path: root/src/python
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/python')
-rw-r--r--src/python/m5/objects/ (renamed from src/python/m5/objects/
37 files changed, 946 insertions, 395 deletions
diff --git a/src/python/SConscript b/src/python/SConscript
index 4407e403d..3a9def9a8 100644
--- a/src/python/SConscript
+++ b/src/python/SConscript
@@ -25,183 +25,82 @@
+# Authors: Steve Reinhardt
+# Nathan Binkert
import os, os.path, re, sys
+from zipfile import PyZipFile
+# handy function for path joins
+def join(*args):
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(*args))
-import scons_helper
-def WriteEmbeddedPyFile(target, source, path, name, ext, filename):
- if isinstance(source, str):
- source = file(source, 'r')
- if isinstance(target, str):
- target = file(target, 'w')
- print >>target, "AddModule(%s, %s, %s, %s, '''\\" % \
- (`path`, `name`, `ext`, `filename`)
- for line in source:
- line = line
- # escape existing backslashes
- line = line.replace('\\', '\\\\')
- # escape existing triple quotes
- line = line.replace("'''", r"\'\'\'")
- print >>target, line,
- print >>target, "''')"
- print >>target
-def WriteCFile(target, source, name):
- if isinstance(source, str):
- source = file(source, 'r')
- if isinstance(target, str):
- target = file(target, 'w')
- print >>target, 'const char %s_string[] = {' % name
- count = 0
- from array import array
- try:
- while True:
- foo = array('B')
- foo.fromfile(source, 10000)
- l = [ str(i) for i in foo.tolist() ]
- count += len(l)
- for i in xrange(0,9999,20):
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:i+20]) + ','
- except EOFError:
- l = [ str(i) for i in foo.tolist() ]
- count += len(l)
- for i in xrange(0,len(l),20):
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:i+20]) + ','
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:]) + ','
- print >>target, '};'
- print >>target, 'const int %s_length = %d;' % (name, count)
- print >>target
-def splitpath(path):
- dir,file = os.path.split(path)
- path = []
- assert(file)
- while dir:
- dir,base = os.path.split(dir)
- path.insert(0, base)
- return path, file
-def MakeEmbeddedPyFile(target, source, env):
- target = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
- tree = {}
- for src in source:
- src = str(src)
- path,pyfile = splitpath(src)
- node = tree
- for dir in path:
- if not node.has_key(dir):
- node[dir] = { }
- node = node[dir]
- name,ext = pyfile.split('.')
- if name == '__init__':
- node['.hasinit'] = True
- node[pyfile] = (src,name,ext,src)
- done = False
- while not done:
- done = True
- for name,entry in tree.items():
- if not isinstance(entry, dict): continue
- if entry.has_key('.hasinit'): continue
- done = False
- del tree[name]
- for key,val in entry.iteritems():
- if tree.has_key(key):
- raise NameError, \
- "dir already has %s can't add it again" % key
- tree[key] = val
- files = []
- def populate(node, path = []):
- names = node.keys()
- names.sort()
- for name in names:
- if name == '.hasinit':
- continue
- entry = node[name]
- if isinstance(entry, dict):
- if not entry.has_key('.hasinit'):
- raise NameError, 'package directory missing'
- populate(entry, path + [ name ])
- else:
- pyfile,name,ext,filename = entry
- files.append((pyfile, path, name, ext, filename))
- populate(tree)
- for pyfile, path, name, ext, filename in files:
- WriteEmbeddedPyFile(target, pyfile, path, name, ext, filename)
+# This SConscript is in charge of collecting .py files and generating
+# a zip archive that is appended to the m5 binary.
+# List of files & directories to include in the zip file. To include
+# a package, list only the root directory of the package, not any
+# internal .py files (else they will get the path stripped off when
+# they are imported into the zip file).
+pyzip_files = []
+# List of additional files on which the zip archive depends, but which
+# are not included in pyzip_files... i.e. individual .py files within
+# a package.
+pyzip_dep_files = []
+# Add the specified package to the zip archive. Adds the directory to
+# pyzip_files and all included .py files to pyzip_dep_files.
+def addPkg(pkgdir):
+ pyzip_files.append(pkgdir)
+ origdir = os.getcwd()
+ srcdir = join(Dir('.').srcnode().abspath, pkgdir)
+ os.chdir(srcdir)
+ for path, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
+ for i,dir in enumerate(dirs):
+ if dir == 'SCCS':
+ del dirs[i]
+ break
+ for f in files:
+ if f.endswith('.py'):
+ pyzip_dep_files.append(join(pkgdir, path, f))
+ os.chdir(origdir)
+# Generate Python file that contains a dict specifying the current
+# build_env flags.
