path: root/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh')
1 files changed, 954 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh b/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh
index e289bc0c0..ef1ba9282 100644
--- a/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh
+++ b/cpu/o3/commit_impl.hh
@@ -26,25 +26,112 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iomanip>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include "base/loader/symtab.hh"
#include "base/timebuf.hh"
-#include "cpu/o3/commit.hh"
#include "cpu/exetrace.hh"
+#include "cpu/o3/commit.hh"
+#include "cpu/o3/thread_state.hh"
+using namespace std;
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::TrapEvent::TrapEvent(DefaultCommit<Impl> *_commit,
+ unsigned _tid)
+ : Event(&mainEventQueue, CPU_Tick_Pri), commit(_commit), tid(_tid)
+ this->setFlags(Event::AutoDelete);
+template <class Impl>
+ commit->trapSquash[tid] = true;
+template <class Impl>
+const char *
+ return "Trap event";
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::DefaultCommit(Params *params)
+ : dcacheInterface(params->dcacheInterface),
+ squashCounter(0),
+ iewToCommitDelay(params->iewToCommitDelay),
+ commitToIEWDelay(params->commitToIEWDelay),
+ renameToROBDelay(params->renameToROBDelay),
+ fetchToCommitDelay(params->commitToFetchDelay),
+ renameWidth(params->renameWidth),
+ iewWidth(params->executeWidth),
+ commitWidth(params->commitWidth),
+ numThreads(params->numberOfThreads)
+ _status = Active;
+ _nextStatus = Inactive;
+ string policy = params->smtCommitPolicy;
+ //Convert string to lowercase
+ std::transform(policy.begin(), policy.end(), policy.begin(),
+ (int(*)(int)) tolower);
+ //Assign commit policy
+ if (policy == "aggressive"){
+ commitPolicy = Aggressive;
+ DPRINTF(Commit,"Commit Policy set to Aggressive.");
+ } else if (policy == "roundrobin"){
+ commitPolicy = RoundRobin;
+ //Set-Up Priority List
+ for (int tid=0; tid < numThreads; tid++) {
+ priority_list.push_back(tid);
+ }
+ DPRINTF(Commit,"Commit Policy set to Round Robin.");
+ } else if (policy == "oldestready"){
+ commitPolicy = OldestReady;
+ DPRINTF(Commit,"Commit Policy set to Oldest Ready.");
+ } else {
+ assert(0 && "Invalid SMT Commit Policy. Options Are: {Aggressive,"
+ "RoundRobin,OldestReady}");
+ }
+ for (int i=0; i < numThreads; i++) {
+ commitStatus[i] = Idle;
+ changedROBNumEntries[i] = false;
+ trapSquash[i] = false;
+ xcSquash[i] = false;
+ }
+ // Hardcoded trap latency.
+ trapLatency = 6;
+ fetchTrapLatency = 12;
+ fetchFaultTick = 0;
+ fetchTrapWait = 0;
template <class Impl>
-SimpleCommit<Impl>::SimpleCommit(Params &params)
- : dcacheInterface(params.dcacheInterface),
- iewToCommitDelay(params.iewToCommitDelay),
- renameToROBDelay(params.renameToROBDelay),
- renameWidth(params.renameWidth),
- iewWidth(params.executeWidth),
- commitWidth(params.commitWidth)
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::name() const
- _status = Idle;
+ return cpu->name() + ".commit";
template <class Impl>
.name(name() + ".commitCommittedInsts")
@@ -79,7 +166,7 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::regStats()
.name(name() + ".branchMispredicts")
.desc("The number of times a branch was mispredicted")
- n_committed_dist
+ numCommittedDist
.name(name() + ".COM:committed_per_cycle")
.desc("Number of insts commited each cycle")
@@ -89,15 +176,26 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::regStats()
template <class Impl>
-SimpleCommit<Impl>::setCPU(FullCPU *cpu_ptr)
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setCPU(FullCPU *cpu_ptr)
DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Setting CPU pointer.\n");
cpu = cpu_ptr;
+ // Commit must broadcast the number of free entries it has at the start of
+ // the simulation, so it starts as active.
+ cpu->activateStage(FullCPU::CommitIdx);
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setThreads(vector<Thread *> &threads)
+ thread = threads;
template <class Impl>
-SimpleCommit<Impl>::setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *tb_ptr)
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *tb_ptr)
DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Setting time buffer pointer.\n");
timeBuffer = tb_ptr;
@@ -111,7 +209,18 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::setTimeBuffer(TimeBuffer<TimeStruct> *tb_ptr)
template <class Impl>
-SimpleCommit<Impl>::setRenameQueue(TimeBuffer<RenameStruct> *rq_ptr)
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setFetchQueue(TimeBuffer<FetchStruct> *fq_ptr)
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Setting fetch queue pointer.\n");
+ fetchQueue = fq_ptr;
+ // Setup wire to get instructions from rename (for the ROB).
