path: root/ext/googletest/test/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1635 deletions
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3e97cc24a..000000000
--- a/ext/googletest/test/
+++ /dev/null
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-// Copyright 2007, Google Inc.
-// All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-// * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-// * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-// * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-// Author: (Zhanyong Wan)
-// Google Test - The Google C++ Testing Framework
-// This file tests the universal value printer.
-#include "gtest/gtest-printers.h"
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <deque>
-#include <list>
-#include <map>
-#include <set>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <utility>
-#include <vector>
-#include "gtest/gtest.h"
-// hash_map and hash_set are available under Visual C++, or on Linux.
-# include <hash_map> // NOLINT
-#endif // GTEST_HAS_HASH_MAP_
-# include <hash_set> // NOLINT
-#endif // GTEST_HAS_HASH_SET_
-# include <forward_list> // NOLINT
-// Some user-defined types for testing the universal value printer.
-// An anonymous enum type.
-enum AnonymousEnum {
- kAE1 = -1,
- kAE2 = 1
-// An enum without a user-defined printer.
-enum EnumWithoutPrinter {
- kEWP1 = -2,
- kEWP2 = 42
-// An enum with a << operator.
-enum EnumWithStreaming {
- kEWS1 = 10
-std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, EnumWithStreaming e) {
- return os << (e == kEWS1 ? "kEWS1" : "invalid");
-// An enum with a PrintTo() function.
-enum EnumWithPrintTo {
- kEWPT1 = 1
-void PrintTo(EnumWithPrintTo e, std::ostream* os) {
- *os << (e == kEWPT1 ? "kEWPT1" : "invalid");
-// A class implicitly convertible to BiggestInt.
-class BiggestIntConvertible {
- public:
- operator ::testing::internal::BiggestInt() const { return 42; }
-// A user-defined unprintable class template in the global namespace.
-template <typename T>
-class UnprintableTemplateInGlobal {
- public:
- UnprintableTemplateInGlobal() : value_() {}
- private:
- T value_;
-// A user-defined streamable type in the global namespace.
-class StreamableInGlobal {
- public:
- virtual ~StreamableInGlobal() {}
-inline void operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const StreamableInGlobal& /* x */) {
- os << "StreamableInGlobal";
-void operator<<(::std::ostream& os, const StreamableInGlobal* /* x */) {
- os << "StreamableInGlobal*";
-namespace foo {
-// A user-defined unprintable type in a user namespace.
-class UnprintableInFoo {
- public:
- UnprintableInFoo() : z_(0) { memcpy(xy_, "\xEF\x12\x0\x0\x34\xAB\x0\x0", 8); }
- double z() const { return z_; }
- private:
- char xy_[8];
- double z_;
-// A user-defined printable type in a user-chosen namespace.
-struct PrintableViaPrintTo {
- PrintableViaPrintTo() : value() {}
- int value;
-void PrintTo(const PrintableViaPrintTo& x, ::std::ostream* os) {
- *os << "PrintableViaPrintTo: " << x.value;
-// A type with a user-defined << for printing its pointer.
-struct PointerPrintable {
-::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os,
- const PointerPrintable* /* x */) {
- return os << "PointerPrintable*";
-// A user-defined printable class template in a user-chosen namespace.
-template <typename T>
-class PrintableViaPrintToTemplate {
- public:
- explicit PrintableViaPrintToTemplate(const T& a_value) : value_(a_value) {}
- const T& value() const { return value_; }
- private:
- T value_;
-template <typename T>
-void PrintTo(const PrintableViaPrintToTemplate<T>& x, ::std::ostream* os) {
- *os << "PrintableViaPrintToTemplate: " << x.value();
-// A user-defined streamable class template in a user namespace.
-template <typename T>
-class StreamableTemplateInFoo {
- public:
- StreamableTemplateInFoo() : value_() {}
- const T& value() const { return value_; }
- private:
- T value_;
-template <typename T>
-inline ::std::ostream& operator<<(::std::ostream& os,
- const StreamableTemplateInFoo<T>& x) {
- return os << "StreamableTemplateInFoo: " << x.value();
-} // namespace foo
-namespace testing {
-namespace gtest_printers_test {
-using ::std::deque;
-using ::std::list;
-using ::std::make_pair;
-using ::std::map;
-using ::std::multimap;
-using ::std::multiset;
-using ::std::pair;
-using ::std::set;
-using ::std::vector;
-using ::testing::PrintToString;
-using ::testing::internal::FormatForComparisonFailureMessage;
-using ::testing::internal::ImplicitCast_;
-using ::testing::internal::NativeArray;
-using ::testing::internal::RE;
-using ::testing::internal::RelationToSourceReference;
-using ::testing::internal::Strings;
-using ::testing::internal::UniversalPrint;
-using ::testing::internal::UniversalPrinter;
-using ::testing::internal::UniversalTersePrint;
-using ::testing::internal::UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings;
-using ::testing::internal::string;
-// The hash_* classes are not part of the C++ standard. STLport
-// defines them in namespace std. MSVC defines them in ::stdext. GCC
-// defines them in ::.
-#ifdef _STLP_HASH_MAP // We got <hash_map> from STLport.
-using ::std::hash_map;
-using ::std::hash_set;
-using ::std::hash_multimap;
-using ::std::hash_multiset;
-#elif _MSC_VER
-using ::stdext::hash_map;
-using ::stdext::hash_set;
-using ::stdext::hash_multimap;
-using ::stdext::hash_multiset;
-// Prints a value to a string using the universal value printer. This
-// is a helper for testing UniversalPrinter<T>::Print() for various types.
-template <typename T>
-string Print(const T& value) {
- ::std::stringstream ss;
- UniversalPrinter<T>::Print(value, &ss);
- return ss.str();
-// Prints a value passed by reference to a string, using the universal
-// value printer. This is a helper for testing
-// UniversalPrinter<T&>::Print() for various types.
-template <typename T>
-string PrintByRef(const T& value) {
- ::std::stringstream ss;
- UniversalPrinter<T&>::Print(value, &ss);
- return ss.str();
-// Tests printing various enum types.
