path: root/src/mem/protocol/
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1434 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem/protocol/ b/src/mem/protocol/
deleted file mode 100644
index 51d3f621c..000000000
--- a/src/mem/protocol/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1434 +0,0 @@
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2013 Mark D. Hill and David A. Wood
- * All rights reserved.
- *
- * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
- * met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
- * redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
- * neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
- * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
- * this software without specific prior written permission.
- *
- */
-machine(MachineType:L1Cache, "MESI Directory L1 Cache CMP")
- : Sequencer * sequencer;
- CacheMemory * L1Icache;
- CacheMemory * L1Dcache;
- Prefetcher * prefetcher;
- int l2_select_num_bits;
- Cycles l1_request_latency := 2;
- Cycles l1_response_latency := 2;
- Cycles to_l2_latency := 1;
- bool send_evictions;
- bool enable_prefetch := "False";
- // Message Queues
- // From this node's L1 cache TO the network
- // a local L1 -> this L2 bank, currently ordered with directory forwarded requests
- MessageBuffer * requestFromL1Cache, network="To", virtual_network="0",
- vnet_type="request";
- // a local L1 -> this L2 bank
- MessageBuffer * responseFromL1Cache, network="To", virtual_network="1",
- vnet_type="response";
- MessageBuffer * unblockFromL1Cache, network="To", virtual_network="2",
- vnet_type="unblock";
- // To this node's L1 cache FROM the network
- // a L2 bank -> this L1
- MessageBuffer * requestToL1Cache, network="From", virtual_network="2",
- vnet_type="request";
- // a L2 bank -> this L1
- MessageBuffer * responseToL1Cache, network="From", virtual_network="1",
- vnet_type="response";
- // Request Buffer for prefetches
- MessageBuffer * optionalQueue;
- // Buffer for requests generated by the processor core.
- MessageBuffer * mandatoryQueue;
- state_declaration(State, desc="Cache states", default="L1Cache_State_I") {
- // Base states
- NP, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="Not present in either cache";
- I, AccessPermission:Invalid, desc="a L1 cache entry Idle";
- S, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="a L1 cache entry Shared";
- E, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="a L1 cache entry Exclusive";
- M, AccessPermission:Read_Write, desc="a L1 cache entry Modified", format="!b";
- // Transient States
- IS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="L1 idle, issued GETS, have not seen response yet";
- IM, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="L1 idle, issued GETX, have not seen response yet";
- SM, AccessPermission:Read_Only, desc="L1 idle, issued GETX, have not seen response yet";
- IS_I, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="L1 idle, issued GETS, saw Inv before data because directory doesn't block on GETS hit";
- M_I, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="L1 replacing, waiting for ACK";
- SINK_WB_ACK, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="This is to sink WB_Acks from L2";
- // Transient States in which block is being prefetched
- PF_IS, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Issued GETS, have not seen response yet";
- PF_IM, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Issued GETX, have not seen response yet";
- PF_SM, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Issued GETX, received data, waiting for acks";
- PF_IS_I, AccessPermission:Busy, desc="Issued GETs, saw inv before data";
- }
- enumeration(Event, desc="Cache events") {
- // L1 events
- Load, desc="Load request from the home processor";
- Ifetch, desc="I-fetch request from the home processor";
- Store, desc="Store request from the home processor";
- Inv, desc="Invalidate request from L2 bank";
- // internal generated request
- L1_Replacement, desc="L1 Replacement", format="!r";
- PF_L1_Replacement, desc="Prefetch L1 Replacement", format="!pr";
- // other requests
- Fwd_GETX, desc="GETX from other processor";
- Fwd_GETS, desc="GETS from other processor";
- Fwd_GET_INSTR, desc="GET_INSTR from other processor";
- Data, desc="Data for processor";
- Data_Exclusive, desc="Data for processor";
- DataS_fromL1, desc="data for GETS request, need to unblock directory";
- Data_all_Acks, desc="Data for processor, all acks";
- Ack, desc="Ack for processor";
- Ack_all, desc="Last ack for processor";
- WB_Ack, desc="Ack for replacement";
- PF_Load, desc="load request from prefetcher";
- PF_Ifetch, desc="instruction fetch request from prefetcher";
- PF_Store, desc="exclusive load request from prefetcher";
- }
- // TYPES
- // CacheEntry
- structure(Entry, desc="...", interface="AbstractCacheEntry" ) {
- State CacheState, desc="cache state";
- DataBlock DataBlk, desc="data for the block";
- bool Dirty, default="false", desc="data is dirty";
- bool isPrefetch, desc="Set if this block was prefetched and not yet accessed";
