path: root/src/mem
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mem')
3 files changed, 139 insertions, 107 deletions
diff --git a/src/mem/ b/src/mem/
index 53e8277cc..28fc85245 100644
--- a/src/mem/
+++ b/src/mem/
@@ -272,14 +272,10 @@ RangeAddrMapper::getAddrRanges() const
AddrRange range = *r;
for (int j = 0; j < originalRanges.size(); ++j) {
- if ((range.start < originalRanges[j].start &&
- range.end >= originalRanges[j].start) ||
- (range.start < originalRanges[j].end &&
- range.end >= originalRanges[j].end))
+ if (range.intersects(originalRanges[j]))
fatal("Cannot remap range that intersects the original"
" ranges but are not a subset.\n");
- if (range.start >= originalRanges[j].start &&
- range.end <= originalRanges[j].end) {
+ if (range.isSubset(originalRanges[j])) {
// range is a subset
Addr offset = range.start - originalRanges[j].start;
range.start -= offset;
diff --git a/src/mem/ b/src/mem/
index d4157e14d..badf145ac 100644
--- a/src/mem/
+++ b/src/mem/
@@ -57,7 +57,9 @@
BaseBus::BaseBus(const BaseBusParams *p)
: MemObject(p),
headerCycles(p->header_cycles), width(p->width),
- defaultPortID(InvalidPortID),
+ gotAddrRanges(p->port_default_connection_count +
+ p->port_master_connection_count, false),
+ gotAllAddrRanges(false), defaultPortID(InvalidPortID),
@@ -335,28 +337,29 @@ BaseBus::Layer<PortClass>::recvRetry()
BaseBus::findPort(Addr addr)
- /* An interval tree would be a better way to do this. --ali. */
+ // we should never see any address lookups before we've got the
+ // ranges of all connected slave modules
+ assert(gotAllAddrRanges);
+ // Check the cache
PortID dest_id = checkPortCache(addr);
if (dest_id != InvalidPortID)
return dest_id;
- // Check normal port ranges
- PortMapConstIter i = portMap.find(RangeSize(addr,1));
+ // Check the address map interval tree
+ PortMapConstIter i = portMap.find(addr);
if (i != portMap.end()) {
dest_id = i->second;
- updatePortCache(dest_id, i->first.start, i->first.end);
+ updatePortCache(dest_id, i->first);
return dest_id;
// Check if this matches the default range
if (useDefaultRange) {
- AddrRangeConstIter a_end = defaultRange.end();
- for (AddrRangeConstIter i = defaultRange.begin(); i != a_end; i++) {
- if (*i == addr) {
- DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " found addr %#llx on default\n",
- addr);
- return defaultPortID;
- }
+ if (defaultRange == addr) {
+ DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " found addr %#llx on default\n",
+ addr);
+ return defaultPortID;
} else if (defaultPortID != InvalidPortID) {
DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Unable to find destination for addr %#llx, "
@@ -374,51 +377,62 @@ BaseBus::findPort(Addr addr)
BaseBus::recvRangeChange(PortID master_port_id)
- AddrRangeIter iter;
- if (inRecvRangeChange.count(master_port_id))
- return;
- inRecvRangeChange.insert(master_port_id);
+ // remember that we got a range from this master port and thus the
+ // connected slave module
+ gotAddrRanges[master_port_id] = true;
+ // update the global flag
+ if (!gotAllAddrRanges) {
+ // take a logical AND of all the ports and see if we got
+ // ranges from everyone
+ gotAllAddrRanges = true;
+ std::vector<bool>::const_iterator r = gotAddrRanges.begin();
+ while (gotAllAddrRanges && r != gotAddrRanges.end()) {
+ gotAllAddrRanges &= *r++;
+ }
+ }
- DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "received RangeChange from device id %d\n",
- master_port_id);
+ // note that we could get the range from the default port at any
+ // point in time, and we cannot assume that the default range is
+ // set before the other ones are, so we do additional checks once
+ // all ranges are provided
+ DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "received RangeChange from slave port %s\n",
+ masterPorts[master_port_id]->getSlavePort().name());
- clearPortCache();
if (master_port_id == defaultPortID) {
- defaultRange.clear();
- // Only try to update these ranges if the user set a default responder.
