path: root/ext/systemc/src/tlm_utils/instance_specific_extensions.h
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1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/ext/systemc/src/tlm_utils/instance_specific_extensions.h b/ext/systemc/src/tlm_utils/instance_specific_extensions.h
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index 000000000..b17b86219
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+++ b/ext/systemc/src/tlm_utils/instance_specific_extensions.h
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+ Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or
+ more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+Instance specific extensions, are extension that only a single instance of a module
+may access. They are invisible to all other modules; they are private to this
+instance so to speak.
+As they are only of value to a certain instance, this instance knows very well
+when it needs them and when it does not need them any longer (usually when
+a transaction passes through a module for the last time).
+It does not have to care if anyone else in the system may still have a
+reference to the transaction as this one is not able to access the extension
+Therefore the instance is obliged to call set_extension when it wants to add a
+private extension and clear_extension when it does not need it any more.
+To get access to an instance specifc extension the module must own a so called
+instance_specific_extension_accessor that provides the exclusive access rights.
+Assuming the instance_specific_extension_accessor of a given module is called m_accessor
+and the transaction of which the private extension is about to be accessed
+is called txn, then the calls have to be
+The owner of the private extension is responsible to allocate/deallocate
+the extension before/after setting/clearing the extension.
+#include <tlm>
+namespace tlm_utils {
+//Helper to do the numbering of private extension accessors
+inline unsigned int max_num_ispex_accessors(bool increment=false)
+ static unsigned int max_num = 0;
+ if (increment) ++max_num;
+ return max_num;
+//Helper to do the index generation for private extensions
+inline unsigned int max_num_ispex(bool increment=false)
+ static unsigned int max_num = 0;
+ if (increment) ++max_num;
+ return max_num;
+//The private extension base. Similar to normal extension base, but without clone and free
+class ispex_base
+ virtual ~ispex_base() {}
+ static unsigned int register_private_extension()
+ {
+ return (max_num_ispex(true) - 1);
+ };
+//The templated private extension. Similar to normal extension
+template <typename T>
+instance_specific_extension : public ispex_base{
+ virtual ~instance_specific_extension() {}
+ const static unsigned int priv_id;
+template <typename T>
+unsigned int instance_specific_extension<T>::priv_id = ispex_base::register_private_extension();
+//this thing is basically a snippet of the generic_payload
+// it contains all the extension specific code (the extension API so to speak)
+// the differences are:
+// - it calls back to its owner whenever a real (==non-NULL) extension gets set for the first time
+// - it calls back to its owner whenever a living (==non-NULL) extension gets cleared
+template<typename U>
+class instance_specific_extensions_per_accessor{
+ typedef void (U::*cb)();
+ instance_specific_extensions_per_accessor(U* container, cb inc, cb dec): m_container(container), m_inc(inc), m_dec(dec){
+ }
+ template <typename T> T* set_extension(T* ext)
+ {
+ resize_extensions();
+ T* tmp = static_cast<T*>(m_extensions[T::priv_id]);
+ m_extensions[T::priv_id] = static_cast<ispex_base*>(ext);
+ if (!tmp && ext) (m_container->*m_inc)();
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ // non-templatized version with manual index:
+ ispex_base* set_extension(unsigned int index,
+ ispex_base* ext)
+ {
+ resize_extensions();
+ ispex_base* tmp = m_extensions[index];
+ m_extensions[index] = ext;
+ if (!tmp && ext) (m_container->*m_inc)();
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ // Check for an extension, ext will point to 0 if not present
+ template <typename T> void get_extension(T*& ext) const
+ {
+ ext = static_cast<T*>(m_extensions[T::priv_id]);
+ }
+ // Non-templatized version:
+ ispex_base* get_extension(unsigned int index) const
+ {
+ return m_extensions[index];
+ }
+ // Clear extension, the argument is needed to find the right index:
+ template <typename T> void clear_extension(const T* ext)
+ {
+ resize_extensions();
+ if (m_extensions[T::priv_id]) (m_container->*m_dec)();
+ m_extensions[T::priv_id] = static_cast<ispex_base*>(0);
+ }
+ // Non-templatized version with manual index
+ void clear_extension(unsigned int index)
+ {
+ if (index < m_extensions.size())
+ {
+ if (m_extensions[index]) (m_container->*m_dec)();
+ m_extensions[index] = static_cast<ispex_base*>(0);
+ }
+ }
+ // Make sure the extension array is large enough. Can be called once by
+ // an initiator module (before issuing the first transaction) to make
+ // sure that the extension array is of correct size. This is only needed
+ // if the initiator cannot guarantee that the generic payload object is
+ // allocated after C++ static construction time.