- }
- // TBE fields
- structure(TBE, desc="...") {
- Addr addr, desc="Physical address for this TBE";
- State TBEState, desc="Transient state";
- DataBlock DataBlk, desc="Buffer for the data block";
- bool Dirty, default="false", desc="data is dirty";
- bool isPrefetch, desc="Set if this was caused by a prefetch";
- int pendingAcks, default="0", desc="number of pending acks";
- }
- structure(TBETable, external="yes") {
- TBE lookup(Addr);
- void allocate(Addr);
- void deallocate(Addr);
- bool isPresent(Addr);
- }
- TBETable TBEs, template="<L1Cache_TBE>", constructor="m_number_of_TBEs";
- int l2_select_low_bit, default="RubySystem::getBlockSizeBits()";
- Tick clockEdge();
- Cycles ticksToCycles(Tick t);
- void set_cache_entry(AbstractCacheEntry a);
- void unset_cache_entry();
- void set_tbe(TBE a);
- void unset_tbe();
- void wakeUpBuffers(Addr a);
- void profileMsgDelay(int virtualNetworkType, Cycles c);
- // inclusive cache returns L1 entries only
- Entry getCacheEntry(Addr addr), return_by_pointer="yes" {
- Entry L1Dcache_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", L1Dcache[addr]);
- if(is_valid(L1Dcache_entry)) {
- return L1Dcache_entry;
- }
- Entry L1Icache_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", L1Icache[addr]);
- return L1Icache_entry;
- }
- Entry getL1DCacheEntry(Addr addr), return_by_pointer="yes" {
- Entry L1Dcache_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", L1Dcache[addr]);
- return L1Dcache_entry;
- }
- Entry getL1ICacheEntry(Addr addr), return_by_pointer="yes" {
- Entry L1Icache_entry := static_cast(Entry, "pointer", L1Icache[addr]);
- return L1Icache_entry;
- }
- State getState(TBE tbe, Entry cache_entry, Addr addr) {
- assert((L1Dcache.isTagPresent(addr) && L1Icache.isTagPresent(addr)) == false);
- if(is_valid(tbe)) {
- return tbe.TBEState;
- } else if (is_valid(cache_entry)) {
- return cache_entry.CacheState;
- }
- return State:NP;
- }
- void setState(TBE tbe, Entry cache_entry, Addr addr, State state) {
- assert((L1Dcache.isTagPresent(addr) && L1Icache.isTagPresent(addr)) == false);
- if(is_valid(tbe)) {
- tbe.TBEState := state;
- }
- if (is_valid(cache_entry)) {
- cache_entry.CacheState := state;
- }
- }
- AccessPermission getAccessPermission(Addr addr) {
- TBE tbe := TBEs[addr];
- if(is_valid(tbe)) {
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", L1Cache_State_to_permission(tbe.TBEState));
- return L1Cache_State_to_permission(tbe.TBEState);
- }
- Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(addr);
- if(is_valid(cache_entry)) {
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", L1Cache_State_to_permission(cache_entry.CacheState));
- return L1Cache_State_to_permission(cache_entry.CacheState);
- }
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", AccessPermission:NotPresent);
- return AccessPermission:NotPresent;
- }
- void functionalRead(Addr addr, Packet *pkt) {
- TBE tbe := TBEs[addr];
- if(is_valid(tbe)) {
- testAndRead(addr, tbe.DataBlk, pkt);
- } else {
- testAndRead(addr, getCacheEntry(addr).DataBlk, pkt);
- }
- }
- int functionalWrite(Addr addr, Packet *pkt) {
- int num_functional_writes := 0;
- TBE tbe := TBEs[addr];
- if(is_valid(tbe)) {
- num_functional_writes := num_functional_writes +
- testAndWrite(addr, tbe.DataBlk, pkt);
- return num_functional_writes;
- }
- num_functional_writes := num_functional_writes +
- testAndWrite(addr, getCacheEntry(addr).DataBlk, pkt);
- return num_functional_writes;
- }
- void setAccessPermission(Entry cache_entry, Addr addr, State state) {
- if (is_valid(cache_entry)) {
- cache_entry.changePermission(L1Cache_State_to_permission(state));
- }
- }
- Event mandatory_request_type_to_event(RubyRequestType type) {
- if (type == RubyRequestType:LD) {
- return Event:Load;
- } else if (type == RubyRequestType:IFETCH) {
- return Event:Ifetch;
- } else if ((type == RubyRequestType:ST) || (type == RubyRequestType:ATOMIC)) {
- return Event:Store;
- } else {
- error("Invalid RubyRequestType");
- }
- }
- Event prefetch_request_type_to_event(RubyRequestType type) {
- if (type == RubyRequestType:LD) {
- return Event:PF_Load;
- } else if (type == RubyRequestType:IFETCH) {
- return Event:PF_Ifetch;
- } else if ((type == RubyRequestType:ST) ||
- (type == RubyRequestType:ATOMIC)) {
- return Event:PF_Store;
- } else {
- error("Invalid RubyRequestType");
- }
- }
- int getPendingAcks(TBE tbe) {
- return tbe.pendingAcks;
- }
- out_port(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, requestFromL1Cache);
- out_port(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, responseFromL1Cache);
- out_port(unblockNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, unblockFromL1Cache);
- out_port(optionalQueue_out, RubyRequest, optionalQueue);
- // Prefetch queue between the controller and the prefetcher
- // As per Spracklen et al. (HPCA 2005), the prefetch queue should be
- // implemented as a LIFO structure. The structure would allow for fast
- // searches of all entries in the queue, not just the head msg. All
- // msgs in the structure can be invalidated if a demand miss matches.
