path: root/ext/systemc/src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_int_base.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ext/systemc/src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_int_base.h')
1 files changed, 1382 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/systemc/src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_int_base.h b/ext/systemc/src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_int_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9b8a6457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ext/systemc/src/sysc/datatypes/int/sc_int_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1382 @@
+ Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or
+ more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ sc_int_base.h -- A sc_int is a signed integer whose length is less than the
+ machine's native integer length. We provide two implementations
+ (i) sc_int with length between 1 - 64, and (ii) sc_int with
+ length between 1 - 32. Implementation (i) is the default
+ implementation, while implementation (ii) can be used only if
+ the class library is compiled with -D_32BIT_. Unlike arbitrary
+ precision, arithmetic and bitwise operations are performed
+ using the native types (hence capped at 32/64 bits). The sc_int
+ integer is useful when the user does not need arbitrary
+ precision and the performance is superior to
+ sc_bigint/sc_biguint.
+ Original Author: Amit Rao, Synopsys, Inc.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
+ changes you are making here.
+ Name, Affiliation, Date: Ali Dasdan, Synopsys, Inc.
+ Description of Modification: - Resolved ambiguity with sc_(un)signed.
+ - Merged the code for 64- and 32-bit versions
+ via the constants in sc_nbdefs.h.
+ - Eliminated redundant file inclusions.
+ Name, Affiliation, Date:
+ Description of Modification:
+ *****************************************************************************/
+// $Log: sc_int_base.h,v $
+// Revision 1.3 2011/08/24 22:05:45 acg
+// Torsten Maehne: initialization changes to remove warnings.
+// Revision 1.2 2011/02/18 20:19:15 acg
+// Andy Goodrich: updating Copyright notice.
+// Revision 2006/12/15 20:20:05 acg
+// SystemC 2.3
+// Revision 1.4 2006/05/08 17:50:01 acg
+// Andy Goodrich: Added David Long's declarations for friend operators,
+// functions, and methods, to keep the Microsoft compiler happy.
+// Revision 1.3 2006/01/13 18:49:31 acg
+// Added $Log command so that CVS check in comments are reproduced in the
+// source.
+#ifndef SC_INT_BASE_H
+#define SC_INT_BASE_H
+#include "sysc/kernel/sc_object.h"
+#include "sysc/datatypes/misc/sc_value_base.h"
+#include "sysc/datatypes/int/sc_int_ids.h"
+#include "sysc/datatypes/int/sc_length_param.h"
+#include "sysc/datatypes/int/sc_nbdefs.h"
+#include "sysc/datatypes/int/sc_uint_base.h"
+#include "sysc/utils/sc_iostream.h"
+#include "sysc/utils/sc_temporary.h"
+namespace sc_dt
+class sc_concatref;
+// classes defined in this module
+class sc_int_bitref_r;
+class sc_int_bitref;
+class sc_int_subref_r;
+class sc_int_subref;
+class sc_int_base;
+class sc_signed_subref_r;
+class sc_unsigned_subref_r;
+// forward class declarations
+class sc_bv_base;
+class sc_lv_base;
+class sc_signed;
+class sc_unsigned;
+class sc_fxval;
+class sc_fxval_fast;
+class sc_fxnum;
+class sc_fxnum_fast;
+extern const uint_type mask_int[SC_INTWIDTH][SC_INTWIDTH];
+// friend operator declarations
+ // relational operators
+ inline bool operator == ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b );
+ inline bool operator != ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b );
+ inline bool operator < ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b );
+ inline bool operator <= ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b );
+ inline bool operator > ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b );
+ inline bool operator >= ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_bitref_r
+// Proxy class for sc_int bit selection (r-value only).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class sc_int_bitref_r : public sc_value_base
+ friend class sc_int_base;
+ // constructor
+ sc_int_bitref_r() : sc_value_base(), m_index(), m_obj_p()
+ {}
+ // initializer for sc_core::sc_vpool:
