path: root/src/cpu/checker/
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cpu/checker/')
1 files changed, 9 insertions, 385 deletions
diff --git a/src/cpu/checker/ b/src/cpu/checker/
index ebc02f7be..1540a6b94 100644
--- a/src/cpu/checker/
+++ b/src/cpu/checker/
@@ -31,27 +31,17 @@
#include <list>
#include <string>
-#include "base/refcnt.hh"
#include "cpu/base.hh"
-#include "cpu/base_dyn_inst.hh"
#include "cpu/checker/cpu.hh"
#include "cpu/simple_thread.hh"
#include "cpu/thread_context.hh"
#include "cpu/static_inst.hh"
+#include "mem/packet_impl.hh"
#include "sim/byteswap.hh"
-#include "sim/sim_object.hh"
-#include "sim/stats.hh"
-#include "cpu/o3/alpha_dyn_inst.hh"
-#include "cpu/o3/alpha_impl.hh"
-//#include "cpu/ozone/dyn_inst.hh"
-//#include "cpu/ozone/ozone_impl.hh"
-//#include "cpu/ozone/simple_impl.hh"
-#include "sim/system.hh"
#include "arch/vtophys.hh"
+#include "kern/kernel_stats.hh"
#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
using namespace std;
@@ -77,6 +67,7 @@ CheckerCPU::CheckerCPU(Params *p)
changedPC = willChangePC = changedNextPC = false;
exitOnError = p->exitOnError;
+ warnOnlyOnLoadError = p->warnOnlyOnLoadError;
itb = p->itb;
dtb = p->dtb;
@@ -84,6 +75,8 @@ CheckerCPU::CheckerCPU(Params *p)
process = p->process;
+ result.integer = 0;
@@ -406,379 +399,10 @@ CheckerCPU::checkFlags(Request *req)
-template <class DynInstPtr>
-Checker<DynInstPtr>::tick(DynInstPtr &completed_inst)
- DynInstPtr inst;
- // Either check this instruction, or add it to a list of
- // instructions waiting to be checked. Instructions must be
- // checked in program order, so if a store has committed yet not
- // completed, there may be some instructions that are waiting
- // behind it that have completed and must be checked.
- if (!instList.empty()) {
- if (youngestSN < completed_inst->seqNum) {
- DPRINTF(Checker, "Adding instruction [sn:%lli] PC:%#x to list.\n",
- completed_inst->seqNum, completed_inst->readPC());
- instList.push_back(completed_inst);
- youngestSN = completed_inst->seqNum;
- }
- if (!instList.front()->isCompleted()) {
- return;
- } else {
- inst = instList.front();
- instList.pop_front();
- }
- } else {
- if (!completed_inst->isCompleted()) {
- if (youngestSN < completed_inst->seqNum) {
- DPRINTF(Checker, "Adding instruction [sn:%lli] PC:%#x to list.\n",
- completed_inst->seqNum, completed_inst->readPC());
- instList.push_back(completed_inst);
- youngestSN = completed_inst->seqNum;
- }
- return;
- } else {
- if (youngestSN < completed_inst->seqNum) {
- inst = completed_inst;
- youngestSN = completed_inst->seqNum;
- } else {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- // Try to check all instructions that are completed, ending if we
- // run out of instructions to check or if an instruction is not
- // yet completed.
- while (1) {
- DPRINTF(Checker, "Processing instruction [sn:%lli] PC:%#x.\n",
- inst->seqNum, inst->readPC());
- unverifiedResult.integer = inst->readIntResult();
- unverifiedReq = inst->req;
- unverifiedMemData = inst->memData;
- numCycles++;
- Fault fault = NoFault;
- // maintain $r0 semantics
- thread->setIntReg(ZeroReg, 0);
- thread->setFloatRegDouble(ZeroReg, 0.0);
-#endif // TARGET_ALPHA
- // Check if any recent PC changes match up with anything we
- // expect to happen. This is mostly to check if traps or
- // PC-based events have occurred in both the checker and CPU.