- in_port(optionalQueue_in, RubyRequest, optionalQueue, desc="...", rank = 3) {
- if (optionalQueue_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
- peek(optionalQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- // Instruction Prefetch
- if (in_msg.Type == RubyRequestType:IFETCH) {
- Entry L1Icache_entry := getL1ICacheEntry(in_msg.LineAddress);
- if (is_valid(L1Icache_entry)) {
- // The block to be prefetched is already present in the
- // cache. We should drop this request.
- trigger(prefetch_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type),
- in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Icache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- }
- // Check to see if it is in the OTHER L1
- Entry L1Dcache_entry := getL1DCacheEntry(in_msg.LineAddress);
- if (is_valid(L1Dcache_entry)) {
- // The block is in the wrong L1 cache. We should drop
- // this request.
- trigger(prefetch_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type),
- in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Dcache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- }
- if (L1Icache.cacheAvail(in_msg.LineAddress)) {
- // L1 does't have the line, but we have space for it
- // in the L1 so let's see if the L2 has it
- trigger(prefetch_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type),
- in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Icache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- } else {
- // No room in the L1, so we need to make room in the L1
- trigger(Event:PF_L1_Replacement,
- L1Icache.cacheProbe(in_msg.LineAddress),
- getL1ICacheEntry(L1Icache.cacheProbe(in_msg.LineAddress)),
- TBEs[L1Icache.cacheProbe(in_msg.LineAddress)]);
- }
- } else {
- // Data prefetch
- Entry L1Dcache_entry := getL1DCacheEntry(in_msg.LineAddress);
- if (is_valid(L1Dcache_entry)) {
- // The block to be prefetched is already present in the
- // cache. We should drop this request.
- trigger(prefetch_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type),
- in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Dcache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- }
- // Check to see if it is in the OTHER L1
- Entry L1Icache_entry := getL1ICacheEntry(in_msg.LineAddress);
- if (is_valid(L1Icache_entry)) {
- // The block is in the wrong L1. Just drop the prefetch
- // request.
- trigger(prefetch_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type),
- in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Icache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- }
- if (L1Dcache.cacheAvail(in_msg.LineAddress)) {
- // L1 does't have the line, but we have space for it in
- // the L1 let's see if the L2 has it
- trigger(prefetch_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type),
- in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Dcache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- } else {
- // No room in the L1, so we need to make room in the L1
- trigger(Event:PF_L1_Replacement,
- L1Dcache.cacheProbe(in_msg.LineAddress),
- getL1DCacheEntry(L1Dcache.cacheProbe(in_msg.LineAddress)),
- TBEs[L1Dcache.cacheProbe(in_msg.LineAddress)]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Response L1 Network - response msg to this L1 cache
- in_port(responseL1Network_in, ResponseMsg, responseToL1Cache, rank = 2) {
- if (responseL1Network_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
- peek(responseL1Network_in, ResponseMsg, block_on="addr") {
- assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID));
- Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
- TBE tbe := TBEs[in_msg.addr];
- if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA_EXCLUSIVE) {
- trigger(Event:Data_Exclusive, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else if(in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:DATA) {
- if ((getState(tbe, cache_entry, in_msg.addr) == State:IS ||
- getState(tbe, cache_entry, in_msg.addr) == State:IS_I ||
- getState(tbe, cache_entry, in_msg.addr) == State:PF_IS ||
- getState(tbe, cache_entry, in_msg.addr) == State:PF_IS_I) &&
- machineIDToMachineType(in_msg.Sender) == MachineType:L1Cache) {
- trigger(Event:DataS_fromL1, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else if ( (getPendingAcks(tbe) - in_msg.AckCount) == 0 ) {
- trigger(Event:Data_all_Acks, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else {
- trigger(Event:Data, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- }
- } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:ACK) {
- if ( (getPendingAcks(tbe) - in_msg.AckCount) == 0 ) {
- trigger(Event:Ack_all, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else {
- trigger(Event:Ack, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- }
- } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceResponseType:WB_ACK) {
- trigger(Event:WB_Ack, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else {
- error("Invalid L1 response type");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Request InterChip network - request from this L1 cache to the shared L2
- in_port(requestL1Network_in, RequestMsg, requestToL1Cache, rank = 1) {
- if(requestL1Network_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
- peek(requestL1Network_in, RequestMsg, block_on="addr") {
- assert(in_msg.Destination.isElement(machineID));
- Entry cache_entry := getCacheEntry(in_msg.addr);
- TBE tbe := TBEs[in_msg.addr];
- if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:INV) {
- trigger(Event:Inv, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETX ||
- in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:UPGRADE) {
- // upgrade transforms to GETX due to race
- trigger(Event:Fwd_GETX, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GETS) {
- trigger(Event:Fwd_GETS, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else if (in_msg.Type == CoherenceRequestType:GET_INSTR) {
- trigger(Event:Fwd_GET_INSTR, in_msg.addr, cache_entry, tbe);
- } else {
- error("Invalid forwarded request type");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Mandatory Queue betweens Node's CPU and it's L1 caches
- in_port(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest, mandatoryQueue, desc="...", rank = 0) {
- if (mandatoryQueue_in.isReady(clockEdge())) {
- peek(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest, block_on="LineAddress") {
- // Check for data access to blocks in I-cache and ifetchs to blocks in D-cache
- if (in_msg.Type == RubyRequestType:IFETCH) {
- Entry L1Icache_entry := getL1ICacheEntry(in_msg.LineAddress);
- if (is_valid(L1Icache_entry)) {
- // The tag matches for the L1, so the L1 asks the L2 for it.
