path: root/cpu/beta_cpu/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'cpu/beta_cpu/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh')
1 files changed, 166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/cpu/beta_cpu/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh b/cpu/beta_cpu/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4299acb7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cpu/beta_cpu/mem_dep_unit_impl.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+#include <map>
+#include "cpu/beta_cpu/mem_dep_unit.hh"
+// Hack: dependence predictor sizes are hardcoded.
+template <class MemDepPred, class Impl>
+MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::MemDepUnit(Params &params)
+ : depPred(4028, 128)
+ DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Creating MemDepUnit object.\n");
+template <class MemDepPred, class Impl>
+MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::insert(DynInstPtr &inst)
+ InstSeqNum inst_seq_num = inst->seqNum;
+ InstSeqNum producing_store = depPred.checkInst(inst->readPC());
+ if (producing_store == 0 ||
+ dependencies.find(producing_store) == dependencies.end()) {
+ readyInsts.insert(inst_seq_num);
+ } else {
+ // If it's not already ready, then add it to the renamed
+ // list and the dependencies.
+ renamedInsts.insert(inst_seq_num);
+ dependencies[producing_store].push_back(inst_seq_num);
+ }
+ if (inst->isStore()) {
+ depPred.insertStore(inst->readPC(), inst_seq_num);
+ // Make sure this store isn't already in this list.
+ assert(dependencies.find(inst_seq_num) == dependencies.end());
+ // Put a dependency entry in at the store's sequence number.
+ // Uh, not sure how this works...I want to create an entry but
+ // I don't have anything to put into the value yet.
+ dependencies[inst_seq_num];
+ } else if (!inst->isLoad()) {
+ panic("MemDepUnit: Unknown type! (most likely a barrier).");
+ }
+template <class MemDepPred, class Impl>
+MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::readyToIssue(DynInstPtr &inst)
+ InstSeqNum inst_seq_num = inst->seqNum;
+ if (readyInsts.find(inst_seq_num) == readyInsts.end()) {
+ return false;
+ } else {
+ return true;
+ }
+template <class MemDepPred, class Impl>
+MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::issue(DynInstPtr &inst)
+ assert(readyInsts.find(inst->seqNum) != readyInsts.end());
+ // Remove the instruction from the ready list.
+ readyInsts.erase(inst->seqNum);
+template <class MemDepPred, class Impl>
+MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::wakeDependents(DynInstPtr &inst)
+ // Wake any dependencies.
+ dep_it_t dep_it = dependencies.find(inst);
+ // If there's no entry, then return. Really there should only be
+ // no entry if the instruction is a load.
+ if (dep_it == dependencies.end()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ assert(inst->isStore());
+ for(int i = 0; i < (*dep_it).second.size(); ++i ) {
+ InstSeqNum woken_inst = (*dep_it).second[i];
+ // Should we have reached instructions that are actually squashed,
+ // there will be no more useful instructions in this dependency
+ // list. Break out early.
+ if (renamedInsts.find(woken_inst) == renamedInsts.end()) {
+ DPRINTF(MemDepUnit, "MemDepUnit: Dependents on inst PC %#x "
+ "are squashed, starting at SN %i. Breaking early.\n",
+ inst->readPC(), woken_inst);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Remove it from the renamed instructions.
+ renamedInsts.erase(woken_inst);
+ // Add it to the ready list.
+ readyInsts.insert(woken_inst);
+ }
+ dependencies.erase(dep_it);
+template <class MemDepPred, class Impl>
+MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::squash(const InstSeqNum &squashed_num)
+ if (!renamedInsts.empty()) {
+ sn_it_t renamed_it = renamedInsts.end();
+ --renamed_it;
+ // Remove entries from the renamed list as long as we haven't reached
+ // the end and the entries continue to be younger than the squashed.
+ while (!renamedInsts.empty() &&
+ (*renamed_it) > squashed_num)
+ {
+ renamedInsts.erase(renamed_it--);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!readyInsts.empty()) {
+ sn_it_t ready_it = readyInsts.end();
+ --ready_it;
+ // Same for the ready list.
+ while (!readyInsts.empty() &&
+ (*ready_it) > squashed_num)
+ {
+ readyInsts.erase(ready_it--);
+ }
+ }
+ if (!dependencies.empty()) {
+ dep_it_t dep_it = dependencies.end();
+ --dep_it;
+ // Same for the dependencies list.
+ while (!dependencies.empty() &&
+ (*dep_it).first > squashed_num)
+ {
+ dependencies.erase(dep_it--);
+ }
+ }
+ // Tell the dependency predictor to squash as well.
+ depPred.squash(squashed_num);
+template <class MemDepPred, class Impl>
+MemDepUnit<MemDepPred, Impl>::violation(DynInstPtr &store_inst,
+ DynInstPtr &violating_load)
+ // Tell the memory dependence unit of the violation.
+ depPred.violation(violating_load->readPC(), store_inst->readPC());