+ void initialize( const sc_int_base* obj_p, int index_ )
+ {
+ m_obj_p = (sc_int_base*)obj_p;
+ m_index = index_;
+ }
+ // copy constructor
+ sc_int_bitref_r( const sc_int_bitref_r& a ) :
+ sc_value_base(a), m_index(a.m_index), m_obj_p(a.m_obj_p)
+ {}
+ // destructor
+ virtual ~sc_int_bitref_r()
+ {}
+ // capacity
+ int length() const
+ { return 1; }
+ int bitwidth() const
+ { return length(); }
+ // concatenation support
+ virtual int concat_length( bool *xz_present_p ) const
+ { if (xz_present_p) *xz_present_p = false; return 1; }
+ virtual bool concat_get_ctrl( sc_digit* dst_p, int low_i ) const
+ {
+ int bit_mask = 1 << (low_i % BITS_PER_DIGIT);
+ int word_i = low_i / BITS_PER_DIGIT;
+ dst_p[word_i] &= ~bit_mask;
+ return false;
+ }
+ virtual bool concat_get_data( sc_digit* dst_p, int low_i ) const
+ {
+ bool non_zero;
+ int bit_mask = 1 << (low_i % BITS_PER_DIGIT);
+ int word_i = low_i / BITS_PER_DIGIT;
+ if ( operator uint64() )
+ {
+ dst_p[word_i] |= bit_mask;
+ non_zero = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dst_p[word_i] &= ~bit_mask;
+ non_zero = false;
+ }
+ return non_zero;
+ }
+ virtual uint64 concat_get_uint64() const
+ { return operator uint64(); }
+ // implicit conversions
+ operator uint64 () const;
+ bool operator ! () const;
+ bool operator ~ () const;
+ // explicit conversions
+ uint64 value() const
+ { return operator uint64(); }
+ bool to_bool() const
+ { return operator uint64(); }
+ // other methods
+ void print( ::std::ostream& os = ::std::cout ) const
+ { os << to_bool(); }
+ int m_index;
+ sc_int_base* m_obj_p;
+ // disabled
+ sc_int_bitref_r& operator = ( const sc_int_bitref_r& );
+operator << ( ::std::ostream&, const sc_int_bitref_r& );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_bitref
+// Proxy class for sc_int bit selection (r-value and l-value).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class sc_int_bitref
+ : public sc_int_bitref_r
+ friend class sc_int_base;
+ friend class sc_core::sc_vpool<sc_int_bitref>;
+ // constructor
+ sc_int_bitref() : sc_int_bitref_r()
+ {}
+ // copy constructor
+ sc_int_bitref( const sc_int_bitref& a ) : sc_int_bitref_r( a )
+ {}
+ // assignment operators
+ sc_int_bitref& operator = ( const sc_int_bitref_r& b );
+ sc_int_bitref& operator = ( const sc_int_bitref& b );
+ sc_int_bitref& operator = ( bool b );
+ sc_int_bitref& operator &= ( bool b );
+ sc_int_bitref& operator |= ( bool b );
+ sc_int_bitref& operator ^= ( bool b );
+ // concatenation methods
+ virtual void concat_set(int64 src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(const sc_signed& src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(const sc_unsigned& src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(uint64 src, int low_i);
+ // other methods
+ void scan( ::std::istream& is = ::std::cin );
+ static sc_core::sc_vpool<sc_int_bitref> m_pool;
+operator >> ( ::std::istream&, sc_int_bitref& );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_subref_r
+// Proxy class for sc_int part selection (r-value only).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class sc_int_subref_r : public sc_value_base
+ friend class sc_int_base;
+ friend class sc_int_signal;
+ friend class sc_int_subref;
+ // constructor
+ sc_int_subref_r() : sc_value_base(), m_left(0), m_obj_p(0), m_right(0)
+ {}
+ // initializer for sc_core::sc_vpool:
+ void initialize( const sc_int_base* obj_p, int left_i, int right_i )
+ {
+ m_obj_p = (sc_int_base*)obj_p;
+ m_left = left_i;
+ m_right = right_i;
+ }
+ // copy constructor
+ sc_int_subref_r( const sc_int_subref_r& a ) :
+ sc_value_base(a), m_left( a.m_left ), m_obj_p( a.m_obj_p ),
+ m_right( a.m_right )
+ {}
+ // destructor
+ virtual ~sc_int_subref_r()
+ {}
+ // capacity
+ int length() const
+ { return ( m_left - m_right + 1 ); }
+ int bitwidth() const
+ { return length(); }
+ // concatenation support
+ virtual int concat_length(bool* xz_present_p) const
+ { if ( xz_present_p ) *xz_present_p = false; return length(); }
+ virtual bool concat_get_ctrl( sc_digit* dst_p, int low_i ) const;
+ virtual bool concat_get_data( sc_digit* dst_p, int low_i ) const;
+ virtual uint64 concat_get_uint64() const
+ {
+ int len = length();
+ uint64 val = operator uint_type();
+ if ( len < 64 )
+ return (uint64)(val & ~((uint_type)-1 << len));
+ else
+ return (uint64)val;
