path: root/src/cpu/o3/probe/elastic_trace.hh
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diff --git a/src/cpu/o3/probe/elastic_trace.hh b/src/cpu/o3/probe/elastic_trace.hh
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index 000000000..5dd2949e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/cpu/o3/probe/elastic_trace.hh
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+ * Copyright (c) 2013 - 2015 ARM Limited
+ * All rights reserved
+ *
+ * The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+ * not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+ * property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+ * to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+ * licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+ * terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+ * unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+ * modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+ *
+ * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+ * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+ * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+ * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+ * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+ * this software without specific prior written permission.
+ *
+ *
+ * Authors: Radhika Jagtap
+ * Andreas Hansson
+ * Thomas Grass
+ */
+ * @file This file describes a trace component which is a cpu probe listener
+ * used to generate elastic cpu traces. It registers listeners to probe points
+ * in the fetch, rename, iew and commit stages of the O3CPU. It processes the
+ * dependency graph of the cpu execution and writes out a protobuf trace. It
+ * also generates a protobuf trace of the instruction fetch requests.
+ */
+#include <set>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include "cpu/o3/dyn_inst.hh"
+#include "cpu/o3/impl.hh"
+#include "mem/request.hh"
+#include "params/ElasticTrace.hh"
+#include "proto/inst_dep_record.pb.h"
+#include "proto/packet.pb.h"
+#include "proto/protoio.hh"
+#include "sim/eventq.hh"
+#include "sim/probe/probe.hh"
+ * The elastic trace is a type of probe listener and listens to probe points
+ * in multiple stages of the O3CPU. The notify method is called on a probe
+ * point typically when an instruction successfully progresses through that
+ * stage.
+ *
+ * As different listener methods mapped to the different probe points execute,
+ * relevant information about the instruction, e.g. timestamps and register
+ * accesses, are captured and stored in temporary data structures. When the
+ * instruction progresses through the commit stage, the timing as well as
+ * dependency information about the instruction is finalised and encapsulated in
+ * a struct called TraceInfo. TraceInfo objects are collected in a list instead
+ * of writing them out to the trace file one a time. This is required as the
+ * trace is processed in chunks to evaluate order dependencies and computational
+ * delay in case an instruction does not have any register dependencies. By this
+ * we achieve a simpler algorithm during replay because every record in the
+ * trace can be hooked onto a record in its past. The trace is written out as
+ * a protobuf format output file.
+ *
+ * The output trace can be read in and played back by the TraceCPU.
+ */
+class ElasticTrace : public ProbeListenerObject
+ public:
+ typedef typename O3CPUImpl::DynInstPtr DynInstPtr;
+ typedef typename std::pair<InstSeqNum, PhysRegIndex> SeqNumRegPair;
+ /** Constructor */
+ ElasticTrace(const ElasticTraceParams *params);
+ /**
+ * Register the probe listeners that is the methods called on a probe point
+ * notify() call.
+ */
+ void regProbeListeners();
+ /** Register all listeners. */
+ void regEtraceListeners();
+ /** Returns the name of the trace probe listener. */
+ const std::string name() const;
+ /**
+ * Process any outstanding trace records, flush them out to the protobuf
+ * output streams and delete the streams at simulation exit.
+ */
+ void flushTraces();
+ /**
+ * Take the fields of the request class object that are relevant to create
+ * an instruction fetch request. It creates a protobuf message containing
+ * the request fields and writes it to instTraceStream.
+ *
+ * @param req pointer to the fetch request
+ */
+ void fetchReqTrace(const RequestPtr &req);
+ /**
+ * Populate the execute timestamp field in an InstExecInfo object for an
+ * instruction in flight.
+ *
+ * @param dyn_inst pointer to dynamic instruction in flight
+ */
+ void recordExecTick(const DynInstPtr &dyn_inst);
+ /**
+ * Populate the timestamp field in an InstExecInfo object for an
+ * instruction in flight when it is execution is complete and it is ready
+ * to commit.
+ *
+ * @param dyn_inst pointer to dynamic instruction in flight
+ */
+ void recordToCommTick(const DynInstPtr &dyn_inst);
+ /**
+ * Record a Read After Write physical register dependency if there has
+ * been a write to the source register and update the physical register
+ * map. For this look up the physRegDepMap with this instruction as the
+ * writer of its destination register. If the dependency falls outside the
+ * window it is assumed as already complete. Duplicate entries are avoided.