+ fromFetch = fetchQueue->getWire(-fetchToCommitDelay);
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setRenameQueue(TimeBuffer<RenameStruct> *rq_ptr)
DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Setting rename queue pointer.\n");
renameQueue = rq_ptr;
@@ -122,7 +231,7 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::setRenameQueue(TimeBuffer<RenameStruct> *rq_ptr)
template <class Impl>
-SimpleCommit<Impl>::setIEWQueue(TimeBuffer<IEWStruct> *iq_ptr)
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setIEWQueue(TimeBuffer<IEWStruct> *iq_ptr)
DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Setting IEW queue pointer.\n");
iewQueue = iq_ptr;
@@ -133,7 +242,33 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::setIEWQueue(TimeBuffer<IEWStruct> *iq_ptr)
template <class Impl>
-SimpleCommit<Impl>::setROB(ROB *rob_ptr)
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setIEWStage(IEW *iew_stage)
+ iewStage = iew_stage;
+template<class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setActiveThreads(list<unsigned> *at_ptr)
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Setting active threads list pointer.\n");
+ activeThreads = at_ptr;
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setRenameMap(RenameMap rm_ptr[])
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Setting rename map pointers.\n");
+ for (int i=0; i < numThreads; i++) {
+ renameMap[i] = &rm_ptr[i];
+ }
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setROB(ROB *rob_ptr)
DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Setting ROB pointer.\n");
rob = rob_ptr;
@@ -141,41 +276,317 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::setROB(ROB *rob_ptr)
template <class Impl>
+ rob->setActiveThreads(activeThreads);
+ rob->resetEntries();
+ // Broadcast the number of free entries.
+ for (int i=0; i < numThreads; i++) {
+ toIEW->commitInfo[i].usedROB = true;
+ toIEW->commitInfo[i].freeROBEntries = rob->numFreeEntries(i);
+ }
+ cpu->activityThisCycle();
+template <class Impl>
+ if (commitStatus[0] == TrapPending ||
+ commitStatus[0] == FetchTrapPending) {
+ _nextStatus = Active;
+ }
+ if (_nextStatus == Inactive && _status == Active) {
+ DPRINTF(Activity, "Deactivating stage.\n");
+ cpu->deactivateStage(FullCPU::CommitIdx);
+ } else if (_nextStatus == Active && _status == Inactive) {
+ DPRINTF(Activity, "Activating stage.\n");
+ cpu->activateStage(FullCPU::CommitIdx);
+ }
+ _status = _nextStatus;
+ // reset ROB changed variable
+ list<unsigned>::iterator threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ changedROBNumEntries[tid] = false;
+ }
+template <class Impl>
+ int squashes = 0;
+ list<unsigned>::iterator threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ if (commitStatus[tid] == ROBSquashing) {
+ squashes++;
+ }
+ }
+ assert(squashes == squashCounter);
+ // If commit is currently squashing, then it will have activity for the
+ // next cycle. Set its next status as active.
+ if (squashCounter) {
+ _nextStatus = Active;
+ }
+template <class Impl>
+ list<unsigned>::iterator threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ if (changedROBNumEntries[tid]) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::numROBFreeEntries(unsigned tid)
+ return rob->numFreeEntries(tid);
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::generateTrapEvent(unsigned tid)
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Generating trap event for [tid:%i]\n", tid);
+ TrapEvent *trap = new TrapEvent(this, tid);
+ trap->schedule(curTick + trapLatency);
+ thread[tid]->trapPending = true;
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::generateXCEvent(unsigned tid)
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Generating XC squash event for [tid:%i]\n", tid);
+ xcSquash[tid] = true;
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::squashFromTrap(unsigned tid)
+ // If we want to include the squashing instruction in the squash,
+ // then use one older sequence number.
+ // Hopefully this doesn't mess things up. Basically I want to squash
+ // all instructions of this thread.
+ InstSeqNum squashed_inst = rob->isEmpty() ?
+ 0 : rob->readHeadInst(tid)->seqNum - 1;
+ // All younger instructions will be squashed. Set the sequence
+ // number as the youngest instruction in the ROB (0 in this case.
+ // Hopefully nothing breaks.)
+ youngestSeqNum[tid] = 0;
+ rob->squash(squashed_inst, tid);
+ changedROBNumEntries[tid] = true;
+ // Send back the sequence number of the squashed instruction.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].doneSeqNum = squashed_inst;
+ // Send back the squash signal to tell stages that they should
+ // squash.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].squash = true;
+ // Send back the rob squashing signal so other stages know that
+ // the ROB is in the process of squashing.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].robSquashing = true;
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].branchMispredict = false;
+// toIEW->commitInfo[tid].branchTaken = fromIEW->branchTaken[tid];
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].nextPC = PC[tid];
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Squashing from trap, restarting at PC %#x\n", PC[tid]);
+ // Hopefully nobody tries to use the mispredPC becuase I said there
+ // wasn't a branch mispredict.