+ }
+ // reduce methods
+ bool and_reduce() const;
+ bool nand_reduce() const
+ { return ( ! and_reduce() ); }
+ bool or_reduce() const;
+ bool nor_reduce() const
+ { return ( ! or_reduce() ); }
+ bool xor_reduce() const;
+ bool xnor_reduce() const
+ { return ( ! xor_reduce() ); }
+ // implicit conversion to uint_type
+ operator uint_type () const;
+ // explicit conversions
+ uint_type value() const
+ { return operator uint_type(); }
+ int to_int() const;
+ unsigned int to_uint() const;
+ long to_long() const;
+ unsigned long to_ulong() const;
+ int64 to_int64() const;
+ uint64 to_uint64() const;
+ double to_double() const;
+ // explicit conversion to character string
+ const std::string to_string( sc_numrep numrep = SC_DEC ) const;
+ const std::string to_string( sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix ) const;
+ // other methods
+ void print( ::std::ostream& os = ::std::cout ) const
+ { os << to_string(sc_io_base(os,SC_DEC),sc_io_show_base(os)); }
+ int m_left;
+ sc_int_base* m_obj_p;
+ int m_right;
+ const sc_int_subref_r& operator = ( const sc_int_subref_r& );
+operator << ( ::std::ostream&, const sc_int_subref_r& );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_subref
+// Proxy class for sc_int part selection (r-value and l-value).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class sc_int_subref
+ : public sc_int_subref_r
+ friend class sc_int_base;
+ friend class sc_core::sc_vpool<sc_int_subref>;
+ // constructor
+ sc_int_subref() : sc_int_subref_r()
+ {}
+ // copy constructor
+ sc_int_subref( const sc_int_subref& a ) : sc_int_subref_r( a )
+ {}
+ // assignment operators
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( int_type v );
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const sc_int_base& a );
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ { return operator = ( a.operator uint_type() ); }
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const sc_int_subref& a )
+ { return operator = ( a.operator uint_type() ); }
+ template< class T >
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const sc_generic_base<T>& a )
+ { return operator = ( a->to_int64() ); }
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const char* a );
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( unsigned long a )
+ { return operator = ( (int_type) a ); }
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( long a )
+ { return operator = ( (int_type) a ); }
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( unsigned int a )
+ { return operator = ( (int_type) a ); }
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( int a )
+ { return operator = ( (int_type) a ); }
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( uint64 a )
+ { return operator = ( (int_type) a ); }
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( double a )
+ { return operator = ( (int_type) a ); }
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const sc_signed& );
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const sc_unsigned& );
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const sc_bv_base& );
+ sc_int_subref& operator = ( const sc_lv_base& );
+ // concatenation methods
+ virtual void concat_set(int64 src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(const sc_signed& src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(const sc_unsigned& src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(uint64 src, int low_i);
+ // other methods
+ void scan( ::std::istream& is = ::std::cin );
+ static sc_core::sc_vpool<sc_int_subref> m_pool;
+operator >> ( ::std::istream&, sc_int_subref& );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_base
+// Base class for sc_int.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+class sc_int_base : public sc_value_base
+ friend class sc_int_bitref_r;
+ friend class sc_int_bitref;
+ friend class sc_int_subref_r;
+ friend class sc_int_subref;
+ // support methods
+ void invalid_length() const;
+ void invalid_index( int i ) const;
+ void invalid_range( int l, int r ) const;
+ void check_length() const
+ { if( m_len <= 0 || m_len > SC_INTWIDTH ) { invalid_length(); } }
+ void check_index( int i ) const
+ { if( i < 0 || i >= m_len ) { invalid_index( i ); } }
+ void check_range( int l, int r ) const