+ void resize_extensions()
+ {
+ m_extensions.expand(max_num_ispex());
+ }
+ tlm::tlm_array<ispex_base*> m_extensions;
+ U* m_container;
+ cb m_inc, m_dec;
+class instance_specific_extension_container;
+//the pool for the container, plain as can be
+class instance_specific_extension_container_pool{
+ friend class instance_specific_extension_carrier;
+ friend class instance_specific_extension_container;
+ instance_specific_extension_container_pool() : unused(NULL){}
+ inline ~instance_specific_extension_container_pool();
+ inline static instance_specific_extension_container_pool& get_ispexcont_pool(){ static instance_specific_extension_container_pool tmp; return tmp;}
+ inline instance_specific_extension_container* create();
+ inline void free(instance_specific_extension_container*);
+ instance_specific_extension_container* unused;
+class instance_specific_extension_carrier;
+//this thing contains the vector of extensions per accessor
+//which can be really large so this one should be pool allocated
+// therefore it keeps a use_count of itself to automatically free itself
+// - to this end it provides callbacks to the extensions per accessor
+// to increment and decrement the use_count
+class instance_specific_extension_container{
+ friend class instance_specific_extension_container_pool;
+ friend class instance_specific_extension_accessor;
+ friend class instance_specific_extension_carrier;
+ instance_specific_extension_container(): use_count(0), next(NULL){resize();}
+ void resize(){
+ m_ispex_per_accessor.resize(max_num_ispex_accessors());
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_ispex_per_accessor.size(); i++) {
+ m_ispex_per_accessor[i]=new instance_specific_extensions_per_accessor<instance_specific_extension_container>(this,
+ &instance_specific_extension_container::inc_use_count,
+ &instance_specific_extension_container::dec_use_count
+ );
+ m_ispex_per_accessor[i]->resize_extensions();
+ }
+ }
+ ~instance_specific_extension_container(){
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<m_ispex_per_accessor.size(); i++) delete m_ispex_per_accessor[i];
+ }
+ void inc_use_count(){use_count++;}
+ inline void dec_use_count();
+ std::vector<instance_specific_extensions_per_accessor<instance_specific_extension_container>* > m_ispex_per_accessor;
+ unsigned int use_count;
+ tlm::tlm_generic_payload* my_txn;
+ instance_specific_extension_carrier* my_carrier;
+ instance_specific_extension_container* next; //for pooling
+inline instance_specific_extension_container_pool::~instance_specific_extension_container_pool(){
+ while(unused) { instance_specific_extension_container* tmp=unused; unused=unused->next; delete tmp;}
+instance_specific_extension_container* instance_specific_extension_container_pool::create(){
+ if (!unused) {unused=new instance_specific_extension_container();}
+ instance_specific_extension_container* tmp=unused;
+ unused=unused->next;
+ return tmp;
+void instance_specific_extension_container_pool::free(instance_specific_extension_container* cont){
+ cont->next=unused;
+ unused=cont;
+//This is the class that actually sits in the extension array
+//we keep this small since that one gets allocated and deallocated all the times
+class instance_specific_extension_carrier: public tlm::tlm_extension<instance_specific_extension_carrier>{
+ friend class instance_specific_extension_accessor;
+ instance_specific_extension_carrier(){
+ m_container=instance_specific_extension_container_pool::get_ispexcont_pool().create();
+ m_container->my_carrier=this;
+ }
+ virtual tlm::tlm_extension_base* clone() const {
+ //we don't clone since private info is instance specific and associated to a given txn (the original)
+ //so the deep copied txn will be virgin in terms of private info
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ void copy_from(tlm::tlm_extension_base const &){return;}
+ void free(){return;}
+ instance_specific_extension_container* m_container;
+inline void instance_specific_extension_container::dec_use_count(){
+ if ((--use_count)==0) { //if this container isn't used any more
+ instance_specific_extension_container_pool::get_ispexcont_pool().free(this); //we send it back to our pool
+ //we have to do that manually, as we cannot rely on the fact that there is MM in the txn
+ my_txn->clear_extension(my_carrier); //and remove it from the transaction's extension array
+ delete my_carrier;
+ }
+//This class 'hides' all the instance specific extension stuff from the user
+// he instantiates one of those (e.g. instance_specific_extension_accessor extAcc;) and can then access
+// the private extensions
+// extAcc(txn).extensionAPIFnCall()
+// where extensionAPIFnCall is set_extension, get_extension, clear_extension,...
+class instance_specific_extension_accessor{
+ instance_specific_extension_accessor(): m_index(max_num_ispex_accessors(true)-1){}
+ template<typename T>
+ inline instance_specific_extensions_per_accessor<instance_specific_extension_container>& operator()(T& txn){
+ instance_specific_extension_carrier* carrier;
+ txn.get_extension(carrier);
+ if (!carrier){
+ carrier=new instance_specific_extension_carrier();
+ carrier->m_container->my_txn=&txn;
+ txn.set_extension(carrier);
+ }
+ return *(carrier->m_container->m_ispex_per_accessor[m_index]);
+ }
+ unsigned int m_index;