path: root/src/dev/arm/gic_v3_cpu_interface.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/dev/arm/gic_v3_cpu_interface.hh')
1 files changed, 235 insertions, 202 deletions
diff --git a/src/dev/arm/gic_v3_cpu_interface.hh b/src/dev/arm/gic_v3_cpu_interface.hh
index 3752f55e1..271be87a7 100644
--- a/src/dev/arm/gic_v3_cpu_interface.hh
+++ b/src/dev/arm/gic_v3_cpu_interface.hh
@@ -34,15 +34,15 @@
#include "arch/arm/isa_device.hh"
#include "dev/arm/gic_v3.hh"
-class Gicv3Redistributor;
class Gicv3Distributor;
+class Gicv3Redistributor;
class Gicv3CPUInterface : public ArmISA::BaseISADevice, public Serializable
- friend class Gicv3Redistributor;
friend class Gicv3Distributor;
+ friend class Gicv3Redistributor;
@@ -51,61 +51,91 @@ class Gicv3CPUInterface : public ArmISA::BaseISADevice, public Serializable
Gicv3Distributor * distributor;
uint32_t cpuId;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL1_SRE = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL1_DFB = 1 << 1;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL1_DIB = 1 << 2;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL2_SRE = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL2_DFB = 1 << 1;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL2_DIB = 1 << 2;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL2_ENABLE = 1 << 3;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL3_SRE = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL3_DFB = 1 << 1;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL3_DIB = 1 << 2;
- static const uint32_t ICC_SRE_EL3_ENABLE = 1 << 3;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_CBPR_EL1S = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_CBPR_EL1NS = 1 << 1;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_EOIMODE_EL3 = 1 << 2;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_EOIMODE_EL1S = 1 << 3;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_EOIMODE_EL1NS = 1 << 4;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_RM = 1 << 5;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_PMHE = 1 << 6;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_PRIBITS_SHIFT = 8;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_IDBITS_SHIFT = 11;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_SEIS = 1 << 14;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_A3V = 1 << 15;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_nDS = 1 << 17;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL3_RSS = 1 << 18;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_CBPR = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_EOIMODE = 1 << 1;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_PMHE = 1 << 6;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_SEIS = 1 << 14;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_A3V = 1 << 15;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_RSS = 1 << 18;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_PRIBITS_SHIFT = 8;
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_PRIBITS_MASK =
- static const uint32_t ICC_CTLR_EL1_IDBITS_SHIFT = 11;
- static const uint32_t ICC_IGRPEN0_EL1_ENABLE = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICC_IGRPEN1_EL1_ENABLE = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICC_IGRPEN1_EL3_ENABLEGRP1NS = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICC_IGRPEN1_EL3_ENABLEGRP1S = 1 << 1;
+ BitUnion64(ICC_CTLR_EL1)