+ { if( r < 0 || l >= m_len || l < r ) { invalid_range( l, r ); } }
+ void check_value() const;
+ void extend_sign()
+ {
+ check_value();
+ m_val = ( m_val << m_ulen >> m_ulen );
+ }
+ // constructors
+ explicit sc_int_base( int w = sc_length_param().len() )
+ : m_val( 0 ), m_len( w ), m_ulen( SC_INTWIDTH - m_len )
+ { check_length(); }
+ sc_int_base( int_type v, int w )
+ : m_val( v ), m_len( w ), m_ulen( SC_INTWIDTH - m_len )
+ { check_length(); extend_sign(); }
+ sc_int_base( const sc_int_base& a )
+ : sc_value_base(a), m_val( a.m_val ), m_len( a.m_len ),
+ m_ulen( a.m_ulen )
+ {}
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ : m_val( a ), m_len( a.length() ), m_ulen( SC_INTWIDTH - m_len )
+ { extend_sign(); }
+ template< class T >
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_generic_base<T>& a ) :
+ m_val( a->to_int64() ), m_len( a->length() ),
+ m_ulen( SC_INTWIDTH - m_len )
+ { check_length(); extend_sign(); }
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_signed& a );
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_unsigned& a );
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_bv_base& v );
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_lv_base& v );
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_uint_subref_r& v );
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_signed_subref_r& v );
+ explicit sc_int_base( const sc_unsigned_subref_r& v );
+ // destructor
+ virtual ~sc_int_base()
+ {}
+ // assignment operators
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( int_type v )
+ { m_val = v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_int_base& a )
+ { m_val = a.m_val; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ { m_val = a; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ template<class T>
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_generic_base<T>& a )
+ { m_val = a->to_int64(); extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_signed& a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_unsigned& a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_fxval& a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_fxval_fast& a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_fxnum& a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_fxnum_fast& a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_bv_base& a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const sc_lv_base& a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( const char* a );
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( unsigned long a )
+ { m_val = a; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( long a )
+ { m_val = a; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( unsigned int a )
+ { m_val = a; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( int a )
+ { m_val = a; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( uint64 a )
+ { m_val = a; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator = ( double a )
+ { m_val = (int_type) a; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ // arithmetic assignment operators
+ sc_int_base& operator += ( int_type v )
+ { m_val += v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator -= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val -= v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator *= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val *= v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator /= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val /= v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator %= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val %= v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ // bitwise assignment operators
+ sc_int_base& operator &= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val &= v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator |= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val |= v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator ^= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val ^= v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator <<= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val <<= v; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ sc_int_base& operator >>= ( int_type v )
+ { m_val >>= v; /* no sign extension needed */ return *this; }