+ *
+ * @param dyn_inst pointer to dynamic instruction in flight
+ */
+ void updateRegDep(const DynInstPtr &dyn_inst);
+ /**
+ * When an instruction gets squashed the destination register mapped to it
+ * is freed up in the rename stage. Remove the register entry from the
+ * physRegDepMap as well to avoid dependencies on squashed instructions.
+ *
+ * @param inst_reg_pair pair of inst. sequence no. and the register
+ */
+ void removeRegDepMapEntry(const SeqNumRegPair &inst_reg_pair);
+ /**
+ * Add an instruction that is at the head of the ROB and is squashed only
+ * if it is a load and a request was sent for it.
+ *
+ * @param head_inst pointer to dynamic instruction to be squashed
+ */
+ void addSquashedInst(const DynInstPtr &head_inst);
+ /**
+ * Add an instruction that is at the head of the ROB and is committed.
+ *
+ * @param head_inst pointer to dynamic instruction to be committed
+ */
+ void addCommittedInst(const DynInstPtr &head_inst);
+ /** Register statistics for the elastic trace. */
+ void regStats();
+ /** Event to trigger registering this listener for all probe points. */
+ EventWrapper<ElasticTrace,
+ &ElasticTrace::regEtraceListeners> regEtraceListenersEvent;
+ private:
+ /**
+ * Used for checking the first window for processing and writing of
+ * dependency trace. At the start of the program there can be dependency-
+ * free instructions and such cases are handled differently.
+ */
+ bool firstWin;
+ /**
+ * @defgroup InstExecInfo Struct for storing information before an
+ * instruction reaches the commit stage, e.g. execute timestamp.
+ */
+ struct InstExecInfo
+ {
+ /**
+ * @ingroup InstExecInfo
+ * @{
+ */
+ /** Timestamp when instruction was first processed by execute stage */
+ Tick executeTick;
+ /**
+ * Timestamp when instruction execution is completed in execute stage
+ * and instruction is marked as ready to commit
+ */
+ Tick toCommitTick;
+ /**
+ * Set of instruction sequence numbers that this instruction depends on
+ * due to Read After Write data dependency based on physical register.
+ */
+ std::set<InstSeqNum> physRegDepSet;
+ /** @} */
+ /** Constructor */
+ InstExecInfo()
+ : executeTick(MaxTick),
+ toCommitTick(MaxTick)
+ { }
+ };
+ /**
+ * Temporary store of InstExecInfo objects. Later on when an instruction
+ * is processed for commit or retire, if it is chosen to be written to
+ * the output trace then this information is looked up using the instruction
+ * sequence number as the key. If it is not chosen then the entry for it in
+ * the store is cleared.
+ */
+ std::unordered_map<InstSeqNum, InstExecInfo*> tempStore;
+ /**
+ * The last cleared instruction sequence number used to free up the memory
+ * allocated in the temporary store.
+ */
+ InstSeqNum lastClearedSeqNum;
+ /**
+ * Map for recording the producer of a physical register to check Read
+ * After Write dependencies. The key is the renamed physical register and
+ * the value is the instruction sequence number of its last producer.
+ */
+ std::unordered_map<PhysRegIndex, InstSeqNum> physRegDepMap;
+ /**
+ * @defgroup TraceInfo Struct for a record in the instruction dependency
+ * trace. All information required to process and calculate the
+ * computational delay is stored in TraceInfo objects. The memory request
+ * fields for a load or store instruction are also included here. Note
+ * that the structure TraceInfo does not store pointers to children
+ * or parents. The dependency trace is maintained as an ordered collection
+ * of records for writing to the output trace and not as a tree data
+ * structure.
+ */
+ struct TraceInfo
+ {
+ /**
+ * @ingroup TraceInfo
+ * @{
+ */
+ /* Instruction sequence number. */
+ InstSeqNum instNum;
+ /* Tick when instruction was in execute stage. */
+ Tick executeTick;
+ /* Tick when instruction was marked ready and sent to commit stage. */
+ Tick toCommitTick;
+ /* Tick when instruction was committed. */
+ Tick commitTick;
+ /* If instruction was a load, a store, committed. */
+ bool load, store, commit;
+ /* List of order dependencies. */
+ std::list<InstSeqNum> robDepList;
+ /* List of physical register RAW dependencies. */
+ std::list<InstSeqNum> physRegDepList;
+ /**
+ * Computational delay after the last dependent inst. completed.