-TEST(PrintEnumTest, AnonymousEnum) {
- EXPECT_EQ("-1", Print(kAE1));
- EXPECT_EQ("1", Print(kAE2));
-TEST(PrintEnumTest, EnumWithoutPrinter) {
- EXPECT_EQ("-2", Print(kEWP1));
- EXPECT_EQ("42", Print(kEWP2));
-TEST(PrintEnumTest, EnumWithStreaming) {
- EXPECT_EQ("kEWS1", Print(kEWS1));
- EXPECT_EQ("invalid", Print(static_cast<EnumWithStreaming>(0)));
-TEST(PrintEnumTest, EnumWithPrintTo) {
- EXPECT_EQ("kEWPT1", Print(kEWPT1));
- EXPECT_EQ("invalid", Print(static_cast<EnumWithPrintTo>(0)));
-// Tests printing a class implicitly convertible to BiggestInt.
-TEST(PrintClassTest, BiggestIntConvertible) {
- EXPECT_EQ("42", Print(BiggestIntConvertible()));
-// Tests printing various char types.
-// char.
-TEST(PrintCharTest, PlainChar) {
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\0'", Print('\0'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\'' (39, 0x27)", Print('\''));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\"' (34, 0x22)", Print('"'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'?' (63, 0x3F)", Print('?'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\\\' (92, 0x5C)", Print('\\'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\a' (7)", Print('\a'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\b' (8)", Print('\b'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\f' (12, 0xC)", Print('\f'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\n' (10, 0xA)", Print('\n'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\r' (13, 0xD)", Print('\r'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\t' (9)", Print('\t'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\v' (11, 0xB)", Print('\v'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\x7F' (127)", Print('\x7F'));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\xFF' (255)", Print('\xFF'));
- EXPECT_EQ("' ' (32, 0x20)", Print(' '));
- EXPECT_EQ("'a' (97, 0x61)", Print('a'));
-// signed char.
-TEST(PrintCharTest, SignedChar) {
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\0'", Print(static_cast<signed char>('\0')));
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\xCE' (-50)",
- Print(static_cast<signed char>(-50)));
-// unsigned char.
-TEST(PrintCharTest, UnsignedChar) {
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\0'", Print(static_cast<unsigned char>('\0')));
- EXPECT_EQ("'b' (98, 0x62)",
- Print(static_cast<unsigned char>('b')));
-// Tests printing other simple, built-in types.
-// bool.
-TEST(PrintBuiltInTypeTest, Bool) {
- EXPECT_EQ("false", Print(false));
- EXPECT_EQ("true", Print(true));
-// wchar_t.
-TEST(PrintBuiltInTypeTest, Wchar_t) {
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\0'", Print(L'\0'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\'' (39, 0x27)", Print(L'\''));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\"' (34, 0x22)", Print(L'"'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'?' (63, 0x3F)", Print(L'?'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\\\' (92, 0x5C)", Print(L'\\'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\a' (7)", Print(L'\a'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\b' (8)", Print(L'\b'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\f' (12, 0xC)", Print(L'\f'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\n' (10, 0xA)", Print(L'\n'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\r' (13, 0xD)", Print(L'\r'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\t' (9)", Print(L'\t'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\v' (11, 0xB)", Print(L'\v'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\x7F' (127)", Print(L'\x7F'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\xFF' (255)", Print(L'\xFF'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L' ' (32, 0x20)", Print(L' '));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'a' (97, 0x61)", Print(L'a'));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\x576' (1398)", Print(static_cast<wchar_t>(0x576)));
- EXPECT_EQ("L'\\xC74D' (51021)", Print(static_cast<wchar_t>(0xC74D)));
-// Test that Int64 provides more storage than wchar_t.
-TEST(PrintTypeSizeTest, Wchar_t) {
- EXPECT_LT(sizeof(wchar_t), sizeof(testing::internal::Int64));
-// Various integer types.
-TEST(PrintBuiltInTypeTest, Integer) {
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\xFF' (255)", Print(static_cast<unsigned char>(255))); // uint8
- EXPECT_EQ("'\\x80' (-128)", Print(static_cast<signed char>(-128))); // int8
- EXPECT_EQ("65535", Print(USHRT_MAX)); // uint16
- EXPECT_EQ("-32768", Print(SHRT_MIN)); // int16
- EXPECT_EQ("4294967295", Print(UINT_MAX)); // uint32
- EXPECT_EQ("-2147483648", Print(INT_MIN)); // int32
- EXPECT_EQ("18446744073709551615",
- Print(static_cast<testing::internal::UInt64>(-1))); // uint64
- EXPECT_EQ("-9223372036854775808",
- Print(static_cast<testing::internal::Int64>(1) << 63)); // int64
-// Size types.
-TEST(PrintBuiltInTypeTest, Size_t) {
- EXPECT_EQ("1", Print(sizeof('a'))); // size_t.
- // Windows has no ssize_t type.
- EXPECT_EQ("-2", Print(static_cast<ssize_t>(-2))); // ssize_t.
-#endif // !GTEST_OS_WINDOWS
-// Floating-points.
-TEST(PrintBuiltInTypeTest, FloatingPoints) {
- EXPECT_EQ("1.5", Print(1.5f)); // float
- EXPECT_EQ("-2.5", Print(-2.5)); // double
-// Since ::std::stringstream::operator<<(const void *) formats the pointer
-// output differently with different compilers, we have to create the expected
-// output first and use it as our expectation.
-static string PrintPointer(const void *p) {
- ::std::stringstream expected_result_stream;
- expected_result_stream << p;
- return expected_result_stream.str();
-// Tests printing C strings.
-// const char*.
-TEST(PrintCStringTest, Const) {
- const char* p = "World";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to \"World\"", Print(p));
-// char*.
-TEST(PrintCStringTest, NonConst) {
- char p[] = "Hi";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to \"Hi\"",
- Print(static_cast<char*>(p)));
-// NULL C string.
-TEST(PrintCStringTest, Null) {
- const char* p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// Tests that C strings are escaped properly.
-TEST(PrintCStringTest, EscapesProperly) {
- const char* p = "'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\r\t\v\x7F\xFF a";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to \"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f"
- "\\n\\r\\t\\v\\x7F\\xFF a\"",
- Print(p));
-// MSVC compiler can be configured to define whar_t as a typedef
-// of unsigned short. Defining an overload for const wchar_t* in that case
-// would cause pointers to unsigned shorts be printed as wide strings,
-// possibly accessing more memory than intended and causing invalid
-// memory accesses. MSVC defines _NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED symbol when
-// wchar_t is implemented as a native type.
-#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(_NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED)
-// const wchar_t*.
-TEST(PrintWideCStringTest, Const) {
- const wchar_t* p = L"World";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to L\"World\"", Print(p));
-// wchar_t*.