- trigger(mandatory_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type), in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Icache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- } else {
- // Check to see if it is in the OTHER L1
- Entry L1Dcache_entry := getL1DCacheEntry(in_msg.LineAddress);
- if (is_valid(L1Dcache_entry)) {
- // The block is in the wrong L1, put the request on the queue to the shared L2
- trigger(Event:L1_Replacement, in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Dcache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- }
- if (L1Icache.cacheAvail(in_msg.LineAddress)) {
- // L1 does't have the line, but we have space for it
- // in the L1 so let's see if the L2 has it.
- trigger(mandatory_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type), in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Icache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- } else {
- // No room in the L1, so we need to make room in the L1
- // Check if the line we want to evict is not locked
- Addr addr := L1Icache.cacheProbe(in_msg.LineAddress);
- check_on_cache_probe(mandatoryQueue_in, addr);
- trigger(Event:L1_Replacement, addr,
- getL1ICacheEntry(addr),
- TBEs[addr]);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // *** DATA ACCESS ***
- Entry L1Dcache_entry := getL1DCacheEntry(in_msg.LineAddress);
- if (is_valid(L1Dcache_entry)) {
- // The tag matches for the L1, so the L1 ask the L2 for it
- trigger(mandatory_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type), in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Dcache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- } else {
- // Check to see if it is in the OTHER L1
- Entry L1Icache_entry := getL1ICacheEntry(in_msg.LineAddress);
- if (is_valid(L1Icache_entry)) {
- // The block is in the wrong L1, put the request on the queue to the shared L2
- trigger(Event:L1_Replacement, in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Icache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- }
- if (L1Dcache.cacheAvail(in_msg.LineAddress)) {
- // L1 does't have the line, but we have space for it
- // in the L1 let's see if the L2 has it.
- trigger(mandatory_request_type_to_event(in_msg.Type), in_msg.LineAddress,
- L1Dcache_entry, TBEs[in_msg.LineAddress]);
- } else {
- // No room in the L1, so we need to make room in the L1
- // Check if the line we want to evict is not locked
- Addr addr := L1Dcache.cacheProbe(in_msg.LineAddress);
- check_on_cache_probe(mandatoryQueue_in, addr);
- trigger(Event:L1_Replacement, addr,
- getL1DCacheEntry(addr),
- TBEs[addr]);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- void enqueuePrefetch(Addr address, RubyRequestType type) {
- enqueue(optionalQueue_out, RubyRequest, 1) {
- out_msg.LineAddress := address;
- out_msg.Type := type;
- out_msg.AccessMode := RubyAccessMode:Supervisor;
- }
- }
- action(a_issueGETS, "a", desc="Issue GETS") {
- peek(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- enqueue(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, l1_request_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETS;
- out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "address: %#x, destination: %s\n",
- address, out_msg.Destination);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
- out_msg.Prefetch := in_msg.Prefetch;
- out_msg.AccessMode := in_msg.AccessMode;
- }
- }
- }
- action(pa_issuePfGETS, "pa", desc="Issue prefetch GETS") {
- peek(optionalQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- enqueue(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, l1_request_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETS;
- out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "address: %#x, destination: %s\n",
- address, out_msg.Destination);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
- out_msg.Prefetch := in_msg.Prefetch;
- out_msg.AccessMode := in_msg.AccessMode;
- }
- }
- }
- action(ai_issueGETINSTR, "ai", desc="Issue GETINSTR") {
- peek(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- enqueue(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, l1_request_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GET_INSTR;
- out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "address: %#x, destination: %s\n",
- address, out_msg.Destination);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
- out_msg.Prefetch := in_msg.Prefetch;
- out_msg.AccessMode := in_msg.AccessMode;
- }
- }
- }
- action(pai_issuePfGETINSTR, "pai",
- desc="Issue GETINSTR for prefetch request") {
- peek(optionalQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- enqueue(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, l1_request_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GET_INSTR;
- out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(
- mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
- out_msg.Prefetch := in_msg.Prefetch;
- out_msg.AccessMode := in_msg.AccessMode;
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "address: %#x, destination: %s\n",
- address, out_msg.Destination);
- }
- }
- }
- action(b_issueGETX, "b", desc="Issue GETX") {
- peek(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- enqueue(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, l1_request_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETX;
- out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", machineID);
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "address: %#x, destination: %s\n",
- address, out_msg.Destination);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
- out_msg.Prefetch := in_msg.Prefetch;
- out_msg.AccessMode := in_msg.AccessMode;
- }
- }
