path: root/python
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30 files changed, 2693 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/python/SConscript b/python/SConscript
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c15c6d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/SConscript
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# -*- mode:python -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+import os, os.path, re, sys
+import m5scons
+def WriteEmbeddedPyFile(target, source, path, name, ext, filename):
+ if isinstance(source, str):
+ source = file(source, 'r')
+ if isinstance(target, str):
+ target = file(target, 'w')
+ print >>target, "AddModule(%s, %s, %s, %s, '''\\" % \
+ (`path`, `name`, `ext`, `filename`)
+ for line in source:
+ line = line
+ # escape existing backslashes
+ line = line.replace('\\', '\\\\')
+ # escape existing triple quotes
+ line = line.replace("'''", r"\'\'\'")
+ print >>target, line,
+ print >>target, "''')"
+ print >>target
+def WriteCFile(target, source, name):
+ if isinstance(source, str):
+ source = file(source, 'r')
+ if isinstance(target, str):
+ target = file(target, 'w')
+ print >>target, 'const char %s_string[] = {' % name
+ count = 0
+ from array import array
+ try:
+ while True:
+ foo = array('B')
+ foo.fromfile(source, 10000)
+ l = [ str(i) for i in foo.tolist() ]
+ count += len(l)
+ for i in xrange(0,9999,20):
+ print >>target, ','.join(l[i:i+20]) + ','
+ except EOFError:
+ l = [ str(i) for i in foo.tolist() ]
+ count += len(l)
+ for i in xrange(0,len(l),20):
+ print >>target, ','.join(l[i:i+20]) + ','
+ print >>target, ','.join(l[i:]) + ','
+ print >>target, '};'
+ print >>target, 'const int %s_length = %d;' % (name, count)
+ print >>target
+def splitpath(path):
+ dir,file = os.path.split(path)
+ path = []
+ assert(file)
+ while dir:
+ dir,base = os.path.split(dir)
+ path.insert(0, base)
+ return path, file
+def MakeEmbeddedPyFile(target, source, env):
+ target = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
+ tree = {}
+ for src in source:
+ src = str(src)
+ path,pyfile = splitpath(src)
+ node = tree
+ for dir in path:
+ if not node.has_key(dir):
+ node[dir] = { }
+ node = node[dir]
+ name,ext = pyfile.split('.')
+ if name == '__init__':
+ node['.hasinit'] = True
+ node[pyfile] = (src,name,ext,src)
+ done = False
+ while not done:
+ done = True
+ for name,entry in tree.items():
+ if not isinstance(entry, dict): continue
+ if entry.has_key('.hasinit'): continue
+ done = False
+ del tree[name]
+ for key,val in entry.iteritems():
+ if tree.has_key(key):
+ raise NameError, \
+ "dir already has %s can't add it again" % key
+ tree[key] = val
+ files = []
+ def populate(node, path = []):
+ names = node.keys()
+ names.sort()
+ for name in names:
+ if name == '.hasinit':
+ continue
+ entry = node[name]
+ if isinstance(entry, dict):
+ if not entry.has_key('.hasinit'):
+ raise NameError, 'package directory missing'
+ populate(entry, path + [ name ])
+ else:
+ pyfile,name,ext,filename = entry
+ files.append((pyfile, path, name, ext, filename))
+ populate(tree)
+ for pyfile, path, name, ext, filename in files:
+ WriteEmbeddedPyFile(target, pyfile, path, name, ext, filename)
+def MakeDefinesPyFile(target, source, env):
+ f = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
+ print >>f, "import __main__"
+ print >>f, "__main__.m5_build_env = ",
+ print >>f, m5scons.flatten_defines(env['CPPDEFINES'])
+ f.close()
+CFileCounter = 0
+def MakePythonCFile(target, source, env):
+ global CFileCounter
+ target = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
+ print >>target, '''\
+#include "base/embedfile.hh"
+namespace {
+ for src in source:
+ src = str(src)
+ fname = os.path.basename(src)
+ name = 'embedded_file%d' % CFileCounter
+ CFileCounter += 1
+ WriteCFile(target, src, name)
+ print >>target, '''\
+EmbedMap %(name)s("%(fname)s",
+ %(name)s_string, %(name)s_length);
+''' % locals()
+ print >>target, '''\
+/* namespace */ }
+# base list of .py files to embed
+embedded_py_files = [ '../util/pbs/' ]
+# add all .py and .mpy files in python/m5
+objpath = os.path.join(env['SRCDIR'], 'python', 'm5')
+for root, dirs, files in os.walk(objpath, topdown=True):
+ for i,dir in enumerate(dirs):
+ if dir == 'SCCS':
+ del dirs[i]
+ break
+ assert(root.startswith(objpath))
+ for f in files:
+ if f.endswith('.mpy') or f.endswith('.py'):
+ embedded_py_files.append(os.path.join(root, f))
+embedfile_hh = os.path.join(env['SRCDIR'], 'base/embedfile.hh')
+env.Command('', None, MakeDefinesPyFile)
+env.Command('', embedded_py_files, MakeEmbeddedPyFile)
+env.Depends('', embedfile_hh)
+ ['', '', ''],
+ MakePythonCFile)
diff --git a/python/m5/ b/python/m5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..27bd91749
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import sys, os
+# define this here so we can use it right away if necessary
+def panic(string):
+ print >>sys.stderr, 'panic:', string
+ sys.exit(1)
+# the mpy import code is added to the global import meta_path as a
+# side effect of this import
+from mpy_importer import AddToPath, LoadMpyFile
+# find the m5 compile options: must be specified as a dict in
+# __main__.m5_build_env.
+import __main__
+if not hasattr(__main__, 'm5_build_env'):
+ panic("__main__ must define m5_build_env")
+# make a SmartDict out of the build options for our local use
+import smartdict
+build_env = smartdict.SmartDict()
+# make a SmartDict out of the OS environment too
+env = smartdict.SmartDict()
+# import the main m5 config code
+from config import *
+# import the built-in object definitions
+from objects import *
+cpp_classes = config.MetaSimObject.cpp_classes
diff --git a/python/m5/ b/python/m5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a791bbebf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/
@@ -0,0 +1,1521 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+from __future__ import generators
+import os, re, sys, types, inspect
+from m5 import panic, env
+from convert import *
+from multidict import multidict
+noDot = False
+ import pydot
+ noDot = True
+class Singleton(type):
+ def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
+ if hasattr(cls, '_instance'):
+ return cls._instance
+ cls._instance = super(Singleton, cls).__call__(*args, **kwargs)
+ return cls._instance
+# M5 Python Configuration Utility
+# The basic idea is to write simple Python programs that build Python
+# objects corresponding to M5 SimObjects for the deisred simulation
+# configuration. For now, the Python emits a .ini file that can be
+# parsed by M5. In the future, some tighter integration between M5
+# and the Python interpreter may allow bypassing the .ini file.
+# Each SimObject class in M5 is represented by a Python class with the
+# same name. The Python inheritance tree mirrors the M5 C++ tree
+# (e.g., SimpleCPU derives from BaseCPU in both cases, and all
+# SimObjects inherit from a single SimObject base class). To specify
+# an instance of an M5 SimObject in a configuration, the user simply
+# instantiates the corresponding Python object. The parameters for
+# that SimObject are given by assigning to attributes of the Python
+# object, either using keyword assignment in the constructor or in
+# separate assignment statements. For example:
+# cache = BaseCache('my_cache', root, size='64KB')
+# cache.hit_latency = 3
+# cache.assoc = 8
+# (The first two constructor arguments specify the name of the created
+# cache and its parent node in the hierarchy.)
+# The magic lies in the mapping of the Python attributes for SimObject
+# classes to the actual SimObject parameter specifications. This
+# allows parameter validity checking in the Python code. Continuing
+# the example above, the statements "cache.blurfl=3" or
+# "cache.assoc='hello'" would both result in runtime errors in Python,
+# since the BaseCache object has no 'blurfl' parameter and the 'assoc'
+# parameter requires an integer, respectively. This magic is done
+# primarily by overriding the special __setattr__ method that controls
+# assignment to object attributes.
+# The Python module provides another class, ConfigNode, which is a
+# superclass of SimObject. ConfigNode implements the parent/child
+# relationship for building the configuration hierarchy tree.
+# Concrete instances of ConfigNode can be used to group objects in the
+# hierarchy, but do not correspond to SimObjects themselves (like a
+# .ini section with "children=" but no "type=".
+# Once a set of Python objects have been instantiated in a hierarchy,
+# calling 'instantiate(obj)' (where obj is the root of the hierarchy)
+# will generate a .ini file. See for an example
+# (corresponding to m5-test/simple-4cpu.ini).
+# ConfigNode/SimObject classes
+# The Python class hierarchy rooted by ConfigNode (which is the base
+# class of SimObject, which in turn is the base class of all other M5
+# SimObject classes) has special attribute behavior. In general, an
+# object in this hierarchy has three categories of attribute-like
+# things:
+# 1. Regular Python methods and variables. These must start with an
+# underscore to be treated normally.
+# 2. SimObject parameters. These values are stored as normal Python
+# attributes, but all assignments to these attributes are checked
+# against the pre-defined set of parameters stored in the class's
+# _params dictionary. Assignments to attributes that do not
+# correspond to predefined parameters, or that are not of the correct
+# type, incur runtime errors.
+# 3. Hierarchy children. The child nodes of a ConfigNode are stored
+# in the node's _children dictionary, but can be accessed using the
+# Python attribute dot-notation (just as they are printed out by the
+# simulator). Children cannot be created using attribute assigment;
+# they must be added by specifying the parent node in the child's
+# constructor or using the '+=' operator.
+# The SimObject parameters are the most complex, for a few reasons.
+# First, both parameter descriptions and parameter values are
+# inherited. Thus parameter description lookup must go up the
+# inheritance chain like normal attribute lookup, but this behavior
+# must be explicitly coded since the lookup occurs in each class's
+# _params attribute. Second, because parameter values can be set
+# on SimObject classes (to implement default values), the parameter
+# checking behavior must be enforced on class attribute assignments as
+# well as instance attribute assignments. Finally, because we allow
+# class specialization via inheritance (e.g., see the L1Cache class in
+# the example), we must do parameter checking even on
+# class instantiation. To provide all these features, we use a
+# metaclass to define most of the SimObject parameter behavior for
+# this class hierarchy.
