path: root/ext/dsent/util
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/dsent/util')
7 files changed, 576 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/dsent/util/CommonType.h b/ext/dsent/util/CommonType.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e8c9705bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/util/CommonType.h
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#include <iostream>
+#include "libutil/LibUtil.h"
+#include "util/Result.h"
+#include "tech/TechModel.h"
+namespace DSENT
+ using std::cout;
+ using std::endl;
+ // Enable functions
+ using LibUtil::deletePtrMap;
+ using LibUtil::clearPtrMap;
+ using LibUtil::deletePtrVector;
+ using LibUtil::clearPtrVector;
+ // Enable classes
+ using LibUtil::Exception;
+ using LibUtil::Log;
+ using LibUtil::String;
+ using LibUtil::Map;
+ using LibUtil::StringMap;
+ typedef StringMap ParameterMap;
+ typedef StringMap PropertyMap;
+} // namespace DSENT
diff --git a/ext/dsent/util/ b/ext/dsent/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a12a30070
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#include "util/Config.h"
+#include "model/std_cells/StdCellLib.h"
+namespace DSENT
+ Config* Config::ms_singleton_ = NULL;
+ void Config::allocate(const String& cfg_file_name_)
+ {
+ Log::printLine("Config::allocate");
+ // Allocate static Config instance
+ ASSERT(!ms_singleton_, "Config singleton is allocated");
+ ms_singleton_ = new Config();
+ ms_singleton_->readFile(cfg_file_name_);
+ Log::printLine("Config::allocate - End");
+ return;
+ }
+ void Config::release()
+ {
+ Log::printLine("Config::release");
+ // Release static Config instance
+ ASSERT(ms_singleton_, "Config singleton is not allocated");
+ delete ms_singleton_;
+ ms_singleton_ = NULL;
+ Log::printLine("Config::release - End");
+ return;
+ }
+ Config* Config::getSingleton()
+ {
+ ASSERT(ms_singleton_, "Config singleton is not allocated");
+ return ms_singleton_;
+ }
+ Config::Config()
+ : m_tech_model_(NULL)
+ {}
+ Config::~Config()
+ {
+ delete m_tech_model_;
+ }
+ void Config::setTechModel(const TechModel* tech_model_)
+ {
+ ASSERT((tech_model_ != NULL), "tech_model_ is null");
+ m_tech_model_ = tech_model_;
+ return;
+ }
+ const TechModel* Config::getTechModel() const
+ {
+ ASSERT((m_tech_model_ != NULL), "m_tech_model_ is null");
+ return m_tech_model_;
+ }
+ void Config::readFile(const String& file_name_)
+ {
+ Log::printLine("Config::readFile");
+ LibUtil::Config::readFile(file_name_);
+ Log::printLine("Config::readFile - End");
+ return;
+ }
+ void Config::constructTechModel(const String& overwrite_str_)
+ {
+ Log::printLine("Config::constructTechModel");
+ // Allocate static TechModel instance
+ const String& electrical_tech_model_filename = get("ElectricalTechModelFilename");
+ TechModel* tech_model = new TechModel();
+ tech_model->readFile(electrical_tech_model_filename);
+ if(keyExist("PhotonicTechModelFilename"))
+ {
+ const String& photonic_tech_model_filename = get("PhotonicTechModelFilename");
+ tech_model->readFile(photonic_tech_model_filename);
+ }
+ // Overwrite the settings at runtime
+ tech_model->readString(overwrite_str_);
+ // Allocate static StdCellLib instance
+ StdCellLib* std_cell_lib = new StdCellLib(tech_model);
+ // Set the StdCellLib pointer in static TechModel instance
+ tech_model->setStdCellLib(std_cell_lib);
+ m_tech_model_ = tech_model;
+ Log::printLine("Config::constructTechModel - End");
+ return;
+ }
+} // namespace DSENT
diff --git a/ext/dsent/util/Config.h b/ext/dsent/util/Config.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..910f5ca8c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/util/Config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+#ifndef __DSENT_UTIL_CONFIG_H__
+#define __DSENT_UTIL_CONFIG_H__
+#include "util/CommonType.h"
+namespace DSENT
+ class TechModel;
+ class StdCellLib;
+ class Config : public LibUtil::Config
