mem_mode, mdesc = None):
self.iobus = Bus(bus_id=0)
self.membus = Bus(bus_id=1)
self.bridge = Bridge(delay='50ns', nack_delay='4ns')
- self.physmem = PhysicalMemory(range = AddrRange(mdesc.mem()))
+ self.physmem = PhysicalMemory(range = AddrRange('64MB'))
self.bridge.side_a = self.iobus.port
self.bridge.side_b = self.membus.port
self.physmem.port = self.membus.port
@@ -118,6 +118,43 @@ def makeSparcSystem(mem_mode, mdesc = None):
return self
+def makeLinuxMipsSystem(mem_mode, mdesc = None):
+ class BaseMalta(Malta):
+ ethernet = NSGigE(pci_bus=0, pci_dev=1, pci_func=0)
+ ide = IdeController(disks=[Parent.disk0, Parent.disk2],
+ pci_func=0, pci_dev=0, pci_bus=0)
+ self = LinuxMipsSystem()
+ if not mdesc:
+ # generic system
+ mdesc = SysConfig()
+ self.readfile = mdesc.script()
+ self.iobus = Bus(bus_id=0)
+ self.membus = Bus(bus_id=1)
+ self.bridge = Bridge(delay='50ns', nack_delay='4ns')
+ self.physmem = PhysicalMemory(range = AddrRange('1GB'))
+ self.bridge.side_a = self.iobus.port
+ self.bridge.side_b = self.membus.port
+ self.physmem.port = self.membus.port
+ self.disk0 = CowIdeDisk(driveID='master')
+ self.disk2 = CowIdeDisk(driveID='master')
+ self.disk0.childImage(mdesc.disk())
+ self.disk2.childImage(disk('linux-bigswap2.img'))
+ self.malta = BaseMalta()
+ self.malta.attachIO(self.iobus)
+ self.malta.ide.pio = self.iobus.port
+ self.malta.ethernet.pio = self.iobus.port
+ self.simple_disk = SimpleDisk(disk=RawDiskImage(image_file = mdesc.disk(),
+ read_only = True))
+ self.intrctrl = IntrControl()
+ self.mem_mode = mem_mode
+ self.sim_console = SimConsole()
+ self.kernel = binary('mips/vmlinux')
+ self.console = binary('mips/console')
+ self.boot_osflags = 'root=/dev/hda1 console=ttyS0'
+ return self
def makeX86System(mem_mode, mdesc = None):
self = X86System()
if not mdesc:
@@ -151,3 +188,73 @@ def makeDualRoot(testSystem, driveSystem, dumpfile):
self.etherlink.dump = Parent.etherdump
return self
+def setMipsOptions(TestCPUClass.CoreParams)
+ #CP0 Configuration
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_PRId_CompanyOptions = 0
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_PRId_CompanyID = 1
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_PRId_ProcessorID = 147
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_PRId_Revision = 0
+ #CP0 Interrupt Control
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_IntCtl_IPTI = 7
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_IntCtl_IPPCI = 7
+ # Config Register
+ #TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config_K23 = 0 # Since TLB
+ #TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config_KU = 0 # Since TLB
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config_BE = 0 # Little Endian
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config_AR = 1 # Architecture Revision 2
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config_AT = 0 # MIPS32
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config_MT = 1 # TLB MMU
+ #TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config_K0 = 2 # Uncached
+ #Config 1 Register
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_M = 1 # Config2 Implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_MMU = 63 # TLB Size
+ # Remember to modify CP0_Config1 according to cache specs
+ # Examine file ../common/
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_IS = 1 # I-Cache Sets Per Way, 16KB cache, i.e., 1 (128)
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_IL = 5 # I-Cache Line Size, default in is 64, i.e 5
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_IA = 1 # I-Cache Associativity, default in is 2, i.e, a value of 1
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_DS = 2 # D-Cache Sets Per Way (see below), 32KB cache, i.e., 2
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_DL = 5 # D-Cache Line Size, default is 64, i.e., 5
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_DA = 1 # D-Cache Associativity, default is 2, i.e. 1
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_C2 = 0 # Coprocessor 2 not implemented(?)
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_MD = 0 # MDMX ASE not implemented in Mips32
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_PC = 1 # Performance Counters Implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_WR = 0 # Watch Registers Implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_CA = 0 # Mips16e NOT implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_EP = 0 # EJTag Not Implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config1_FP = 0 # FPU Implemented
+ #Config 2 Register
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_M = 1 # Config3 Implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_TU = 0 # Tertiary Cache Control
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_TS = 0 # Tertiary Cache Sets Per Way
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_TL = 0 # Tertiary Cache Line Size
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_TA = 0 # Tertiary Cache Associativity
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_SU = 0 # Secondary Cache Control
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_SS = 0 # Secondary Cache Sets Per Way
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_SL = 0 # Secondary Cache Line Size
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config2_SA = 0 # Secondary Cache Associativity
+ #Config 3 Register
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_M = 0 # Config4 Not Implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_DSPP = 1 # DSP ASE Present
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_LPA = 0 # Large Physical Addresses Not supported in Mips32
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_VEIC = 0 # EIC Supported
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_VInt = 0 # Vectored Interrupts Implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_SP = 0 # Small Pages Supported (PageGrain reg. exists)
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_MT = 0 # MT Not present
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_SM = 0 # SmartMIPS ASE Not implemented
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_Config3_TL = 0 # TraceLogic Not implemented
+ #SRS Ctl - HSS
+ TestCPUClass.CoreParams.CP0_SrsCtl_HSS = 3 # Four shadow register sets implemented
+ #TestCPUClass.CoreParams.tlb = TLB()
+ #TestCPUClass.CoreParams.UnifiedTLB = 1