+class Proxy(object):
+ def __init__(self, path):
+ self._object = None
+ if path == 'any':
+ self._path = None
+ else:
+ # path is a list of (attr,index) tuples
+ self._path = [(path,None)]
+ self._index = None
+ self._multiplier = None
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ # python uses __bases__ internally for inheritance
+ if attr == '__bases__':
+ return super(Proxy, self).__getattr__(self, attr)
+ if (self._path == None):
+ panic("Can't add attributes to 'any' proxy")
+ self._path.append((attr,None))
+ return self
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ if not attr.startswith('_'):
+ raise AttributeError, 'cannot set attribute %s' % attr
+ super(Proxy, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
+ # support indexing on proxies (e.g., parent.cpu[0])
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ if not isinstance(key, int):
+ raise TypeError, "Proxy object requires integer index"
+ if self._path == None:
+ raise IndexError, "Index applied to 'any' proxy"
+ # replace index portion of last path element with new index
+ self._path[-1] = (self._path[-1][0], key)
+ return self
+ # support multiplying proxies by constants
+ def __mul__(self, other):
+ if not isinstance(other, int):
+ raise TypeError, "Proxy multiplier must be integer"
+ if self._multiplier == None:
+ self._multiplier = other
+ else:
+ # support chained multipliers
+ self._multiplier *= other
+ return self
+ def _mulcheck(self, result):
+ if self._multiplier == None:
+ return result
+ if not isinstance(result, int):
+ raise TypeError, "Proxy with multiplier resolves to " \
+ "non-integer value"
+ return result * self._multiplier
+ def unproxy(self, base, ptype):
+ obj = base
+ done = False
+ while not done:
+ if obj is None:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ 'Parent of %s type %s not found at path %s' \
+ % (, ptype, self._path)
+ result, done = obj.find(ptype, self._path)
+ obj = obj.parent
+ if isinstance(result, Proxy):
+ result = result.unproxy(obj, ptype)
+ return self._mulcheck(result)
+ def getindex(obj, index):
+ if index == None:
+ return obj
+ try:
+ obj = obj[index]
+ except TypeError:
+ if index != 0:
+ raise
+ # if index is 0 and item is not subscriptable, just
+ # use item itself (so cpu[0] works on uniprocessors)
+ return obj
+ getindex = staticmethod(getindex)
+class ProxyFactory(object):
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return Proxy(attr)
+# global object for handling proxies
+parent = ProxyFactory()
+def isSubClass(value, cls):
+ try:
+ return issubclass(value, cls)
+ except:
+ return False
+def isConfigNode(value):
+ try:
+ return issubclass(value, ConfigNode)
+ except:
+ return False
+def isSimObject(value):
+ try:
+ return issubclass(value, SimObject)
+ except:
+ return False
+def isSimObjSequence(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ return False
+ for val in value:
+ if not isNullPointer(val) and not isConfigNode(val):
+ return False
+ return True
+def isParamContext(value):
+ try:
+ return issubclass(value, ParamContext)
+ except:
+ return False
+class_decorator = 'M5M5_SIMOBJECT_'
+expr_decorator = 'M5M5_EXPRESSION_'
+dot_decorator = '_M5M5_DOT_'
+# 'Global' map of legitimate types for SimObject parameters.
+param_types = {}
+# Dummy base class to identify types that are legitimate for SimObject
+# parameters.
+class ParamType(object):
+ pass
+# Add types defined in given context (dict or module) that are derived
+# from ParamType to param_types map.
+def add_param_types(ctx):
+ if isinstance(ctx, types.DictType):
+ source_dict = ctx
+ elif isinstance(ctx, types.ModuleType):
+ source_dict = ctx.__dict__
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, \
+ "m5.config.add_param_types requires dict or module as arg"
+ for key,val in source_dict.iteritems():
+ if isinstance(val, type) and issubclass(val, ParamType):
+ param_types[key] = val
+# The metaclass for ConfigNode (and thus for everything that derives
+# from ConfigNode, including SimObject). This class controls how new
+# classes that derive from ConfigNode are instantiated, and provides
+# inherited class behavior (just like a class controls how instances
+# of that class are instantiated, and provides inherited instance
+# behavior).
+class MetaConfigNode(type):
+ # Attributes that can be set only at initialization time
+ init_keywords = {}
+ # Attributes that can be set any time
+ keywords = { 'check' : types.FunctionType,
+ 'children' : types.ListType }
+ # __new__ is called before __init__, and is where the statements
+ # in the body of the class definition get loaded into the class's
+ # __dict__. We intercept this to filter out parameter assignments
+ # and only allow "private" attributes to be passed to the base
+ # __new__ (starting with underscore).
+ def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dict):
+ # Copy "private" attributes (including special methods such as __new__)
+ # to the official dict. Everything else goes in _init_dict to be
+ # filtered in __init__.
+ cls_dict = {}
+ for key,val in dict.items():
+ if key.startswith('_'):
+ cls_dict[key] = val
+ del dict[key]
+ cls_dict['_init_dict'] = dict
+ return super(MetaConfigNode, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, cls_dict)
+ # initialization
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
+ super(MetaConfigNode, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
+ # initialize required attributes
+ cls._params = multidict()
+ cls._values = multidict()
+ cls._param_types = {}
+ cls._bases = [c for c in cls.__mro__ if isConfigNode(c)]
+ cls._anon_subclass_counter = 0
+ # We don't support multiple inheritence. If you want to, you
+ # must fix multidict to deal with it properly.
+ cnbase = [ base for base in bases if isConfigNode(base) ]
+ if len(cnbase) == 1:
+ # If your parent has a value in it that's a config node, clone
+ # it. Do this now so if we update any of the values'
+ # attributes we are updating the clone and not the original.
+ for key,val in cnbase[0]._values.iteritems():
+ # don't clone if (1) we're about to overwrite it with
+ # a local setting or (2) we've already cloned a copy
+ # from an earlier (more derived) base
+ if cls._init_dict.has_key(key) or cls._values.has_key(key):
+ continue
+ if isConfigNode(val):
+ cls._values[key] = val()
+ elif isSimObjSequence(val) and len(val):
+ cls._values[key] = [ v() for v in val ]
+ cls._params.parent = cnbase[0]._params
+ cls._values.parent = cnbase[0]._values
+ elif len(cnbase) > 1:
+ panic("""\
+The config hierarchy only supports single inheritence of SimObject
+classes. You're trying to derive from:
+%s""" % str(cnbase))
+ # process param types from _init_dict, as these may be needed
+ # by param descriptions also in _init_dict
+ for key,val in cls._init_dict.items():
+ if isinstance(val, type) and issubclass(val, ParamType):
+ cls._param_types[key] = val
+ if not issubclass(val, ConfigNode):
+ del cls._init_dict[key]
+ # now process remaining _init_dict items
+ for key,val in cls._init_dict.items():
+ # param descriptions
+ if isinstance(val, ParamBase):
+ cls._new_param(key, val)
+ # init-time-only keywords
+ elif cls.init_keywords.has_key(key):
+ cls._set_keyword(key, val, cls.init_keywords[key])
+ # See description of decorators in the file.
+ # We just strip off the expr_decorator now since we don't
+ # need from this point on.
+ elif key.startswith(expr_decorator):
+ key = key[len(expr_decorator):]
+ # because it had dots into a list so that we can find the
+ # proper variable to modify.
+ key = key.split(dot_decorator)
+ c = cls
+ for item in key[:-1]:
+ c = getattr(c, item)
+ setattr(c, key[-1], val)
+ # default: use normal path (ends up in __setattr__)
+ else:
+ setattr(cls, key, val)
+ def _set_keyword(cls, keyword, val, kwtype):
+ if not isinstance(val, kwtype):
+ raise TypeError, 'keyword %s has bad type %s (expecting %s)' % \
+ (keyword, type(val), kwtype)
+ if isinstance(val, types.FunctionType):
+ val = classmethod(val)
+ type.__setattr__(cls, keyword, val)
+ def _new_param(cls, name, value):
+ cls._params[name] = value
+ if hasattr(value, 'default'):
+ cls._values[name] = value.default
+ # try to resolve local param types in local param_types scope
+ value.maybe_resolve_type(cls._param_types)
+ # Set attribute (called on foo.attr = value when foo is an
+ # instance of class cls).
+ def __setattr__(cls, attr, value):
+ # normal processing for private attributes
+ if attr.startswith('_'):
+ type.__setattr__(cls, attr, value)
+ return
+ if cls.keywords.has_key(attr):
+ cls._set_keyword(attr, value, cls.keywords[attr])
+ return
+ # must be SimObject param
+ param = cls._params.get(attr, None)
+ if param:
+ # It's ok: set attribute by delegating to 'object' class.
+ # Note the use of param.make_value() to verify/canonicalize
+ # the assigned value
+ try:
+ param.valid(value)
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = "%s\nError setting param %s.%s to %s\n" % \
+ (e, cls.__name__, attr, value)
+ e.args = (msg, )
+ raise
+ cls._values[attr] = value
+ elif isConfigNode(value) or isSimObjSequence(value):
+ cls._values[attr] = value
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "Class %s has no parameter %s" % (cls.__name__, attr)
+ def __getattr__(cls, attr):
+ if cls._params.has_key(attr) or cls._values.has_key(attr):
+ return Value(cls, attr)
+ if attr == '_cpp_param_decl' and hasattr(cls, 'type'):
+ return cls.type + '*'
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ "object '%s' has no attribute '%s'" % (cls.__name__, attr)
+ def add_child(cls, instance, name, child):
+ if isNullPointer(child) or instance.top_child_names.has_key(name):
+ return
+ if isinstance(child, (list, tuple)):
+ kid = []
+ for i,c in enumerate(child):
+ n = '%s%d' % (name, i)
+ k = c.instantiate(n, instance)
+ instance.children.append(k)
+ instance.child_names[n] = k
+ instance.child_objects[c] = k
+ kid.append(k)
+ else:
+ kid = child.instantiate(name, instance)
+ instance.children.append(kid)
+ instance.child_names[name] = kid
+ instance.child_objects[child] = kid
+ instance.top_child_names[name] = kid
+ # Print instance info to .ini file.