+ {
+ public:
+ static void allocate(const String& cfg_file_name_);
+ static void release();
+ static Config* getSingleton();
+ protected:
+ static Config* ms_singleton_;
+ public:
+ Config();
+ ~Config();
+ public:
+ void setTechModel(const TechModel* tech_model_);
+ const TechModel* getTechModel() const;
+ void constructTechModel(const String& overwrite_str_);
+ protected:
+ void readFile(const String& file_name_);
+ protected:
+ const TechModel* m_tech_model_;
+ }; // class Config
+} // namespace DSENT
+#endif // __DSENT_UTIL_CONFIG_H__
diff --git a/ext/dsent/util/ b/ext/dsent/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6af0a275a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+#include "util/Constants.h"
+namespace DSENT
+ // PI
+ const double Constants::pi = 3.14159; //PI
+ // Boltzman's
+ const double Constants::k = 1.3806503e-23; // m^2 * kg / (s^2 * K);
+ // Speed of light
+ const double Constants::c = 2.9979246e8; // m/s
+ // Charge of electron
+ const double Constants::q = 1.602e-19; // C
+ // Permitivity of free space
+ const double Constants::e0 = 8.85e-12;
+ // Permitivity ratio of silicon
+ const double Constants::es = 11.7;
+} // namespace DSENT
diff --git a/ext/dsent/util/Constants.h b/ext/dsent/util/Constants.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4447e6991
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/util/Constants.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+namespace DSENT
+ class Constants
+ {
+ public:
+ // Physical constants
+ static const double pi;
+ static const double k;
+ static const double c;
+ static const double q;
+ static const double e0;
+ static const double es;
+ };
+} // namespace DSENT
diff --git a/ext/dsent/util/ b/ext/dsent/util/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f2a1b23ea
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#include "util/Result.h"
+#include <iostream>
+#include "libutil/Log.h"
+#include "libutil/Assert.h"
+namespace DSENT
+ using std::ostream;
+ using std::endl;
+ Result::SubResult::SubResult(const Result* sub_result_, const String& producer_, double num_results_)
+ : m_result_(sub_result_), m_producer_(producer_), m_num_results_(num_results_)
+ {
+ // Check if the result is not a null pointer
+ ASSERT((sub_result_ != NULL), "Internal error: sub_result_ is null");
+ // Check if the number of results greater than 0
+ ASSERT((num_results_ >= 0), "Internal error: num_results_ (" + String(num_results_) + ") is less than 0");
+ }
+ Result::SubResult::~SubResult()
+ {}
+ const Result* Result::SubResult::getResult() const
+ {
+ return m_result_;
+ }
+ const String& Result::SubResult::getProducer() const
+ {
+ return m_producer_;
+ }
+ double Result::SubResult::getNumResults() const
+ {
+ return m_num_results_;
+ }
+ Result::SubResult* Result::SubResult::clone() const
+ {
+ return new SubResult(*this);
+ }
+ Result::SubResult::SubResult(const SubResult& sub_result_)
+ : m_result_(sub_result_.m_result_), m_producer_(sub_result_.m_producer_), m_num_results_(sub_result_.m_num_results_)
+ {}
+ Result::Result()
+ {}
+ Result::Result(const String& result_name_)
+ : m_result_name_(result_name_)
+ {}
+ Result::~Result()
+ {
+ // Clear all sub results
+ for(vector<SubResult*>::iterator it = m_sub_results_.begin();
+ it != m_sub_results_.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ SubResult* sub_result = (*it);
+ delete sub_result;
+ }
+ }
+ const String& Result::getName() const
+ {
+ return m_result_name_;
+ }
+ void Result::setValue(double /* value_ */)
+ {
+ throw LibUtil::Exception("[Error] " + getName() + " -> Cannot set the value of a non-atomic result!");
+ return;
+ }
+ void Result::addValue(double /* value_ */)
+ {
+ throw LibUtil::Exception("[Error] " + getName() +
+ " -> Cannot add the value of a non-atomic result");
+ return;
+ }
+ double Result::getValue() const
+ {