+ Bitfield<63, 20> res0_3;
+ Bitfield<19> ExtRange;
+ Bitfield<18> RSS;
+ Bitfield<17, 16> res0_2;
+ Bitfield<15> A3V;
+ Bitfield<14> SEIS;
+ Bitfield<13, 11> IDbits;
+ Bitfield<10, 8> PRIbits;
+ Bitfield<7> res0_1;
+ Bitfield<6> PMHE;
+ Bitfield<5, 2> res0_0;
+ Bitfield<1> EOImode;
+ Bitfield<0> CBPR;
+ EndBitUnion(ICC_CTLR_EL1)
+ BitUnion64(ICC_CTLR_EL3)
+ Bitfield<63, 20> res0_2;
+ Bitfield<19> ExtRange;
+ Bitfield<18> RSS;
+ Bitfield<17> nDS;
+ Bitfield<16> res0_1;
+ Bitfield<15> A3V;
+ Bitfield<14> SEIS;
+ Bitfield<13, 11> IDbits;
+ Bitfield<10, 8> PRIbits;
+ Bitfield<7> res0_0;
+ Bitfield<6> PMHE;
+ Bitfield<5> RM;
+ Bitfield<4> EOImode_EL1NS;
+ Bitfield<3> EOImode_EL1S;
+ Bitfield<2> EOImode_EL3;
+ Bitfield<1> CBPR_EL1NS;
+ Bitfield<0> CBPR_EL1S;
+ EndBitUnion(ICC_CTLR_EL3)
+ BitUnion64(ICC_IGRPEN0_EL1)
+ Bitfield<63, 1> res0;
+ Bitfield<0> Enable;
+ EndBitUnion(ICC_IGRPEN0_EL1)
+ BitUnion64(ICC_IGRPEN1_EL1)
+ Bitfield<63, 1> res0;
+ Bitfield<0> Enable;
+ EndBitUnion(ICC_IGRPEN1_EL1)
+ BitUnion64(ICC_IGRPEN1_EL3)
+ Bitfield<63, 2> res0;
+ Bitfield<1> EnableGrp1S;
+ Bitfield<0> EnableGrp1NS;
+ EndBitUnion(ICC_IGRPEN1_EL3)
+ BitUnion64(ICC_SRE_EL1)
+ Bitfield<63, 3> res0;
+ Bitfield<2> DIB;
+ Bitfield<1> DFB;
+ Bitfield<0> SRE;
+ EndBitUnion(ICC_SRE_EL1)
+ BitUnion64(ICC_SRE_EL2)
+ Bitfield<63, 4> res0;
+ Bitfield<3> Enable;
+ Bitfield<2> DIB;
+ Bitfield<1> DFB;
+ Bitfield<0> SRE;
+ EndBitUnion(ICC_SRE_EL2)
+ BitUnion64(ICC_SRE_EL3)
+ Bitfield<63, 4> res0;
+ Bitfield<3> Enable;
+ Bitfield<2> DIB;
+ Bitfield<1> DFB;
+ Bitfield<0> SRE;
+ EndBitUnion(ICC_SRE_EL3)
static const uint8_t PRIORITY_BITS = 5;
- /* Minimum BPR for Secure, or when security not enabled */
+ // Minimum BPR for Secure, or when security not enabled
static const uint8_t GIC_MIN_BPR = 2;
- /* Minimum BPR for Nonsecure when security is enabled */
+ // Minimum BPR for Nonsecure when security is enabled
static const uint8_t GIC_MIN_BPR_NS = GIC_MIN_BPR + 1;
- static const uint8_t VIRTUAL_PRIORITY_BITS = 5;
+ static const uint8_t VIRTUAL_PRIORITY_BITS = 5;
static const uint8_t VIRTUAL_PREEMPTION_BITS = 5;
- static const uint8_t VIRTUAL_NUM_LIST_REGS = 16;
+ static const uint8_t VIRTUAL_NUM_LIST_REGS = 16;
static const uint8_t GIC_MIN_VBPR = 7 - VIRTUAL_PREEMPTION_BITS;
@@ -119,19 +149,19 @@ class Gicv3CPUInterface : public ArmISA::BaseISADevice, public Serializable
// GIC CPU interface memory mapped control registers (legacy)
enum {
- GICC_CTLR = 0x0000,
- GICC_PMR = 0x0004,
- GICC_BPR = 0x0008,
- GICC_IAR = 0x000C,
- GICC_EOIR = 0x0010,
- GICC_RPR = 0x0014,
- GICC_HPPI = 0x0018,
- GICC_ABPR = 0x001C,
- GICC_AIAR = 0x0020,
- GICC_AEOIR = 0x0024,
- GICC_AHPPIR = 0x0028,
+ GICC_CTLR = 0x0000,
+ GICC_PMR = 0x0004,
+ GICC_BPR = 0x0008,
+ GICC_IAR = 0x000C,
+ GICC_EOIR = 0x0010,
+ GICC_RPR = 0x0014,
+ GICC_HPPI = 0x0018,
+ GICC_ABPR = 0x001C,
+ GICC_AIAR = 0x0020,
+ GICC_AEOIR = 0x0024,
+ GICC_AHPPIR = 0x0028,
- GICC_IIDR = 0x00FC,
+ GICC_IIDR = 0x00FC,
static const AddrRange GICC_APR;
@@ -139,163 +169,166 @@ class Gicv3CPUInterface : public ArmISA::BaseISADevice, public Serializable
// GIC CPU virtual interface memory mapped control registers (legacy)
enum {
- GICH_HCR = 0x0000,
- GICH_VTR = 0x0004,
- GICH_VMCR = 0x0008,
- GICH_MISR = 0x0010,
- GICH_EISR = 0x0020,
+ GICH_HCR = 0x0000,
+ GICH_VTR = 0x0004,
+ GICH_VMCR = 0x0008,
+ GICH_MISR = 0x0010,
+ GICH_EISR = 0x0020,
GICH_ELRSR = 0x0030,
