path: root/src/base/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/base/')
1 files changed, 145 insertions, 131 deletions
diff --git a/src/base/ b/src/base/
index 800c24dee..897bf0023 100644
--- a/src/base/
+++ b/src/base/
@@ -29,19 +29,7 @@
# Authors: Nathan Binkert
# Steve Reinhardt
-# This file generates the header and source files for the flags
-# that control the tracing facility.
-import sys
-if len(sys.argv) != 2:
- print "%s: Need argument (basename of cc/hh files)" % sys.argv[0]
- sys.exit(1)
-hhfilename = sys.argv[1] + '.hh'
-ccfilename = sys.argv[1] + '.cc'
+__all__ = [ 'allFlags', 'baseFlags', 'compoundFlagsMap', 'compoundFlags' ]
# The list of trace flags that can be used to condition DPRINTFs etc.
@@ -89,6 +77,20 @@ baseFlags = [
+ 'ExecEnable',
+ 'ExecCPSeq',
+ 'ExecEffAddr',
+ 'ExecFetchSeq',
+ 'ExecIntRegs',
+ 'ExecIntel',
+ 'ExecLegion',
+ 'ExecOpClass',
+ 'ExecRegDelta',
+ 'ExecResult',
+ 'ExecSpeculative',
+ 'ExecSymbol',
+ 'ExecThread',
+ 'ExecTicks',
@@ -114,7 +116,6 @@ baseFlags = [
- 'InstExec',
@@ -185,6 +186,9 @@ compoundFlagMap = {
'EthernetSM', 'EthernetCksum' ],
'EthernetNoData' : [ 'Ethernet', 'EthernetPIO', 'EthernetDesc',
'EthernetIntr', 'EthernetSM', 'EthernetCksum' ],
+ 'Exec' : [ 'ExecEnable', 'ExecTicks', 'ExecOpClass',
+ 'ExecThread', 'ExecEffAddr', 'ExecResult',
+ 'ExecSymbol' ],
'GDBAll' : [ 'GDBMisc', 'GDBAcc', 'GDBRead', 'GDBWrite', 'GDBSend',
'GDBRecv', 'GDBExtra' ],
'IdeAll' : [ 'IdeCtrl', 'IdeDisk' ],
@@ -196,100 +200,98 @@ compoundFlagMap = {
'ScsiAll' : [ 'ScsiDisk', 'ScsiCtrl', 'ScsiNone' ]
-# Everything below this point generates the appropriate C++
-# declarations and definitions for the trace flags. If you are simply
-# adding or modifying flag definitions, you should not have to change
-# anything below.
-import sys
# extract just the compound flag names into a list
compoundFlags = []
-# First generate the header file. This defines the Flag enum
-# and some extern declarations for the .cc file.
- hhfile = file(hhfilename, 'w')
-except IOError, e:
- sys.exit("can't open %s: %s" % (hhfilename, e))
-# file header boilerplate
-print >>hhfile, '''
- *
- * Automatically generated from
- */
+allFlags = frozenset(baseFlags + compoundFlags)
-#ifndef __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
-#define __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
-namespace Trace {
-enum Flags {
-# Generate the enum. Base flags come first, then compound flags.
-idx = 0
-for flag in baseFlags:
- print >>hhfile, ' %s = %d,' % (flag, idx)
- idx += 1
-numBaseFlags = idx
-print >>hhfile, ' NumFlags = %d,' % idx
-# put a comment in here to separate base from compound flags
-print >>hhfile, '''
- // The remaining enum values are *not* valid indices for Trace::flags.
- // They are "compound" flags, which correspond to sets of base
- // flags, and are used only by TraceParamContext::setFlags().
-for flag in compoundFlags:
- print >>hhfile, ' %s = %d,' % (flag, idx)
- idx += 1
-numCompoundFlags = idx - numBaseFlags
-print >>hhfile, ' NumCompoundFlags = %d' % numCompoundFlags
-# trailer boilerplate
-print >>hhfile, '''\
-}; // enum Flags
-// Array of strings for SimpleEnumParam
-extern const char *flagStrings[];
-extern const int numFlagStrings;
-// Array of arraay pointers: for each compound flag, gives the list of
-// base flags to set. Inidividual flag arrays are terminated by -1.
-extern const Flags *compoundFlags[];
-/* namespace Trace */ }
-#endif // __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
-# Print out .cc file with array definitions.
+# Everything below this point generates the appropriate C++
+# declarations and definitions for the trace flags. If you are simply
+# adding or modifying flag definitions, you should not have to change
+# anything below.
- ccfile = file(ccfilename, 'w')
-except OSError, e:
- sys.exit("can't open %s: %s" % (ccfilename, e))
-# file header
-print >>ccfile, '''
+def gen_hh(filename):
+ #
+ # First generate the header file. This defines the Flag enum
+ # and some extern declarations for the .cc file.