+ throw LibUtil::Exception("[Error] " + getName() + " -> Cannot get the value of a non-atomic result!");
+ return 0.0;
+ }
+ void Result::addSubResult(const Result* sub_result_, const String& result_producer_, double num_results_)
+ {
+ SubResult* new_sub_result = new SubResult(sub_result_, result_producer_, num_results_);
+ m_sub_results_.push_back(new_sub_result);
+ return;
+ }
+ void Result::removeAllSubResults()
+ {
+ // Clear all sub results
+ for(vector<SubResult*>::iterator it = m_sub_results_.begin();
+ it != m_sub_results_.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ SubResult* sub_result = (*it);
+ delete sub_result;
+ }
+ m_sub_results_.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ double Result::calculateSum() const
+ {
+ double sum = 0.0;
+ // Loop through all sub results and calculate the sum
+ for(vector<SubResult*>::const_iterator it = m_sub_results_.begin();
+ it != m_sub_results_.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ const SubResult* temp_sub_result = (*it);
+ const Result* temp_result = temp_sub_result->getResult();
+ double num_results = temp_sub_result->getNumResults();
+ sum += temp_result->calculateSum()*num_results;
+ }
+ return sum;
+ }
+ void Result::print(const String& prepend_str_, int detail_level_, ostream& ost_) const
+ {
+ print(prepend_str_, 1.0, detail_level_, ost_);
+ return;
+ }
+ Result* Result::clone() const
+ {
+ return new Result(*this);
+ }
+ Result::Result(const Result& result_)
+ {
+ // Copy the result name
+ m_result_name_ = result_.m_result_name_;
+ // Clone all sub results
+ for(vector<SubResult*>::const_iterator it = m_sub_results_.begin();
+ it != m_sub_results_.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ const SubResult* temp_sub_result = (*it);
+ SubResult* new_sub_result = temp_sub_result->clone();
+ m_sub_results_.push_back(new_sub_result);
+ }
+ }
+ void Result::print(const String& prepend_str_, double num_results_, int detail_level_, ostream& ost_) const
+ {
+ // Go down to lower level if detail_level_ > 0, else print the sthe sthe sthe sum
+ if(detail_level_ > 0)
+ {
+ for(vector<SubResult*>::const_iterator it = m_sub_results_.begin();
+ it != m_sub_results_.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ const SubResult* temp_sub_result = (*it);
+ const Result* temp_result = temp_sub_result->getResult();
+ const String& temp_producer = temp_sub_result->getProducer();
+ const String& temp_result_name = temp_result->getName();
+ double temp_num_results = temp_sub_result->getNumResults();
+ String temp_prepend_str = prepend_str_ + "->" + temp_producer;
+ if(!temp_result_name.empty())
+ {
+ temp_prepend_str += ":" + temp_result_name;
+ }
+ temp_result->print(temp_prepend_str, num_results_*temp_num_results, detail_level_ - 1, ost_);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ost_ << prepend_str_ << " = " << calculateSum()*num_results_;
+ ost_ << " (" << calculateSum() << " * " << num_results_ << ")" << endl;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ void Result::printHierarchy(const String& prepend_str_, int detail_level_, ostream& ost_) const
+ {
+ if(detail_level_ > 0)
+ {
+ for(vector<SubResult*>::const_iterator it = m_sub_results_.begin(); it != m_sub_results_.end(); ++it)
+ {
+ const SubResult* temp_sub_result = (*it);
+ const Result* temp_result = temp_sub_result->getResult();
+ const String& temp_producer = temp_sub_result->getProducer();
+ const String& temp_result_name = temp_result->getName();
+ String temp_prepend_str = prepend_str_ + " ";
+ ost_ << prepend_str_ << " |--" << temp_producer << "->" << temp_result_name << endl;
+ temp_result->printHierarchy(temp_prepend_str, detail_level_ - 1, ost_);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ AtomicResult::AtomicResult(const String& result_name_, double value_)
+ : Result(result_name_), m_value_(value_)
+ {}
+ AtomicResult::~AtomicResult()
+ {}
