path: root/objects
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'objects')
24 files changed, 0 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/objects/AlphaConsole.mpy b/objects/AlphaConsole.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 79918a01e..000000000
--- a/objects/AlphaConsole.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-from Device import PioDevice
-simobj AlphaConsole(PioDevice):
- type = 'AlphaConsole'
- cpu = Param.BaseCPU(Super, "Processor")
- disk = Param.SimpleDisk("Simple Disk")
- num_cpus = Param.Int(1, "Number of CPUs")
- sim_console = Param.SimConsole(Super, "The Simulator Console")
- system = Param.BaseSystem(Super, "system object")
diff --git a/objects/AlphaTLB.mpy b/objects/AlphaTLB.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 8e7cd62cc..000000000
--- a/objects/AlphaTLB.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-simobj AlphaTLB(SimObject):
- type = 'AlphaTLB'
- abstract = True
- size = Param.Int("TLB size")
-simobj AlphaDTB(AlphaTLB):
- type = 'AlphaDTB'
- size = 64
-simobj AlphaITB(AlphaTLB):
- type = 'AlphaITB'
- size = 48
diff --git a/objects/BadDevice.mpy b/objects/BadDevice.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 35a12e0bf..000000000
--- a/objects/BadDevice.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-from Device import PioDevice
-simobj BadDevice(PioDevice):
- type = 'BadDevice'
- devicename = Param.String("Name of device to error on")
diff --git a/objects/BaseCPU.mpy b/objects/BaseCPU.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 484fcccd6..000000000
--- a/objects/BaseCPU.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-simobj BaseCPU(SimObject):
- type = 'BaseCPU'
- abstract = True
- icache = Param.BaseMem(NULL, "L1 instruction cache object")
- dcache = Param.BaseMem(NULL, "L1 data cache object")
- if Bool._convert(env.get('FULL_SYSTEM', 'False')):
- dtb = Param.AlphaDTB("Data TLB")
- itb = Param.AlphaITB("Instruction TLB")
- mem = Param.FunctionalMemory("memory")
- system = Param.BaseSystem(Super, "system object")
- else:
- workload = VectorParam.Process("processes to run")
- max_insts_all_threads = Param.Counter(0,
- "terminate when all threads have reached this inst count")
- max_insts_any_thread = Param.Counter(0,
- "terminate when any thread reaches this inst count")
- max_loads_all_threads = Param.Counter(0,
- "terminate when all threads have reached this load count")
- max_loads_any_thread = Param.Counter(0,
- "terminate when any thread reaches this load count")
- defer_registration = Param.Bool(False,
- "defer registration with system (for sampling)")
diff --git a/objects/BaseCache.mpy b/objects/BaseCache.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 98a422e30..000000000
--- a/objects/BaseCache.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-from BaseMem import BaseMem
-simobj BaseCache(BaseMem):
- type = 'BaseCache'
- adaptive_compression = Param.Bool(False,
- "Use an adaptive compression scheme")
- assoc = Param.Int("associativity")
- block_size = Param.Int("block size in bytes")
- compressed_bus = Param.Bool(False,
- "This cache connects to a compressed memory")
- compression_latency = Param.Int(0,
- "Latency in cycles of compression algorithm")
- do_copy = Param.Bool(False, "perform fast copies in the cache")
- hash_delay = Param.Int(1, "time in cycles of hash access")
- in_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "incoming bus object")
- lifo = Param.Bool(False,
- "whether this NIC partition should use LIFO repl. policy")
- max_miss_count = Param.Counter(0,
- "number of misses to handle before calling exit")
- mshrs = Param.Int("number of MSHRs (max outstanding requests)")
- out_bus = Param.Bus("outgoing bus object")
- prioritizeRequests = Param.Bool(False,
- "always service demand misses first")
- protocol = Param.CoherenceProtocol(NULL, "coherence protocol to use")
- repl = Param.Repl(NULL, "replacement policy")
- size = Param.Int("capacity in bytes")
- split = Param.Bool(False, "whether or not this cache is split")
- split_size = Param.Int(0,
- "How many ways of the cache belong to CPU/LRU partition")
- store_compressed = Param.Bool(False,
- "Store compressed data in the cache")
- subblock_size = Param.Int(0,
- "Size of subblock in IIC used for compression")
- tgts_per_mshr = Param.Int("max number of accesses per MSHR")