+ def instantiate(cls, name, parent = None):
+ instance = Node(name, cls, parent, isParamContext(cls))
+ if hasattr(cls, 'check'):
+ cls.check()
+ for key,value in cls._values.iteritems():
+ if isConfigNode(value):
+ cls.add_child(instance, key, value)
+ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ vals = [ v for v in value if isConfigNode(v) ]
+ if len(vals):
+ cls.add_child(instance, key, vals)
+ for pname,param in cls._params.iteritems():
+ value = cls._values.get(pname, None)
+ if value is None:
+ panic('Error getting %s from %s' % (pname, name))
+ try:
+ if isConfigNode(value):
+ value = instance.child_objects[value]
+ elif isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ v = []
+ for val in value:
+ if isConfigNode(val):
+ v.append(instance.child_objects[val])
+ else:
+ v.append(val)
+ value = v
+ p = NodeParam(pname, param, value)
+ instance.params.append(p)
+ instance.param_names[pname] = p
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = 'Exception while evaluating %s.%s\n%s' % \
+ (instance.path, pname, e)
+ e.args = (msg, )
+ raise
+ return instance
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ realvalue = value
+ if isinstance(value, Node):
+ realvalue = value.realtype
+ if isinstance(realvalue, Proxy):
+ return value
+ if realvalue == None or isNullPointer(realvalue):
+ return value
+ if isSubClass(realvalue, cls):
+ return value
+ raise TypeError, 'object %s type %s wrong type, should be %s' % \
+ (repr(realvalue), realvalue, cls)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ if isNullPointer(value):
+ return 'Null'
+ return Node._string(value)
+# The ConfigNode class is the root of the special hierarchy. Most of
+# the code in this class deals with the configuration hierarchy itself
+# (parent/child node relationships).
+class ConfigNode(object):
+ # Specify metaclass. Any class inheriting from ConfigNode will
+ # get this metaclass.
+ __metaclass__ = MetaConfigNode
+ def __new__(cls, **kwargs):
+ name = cls.__name__ + ("_%d" % cls._anon_subclass_counter)
+ cls._anon_subclass_counter += 1
+ return cls.__metaclass__(name, (cls, ), kwargs)
+class ParamContext(ConfigNode,ParamType):
+ pass
+class MetaSimObject(MetaConfigNode):
+ # init_keywords and keywords are inherited from MetaConfigNode,
+ # with overrides/additions
+ init_keywords = MetaConfigNode.init_keywords
+ init_keywords.update({ 'abstract' : types.BooleanType,
+ 'type' : types.StringType })
+ keywords = MetaConfigNode.keywords
+ # no additional keywords
+ cpp_classes = []
+ # initialization
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
+ super(MetaSimObject, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
+ if hasattr(cls, 'type'):
+ if name == 'SimObject':
+ cls._cpp_base = None
+ elif hasattr(cls._bases[1], 'type'):
+ cls._cpp_base = cls._bases[1].type
+ else:
+ panic("SimObject %s derives from a non-C++ SimObject %s "\
+ "(no 'type')" % (cls, cls_bases[1].__name__))
+ # This class corresponds to a C++ class: put it on the global
+ # list of C++ objects to generate param structs, etc.
+ MetaSimObject.cpp_classes.append(cls)
+ def _cpp_decl(cls):
+ name = cls.__name__
+ code = ""
+ code += "\n".join([e.cpp_declare() for e in cls._param_types.values()])
+ code += "\n"
+ param_names = cls._params.keys()
+ param_names.sort()
+ code += "struct Params"
+ if cls._cpp_base:
+ code += " : public %s::Params" % cls._cpp_base
+ code += " {\n "
+ code += "\n ".join([cls._params[pname].cpp_decl(pname) \
+ for pname in param_names])
+ code += "\n};\n"
+ return code
+class NodeParam(object):
+ def __init__(self, name, param, value):
+ = name
+ self.param = param
+ self.ptype = param.ptype
+ self.convert = param.convert
+ self.string = param.string
+ self.value = value
+class Node(object):
+ all = {}
+ def __init__(self, name, realtype, parent, paramcontext):
+ = name
+ self.realtype = realtype
+ if isSimObject(realtype):
+ self.type = realtype.type
+ else:
+ self.type = None
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.children = []
+ self.child_names = {}
+ self.child_objects = {}
+ self.top_child_names = {}
+ self.params = []
+ self.param_names = {}
+ self.paramcontext = paramcontext
+ path = [ ]
+ node = self.parent
+ while node is not None:
+ if != 'root':
+ path.insert(0,
+ else:
+ assert(node.parent is None)
+ node = node.parent
+ self.path = '.'.join(path)
+ def find(self, realtype, path):
+ if not path:
+ if issubclass(self.realtype, realtype):
+ return self, True
+ obj = None
+ for child in self.children:
+ if issubclass(child.realtype, realtype):
+ if obj is not None:
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ 'parent.any matched more than one: %s %s' % \
+ (obj.path, child.path)
+ obj = child
+ return obj, obj is not None
+ try:
+ obj = self
+ for (node,index) in path[:-1]:
+ if obj.child_names.has_key(node):
+ obj = obj.child_names[node]
+ else:
+ obj = obj.top_child_names[node]
+ obj = Proxy.getindex(obj, index)
+ (last,index) = path[-1]
+ if obj.child_names.has_key(last):
+ value = obj.child_names[last]
+ return Proxy.getindex(value, index), True
+ elif obj.top_child_names.has_key(last):
+ value = obj.top_child_names[last]
+ return Proxy.getindex(value, index), True
+ elif obj.param_names.has_key(last):
+ value = obj.param_names[last]
+ realtype._convert(value.value)
+ return Proxy.getindex(value.value, index), True
+ except KeyError:
+ pass
+ return None, False
+ def unproxy(self, param, ptype):
+ if not isinstance(param, Proxy):
+ return param
+ return param.unproxy(self, ptype)
+ def fixup(self):
+ self.all[self.path] = self
+ for param in self.params:
+ ptype = param.ptype
+ pval = param.value
+ try:
+ if isinstance(pval, (list, tuple)):
+ param.value = [ self.unproxy(pv, ptype) for pv in pval ]
+ else:
+ param.value = self.unproxy(pval, ptype)
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = 'Error while fixing up %s:%s\n%s' % \
+ (self.path,, e)
+ e.args = (msg, )
+ raise
+ for child in self.children:
+ assert(child != self)
+ child.fixup()
+ # print type and parameter values to .ini file
+ def display(self):
+ print '[' + self.path + ']' # .ini section header
+ if isSimObject(self.realtype):
+ print 'type = %s' % self.type
+ if self.children:
+ # instantiate children in same order they were added for
+ # backward compatibility (else we can end up with cpu1
+ # before cpu0). Changing ordering can also influence timing
+ # in the current memory system, as caches get added to a bus
+ # in different orders which affects their priority in the
+ # case of simulataneous requests.
+ self.children.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(,
+ children = [ for c in self.children if not c.paramcontext]
+ print 'children =', ' '.join(children)
+ self.params.sort(lambda x,y: cmp(,
+ for param in self.params:
+ try:
+ if param.value is None:
+ raise AttributeError, 'Parameter with no value'
+ value = param.convert(param.value)
+ string = param.string(value)
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = 'exception in %s:%s\n%s' % (self.path,, e)
+ e.args = (msg, )
+ raise
+ print '%s = %s' % (, string)
+ print
+ # recursively dump out children
+ for c in self.children:
+ c.display()
+ # print type and parameter values to .ini file
+ def outputDot(self, dot):
+ label = "{%s|" % self.path
+ if isSimObject(self.realtype):
+ label += '%s|' % self.type
+ if self.children:
+ # instantiate children in same order they were added for
+ # backward compatibility (else we can end up with cpu1
+ # before cpu0).
+ for c in self.children:
+ dot.add_edge(pydot.Edge(self.path,c.path, style="bold"))
+ simobjs = []
+ for param in self.params:
+ try:
+ if param.value is None:
+ raise AttributeError, 'Parameter with no value'
+ value = param.convert(param.value)
+ string = param.string(value)
+ except Exception, e:
+ msg = 'exception in %s:%s\n%s' % (,, e)
+ e.args = (msg, )
+ raise
+ if isConfigNode(param.ptype) and string != "Null":
+ simobjs.append(string)
+ else:
+ label += '%s = %s\\n' % (, string)
+ for so in simobjs:
+ label += "|<%s> %s" % (so, so)
+ dot.add_edge(pydot.Edge("%s:%s" % (self.path, so), so,
+ tailport="w"))
+ label += '}'
+ dot.add_node(pydot.Node(self.path,shape="Mrecord",label=label))
+ # recursively dump out children
+ for c in self.children:
+ c.outputDot(dot)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, Node):
+ raise AttributeError, 'expecting %s got %s' % (Node, value)
+ return value.path
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+# Parameter description classes
+# The _params dictionary in each class maps parameter names to
+# either a Param or a VectorParam object. These objects contain the
+# parameter description string, the parameter type, and the default
+# value (loaded from the PARAM section of the .odesc files). The
+# _convert() method on these objects is used to force whatever value
+# is assigned to the parameter to the appropriate type.
+# Note that the default values are loaded into the class's attribute
+# space when the parameter dictionary is initialized (in
+# MetaConfigNode._setparams()); after that point they aren't used.
+def isNullPointer(value):
+ return isinstance(value, NullSimObject)
+class Value(object):
+ def __init__(self, obj, attr):
+ super(Value, self).__setattr__('attr', attr)
+ super(Value, self).__setattr__('obj', obj)
+ def _getattr(self):
+ return self.obj._values.get(self.attr)
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ setattr(self._getattr(), attr, value)
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ return getattr(self._getattr(), attr)
+ def __getitem__(self, index):
+ return self._getattr().__getitem__(index)
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return self._getattr().__call__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return bool(self._getattr())
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(self._getattr())
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self._getattr())
+# Regular parameter.