-TEST(PrintWideCStringTest, NonConst) {
- wchar_t p[] = L"Hi";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p) + " pointing to L\"Hi\"",
- Print(static_cast<wchar_t*>(p)));
-// NULL wide C string.
-TEST(PrintWideCStringTest, Null) {
- const wchar_t* p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// Tests that wide C strings are escaped properly.
-TEST(PrintWideCStringTest, EscapesProperly) {
- const wchar_t s[] = {'\'', '"', '?', '\\', '\a', '\b', '\f', '\n', '\r',
- '\t', '\v', 0xD3, 0x576, 0x8D3, 0xC74D, ' ', 'a', '\0'};
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(s) + " pointing to L\"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f"
- "\\n\\r\\t\\v\\xD3\\x576\\x8D3\\xC74D a\"",
- Print(static_cast<const wchar_t*>(s)));
-#endif // native wchar_t
-// Tests printing pointers to other char types.
-// signed char*.
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, SignedChar) {
- signed char* p = reinterpret_cast<signed char*>(0x1234);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
- p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// const signed char*.
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, ConstSignedChar) {
- signed char* p = reinterpret_cast<signed char*>(0x1234);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
- p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// unsigned char*.
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, UnsignedChar) {
- unsigned char* p = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(0x1234);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
- p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// const unsigned char*.
-TEST(PrintCharPointerTest, ConstUnsignedChar) {
- const unsigned char* p = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(0x1234);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
- p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// Tests printing pointers to simple, built-in types.
-// bool*.
-TEST(PrintPointerToBuiltInTypeTest, Bool) {
- bool* p = reinterpret_cast<bool*>(0xABCD);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
- p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// void*.
-TEST(PrintPointerToBuiltInTypeTest, Void) {
- void* p = reinterpret_cast<void*>(0xABCD);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
- p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// const void*.
-TEST(PrintPointerToBuiltInTypeTest, ConstVoid) {
- const void* p = reinterpret_cast<const void*>(0xABCD);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
- p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// Tests printing pointers to pointers.
-TEST(PrintPointerToPointerTest, IntPointerPointer) {
- int** p = reinterpret_cast<int**>(0xABCD);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(p), Print(p));
- p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// Tests printing (non-member) function pointers.
-void MyFunction(int /* n */) {}
-TEST(PrintPointerTest, NonMemberFunctionPointer) {
- // We cannot directly cast &MyFunction to const void* because the
- // standard disallows casting between pointers to functions and
- // pointers to objects, and some compilers (e.g. GCC 3.4) enforce
- // this limitation.
- PrintPointer(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(
- reinterpret_cast<internal::BiggestInt>(&MyFunction))),
- Print(&MyFunction));
- int (*p)(bool) = NULL; // NOLINT
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", Print(p));
-// An assertion predicate determining whether a one string is a prefix for
-// another.
-template <typename StringType>
-AssertionResult HasPrefix(const StringType& str, const StringType& prefix) {
- if (str.find(prefix, 0) == 0)
- return AssertionSuccess();
- const bool is_wide_string = sizeof(prefix[0]) > 1;
- const char* const begin_string_quote = is_wide_string ? "L\"" : "\"";
- return AssertionFailure()
- << begin_string_quote << prefix << "\" is not a prefix of "
- << begin_string_quote << str << "\"\n";
-// Tests printing member variable pointers. Although they are called
-// pointers, they don't point to a location in the address space.
-// Their representation is implementation-defined. Thus they will be
-// printed as raw bytes.
-struct Foo {
- public:
- virtual ~Foo() {}
- int MyMethod(char x) { return x + 1; }
- virtual char MyVirtualMethod(int /* n */) { return 'a'; }
- int value;
-TEST(PrintPointerTest, MemberVariablePointer) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix(Print(&Foo::value),
- Print(sizeof(&Foo::value)) + "-byte object "));
- int (Foo::*p) = NULL; // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix(Print(p),
- Print(sizeof(p)) + "-byte object "));
-// Tests printing member function pointers. Although they are called
-// pointers, they don't point to a location in the address space.
-// Their representation is implementation-defined. Thus they will be
-// printed as raw bytes.
-TEST(PrintPointerTest, MemberFunctionPointer) {
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix(Print(&Foo::MyMethod),
- Print(sizeof(&Foo::MyMethod)) + "-byte object "));
- HasPrefix(Print(&Foo::MyVirtualMethod),
- Print(sizeof((&Foo::MyVirtualMethod))) + "-byte object "));
- int (Foo::*p)(char) = NULL; // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix(Print(p),
- Print(sizeof(p)) + "-byte object "));
-// Tests printing C arrays.
-// The difference between this and Print() is that it ensures that the
-// argument is a reference to an array.
-template <typename T, size_t N>
-string PrintArrayHelper(T (&a)[N]) {
- return Print(a);
-// One-dimensional array.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, OneDimensionalArray) {
- int a[5] = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// Two-dimensional array.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, TwoDimensionalArray) {
- int a[2][5] = {
- { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 },
- { 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 }
- };
- EXPECT_EQ("{ { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 }, { 6, 7, 8, 9, 0 } }", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// Array of const elements.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, ConstArray) {
- const bool a[1] = { false };
- EXPECT_EQ("{ false }", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// char array without terminating NUL.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, CharArrayWithNoTerminatingNul) {
- // Array a contains '\0' in the middle and doesn't end with '\0'.
- char a[] = { 'H', '\0', 'i' };
- EXPECT_EQ("\"H\\0i\" (no terminating NUL)", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// const char array with terminating NUL.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, ConstCharArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
- const char a[] = "\0Hi";
- EXPECT_EQ("\"\\0Hi\"", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// const wchar_t array without terminating NUL.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, WCharArrayWithNoTerminatingNul) {
- // Array a contains '\0' in the middle and doesn't end with '\0'.
- const wchar_t a[] = { L'H', L'\0', L'i' };
- EXPECT_EQ("L\"H\\0i\" (no terminating NUL)", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// wchar_t array with terminating NUL.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, WConstCharArrayWithTerminatingNul) {
- const wchar_t a[] = L"\0Hi";
- EXPECT_EQ("L\"\\0Hi\"", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// Array of objects.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, ObjectArray) {
- string a[3] = { "Hi", "Hello", "Ni hao" };
- EXPECT_EQ("{ \"Hi\", \"Hello\", \"Ni hao\" }", PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// Array with many elements.