+// toIEW->commitInfo[tid].mispredPC = fromIEW->mispredPC[tid];
+ thread[tid]->trapPending = false;
+ thread[tid]->inSyscall = false;
+ trapSquash[tid] = false;
+ // Not sure what to set this to...
+ commitStatus[tid] = ROBSquashing;
+ cpu->activityThisCycle();
+ ++squashCounter;
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::squashFromXC(unsigned tid)
+ // For now these are identical. In the future, the squash from trap
+ // might execute the trap prior to the squash.
+ // If we want to include the squashing instruction in the squash,
+ // then use one older sequence number.
+ // Hopefully this doesn't mess things up. Basically I want to squash
+ // all instructions of this thread.
+ InstSeqNum squashed_inst = rob->isEmpty() ?
+ 0 : rob->readHeadInst(tid)->seqNum - 1;;
+ // All younger instructions will be squashed. Set the sequence
+ // number as the youngest instruction in the ROB (0 in this case.
+ // Hopefully nothing breaks.)
+ youngestSeqNum[tid] = 0;
+ rob->squash(squashed_inst, tid);
+ changedROBNumEntries[tid] = true;
+ // Send back the sequence number of the squashed instruction.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].doneSeqNum = squashed_inst;
+ // Send back the squash signal to tell stages that they should
+ // squash.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].squash = true;
+ // Send back the rob squashing signal so other stages know that
+ // the ROB is in the process of squashing.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].robSquashing = true;
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].branchMispredict = false;
+// toIEW->commitInfo[tid].branchTaken = fromIEW->branchTaken[tid];
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].nextPC = PC[tid];
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Squashing from XC, restarting at PC %#x\n", PC[tid]);
+ // Hopefully nobody tries to use the mispredPC becuase I said there
+ // wasn't a branch mispredict.
+// toIEW->commitInfo[tid].mispredPC = fromIEW->mispredPC[tid];
+ thread[tid]->inSyscall = false;
+ assert(!thread[tid]->trapPending);
+ // Not sure what to set this to...
+ commitStatus[tid] = ROBSquashing;
+ cpu->activityThisCycle();
+ xcSquash[tid] = false;
+ ++squashCounter;
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::squashInFlightInsts(unsigned tid)
+ // @todo: Fix this hardcoded number.
+ for (int i = 0; i < -5; ++i) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < (*iewQueue)[i].size; ++j) {
+ DynInstPtr inst = (*iewQueue)[i].insts[j];
+ if (inst->threadNumber == tid &&
+ !inst->isSquashed()) {
+ inst->setSquashed();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+template <class Impl>
+ wroteToTimeBuffer = false;
+ _nextStatus = Inactive;
// If the ROB is currently in its squash sequence, then continue
// to squash. In this case, commit does not do anything. Otherwise
// run commit.
- if (_status == ROBSquashing) {
- if (rob->isDoneSquashing()) {
- _status = Running;
- } else {
- rob->doSquash();
- // Send back sequence number of tail of ROB, so other stages
- // can squash younger instructions. Note that really the only
- // stage that this is important for is the IEW stage; other
- // stages can just clear all their state as long as selective
- // replay isn't used.
- toIEW->commitInfo.doneSeqNum = rob->readTailSeqNum();
- toIEW->commitInfo.robSquashing = true;
+ list<unsigned>::iterator threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ // Maybe this should be dependent upon any of the commits actually
+ // squashing.
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ if (commitStatus[tid] == ROBSquashing) {
+ if (rob->isDoneSquashing(tid)) {
+ commitStatus[tid] = Running;
+ --squashCounter;
+ } else {
+ DPRINTF(Commit,"[tid:%u]: Still Squashing, cannot commit any"
+ "insts this cycle.\n", tid);
+ }
- } else {
- commit();
+ commit();
- // Writeback number of free ROB entries here.
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: ROB has %d free entries.\n",
- rob->numFreeEntries());
- toIEW->commitInfo.freeROBEntries = rob->numFreeEntries();
+ threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ if (!rob->isEmpty(tid) && rob->readHeadInst(tid)->readyToCommit()) {
+ // The ROB has more instructions it can commit. Its next status
+ // will be active.
+ _nextStatus = Active;
+ DynInstPtr inst = rob->readHeadInst(tid);
+ DPRINTF(Commit,"[tid:%i]: Instruction [sn:%lli] PC %#x is head of"
+ " ROB and ready to commit\n",
+ tid, inst->seqNum, inst->readPC());
+ } else if (!rob->isEmpty(tid)) {
+ DynInstPtr inst = rob->readHeadInst(tid);
+ DPRINTF(Commit,"[tid:%i]: Can't commit, Instruction [sn:%lli] PC "
+ "%#x is head of ROB and not ready\n",
+ tid, inst->seqNum, inst->readPC());
+ }
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "[tid:%i]: ROB has %d insts & %d free entries.\n",
+ tid, rob->countInsts(tid), rob->numFreeEntries(tid));
+ }
+ if (wroteToTimeBuffer) {
+ DPRINTF(Activity,"Activity This Cycle.\n");
+ cpu->activityThisCycle();
+ }
+ updateStatus();
template <class Impl>
// Check for interrupts
@@ -187,17 +598,44 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::commit()
// hwrei() is what resets the PC to the place where instruction execution
// beings again.