- }
- action(pb_issuePfGETX, "pb", desc="Issue prefetch GETX") {
- peek(optionalQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- enqueue(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, l1_request_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:GETX;
- out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", machineID);
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "address: %#x, destination: %s\n",
- address, out_msg.Destination);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
- out_msg.Prefetch := in_msg.Prefetch;
- out_msg.AccessMode := in_msg.AccessMode;
- }
- }
- }
- action(c_issueUPGRADE, "c", desc="Issue GETX") {
- peek(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- enqueue(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, l1_request_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:UPGRADE;
- out_msg.Requestor := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "address: %#x, destination: %s\n",
- address, out_msg.Destination);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Control;
- out_msg.Prefetch := in_msg.Prefetch;
- out_msg.AccessMode := in_msg.AccessMode;
- }
- }
- }
- action(d_sendDataToRequestor, "d", desc="send data to requestor") {
- peek(requestL1Network_in, RequestMsg) {
- enqueue(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA;
- out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
- out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
- }
- }
- }
- action(d2_sendDataToL2, "d2", desc="send data to the L2 cache because of M downgrade") {
- enqueue(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA;
- out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
- out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
- }
- }
- action(dt_sendDataToRequestor_fromTBE, "dt", desc="send data to requestor") {
- peek(requestL1Network_in, RequestMsg) {
- enqueue(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- assert(is_valid(tbe));
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA;
- out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
- out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
- }
- }
- }
- action(d2t_sendDataToL2_fromTBE, "d2t", desc="send data to the L2 cache") {
- enqueue(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- assert(is_valid(tbe));
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA;
- out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
- out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Data;
- }
- }
- action(e_sendAckToRequestor, "e", desc="send invalidate ack to requestor (could be L2 or L1)") {
- peek(requestL1Network_in, RequestMsg) {
- enqueue(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control;
- }
- }
- }
- action(f_sendDataToL2, "f", desc="send data to the L2 cache") {
- enqueue(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA;
- out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
- out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Data;
- }
- }
- action(ft_sendDataToL2_fromTBE, "ft", desc="send data to the L2 cache") {
- enqueue(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- assert(is_valid(tbe));
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:DATA;
- out_msg.DataBlk := tbe.DataBlk;
- out_msg.Dirty := tbe.Dirty;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Data;
- }
- }
- action(fi_sendInvAck, "fi", desc="send data to the L2 cache") {
- peek(requestL1Network_in, RequestMsg) {
- enqueue(responseL1Network_out, ResponseMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:ACK;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(in_msg.Requestor);
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control;
- out_msg.AckCount := 1;
- }
- }
- }
- action(forward_eviction_to_cpu, "\cc", desc="sends eviction information to the processor") {
- if (send_evictions) {
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "Sending invalidation for %#x to the CPU\n", address);
- sequencer.evictionCallback(address);
- }
- }
- action(g_issuePUTX, "g", desc="send data to the L2 cache") {
- enqueue(requestL1Network_out, RequestMsg, l1_response_latency) {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceRequestType:PUTX;
- out_msg.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
- out_msg.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty;
- out_msg.Requestor:= machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- if (cache_entry.Dirty) {
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Data;
- } else {
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Writeback_Control;
- }
- }
- }
- action(j_sendUnblock, "j", desc="send unblock to the L2 cache") {
- enqueue(unblockNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, to_l2_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:UNBLOCK;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control;
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%#x\n", address);
- }
- }
- action(jj_sendExclusiveUnblock, "\j", desc="send unblock to the L2 cache") {
- enqueue(unblockNetwork_out, ResponseMsg, to_l2_latency) {
- out_msg.addr := address;
- out_msg.Type := CoherenceResponseType:EXCLUSIVE_UNBLOCK;
- out_msg.Sender := machineID;
- out_msg.Destination.add(mapAddressToRange(address, MachineType:L2Cache,
- l2_select_low_bit, l2_select_num_bits, intToID(0)));
- out_msg.MessageSize := MessageSizeType:Response_Control;
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%#x\n", address);
- }
- }
- action(dg_invalidate_sc, "dg",
- desc="Invalidate store conditional as the cache lost permissions") {
- sequencer.invalidateSC(address);
- }
- action(h_load_hit, "hd",
- desc="Notify sequencer the load completed.")