- if (changedPC) {
- DPRINTF(Checker, "Changed PC recently to %#x\n",
- thread->readPC());
- if (willChangePC) {
- if (newPC == thread->readPC()) {
- DPRINTF(Checker, "Changed PC matches expected PC\n");
- } else {
- warn("%lli: Changed PC does not match expected PC, "
- "changed: %#x, expected: %#x",
- curTick, thread->readPC(), newPC);
- handleError();
- }
- willChangePC = false;
- }
- changedPC = false;
- }
- if (changedNextPC) {
- DPRINTF(Checker, "Changed NextPC recently to %#x\n",
- thread->readNextPC());
- changedNextPC = false;
- }
- // Try to fetch the instruction
-#define IFETCH_FLAGS(pc) ((pc) & 1) ? PHYSICAL : 0
-#define IFETCH_FLAGS(pc) 0
- uint64_t fetch_PC = thread->readPC() & ~3;
- // set up memory request for instruction fetch
- memReq = new Request(inst->threadNumber, fetch_PC,
- sizeof(uint32_t),
- IFETCH_FLAGS(thread->readPC()),
- fetch_PC, thread->readCpuId(), inst->threadNumber);
- bool succeeded = translateInstReq(memReq);
- if (!succeeded) {
- if (inst->getFault() == NoFault) {
- // In this case the instruction was not a dummy
- // instruction carrying an ITB fault. In the single
- // threaded case the ITB should still be able to
- // translate this instruction; in the SMT case it's
- // possible that its ITB entry was kicked out.
- warn("%lli: Instruction PC %#x was not found in the ITB!",
- curTick, thread->readPC());
- handleError();
- // go to the next instruction
- thread->setPC(thread->readNextPC());
- thread->setNextPC(thread->readNextPC() + sizeof(MachInst));
- return;
- } else {
- // The instruction is carrying an ITB fault. Handle
- // the fault and see if our results match the CPU on
- // the next tick().
- fault = inst->getFault();
- }
- }
- if (fault == NoFault) {
- Packet *pkt = new Packet(memReq, Packet::ReadReq,
- Packet::Broadcast);
- pkt->dataStatic(&machInst);
- icachePort->sendFunctional(pkt);
- delete pkt;
- // keep an instruction count
- numInst++;
- // decode the instruction
- machInst = gtoh(machInst);
- // Checks that the instruction matches what we expected it to be.
- // Checks both the machine instruction and the PC.
- validateInst(inst);
- curStaticInst = StaticInst::decode(makeExtMI(machInst,
- thread->readPC()));
- thread->setInst(machInst);
-#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
- fault = inst->getFault();
- }
- // Discard fetch's memReq.
- delete memReq;
- memReq = NULL;
- // Either the instruction was a fault and we should process the fault,
- // or we should just go ahead execute the instruction. This assumes
- // that the instruction is properly marked as a fault.
- if (fault == NoFault) {
- thread->funcExeInst++;
- fault = curStaticInst->execute(this, NULL);
- // Checks to make sure instrution results are correct.
- validateExecution(inst);
- if (curStaticInst->isLoad()) {
- ++numLoad;
- }
- }
- if (fault != NoFault) {
- fault->invoke(tc);
- willChangePC = true;
- newPC = thread->readPC();
- DPRINTF(Checker, "Fault, PC is now %#x\n", newPC);
-#else // !FULL_SYSTEM
- fatal("fault (%d) detected @ PC 0x%08p", fault, thread->readPC());
-#endif // FULL_SYSTEM
- } else {
- // go to the next instruction
- thread->setPC(thread->readNextPC());
- thread->setNextPC(thread->readNextPC() + sizeof(MachInst));
- // go to the next instruction
- thread->setPC(thread->readNextPC());
- thread->setNextPC(thread->readNextNPC());
- thread->setNextNPC(thread->readNextNPC() + sizeof(MachInst));
- }
- // @todo: Determine if these should happen only if the
- // instruction hasn't faulted. In the SimpleCPU case this may
- // not be true, but in the O3 or Ozone case this may be true.
- Addr oldpc;
- int count = 0;
- do {
- oldpc = thread->readPC();
- system->pcEventQueue.service(tc);
- count++;
- } while (oldpc != thread->readPC());
- if (count > 1) {
- willChangePC = true;
- newPC = thread->readPC();
- DPRINTF(Checker, "PC Event, PC is now %#x\n", newPC);
- }
- // @todo: Optionally can check all registers. (Or just those
- // that have been modified).
