path: root/kern/linux
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3 files changed, 309 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/kern/linux/linux.hh b/kern/linux/linux.hh
index b083b5a31..0dbccf546 100644
--- a/kern/linux/linux.hh
+++ b/kern/linux/linux.hh
@@ -28,7 +28,314 @@
#ifndef __LINUX_HH__
#define __LINUX_HH__
+#include "config/full_system.hh"
class Linux {};
+#else //!FULL_SYSTEM
+#include <dirent.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h> // for host open() flags
+#include <string.h> // for memset()
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "sim/syscall_emul.hh"
+/// This class encapsulates the types, structures, constants,
+/// functions, and syscall-number mappings specific to the Alpha Linux
+/// syscall interface.
+class Linux {
+ public:
+ //@{
+ /// Basic Linux types.
+ typedef uint64_t size_t;
+ typedef uint64_t off_t;
+ typedef int64_t time_t;
+ typedef uint32_t uid_t;
+ typedef uint32_t gid_t;
+ //@}
+ typedef struct stat hst_stat;
+ typedef struct stat hst_stat64;
+ typedef struct stat hst_stat ;
+ typedef struct stat64 hst_stat64;
+ //@{
+ /// open(2) flag values.
+ static const int TGT_O_RDONLY = 00000000; //!< O_RDONLY
+ static const int TGT_O_WRONLY = 00000001; //!< O_WRONLY
+ static const int TGT_O_RDWR = 00000002; //!< O_RDWR
+ static const int TGT_O_NONBLOCK = 00000004; //!< O_NONBLOCK
+ static const int TGT_O_APPEND = 00000010; //!< O_APPEND
+ static const int TGT_O_CREAT = 00001000; //!< O_CREAT
+ static const int TGT_O_TRUNC = 00002000; //!< O_TRUNC
+ static const int TGT_O_EXCL = 00004000; //!< O_EXCL
+ static const int TGT_O_NOCTTY = 00010000; //!< O_NOCTTY
+ static const int TGT_O_SYNC = 00040000; //!< O_SYNC
+ static const int TGT_O_DRD = 00100000; //!< O_DRD
+ static const int TGT_O_DIRECTIO = 00200000; //!< O_DIRECTIO
+ static const int TGT_O_CACHE = 00400000; //!< O_CACHE
+ static const int TGT_O_DSYNC = 02000000; //!< O_DSYNC
+ static const int TGT_O_RSYNC = 04000000; //!< O_RSYNC
+ //@}
+ /// This table maps the target open() flags to the corresponding
+ /// host open() flags.
+ static OpenFlagTransTable openFlagTable[];
+ /// Number of entries in openFlagTable[].
+ static const int NUM_OPEN_FLAGS;
+ /// Stat buffer. Note that we can't call it 'stat' since that
+ /// gets #defined to something else on some systems.
+ struct tgt_stat {
+ uint32_t st_dev; //!< device
+ uint32_t st_ino; //!< inode
+ uint32_t st_mode; //!< mode
+ uint32_t st_nlink; //!< link count
+ uint32_t st_uid; //!< owner's user ID
+ uint32_t st_gid; //!< owner's group ID
+ uint32_t st_rdev; //!< device number
+ int32_t _pad1; //!< for alignment
+ int64_t st_size; //!< file size in bytes
+ uint64_t st_atimeX; //!< time of last access
+ uint64_t st_mtimeX; //!< time of last modification
+ uint64_t st_ctimeX; //!< time of last status change
+ uint32_t st_blksize; //!< optimal I/O block size
+ int32_t st_blocks; //!< number of blocks allocated
+ uint32_t st_flags; //!< flags
+ uint32_t st_gen; //!< unknown
+ };
+ // same for stat64
+ struct tgt_stat64 {
+ uint64_t st_dev;
+ uint64_t st_ino;
+ uint64_t st_rdev;
+ int64_t st_size;
+ uint64_t st_blocks;
+ uint32_t st_mode;
+ uint32_t st_uid;
+ uint32_t st_gid;
+ uint32_t st_blksize;
+ uint32_t st_nlink;
+ uint32_t __pad0;
+ uint64_t tgt_st_atime;
+ uint64_t st_atime_nsec;
+ uint64_t tgt_st_mtime;
+ uint64_t st_mtime_nsec;
+ uint64_t tgt_st_ctime;
+ uint64_t st_ctime_nsec;
+ int64_t ___unused[3];
+ };
+ /// Length of strings in struct utsname (plus 1 for null char).
