path: root/src/mem/ruby/config/cfg.rb
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem/ruby/config/cfg.rb')
1 files changed, 751 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem/ruby/config/cfg.rb b/src/mem/ruby/config/cfg.rb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de8bcafd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mem/ruby/config/cfg.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,751 @@
+class AssertionFailure < RuntimeError
+class Boolean
+ def self.is_a?(obj)
+ return == "Boolean"
+ end
+def assert(condition,message)
+ unless condition
+ raise AssertionFailure, "Assertion failed: #{message}"
+ end
+class LibRubyObject
+ @@all_objs =
+ attr_reader :obj_name
+ @@default_params =
+ def initialize(obj_name)
+ assert obj_name.is_a?(String), "Obj_Name must be a string"
+ @obj_name = obj_name
+ @@all_objs << self
+ @params =
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ raise NotImplementedException
+ end
+ def self.param(param_name, type)
+ idx =
+ @@default_params[idx] = if ! @@default_params.key?(idx)
+ @@default_params[idx][param_name] = nil
+ send :define_method, param_name do
+ @params[param_name] = @@default_params[idx][param_name] if ! @params.key?(param_name)
+ @params[param_name]
+ end
+ method_name = (param_name.to_s + "=").to_sym
+ send :define_method, method_name do |val|
+ if val.is_a?(FalseClass) || val.is_a?(TrueClass)
+ assert type.is_a?(Boolean), "default value of param \"#{param_name}\" must be either true or false"
+ else
+ assert val.is_a?(type), "default value of param \"#{param_name}\" does not match type #{type}"
+ end
+# assert val.is_a?(type), "#{param_name} must be of type #{type}"
+ @params[param_name] = val
+ end
+ end
+ def self.default_param(param_name, type, default)
+ idx =
+ @@default_params[idx] = if ! @@default_params.key?(idx)
+ if default.is_a?(FalseClass) || default.is_a?(TrueClass)
+ assert type.is_a?(Boolean), "default value of param \"#{param_name}\" must be either true or false"
+ else
+ assert default.is_a?(type), "default value of param \"#{param_name}\" does not match type #{type}"
+ end
+ @@default_params[idx][param_name] = default
+ send :define_method, param_name do
+ @params[param_name] = @@default_params[idx][param_name] if ! @params.key?(param_name)
+ @params[param_name]
+ end
+ method_name = (param_name.to_s + "=").to_sym
+ send :define_method, method_name do |val|
+ assert val.is_a?(type), "#{param_name} must be of type #{type}"
+ @params[param_name] = val
+ end
+ end
+ def applyDefaults()
+ idx =
+ @@default_params[idx] = if ! @@default_params.key?(idx)
+ @@default_params[idx].each { |key, val|
+ @params[key] = val if ! @params.key?(key)
+ }
+ end
+ def argv()
+ str = ""
+ applyDefaults
+ @params.each { |key, val|
+ str += key.id2name + " "
+ if val.is_a?(LibRubyObject)
+ str += val.obj_name + " "
+ else
+ if val.is_a?(String) and val == ""
+ str += "null "
+ else
+ str += val.to_s + " "
+ end
+ end
+ }
+ return str
+ end
+ def self.printConstructors()
+ @@all_objs.each { |obj|
+ print obj.cppClassName, " ", obj.obj_name, " ",obj.argv,"\n"
+ }
+ end
+ def self.all()
+ @@all_objs
+ end
+class IfacePort < LibRubyObject
+ def initialize(obj_name)
+ super(obj_name)
+ end
+ def bochsConnType
+ raise NotImplementedException
+ end
+class NetPort < LibRubyObject
+ attr :mach_type
+ attr_reader :version
+ @@type_cnt =
+ @type_id
+ def initialize(obj_name, mach_type)
+ super(obj_name)
+ @mach_type = mach_type
+ @@type_cnt[mach_type] ||= 0
+ @type_id = @@type_cnt[mach_type]
+ @@type_cnt[mach_type] += 1
+ idx = "NetPort".to_sym
+ @@default_params[idx] = if ! @@default_params.key?(idx)
+ @@default_params[idx].each { |key, val|
+ @params[key] = val if ! @params.key?(key)
+ }
+ end
+ def port_name
+ mach_type
+ end
+ def port_num
+ @type_id
+ end
+ def cppClassName
+ "NetPort"
+ end
+class MemoryVector < LibRubyObject