+class ParamBase(object):
+ def __init__(self, ptype, *args, **kwargs):
+ if isinstance(ptype, types.StringType):
+ self.ptype_string = ptype
+ elif isinstance(ptype, type):
+ self.ptype = ptype
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Param type is not a type (%s)" % ptype
+ if args:
+ if len(args) == 1:
+ self.desc = args[0]
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ self.default = args[0]
+ self.desc = args[1]
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, 'too many arguments'
+ if kwargs.has_key('desc'):
+ assert(not hasattr(self, 'desc'))
+ self.desc = kwargs['desc']
+ del kwargs['desc']
+ if kwargs.has_key('default'):
+ assert(not hasattr(self, 'default'))
+ self.default = kwargs['default']
+ del kwargs['default']
+ if kwargs:
+ raise TypeError, 'extra unknown kwargs %s' % kwargs
+ if not hasattr(self, 'desc'):
+ raise TypeError, 'desc attribute missing'
+ def maybe_resolve_type(self, context):
+ # check if already resolved... don't use hasattr(),
+ # as that calls __getattr__()
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('ptype'):
+ return
+ try:
+ self.ptype = context[self.ptype_string]
+ except KeyError:
+ # no harm in trying... we'll try again later using global scope
+ pass
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if attr == 'ptype':
+ try:
+ self.ptype = param_types[self.ptype_string]
+ return self.ptype
+ except:
+ panic("undefined Param type %s" % self.ptype_string)
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % \
+ (type(self).__name__, attr)
+ def valid(self, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, Proxy):
+ self.ptype._convert(value)
+ def convert(self, value):
+ return self.ptype._convert(value)
+ def string(self, value):
+ return self.ptype._string(value)
+ def set(self, name, instance, value):
+ instance.__dict__[name] = value
+ def cpp_decl(self, name):
+ return '%s %s;' % (self.ptype._cpp_param_decl, name)
+class ParamFactory(object):
+ def __init__(self, type):
+ self.ptype = type
+ # E.g., Param.Int(5, "number of widgets")
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return ParamBase(self.ptype, *args, **kwargs)
+ # Strange magic to theoretically allow dotted names as Param classes,
+ # e.g., Param.Foo.Bar(...) to have a param of type Foo.Bar
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if attr == '__bases__':
+ raise AttributeError, ''
+ cls = type(self)
+ return cls(attr)
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ if attr != 'ptype':
+ raise AttributeError, \
+ 'Attribute %s not available in %s' % (attr, self.__class__)
+ super(ParamFactory, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
+Param = ParamFactory(None)
+# Vector-valued parameter description. Just like Param, except that
+# the value is a vector (list) of the specified type instead of a
+# single value.
+class VectorParamBase(ParamBase):
+ def __init__(self, type, *args, **kwargs):
+ ParamBase.__init__(self, type, *args, **kwargs)
+ def valid(self, value):
+ if value == None:
+ return True
+ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ for val in value:
+ if not isinstance(val, Proxy):
+ self.ptype._convert(val)
+ elif not isinstance(value, Proxy):
+ self.ptype._convert(value)
+ # Convert assigned value to appropriate type. If the RHS is not a
+ # list or tuple, it generates a single-element list.
+ def convert(self, value):
+ if value == None:
+ return []
+ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ # list: coerce each element into new list
+ return [ self.ptype._convert(v) for v in value ]
+ else:
+ # singleton: coerce & wrap in a list
+ return self.ptype._convert(value)
+ def string(self, value):
+ if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+ return ' '.join([ self.ptype._string(v) for v in value])
+ else:
+ return self.ptype._string(value)
+ def cpp_decl(self, name):
+ return 'std::vector<%s> %s;' % (self.ptype._cpp_param_decl, name)
+class VectorParamFactory(ParamFactory):
+ # E.g., VectorParam.Int(5, "number of widgets")
+ def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ return VectorParamBase(self.ptype, *args, **kwargs)
+VectorParam = VectorParamFactory(None)
+# Parameter Types
+# Though native Python types could be used to specify parameter types
+# (the 'ptype' field of the Param and VectorParam classes), it's more
+# flexible to define our own set of types. This gives us more control
+# over how Python expressions are converted to values (via the
+# __init__() constructor) and how these values are printed out (via
+# the __str__() conversion method). Eventually we'll need these types
+# to correspond to distinct C++ types as well.
+class MetaRange(type):
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
+ super(MetaRange, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
+ if name == 'Range':
+ return
+ cls._cpp_param_decl = 'Range<%s>' % cls.type._cpp_param_decl
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ if not isinstance(value, Range):
+ raise TypeError, 'value %s is not a Pair' % value
+ value = cls(value)
+ value.first = cls.type._convert(value.first)
+ value.second = cls.type._convert(value.second)
+ return value
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ first = int(value.first)
+ second = int(value.second)
+ if value.extend:
+ second += first
+ if not value.inclusive:
+ second -= 1
+ return '%s:%s' % (cls.type._string(first), cls.type._string(second))
+class Range(ParamType):
+ __metaclass__ = MetaRange
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ self.first = kwargs.pop('start')
+ if 'end' in kwargs:
+ self.second = kwargs.pop('end')
+ self.inclusive = True
+ self.extend = False
+ elif 'size' in kwargs:
+ self.second = kwargs.pop('size')
+ self.inclusive = False
+ self.extend = True
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Either end or size must be specified"
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ if kwargs:
+ self.first = args[0]
+ if 'end' in kwargs:
+ self.second = kwargs.pop('end')
+ self.inclusive = True
+ self.extend = False
+ elif 'size' in kwargs:
+ self.second = kwargs.pop('size')
+ self.inclusive = False
+ self.extend = True
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Either end or size must be specified"
+ elif isinstance(args[0], Range):
+ self.first = args[0].first
+ self.second = args[0].second
+ self.inclusive = args[0].inclusive
+ self.extend = args[0].extend
+ else:
+ self.first = 0
+ self.second = args[0]
+ self.inclusive = False
+ self.extend = True
+ elif len(args) == 2:
+ self.first, self.second = args
+ self.inclusive = True
+ self.extend = False
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Too many arguments specified"
+ if kwargs:
+ raise TypeError, "too many keywords: %s" % kwargs.keys()
+# Metaclass for bounds-checked integer parameters. See CheckedInt.
+class CheckedIntType(type):
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
+ super(CheckedIntType, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
+ # CheckedInt is an abstract base class, so we actually don't
+ # want to do any processing on it... the rest of this code is
+ # just for classes that derive from CheckedInt.
+ if name == 'CheckedInt':
+ return
+ if not (hasattr(cls, 'min') and hasattr(cls, 'max')):
+ if not (hasattr(cls, 'size') and hasattr(cls, 'unsigned')):
+ panic("CheckedInt subclass %s must define either\n" \
+ " 'min' and 'max' or 'size' and 'unsigned'\n" \
+ % name);
+ if cls.unsigned:
+ cls.min = 0
+ cls.max = 2 ** cls.size - 1
+ else:
+ cls.min = -(2 ** (cls.size - 1))
+ cls.max = (2 ** (cls.size - 1)) - 1
+ cls._cpp_param_decl = cls.cppname
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ if isinstance(value, bool):
+ return int(value)
+ if not isinstance(value, (int, long, float, str)):
+ raise TypeError, 'Integer param of invalid type %s' % type(value)
+ if isinstance(value, float):
+ value = long(value)
+ elif isinstance(value, str):
+ value = toInteger(value)
+ if not cls.min <= value <= cls.max:
+ raise TypeError, 'Integer param out of bounds %d < %d < %d' % \
+ (cls.min, value, cls.max)
+ return value
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ return str(value)
+# Abstract superclass for bounds-checked integer parameters. This
+# class is subclassed to generate parameter classes with specific
+# bounds. Initialization of the min and max bounds is done in the
+# metaclass CheckedIntType.__init__.
+class CheckedInt(long,ParamType):
+ __metaclass__ = CheckedIntType
+class Int(CheckedInt): cppname = 'int'; size = 32; unsigned = False
+class Unsigned(CheckedInt): cppname = 'unsigned'; size = 32; unsigned = True
+class Int8(CheckedInt): cppname = 'int8_t'; size = 8; unsigned = False
+class UInt8(CheckedInt): cppname = 'uint8_t'; size = 8; unsigned = True
+class Int16(CheckedInt): cppname = 'int16_t'; size = 16; unsigned = False
+class UInt16(CheckedInt): cppname = 'uint16_t'; size = 16; unsigned = True
+class Int32(CheckedInt): cppname = 'int32_t'; size = 32; unsigned = False
+class UInt32(CheckedInt): cppname = 'uint32_t'; size = 32; unsigned = True
+class Int64(CheckedInt): cppname = 'int64_t'; size = 64; unsigned = False
+class UInt64(CheckedInt): cppname = 'uint64_t'; size = 64; unsigned = True
+class Counter(CheckedInt): cppname = 'Counter'; size = 64; unsigned = True
+class Tick(CheckedInt): cppname = 'Tick'; size = 64; unsigned = True
+class Percent(CheckedInt): cppname = 'int'; min = 0; max = 100
+class MemorySize(CheckedInt):
+ cppname = 'uint64_t'
+ size = 64
+ unsigned = True
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ return super(MemorySize, cls).__new__(cls, toMemorySize(value))
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ return cls(value)
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ return '%d' % value
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+class Addr(CheckedInt):
+ cppname = 'Addr'
+ size = 64
+ unsigned = True
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ try:
+ value = long(toMemorySize(value))
+ except TypeError:
+ value = long(value)
+ return super(Addr, cls).__new__(cls, value)
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ return cls(value)
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ return '%d' % value
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+class AddrRange(Range):
+ type = Addr
+# Boolean parameter type.
+class Bool(ParamType):
+ _cpp_param_decl = 'bool'
+ def __init__(self, value):
+ try:
+ self.value = toBool(value)
+ except TypeError:
+ self.value = bool(value)
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ return cls(value)
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ if value.value:
+ return "true"
+ else:
+ return "false"
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+# String-valued parameter.
+class String(ParamType):
+ _cpp_param_decl = 'string'
+ # Constructor. Value must be Python string.