+ static const int _SYS_NMLN = 65;
+ /// Interface struct for uname().
+ struct utsname {
+ char sysname[_SYS_NMLN]; //!< System name.
+ char nodename[_SYS_NMLN]; //!< Node name.
+ char release[_SYS_NMLN]; //!< OS release.
+ char version[_SYS_NMLN]; //!< OS version.
+ char machine[_SYS_NMLN]; //!< Machine type.
+ };
+ //@{
+ /// ioctl() command codes.
+ static const unsigned TIOCGETP = 0x40067408;
+ static const unsigned TIOCSETP = 0x80067409;
+ static const unsigned TIOCSETN = 0x8006740a;
+ static const unsigned TIOCSETC = 0x80067411;
+ static const unsigned TIOCGETC = 0x40067412;
+ static const unsigned FIONREAD = 0x4004667f;
+ static const unsigned TIOCISATTY = 0x2000745e;
+ static const unsigned TIOCGETS = 0x402c7413;
+ static const unsigned TIOCGETA = 0x40127417;
+ //@}
+ /// Resource enumeration for getrlimit().
+ enum rlimit_resources {
+ };
+ /// Limit struct for getrlimit/setrlimit.
+ struct rlimit {
+ uint64_t rlim_cur; //!< soft limit
+ uint64_t rlim_max; //!< hard limit
+ };
+ /// For mmap().
+ static const unsigned TGT_MAP_ANONYMOUS = 0x10;
+ /// For gettimeofday().
+ struct timeval {
+ int64_t tv_sec; //!< seconds
+ int64_t tv_usec; //!< microseconds
+ };
+ // For writev/readv
+ struct tgt_iovec {
+ uint64_t iov_base; // void *
+ uint64_t iov_len;
+ };
+ //@{
+ /// For getrusage().
+ static const int TGT_RUSAGE_SELF = 0;
+ static const int TGT_RUSAGE_CHILDREN = -1;
+ static const int TGT_RUSAGE_BOTH = -2;
+ //@}
+ /// For getrusage().
+ struct rusage {
+ struct timeval ru_utime; //!< user time used
+ struct timeval ru_stime; //!< system time used
+ int64_t ru_maxrss; //!< max rss
+ int64_t ru_ixrss; //!< integral shared memory size
+ int64_t ru_idrss; //!< integral unshared data "
+ int64_t ru_isrss; //!< integral unshared stack "
+ int64_t ru_minflt; //!< page reclaims - total vmfaults
+ int64_t ru_majflt; //!< page faults
+ int64_t ru_nswap; //!< swaps
+ int64_t ru_inblock; //!< block input operations
+ int64_t ru_oublock; //!< block output operations
+ int64_t ru_msgsnd; //!< messages sent
+ int64_t ru_msgrcv; //!< messages received
+ int64_t ru_nsignals; //!< signals received
+ int64_t ru_nvcsw; //!< voluntary context switches
+ int64_t ru_nivcsw; //!< involuntary "
+ };
+ /// Helper function to convert a host stat buffer to a target stat
+ /// buffer. Also copies the target buffer out to the simulated
+ /// memory space. Used by stat(), fstat(), and lstat().