- {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", cache_entry.DataBlk);
- L1Dcache.setMRU(cache_entry);
- sequencer.readCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk);
- }
- action(h_ifetch_hit, "hi", desc="Notify sequencer the instruction fetch completed.")
- {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", cache_entry.DataBlk);
- L1Icache.setMRU(cache_entry);
- sequencer.readCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk);
- }
- action(hx_load_hit, "hx", desc="Notify sequencer the load completed.")
- {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", cache_entry.DataBlk);
- L1Icache.setMRU(address);
- L1Dcache.setMRU(address);
- sequencer.readCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk, true);
- }
- action(hh_store_hit, "\h", desc="Notify sequencer that store completed.")
- {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", cache_entry.DataBlk);
- L1Dcache.setMRU(cache_entry);
- sequencer.writeCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk);
- cache_entry.Dirty := true;
- }
- action(hhx_store_hit, "\hx", desc="Notify sequencer that store completed.")
- {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- DPRINTF(RubySlicc, "%s\n", cache_entry.DataBlk);
- L1Icache.setMRU(address);
- L1Dcache.setMRU(address);
- sequencer.writeCallback(address, cache_entry.DataBlk, true);
- cache_entry.Dirty := true;
- }
- action(i_allocateTBE, "i", desc="Allocate TBE (isPrefetch=0, number of invalidates=0)") {
- check_allocate(TBEs);
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- TBEs.allocate(address);
- set_tbe(TBEs[address]);
- tbe.isPrefetch := false;
- tbe.Dirty := cache_entry.Dirty;
- tbe.DataBlk := cache_entry.DataBlk;
- }
- action(k_popMandatoryQueue, "k", desc="Pop mandatory queue.") {
- mandatoryQueue_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
- }
- action(l_popRequestQueue, "l",
- desc="Pop incoming request queue and profile the delay within this virtual network") {
- Tick delay := requestL1Network_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
- profileMsgDelay(2, ticksToCycles(delay));
- }
- action(o_popIncomingResponseQueue, "o",
- desc="Pop Incoming Response queue and profile the delay within this virtual network") {
- Tick delay := responseL1Network_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
- profileMsgDelay(1, ticksToCycles(delay));
- }
- action(s_deallocateTBE, "s", desc="Deallocate TBE") {
- TBEs.deallocate(address);
- unset_tbe();
- }
- action(u_writeDataToL1Cache, "u", desc="Write data to cache") {
- peek(responseL1Network_in, ResponseMsg) {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- cache_entry.DataBlk := in_msg.DataBlk;
- cache_entry.Dirty := in_msg.Dirty;
- }
- }
- action(q_updateAckCount, "q", desc="Update ack count") {
- peek(responseL1Network_in, ResponseMsg) {
- assert(is_valid(tbe));
- tbe.pendingAcks := tbe.pendingAcks - in_msg.AckCount;
- }
- }
- action(ff_deallocateL1CacheBlock, "\f", desc="Deallocate L1 cache block. Sets the cache to not present, allowing a replacement in parallel with a fetch.") {
- if (L1Dcache.isTagPresent(address)) {
- L1Dcache.deallocate(address);
- } else {
- L1Icache.deallocate(address);
- }
- unset_cache_entry();
- }
- action(oo_allocateL1DCacheBlock, "\o", desc="Set L1 D-cache tag equal to tag of block B.") {
- if (is_invalid(cache_entry)) {
- set_cache_entry(L1Dcache.allocate(address, new Entry));
- }
- }
- action(pp_allocateL1ICacheBlock, "\p", desc="Set L1 I-cache tag equal to tag of block B.") {
- if (is_invalid(cache_entry)) {
- set_cache_entry(L1Icache.allocate(address, new Entry));
- }
- }
- action(z_stallAndWaitMandatoryQueue, "\z", desc="Stall and wait the L1 mandatory request queue") {
- stall_and_wait(mandatoryQueue_in, address);
- }
- action(z_stallAndWaitOptionalQueue, "\pz", desc="Stall and wait the L1 prefetch request queue") {
- stall_and_wait(optionalQueue_in, address);
- }
- action(kd_wakeUpDependents, "kd", desc="wake-up dependents") {
- wakeUpBuffers(address);
- }
- action(uu_profileInstMiss, "\uim", desc="Profile the demand miss") {
- ++L1Icache.demand_misses;
- }
- action(uu_profileInstHit, "\uih", desc="Profile the demand hit") {
- ++L1Icache.demand_hits;
- }
- action(uu_profileDataMiss, "\udm", desc="Profile the demand miss") {
- ++L1Dcache.demand_misses;
- }
- action(uu_profileDataHit, "\udh", desc="Profile the demand hit") {
- ++L1Dcache.demand_hits;
- }
- action(po_observeHit, "\ph", desc="Inform the prefetcher about the hit") {