- if (//checkInterrupts &&
+//#if 0
+ if (cpu->checkInterrupts &&
cpu->check_interrupts() &&
- !cpu->inPalMode(readCommitPC())) {
- // Will need to squash all instructions currently in flight and have
- // the interrupt handler restart at the last non-committed inst.
- // Most of that can be handled through the trap() function. The
- // processInterrupts() function really just checks for interrupts
- // and then calls trap() if there is an interrupt present.
- // CPU will handle implementation of the interrupt.
- cpu->processInterrupts();
+ !cpu->inPalMode(readPC()) &&
+ !trapSquash[0] &&
+ !xcSquash[0]) {
+// commitStatus[0] = TrapPending;
+ toIEW->commitInfo[0].interruptPending = true;
+ if (rob->isEmpty() && !iewStage->hasStoresToWB()) {
+ // Will need to squash all instructions currently in flight and have
+ // the interrupt handler restart at the last non-committed inst.
+ // Most of that can be handled through the trap() function. The
+ // processInterrupts() function really just checks for interrupts
+ // and then calls trap() if there is an interrupt present.
+ // Not sure which thread should be the one to interrupt. For now
+ // always do thread 0.
+ assert(!thread[0]->inSyscall);
+ thread[0]->inSyscall = true;
+ // CPU will handle implementation of the interrupt.
+ cpu->processInterrupts();
+ // Now squash or record that I need to squash this cycle.
+ commitStatus[0] = TrapPending;
+ // Exit state update mode to avoid accidental updating.
+ thread[0]->inSyscall = false;
+ // Generate trap squash event.
+ generateTrapEvent(0);
+ toIEW->commitInfo[0].clearInterrupt = true;
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Interrupt detected.\n");
+ } else {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Interrupt pending, waiting for ROB to empty.\n");
+ }
#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
@@ -205,43 +643,113 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::commit()
// Check for squash signal, handle that first
- // Want to mainly check if the IEW stage is telling the ROB to squash.
- // Should I also check if the commit stage is telling the ROB to squah?
- // This might be necessary to keep the same timing between the IQ and
- // the ROB...
- if (fromIEW->squash) {
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Squashing instructions in the ROB.\n");
+ // Check if the IEW stage is telling the ROB to squash.
+ list<unsigned>::iterator threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ if (fromFetch->fetchFault) {
+ // Record the fault. Wait until it's empty in the ROB. Then handle the trap.
+ fetchFault = fromFetch->fetchFault;
+ fetchFaultSN = fromFetch->fetchFaultSN;
+ fetchFaultTick = curTick + fetchTrapLatency;
+ commitStatus[0] = FetchTrapPending;
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Fault from fetch recorded. Will trap if the "
+ "ROB empties without squashing the fault.\n");
+ fetchTrapWait = 0;
+ }
+ if (fromFetch->clearFetchFault) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Received clear fetch fault signal\n");
+ fetchTrapWait = 0;
+ if (commitStatus[0] == FetchTrapPending) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Clearing fault from fetch\n");
+ commitStatus[0] = Running;
+ }
+ }
+ // Not sure which one takes priority. I think if we have
+ // both, that's a bad sign.
+ if (trapSquash[tid] == true) {
+ assert(!xcSquash[tid]);
+ squashFromTrap(tid);
+ } else if (xcSquash[tid] == true) {
+ squashFromXC(tid);
+ }
+ // Squashed sequence number must be older than youngest valid
+ // instruction in the ROB. This prevents squashes from younger
+ // instructions overriding squashes from older instructions.
+ if (fromIEW->squash[tid] &&
+ commitStatus[tid] != TrapPending &&
+ fromIEW->squashedSeqNum[tid] <= youngestSeqNum[tid]) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "[tid:%u]: Squashing instructions in the "
+ "ROB.\n",
+ tid);
- _status = ROBSquashing;
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "[tid:%i]: Squashing due to PC %#x [sn:%i]\n",
+ tid,
+ fromIEW->mispredPC[tid],
+ fromIEW->squashedSeqNum[tid]);
- InstSeqNum squashed_inst = fromIEW->squashedSeqNum;
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "[tid:%i]: Redirecting to PC %#x\n",
+ tid,
+ fromIEW->nextPC[tid]);
- rob->squash(squashed_inst);
+ commitStatus[tid] = ROBSquashing;
- // Send back the sequence number of the squashed instruction.