- trace_addr = Param.Addr(0, "address to trace")
- two_queue = Param.Bool(False,
- "whether the lifo should have two queue replacement")
- write_buffers = Param.Int(8, "number of write buffers")
diff --git a/objects/BaseSystem.mpy b/objects/BaseSystem.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cbdf4e99..000000000
--- a/objects/BaseSystem.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-simobj BaseSystem(SimObject):
- type = 'BaseSystem'
- abstract = True
- memctrl = Param.MemoryController(Super, "memory controller")
- physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(Super, "phsyical memory")
- kernel = Param.String("file that contains the kernel code")
- console = Param.String("file that contains the console code")
- pal = Param.String("file that contains palcode")
- readfile = Param.String("", "file to read startup script from")
- init_param = Param.UInt64(0, "numerical value to pass into simulator")
- boot_osflags = Param.String("a", "boot flags to pass to the kernel")
- system_type = Param.UInt64("Type of system we are emulating")
- system_rev = Param.UInt64("Revision of system we are emulating")
- bin = Param.Bool(False, "is this system binned")
- binned_fns = VectorParam.String([], "functions broken down and binned")
diff --git a/objects/Bus.mpy b/objects/Bus.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 025d69785..000000000
--- a/objects/Bus.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from BaseHier import BaseHier
-simobj Bus(BaseHier):
- type = 'Bus'
- clock_ratio = Param.Int("ratio of CPU to bus frequency")
- width = Param.Int("bus width in bytes")
diff --git a/objects/CoherenceProtocol.mpy b/objects/CoherenceProtocol.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index f3b0026b7..000000000
--- a/objects/CoherenceProtocol.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-class Coherence(Enum): vals = ['uni', 'msi', 'mesi', 'mosi', 'moesi']
-simobj CoherenceProtocol(SimObject):
- type = 'CoherenceProtocol'
- do_upgrades = Param.Bool(True, "use upgrade transactions?")
- protocol = Param.Coherence("name of coherence protocol")
diff --git a/objects/Device.mpy b/objects/Device.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 47f8db1cb..000000000
--- a/objects/Device.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
-from FunctionalMemory import FunctionalMemory
-# This device exists only because there are some devices that I don't
-# want to have a Platform parameter because it would cause a cycle in
-# the C++ that cannot be easily solved.
-# The real solution to this problem is to pass the ParamXXX structure
-# to the constructor, but with the express condition that SimObject
-# parameter values are not to be available at construction time. If
-# some further configuration must be done, it must be done during the
-# initialization phase at which point all SimObject pointers will be
-# valid.
-simobj FooPioDevice(FunctionalMemory):
- type = 'PioDevice'
- abstract = True
- addr = Param.Addr("Device Address")
- mmu = Param.MemoryController(Super, "Memory Controller")
- io_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "The IO Bus to attach to")
- pio_latency = Param.Tick(1, "Programmed IO latency in bus cycles")
-simobj FooDmaDevice(FooPioDevice):
- type = 'DmaDevice'
- abstract = True
-simobj PioDevice(FooPioDevice):
- type = 'PioDevice'
- abstract = True
- platform = Param.Platform(Super, "Platform")
-simobj DmaDevice(PioDevice):
- type = 'DmaDevice'
- abstract = True
diff --git a/objects/DiskImage.mpy b/objects/DiskImage.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 80ef7b072..000000000
--- a/objects/DiskImage.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-simobj DiskImage(SimObject):
- type = 'DiskImage'
- abstract = True
- image_file = Param.String("disk image file")
- read_only = Param.Bool(False, "read only image")
-simobj RawDiskImage(DiskImage):
- type = 'RawDiskImage'
-simobj CowDiskImage(DiskImage):
- type = 'CowDiskImage'
- child = Param.DiskImage("child image")
- table_size = Param.Int(65536, "initial table size")
- image_file = ''
diff --git a/objects/Ethernet.mpy b/objects/Ethernet.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 088df4b93..000000000
--- a/objects/Ethernet.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,86 +0,0 @@
-from Device import DmaDevice