- peek(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- if (cache_entry.isPrefetch) {
- prefetcher.observePfHit(in_msg.LineAddress);
- cache_entry.isPrefetch := false;
- }
- }
- }
- action(po_observeMiss, "\po", desc="Inform the prefetcher about the miss") {
- peek(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- if (enable_prefetch) {
- prefetcher.observeMiss(in_msg.LineAddress, in_msg.Type);
- }
- }
- }
- action(ppm_observePfMiss, "\ppm",
- desc="Inform the prefetcher about the partial miss") {
- peek(mandatoryQueue_in, RubyRequest) {
- prefetcher.observePfMiss(in_msg.LineAddress);
- }
- }
- action(pq_popPrefetchQueue, "\pq", desc="Pop the prefetch request queue") {
- optionalQueue_in.dequeue(clockEdge());
- }
- action(mp_markPrefetched, "mp", desc="Set the isPrefetch flag") {
- assert(is_valid(cache_entry));
- cache_entry.isPrefetch := true;
- }
- //*****************************************************
- //*****************************************************
- // Transitions for Load/Store/Replacement/WriteBack from transient states
- transition({IS, IM, IS_I, M_I, SM, SINK_WB_ACK}, {Load, Ifetch, Store, L1_Replacement}) {
- z_stallAndWaitMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({PF_IS, PF_IS_I}, {Store, L1_Replacement}) {
- z_stallAndWaitMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({PF_IM, PF_SM}, {Load, Ifetch, L1_Replacement}) {
- z_stallAndWaitMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({IS, IM, IS_I, M_I, SM, SINK_WB_ACK, PF_IS, PF_IS_I, PF_IM, PF_SM}, PF_L1_Replacement) {
- z_stallAndWaitOptionalQueue;
- }
- // Transitions from Idle
- transition({NP,I}, {L1_Replacement, PF_L1_Replacement}) {
- ff_deallocateL1CacheBlock;
- }
- {PF_Load, PF_Store, PF_Ifetch}) {
- pq_popPrefetchQueue;
- }
- transition({NP,I}, Load, IS) {
- oo_allocateL1DCacheBlock;
- i_allocateTBE;
- a_issueGETS;
- uu_profileDataMiss;
- po_observeMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({NP,I}, PF_Load, PF_IS) {
- oo_allocateL1DCacheBlock;
- i_allocateTBE;
- pa_issuePfGETS;
- pq_popPrefetchQueue;
- }
- transition(PF_IS, Load, IS) {
- uu_profileDataMiss;
- ppm_observePfMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition(PF_IS_I, Load, IS_I) {
- uu_profileDataMiss;
- ppm_observePfMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition(PF_IS_I, Ifetch, IS_I) {
- uu_profileInstMiss;
- ppm_observePfMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({NP,I}, Ifetch, IS) {
- pp_allocateL1ICacheBlock;
- i_allocateTBE;
- ai_issueGETINSTR;
- uu_profileInstMiss;
- po_observeMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({NP,I}, PF_Ifetch, PF_IS) {
- pp_allocateL1ICacheBlock;
- i_allocateTBE;
- pai_issuePfGETINSTR;
- pq_popPrefetchQueue;
- }
- // We proactively assume that the prefetch is in to
- // the instruction cache
- transition(PF_IS, Ifetch, IS) {
- uu_profileDataMiss;
- ppm_observePfMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({NP,I}, Store, IM) {
- oo_allocateL1DCacheBlock;
- i_allocateTBE;
- b_issueGETX;
- uu_profileDataMiss;
- po_observeMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({NP,I}, PF_Store, PF_IM) {
- oo_allocateL1DCacheBlock;
- i_allocateTBE;
- pb_issuePfGETX;
- pq_popPrefetchQueue;
- }
- transition(PF_IM, Store, IM) {
- uu_profileDataMiss;
- ppm_observePfMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition(PF_SM, Store, SM) {
- uu_profileDataMiss;
- ppm_observePfMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({NP, I}, Inv) {
- fi_sendInvAck;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- // Transitions from Shared
- transition({S,E,M}, Load) {
- h_load_hit;
- uu_profileDataHit;
- po_observeHit;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition({S,E,M}, Ifetch) {
- h_ifetch_hit;
- uu_profileInstHit;
- po_observeHit;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition(S, Store, SM) {
- i_allocateTBE;
- c_issueUPGRADE;
- uu_profileDataMiss;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition(S, {L1_Replacement, PF_L1_Replacement}, I) {
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- ff_deallocateL1CacheBlock;
- }
- transition(S, Inv, I) {
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- fi_sendInvAck;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- // Transitions from Exclusive
- transition({E,M}, Store, M) {
- hh_store_hit;
- uu_profileDataHit;
- po_observeHit;
- k_popMandatoryQueue;
- }
- transition(E, {L1_Replacement, PF_L1_Replacement}, M_I) {
- // silent E replacement??