static const AddrRange GICH_APR;
static const AddrRange GICH_LR;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_EN = 1 << 0;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_UIE = 1 << 1;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_LRENPIE = 1 << 2;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_NPIE = 1 << 3;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_VGRP0EIE = 1 << 4;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_VGRP0DIE = 1 << 5;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_VGRP1EIE = 1 << 6;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_VGRP1DIE = 1 << 7;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_TC = 1 << 10;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_TALL0 = 1 << 11;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_TALL1 = 1 << 12;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_TSEI = 1 << 13;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_TDIR = 1 << 14;
- static const uint32_t ICH_HCR_EL2_EOICOUNT_MASK = 0x1fU << 27;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_VINTID_SHIFT = 0;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_VINTID_LENGTH = 32;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_VINTID_MASK =
- (0xffffffffULL << ICH_LR_EL2_VINTID_SHIFT);
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_PINTID_SHIFT = 32;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_PINTID_LENGTH = 10;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_PINTID_MASK =
- /* Note that EOI shares with the top bit of the pINTID field */
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_EOI = (1ULL << 41);
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_PRIORITY_SHIFT = 48;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_PRIORITY_LENGTH = 8;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_PRIORITY_MASK =
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_GROUP = (1ULL << 60);
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_HW = (1ULL << 61);
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_SHIFT = 62;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_LENGTH = 2;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_MASK =
- /* values for the state field: */
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_INVALID = 0;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_PENDING = 1;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_ACTIVE = 2;
+ BitUnion64(ICH_HCR_EL2)
+ Bitfield<63, 32> res0_2;
+ Bitfield<31, 27> EOIcount;
+ Bitfield<26, 15> res0_1;
+ Bitfield<14> TDIR;
+ Bitfield<13> TSEI;
+ Bitfield<12> TALL1;
+ Bitfield<11> TALL0;
+ Bitfield<10> TC;
+ Bitfield<9, 8> res0_0;
+ Bitfield<7> VGrp1DIE;
+ Bitfield<6> VGrp1EIE;
+ Bitfield<5> VGrp0DIE;
+ Bitfield<4> VGrp0EIE;
+ Bitfield<3> NPIE;
+ Bitfield<2> LRENPIE;
+ Bitfield<1> UIE;
+ Bitfield<0> En;
+ EndBitUnion(ICH_HCR_EL2)
+ BitUnion64(ICH_LR_EL2)
+ Bitfield<63, 62> State;
+ Bitfield<61> HW;
+ Bitfield<60> Group;
+ Bitfield<59, 56> res0_1;
+ Bitfield<55, 48> Priority;
+ Bitfield<47, 45> res0_0;
+ Bitfield<44, 32> pINTID;
+ Bitfield<41> EOI;
+ Bitfield<31, 0> vINTID;
+ EndBitUnion(ICH_LR_EL2)
+ static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_INVALID = 0;
+ static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_PENDING = 1;
+ static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_ACTIVE = 2;
static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_ACTIVE_PENDING = 3;