-from Pci import PciDevice
-simobj EtherInt(SimObject):
- type = 'EtherInt'
- abstract = True
- peer = Param.EtherInt(NULL, "peer interface")
-simobj EtherLink(SimObject):
- type = 'EtherLink'
- int1 = Param.EtherInt("interface 1")
- int2 = Param.EtherInt("interface 2")
- delay = Param.Tick(0, "transmit delay of packets in us")
- speed = Param.Tick(100000000, "link speed in bits per second")
- dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
-simobj EtherBus(SimObject):
- type = 'EtherBus'
- loopback = Param.Bool(True,
- "send packet back to the interface from which it came")
- dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
- speed = Param.UInt64(100000000, "bus speed in bits per second")
-simobj EtherTap(EtherInt):
- type = 'EtherTap'
- bufsz = Param.Int(10000, "tap buffer size")
- dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
- port = Param.UInt16(3500, "tap port")
-simobj EtherDump(SimObject):
- type = 'EtherDump'
- file = Param.String("dump file")
-simobj EtherDev(DmaDevice):
- type = 'EtherDev'
- hardware_address = Param.EthernetAddr(NextEthernetAddr,
- "Ethernet Hardware Address")
- dma_data_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Data is free")
- dma_desc_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Descriptors is free")
- dma_read_delay = Param.Tick(0, "fixed delay for dma reads")
- dma_read_factor = Param.Tick(0, "multiplier for dma reads")
- dma_write_delay = Param.Tick(0, "fixed delay for dma writes")
- dma_write_factor = Param.Tick(0, "multiplier for dma writes")
- rx_filter = Param.Bool(True, "Enable Receive Filter")
- rx_delay = Param.Tick(1000, "Receive Delay")
- tx_delay = Param.Tick(1000, "Transmit Delay")
- intr_delay = Param.Tick(0, "Interrupt Delay in microseconds")
- payload_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "The IO Bus to attach to for payload")
- physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(Super, "Physical Memory")
- tlaser = Param.Turbolaser(Super, "Turbolaser")
-simobj NSGigE(PciDevice):
- type = 'NSGigE'
- hardware_address = Param.EthernetAddr(NextEthernetAddr,
- "Ethernet Hardware Address")
- dma_data_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Data is free")
- dma_desc_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Descriptors is free")
- dma_read_delay = Param.Tick(0, "fixed delay for dma reads")
- dma_read_factor = Param.Tick(0, "multiplier for dma reads")
- dma_write_delay = Param.Tick(0, "fixed delay for dma writes")
- dma_write_factor = Param.Tick(0, "multiplier for dma writes")
- rx_filter = Param.Bool(True, "Enable Receive Filter")
- rx_delay = Param.Tick(1000, "Receive Delay")
- tx_delay = Param.Tick(1000, "Transmit Delay")
- rx_fifo_size = Param.Int(131072, "max size in bytes of rxFifo")
- tx_fifo_size = Param.Int(131072, "max size in bytes of txFifo")
- intr_delay = Param.Tick(0, "Interrupt Delay in microseconds")
- payload_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "The IO Bus to attach to for payload")
- physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(Super, "Physical Memory")
-simobj EtherDevInt(EtherInt):
- type = 'EtherDevInt'
- device = Param.EtherDev("Ethernet device of this interface")
-simobj NSGigEInt(EtherInt):
- type = 'NSGigEInt'
- device = Param.NSGigE("Ethernet device of this interface")
diff --git a/objects/Ide.mpy b/objects/Ide.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index ce760ad96..000000000
--- a/objects/Ide.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-from Pci import PciDevice
-class IdeID(Enum): vals = ['master', 'slave']
-simobj IdeDisk(SimObject):
- type = 'IdeDisk'
- delay = Param.Tick(1, "Fixed disk delay in microseconds")
- driveID = Param.IdeID('master', "Drive ID")
- image = Param.DiskImage("Disk image")
- physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(Super, "Physical memory")
-simobj IdeController(PciDevice):
- type = 'IdeController'
- disks = VectorParam.IdeDisk("IDE disks attached to this controller")
diff --git a/objects/IntrControl.mpy b/objects/IntrControl.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef5a17ee..000000000
--- a/objects/IntrControl.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-simobj IntrControl(SimObject):
- type = 'IntrControl'
- cpu = Param.BaseCPU(Super, "the cpu")