-TEST(PrintArrayTest, BigArray) {
- int a[100] = { 1, 2, 3 };
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ..., 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }",
- PrintArrayHelper(a));
-// Tests printing ::string and ::std::string.
-// ::string.
-TEST(PrintStringTest, StringInGlobalNamespace) {
- const char s[] = "'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\0\r\t\v\x7F\xFF a";
- const ::string str(s, sizeof(s));
- EXPECT_EQ("\"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\0\\r\\t\\v\\x7F\\xFF a\\0\"",
- Print(str));
-// ::std::string.
-TEST(PrintStringTest, StringInStdNamespace) {
- const char s[] = "'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\0\r\t\v\x7F\xFF a";
- const ::std::string str(s, sizeof(s));
- EXPECT_EQ("\"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\0\\r\\t\\v\\x7F\\xFF a\\0\"",
- Print(str));
-TEST(PrintStringTest, StringAmbiguousHex) {
- // "\x6BANANA" is ambiguous, it can be interpreted as starting with either of:
- // '\x6', '\x6B', or '\x6BA'.
- // a hex escaping sequence following by a decimal digit
- EXPECT_EQ("\"0\\x12\" \"3\"", Print(::std::string("0\x12" "3")));
- // a hex escaping sequence following by a hex digit (lower-case)
- EXPECT_EQ("\"mm\\x6\" \"bananas\"", Print(::std::string("mm\x6" "bananas")));
- // a hex escaping sequence following by a hex digit (upper-case)
- EXPECT_EQ("\"NOM\\x6\" \"BANANA\"", Print(::std::string("NOM\x6" "BANANA")));
- // a hex escaping sequence following by a non-xdigit
- EXPECT_EQ("\"!\\x5-!\"", Print(::std::string("!\x5-!")));
-// Tests printing ::wstring and ::std::wstring.
-// ::wstring.
-TEST(PrintWideStringTest, StringInGlobalNamespace) {
- const wchar_t s[] = L"'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\0\r\t\v\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74D a";
- const ::wstring str(s, sizeof(s)/sizeof(wchar_t));
- EXPECT_EQ("L\"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\0\\r\\t\\v"
- "\\xD3\\x576\\x8D3\\xC74D a\\0\"",
- Print(str));
-// ::std::wstring.
-TEST(PrintWideStringTest, StringInStdNamespace) {
- const wchar_t s[] = L"'\"?\\\a\b\f\n\0\r\t\v\xD3\x576\x8D3\xC74D a";
- const ::std::wstring str(s, sizeof(s)/sizeof(wchar_t));
- EXPECT_EQ("L\"'\\\"?\\\\\\a\\b\\f\\n\\0\\r\\t\\v"
- "\\xD3\\x576\\x8D3\\xC74D a\\0\"",
- Print(str));
-TEST(PrintWideStringTest, StringAmbiguousHex) {
- // same for wide strings.
- EXPECT_EQ("L\"0\\x12\" L\"3\"", Print(::std::wstring(L"0\x12" L"3")));
- EXPECT_EQ("L\"mm\\x6\" L\"bananas\"",
- Print(::std::wstring(L"mm\x6" L"bananas")));
- EXPECT_EQ("L\"NOM\\x6\" L\"BANANA\"",
- Print(::std::wstring(L"NOM\x6" L"BANANA")));
- EXPECT_EQ("L\"!\\x5-!\"", Print(::std::wstring(L"!\x5-!")));
-// Tests printing types that support generic streaming (i.e. streaming
-// to std::basic_ostream<Char, CharTraits> for any valid Char and
-// CharTraits types).
-// Tests printing a non-template type that supports generic streaming.
-class AllowsGenericStreaming {};
-template <typename Char, typename CharTraits>
-std::basic_ostream<Char, CharTraits>& operator<<(
- std::basic_ostream<Char, CharTraits>& os,
- const AllowsGenericStreaming& /* a */) {
- return os << "AllowsGenericStreaming";
-TEST(PrintTypeWithGenericStreamingTest, NonTemplateType) {
- AllowsGenericStreaming a;
- EXPECT_EQ("AllowsGenericStreaming", Print(a));
-// Tests printing a template type that supports generic streaming.
-template <typename T>
-class AllowsGenericStreamingTemplate {};
-template <typename Char, typename CharTraits, typename T>
-std::basic_ostream<Char, CharTraits>& operator<<(
- std::basic_ostream<Char, CharTraits>& os,
- const AllowsGenericStreamingTemplate<T>& /* a */) {
- return os << "AllowsGenericStreamingTemplate";
-TEST(PrintTypeWithGenericStreamingTest, TemplateType) {
- AllowsGenericStreamingTemplate<int> a;
- EXPECT_EQ("AllowsGenericStreamingTemplate", Print(a));
-// Tests printing a type that supports generic streaming and can be
-// implicitly converted to another printable type.
-template <typename T>
-class AllowsGenericStreamingAndImplicitConversionTemplate {
- public:
- operator bool() const { return false; }
-template <typename Char, typename CharTraits, typename T>
-std::basic_ostream<Char, CharTraits>& operator<<(
- std::basic_ostream<Char, CharTraits>& os,
- const AllowsGenericStreamingAndImplicitConversionTemplate<T>& /* a */) {
- return os << "AllowsGenericStreamingAndImplicitConversionTemplate";
-TEST(PrintTypeWithGenericStreamingTest, TypeImplicitlyConvertible) {
- AllowsGenericStreamingAndImplicitConversionTemplate<int> a;
- EXPECT_EQ("AllowsGenericStreamingAndImplicitConversionTemplate", Print(a));
-// Tests printing StringPiece.
-TEST(PrintStringPieceTest, SimpleStringPiece) {
- const StringPiece sp = "Hello";
- EXPECT_EQ("\"Hello\"", Print(sp));
-TEST(PrintStringPieceTest, UnprintableCharacters) {
- const char str[] = "NUL (\0) and \r\t";
- const StringPiece sp(str, sizeof(str) - 1);
- EXPECT_EQ("\"NUL (\\0) and \\r\\t\"", Print(sp));
-// Tests printing STL containers.
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, EmptyDeque) {
- deque<char> empty;
- EXPECT_EQ("{}", Print(empty));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, NonEmptyDeque) {
- deque<int> non_empty;
- non_empty.push_back(1);
- non_empty.push_back(3);
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 1, 3 }", Print(non_empty));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, OneElementHashMap) {
- hash_map<int, char> map1;
- map1[1] = 'a';
- EXPECT_EQ("{ (1, 'a' (97, 0x61)) }", Print(map1));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashMultiMap) {
- hash_multimap<int, bool> map1;
- map1.insert(make_pair(5, true));
- map1.insert(make_pair(5, false));
- // Elements of hash_multimap can be printed in any order.