- toIEW->commitInfo.doneSeqNum = squashed_inst;
+ ++squashCounter;
- // Send back the squash signal to tell stages that they should squash.
- toIEW->commitInfo.squash = true;
+ // If we want to include the squashing instruction in the squash,
+ // then use one older sequence number.
+ InstSeqNum squashed_inst = fromIEW->squashedSeqNum[tid];
- // Send back the rob squashing signal so other stages know that the
- // ROB is in the process of squashing.
- toIEW->commitInfo.robSquashing = true;
+ if (fromIEW->includeSquashInst[tid] == true)
+ squashed_inst--;
- toIEW->commitInfo.branchMispredict = fromIEW->branchMispredict;
+ // All younger instructions will be squashed. Set the sequence
+ // number as the youngest instruction in the ROB.
+ youngestSeqNum[tid] = squashed_inst;
- toIEW->commitInfo.branchTaken = fromIEW->branchTaken;
+ rob->squash(squashed_inst, tid);
+ changedROBNumEntries[tid] = true;
- toIEW->commitInfo.nextPC = fromIEW->nextPC;
+ // Send back the sequence number of the squashed instruction.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].doneSeqNum = squashed_inst;
- toIEW->commitInfo.mispredPC = fromIEW->mispredPC;
+ // Send back the squash signal to tell stages that they should
+ // squash.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].squash = true;
- if (toIEW->commitInfo.branchMispredict) {
- ++branchMispredicts;
+ // Send back the rob squashing signal so other stages know that
+ // the ROB is in the process of squashing.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].robSquashing = true;
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].branchMispredict =
+ fromIEW->branchMispredict[tid];
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].branchTaken =
+ fromIEW->branchTaken[tid];
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].nextPC = fromIEW->nextPC[tid];
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Squashing from IEW, restarting at PC %#x\n",
+ fromIEW->nextPC[tid]);
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].mispredPC =
+ fromIEW->mispredPC[tid];
+ if (toIEW->commitInfo[tid].branchMispredict) {
+ ++branchMispredicts;
+ }
- if (_status != ROBSquashing) {
+ setNextStatus();
+ if (squashCounter != numThreads) {
// If we're not currently squashing, then get instructions.
@@ -249,24 +757,29 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::commit()
- // If the ROB is empty, we can set this stage to idle. Use this
- // in the future when the Idle status will actually be utilized.
-#if 0
- if (rob->isEmpty()) {
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: ROB is empty. Status changed to idle.\n");
- _status = Idle;
- // Schedule an event so that commit will actually wake up
- // once something gets put in the ROB.
+ //Check for any activity
+ threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ if (changedROBNumEntries[tid]) {
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].usedROB = true;
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].freeROBEntries = rob->numFreeEntries(tid);
+ if (rob->isEmpty(tid)) {
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].emptyROB = true;
+ }
+ wroteToTimeBuffer = true;
+ changedROBNumEntries[tid] = false;
+ }
-// Loop that goes through as many instructions in the ROB as possible and
-// tries to commit them. The actual work for committing is done by the
-// commitHead() function.
template <class Impl>
// Handle commit
@@ -276,94 +789,193 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::commitInsts()
// Can't commit and squash things at the same time...
- if (rob->isEmpty())
- return;
- DynInstPtr head_inst = rob->readHeadInst();
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Trying to commit instructions in the ROB.\n");
unsigned num_committed = 0;
+ DynInstPtr head_inst;
+ if (commitStatus[0] == FetchTrapPending) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Fault from fetch is pending.\n");
+ if (rob->isEmpty()) {
+ fetchTrapWait++;
+ if (fetchTrapWait > 10000000) {
+ panic("Fetch trap has been pending for a long time!");
+ }
+ if (fetchFaultTick > curTick) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Not enough cycles since fault, fault will "
+ "happen on %lli\n",
+ fetchFaultTick);
+ cpu->activityThisCycle();
+ return;
+ } else if (iewStage->hasStoresToWB()) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "IEW still has stores to WB. Waiting until "
+ "they are completed. fetchTrapWait:%i\n",
+ fetchTrapWait);
+ cpu->activityThisCycle();
+ return;
+ } else if (cpu->inPalMode(readPC())) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "In pal mode right now. fetchTrapWait:%i\n",
+ fetchTrapWait);
+ return;
+ }
+ fetchTrapWait = 0;
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "ROB is empty, handling fetch trap.\n");
+ assert(!thread[0]->inSyscall);
+ thread[0]->inSyscall = true;
+ // Consider holding onto the trap and waiting until the trap event
+ // happens for this to be executed.
+ cpu->trap(fetchFault, 0);
+ // Exit state update mode to avoid accidental updating.
+ thread[0]->inSyscall = false;
+ commitStatus[0] = TrapPending;
+ // Set it up so that we squash next cycle
+ trapSquash[0] = true;
+ return;
+ }
+ }
// Commit as many instructions as possible until the commit bandwidth
// limit is reached, or it becomes impossible to commit any more.