+ def _convert(cls,value):
+ if value is None:
+ return ''
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ return value
+ raise TypeError, \
+ "String param got value %s %s" % (repr(value), type(value))
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ # Generate printable string version. Not too tricky.
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ return value
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+def IncEthernetAddr(addr, val = 1):
+ bytes = map(lambda x: int(x, 16), addr.split(':'))
+ bytes[5] += val
+ for i in (5, 4, 3, 2, 1):
+ val,rem = divmod(bytes[i], 256)
+ bytes[i] = rem
+ if val == 0:
+ break
+ bytes[i - 1] += val
+ assert(bytes[0] <= 255)
+ return ':'.join(map(lambda x: '%02x' % x, bytes))
+class NextEthernetAddr(object):
+ __metaclass__ = Singleton
+ addr = "00:90:00:00:00:01"
+ def __init__(self, inc = 1):
+ self.value = self.addr
+ self.addr = IncEthernetAddr(self.addr, inc)
+class EthernetAddr(ParamType):
+ _cpp_param_decl = 'EthAddr'
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ if value == NextEthernetAddr:
+ return value
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "expected an ethernet address and didn't get one"
+ bytes = value.split(':')
+ if len(bytes) != 6:
+ raise TypeError, 'invalid ethernet address %s' % value
+ for byte in bytes:
+ if not 0 <= int(byte) <= 256:
+ raise TypeError, 'invalid ethernet address %s' % value
+ return value
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ if value == NextEthernetAddr:
+ value = value().value
+ return value
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+# Special class for NULL pointers. Note the special check in
+# make_param_value() above that lets these be assigned where a
+# SimObject is required.
+# only one copy of a particular node
+class NullSimObject(object):
+ __metaclass__ = Singleton
+ def __call__(cls):
+ return cls
+ def _instantiate(self, parent = None, path = ''):
+ pass
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ if value == Nxone:
+ return
+ if isinstance(value, cls):
+ return value
+ raise TypeError, 'object %s %s of the wrong type, should be %s' % \
+ (repr(value), type(value), cls)
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string():
+ return 'NULL'
+ _string = staticmethod(_string)
+# The only instance you'll ever need...
+Null = NULL = NullSimObject()
+# Enumerated types are a little more complex. The user specifies the
+# type as Enum(foo) where foo is either a list or dictionary of
+# alternatives (typically strings, but not necessarily so). (In the
+# long run, the integer value of the parameter will be the list index
+# or the corresponding dictionary value. For now, since we only check
+# that the alternative is valid and then spit it into a .ini file,
+# there's not much point in using the dictionary.)
+# What Enum() must do is generate a new type encapsulating the
+# provided list/dictionary so that specific values of the parameter
+# can be instances of that type. We define two hidden internal
+# classes (_ListEnum and _DictEnum) to serve as base classes, then
+# derive the new type from the appropriate base class on the fly.
+# Metaclass for Enum types
+class MetaEnum(type):
+ def __init__(cls, name, bases, init_dict):
+ if init_dict.has_key('map'):
+ if not isinstance(, dict):
+ raise TypeError, "Enum-derived class attribute 'map' " \
+ "must be of type dict"
+ # build list of value strings from map
+ cls.vals =
+ cls.vals.sort()
+ elif init_dict.has_key('vals'):
+ if not isinstance(cls.vals, list):
+ raise TypeError, "Enum-derived class attribute 'vals' " \
+ "must be of type list"
+ # build string->value map from vals sequence
+ = {}
+ for idx,val in enumerate(cls.vals):
+[val] = idx
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Enum-derived class must define "\
+ "attribute 'map' or 'vals'"
+ cls._cpp_param_decl = name
+ super(MetaEnum, cls).__init__(name, bases, init_dict)
+ def cpp_declare(cls):
+ s = 'enum %s {\n ' % cls.__name__
+ s += ',\n '.join(['%s = %d' % (v,[v]) for v in cls.vals])
+ s += '\n};\n'
+ return s
+# Base class for enum types.
+class Enum(ParamType):
+ __metaclass__ = MetaEnum
+ vals = []
+ def _convert(self, value):
+ if value not in
+ raise TypeError, "Enum param got bad value '%s' (not in %s)" \
+ % (value, self.vals)
+ return value
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ # Generate printable string version of value.
+ def _string(self, value):
+ return str(value)
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+root_frequency = None
+# "Constants"... handy aliases for various values.
+class RootFrequency(float,ParamType):
+ _cpp_param_decl = 'Tick'
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ return super(cls, RootFrequency).__new__(cls, toFrequency(value))
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ return cls(value)
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ return '%d' % int(value)
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+class ClockPeriod(float,ParamType):
+ _cpp_param_decl = 'Tick'
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ relative = False
+ try:
+ val = toClockPeriod(value)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ relative = True
+ if value.endswith('f'):
+ val = float(value[:-1])
+ if val:
+ val = 1 / val
+ elif value.endswith('c'):
+ val = float(value[:-1])
+ else:
+ raise e
+ self = super(cls, ClockPeriod).__new__(cls, val)
+ self.relative = relative
+ return self
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ return cls(value)
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ if not value.relative:
+ value *= root_frequency
+ return '%d' % int(value)
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+class Frequency(float,ParamType):
+ _cpp_param_decl = 'Tick'
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ relative = False
+ try:
+ val = toFrequency(value)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if value.endswith('f'):
+ val = float(value[:-1])
+ relative = True
+ else:
+ raise e
+ self = super(cls, Frequency).__new__(cls, val)
+ self.relative = relative
+ return self
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ return cls(value)
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ if not value.relative:
+ value = root_frequency / value
+ return '%d' % int(value)
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+class Latency(float,ParamType):
+ _cpp_param_decl = 'Tick'
+ def __new__(cls, value):
+ relative = False
+ try:
+ val = toLatency(value)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ if value.endswith('c'):
+ val = float(value[:-1])
+ relative = True
+ else:
+ raise e
+ self = super(cls, Latency).__new__(cls, val)
+ self.relative = relative
+ return self
+ def _convert(cls, value):
+ return cls(value)
+ _convert = classmethod(_convert)
+ def _string(cls, value):
+ if not value.relative:
+ value *= root_frequency
+ return '%d' % value
+ _string = classmethod(_string)
+# Some memory range specifications use this as a default upper bound.
+MaxAddr = Addr.max
+MaxTick = Tick.max
+AllMemory = AddrRange(0, MaxAddr)
+# The final hook to generate .ini files. Called from configuration
+# script once config is built.
+def instantiate(root):
+ global root_frequency
+ instance = root.instantiate('root')
+ root_frequency = RootFrequency._convert(root.frequency._getattr())
+ instance.fixup()
+ instance.display()
+ if not noDot:
+ dot = pydot.Dot()
+ instance.outputDot(dot)
+ dot.orientation = "portrait"
+ dot.size = "8.5,11"
+ dot.ranksep="equally"
+ dot.rank="samerank"
+ dot.write("")
+ dot.write_ps("")
+# SimObject is a minimal extension of ConfigNode, implementing a
+# hierarchy node that corresponds to an M5 SimObject. It prints out a
+# "type=" line to indicate its SimObject class, prints out the
+# assigned parameters corresponding to its class, and allows
+# parameters to be set by keyword in the constructor. Note that most
+# of the heavy lifting for the SimObject param handling is done in the
+# MetaConfigNode metaclass.
+class SimObject(ConfigNode, ParamType):
+ __metaclass__ = MetaSimObject
+ type = 'SimObject'
+# __all__ defines the list of symbols that get exported when
+# 'from config import *' is invoked. Try to keep this reasonably
+# short to avoid polluting other namespaces.