- const string result = Print(map1);
- EXPECT_TRUE(result == "{ (5, true), (5, false) }" ||
- result == "{ (5, false), (5, true) }")
- << " where Print(map1) returns \"" << result << "\".";
-#endif // GTEST_HAS_HASH_MAP_
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashSet) {
- hash_set<string> set1;
- set1.insert("hello");
- EXPECT_EQ("{ \"hello\" }", Print(set1));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, HashMultiSet) {
- const int kSize = 5;
- int a[kSize] = { 1, 1, 2, 5, 1 };
- hash_multiset<int> set1(a, a + kSize);
- // Elements of hash_multiset can be printed in any order.
- const string result = Print(set1);
- const string expected_pattern = "{ d, d, d, d, d }"; // d means a digit.
- // Verifies the result matches the expected pattern; also extracts
- // the numbers in the result.
- ASSERT_EQ(expected_pattern.length(), result.length());
- std::vector<int> numbers;
- for (size_t i = 0; i != result.length(); i++) {
- if (expected_pattern[i] == 'd') {
- ASSERT_NE(isdigit(static_cast<unsigned char>(result[i])), 0);
- numbers.push_back(result[i] - '0');
- } else {
- EXPECT_EQ(expected_pattern[i], result[i]) << " where result is "
- << result;
- }
- }
- // Makes sure the result contains the right numbers.
- std::sort(numbers.begin(), numbers.end());
- std::sort(a, a + kSize);
- EXPECT_TRUE(std::equal(a, a + kSize, numbers.begin()));
-#endif // GTEST_HAS_HASH_SET_
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, List) {
- const string a[] = {
- "hello",
- "world"
- };
- const list<string> strings(a, a + 2);
- EXPECT_EQ("{ \"hello\", \"world\" }", Print(strings));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, Map) {
- map<int, bool> map1;
- map1[1] = true;
- map1[5] = false;
- map1[3] = true;
- EXPECT_EQ("{ (1, true), (3, true), (5, false) }", Print(map1));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, MultiMap) {
- multimap<bool, int> map1;
- // The make_pair template function would deduce the type as
- // pair<bool, int> here, and since the key part in a multimap has to
- // be constant, without a templated ctor in the pair class (as in
- // libCstd on Solaris), make_pair call would fail to compile as no
- // implicit conversion is found. Thus explicit typename is used
- // here instead.
- map1.insert(pair<const bool, int>(true, 0));
- map1.insert(pair<const bool, int>(true, 1));
- map1.insert(pair<const bool, int>(false, 2));
- EXPECT_EQ("{ (false, 2), (true, 0), (true, 1) }", Print(map1));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, Set) {
- const unsigned int a[] = { 3, 0, 5 };
- set<unsigned int> set1(a, a + 3);
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 0, 3, 5 }", Print(set1));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, MultiSet) {
- const int a[] = { 1, 1, 2, 5, 1 };
- multiset<int> set1(a, a + 5);
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 1, 1, 1, 2, 5 }", Print(set1));
-// <slist> is available on Linux in the google3 mode, but not on
-// Windows or Mac OS X.
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, SinglyLinkedList) {
- int a[] = { 9, 2, 8 };
- const std::forward_list<int> ints(a, a + 3);
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 9, 2, 8 }", Print(ints));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, Pair) {
- pair<const bool, int> p(true, 5);
- EXPECT_EQ("(true, 5)", Print(p));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, Vector) {
- vector<int> v;
- v.push_back(1);
- v.push_back(2);
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 1, 2 }", Print(v));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, LongSequence) {
- const int a[100] = { 1, 2, 3 };
- const vector<int> v(a, a + 100);
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 1, 2, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "
- "0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ... }", Print(v));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, NestedContainer) {
- const int a1[] = { 1, 2 };
- const int a2[] = { 3, 4, 5 };
- const list<int> l1(a1, a1 + 2);
- const list<int> l2(a2, a2 + 3);
- vector<list<int> > v;
- v.push_back(l1);
- v.push_back(l2);
- EXPECT_EQ("{ { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 5 } }", Print(v));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, OneDimensionalNativeArray) {
- const int a[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
- NativeArray<int> b(a, 3, RelationToSourceReference());
- EXPECT_EQ("{ 1, 2, 3 }", Print(b));
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, TwoDimensionalNativeArray) {
- const int a[2][3] = { { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } };
- NativeArray<int[3]> b(a, 2, RelationToSourceReference());
- EXPECT_EQ("{ { 1, 2, 3 }, { 4, 5, 6 } }", Print(b));
-// Tests that a class named iterator isn't treated as a container.
-struct iterator {
- char x;
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, Iterator) {
- iterator it = {};
- EXPECT_EQ("1-byte object <00>", Print(it));
-// Tests that a class named const_iterator isn't treated as a container.
-struct const_iterator {
- char x;
-TEST(PrintStlContainerTest, ConstIterator) {
- const_iterator it = {};
- EXPECT_EQ("1-byte object <00>", Print(it));
-// Tests printing ::std::tr1::tuples.
-// Tuples of various arities.
-TEST(PrintTr1TupleTest, VariousSizes) {
- ::std::tr1::tuple<> t0;
- EXPECT_EQ("()", Print(t0));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<int> t1(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("(5)", Print(t1));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<char, bool> t2('a', true);
- EXPECT_EQ("('a' (97, 0x61), true)", Print(t2));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<bool, int, int> t3(false, 2, 3);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3)", Print(t3));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<bool, int, int, int> t4(false, 2, 3, 4);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4)", Print(t4));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool> t5(false, 2, 3, 4, true);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true)", Print(t5));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool, int> t6(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6)", Print(t6));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool, int, int> t7(
- false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7)", Print(t7));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool, int, int, bool> t8(
- false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7, true);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7, true)", Print(t8));
- ::std::tr1::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool, int, int, bool, int> t9(
- false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7, true, 9);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7, true, 9)", Print(t9));
- const char* const str = "8";
- // VC++ 2010's implementation of tuple of C++0x is deficient, requiring
- // an explicit type cast of NULL to be used.