+ * A value of -1 which means instruction has no dependencies.
+ */
+ int64_t compDelay;
+ /* Number of dependents. */
+ uint32_t numDepts;
+ /* The instruction PC for a load, store or non load/store. */
+ Addr pc;
+ /* Request flags in case of a load/store instruction */
+ Request::FlagsType reqFlags;
+ /* Request address in case of a load/store instruction */
+ Addr addr;
+ /* Request size in case of a load/store instruction */
+ unsigned size;
+ /** @} */
+ /**
+ * Get the execute tick of the instruction.
+ *
+ * @return Tick when instruction was executed
+ */
+ Tick getExecuteTick() const;
+ };
+ /**
+ * The instruction dependency trace containing TraceInfo objects. The
+ * container implemented is sequential as dependencies obey commit
+ * order (program order). For example, if B is dependent on A then B must
+ * be committed after A. Thus records are updated with dependency
+ * information and written to the trace in commit order. This ensures that
+ * when a graph is reconstructed from the trace during replay, all the
+ * dependencies are stored in the graph before the dependent itself is
+ * added. This facilitates creating a tree data structure during replay,
+ * i.e. adding children as records are read from the trace in an efficient
+ * manner.
+ */
+ std::vector<TraceInfo*> depTrace;
+ /**
+ * Map where the instruction sequence number is mapped to the pointer to
+ * the TraceInfo object.
+ */
+ std::unordered_map<InstSeqNum, TraceInfo*> traceInfoMap;
+ /** Typedef of iterator to the instruction dependency trace. */
+ typedef typename std::vector<TraceInfo*>::iterator depTraceItr;
+ /** Typedef of the reverse iterator to the instruction dependency trace. */
+ typedef typename std::reverse_iterator<depTraceItr> depTraceRevItr;
+ /**
+ * The maximum distance for a dependency and is set by a top level
+ * level parameter. It must be equal to or greater than the number of
+ * entries in the ROB. This variable is used as the length of the sliding
+ * window for processing the dependency trace.
+ */
+ uint32_t depWindowSize;
+ /** Protobuf output stream for data dependency trace */
+ ProtoOutputStream* dataTraceStream;
+ /** Protobuf output stream for instruction fetch trace. */
+ ProtoOutputStream* instTraceStream;
+ /** Number of instructions after which to enable tracing. */
+ const InstSeqNum startTraceInst;
+ /**
+ * Whther the elastic trace listener has been registered for all probes.
+ *
+ * When enabling tracing after a specified number of instructions have
+ * committed, check this to prevent re-registering the listener.
+ */
+ bool allProbesReg;
+ /** Pointer to the O3CPU that is this listener's parent a.k.a. manager */
+ FullO3CPU<O3CPUImpl>* cpu;
+ /**
+ * Add a record to the dependency trace depTrace which is a sequential
+ * container. A record is inserted per committed instruction and in the same
+ * order as the order in which instructions are committed.
+ *
+ * @param head_inst Pointer to the instruction which is head of the
+ * ROB and ready to commit
+ * @param exec_info_ptr Pointer to InstExecInfo for that instruction
+ * @param commit True if instruction is committed, false if squashed
+ */
+ void addDepTraceRecord(const DynInstPtr &head_inst,
+ InstExecInfo* exec_info_ptr, bool commit);
+ /**
+ * Clear entries in the temporary store of execution info objects to free
+ * allocated memory until the present instruction being added to the trace.
+ *
+ * @param head_inst pointer to dynamic instruction
+ */
+ void clearTempStoreUntil(const DynInstPtr head_inst);
+ /**
+ * Calculate the computational delay between an instruction and a
+ * subsequent instruction that has an ROB (order) dependency on it
+ *
+ * @param past_record Pointer to instruction
+ *
+ * @param new_record Pointer to subsequent instruction having an ROB
+ * dependency on the instruction pointed to by
+ * past_record
+ */
+ void compDelayRob(TraceInfo* past_record, TraceInfo* new_record);
+ /**
+ * Calculate the computational delay between an instruction and a
+ * subsequent instruction that has a Physical Register (data) dependency on
+ * it.
+ *
+ * @param past_record Pointer to instruction
+ *
+ * @param new_record Pointer to subsequent instruction having a Physical
+ * Register dependency on the instruction pointed to
+ * by past_record
+ */
+ void compDelayPhysRegDep(TraceInfo* past_record, TraceInfo* new_record);
+ /**
+ * Write out given number of records to the trace starting with the first
+ * record in depTrace and iterating through the trace in sequence. A
+ * record is deleted after it is written.