+ def initialize(obj_name)
+ super(obj_name)
+ end
+ def cppClassName
+ "MemoryController"
+ end
+class Debug < LibRubyObject
+ def initialize *args
+ case args.size
+ when 1
+ super(args[0])
+ when 6
+ init_params *args[1]
+ else
+ raise Exception
+ end
+ end
+ def init_params (protocol_trace, filter_string, verbosity_string, start_time, output_filename)
+ @params[:protocol_trace] = protocol_trace
+ @params[:filter_string] = filter_string
+ @params[:verbosity_string] = verbosity_string
+ @params[:start_time] = start_time
+ @params[:output_filename] = output_filename
+ end
+ def cppClassName
+ "Debug"
+ end
+class RubySystem
+ @@params =
+ @@network = nil
+ def self.init(iface_ports, network)
+ @@iface_ports = iface_ports
+ @@network = network
+ end
+ def self.default_param(param_name, type, default)
+ if default.is_a?(FalseClass) || default.is_a?(TrueClass)
+ assert type.is_a?(Boolean), "default value of param \"#{param_name}\" must be either true or false"
+ else
+ assert default.is_a?(type), "default value of param \"#{param_name}\" does not match type #{type}"
+ end
+ @@params[param_name] = default
+ method_name = (param_name.to_s).to_sym
+ instance_eval <<-EOS
+ def #{method_name.to_s}
+ @@params[:#{param_name.to_s}]
+ end
+ instance_eval <<-EOS
+ def #{method_name.to_s}=(val)
+ @@params[:#{param_name.to_s}] = val
+ end
+ end
+ def self.generateConfig()
+ # get current time for random seed if set to "rand"
+ if @@params[:random_seed] == "rand"
+ t =
+ @@params[:random_seed] = t.usec.to_i
+ end
+ if ! @@params[:random_seed].is_a?(Integer)
+ raise TypeException
+ end
+ print "System sys0 ",argv,"\n"
+ LibRubyObject.all.each { |obj|
+ if obj.is_a?(SetAssociativeCache)
+ obj.calculateLatency
+ end
+ }
+ LibRubyObject.printConstructors
+ end
+ def self.printIfacePorts()
+ @@iface_ports.each { |port|
+ print port.obj_name, " "
+ }
+ puts
+ end
+ def self.getBochsConnections()
+ ports =
+ @@iface_ports.each { |port|
+ ports[port.obj_name] = port.bochsConnType
+ }
+ return ports
+ end
+ def self.getMemorySizeMB()
+ DirectoryMemory.memorySizeMB
+ end
+ # override the default accessors (generated by default_param) for random_seed
+ def self.random_seed=(seed)
+ assert (val.is_a?(Integer) or val == "rand"), "RubySystem.random_seed takes either an integer value or the string \"rand\""
+ @@params[:random_seed] = seed
+ end
+ def self.argv()
+ str = ""
+ @@params.each { |key, val|
+ str += key.id2name + " "
+ str += val.to_s + " "
+ }
+ return str
+ end
+ def self.writeConfig()
+ @@network.printTopology
+ end
+#require "defaults.rb"
+class CacheController < NetPort
+ @@total_cache_controllers = 0
+ attr :caches
+ attr :sequencer
+ def initialize(obj_name, mach_type, caches, sequencer)
+ super(obj_name, mach_type)
+ @caches = caches
+ @caches.each { |cache|
+ cache.controller = self
+ }
+ @sequencer = sequencer
+ @sequencer.controller = self
+ @version = @@total_cache_controllers
+ @@total_cache_controllers += 1
+ @sequencer.version = @version
+ buffer_size()
+ end
+ def argv()
+ vec = "version "+@version.to_s
+ @caches.each { |cache|
+ vec += " cache " + cache.obj_name
+ }
+ vec += " sequencer "+@sequencer.obj_name
+ vec += " transitions_per_cycle "+@params[:transitions_per_cycle].to_s
+ vec += " buffer_size "+@params[:buffer_size].to_s
+ vec += " number_of_TBEs "+@params[:number_of_TBEs].to_s
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "generated:"+@mach_type
+ end
+class DirectoryController < NetPort
+ @@total_directory_controllers = 0
+ attr :directory
+ attr :memory_control
+ def initialize(obj_name, mach_type, directory, memory_control)
+ super(obj_name, mach_type)
+ @directory = directory
+ directory.controller = self
+ @memory_control = memory_control
+ @version = @@total_directory_controllers
+ @@total_directory_controllers += 1
+ buffer_size()
+ end
+ def argv()