diff --git a/objects/MemTest.mpy b/objects/MemTest.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index af14ed9c3..000000000
--- a/objects/MemTest.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-simobj MemTest(SimObject):
- type = 'MemTest'
- cache = Param.BaseCache("L1 cache")
- check_mem = Param.FunctionalMemory("check memory")
- main_mem = Param.FunctionalMemory("hierarchical memory")
- max_loads = Param.Counter("number of loads to execute")
- memory_size = Param.Int(65536, "memory size")
- percent_copies = Param.Percent(0, "target copy percentage")
- percent_dest_unaligned = Param.Percent(50,
- "percent of copy dest address that are unaligned")
- percent_reads = Param.Percent(65, "target read percentage")
- percent_source_unaligned = Param.Percent(50,
- "percent of copy source address that are unaligned")
- percent_uncacheable = Param.Percent(10,
- "target uncacheable percentage")
- progress_interval = Param.Counter(1000000,
- "progress report interval (in accesses)")
- trace_addr = Param.Addr(0, "address to trace")
diff --git a/objects/Pci.mpy b/objects/Pci.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index caa3c52ff..000000000
--- a/objects/Pci.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-from Device import FooPioDevice, DmaDevice
-simobj PciConfigData(FooPioDevice):
- type = 'PciConfigData'
- addr = 0xffffffffffffffffL
- VendorID = Param.UInt16("Vendor ID")
- DeviceID = Param.UInt16("Device ID")
- Command = Param.UInt16(0, "Command")
- Status = Param.UInt16(0, "Status")
- Revision = Param.UInt8(0, "Device")
- ProgIF = Param.UInt8(0, "Programming Interface")
- SubClassCode = Param.UInt8(0, "Sub-Class Code")
- ClassCode = Param.UInt8(0, "Class Code")
- CacheLineSize = Param.UInt8(0, "System Cacheline Size")
- LatencyTimer = Param.UInt8(0, "PCI Latency Timer")
- HeaderType = Param.UInt8(0, "PCI Header Type")
- BIST = Param.UInt8(0, "Built In Self Test")
- BAR0 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 0")
- BAR1 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 1")
- BAR2 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 2")
- BAR3 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 3")
- BAR4 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 4")
- BAR5 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 5")
- BAR0Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 0 Size")
- BAR1Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 1 Size")
- BAR2Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 2 Size")
- BAR3Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 3 Size")
- BAR4Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 4 Size")
- BAR5Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 5 Size")
- CardbusCIS = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Cardbus Card Information Structure")
- SubsystemID = Param.UInt16(0x00, "Subsystem ID")
- SubsystemVendorID = Param.UInt16(0x00, "Subsystem Vendor ID")
- ExpansionROM = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Expansion ROM Base Address")
- InterruptLine = Param.UInt8(0x00, "Interrupt Line")
- InterruptPin = Param.UInt8(0x00, "Interrupt Pin")
- MaximumLatency = Param.UInt8(0x00, "Maximum Latency")
- MinimumGrant = Param.UInt8(0x00, "Minimum Grant")
-simobj PciConfigAll(FooPioDevice):
- type = 'PciConfigAll'
-simobj PciDevice(DmaDevice):
- type = 'PciDevice'
- abstract = True
- pci_bus = Param.Int("PCI bus")
- pci_dev = Param.Int("PCI device number")
- pci_func = Param.Int("PCI function code")
- configdata = Param.PciConfigData(Super, "PCI Config data")
- configspace = Param.PciConfigAll(Super, "PCI Configspace")
- addr = 0xffffffffffffffffL
diff --git a/objects/PhysicalMemory.mpy b/objects/PhysicalMemory.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index d1e4ad4b4..000000000
--- a/objects/PhysicalMemory.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-from FunctionalMemory import FunctionalMemory
-simobj PhysicalMemory(FunctionalMemory):
- type = 'PhysicalMemory'
- range = Param.AddrRange("Device Address")
- file = Param.String('', "memory mapped file")
- mmu = Param.MemoryController(Super, "Memory Controller")
diff --git a/objects/Platform.mpy b/objects/Platform.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index d0510eaf8..000000000
--- a/objects/Platform.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-simobj Platform(SimObject):
- type = 'Platform'