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_PENDING_BIT =
- static const uint64_t ICH_LR_EL2_STATE_ACTIVE_BIT =
- static const uint64_t ICH_LRC_PRIORITY_SHIFT =
- static const uint64_t ICH_LRC_PRIORITY_LENGTH =
- static const uint32_t ICH_MISR_EL2_EOI = (1 << 0);
- static const uint32_t ICH_MISR_EL2_U = (1 << 1);
- static const uint32_t ICH_MISR_EL2_LRENP = (1 << 2);
- static const uint32_t ICH_MISR_EL2_NP = (1 << 3);
- static const uint32_t ICH_MISR_EL2_VGRP0E = (1 << 4);
- static const uint32_t ICH_MISR_EL2_VGRP0D = (1 << 5);
- static const uint32_t ICH_MISR_EL2_VGRP1E = (1 << 6);
- static const uint32_t ICH_MISR_EL2_VGRP1D = (1 << 7);
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG0_SHIFT = 0;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG0 =
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG1_SHIFT = 1;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VENG1 =
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VACKCTL = (1 << 2);
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VFIQEN = (1 << 3);
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VCBPR_SHIFT = 4;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VCBPR =
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VEOIM_SHIFT = 9;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VEOIM =
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR1_SHIFT = 18;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR1_LENGTH = 3;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR1_MASK =
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR0_SHIFT = 21;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR0_LENGTH = 3;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VBPR0_MASK =
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VPMR_SHIFT = 24;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VPMR_LENGTH = 8;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VMCR_EL2_VPMR_MASK =
- static const uint32_t ICH_VTR_EL2_LISTREGS_SHIFT = 0;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VTR_EL2_TDS = 1 << 19;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VTR_EL2_NV4 = 1 << 20;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VTR_EL2_A3V = 1 << 21;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VTR_EL2_SEIS = 1 << 22;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VTR_EL2_IDBITS_SHIFT = 23;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VTR_EL2_PREBITS_SHIFT = 26;
- static const uint32_t ICH_VTR_EL2_PRIBITS_SHIFT = 29;
- public:
+ BitUnion32(ICH_LRC)
+ Bitfield<31, 30> State;
+ Bitfield<29> HW;
+ Bitfield<28> Group;
+ Bitfield<27, 24> res0_1;
+ Bitfield<23, 16> Priority;
+ Bitfield<15, 13> res0_0;
+ Bitfield<12, 0> pINTID;
+ Bitfield<9> EOI;
+ EndBitUnion(ICH_LRC)
+ BitUnion64(ICH_MISR_EL2)
+ Bitfield<63, 8> res0;
+ Bitfield<7> VGrp1D;
+ Bitfield<6> VGrp1E;
+ Bitfield<5> VGrp0D;
+ Bitfield<4> VGrp0E;
+ Bitfield<3> NP;
+ Bitfield<2> LRENP;
+ Bitfield<1> U;
+ Bitfield<0> EOI;
+ EndBitUnion(ICH_MISR_EL2)
+ BitUnion64(ICH_VMCR_EL2)
+ Bitfield<63, 32> res0_2;
+ Bitfield<31, 24> VPMR;
+ Bitfield<23, 21> VBPR0;
+ Bitfield<20, 18> VBPR1;
+ Bitfield<17, 10> res0_1;
+ Bitfield<9> VEOIM;
+ Bitfield<8, 5> res0_0;
+ Bitfield<4> VCBPR;
+ Bitfield<3> VFIQEn;
+ Bitfield<2> VAckCtl;
+ Bitfield<1> VENG1;
+ Bitfield<0> VENG0;
+ EndBitUnion(ICH_VMCR_EL2)
+ BitUnion64(ICH_VTR_EL2)
+ Bitfield<63, 32> res0_1;