+ "version "+@version.to_s+" directory_name "+@directory.obj_name+" transitions_per_cycle "+@params[:transitions_per_cycle].to_s + " buffer_size "+@params[:buffer_size].to_s + " number_of_TBEs "+@params[:number_of_TBEs].to_s + " memory_controller_name "+@memory_control.obj_name + " recycle_latency "+@params[:recycle_latency].to_s
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "generated:"+@mach_type
+ end
+class DMAController < NetPort
+ @@total_dma_controllers = 0
+ attr :dma_sequencer
+ def initialize(obj_name, mach_type, dma_sequencer)
+ super(obj_name, mach_type)
+ @dma_sequencer = dma_sequencer
+ @version = @@total_dma_controllers
+ @@total_dma_controllers += 1
+ dma_sequencer.controller = self
+ buffer_size
+ end
+ def argv()
+ "version "+@version.to_s+" dma_sequencer "+@dma_sequencer.obj_name+" transitions_per_cycle "+@params[:transitions_per_cycle].to_s + " buffer_size "+@params[:buffer_size].to_s + " number_of_TBEs "+@params[:number_of_TBEs].to_s
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "generated:"+@mach_type
+ end
+class Cache < LibRubyObject
+ attr :size_kb, :latency
+ attr_writer :controller
+ def initialize(obj_name, size_kb, latency)
+ super(obj_name)
+ assert size_kb.is_a?(Integer), "Cache size must be an integer"
+ @size_kb = size_kb
+ @latency = latency
+ end
+ def args
+ "controller "+@controller.obj_name+" size_kb "+@size_kb.to_s+" latency "+@latency.to_s
+ end
+class SetAssociativeCache < Cache
+ attr :assoc, :replacement_policy
+ # latency can be either an integer, a float, or the string "auto"
+ # when an integer, it represents the number of cycles for a hit
+ # when a float, it represents the cache access time in ns
+ # when set to "auto", libruby will attempt to find a realistic latency by running CACTI
+ def initialize(obj_name, size_kb, latency, assoc, replacement_policy)
+ super(obj_name, size_kb, latency)
+ @assoc = assoc
+ @replacement_policy = replacement_policy
+ end
+ def calculateLatency()
+ if @latency == "auto"
+ cacti_args =
+ cacti_args << (@size_kb*1024) << RubySystem.block_size_bytes << @assoc
+ cacti_args << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1
+ cacti_args << RubySystem.tech_nm << RubySystem.block_size_bytes*8
+ cacti_args << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1
+ cacti_args << 360 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 0 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 1 << 0 << 0
+ cacti_args << 50 << 10 << 10 << 0 << 1 << 1
+ cacti_cmd = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/cacti/cacti " + cacti_args.join(" ")
+ IO.popen(cacti_cmd) { |pipe|
+ str1 = pipe.readline
+ str2 = pipe.readline
+ results = str2.split(", ")
+ if results.size != 61
+ print "CACTI ERROR: CACTI produced unexpected output.\n"
+ print "Are you using the version shipped with libruby?\n"
+ raise Exception
+ end
+ latency_ns = results[5].to_f
+ if (latency_ns == "1e+39")
+ print "CACTI ERROR: CACTI was unable to realistically model the cache ",@obj_name,"\n"
+ print "Either change the cache parameters or manually set the latency values\n"
+ raise Exception
+ end
+ clk_period_ns = 1e9 * (1.0 / (RubySystem.freq_mhz * 1e6))
+ latency_cycles = (latency_ns / clk_period_ns).ceil
+ @latency = latency_cycles
+ }
+ elsif @latency.is_a?(Float)
+ clk_period_ns = 1e9 * (1.0 / (RubySystem.freq_mhz * 1e6))
+ latency_cycles = (@latency / clk_period_ns).ceil
+ @latency = latency_cycles
+ elsif ! @latency.is_a?(Integer)
+ raise Exception
+ end
+ end
+ def argv()
+ args+" assoc "+@assoc.to_s+" replacement_policy "+@replacement_policy
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "SetAssociativeCache"
+ end
+class DirectoryMemory < LibRubyObject
+ attr :size_mb
+ attr_writer :controller
+ @@total_size_mb = 0
+ def initialize(obj_name, size_mb)
+ super(obj_name)
+ @size_mb = size_mb
+ @@total_size_mb += size_mb
+ end
+ def argv()
+ "version "+@controller.version.to_s+" size_mb "+@size_mb.to_s+" controller "+@controller.obj_name