- while (!rob->isEmpty() &&
- head_inst->readyToCommit() &&
- num_committed < commitWidth)
- {
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Trying to commit head instruction.\n");
+ while (num_committed < commitWidth) {
+ int commit_thread = getCommittingThread();
+ if (commit_thread == -1 || !rob->isHeadReady(commit_thread))
+ break;
+ head_inst = rob->readHeadInst(commit_thread);
+ int tid = head_inst->threadNumber;
+ assert(tid == commit_thread);
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Trying to commit head instruction, [sn:%i] [tid:%i]\n",
+ head_inst->seqNum, tid);
// If the head instruction is squashed, it is ready to retire at any
// time. However, we need to avoid updating any other state
// incorrectly if it's already been squashed.
if (head_inst->isSquashed()) {
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Retiring squashed instruction from "
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Retiring squashed instruction from "
// Tell ROB to retire head instruction. This retires the head
// inst in the ROB without affecting any other stages.
- rob->retireHead();
+ rob->retireHead(commit_thread);
+ // Record that the number of ROB entries has changed.
+ changedROBNumEntries[tid] = true;
} else {
+ PC[tid] = head_inst->readPC();
+ nextPC[tid] = head_inst->readNextPC();
// Increment the total number of non-speculative instructions
// executed.
// Hack for now: it really shouldn't happen until after the
// commit is deemed to be successful, but this count is needed
// for syscalls.
- cpu->funcExeInst++;
+ thread[tid]->funcExeInst++;
// Try to commit the head instruction.
bool commit_success = commitHead(head_inst, num_committed);
- // Update what instruction we are looking at if the commit worked.
if (commit_success) {
- // Send back which instruction has been committed.
- // @todo: Update this later when a wider pipeline is used.
- // Hmm, can't really give a pointer here...perhaps the
- // sequence number instead (copy).
- toIEW->commitInfo.doneSeqNum = head_inst->seqNum;
+ // Record that the number of ROB entries has changed.
+ changedROBNumEntries[tid] = true;
+ // Set the doneSeqNum to the youngest committed instruction.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].doneSeqNum = head_inst->seqNum;
- if (!head_inst->isNop()) {
- cpu->instDone();
+ // To match the old model, don't count nops and instruction
+ // prefetches towards the total commit count.
+ if (!head_inst->isNop() && !head_inst->isInstPrefetch()) {
+ cpu->instDone(tid);
+ PC[tid] = nextPC[tid];
+ int count = 0;
+ Addr oldpc;
+ do {
+ if (count == 0)
+ assert(!thread[tid]->inSyscall && !thread[tid]->trapPending);
+ oldpc = PC[tid];
+ cpu->system->pcEventQueue.service(
+ thread[tid]->getXCProxy());
+ count++;
+ } while (oldpc != PC[tid]);
+ if (count > 1) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "PC skip function event, stopping commit\n");
+ break;
+ }
} else {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Unable to commit head instruction PC:%#x "
+ "[tid:%i] [sn:%i].\n",
+ head_inst->readPC(), tid ,head_inst->seqNum);
- // Update the pointer to read the next instruction in the ROB.
- head_inst = rob->readHeadInst();
DPRINTF(CommitRate, "%i\n", num_committed);
- n_committed_dist.sample(num_committed);
+ numCommittedDist.sample(num_committed);
template <class Impl>
-SimpleCommit<Impl>::commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num)
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num)
// Make sure instruction is valid
+ int tid = head_inst->threadNumber;
// If the instruction is not executed yet, then it is a non-speculative
// or store inst. Signal backwards that it should be executed.
if (!head_inst->isExecuted()) {
// Keep this number correct. We have not yet actually executed
// and committed this instruction.
- cpu->funcExeInst--;
+ thread[tid]->funcExeInst--;
+ head_inst->reachedCommit = true;
+ if (head_inst->isNonSpeculative() ||
+ head_inst->isMemBarrier() ||
+ head_inst->isWriteBarrier()) {
+ // Hack to make sure syscalls aren't executed until all stores
+ // write back their data. This direct communication shouldn't
+ // be used for anything other than this.
+ if (inst_num > 0 || iewStage->hasStoresToWB())
+ if ((head_inst->isMemBarrier() || head_inst->isWriteBarrier() ||
+ head_inst->isQuiesce()) &&
+ iewStage->hasStoresToWB())
+ {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Waiting for all stores to writeback.\n");
+ return false;
+ }
- if (head_inst->isNonSpeculative()) {
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Encountered a store or non-speculative "
- "instruction at the head of the ROB, PC %#x.\n",
- head_inst->readPC());
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Encountered a barrier or non-speculative "
+ "instruction [sn:%lli] at the head of the ROB, PC %#x.\n",
+ head_inst->seqNum, head_inst->readPC());
- toIEW->commitInfo.nonSpecSeqNum = head_inst->seqNum;
+ // Send back the non-speculative instruction's sequence number.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].nonSpecSeqNum = head_inst->seqNum;
// Change the instruction so it won't try to commit again until
// it is executed.