+ // prefix and postfix increment and decrement operators
+ sc_int_base& operator ++ () // prefix
+ { ++ m_val; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ const sc_int_base operator ++ ( int ) // postfix
+ { sc_int_base tmp( *this ); ++ m_val; extend_sign(); return tmp; }
+ sc_int_base& operator -- () // prefix
+ { -- m_val; extend_sign(); return *this; }
+ const sc_int_base operator -- ( int ) // postfix
+ { sc_int_base tmp( *this ); -- m_val; extend_sign(); return tmp; }
+ // relational operators
+ friend bool operator == ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b )
+ { return a.m_val == b.m_val; }
+ friend bool operator != ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b )
+ { return a.m_val != b.m_val; }
+ friend bool operator < ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b )
+ { return a.m_val < b.m_val; }
+ friend bool operator <= ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b )
+ { return a.m_val <= b.m_val; }
+ friend bool operator > ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b )
+ { return a.m_val > b.m_val; }
+ friend bool operator >= ( const sc_int_base& a, const sc_int_base& b )
+ { return a.m_val >= b.m_val; }
+ // bit selection
+ sc_int_bitref& operator [] ( int i );
+ const sc_int_bitref_r& operator [] ( int i ) const;
+ sc_int_bitref& bit( int i );
+ const sc_int_bitref_r& bit( int i ) const;
+ // part selection
+ sc_int_subref& operator () ( int left, int right );
+ const sc_int_subref_r& operator () ( int left, int right ) const;
+ sc_int_subref& range( int left, int right );
+ const sc_int_subref_r& range( int left, int right ) const;
+ // bit access, without bounds checking or sign extension
+ bool test( int i ) const
+ { return ( 0 != (m_val & (UINT_ONE << i)) ); }
+ void set( int i )
+ { m_val |= (UINT_ONE << i); }
+ void set( int i, bool v )
+ { v ? m_val |= (UINT_ONE << i) : m_val &= ~(UINT_ONE << i); }
+ // capacity
+ int length() const
+ { return m_len; }
+ int bitwidth() const
+ { return length(); }
+ // concatenation support
+ virtual int concat_length(bool* xz_present_p) const
+ { if ( xz_present_p ) *xz_present_p = false; return length(); }
+ virtual bool concat_get_ctrl( sc_digit* dst_p, int low_i ) const;
+ virtual bool concat_get_data( sc_digit* dst_p, int low_i ) const;
+ virtual uint64 concat_get_uint64() const
+ {
+ if ( m_len < 64 )
+ return (uint64)(m_val & ~((uint_type)-1 << m_len));
+ else
+ return (uint64)m_val;
+ }
+ virtual void concat_set(int64 src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(const sc_signed& src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(const sc_unsigned& src, int low_i);
+ virtual void concat_set(uint64 src, int low_i);
+ // reduce methods
+ bool and_reduce() const;
+ bool nand_reduce() const
+ { return ( ! and_reduce() ); }
+ bool or_reduce() const;
+ bool nor_reduce() const
+ { return ( ! or_reduce() ); }
+ bool xor_reduce() const;
+ bool xnor_reduce() const
+ { return ( ! xor_reduce() ); }
+ // implicit conversion to int_type
+ operator int_type() const
+ { return m_val; }
+ // explicit conversions
+ int_type value() const
+ { return operator int_type(); }
+ int to_int() const
+ { return (int) m_val; }
+ unsigned int to_uint() const
+ { return (unsigned int) m_val; }
+ long to_long() const
+ { return (long) m_val; }
+ unsigned long to_ulong() const
+ { return (unsigned long) m_val; }
+ int64 to_int64() const
+ { return (int64) m_val; }
+ uint64 to_uint64() const
+ { return (uint64) m_val; }
+ double to_double() const
+ { return (double) m_val; }
+#ifndef _32BIT_
+ long long_low() const
+ { return (long) (m_val & UINT64_32ONES); }
+ long long_high() const
+ { return (long) ((m_val >> 32) & UINT64_32ONES); }
+ // explicit conversion to character string
+ const std::string to_string( sc_numrep numrep = SC_DEC ) const;
+ const std::string to_string( sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix ) const;
+ // other methods
+ void print( ::std::ostream& os = ::std::cout ) const
+ { os << to_string(sc_io_base(os,SC_DEC),sc_io_show_base(os)); }
+ void scan( ::std::istream& is = ::std::cin );
+ int_type m_val; // value
+ int m_len; // length
+ int m_ulen; // unused length
+operator << ( ::std::ostream&, const sc_int_base& );
+operator >> ( ::std::istream&, sc_int_base& );