+ Bitfield<31, 29> PRIbits;
+ Bitfield<28, 26> PREbits;
+ Bitfield<25, 23> IDbits;
+ Bitfield<22> SEIS;
+ Bitfield<21> A3V;
+ Bitfield<20> res1;
+ Bitfield<19> TDS;
+ Bitfield<18, 5> res0_0;
+ Bitfield<4, 0> ListRegs;
+ EndBitUnion(ICH_VTR_EL2)
+ BitUnion64(ICV_CTLR_EL1)
+ Bitfield<63, 19> res0_2;
+ Bitfield<18> RSS;
+ Bitfield<17, 16> res0_1;
+ Bitfield<15> A3V;
+ Bitfield<14> SEIS;
+ Bitfield<13, 11> IDbits;
+ Bitfield<10, 8> PRIbits;
+ Bitfield<7, 2> res0_0;
+ Bitfield<1> EOImode;
+ Bitfield<0> CBPR;
+ EndBitUnion(ICV_CTLR_EL1)
- Gicv3CPUInterface(Gicv3 * gic, uint32_t cpu_id);
- ~Gicv3CPUInterface();
- void init();
- void initState();
+ protected:
+ void activateIRQ(uint32_t intid, Gicv3::GroupId group);
+ int currEL() const;
+ void deactivateIRQ(uint32_t intid, Gicv3::GroupId group);
+ void dropPriority(Gicv3::GroupId group);
+ uint64_t eoiMaintenanceInterruptStatus() const;
+ bool getHCREL2FMO() const;
+ bool getHCREL2IMO() const;
+ uint32_t getHPPIR0() const;
+ uint32_t getHPPIR1() const;
+ int getHPPVILR() const;
+ bool groupEnabled(Gicv3::GroupId group) const;
+ uint32_t groupPriorityMask(Gicv3::GroupId group) const;
+ bool haveEL(ArmISA::ExceptionLevel el) const;
+ int highestActiveGroup() const;
+ uint8_t highestActivePriority() const;
+ bool hppiCanPreempt() const;
+ bool hppviCanPreempt(int lrIdx) const;
+ bool inSecureState() const;
+ ArmISA::InterruptTypes intSignalType(Gicv3::GroupId group) const;
+ bool isAA64() const;
+ bool isEL3OrMon() const;
+ bool isEOISplitMode() const;
+ bool isSecureBelowEL3() const;
+ ICH_MISR_EL2 maintenanceInterruptStatus() const;
RegVal readMiscReg(int misc_reg) override;
- void setMiscReg(int misc_reg, RegVal val) override;
- void update();
- void virtualUpdate();
+ void reset();
void serialize(CheckpointOut & cp) const override;
+ void setMiscReg(int misc_reg, RegVal val) override;
void unserialize(CheckpointIn & cp) override;
- protected:
- void reset();
- bool hppiCanPreempt();
- bool hppviCanPreempt(int lrIdx);
- bool groupEnabled(Gicv3::GroupId group);
- uint8_t highestActivePriority();
- uint8_t virtualHighestActivePriority();
- bool inSecureState();
- int currEL();
- bool haveEL(ArmISA::ExceptionLevel el);
- void activateIRQ(uint32_t intid, Gicv3::GroupId group);
+ void update();
void virtualActivateIRQ(uint32_t lrIdx);
- void deactivateIRQ(uint32_t intid, Gicv3::GroupId group);
void virtualDeactivateIRQ(int lrIdx);
- uint32_t groupPriorityMask(Gicv3::GroupId group);
- uint32_t virtualGroupPriorityMask(Gicv3::GroupId group);
- void dropPriority(Gicv3::GroupId group);
uint8_t virtualDropPriority();
- ArmISA::InterruptTypes intSignalType(Gicv3::GroupId group);
- bool isEOISplitMode();
- bool virtualIsEOISplitMode();
- bool isSecureBelowEL3();
- bool inSecureState2();
- uint32_t eoiMaintenanceInterruptStatus(uint32_t * misr);
- uint32_t maintenanceInterruptStatus();
- int highestActiveGroup();
- bool getHCREL2FMO();
- bool getHCREL2IMO();
- uint32_t getHPPIR1();
- uint32_t getHPPIR0();
- int getHPPVILR();
- int virtualFindActive(uint32_t intid);
+ int virtualFindActive(uint32_t intid) const;
+ uint32_t virtualGroupPriorityMask(Gicv3::GroupId group) const;
+ uint8_t virtualHighestActivePriority() const;
void virtualIncrementEOICount();
- bool isEL3OrMon();
- bool isAA64();
+ bool virtualIsEOISplitMode() const;
+ void virtualUpdate();
+ public:
+ Gicv3CPUInterface(Gicv3 * gic, uint32_t cpu_id);
+ void init();
+ void initState();