- ::std::tr1::tuple<bool, char, short, testing::internal::Int32, // NOLINT
- testing::internal::Int64, float, double, const char*, void*, string>
- t10(false, 'a', 3, 4, 5, 1.5F, -2.5, str,
- ImplicitCast_<void*>(NULL), "10");
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 'a' (97, 0x61), 3, 4, 5, 1.5, -2.5, " + PrintPointer(str) +
- " pointing to \"8\", NULL, \"10\")",
- Print(t10));
-// Nested tuples.
-TEST(PrintTr1TupleTest, NestedTuple) {
- ::std::tr1::tuple< ::std::tr1::tuple<int, bool>, char> nested(
- ::std::tr1::make_tuple(5, true), 'a');
- EXPECT_EQ("((5, true), 'a' (97, 0x61))", Print(nested));
-#endif // GTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE
-// Tests printing ::std::tuples.
-// Tuples of various arities.
-TEST(PrintStdTupleTest, VariousSizes) {
- ::std::tuple<> t0;
- EXPECT_EQ("()", Print(t0));
- ::std::tuple<int> t1(5);
- EXPECT_EQ("(5)", Print(t1));
- ::std::tuple<char, bool> t2('a', true);
- EXPECT_EQ("('a' (97, 0x61), true)", Print(t2));
- ::std::tuple<bool, int, int> t3(false, 2, 3);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3)", Print(t3));
- ::std::tuple<bool, int, int, int> t4(false, 2, 3, 4);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4)", Print(t4));
- ::std::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool> t5(false, 2, 3, 4, true);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true)", Print(t5));
- ::std::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool, int> t6(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6)", Print(t6));
- ::std::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool, int, int> t7(
- false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7)", Print(t7));
- ::std::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool, int, int, bool> t8(
- false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7, true);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7, true)", Print(t8));
- ::std::tuple<bool, int, int, int, bool, int, int, bool, int> t9(
- false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7, true, 9);
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 2, 3, 4, true, 6, 7, true, 9)", Print(t9));
- const char* const str = "8";
- // VC++ 2010's implementation of tuple of C++0x is deficient, requiring
- // an explicit type cast of NULL to be used.
- ::std::tuple<bool, char, short, testing::internal::Int32, // NOLINT
- testing::internal::Int64, float, double, const char*, void*, string>
- t10(false, 'a', 3, 4, 5, 1.5F, -2.5, str,
- ImplicitCast_<void*>(NULL), "10");
- EXPECT_EQ("(false, 'a' (97, 0x61), 3, 4, 5, 1.5, -2.5, " + PrintPointer(str) +
- " pointing to \"8\", NULL, \"10\")",
- Print(t10));
-// Nested tuples.
-TEST(PrintStdTupleTest, NestedTuple) {
- ::std::tuple< ::std::tuple<int, bool>, char> nested(
- ::std::make_tuple(5, true), 'a');
- EXPECT_EQ("((5, true), 'a' (97, 0x61))", Print(nested));
-#endif // GTEST_LANG_CXX11
-// Tests printing user-defined unprintable types.
-// Unprintable types in the global namespace.
-TEST(PrintUnprintableTypeTest, InGlobalNamespace) {
- EXPECT_EQ("1-byte object <00>",
- Print(UnprintableTemplateInGlobal<char>()));
-// Unprintable types in a user namespace.
-TEST(PrintUnprintableTypeTest, InUserNamespace) {
- EXPECT_EQ("16-byte object <EF-12 00-00 34-AB 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00>",
- Print(::foo::UnprintableInFoo()));
-// Unprintable types are that too big to be printed completely.
-struct Big {
- Big() { memset(array, 0, sizeof(array)); }
- char array[257];
-TEST(PrintUnpritableTypeTest, BigObject) {
- EXPECT_EQ("257-byte object <00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 "
- "00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 "
- "00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 "
- "00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 ... 00-00 00-00 00-00 "
- "00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 "
- "00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 "
- "00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00>",
- Print(Big()));
-// Tests printing user-defined streamable types.
-// Streamable types in the global namespace.
-TEST(PrintStreamableTypeTest, InGlobalNamespace) {
- StreamableInGlobal x;
- EXPECT_EQ("StreamableInGlobal", Print(x));
- EXPECT_EQ("StreamableInGlobal*", Print(&x));
-// Printable template types in a user namespace.
-TEST(PrintStreamableTypeTest, TemplateTypeInUserNamespace) {
- EXPECT_EQ("StreamableTemplateInFoo: 0",
- Print(::foo::StreamableTemplateInFoo<int>()));
-// Tests printing user-defined types that have a PrintTo() function.
-TEST(PrintPrintableTypeTest, InUserNamespace) {
- EXPECT_EQ("PrintableViaPrintTo: 0",
- Print(::foo::PrintableViaPrintTo()));
-// Tests printing a pointer to a user-defined type that has a <<
-// operator for its pointer.
-TEST(PrintPrintableTypeTest, PointerInUserNamespace) {
- ::foo::PointerPrintable x;
- EXPECT_EQ("PointerPrintable*", Print(&x));
-// Tests printing user-defined class template that have a PrintTo() function.
-TEST(PrintPrintableTypeTest, TemplateInUserNamespace) {
- EXPECT_EQ("PrintableViaPrintToTemplate: 5",
- Print(::foo::PrintableViaPrintToTemplate<int>(5)));
-// Tests that the universal printer prints both the address and the
-// value of a reference.
-TEST(PrintReferenceTest, PrintsAddressAndValue) {
- int n = 5;
- EXPECT_EQ("@" + PrintPointer(&n) + " 5", PrintByRef(n));
- int a[2][3] = {
- { 0, 1, 2 },
- { 3, 4, 5 }
- };
- EXPECT_EQ("@" + PrintPointer(a) + " { { 0, 1, 2 }, { 3, 4, 5 } }",
- PrintByRef(a));
- const ::foo::UnprintableInFoo x;
- EXPECT_EQ("@" + PrintPointer(&x) + " 16-byte object "
- "<EF-12 00-00 34-AB 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00 00-00>",
- PrintByRef(x));
-// Tests that the universal printer prints a function pointer passed by
-// reference.
-TEST(PrintReferenceTest, HandlesFunctionPointer) {
- void (*fp)(int n) = &MyFunction;
- const string fp_pointer_string =
- PrintPointer(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&fp));
- // We cannot directly cast &MyFunction to const void* because the
- // standard disallows casting between pointers to functions and
- // pointers to objects, and some compilers (e.g. GCC 3.4) enforce
- // this limitation.