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_bitref_r
+// Proxy class for sc_int bit selection (r-value only).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// implicit conversion to uint64
+sc_int_bitref_r::operator uint64 () const
+ return m_obj_p->test( m_index );
+sc_int_bitref_r::operator ! () const
+ return ! m_obj_p->test( m_index );
+sc_int_bitref_r::operator ~ () const
+ return ! m_obj_p->test( m_index );
+operator << ( ::std::ostream& os, const sc_int_bitref_r& a )
+ a.print( os );
+ return os;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_bitref
+// Proxy class for sc_int bit selection (r-value and l-value).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// assignment operators
+sc_int_bitref::operator = ( const sc_int_bitref_r& b )
+ m_obj_p->set( m_index, (bool) b );
+ m_obj_p->extend_sign();
+ return *this;
+sc_int_bitref::operator = ( const sc_int_bitref& b )
+ m_obj_p->set( m_index, (bool) b );
+ m_obj_p->extend_sign();
+ return *this;
+sc_int_bitref::operator = ( bool b )
+ m_obj_p->set( m_index, b );
+ m_obj_p->extend_sign();
+ return *this;
+sc_int_bitref::operator &= ( bool b )
+ if( ! b ) {
+ m_obj_p->set( m_index, b );
+ m_obj_p->extend_sign();
+ }
+ return *this;
+sc_int_bitref::operator |= ( bool b )
+ if( b ) {
+ m_obj_p->set( m_index, b );
+ m_obj_p->extend_sign();
+ }
+ return *this;
+sc_int_bitref::operator ^= ( bool b )
+ if( b ) {
+ m_obj_p->m_val ^= (UINT_ONE << m_index);
+ m_obj_p->extend_sign();
+ }
+ return *this;
+operator >> ( ::std::istream& is, sc_int_bitref& a )
+ a.scan( is );
+ return is;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_subref_r
+// Proxy class for sc_int part selection (r-value only).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// implicit conversion to int_type
+sc_int_subref_r::operator uint_type() const
+ uint_type /*int_type*/ val = m_obj_p->m_val;
+ int uleft = SC_INTWIDTH - (m_left + 1);
+ int uright = uleft + m_right;
+ return ( val << uleft >> uright );
+// reduce methods
+sc_int_subref_r::and_reduce() const
+ sc_int_base a( *this );
+ return a.and_reduce();
+sc_int_subref_r::or_reduce() const
+ sc_int_base a( *this );
+ return a.or_reduce();
+sc_int_subref_r::xor_reduce() const
+ sc_int_base a( *this );
+ return a.xor_reduce();
+// explicit conversions
+sc_int_subref_r::to_int() const
+ int result = static_cast<int>(operator uint_type());
+ return result;
+unsigned int
+sc_int_subref_r::to_uint() const
+ unsigned int result = static_cast<unsigned int>(operator uint_type());
+ return result;
+sc_int_subref_r::to_long() const
+ long result = static_cast<long>(operator uint_type());
+ return result;
+unsigned long
+sc_int_subref_r::to_ulong() const
+ unsigned long result = static_cast<unsigned long>(operator uint_type());
+ return result;
+sc_int_subref_r::to_int64() const
+ int64 result = operator uint_type();
+ return result;
+sc_int_subref_r::to_uint64() const
+ uint64 result = operator uint_type();
+ return result;
+sc_int_subref_r::to_double() const
+ double result = static_cast<double>(operator uint_type());
+ return result;
+// explicit conversion to character string
+const std::string
+sc_int_subref_r::to_string( sc_numrep numrep ) const
+ sc_uint_base a(length());
+ a = operator uint_type();
+ return a.to_string( numrep );
+const std::string
+sc_int_subref_r::to_string( sc_numrep numrep, bool w_prefix ) const
+ sc_uint_base a(length());
+ a = operator uint_type();
+ return a.to_string( numrep, w_prefix );
+// functional notation for the reduce methods
+and_reduce( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ return a.and_reduce();
+nand_reduce( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ return a.nand_reduce();
+or_reduce( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ return a.or_reduce();
+nor_reduce( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ return a.nor_reduce();
+xor_reduce( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ return a.xor_reduce();
+xnor_reduce( const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ return a.xnor_reduce();
+operator << ( ::std::ostream& os, const sc_int_subref_r& a )
+ a.print( os );
+ return os;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_subref
+// Proxy class for sc_int part selection (r-value and l-value).