+__all__ = ['ConfigNode', 'SimObject', 'ParamContext', 'Param', 'VectorParam',
+ 'parent', 'Enum',
+ 'Int', 'Unsigned', 'Int8', 'UInt8', 'Int16', 'UInt16',
+ 'Int32', 'UInt32', 'Int64', 'UInt64',
+ 'Counter', 'Addr', 'Tick', 'Percent',
+ 'MemorySize', 'RootFrequency', 'Frequency', 'Latency',
+ 'ClockPeriod',
+ 'Range', 'AddrRange', 'MaxAddr', 'MaxTick', 'AllMemory', 'NULL',
+ 'NextEthernetAddr', 'instantiate']
diff --git a/python/m5/ b/python/m5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6ccefd2fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+# metric prefixes
+exa = 1.0e18
+peta = 1.0e15
+tera = 1.0e12
+giga = 1.0e9
+mega = 1.0e6
+kilo = 1.0e3
+milli = 1.0e-3
+micro = 1.0e-6
+nano = 1.0e-9
+pico = 1.0e-12
+femto = 1.0e-15
+atto = 1.0e-18
+# power of 2 prefixes
+kibi = 1024
+mebi = kibi * 1024
+gibi = mebi * 1024
+tebi = gibi * 1024
+pebi = tebi * 1024
+exbi = pebi * 1024
+# memory size configuration stuff
+def toFloat(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ if value.endswith('Ei'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * exbi
+ elif value.endswith('Pi'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * pebi
+ elif value.endswith('Ti'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * tebi
+ elif value.endswith('Gi'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * gibi
+ elif value.endswith('Mi'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * mebi
+ elif value.endswith('ki'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * kibi
+ elif value.endswith('E'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * exa
+ elif value.endswith('P'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * peta
+ elif value.endswith('T'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * tera
+ elif value.endswith('G'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * giga
+ elif value.endswith('M'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * mega
+ elif value.endswith('k'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * kilo
+ elif value.endswith('m'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * milli
+ elif value.endswith('u'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * micro
+ elif value.endswith('n'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * nano
+ elif value.endswith('p'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * pico
+ elif value.endswith('f'):
+ return float(value[:-1]) * femto
+ else:
+ return float(value)
+def toLong(value):
+ value = toFloat(value)
+ result = int(value)
+ if value != result:
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to long" % value
+ return result
+def toInteger(value):
+ value = toFloat(value)
+ result = int(value)
+ if value != result:
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to integer" % value
+ return result
+def toBool(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ value = value.lower()
+ if value == "true" or value == "t" or value == "yes" or value == "y":
+ return True
+ elif value == "false" or value == "f" or value == "no" or value == "n":
+ return False
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to bool" % value
+def toFrequency(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ if value.endswith('THz'):
+ return float(value[:-3]) * tera
+ elif value.endswith('GHz'):
+ return float(value[:-3]) * giga
+ elif value.endswith('MHz'):
+ return float(value[:-3]) * mega
+ elif value.endswith('kHz'):
+ return float(value[:-3]) * kilo
+ elif value.endswith('Hz'):
+ return float(value[:-2])
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to frequency" % value
+def toLatency(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ if value.endswith('ps'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * pico
+ elif value.endswith('ns'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * nano
+ elif value.endswith('us'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * micro
+ elif value.endswith('ms'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * milli
+ elif value.endswith('s'):
+ return float(value[:-1])
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to latency" % value
+def toClockPeriod(value):
+ """result is a clock period"""
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ try:
+ val = toFrequency(value)
+ if val != 0:
+ val = 1 / val
+ return val
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ try:
+ val = toLatency(value)
+ return val
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to clock period" % value
+def toNetworkBandwidth(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ if value.endswith('Tbps'):
+ return float(value[:-3]) * tera
+ elif value.endswith('Gbps'):
+ return float(value[:-3]) * giga
+ elif value.endswith('Mbps'):
+ return float(value[:-3]) * mega
+ elif value.endswith('kbps'):
+ return float(value[:-3]) * kilo
+ elif value.endswith('bps'):
+ return float(value[:-2])
+ else:
+ return float(value)
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to network bandwidth" % value
+def toMemoryBandwidth(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ if value.endswith('PB/s'):
+ return float(value[:-4]) * pebi
+ elif value.endswith('TB/s'):
+ return float(value[:-4]) * tebi
+ elif value.endswith('GB/s'):
+ return float(value[:-4]) * gibi
+ elif value.endswith('MB/s'):
+ return float(value[:-4]) * mebi
+ elif value.endswith('kB/s'):
+ return float(value[:-4]) * kibi
+ elif value.endswith('B/s'):
+ return float(value[:-3])
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to memory bandwidth" % value
+def toMemorySize(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, str):
+ raise TypeError, "wrong type '%s' should be str" % type(value)
+ if value.endswith('PB'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * pebi
+ elif value.endswith('TB'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * tebi
+ elif value.endswith('GB'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * gibi
+ elif value.endswith('MB'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * mebi
+ elif value.endswith('kB'):
+ return float(value[:-2]) * kibi
+ elif value.endswith('B'):
+ return float(value[:-1])
+ raise ValueError, "cannot convert '%s' to memory size" % value
diff --git a/python/m5/ b/python/m5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0c27fa8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+__all__ = [ 'multidict' ]
+class multidict(object):
+ __nodefault = object()
+ def __init__(self, parent = {}, **kwargs):
+ self.dict = dict(**kwargs)
+ self.parent = parent
+ self.deleted = {}
+ def __str__(self):
+ return str(dict(self.items()))
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return `dict(self.items())`
+ def __contains__(self, key):
+ return self.dict.has_key(key) or self.parent.has_key(key)
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ try:
+ del self.dict[key]
+ except KeyError, e:
+ if key in self.parent:
+ self.deleted[key] = True
+ else:
+ raise KeyError, e
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ self.deleted.pop(key, False)
+ self.dict[key] = value
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ try:
+ return self.dict[key]
+ except KeyError, e:
+ if not self.deleted.get(key, False) and key in self.parent:
+ return self.parent[key]
+ else:
+ raise KeyError, e
+ def __len__(self):
+ return len(self.dict) + len(self.parent)
+ def next(self):
+ for key,value in self.dict.items():
+ yield key,value
+ if self.parent:
+ for key,value in
+ if key not in self.dict and key not in self.deleted:
+ yield key,value
+ def has_key(self, key):
+ return key in self
+ def iteritems(self):
+ for item in
+ yield item
+ def items(self):
+ return [ item for item in ]
+ def iterkeys(self):
+ for key,value in
+ yield key
+ def keys(self):
+ return [ key for key,value in ]
+ def itervalues(self):
+ for key,value in
+ yield value
+ def values(self):
+ return [ value for key,value in ]
+ def get(self, key, default=__nodefault):
+ try:
+ return self[key]
+ except KeyError, e:
+ if default != self.__nodefault:
+ return default
+ else:
+ raise KeyError, e
+ def setdefault(self, key, default):
+ try:
+ return self[key]
+ except KeyError:
+ self.deleted.pop(key, False)
+ self.dict[key] = default
+ return default
+ def _dump(self):
+ print 'multidict dump'
+ node = self
+ while isinstance(node, multidict):
+ print ' ', node.dict
+ node = node.parent
+ def _dumpkey(self, key):
+ values = []
+ node = self
+ while isinstance(node, multidict):
+ if key in node.dict:
+ values.append(node.dict[key])
+ node = node.parent
+ print key, values
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ test1 = multidict()
+ test2 = multidict(test1)
+ test3 = multidict(test2)
+ test4 = multidict(test3)
+ test1['a'] = 'test1_a'
+ test1['b'] = 'test1_b'
+ test1['c'] = 'test1_c'
+ test1['d'] = 'test1_d'
+ test1['e'] = 'test1_e'
+ test2['a'] = 'test2_a'
+ del test2['b']
+ test2['c'] = 'test2_c'
+ del test1['a']
+ test2.setdefault('f', multidict)
+ print 'test1>', test1.items()
+ print 'test2>', test2.items()
+ #print test1['a']
+ print test1['b']
+ print test1['c']
+ print test1['d']
+ print test1['e']
+ print test2['a']
+ #print test2['b']
+ print test2['c']
+ print test2['d']
+ print test2['e']
+ for key in test2.iterkeys():
+ print key
+ test2.get('g', 'foo')
+ #test2.get('b')
+ test2.get('b', 'bar')
+ test2.setdefault('b', 'blah')
+ print test1
+ print test2
+ print `test2`
+ print len(test2)
+ test3['a'] = [ 0, 1, 2, 3 ]
+ print test4
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/AlphaConsole.mpy b/python/m5/objects/AlphaConsole.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..63aea5b7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/AlphaConsole.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+from Device import PioDevice
+simobj AlphaConsole(PioDevice):
+ type = 'AlphaConsole'
+ cpu = Param.BaseCPU(parent.any, "Processor")
+ disk = Param.SimpleDisk("Simple Disk")
+ num_cpus = Param.Int(1, "Number of CPUs")
+ sim_console = Param.SimConsole(parent.any, "The Simulator Console")
+ system = Param.BaseSystem(parent.any, "system object")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/AlphaTLB.mpy b/python/m5/objects/AlphaTLB.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8e7cd62cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/AlphaTLB.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+simobj AlphaTLB(SimObject):
+ type = 'AlphaTLB'
+ abstract = True
+ size = Param.Int("TLB size")
+simobj AlphaDTB(AlphaTLB):
+ type = 'AlphaDTB'
+ size = 64
+simobj AlphaITB(AlphaTLB):
+ type = 'AlphaITB'
+ size = 48
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/BadDevice.mpy b/python/m5/objects/BadDevice.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..35a12e0bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/BadDevice.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from Device import PioDevice
+simobj BadDevice(PioDevice):
+ type = 'BadDevice'
+ devicename = Param.String("Name of device to error on")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/BaseCPU.mpy b/python/m5/objects/BaseCPU.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d84e30e53
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/BaseCPU.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+simobj BaseCPU(SimObject):
+ type = 'BaseCPU'
+ abstract = True
+ icache = Param.BaseMem(NULL, "L1 instruction cache object")
+ dcache = Param.BaseMem(NULL, "L1 data cache object")
+ if build_env['FULL_SYSTEM']:
+ dtb = Param.AlphaDTB("Data TLB")
+ itb = Param.AlphaITB("Instruction TLB")
+ mem = Param.FunctionalMemory("memory")
+ system = Param.BaseSystem(parent.any, "system object")
+ else:
+ workload = VectorParam.Process("processes to run")
+ max_insts_all_threads = Param.Counter(0,
+ "terminate when all threads have reached this inst count")
+ max_insts_any_thread = Param.Counter(0,
+ "terminate when any thread reaches this inst count")
+ max_loads_all_threads = Param.Counter(0,
+ "terminate when all threads have reached this load count")
+ max_loads_any_thread = Param.Counter(0,
+ "terminate when any thread reaches this load count")
+ defer_registration = Param.Bool(False,
+ "defer registration with system (for sampling)")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/BaseCache.mpy b/python/m5/objects/BaseCache.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..198665325
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/BaseCache.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+from BaseMem import BaseMem
+simobj BaseCache(BaseMem):
+ type = 'BaseCache'
+ adaptive_compression = Param.Bool(False,
+ "Use an adaptive compression scheme")
+ assoc = Param.Int("associativity")
+ block_size = Param.Int("block size in bytes")
+ compressed_bus = Param.Bool(False,
+ "This cache connects to a compressed memory")
+ compression_latency = Param.Int(0,
+ "Latency in cycles of compression algorithm")
+ do_copy = Param.Bool(False, "perform fast copies in the cache")
+ hash_delay = Param.Int(1, "time in cycles of hash access")
+ in_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "incoming bus object")
+ lifo = Param.Bool(False,
+ "whether this NIC partition should use LIFO repl. policy")
+ max_miss_count = Param.Counter(0,
+ "number of misses to handle before calling exit")
+ mshrs = Param.Int("number of MSHRs (max outstanding requests)")
+ out_bus = Param.Bus("outgoing bus object")
+ prioritizeRequests = Param.Bool(False,
+ "always service demand misses first")
+ protocol = Param.CoherenceProtocol(NULL, "coherence protocol to use")
+ repl = Param.Repl(NULL, "replacement policy")
+ size = Param.MemorySize("capacity in bytes")
+ split = Param.Bool(False, "whether or not this cache is split")
+ split_size = Param.Int(0,
+ "How many ways of the cache belong to CPU/LRU partition")
+ store_compressed = Param.Bool(False,
+ "Store compressed data in the cache")
+ subblock_size = Param.Int(0,
+ "Size of subblock in IIC used for compression")
+ tgts_per_mshr = Param.Int("max number of accesses per MSHR")
+ trace_addr = Param.Addr(0, "address to trace")
+ two_queue = Param.Bool(False,
+ "whether the lifo should have two queue replacement")
+ write_buffers = Param.Int(8, "number of write buffers")
+ prefetch_miss = Param.Bool(False,
+ "wheter you are using the hardware prefetcher from Miss stream")
+ prefetch_access = Param.Bool(False,
+ "wheter you are using the hardware prefetcher from Access stream")
+ prefetcher_size = Param.Int(100,
+ "Number of entries in the harware prefetch queue")
+ prefetch_past_page = Param.Bool(False,
+ "Allow prefetches to cross virtual page boundaries")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/BaseSystem.mpy b/python/m5/objects/BaseSystem.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..450b6a58e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/BaseSystem.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+simobj BaseSystem(SimObject):
+ type = 'BaseSystem'
+ abstract = True
+ memctrl = Param.MemoryController(parent.any, "memory controller")
+ physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(parent.any, "phsyical memory")
+ kernel = Param.String("file that contains the kernel code")
+ console = Param.String("file that contains the console code")
+ pal = Param.String("file that contains palcode")
+ readfile = Param.String("", "file to read startup script from")
+ init_param = Param.UInt64(0, "numerical value to pass into simulator")
+ boot_osflags = Param.String("a", "boot flags to pass to the kernel")
+ system_type = Param.UInt64("Type of system we are emulating")
+ system_rev = Param.UInt64("Revision of system we are emulating")
+ bin = Param.Bool(False, "is this system binned")
+ binned_fns = VectorParam.String([], "functions broken down and binned")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Bus.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Bus.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..aa12f757a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Bus.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from BaseHier import BaseHier
+simobj Bus(BaseHier):
+ type = 'Bus'
+ clock_ratio = Param.ClockPeriod("ratio of CPU to bus frequency")
+ width = Param.Int("bus width in bytes")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/CoherenceProtocol.mpy b/python/m5/objects/CoherenceProtocol.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f3b0026b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/CoherenceProtocol.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+class Coherence(Enum): vals = ['uni', 'msi', 'mesi', 'mosi', 'moesi']
+simobj CoherenceProtocol(SimObject):
+ type = 'CoherenceProtocol'
+ do_upgrades = Param.Bool(True, "use upgrade transactions?")