@@ -372,24 +984,33 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num)
return false;
+ } else if (head_inst->isLoad()) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "[sn:%lli]: Uncached load, PC %#x.\n",
+ head_inst->seqNum, head_inst->readPC());
+ // Send back the non-speculative instruction's sequence
+ // number. Maybe just tell the lsq to re-execute the load.
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].nonSpecSeqNum = head_inst->seqNum;
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].uncached = true;
+ toIEW->commitInfo[tid].uncachedLoad = head_inst;
+ head_inst->clearCanCommit();
+ return false;
} else {
- panic("Commit: Trying to commit un-executed instruction "
+ panic("Trying to commit un-executed instruction "
"of unknown type!\n");
// Now check if it's one of the special trap or barrier or
// serializing instructions.
- if (head_inst->isThreadSync() ||
- head_inst->isSerializing() ||
- head_inst->isMemBarrier() ||
- head_inst->isWriteBarrier() )
+ if (head_inst->isThreadSync())/* ||
+// head_inst->isMemBarrier() ||
- // Not handled for now. Mem barriers and write barriers are safe
- // to simply let commit as memory accesses only happen once they
- // reach the head of commit. Not sure about the other two.
- panic("Serializing or barrier instructions"
- " are not handled yet.\n");
+ // Not handled for now.
+ panic("Barrier instructions are not handled yet.\n");
// Check if the instruction caused a fault. If so, trap.
@@ -398,7 +1019,32 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num)
if (inst_fault != NoFault) {
if (!head_inst->isNop()) {
- cpu->trap(inst_fault);
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Inst [sn:%lli] PC %#x has a fault\n",
+ head_inst->seqNum, head_inst->readPC());
+ assert(!thread[tid]->inSyscall);
+ thread[tid]->inSyscall = true;
+ // Hack for now; DTB will sometimes need the machine instruction
+ // for when faults happen. So we will set it here, prior to the
+ // DTB possibly needing it for this translation.
+ thread[tid]->setInst(
+ static_cast<TheISA::MachInst>(head_inst->staticInst->machInst));
+ // Consider holding onto the trap and waiting until the trap event
+ // happens for this to be executed.
+ cpu->trap(inst_fault, tid);
+ // Exit state update mode to avoid accidental updating.
+ thread[tid]->inSyscall = false;
+ commitStatus[tid] = TrapPending;
+ // Generate trap squash event.
+ generateTrapEvent(tid);
+ return false;
#else // !FULL_SYSTEM
panic("fault (%d) detected @ PC %08p", inst_fault,
@@ -409,37 +1055,32 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num)
// Check if we're really ready to commit. If not then return false.
// I'm pretty sure all instructions should be able to commit if they've
// reached this far. For now leave this in as a check.
- if (!rob->isHeadReady()) {
- panic("Commit: Unable to commit head instruction!\n");
+ if (!rob->isHeadReady(tid)) {
+ panic("Unable to commit head instruction!\n");
return false;
- // If it's a branch, then send back branch prediction update info
- // to the fetch stage.
- // This should be handled in the iew stage if a mispredict happens...
if (head_inst->isControl()) {
-#if 0
- toIEW->nextPC = head_inst->readPC();
- //Maybe switch over to BTB incorrect.
- toIEW->btbMissed = head_inst->btbMiss();
- toIEW->target = head_inst->nextPC;
- //Maybe also include global history information.
- //This simple version will have no branch prediction however.
// Now that the instruction is going to be committed, finalize its
// trace data.
if (head_inst->traceData) {
+ head_inst->traceData->setFetchSeq(head_inst->seqNum);
+ head_inst->traceData->setCPSeq(thread[tid]->numInst);
+ head_inst->traceData = NULL;
- //Finally clear the head ROB entry.
- rob->retireHead();
+ // Update the commit rename map
+ for (int i = 0; i < head_inst->numDestRegs(); i++) {
+ renameMap[tid]->setEntry(head_inst->destRegIdx(i),
+ head_inst->renamedDestRegIdx(i));
+ }
+ // Finally clear the head ROB entry.