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// assignment operators
+sc_int_subref::operator = ( const sc_int_base& a )
+ return operator = ( a.operator int_type() );
+sc_int_subref::operator = ( const char* a )
+ sc_int_base aa( length() );
+ return ( *this = aa = a );
+operator >> ( ::std::istream& is, sc_int_subref& a )
+ a.scan( is );
+ return is;
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CLASS : sc_int_base
+// Base class for sc_int.
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// bit selection
+sc_int_base::operator [] ( int i )
+ check_index( i );
+ sc_int_bitref* result_p = sc_int_bitref::m_pool.allocate();
+ result_p->initialize(this, i);
+ return *result_p;
+const sc_int_bitref_r&
+sc_int_base::operator [] ( int i ) const
+ check_index( i );
+ sc_int_bitref* result_p = sc_int_bitref::m_pool.allocate();
+ result_p->initialize(this, i);
+ return *result_p;
+sc_int_base::bit( int i )
+ check_index( i );
+ sc_int_bitref* result_p = sc_int_bitref::m_pool.allocate();
+ result_p->initialize(this, i);
+ return *result_p;
+const sc_int_bitref_r&
+sc_int_base::bit( int i ) const
+ check_index( i );
+ sc_int_bitref* result_p = sc_int_bitref::m_pool.allocate();
+ result_p->initialize(this, i);
+ return *result_p;
+// part selection
+sc_int_base::operator () ( int left, int right )
+ check_range( left, right );
+ sc_int_subref* result_p = sc_int_subref::m_pool.allocate();
+ result_p->initialize(this, left, right);
+ return *result_p;
+const sc_int_subref_r&
+sc_int_base::operator () ( int left, int right ) const
+ check_range( left, right );
+ sc_int_subref* result_p = sc_int_subref::m_pool.allocate();
+ result_p->initialize(this, left, right);
+ return *result_p;
+sc_int_base::range( int left, int right )
+ check_range( left, right );
+ sc_int_subref* result_p = sc_int_subref::m_pool.allocate();
+ result_p->initialize(this, left, right);
+ return *result_p;
+const sc_int_subref_r&
+sc_int_base::range( int left, int right ) const
+ check_range( left, right );
+ sc_int_subref* result_p = sc_int_subref::m_pool.allocate();
+ result_p->initialize(this, left, right);
+ return *result_p;
+// functional notation for the reduce methods
+and_reduce( const sc_int_base& a )
+ return a.and_reduce();
+nand_reduce( const sc_int_base& a )
+ return a.nand_reduce();
+or_reduce( const sc_int_base& a )
+ return a.or_reduce();
+nor_reduce( const sc_int_base& a )
+ return a.nor_reduce();
+xor_reduce( const sc_int_base& a )
+ return a.xor_reduce();
+xnor_reduce( const sc_int_base& a )
+ return a.xnor_reduce();
+operator << ( ::std::ostream& os, const sc_int_base& a )
+ a.print( os );
+ return os;
+operator >> ( ::std::istream& is, sc_int_base& a )
+ a.scan( is );
+ return is;
+} // namespace sc_dt
+// Taf!