+ void AtomicResult::setValue(double value_)
+ {
+ m_value_ = value_;
+ return;
+ }
+ void AtomicResult::addValue(double value_)
+ {
+ m_value_ += value_;
+ return;
+ }
+ double AtomicResult::getValue() const
+ {
+ return m_value_;
+ }
+ double AtomicResult::calculateSum() const
+ {
+ return m_value_;
+ }
+ AtomicResult* AtomicResult::clone() const
+ {
+ return new AtomicResult(*this);
+ }
+ AtomicResult::AtomicResult(const AtomicResult& atomic_result_)
+ : Result(atomic_result_), m_value_(atomic_result_.m_value_)
+ {}
+ void AtomicResult::print(const String& prepend_str_, double num_results_, int /* detail_level_ */, ostream& ost_) const
+ {
+ ost_ << prepend_str_ << " = " << m_value_*num_results_;
+ ost_ << " (" << m_value_ << " * " << num_results_ << ")" << endl;
+ return;
+ }
+} // namespace DSENT
diff --git a/ext/dsent/util/Result.h b/ext/dsent/util/Result.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..96f0e5805
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/dsent/util/Result.h
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+#ifndef __DSENT_UTIL_RESULT_H__
+#define __DSENT_UTIL_RESULT_H__
+#include <iostream>
+#include <vector>
+#include "libutil/String.h"
+#include "libutil/Map.h"
+namespace DSENT
+ using std::ostream;
+ using std::vector;
+ using LibUtil::Map;
+ using LibUtil::String;
+ class Result
+ {
+ public:
+ class SubResult
+ {
+ public:
+ SubResult(const Result* result_, const String& producer_, double num_results_);
+ ~SubResult();
+ public:
+ const Result* getResult() const;
+ const String& getProducer() const;
+ double getNumResults() const;
+ SubResult* clone() const;
+ protected:
+ SubResult(const SubResult& sub_result_);
+ private:
+ // Pointer to the actual result
+ const Result* m_result_;
+ // Name of the instance that produces this result
+ String m_producer_;
+ // Number of the times this result should be produce
+ double m_num_results_;
+ }; // class SubResult
+ public:
+ Result();
+ Result(const String& result_name_);
+ virtual ~Result();
+ public:
+ // Get the name of result
+ const String& getName() const;
+ // Add a sub result
+ void addSubResult(const Result* sub_result_, const String& result_producer_, double num_results_);
+ // Remove all sub results
+ void removeAllSubResults();
+ // Set the value of a result, not available except for AtomicResult
+ virtual void setValue(double value_);
+ // Set the value of a result, not available except for AtomicResult
+ virtual void addValue(double value_);
+ // Get the value of a result, not available except for AtomicResult
+ virtual double getValue() const;
+ // Loop through all sub results and calculate the sum
+ virtual double calculateSum() const;
+ // Print the result with hierarchy if detail_level_ > 0. Print the sum when detail_level_ <= 0
+ void print(const String& prepend_str_, int detail_level_, ostream& ost_) const;
+ // Print the tree of the results
+ void printHierarchy(const String& prepend_str_, int detail_level_, ostream& ost_) const;
+ Result* clone() const;
+ protected:
+ Result(const Result& result_);
+ virtual void print(const String& prepend_str_, double num_results_, int detail_level_, ostream& ost_) const;
+ private:
+ String m_result_name_;
+ vector<SubResult*> m_sub_results_;
+ }; // class Result
+ class AtomicResult : public Result
+ {
+ public:
+ AtomicResult(const String& result_name_, double value_ = 0.0);
+ ~AtomicResult();
+ public:
+ void setValue(double value_);
+ void addValue(double value_);
+ double getValue() const;
+ virtual double calculateSum() const;
+ AtomicResult* clone() const;
+ protected:
+ AtomicResult(const AtomicResult& atomic_result_);
+ virtual void print(const String& prepend_str_, double num_results_, int detail_level_, ostream& ost_) const;
+ private:
+ // Actual value of the result
+ double m_value_;
+ }; // class AtomicResult
+} // namespace DSENT
+#endif // __DSENT_UTIL_RESULT_H__