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- i_allocateTBE;
- g_issuePUTX; // send data, but hold in case forwarded request
- ff_deallocateL1CacheBlock;
- }
- transition(E, Inv, I) {
- // don't send data
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- fi_sendInvAck;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(E, Fwd_GETX, I) {
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- d_sendDataToRequestor;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(E, {Fwd_GETS, Fwd_GET_INSTR}, S) {
- d_sendDataToRequestor;
- d2_sendDataToL2;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- // Transitions from Modified
- transition(M, {L1_Replacement, PF_L1_Replacement}, M_I) {
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- i_allocateTBE;
- g_issuePUTX; // send data, but hold in case forwarded request
- ff_deallocateL1CacheBlock;
- }
- transition(M_I, WB_Ack, I) {
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(M, Inv, I) {
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- f_sendDataToL2;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(M_I, Inv, SINK_WB_ACK) {
- ft_sendDataToL2_fromTBE;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(M, Fwd_GETX, I) {
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- d_sendDataToRequestor;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(M, {Fwd_GETS, Fwd_GET_INSTR}, S) {
- d_sendDataToRequestor;
- d2_sendDataToL2;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(M_I, Fwd_GETX, SINK_WB_ACK) {
- dt_sendDataToRequestor_fromTBE;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(M_I, {Fwd_GETS, Fwd_GET_INSTR}, SINK_WB_ACK) {
- dt_sendDataToRequestor_fromTBE;
- d2t_sendDataToL2_fromTBE;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- // Transitions from IS
- transition({IS, IS_I}, Inv, IS_I) {
- fi_sendInvAck;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition({PF_IS, PF_IS_I}, Inv, PF_IS_I) {
- fi_sendInvAck;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(IS, Data_all_Acks, S) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- hx_load_hit;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(PF_IS, Data_all_Acks, S) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- mp_markPrefetched;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(IS_I, Data_all_Acks, I) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- hx_load_hit;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(PF_IS_I, Data_all_Acks, I) {
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(IS, DataS_fromL1, S) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- j_sendUnblock;
- hx_load_hit;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(PF_IS, DataS_fromL1, S) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- j_sendUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(IS_I, DataS_fromL1, I) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- j_sendUnblock;
- hx_load_hit;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(PF_IS_I, DataS_fromL1, I) {
- j_sendUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- // directory is blocked when sending exclusive data
- transition(IS_I, Data_Exclusive, E) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- hx_load_hit;
- jj_sendExclusiveUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- // directory is blocked when sending exclusive data
- transition(PF_IS_I, Data_Exclusive, E) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- jj_sendExclusiveUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(IS, Data_Exclusive, E) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- hx_load_hit;
- jj_sendExclusiveUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(PF_IS, Data_Exclusive, E) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- jj_sendExclusiveUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- mp_markPrefetched;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- // Transitions from IM
- transition(IM, Inv, IM) {
- fi_sendInvAck;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition({PF_IM, PF_SM}, Inv, PF_IM) {
- fi_sendInvAck;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(IM, Data, SM) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- q_updateAckCount;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- }
- transition(PF_IM, Data, PF_SM) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- q_updateAckCount;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- }
- transition(IM, Data_all_Acks, M) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- hhx_store_hit;
- jj_sendExclusiveUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(PF_IM, Data_all_Acks, M) {
- u_writeDataToL1Cache;
- jj_sendExclusiveUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- mp_markPrefetched;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- // transitions from SM
- transition(SM, Inv, IM) {
- forward_eviction_to_cpu;
- fi_sendInvAck;
- dg_invalidate_sc;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition({SM, IM, PF_SM, PF_IM}, Ack) {
- q_updateAckCount;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- }
- transition(SM, Ack_all, M) {
- jj_sendExclusiveUnblock;
- hhx_store_hit;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(PF_SM, Ack_all, M) {
- jj_sendExclusiveUnblock;
- s_deallocateTBE;
- mp_markPrefetched;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }
- transition(SINK_WB_ACK, Inv){
- fi_sendInvAck;
- l_popRequestQueue;
- }
- transition(SINK_WB_ACK, WB_Ack, I){
- s_deallocateTBE;
- o_popIncomingResponseQueue;
- kd_wakeUpDependents;
- }