- abstract = True
- interrupt_frequency = Param.Tick(1200, "frequency of interrupts")
- intrctrl = Param.IntrControl(Super, "interrupt controller")
diff --git a/objects/Process.mpy b/objects/Process.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a91c09c2..000000000
--- a/objects/Process.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-simobj Process(SimObject):
- type = 'Process'
- abstract = True
- output = Param.String('cout', 'filename for stdout/stderr')
-simobj LiveProcess(Process):
- type = 'LiveProcess'
- cmd = VectorParam.String("command line (executable plus arguments)")
- env = VectorParam.String('', "environment settings")
- input = Param.String('cin', "filename for stdin")
-simobj EioProcess(Process):
- type = 'EioProcess'
- chkpt = Param.String('', "EIO checkpoint file name (optional)")
- file = Param.String("EIO trace file name")
diff --git a/objects/Repl.mpy b/objects/Repl.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index fff5a2a02..000000000
--- a/objects/Repl.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-simobj Repl(SimObject):
- type = 'Repl'
- abstract = True
-simobj GenRepl(Repl):
- type = 'GenRepl'
- fresh_res = Param.Int("associativity")
- num_pools = Param.Int("capacity in bytes")
- pool_res = Param.Int("block size in bytes")
diff --git a/objects/Root.mpy b/objects/Root.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e531054b..000000000
--- a/objects/Root.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-from HierParams import HierParams
-from Serialize import Serialize
-from Statistics import Statistics
-from Trace import Trace
-simobj Root(SimObject):
- type = 'Root'
- frequency = Param.Tick(200000000, "tick frequency")
- output_file = Param.String('cout', "file to dump simulator output to")
- full_system = Param.Bool("Full system simulation?")
- hier = HierParams(do_data = False, do_events = True)
- checkpoint = Param.String('', "Checkpoint file")
- stats = Statistics()
- trace = Trace()
- serialize = Serialize()
diff --git a/objects/SimConsole.mpy b/objects/SimConsole.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index fb74f1775..000000000
--- a/objects/SimConsole.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-simobj ConsoleListener(SimObject):
- type = 'ConsoleListener'
- port = Param.UInt16(3456, "listen port")
-simobj SimConsole(SimObject):
- type = 'SimConsole'
- append_name = Param.Bool(True, "append name() to filename")
- intr_control = Param.IntrControl(Super, "interrupt controller")
- listener = Param.ConsoleListener("console listener")
- number = Param.Int(0, "console number")
- output = Param.String('console', "file to dump output to")
diff --git a/objects/SimpleDisk.mpy b/objects/SimpleDisk.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index c4dd5435b..000000000
--- a/objects/SimpleDisk.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-simobj SimpleDisk(SimObject):
- type = 'SimpleDisk'
- disk = Param.DiskImage("Disk Image")
- physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(Super, "Physical Memory")
diff --git a/objects/Tsunami.mpy b/objects/Tsunami.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index cfe23977e..000000000
--- a/objects/Tsunami.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-from Device import FooPioDevice
-from Platform import Platform
-simobj Tsunami(Platform):
- type = 'Tsunami'
- pciconfig = Param.PciConfigAll("PCI configuration")
- system = Param.BaseSystem(Super, "system")
- interrupt_frequency = Param.Int(1024, "frequency of interrupts")
-simobj TsunamiCChip(FooPioDevice):
- type = 'TsunamiCChip'
- tsunami = Param.Tsunami(Super, "Tsunami")
-simobj TsunamiFake(FooPioDevice):
- type = 'TsunamiFake'
-simobj TsunamiIO(FooPioDevice):
- type = 'TsunamiIO'
- time = Param.UInt64(1136073600,
- "System time to use (0 for actual time, default is 1/1/06)")
- tsunami = Param.Tsunami(Super, "Tsunami")
-simobj TsunamiPChip(FooPioDevice):
- type = 'TsunamiPChip'
- tsunami = Param.Tsunami(Super, "Tsunami")
diff --git a/objects/Uart.mpy b/objects/Uart.mpy
deleted file mode 100644
index 76ee8805f..000000000
--- a/objects/Uart.mpy
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from Device import PioDevice
-simobj Uart(PioDevice):
- type = 'Uart'
- console = Param.SimConsole(Super, "The console")
- size = Param.Addr(0x8, "Device size")