+ protocol = Param.Coherence("name of coherence protocol")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Device.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Device.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a0d02a647
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Device.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+from FunctionalMemory import FunctionalMemory
+# This device exists only because there are some devices that I don't
+# want to have a Platform parameter because it would cause a cycle in
+# the C++ that cannot be easily solved.
+# The real solution to this problem is to pass the ParamXXX structure
+# to the constructor, but with the express condition that SimObject
+# parameter values are not to be available at construction time. If
+# some further configuration must be done, it must be done during the
+# initialization phase at which point all SimObject pointers will be
+# valid.
+simobj FooPioDevice(FunctionalMemory):
+ type = 'PioDevice'
+ abstract = True
+ addr = Param.Addr("Device Address")
+ mmu = Param.MemoryController(parent.any, "Memory Controller")
+ io_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "The IO Bus to attach to")
+ pio_latency = Param.Tick(1, "Programmed IO latency in bus cycles")
+simobj FooDmaDevice(FooPioDevice):
+ type = 'DmaDevice'
+ abstract = True
+simobj PioDevice(FooPioDevice):
+ type = 'PioDevice'
+ abstract = True
+ platform = Param.Platform(parent.any, "Platform")
+simobj DmaDevice(PioDevice):
+ type = 'DmaDevice'
+ abstract = True
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/DiskImage.mpy b/python/m5/objects/DiskImage.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..80ef7b072
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/DiskImage.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+simobj DiskImage(SimObject):
+ type = 'DiskImage'
+ abstract = True
+ image_file = Param.String("disk image file")
+ read_only = Param.Bool(False, "read only image")
+simobj RawDiskImage(DiskImage):
+ type = 'RawDiskImage'
+simobj CowDiskImage(DiskImage):
+ type = 'CowDiskImage'
+ child = Param.DiskImage("child image")
+ table_size = Param.Int(65536, "initial table size")
+ image_file = ''
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Ethernet.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Ethernet.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3acd8d04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Ethernet.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+from Device import DmaDevice
+from Pci import PciDevice
+simobj EtherInt(SimObject):
+ type = 'EtherInt'
+ abstract = True
+ peer = Param.EtherInt(NULL, "peer interface")
+simobj EtherLink(SimObject):
+ type = 'EtherLink'
+ int1 = Param.EtherInt("interface 1")
+ int2 = Param.EtherInt("interface 2")
+ delay = Param.Tick(0, "transmit delay of packets in us")
+ speed = Param.Tick(100000000, "link speed in bits per second")
+ dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
+simobj EtherBus(SimObject):
+ type = 'EtherBus'
+ loopback = Param.Bool(True,
+ "send packet back to the interface from which it came")
+ dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
+ speed = Param.UInt64(100000000, "bus speed in bits per second")
+simobj EtherTap(EtherInt):
+ type = 'EtherTap'
+ bufsz = Param.Int(10000, "tap buffer size")
+ dump = Param.EtherDump(NULL, "dump object")
+ port = Param.UInt16(3500, "tap port")
+simobj EtherDump(SimObject):
+ type = 'EtherDump'
+ file = Param.String("dump file")
+simobj EtherDev(DmaDevice):
+ type = 'EtherDev'
+ hardware_address = Param.EthernetAddr(NextEthernetAddr,
+ "Ethernet Hardware Address")
+ dma_data_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Data is free")
+ dma_desc_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Descriptors is free")
+ dma_read_delay = Param.Tick(0, "fixed delay for dma reads")
+ dma_read_factor = Param.Tick(0, "multiplier for dma reads")
+ dma_write_delay = Param.Tick(0, "fixed delay for dma writes")
+ dma_write_factor = Param.Tick(0, "multiplier for dma writes")
+ rx_filter = Param.Bool(True, "Enable Receive Filter")
+ rx_delay = Param.Tick(1000, "Receive Delay")
+ tx_delay = Param.Tick(1000, "Transmit Delay")
+ intr_delay = Param.Tick(0, "Interrupt Delay in microseconds")
+ payload_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "The IO Bus to attach to for payload")
+ physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(parent.any, "Physical Memory")
+ tlaser = Param.Turbolaser(parent.any, "Turbolaser")
+simobj NSGigE(PciDevice):
+ type = 'NSGigE'
+ hardware_address = Param.EthernetAddr(NextEthernetAddr,
+ "Ethernet Hardware Address")
+ dma_data_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Data is free")
+ dma_desc_free = Param.Bool(False, "DMA of Descriptors is free")
+ dma_read_delay = Param.Tick(0, "fixed delay for dma reads")
+ dma_read_factor = Param.Tick(0, "multiplier for dma reads")
+ dma_write_delay = Param.Tick(0, "fixed delay for dma writes")
+ dma_write_factor = Param.Tick(0, "multiplier for dma writes")
+ rx_filter = Param.Bool(True, "Enable Receive Filter")
+ rx_delay = Param.Tick(1000, "Receive Delay")
+ tx_delay = Param.Tick(1000, "Transmit Delay")
+ rx_fifo_size = Param.MemorySize('128kB', "max size in bytes of rxFifo")
+ tx_fifo_size = Param.MemorySize('128kB', "max size in bytes of txFifo")
+ intr_delay = Param.Tick(0, "Interrupt Delay in microseconds")
+ payload_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "The IO Bus to attach to for payload")
+ physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(parent.any, "Physical Memory")
+simobj EtherDevInt(EtherInt):
+ type = 'EtherDevInt'
+ device = Param.EtherDev("Ethernet device of this interface")
+simobj NSGigEInt(EtherInt):
+ type = 'NSGigEInt'
+ device = Param.NSGigE("Ethernet device of this interface")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Ide.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Ide.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..786109efa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Ide.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+from Pci import PciDevice
+class IdeID(Enum): vals = ['master', 'slave']
+simobj IdeDisk(SimObject):
+ type = 'IdeDisk'
+ delay = Param.Tick(1, "Fixed disk delay in microseconds")
+ driveID = Param.IdeID('master', "Drive ID")
+ image = Param.DiskImage("Disk image")
+ physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(parent.any, "Physical memory")
+simobj IdeController(PciDevice):
+ type = 'IdeController'
+ disks = VectorParam.IdeDisk("IDE disks attached to this controller")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/IntrControl.mpy b/python/m5/objects/IntrControl.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..144be0fd4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/IntrControl.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+simobj IntrControl(SimObject):
+ type = 'IntrControl'
+ cpu = Param.BaseCPU(parent.any, "the cpu")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/MemTest.mpy b/python/m5/objects/MemTest.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..af14ed9c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/MemTest.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+simobj MemTest(SimObject):
+ type = 'MemTest'
+ cache = Param.BaseCache("L1 cache")
+ check_mem = Param.FunctionalMemory("check memory")
+ main_mem = Param.FunctionalMemory("hierarchical memory")
+ max_loads = Param.Counter("number of loads to execute")
+ memory_size = Param.Int(65536, "memory size")
+ percent_copies = Param.Percent(0, "target copy percentage")
+ percent_dest_unaligned = Param.Percent(50,
+ "percent of copy dest address that are unaligned")
+ percent_reads = Param.Percent(65, "target read percentage")
+ percent_source_unaligned = Param.Percent(50,
+ "percent of copy source address that are unaligned")
+ percent_uncacheable = Param.Percent(10,
+ "target uncacheable percentage")
+ progress_interval = Param.Counter(1000000,
+ "progress report interval (in accesses)")
+ trace_addr = Param.Addr(0, "address to trace")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Pci.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Pci.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b9b3e5a95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Pci.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+from Device import FooPioDevice, DmaDevice
+simobj PciConfigData(SimObject):
+ type = 'PciConfigData'
+ VendorID = Param.UInt16("Vendor ID")
+ DeviceID = Param.UInt16("Device ID")
+ Command = Param.UInt16(0, "Command")
+ Status = Param.UInt16(0, "Status")
+ Revision = Param.UInt8(0, "Device")
+ ProgIF = Param.UInt8(0, "Programming Interface")
+ SubClassCode = Param.UInt8(0, "Sub-Class Code")
+ ClassCode = Param.UInt8(0, "Class Code")
+ CacheLineSize = Param.UInt8(0, "System Cacheline Size")
+ LatencyTimer = Param.UInt8(0, "PCI Latency Timer")
+ HeaderType = Param.UInt8(0, "PCI Header Type")
+ BIST = Param.UInt8(0, "Built In Self Test")
+ BAR0 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 0")
+ BAR1 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 1")
+ BAR2 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 2")
+ BAR3 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 3")
+ BAR4 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 4")
+ BAR5 = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Base Address Register 5")
+ BAR0Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 0 Size")
+ BAR1Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 1 Size")
+ BAR2Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 2 Size")
+ BAR3Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 3 Size")
+ BAR4Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 4 Size")
+ BAR5Size = Param.UInt32(0, "Base Address Register 5 Size")
+ CardbusCIS = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Cardbus Card Information Structure")
+ SubsystemID = Param.UInt16(0x00, "Subsystem ID")
+ SubsystemVendorID = Param.UInt16(0x00, "Subsystem Vendor ID")
+ ExpansionROM = Param.UInt32(0x00, "Expansion ROM Base Address")
+ InterruptLine = Param.UInt8(0x00, "Interrupt Line")
+ InterruptPin = Param.UInt8(0x00, "Interrupt Pin")
+ MaximumLatency = Param.UInt8(0x00, "Maximum Latency")
+ MinimumGrant = Param.UInt8(0x00, "Minimum Grant")
+simobj PciConfigAll(FooPioDevice):
+ type = 'PciConfigAll'
+simobj PciDevice(DmaDevice):