- validateState();
- if (memReq) {
- delete memReq;
- memReq = NULL;
- }
- // Continue verifying instructions if there's another completed
- // instruction waiting to be verified.
- if (instList.empty()) {
- break;
- } else if (instList.front()->isCompleted()) {
- inst = instList.front();
- instList.pop_front();
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
+ warn("%lli: Checker PC:%#x, next PC:%#x",
+ curTick, thread->readPC(), thread->readNextPC());
+ panic("Checker found an error!");
-template <class DynInstPtr>
-Checker<DynInstPtr>::switchOut(Sampler *s)
- instList.clear();
-template <class DynInstPtr>
-Checker<DynInstPtr>::takeOverFrom(BaseCPU *oldCPU)
-template <class DynInstPtr>
-Checker<DynInstPtr>::validateInst(DynInstPtr &inst)
- if (inst->readPC() != thread->readPC()) {
- warn("%lli: PCs do not match! Inst: %#x, checker: %#x",
- curTick, inst->readPC(), thread->readPC());
- if (changedPC) {
- warn("%lli: Changed PCs recently, may not be an error",
- curTick);
- } else {
- handleError();
- }
- }
- MachInst mi = static_cast<MachInst>(inst->staticInst->machInst);
- if (mi != machInst) {
- warn("%lli: Binary instructions do not match! Inst: %#x, "
- "checker: %#x",
- curTick, mi, machInst);
- handleError();
- }
-template <class DynInstPtr>
-Checker<DynInstPtr>::validateExecution(DynInstPtr &inst)
- if (inst->numDestRegs()) {
- // @todo: Support more destination registers.
- if (inst->isUnverifiable()) {
- // Unverifiable instructions assume they were executed
- // properly by the CPU. Grab the result from the
- // instruction and write it to the register.
- RegIndex idx = inst->destRegIdx(0);
- if (idx < TheISA::FP_Base_DepTag) {
- thread->setIntReg(idx, inst->readIntResult());
- } else if (idx < TheISA::Fpcr_DepTag) {
- thread->setFloatRegBits(idx, inst->readIntResult());
- } else {
- thread->setMiscReg(idx, inst->readIntResult());
- }
- } else if (result.integer != inst->readIntResult()) {
- warn("%lli: Instruction results do not match! (Values may not "
- "actually be integers) Inst: %#x, checker: %#x",
- curTick, inst->readIntResult(), result.integer);
- handleError();
- }
- }
- if (inst->readNextPC() != thread->readNextPC()) {
- warn("%lli: Instruction next PCs do not match! Inst: %#x, "
- "checker: %#x",
- curTick, inst->readNextPC(), thread->readNextPC());
- handleError();
- }
- // Checking side effect registers can be difficult if they are not
- // checked simultaneously with the execution of the instruction.
- // This is because other valid instructions may have modified
- // these registers in the meantime, and their values are not
- // stored within the DynInst.
- while (!miscRegIdxs.empty()) {
- int misc_reg_idx = miscRegIdxs.front();
- miscRegIdxs.pop();
- if (inst->tcBase()->readMiscReg(misc_reg_idx) !=
- thread->readMiscReg(misc_reg_idx)) {
- warn("%lli: Misc reg idx %i (side effect) does not match! "
- "Inst: %#x, checker: %#x",
- curTick, misc_reg_idx,
- inst->tcBase()->readMiscReg(misc_reg_idx),
- thread->readMiscReg(misc_reg_idx));
- handleError();
- }
- }
-template <class DynInstPtr>
-template <class DynInstPtr>
- int num = 0;
- InstListIt inst_list_it = --(instList.end());
- cprintf("Inst list size: %i\n", instList.size());
- while (inst_list_it != instList.end())
- {
- cprintf("Instruction:%i\n",
- num);
- cprintf("PC:%#x\n[sn:%lli]\n[tid:%i]\n"
- "Completed:%i\n",
- (*inst_list_it)->readPC(),
- (*inst_list_it)->seqNum,
- (*inst_list_it)->threadNumber,
- (*inst_list_it)->isCompleted());
- cprintf("\n");
- inst_list_it--;
- ++num;
- }
-//class Checker<RefCountingPtr<OzoneDynInst<OzoneImpl> > >;
-class Checker<RefCountingPtr<AlphaDynInst<AlphaSimpleImpl> > >;