+#if !BSD_HOST
+ static void
+ copyOutStatBuf(FunctionalMemory *mem, Addr addr, hst_stat *host)
+ {
+ TypedBufferArg<Linux::tgt_stat> tgt(addr);
+ tgt->st_dev = htog(host->st_dev);
+ tgt->st_ino = htog(host->st_ino);
+ tgt->st_mode = htog(host->st_mode);
+ tgt->st_nlink = htog(host->st_nlink);
+ tgt->st_uid = htog(host->st_uid);
+ tgt->st_gid = htog(host->st_gid);
+ tgt->st_rdev = htog(host->st_rdev);
+ tgt->st_size = htog(host->st_size);
+ tgt->st_atimeX = htog(host->st_atime);
+ tgt->st_mtimeX = htog(host->st_mtime);
+ tgt->st_ctimeX = htog(host->st_ctime);
+ tgt->st_blksize = htog(host->st_blksize);
+ tgt->st_blocks = htog(host->st_blocks);
+ tgt.copyOut(mem);
+ }
+ // Third version for bsd systems which no longer have any support for
+ // the old stat() call and stat() is actually a stat64()
+ static void
+ copyOutStatBuf(FunctionalMemory *mem, Addr addr, hst_stat64 *host)
+ {
+ TypedBufferArg<Linux::tgt_stat> tgt(addr);
+ tgt->st_dev = htog(host->st_dev);
+ tgt->st_ino = htog(host->st_ino);
+ tgt->st_mode = htog(host->st_mode);
+ tgt->st_nlink = htog(host->st_nlink);
+ tgt->st_uid = htog(host->st_uid);
+ tgt->st_gid = htog(host->st_gid);
+ tgt->st_rdev = htog(host->st_rdev);
+ tgt->st_size = htog(host->st_size);
+ tgt->st_atimeX = htog(host->st_atime);
+ tgt->st_mtimeX = htog(host->st_mtime);
+ tgt->st_ctimeX = htog(host->st_ctime);
+ tgt->st_blksize = htog(host->st_blksize);
+ tgt->st_blocks = htog(host->st_blocks);
+ tgt.copyOut(mem);
+ }
+ // Same for stat64
+ static void
+ copyOutStat64Buf(FunctionalMemory *mem, int fd, Addr addr, hst_stat64 *host)
+ {
+ TypedBufferArg<Linux::tgt_stat64> tgt(addr);
+ // fd == 1 checks are because libc does some checks
+ // that the stdout is interactive vs. a file
+ // this makes it work on non-linux systems
+ if (fd == 1)
+ tgt->st_dev = htog((uint64_t)0xA);
+ else
+ tgt->st_dev = htog((uint64_t)host->st_dev);
+ // XXX What about STAT64_HAS_BROKEN_ST_INO ???
+ tgt->st_ino = htog((uint64_t)host->st_ino);
+ if (fd == 1)
+ tgt->st_rdev = htog((uint64_t)0x880d);
+ else
+ tgt->st_rdev = htog((uint64_t)host->st_rdev);
+ tgt->st_size = htog((int64_t)host->st_size);
+ tgt->st_blocks = htog((uint64_t)host->st_blocks);
+ if (fd == 1)
+ tgt->st_mode = htog((uint32_t)0x2190);
+ else
+ tgt->st_mode = htog((uint32_t)host->st_mode);
+ tgt->st_uid = htog((uint32_t)host->st_uid);
+ tgt->st_gid = htog((uint32_t)host->st_gid);
+ tgt->st_blksize = htog((uint32_t)host->st_blksize);
+ tgt->st_nlink = htog((uint32_t)host->st_nlink);
+ tgt->tgt_st_atime = htog((uint64_t)host->st_atime);
+ tgt->tgt_st_mtime = htog((uint64_t)host->st_mtime);
+ tgt->tgt_st_ctime = htog((uint64_t)host->st_ctime);
+#if defined(STAT_HAVE_NSEC)
+ tgt->st_atime_nsec = htog(host->st_atime_nsec);
+ tgt->st_mtime_nsec = htog(host->st_mtime_nsec);
+ tgt->st_ctime_nsec = htog(host->st_ctime_nsec);
+ tgt->st_atime_nsec = 0;
+ tgt->st_mtime_nsec = 0;
+ tgt->st_ctime_nsec = 0;
+ tgt.copyOut(mem);
+ }
+}; // class Linux
+#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
#endif // __LINUX_HH__
diff --git a/kern/linux/ b/kern/linux/
index 26a4c0d3e..c5a9e184a 100644
--- a/kern/linux/
+++ b/kern/linux/
@@ -50,6 +50,7 @@
#include "targetarch/vtophys.hh"
using namespace std;
+using namespace TheISA;
LinuxSystem::LinuxSystem(Params *p)
: System(p)
diff --git a/kern/linux/linux_threadinfo.hh b/kern/linux/linux_threadinfo.hh
index 9bab1dc49..a1c378d6a 100644
--- a/kern/linux/linux_threadinfo.hh
+++ b/kern/linux/linux_threadinfo.hh
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ class ThreadInfo
* thread_info struct. So we can get the address by masking off
* the lower 14 bits.
- current = xc->regs.intRegFile[StackPointerReg] & ~0x3fff;
+ current = xc->regs.intRegFile[TheISA::StackPointerReg] & ~0x3fff;
return VPtr<thread_info>(xc, current);