path: root/src/arch/sparc/tlb.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/arch/sparc/tlb.hh')
1 files changed, 114 insertions, 36 deletions
diff --git a/src/arch/sparc/tlb.hh b/src/arch/sparc/tlb.hh
index 136103f44..8a4ccd69f 100644
--- a/src/arch/sparc/tlb.hh
+++ b/src/arch/sparc/tlb.hh
@@ -31,57 +31,135 @@
#ifndef __ARCH_SPARC_TLB_HH__
#define __ARCH_SPARC_TLB_HH__
+#include "arch/sparc/tlb_map.hh"
#include "base/misc.hh"
#include "mem/request.hh"
#include "sim/faults.hh"
#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
class ThreadContext;
+class Packet;
namespace SparcISA
- const int PAddrImplBits = 40;
- const Addr PAddrImplMask = (ULL(1) << PAddrImplBits) - 1;
- class TLB : public SimObject
- {
- public:
- TLB(const std::string &name, int size) : SimObject(name)
- {
- }
+class TLB : public SimObject
+ protected:
+ TlbMap lookupTable;;
+ typedef TlbMap::iterator MapIter;
+ TlbEntry *tlb;
+ int size;
+ int usedEntries;
+ enum FaultTypes {
+ OtherFault = 0,
+ PrivViolation = 0x1,
+ SideEffect = 0x2,
+ AtomicToIo = 0x4,
+ IllegalAsi = 0x8,
+ LoadFromNfo = 0x10,
+ VaOutOfRange = 0x20,
+ VaOutOfRangeJmp = 0x40
- class ITB : public TLB
- {
- public:
- ITB(const std::string &name, int size) : TLB(name, size)
- {
- }
- Fault translate(RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc) const
- {
- //For now, always assume the address is already physical.
- //Also assume that there are 40 bits of physical address space.
- req->setPaddr(req->getVaddr() & PAddrImplMask);
- return NoFault;
- }
+ enum ContextType {
+ Primary = 0,
+ Secondary = 1,
+ Nucleus = 2
- class DTB : public TLB
+ /** lookup an entry in the TLB based on the partition id, and real bit if
+ * real is true or the partition id, and context id if real is false.
+ * @param va the virtual address not shifted (e.g. bottom 13 bits are 0)
+ * @param paritition_id partition this entry is for
+ * @param real is this a real->phys or virt->phys translation
+ * @param context_id if this is virt->phys what context
+ * @return A pointer to a tlb entry
+ */
+ TlbEntry *lookup(Addr va, int partition_id, bool real, int context_id = 0);
+ /** Insert a PTE into the TLB. */
+ void insert(Addr vpn, int partition_id, int context_id, bool real,
+ const PageTableEntry& PTE, int entry = -1);
+ /** Given an entry id, read that tlb entries' tag. */
+ uint64_t TagRead(int entry);
+ /** Give an entry id, read that tlb entries' tte */
+ uint64_t TteRead(int entry);
+ /** Remove all entries from the TLB */
+ void invalidateAll();
+ /** Remove all non-locked entries from the tlb that match partition id. */
+ void demapAll(int partition_id);
+ /** Remove all entries that match a given context/partition id. */
+ void demapContext(int partition_id, int context_id);
+ /** Remve all entries that match a certain partition id, (contextid), and
+ * va). */
+ void demapPage(Addr va, int partition_id, bool real, int context_id);
+ /** Checks if the virtual address provided is a valid one. */
+ bool validVirtualAddress(Addr va, bool am);
+ void writeSfsr(ThreadContext *tc, int reg, bool write, ContextType ct,
+ bool se, FaultTypes ft, int asi);
+ void TLB::clearUsedBits();
+ void writeTagAccess(ThreadContext *tc, int reg, Addr va, int context);
+ public:
+ TLB(const std::string &name, int size);
+ void dumpAll();
+ // Checkpointing
+ virtual void serialize(std::ostream &os);
+ virtual void unserialize(Checkpoint *cp, const std::string &section);
+class ITB : public TLB
+ public:
+ ITB(const std::string &name, int size) : TLB(name, size)
- public:
- DTB(const std::string &name, int size) : TLB(name, size)
- {
- }
- Fault translate(RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc, bool write) const
- {
- //For now, always assume the address is already physical.
- //Also assume that there are 40 bits of physical address space.
- req->setPaddr(req->getVaddr() & ((1ULL << 40) - 1));
- return NoFault;
- }
- };
+ }
+ Fault translate(RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc);
+ private:
+ void writeSfsr(ThreadContext *tc, bool write, ContextType ct,
+ bool se, FaultTypes ft, int asi);
+ void writeTagAccess(ThreadContext *tc, Addr va, int context);
+ friend class DTB;
+class DTB : public TLB
+ public:
+ DTB(const std::string &name, int size) : TLB(name, size)
+ {
+ }
+ Fault translate(RequestPtr &req, ThreadContext *tc, bool write);
+ Tick doMmuRegRead(ThreadContext *tc, Packet *pkt);
+ Tick doMmuRegWrite(ThreadContext *tc, Packet *pkt);
+ private:
+ void writeSfr(ThreadContext *tc, Addr a, bool write, ContextType ct,
+ bool se, FaultTypes ft, int asi);
+ void writeTagAccess(ThreadContext *tc, Addr va, int context);
#endif // __ARCH_SPARC_TLB_HH__