+ // only update if we are indeed checking ranges for the
+ // default port since the port might not have a valid range
+ // otherwise
if (useDefaultRange) {
- // get the address ranges of the connected slave port
- AddrRangeList ranges =
- masterPorts[master_port_id]->getAddrRanges();
- for(iter = ranges.begin(); iter != ranges.end(); iter++) {
- defaultRange.push_back(*iter);
- DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Adding range %#llx - %#llx for default range\n",
- iter->start, iter->end);
- }
- }
- } else {
+ AddrRangeList ranges = masterPorts[master_port_id]->getAddrRanges();
- assert(master_port_id < masterPorts.size() && master_port_id >= 0);
- MasterPort *port = masterPorts[master_port_id];
+ if (ranges.size() != 1)
+ fatal("Bus %s may only have a single default range",
+ name());
- // Clean out any previously existent ids
- for (PortMapIter portIter = portMap.begin();
- portIter != portMap.end(); ) {
- if (portIter->second == master_port_id)
- portMap.erase(portIter++);
- else
- portIter++;
+ defaultRange = ranges.front();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // the ports are allowed to update their address ranges
+ // dynamically, so remove any existing entries
+ if (gotAddrRanges[master_port_id]) {
+ for (PortMapIter p = portMap.begin(); p != portMap.end(); ) {
+ if (p->second == master_port_id)
+ // erasing invalidates the iterator, so advance it
+ // before the deletion takes place
+ portMap.erase(p++);
+ else
+ p++;
+ }
- // get the address ranges of the connected slave port
- AddrRangeList ranges = port->getAddrRanges();
+ AddrRangeList ranges = masterPorts[master_port_id]->getAddrRanges();
- for (iter = ranges.begin(); iter != ranges.end(); iter++) {
- DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Adding range %#llx - %#llx for id %d\n",
- iter->start, iter->end, master_port_id);
- if (portMap.insert(*iter, master_port_id) == portMap.end()) {
- PortID conflict_id = portMap.find(*iter)->second;
+ for (AddrRangeConstIter r = ranges.begin(); r != ranges.end(); ++r) {
+ DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "Adding range %#llx : %#llx for id %d\n",
+ r->start, r->end, master_port_id);
+ if (portMap.insert(*r, master_port_id) == portMap.end()) {
+ PortID conflict_id = portMap.find(*r)->second;
fatal("%s has two ports with same range:\n\t%s\n\t%s\n",
@@ -426,52 +440,74 @@ BaseBus::recvRangeChange(PortID master_port_id)
- DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "port list has %d entries\n", portMap.size());
- // tell all our neighbouring master ports that our address range
- // has changed
- for (SlavePortConstIter p = slavePorts.begin(); p != slavePorts.end();
- ++p)
- (*p)->sendRangeChange();
+ // if we have received ranges from all our neighbouring slave
+ // modules, go ahead and tell our connected master modules in
+ // turn, this effectively assumes a tree structure of the system
+ if (gotAllAddrRanges) {
+ // also check that no range partially overlaps with the
+ // default range, this has to be done after all ranges are set
+ // as there are no guarantees for when the default range is
+ // update with respect to the other ones
+ if (useDefaultRange) {
+ for (PortID port_id = 0; port_id < masterPorts.size(); ++port_id) {
+ if (port_id == defaultPortID) {
+ if (!gotAddrRanges[port_id])
+ fatal("Bus %s uses default range, but none provided",
+ name());
+ } else {
+ AddrRangeList ranges =
+ masterPorts[port_id]->getAddrRanges();
+ for (AddrRangeConstIter r = ranges.begin();
+ r != ranges.end(); ++r) {
+ // see if the new range is partially
+ // overlapping the default range
+ if (r->intersects(defaultRange) &&
+ !r->isSubset(defaultRange))
+ fatal("Range %#llx : %#llx intersects the " \
+ "default range of %s but is not a " \
+ "subset\n", r->start, r->end, name());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // tell all our neighbouring master ports that our address
+ // ranges have changed
+ for (SlavePortConstIter s = slavePorts.begin(); s != slavePorts.end();
+ ++s)
+ (*s)->sendRangeChange();
+ }
- inRecvRangeChange.erase(master_port_id);
+ clearPortCache();
BaseBus::getAddrRanges() const
- AddrRangeList ranges;
+ // we should never be asked without first having sent a range
+ // change, and the latter is only done once we have all the ranges
+ // of the connected devices
+ assert(gotAllAddrRanges);
DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, "received address range request, returning:\n");