- const string fp_string = PrintPointer(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(
- reinterpret_cast<internal::BiggestInt>(fp)));
- EXPECT_EQ("@" + fp_pointer_string + " " + fp_string,
- PrintByRef(fp));
-// Tests that the universal printer prints a member function pointer
-// passed by reference.
-TEST(PrintReferenceTest, HandlesMemberFunctionPointer) {
- int (Foo::*p)(char ch) = &Foo::MyMethod;
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix(
- PrintByRef(p),
- "@" + PrintPointer(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&p)) + " " +
- Print(sizeof(p)) + "-byte object "));
- char (Foo::*p2)(int n) = &Foo::MyVirtualMethod;
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix(
- PrintByRef(p2),
- "@" + PrintPointer(reinterpret_cast<const void*>(&p2)) + " " +
- Print(sizeof(p2)) + "-byte object "));
-// Tests that the universal printer prints a member variable pointer
-// passed by reference.
-TEST(PrintReferenceTest, HandlesMemberVariablePointer) {
- int (Foo::*p) = &Foo::value; // NOLINT
- EXPECT_TRUE(HasPrefix(
- PrintByRef(p),
- "@" + PrintPointer(&p) + " " + Print(sizeof(p)) + "-byte object "));
-// Tests that FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(), which is used to print
-// an operand in a comparison assertion (e.g. ASSERT_EQ) when the assertion
-// fails, formats the operand in the desired way.
-// scalar
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForScalar) {
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(123, 124).c_str());
-// non-char pointer
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForNonCharPointer) {
- int n = 0;
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(&n),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(&n, &n).c_str());
-// non-char array
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, FormatsNonCharArrayAsPointer) {
- // In expression 'array == x', 'array' is compared by pointer.
- // Therefore we want to print an array operand as a pointer.
- int n[] = { 1, 2, 3 };
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(n),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(n, n).c_str());
-// Tests formatting a char pointer when it's compared with another pointer.
-// In this case we want to print it as a raw pointer, as the comparision is by
-// pointer.
-// char pointer vs pointer
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForCharPointerVsPointer) {
- // In expression 'p == x', where 'p' and 'x' are (const or not) char
- // pointers, the operands are compared by pointer. Therefore we
- // want to print 'p' as a pointer instead of a C string (we don't
- // even know if it's supposed to point to a valid C string).
- // const char*
- const char* s = "hello";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(s),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(s, s).c_str());
- // char*
- char ch = 'a';
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(&ch),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(&ch, &ch).c_str());
-// wchar_t pointer vs pointer
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForWCharPointerVsPointer) {
- // In expression 'p == x', where 'p' and 'x' are (const or not) char
- // pointers, the operands are compared by pointer. Therefore we
- // want to print 'p' as a pointer instead of a wide C string (we don't
- // even know if it's supposed to point to a valid wide C string).
- // const wchar_t*
- const wchar_t* s = L"hello";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(s),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(s, s).c_str());
- // wchar_t*
- wchar_t ch = L'a';
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(&ch),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(&ch, &ch).c_str());
-// Tests formatting a char pointer when it's compared to a string object.
-// In this case we want to print the char pointer as a C string.
-// char pointer vs ::string
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForCharPointerVsString) {
- const char* s = "hello \"world";
- EXPECT_STREQ("\"hello \\\"world\"", // The string content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(s, ::string()).c_str());
- // char*
- char str[] = "hi\1";
- char* p = str;
- EXPECT_STREQ("\"hi\\x1\"", // The string content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(p, ::string()).c_str());
-// char pointer vs std::string
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForCharPointerVsStdString) {
- const char* s = "hello \"world";
- EXPECT_STREQ("\"hello \\\"world\"", // The string content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(s, ::std::string()).c_str());
- // char*
- char str[] = "hi\1";
- char* p = str;
- EXPECT_STREQ("\"hi\\x1\"", // The string content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(p, ::std::string()).c_str());
-// wchar_t pointer vs ::wstring
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForWCharPointerVsWString) {
- const wchar_t* s = L"hi \"world";
- EXPECT_STREQ("L\"hi \\\"world\"", // The string content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(s, ::wstring()).c_str());
- // wchar_t*
- wchar_t str[] = L"hi\1";
- wchar_t* p = str;
- EXPECT_STREQ("L\"hi\\x1\"", // The string content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(p, ::wstring()).c_str());
-// wchar_t pointer vs std::wstring
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForWCharPointerVsStdWString) {
- const wchar_t* s = L"hi \"world";
- EXPECT_STREQ("L\"hi \\\"world\"", // The string content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(s, ::std::wstring()).c_str());
- // wchar_t*
- wchar_t str[] = L"hi\1";
- wchar_t* p = str;
- EXPECT_STREQ("L\"hi\\x1\"", // The string content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(p, ::std::wstring()).c_str());
-// Tests formatting a char array when it's compared with a pointer or array.
-// In this case we want to print the array as a row pointer, as the comparison
-// is by pointer.
-// char array vs pointer
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForCharArrayVsPointer) {
- char str[] = "hi \"world\"";
- char* p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(str),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(str, p).c_str());
-// char array vs char array
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForCharArrayVsCharArray) {
- const char str[] = "hi \"world\"";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(str),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(str, str).c_str());
-// wchar_t array vs pointer
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForWCharArrayVsPointer) {
- wchar_t str[] = L"hi \"world\"";
- wchar_t* p = NULL;
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(str),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(str, p).c_str());
-// wchar_t array vs wchar_t array
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForWCharArrayVsWCharArray) {
- const wchar_t str[] = L"hi \"world\"";
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(str),
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(str, str).c_str());
-// Tests formatting a char array when it's compared with a string object.
-// In this case we want to print the array as a C string.
-// char array vs string
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForCharArrayVsString) {
- const char str[] = "hi \"w\0rld\"";
- EXPECT_STREQ("\"hi \\\"w\"", // The content should be escaped.
- // Embedded NUL terminates the string.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(str, ::string()).c_str());
-// char array vs std::string
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForCharArrayVsStdString) {
- const char str[] = "hi \"world\"";
- EXPECT_STREQ("\"hi \\\"world\\\"\"", // The content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(str, ::std::string()).c_str());
-// wchar_t array vs wstring
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForWCharArrayVsWString) {
- const wchar_t str[] = L"hi \"world\"";
- EXPECT_STREQ("L\"hi \\\"world\\\"\"", // The content should be escaped.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(str, ::wstring()).c_str());
-// wchar_t array vs std::wstring
-TEST(FormatForComparisonFailureMessageTest, WorksForWCharArrayVsStdWString) {
- const wchar_t str[] = L"hi \"w\0rld\"";
- "L\"hi \\\"w\"", // The content should be escaped.