+ rob->retireHead(tid);
// Return true to indicate that we have committed an instruction.
return true;
@@ -447,37 +1088,45 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::commitHead(DynInstPtr &head_inst, unsigned inst_num)
template <class Impl>
// Handle ROB functions
- // Read any issued instructions and place them into the ROB. Do this
+ // Read any renamed instructions and place them into the ROB. Do this
// prior to squashing to avoid having instructions in the ROB that
// don't get squashed properly.
int insts_to_process = min((int)renameWidth, fromRename->size);
- for (int inst_num = 0;
- inst_num < insts_to_process;
- ++inst_num)
+ for (int inst_num = 0; inst_num < insts_to_process; ++inst_num)
- if (!fromRename->insts[inst_num]->isSquashed()) {
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Inserting PC %#x into ROB.\n",
- fromRename->insts[inst_num]->readPC());
- rob->insertInst(fromRename->insts[inst_num]);
+ DynInstPtr inst = fromRename->insts[inst_num];
+ int tid = inst->threadNumber;
+ if (!inst->isSquashed() &&
+ commitStatus[tid] != ROBSquashing) {
+ changedROBNumEntries[tid] = true;
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Inserting PC %#x [sn:%i] [tid:%i] into ROB.\n",
+ inst->readPC(), inst->seqNum, tid);
+ rob->insertInst(inst);
+ assert(rob->getThreadEntries(tid) <= rob->getMaxEntries(tid));
+ youngestSeqNum[tid] = inst->seqNum;
} else {
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Instruction %i PC %#x was "
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "Instruction PC %#x [sn:%i] [tid:%i] was "
"squashed, skipping.\n",
- fromRename->insts[inst_num]->seqNum,
- fromRename->insts[inst_num]->readPC());
+ inst->readPC(), inst->seqNum, tid);
template <class Impl>
// Grab completed insts out of the IEW instruction queue, and mark
// instructions completed within the ROB.
@@ -485,18 +1134,159 @@ SimpleCommit<Impl>::markCompletedInsts()
inst_num < fromIEW->size && fromIEW->insts[inst_num];
- DPRINTF(Commit, "Commit: Marking PC %#x, SN %i ready within ROB.\n",
- fromIEW->insts[inst_num]->readPC(),
- fromIEW->insts[inst_num]->seqNum);
- // Mark the instruction as ready to commit.
- fromIEW->insts[inst_num]->setCanCommit();
+ if (!fromIEW->insts[inst_num]->isSquashed()) {
+ DPRINTF(Commit, "[tid:%i]: Marking PC %#x, SN %i ready within ROB.\n",
+ fromIEW->insts[inst_num]->threadNumber,
+ fromIEW->insts[inst_num]->readPC(),
+ fromIEW->insts[inst_num]->seqNum);
+ // Mark the instruction as ready to commit.
+ fromIEW->insts[inst_num]->setCanCommit();
+ }
template <class Impl>
+ // @todo: Fix this single thread hack.
+ return PC[0];
+template <class Impl>
+DefaultCommit<Impl>::setSquashing(unsigned tid)
- return rob->readHeadPC();
+ if (_status == Inactive) {
+ DPRINTF(Activity, "Activating stage.\n");
+ _status = Active;
+ cpu->activateStage(FullCPU::CommitIdx);
+ }
+ if (commitStatus[tid] != ROBSquashing) {
+ commitStatus[tid] = ROBSquashing;
+ ++squashCounter;
+ }
+template <class Impl>
+ list<unsigned>::iterator threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ if (!rob->isDoneSquashing(tid))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+// //
+// //
+template <class Impl>
+ if (numThreads > 1) {
+ switch (commitPolicy) {
+ case Aggressive:
+ //If Policy is Aggressive, commit will call
+ //this function multiple times per
+ //cycle
+ return oldestReady();
+ case RoundRobin:
+ return roundRobin();
+ case OldestReady:
+ return oldestReady();
+ default:
+ return -1;
+ }
+ } else {
+ int tid = (*activeThreads).front();
+ if (commitStatus[tid] == Running ||
+ commitStatus[tid] == Idle ||
+ commitStatus[tid] == FetchTrapPending) {
+ return tid;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+template<class Impl>
+ list<unsigned>::iterator pri_iter = priority_list.begin();
+ list<unsigned>::iterator end = priority_list.end();
+ while (pri_iter != end) {
+ unsigned tid = *pri_iter;
+ if (commitStatus[tid] == Running ||
+ commitStatus[tid] == Idle) {
+ if (rob->isHeadReady(tid)) {
+ priority_list.erase(pri_iter);
+ priority_list.push_back(tid);
+ return tid;
+ }
+ }
+ pri_iter++;
+ }
+ return -1;
+template<class Impl>
+ unsigned oldest = 0;
+ bool first = true;
+ list<unsigned>::iterator threads = (*activeThreads).begin();
+ while (threads != (*activeThreads).end()) {
+ unsigned tid = *threads++;
+ if (!rob->isEmpty(tid) &&
+ (commitStatus[tid] == Running ||
+ commitStatus[tid] == Idle ||
+ commitStatus[tid] == FetchTrapPending)) {
+ if (rob->isHeadReady(tid)) {
+ DynInstPtr head_inst = rob->readHeadInst(tid);
+ if (first) {
+ oldest = tid;
+ first = false;
+ } else if (head_inst->seqNum < oldest) {
+ oldest = tid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!first) {
+ return oldest;
+ } else {
+ return -1;
+ }