- for (AddrRangeConstIter dflt_iter = defaultRange.begin();
- dflt_iter != defaultRange.end(); dflt_iter++) {
- ranges.push_back(*dflt_iter);
- DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- Dflt: %#llx : %#llx\n",dflt_iter->start,
- dflt_iter->end);
- }
- for (PortMapConstIter portIter = portMap.begin();
- portIter != portMap.end(); portIter++) {
- bool subset = false;
- for (AddrRangeConstIter dflt_iter = defaultRange.begin();
- dflt_iter != defaultRange.end(); dflt_iter++) {
- if ((portIter->first.start < dflt_iter->start &&
- portIter->first.end >= dflt_iter->start) ||
- (portIter->first.start < dflt_iter->end &&
- portIter->first.end >= dflt_iter->end))
- fatal("Devices can not set ranges that itersect the default set\
- but are not a subset of the default set.\n");
- if (portIter->first.start >= dflt_iter->start &&
- portIter->first.end <= dflt_iter->end) {
- subset = true;
- DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- %#llx : %#llx is a SUBSET\n",
- portIter->first.start, portIter->first.end);
- }
- }
- if (!subset) {
- ranges.push_back(portIter->first);
+ // start out with the default range
+ AddrRangeList ranges;
+ ranges.push_back(defaultRange);
+ DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- %#llx : %#llx DEFAULT\n",
+ defaultRange.start, defaultRange.end);
+ // add any range that is not a subset of the default range
+ for (PortMapConstIter p = portMap.begin(); p != portMap.end(); ++p) {
+ if (useDefaultRange && p->first.isSubset(defaultRange)) {
+ DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- %#llx : %#llx is a SUBSET\n",
+ p->first.start, p->first.end);
+ } else {
+ ranges.push_back(p->first);
DPRINTF(BusAddrRanges, " -- %#llx : %#llx\n",
- portIter->first.start, portIter->first.end);
+ p->first.start, p->first.end);
diff --git a/src/mem/bus.hh b/src/mem/bus.hh
index a3469a478..849bef639 100644
--- a/src/mem/bus.hh
+++ b/src/mem/bus.hh
@@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ class BaseBus : public MemObject
typedef AddrRangeMap<PortID>::const_iterator PortMapConstIter;
AddrRangeMap<PortID> portMap;
- AddrRangeList defaultRange;
+ AddrRange defaultRange;
* Function called by the port when the bus is recieving a range change.
@@ -256,25 +256,21 @@ class BaseBus : public MemObject
struct PortCache {
bool valid;
PortID id;
- Addr start;
- Addr end;
+ AddrRange range;
PortCache portCache[3];
// Checks the cache and returns the id of the port that has the requested
// address within its range
- inline PortID checkPortCache(Addr addr) {
- if (portCache[0].valid && addr >= portCache[0].start &&
- addr < portCache[0].end) {
+ inline PortID checkPortCache(Addr addr) const {
+ if (portCache[0].valid && portCache[0].range == addr) {
return portCache[0].id;
- if (portCache[1].valid && addr >= portCache[1].start &&
- addr < portCache[1].end) {
+ if (portCache[1].valid && portCache[1].range == addr) {
return portCache[1].id;
- if (portCache[2].valid && addr >= portCache[2].start &&
- addr < portCache[2].end) {
+ if (portCache[2].valid && portCache[2].range == addr) {
return portCache[2].id;
@@ -282,21 +278,18 @@ class BaseBus : public MemObject
// Clears the earliest entry of the cache and inserts a new port entry
- inline void updatePortCache(short id, Addr start, Addr end) {
+ inline void updatePortCache(short id, const AddrRange& range) {
portCache[2].valid = portCache[1].valid;
portCache[2].id = portCache[1].id;
- portCache[2].start = portCache[1].start;
- portCache[2].end = portCache[1].end;
+ portCache[2].range = portCache[1].range;
portCache[1].valid = portCache[0].valid;
portCache[1].id = portCache[0].id;
- portCache[1].start = portCache[0].start;
- portCache[1].end = portCache[0].end;
+ portCache[1].range = portCache[0].range;
portCache[0].valid = true;
portCache[0].id = id;
- portCache[0].start = start;
- portCache[0].end = end;
+ portCache[0].range = range;
// Clears the cache. Needs to be called in constructor.
@@ -329,7 +322,14 @@ class BaseBus : public MemObject
unsigned deviceBlockSize() const;
- std::set<PortID> inRecvRangeChange;
+ /**
+ * Remember for each of the master ports of the bus if we got an
+ * address range from the connected slave. For convenience, also
+ * keep track of if we got ranges from all the slave modules or
+ * not.
+ */
+ std::vector<bool> gotAddrRanges;
+ bool gotAllAddrRanges;
/** The master and slave ports of the bus */
std::vector<SlavePort*> slavePorts;