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "DirectoryMemory"
+ end
+ def self.memorySizeMB()
+ @@total_size_mb
+ end
+#added by SS
+class MemoryControl < LibRubyObject
+ attr :name
+ def initialize(obj_name)
+ super(obj_name)
+ @name = obj_name
+ end
+ def argv()
+ vec = super()
+ vec += " mem_bus_cycle_multiplier "+mem_bus_cycle_multiplier.to_s
+ vec += " banks_per_rank "+banks_per_rank.to_s
+ vec += " ranks_per_dimm "+ranks_per_dimm.to_s
+ vec += " dimms_per_channel "+dimms_per_channel.to_s
+ vec += " bank_bit_0 "+bank_bit_0.to_s
+ vec += " rank_bit_0 "+rank_bit_0.to_s
+ vec += " dimm_bit_0 "+dimm_bit_0.to_s
+ vec += " bank_queue_size "+bank_queue_size.to_s
+ vec += " bank_busy_time "+bank_busy_time.to_s
+ vec += " rank_rank_delay "+rank_rank_delay.to_s
+ vec += " read_write_delay "+read_write_delay.to_s
+ vec += " basic_bus_busy_time "+basic_bus_busy_time.to_s
+ vec += " mem_ctl_latency "+mem_ctl_latency.to_s
+ vec += " refresh_period "+refresh_period.to_s
+ vec += " tFaw "+tFaw.to_s
+ vec += " mem_random_arbitrate "+mem_random_arbitrate.to_s
+ vec += " mem_fixed_delay "+mem_fixed_delay.to_s
+ vec += " memory_controller_name "+@name
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "MemoryControl"
+ end
+class Sequencer < IfacePort
+ def cppClassName()
+ "Sequencer"
+ end
+ param :controller, NetPort # must be set after initialization
+ param :icache, Cache
+ param :dcache, Cache
+ param :version, Integer
+ def initialize(obj_name, icache, dcache)
+ super(obj_name)
+ self.icache=icache
+ self.dcache=dcache
+ end
+ def bochsConnType()
+ return "cpu"+version.to_s
+ end
+class DMASequencer < IfacePort
+ def initialize(obj_name)
+ super(obj_name)
+ @params = {
+ :controller => nil,
+ :version => nil
+ }
+ end
+ def controller=(controller)
+ @params[:controller] = controller.obj_name
+ @params[:version] = controller.version
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "DMASequencer"
+ end
+ def bochsConnType()
+ return "dma"+@params[:version].to_s
+ end
+class IntNode
+ @@num = 0
+ def initialize()
+ end
+class Network < LibRubyObject
+class Topology < LibRubyObject
+ attr :net_ports
+ param :network, Network
+ def initialize(name, net_ports)
+ super(name)
+ @net_ports = net_ports
+ end
+ def cppClassName
+ "Topology"
+ end
+class Network < LibRubyObject
+ param :topology, Topology
+ def initialize(name, topo)
+ super(name)
+ @params[:topology] = topo
+ self
+ end
+ def argv()
+ vec = super()
+ vec += " endpoint_bandwidth "+endpoint_bandwidth.to_s
+ vec += " adaptive_routing "+adaptive_routing.to_s
+ vec += " number_of_virtual_networks "+number_of_virtual_networks.to_s
+ vec += " fan_out_degree "+fan_out_degree.to_s
+ vec += " buffer_size "+buffer_size.to_s
+ vec += " link_latency "+adaptive_routing.to_s
+ vec += " on_chip_latency "+on_chip_latency.to_s
+ end
+ def printTopology()
+ topology.printFile
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "SimpleNetwork"
+ end
+class PtToPtTopology < Topology
+ param :connections,String
+ def initialize(name, net_ports)
+ super(name, net_ports)
+ @params[:connections] = ""
+ @net_ports.each_index { |idx|
+ @params[:connections] << ("ext_node:"+@net_ports[idx].port_name+":"+@net_ports[idx].port_num.to_s)
+ @params[:connections] << ("%int_node:"+ idx.to_s+ "%link_latency:"+ link_latency.to_s)
+ @params[:connections] << ("%bw_multiplier:"+external_bw.to_s+"#")
+ }
+ @net_ports.each_index { |outer_idx|
+ @net_ports.each_index { |inner_idx|
+ if (outer_idx != inner_idx)
+ @params[:connections] << ("int_node:"+ outer_idx.to_s+ "%int_node:"+ inner_idx.to_s)
+ @params[:connections] << ("%link_latency:"+link_latency.to_s+"%bw_multiplier:"+internal_bw.to_s)
+ @params[:connections] << ("%link_weight:"+1.to_s+"#")
+ end
+ }
+ }
+ # call the accessors of the parent class to initialize them
+ # need to find a better method!!