+ #
+ try:
+ hhfile = file(filename, 'w')
+ except IOError, e:
+ sys.exit("can't open %s: %s" % (hhfilename, e))
+ # file header boilerplate
+ print >>hhfile, '''
+ /*
+ *
+ * Automatically generated from
+ */
+ #ifndef __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
+ #define __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
+ namespace Trace {
+ enum Flags {
+ ''',
+ # Generate the enum. Base flags come first, then compound flags.
+ idx = 0
+ for flag in baseFlags:
+ print >>hhfile, ' %s = %d,' % (flag, idx)
+ idx += 1
+ numBaseFlags = idx
+ print >>hhfile, ' NumFlags = %d,' % idx
+ # put a comment in here to separate base from compound flags
+ print >>hhfile, '''
+ // The remaining enum values are *not* valid indices for Trace::flags.
+ // They are "compound" flags, which correspond to sets of base
+ // flags, and are used only by TraceParamContext::setFlags().
+ ''',
+ for flag in compoundFlags:
+ print >>hhfile, ' %s = %d,' % (flag, idx)
+ idx += 1
+ numCompoundFlags = idx - numBaseFlags
+ print >>hhfile, ' NumCompoundFlags = %d' % numCompoundFlags
+ # trailer boilerplate
+ print >>hhfile, '''\
+ }; // enum Flags
+ // Array of strings for SimpleEnumParam
+ extern const char *flagStrings[];
+ extern const int numFlagStrings;
+ // Array of arraay pointers: for each compound flag, gives the list of
+ // base flags to set. Inidividual flag arrays are terminated by -1.
+ extern const Flags *compoundFlags[];
+ /* namespace Trace */ }
+ #endif // __BASE_TRACE_FLAGS_HH__
+ \n''',
+ hhfile.close()
+def gen_cc(filename):
+ '''Print out .cc file with array definitions.'''
+ try:
+ ccfile = file(filename, 'w')
+ except OSError, e:
+ sys.exit("can't open %s: %s" % (ccfilename, e))
+ # file header
+ print >>ccfile, '''
@@ -304,45 +306,57 @@ const char *Trace::flagStrings[] =
-# The string array is used by SimpleEnumParam to map the strings
-# provided by the user to enum values.
-for flag in baseFlags:
- print >>ccfile, ' "%s",' % flag
+ # The string array is used by SimpleEnumParam to map the strings
+ # provided by the user to enum values.
+ for flag in baseFlags:
+ print >>ccfile, ' "%s",' % flag
-for flag in compoundFlags:
- print >>ccfile, ' "%s",' % flag
+ for flag in compoundFlags:
+ print >>ccfile, ' "%s",' % flag
-print >>ccfile, '};\n'
+ print >>ccfile, '};\n'
-numFlagStrings = len(baseFlags) + len(compoundFlags);
+ numFlagStrings = len(baseFlags) + len(compoundFlags);
-print >>ccfile, 'const int Trace::numFlagStrings = %d;' % numFlagStrings
-print >>ccfile
+ print >>ccfile, 'const int Trace::numFlagStrings = %d;' % numFlagStrings
+ print >>ccfile
-# Now define the individual compound flag arrays. There is an array
-# for each compound flag listing the component base flags.
+ #
+ # Now define the individual compound flag arrays. There is an array
+ # for each compound flag listing the component base flags.
+ #
-for flag in compoundFlags:
- flags = compoundFlagMap[flag]
- flags.append('(Flags)-1')
- print >>ccfile, 'static const Flags %sMap[] =' % flag
- print >>ccfile, '{ %s };' % (', '.join(flags))
- print >>ccfile
+ for flag in compoundFlags:
+ flags = compoundFlagMap[flag]
+ flags.append('(Flags)-1')
+ print >>ccfile, 'static const Flags %sMap[] =' % flag
+ print >>ccfile, '{ %s };' % (', '.join(flags))
+ print >>ccfile
-# Finally the compoundFlags[] array maps the compound flags
-# to their individual arrays/
-print >>ccfile, 'const Flags *Trace::compoundFlags[] ='
-print >>ccfile, '{'
+ #
+ # Finally the compoundFlags[] array maps the compound flags
+ # to their individual arrays/
+ #
+ print >>ccfile, 'const Flags *Trace::compoundFlags[] ='
+ print >>ccfile, '{'
+ for flag in compoundFlags:
+ print >>ccfile, ' %sMap,' % flag
+ # file trailer
+ print >>ccfile, '};'
+ ccfile.close()
-for flag in compoundFlags:
- print >>ccfile, ' %sMap,' % flag
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # This file generates the header and source files for the flags
+ # that control the tracing facility.
-# file trailer
-print >>ccfile, '};'
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) != 2:
+ print "%s: Need argument (basename of cc/hh files)" % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(1)
+ gen_hh(sys.argv[1] + '.hh')
+ gen_cc(sys.argv[1] + '.cc')