- // Embedded NUL terminates the string.
- FormatForComparisonFailureMessage(str, ::std::wstring()).c_str());
-// Useful for testing PrintToString(). We cannot use EXPECT_EQ()
-// there as its implementation uses PrintToString(). The caller must
-// ensure that 'value' has no side effect.
-#define EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(value, expected_string) \
- EXPECT_TRUE(PrintToString(value) == (expected_string)) \
- << " where " #value " prints as " << (PrintToString(value))
-TEST(PrintToStringTest, WorksForScalar) {
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(123, "123");
-TEST(PrintToStringTest, WorksForPointerToConstChar) {
- const char* p = "hello";
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(p, "\"hello\"");
-TEST(PrintToStringTest, WorksForPointerToNonConstChar) {
- char s[] = "hello";
- char* p = s;
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(p, "\"hello\"");
-TEST(PrintToStringTest, EscapesForPointerToConstChar) {
- const char* p = "hello\n";
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(p, "\"hello\\n\"");
-TEST(PrintToStringTest, EscapesForPointerToNonConstChar) {
- char s[] = "hello\1";
- char* p = s;
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(p, "\"hello\\x1\"");
-TEST(PrintToStringTest, WorksForArray) {
- int n[3] = { 1, 2, 3 };
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(n, "{ 1, 2, 3 }");
-TEST(PrintToStringTest, WorksForCharArray) {
- char s[] = "hello";
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(s, "\"hello\"");
-TEST(PrintToStringTest, WorksForCharArrayWithEmbeddedNul) {
- const char str_with_nul[] = "hello\0 world";
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(str_with_nul, "\"hello\\0 world\"");
- char mutable_str_with_nul[] = "hello\0 world";
- EXPECT_PRINT_TO_STRING_(mutable_str_with_nul, "\"hello\\0 world\"");
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTest, WorksForNonReference) {
- ::std::stringstream ss;
- UniversalTersePrint(123, &ss);
- EXPECT_EQ("123", ss.str());
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTest, WorksForReference) {
- const int& n = 123;
- ::std::stringstream ss;
- UniversalTersePrint(n, &ss);
- EXPECT_EQ("123", ss.str());
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTest, WorksForCString) {
- const char* s1 = "abc";
- ::std::stringstream ss1;
- UniversalTersePrint(s1, &ss1);
- EXPECT_EQ("\"abc\"", ss1.str());
- char* s2 = const_cast<char*>(s1);
- ::std::stringstream ss2;
- UniversalTersePrint(s2, &ss2);
- EXPECT_EQ("\"abc\"", ss2.str());
- const char* s3 = NULL;
- ::std::stringstream ss3;
- UniversalTersePrint(s3, &ss3);
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", ss3.str());
-TEST(UniversalPrintTest, WorksForNonReference) {
- ::std::stringstream ss;
- UniversalPrint(123, &ss);
- EXPECT_EQ("123", ss.str());
-TEST(UniversalPrintTest, WorksForReference) {
- const int& n = 123;
- ::std::stringstream ss;
- UniversalPrint(n, &ss);
- EXPECT_EQ("123", ss.str());
-TEST(UniversalPrintTest, WorksForCString) {
- const char* s1 = "abc";
- ::std::stringstream ss1;
- UniversalPrint(s1, &ss1);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(s1) + " pointing to \"abc\"", string(ss1.str()));
- char* s2 = const_cast<char*>(s1);
- ::std::stringstream ss2;
- UniversalPrint(s2, &ss2);
- EXPECT_EQ(PrintPointer(s2) + " pointing to \"abc\"", string(ss2.str()));
- const char* s3 = NULL;
- ::std::stringstream ss3;
- UniversalPrint(s3, &ss3);
- EXPECT_EQ("NULL", ss3.str());
-TEST(UniversalPrintTest, WorksForCharArray) {
- const char str[] = "\"Line\0 1\"\nLine 2";
- ::std::stringstream ss1;
- UniversalPrint(str, &ss1);
- EXPECT_EQ("\"\\\"Line\\0 1\\\"\\nLine 2\"", ss1.str());
- const char mutable_str[] = "\"Line\0 1\"\nLine 2";
- ::std::stringstream ss2;
- UniversalPrint(mutable_str, &ss2);
- EXPECT_EQ("\"\\\"Line\\0 1\\\"\\nLine 2\"", ss2.str());
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStringsTestWithTr1, PrintsEmptyTuple) {
- Strings result = UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings(
- ::std::tr1::make_tuple());
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, result.size());
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStringsTestWithTr1, PrintsOneTuple) {
- Strings result = UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings(
- ::std::tr1::make_tuple(1));
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("1", result[0]);
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStringsTestWithTr1, PrintsTwoTuple) {
- Strings result = UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings(
- ::std::tr1::make_tuple(1, 'a'));
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("1", result[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("'a' (97, 0x61)", result[1]);
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStringsTestWithTr1, PrintsTersely) {
- const int n = 1;
- Strings result = UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings(
- ::std::tr1::tuple<const int&, const char*>(n, "a"));
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("1", result[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("\"a\"", result[1]);
-#endif // GTEST_HAS_TR1_TUPLE
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStringsTestWithStd, PrintsEmptyTuple) {
- Strings result = UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings(::std::make_tuple());
- EXPECT_EQ(0u, result.size());
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStringsTestWithStd, PrintsOneTuple) {
- Strings result = UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings(
- ::std::make_tuple(1));
- ASSERT_EQ(1u, result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("1", result[0]);
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStringsTestWithStd, PrintsTwoTuple) {
- Strings result = UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings(
- ::std::make_tuple(1, 'a'));
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("1", result[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("'a' (97, 0x61)", result[1]);
-TEST(UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStringsTestWithStd, PrintsTersely) {
- const int n = 1;
- Strings result = UniversalTersePrintTupleFieldsToStrings(
- ::std::tuple<const int&, const char*>(n, "a"));
- ASSERT_EQ(2u, result.size());
- EXPECT_EQ("1", result[0]);
- EXPECT_EQ("\"a\"", result[1]);
-} // namespace gtest_printers_test
-} // namespace testing