+ print_config
+ end
+class CrossbarTopology < Topology
+ param :connections,String
+ def initialize(name, net_ports)
+ super(name, net_ports)
+ @params[:connections] = ""
+ crossbar_node = @net_ports.size
+ @net_ports.each_index { |idx|
+ @params[:connections] << ("ext_node:"+@net_ports[idx].port_name+":"+@net_ports[idx].port_num.to_s)
+ @params[:connections] << ("%int_node:"+ idx.to_s+ "%link_latency:"+ link_latency.to_s)
+ @params[:connections] << ("%bw_multiplier:"+external_bw.to_s+"#")
+ }
+ @net_ports.each_index { |idx|
+ @params[:connections] << ("int_node:"+idx.to_s+"%int_node:"+crossbar_node.to_s)
+ @params[:connections] << ("%link_latency:"+link_latency.to_s+"%bw_multiplier:"+internal_bw.to_s)
+ @params[:connections] << ("%link_weight:"+1.to_s+"#")
+ }
+ print_config
+ end
+#added by SS
+class Tracer < LibRubyObject
+ def initialize(obj_name)
+ super(obj_name)
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "Tracer"
+ end
+class Profiler < LibRubyObject
+ def initialize(obj_name)
+ super(obj_name)
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "Profiler"
+ end
+class MI_example_CacheController < CacheController
+ def initialize(obj_name, mach_type, caches, sequencer)
+ super(obj_name, mach_type, caches, sequencer)
+ end
+ def argv()
+ vec = super()
+ vec += " issue_latency "+issue_latency.to_s
+ vec += " cache_response_latency "+cache_response_latency.to_s
+ end
+class MI_example_DirectoryController < DirectoryController
+ def initialize(obj_name, mach_type, directory, memory_control)
+ super(obj_name, mach_type, directory, memory_control)
+ end
+ def argv()
+ vec = super()
+ vec += " to_mem_ctrl_latency "+to_mem_ctrl_latency.to_s
+ vec += " directory_latency "+directory_latency.to_s
+ vec += " memory_latency "+memory_latency.to_s
+ end
+#added by SS
+class GarnetNetwork < Network
+ def initialize(name, topo)
+ super(name, topo)
+ end
+ def argv()
+ vec = super()
+ vec += " flit_size "+flit_size.to_s
+ vec += " number_of_pipe_stages "+number_of_pipe_stages.to_s
+ vec += " vcs_per_class "+vcs_per_class.to_s
+ vec += " buffer_size "+buffer_size.to_s
+ vec += " using_network_testing "+using_network_testing.to_s
+ end
+class GarnetFixedPipeline < GarnetNetwork
+ def initialize(name, net_ports)
+ super(name, net_ports)
+ end
+ def argv()
+ super()
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "GarnetNetwork_d"
+ end
+class GarnetFlexiblePipeline < GarnetNetwork
+ def initialize(name, net_ports)
+ super(name, net_ports)
+ end
+ def argv()
+ super()
+ end
+ def cppClassName()
+ "GarnetNetwork"
+ end
+require "defaults.rb"