def MakeDefinesPyFile(target, source, env):
f = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
- print >>f, "import __main__"
- print >>f, "__main__.m5_build_env = ",
+ print >>f, "m5_build_env = ",
print >>f, source[0]
-CFileCounter = 0
-def MakePythonCFile(target, source, env):
- global CFileCounter
- target = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
- print >>target, '''\
-#include "base/embedfile.hh"
-namespace {
- for src in source:
- src = str(src)
- fname = os.path.basename(src)
- name = 'embedded_file%d' % CFileCounter
- CFileCounter += 1
- WriteCFile(target, src, name)
- print >>target, '''\
-EmbedMap %(name)s("%(fname)s",
- %(name)s_string, %(name)s_length);
-''' % locals()
- print >>target, '''\
-/* namespace */ }
-# base list of .py files to embed
-embedded_py_files = [ os.path.join(env['ROOT'], 'util/pbs/') ]
-# add all .py files in python/m5
-objpath = os.path.join(env['SRCDIR'], 'python', 'm5')
-for root, dirs, files in os.walk(objpath, topdown=True):
- for i,dir in enumerate(dirs):
- if dir == 'SCCS':
- del dirs[i]
- break
- assert(root.startswith(objpath))
- for f in files:
- if f.endswith('.py'):
- embedded_py_files.append(os.path.join(root, f))
-embedfile_hh = os.path.join(env['SRCDIR'], 'base/embedfile.hh')
optionDict = dict([(opt, env[opt]) for opt in env.ExportOptions])
-env.Command('', Value(optionDict), MakeDefinesPyFile)
-env.Command('', embedded_py_files, MakeEmbeddedPyFile)
-env.Depends('', embedfile_hh)
- ['', '', ''],
- MakePythonCFile)
+env.Command('m5/', Value(optionDict), MakeDefinesPyFile)
+# Now specify the packages & files for the zip archive.
+pyzip_files.append(join(env['ROOT'], 'util/pbs/'))
+env.Command(['swig/', 'm5/'],
+ 'swig/cc_main.i',
+ '$SWIG $SWIGFLAGS -outdir ${TARGETS[1].dir} '
+ '-o ${TARGETS[0]} $SOURCES')
+# Action function to build the zip archive. Uses the PyZipFile module
+# included in the standard Python library.
+def buildPyZip(target, source, env):
+ pzf = PyZipFile(str(target[0]), 'w')
+ for s in source:
+ pzf.writepy(str(s))
+# Add the zip file target to the environment.
+env.Command('', pyzip_files, buildPyZip)
+env.Depends('', pyzip_dep_files)
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index 9bb68a090..828165d15 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -23,24 +23,30 @@
+# Authors: Nathan Binkert
+# Steve Reinhardt
+import sys, os, time, atexit, optparse
+# import the SWIG-wrapped main C++ functions
+import cc_main
+# import a few SWIG-wrapped items (those that are likely to be used
+# directly by user scripts) completely into this module for
+# convenience
+from cc_main import simulate, SimLoopExitEvent, setCheckpointDir
-import sys, os
+# import the m5 compile options
+import defines
# define this here so we can use it right away if necessary
def panic(string):
print >>sys.stderr, 'panic:', string
-def m5execfile(f, global_dict):
- # copy current sys.path
- oldpath = sys.path[:]
- # push file's directory onto front of path
- sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(f)))
- execfile(f, global_dict)
- # restore original path
- sys.path = oldpath
-# Prepend given directory to system module search path.
+# Prepend given directory to system module search path. We may not
+# need this anymore if we can structure our config library more like a
+# Python package.
def AddToPath(path):
# if it's a relative path and we know what directory the current
# python script is in, make the path relative to that directory.
@@ -51,24 +57,236 @@ def AddToPath(path):
# so place the new dir right after that.
sys.path.insert(1, path)
-# find the m5 compile options: must be specified as a dict in
-# __main__.m5_build_env.
-import __main__
-if not hasattr(__main__, 'm5_build_env'):
- panic("__main__ must define m5_build_env")
+# The m5 module's pointer to the parsed options object
+options = None
+# User should call this function after calling parse_args() to pass
+# parsed standard option values back into the m5 module for
+# processing.
+def setStandardOptions(_options):
+ # Set module global var
+ global options
+ options = _options
+ # tell C++ about output directory
+ cc_main.setOutputDir(options.outdir)
+# Callback to set trace flags. Not necessarily the best way to do
+# things in the long run (particularly if we change how these global
+# options are handled).
+def setTraceFlags(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.Trace.flags = value
+def setTraceStart(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.Trace.start = value
+def setTraceFile(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.Trace.file = value
+def noPCSymbol(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.ExecutionTrace.pc_symbol = False
+def noPrintCycle(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.ExecutionTrace.print_cycle = False
+def noPrintOpclass(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.ExecutionTrace.print_opclass = False
+def noPrintThread(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.ExecutionTrace.print_thread = False
+def noPrintEA(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.ExecutionTrace.print_effaddr = False
+def noPrintData(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.ExecutionTrace.print_data = False
+def printFetchseq(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.ExecutionTrace.print_fetchseq = True
+def printCpseq(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.ExecutionTrace.print_cpseq = True
+def dumpOnExit(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.Trace.dump_on_exit = True
+def debugBreak(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.Debug.break_cycles = value
+def statsTextFile(option, opt_str, value, parser):
+ objects.Statistics.text_file = value
+# Standard optparse options. Need to be explicitly included by the
+# user script when it calls optparse.OptionParser().