+ *
+ * @param num_to_write Number of records to write to the trace
+ */
+ void writeDepTrace(uint32_t num_to_write);
+ /**
+ * Reverse iterate through the graph, search for a store-after-store or
+ * store-after-load dependency and update the new node's Rob dependency list.
+ *
+ * If a dependency is found, then call the assignRobDep() method that
+ * updates the store with the dependency information. This function is only
+ * called when a new store node is added to the trace.
+ *
+ * @param new_record pointer to new store record
+ * @param find_load_not_store true for searching store-after-load and false
+ * for searching store-after-store dependency
+ */
+ void updateCommitOrderDep(TraceInfo* new_record, bool find_load_not_store);
+ /**
+ * Reverse iterate through the graph, search for an issue order dependency
+ * for a new node and update the new node's Rob dependency list.
+ *
+ * If a dependency is found, call the assignRobDep() method that updates
+ * the node with its dependency information. This function is called in
+ * case a new node to be added to the trace is dependency-free or its
+ * dependency got discarded because the dependency was outside the window.
+ *
+ * @param new_record pointer to new record to be added to the trace
+ */
+ void updateIssueOrderDep(TraceInfo* new_record);
+ /**
+ * The new_record has an order dependency on a past_record, thus update the
+ * new record's Rob dependency list and increment the number of dependents
+ * of the past record.
+ *
+ * @param new_record pointer to new record
+ * @param past_record pointer to record that new_record has a rob
+ * dependency on
+ */
+ void assignRobDep(TraceInfo* past_record, TraceInfo* new_record);
+ /**
+ * Check if past record is a store sent earlier than the execute tick.
+ *
+ * @param past_record pointer to past store
+ * @param execute_tick tick with which to compare past store's commit tick
+ *
+ * @return true if past record is store sent earlier
+ */
+ bool hasStoreCommitted(TraceInfo* past_record, Tick execute_tick) const;
+ /**
+ * Check if past record is a load that completed earlier than the execute
+ * tick.
+ *
+ * @param past_record pointer to past load
+ * @param execute_tick tick with which to compare past load's complete
+ * tick
+ *
+ * @return true if past record is load completed earlier
+ */
+ bool hasLoadCompleted(TraceInfo* past_record, Tick execute_tick) const;
+ /**
+ * Check if past record is a load sent earlier than the execute tick.
+ *
+ * @param past_record pointer to past load
+ * @param execute_tick tick with which to compare past load's send tick
+ *
+ * @return true if past record is load sent earlier
+ */
+ bool hasLoadBeenSent(TraceInfo* past_record, Tick execute_tick) const;
+ /**
+ * Check if past record is a comp node that completed earlier than the
+ * execute tick.
+ *
+ * @param past_record pointer to past comp node
+ * @param execute_tick tick with which to compare past comp node's
+ * completion tick
+ *
+ * @return true if past record is comp completed earlier
+ */
+ bool hasCompCompleted(TraceInfo* past_record, Tick execute_tick) const;
+ /** Number of register dependencies recorded during tracing */
+ Stats::Scalar numRegDep;
+ /**
+ * Number of stores that got assigned a commit order dependency
+ * on a past load/store.
+ */
+ Stats::Scalar numOrderDepStores;
+ /**
+ * Number of load insts that got assigned an issue order dependency
+ * because they were dependency-free.
+ */
+ Stats::Scalar numIssueOrderDepLoads;
+ /**
+ * Number of store insts that got assigned an issue order dependency
+ * because they were dependency-free.
+ */
+ Stats::Scalar numIssueOrderDepStores;
+ /**
+ * Number of non load/store insts that got assigned an issue order
+ * dependency because they were dependency-free.
+ */
+ Stats::Scalar numIssueOrderDepOther;
+ /** Number of filtered nodes */
+ Stats::Scalar numFilteredNodes;
+ /** Maximum number of dependents on any instruction */
+ Stats::Scalar maxNumDependents;
+ /**
+ * Maximum size of the temporary store mostly useful as a check that it is
+ * not growing
+ */
+ Stats::Scalar maxTempStoreSize;
+ /**
+ * Maximum size of the map that holds the last writer to a physical
+ * register.
+ * */
+ Stats::Scalar maxPhysRegDepMapSize;