+ type = 'PciDevice'
+ abstract = True
+ addr = 0xffffffffL
+ pci_bus = Param.Int("PCI bus")
+ pci_dev = Param.Int("PCI device number")
+ pci_func = Param.Int("PCI function code")
+ configdata = Param.PciConfigData(parent.any, "PCI Config data")
+ configspace = Param.PciConfigAll(parent.any, "PCI Configspace")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/PhysicalMemory.mpy b/python/m5/objects/PhysicalMemory.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e6df2a161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/PhysicalMemory.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+from FunctionalMemory import FunctionalMemory
+simobj PhysicalMemory(FunctionalMemory):
+ type = 'PhysicalMemory'
+ range = Param.AddrRange("Device Address")
+ file = Param.String('', "memory mapped file")
+ mmu = Param.MemoryController(parent.any, "Memory Controller")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Platform.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Platform.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a71ab3b77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Platform.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+simobj Platform(SimObject):
+ type = 'Platform'
+ abstract = True
+ interrupt_frequency = Param.Tick(1200, "frequency of interrupts")
+ intrctrl = Param.IntrControl(parent.any, "interrupt controller")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Process.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Process.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6a91c09c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Process.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+simobj Process(SimObject):
+ type = 'Process'
+ abstract = True
+ output = Param.String('cout', 'filename for stdout/stderr')
+simobj LiveProcess(Process):
+ type = 'LiveProcess'
+ cmd = VectorParam.String("command line (executable plus arguments)")
+ env = VectorParam.String('', "environment settings")
+ input = Param.String('cin', "filename for stdin")
+simobj EioProcess(Process):
+ type = 'EioProcess'
+ chkpt = Param.String('', "EIO checkpoint file name (optional)")
+ file = Param.String("EIO trace file name")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Repl.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Repl.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..fff5a2a02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Repl.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+simobj Repl(SimObject):
+ type = 'Repl'
+ abstract = True
+simobj GenRepl(Repl):
+ type = 'GenRepl'
+ fresh_res = Param.Int("associativity")
+ num_pools = Param.Int("capacity in bytes")
+ pool_res = Param.Int("block size in bytes")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Root.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Root.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c535bd2dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Root.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+from HierParams import HierParams
+from Serialize import Serialize
+from Statistics import Statistics
+from Trace import Trace
+simobj Root(SimObject):
+ type = 'Root'
+ frequency = Param.RootFrequency('200MHz', "tick frequency")
+ output_file = Param.String('cout', "file to dump simulator output to")
+ full_system = Param.Bool("Full system simulation?")
+ hier = HierParams(do_data = False, do_events = True)
+ checkpoint = Param.String('', "Checkpoint file")
+ stats = Statistics()
+ trace = Trace()
+ serialize = Serialize()
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/SimConsole.mpy b/python/m5/objects/SimConsole.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3588a949d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/SimConsole.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+simobj ConsoleListener(SimObject):
+ type = 'ConsoleListener'
+ port = Param.UInt16(3456, "listen port")
+simobj SimConsole(SimObject):
+ type = 'SimConsole'
+ append_name = Param.Bool(True, "append name() to filename")
+ intr_control = Param.IntrControl(parent.any, "interrupt controller")
+ listener = Param.ConsoleListener("console listener")
+ number = Param.Int(0, "console number")
+ output = Param.String('console', "file to dump output to")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/SimpleDisk.mpy b/python/m5/objects/SimpleDisk.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b616fb3d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/SimpleDisk.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+simobj SimpleDisk(SimObject):
+ type = 'SimpleDisk'
+ disk = Param.DiskImage("Disk Image")
+ physmem = Param.PhysicalMemory(parent.any, "Physical Memory")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Tsunami.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Tsunami.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a8471cee2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Tsunami.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+from Device import FooPioDevice
+from Platform import Platform
+simobj Tsunami(Platform):
+ type = 'Tsunami'
+ pciconfig = Param.PciConfigAll("PCI configuration")
+ system = Param.BaseSystem(parent.any, "system")
+ interrupt_frequency = Param.Int(1024, "frequency of interrupts")
+simobj TsunamiCChip(FooPioDevice):
+ type = 'TsunamiCChip'
+ tsunami = Param.Tsunami(parent.any, "Tsunami")
+simobj TsunamiFake(FooPioDevice):
+ type = 'TsunamiFake'
+simobj TsunamiIO(FooPioDevice):
+ type = 'TsunamiIO'
+ time = Param.UInt64(1136073600,
+ "System time to use (0 for actual time, default is 1/1/06)")
+ tsunami = Param.Tsunami(parent.any, "Tsunami")
+simobj TsunamiPChip(FooPioDevice):
+ type = 'TsunamiPChip'
+ tsunami = Param.Tsunami(parent.any, "Tsunami")
diff --git a/python/m5/objects/Uart.mpy b/python/m5/objects/Uart.mpy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5a6c25f8e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/objects/Uart.mpy
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+from Device import PioDevice
+simobj Uart(PioDevice):
+ type = 'Uart'
+ console = Param.SimConsole(parent.any, "The console")
+ size = Param.Addr(0x8, "Device size")
diff --git a/python/m5/ b/python/m5/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2661c279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/m5/
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# The SmartDict class fixes a couple of issues with using the content
+# of os.environ or similar dicts of strings as Python variables:
+# 1) Undefined variables should return False rather than raising KeyError.
+# 2) String values of 'False', '0', etc., should evaluate to False
+# (not just the empty string).
+# #1 is solved by overriding __getitem__, and #2 is solved by using a
+# proxy class for values and overriding __nonzero__ on the proxy.
+# Everything else is just to (a) make proxies behave like normal
+# values otherwise, (b) make sure any dict operation returns a proxy
+# rather than a normal value, and (c) coerce values written to the
+# dict to be strings.
+from convert import *
+class Variable(str):
+ """Intelligent proxy class for SmartDict. Variable will use the
+ various convert functions to attempt to convert values to useable
+ types"""
+ def __int__(self):
+ return toInteger(str(self))
+ def __long__(self):
+ return toLong(str(self))
+ def __float__(self):
+ return toFloat(str(self))
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return toBool(str(self))
+ def convert(self, other):
+ t = type(other)
+ if t == bool:
+ return bool(self)
+ if t == int:
+ return int(self)
+ if t == long:
+ return long(self)
+ if t == float:
+ return float(self)
+ return str(self)
+ def __lt__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) < other
+ def __le__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) <= other
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) == other
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) != other
+ def __gt__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) > other
+ def __ge__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) >= other
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) + other
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) - other
+ def __mul__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) * other
+ def __div__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) / other
+ def __truediv__(self, other):
+ return self.convert(other) / other
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ return other + self.convert(other)
+ def __rsub__(self, other):
+ return other - self.convert(other)
+ def __rmul__(self, other):
+ return other * self.convert(other)
+ def __rdiv__(self, other):
+ return other / self.convert(other)
+ def __rtruediv__(self, other):
+ return other / self.convert(other)
+class UndefinedVariable(object):
+ """Placeholder class to represent undefined variables. Will
+ generally cause an exception whenever it is used, but evaluates to
+ zero for boolean truth testing such as in an if statement"""
+ def __nonzero__(self):
+ return False
+class SmartDict(dict):
+ """Dictionary class that holds strings, but intelligently converts
+ those strings to other types depending on their usage"""
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """returns a Variable proxy if the values exists in the database and
+ returns an UndefinedVariable otherwise"""
+ if key in self:
+ return Variable(dict.get(self, key))
+ else:
+ # Note that this does *not* change the contents of the dict,
+ # so that even after we call env['foo'] we still get a
+ # meaningful answer from "'foo' in env" (which
+ # calls dict.__contains__, which we do not override).
+ return UndefinedVariable()
+ def __setitem__(self, key, item):
+ """intercept the setting of any variable so that we always
+ store strings in the dict"""
+ dict.__setitem__(self, key, str(item))
+ def values(self):
+ return [ Variable(v) for v in dict.values(self) ]
+ def itervalues(self):
+ for value in dict.itervalues(self):
+ yield Variable(value)
+ def items(self):
+ return [ (k, Variable(v)) for k,v in dict.items(self) ]
+ def iteritems(self):
+ for key,value in dict.iteritems(self):
+ yield key, Variable(value)
+ def get(self, key, default='False'):
+ return Variable(dict.get(self, key, str(default)))
+ def setdefault(self, key, default='False'):
+ return Variable(dict.setdefault(self, key, str(default)))
+__all__ = [ 'SmartDict' ]