+standardOptions = [
+ optparse.make_option("--outdir", type="string", default="."),
+ optparse.make_option("--traceflags", type="string", action="callback",
+ callback=setTraceFlags),
+ optparse.make_option("--tracestart", type="int", action="callback",
+ callback=setTraceStart),
+ optparse.make_option("--tracefile", type="string", action="callback",
+ callback=setTraceFile),
+ optparse.make_option("--nopcsymbol",
+ action="callback", callback=noPCSymbol,
+ help="Disable PC symbols in trace output"),
+ optparse.make_option("--noprintcycle",
+ action="callback", callback=noPrintCycle,
+ help="Don't print cycle numbers in trace output"),
+ optparse.make_option("--noprintopclass",
+ action="callback", callback=noPrintOpclass,
+ help="Don't print op class type in trace output"),
+ optparse.make_option("--noprintthread",
+ action="callback", callback=noPrintThread,
+ help="Don't print thread number in trace output"),
+ optparse.make_option("--noprinteffaddr",
+ action="callback", callback=noPrintEA,
+ help="Don't print effective address in trace output"),
+ optparse.make_option("--noprintdata",
+ action="callback", callback=noPrintData,
+ help="Don't print result data in trace output"),
+ optparse.make_option("--printfetchseq",
+ action="callback", callback=printFetchseq,
+ help="Print fetch sequence numbers in trace output"),
+ optparse.make_option("--printcpseq",
+ action="callback", callback=printCpseq,
+ help="Print correct path sequence numbers in trace output"),
+ optparse.make_option("--dumponexit",
+ action="callback", callback=dumpOnExit,
+ help="Dump trace buffer on exit"),
+ optparse.make_option("--debugbreak", type="int", metavar="CYCLE",
+ action="callback", callback=debugBreak,
+ help="Cycle to create a breakpoint"),
+ optparse.make_option("--statsfile", type="string", action="callback",
+ callback=statsTextFile, metavar="FILE",
+ help="Sets the output file for the statistics")
+ ]
# make a SmartDict out of the build options for our local use
import smartdict
build_env = smartdict.SmartDict()
# make a SmartDict out of the OS environment too
env = smartdict.SmartDict()
-# import the main m5 config code
-from config import *
-# import the built-in object definitions
-from objects import *
+# Function to provide to C++ so it can look up instances based on paths
+def resolveSimObject(name):
+ obj = config.instanceDict[name]
+ return obj.getCCObject()
+# The final hook to generate .ini files. Called from the user script
+# once the config is built.
+def instantiate(root):
+ config.ticks_per_sec = float(root.clock.frequency)
+ # ugly temporary hack to get output to config.ini
+ sys.stdout = file(os.path.join(options.outdir, 'config.ini'), 'w')
+ root.print_ini()
+ sys.stdout.close() # close config.ini
+ sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__ # restore to original
+ cc_main.loadIniFile(resolveSimObject) # load config.ini into C++
+ root.createCCObject()
+ root.connectPorts()
+ cc_main.finalInit()
+ noDot = True # temporary until we fix dot
+ if not noDot:
+ dot = pydot.Dot()
+ instance.outputDot(dot)
+ dot.orientation = "portrait"
+ dot.size = "8.5,11"
+ dot.ranksep="equally"
+ dot.rank="samerank"
+ dot.write("")
+ dot.write_ps("")
+# Export curTick to user script.
+def curTick():
+ return cc_main.cvar.curTick
+# register our C++ exit callback function with Python
+# This import allows user scripts to reference 'm5.objects.Foo' after
+# just doing an 'import m5' (without an 'import m5.objects'). May not
+# matter since most scripts will probably 'from m5.objects import *'.
+import objects
+def doQuiesce(root):
+ quiesce = cc_main.createCountedQuiesce()
+ unready_objects = root.startQuiesce(quiesce, True)
+ # If we've got some objects that can't quiesce immediately, then simulate
+ if unready_objects > 0:
+ quiesce.setCount(unready_objects)
+ simulate()
+ cc_main.cleanupCountedQuiesce(quiesce)
+def resume(root):
+ root.resume()
+def checkpoint(root):
+ if not isinstance(root, objects.Root):
+ raise TypeError, "Object is not a root object. Checkpoint must be called on a root object."
+ doQuiesce(root)
+ print "Writing checkpoint"
+ cc_main.serializeAll()
+ resume(root)
+def restoreCheckpoint(root):
+ print "Restoring from checkpoint"
+ cc_main.unserializeAll()
+def changeToAtomic(system):
+ if not isinstance(system, objects.Root) and not isinstance(system, System):
+ raise TypeError, "Object is not a root or system object. Checkpoint must be "
+ "called on a root object."
+ doQuiesce(system)
+ print "Changing memory mode to atomic"
+ system.changeTiming(cc_main.SimObject.Atomic)
+ resume(system)
+def changeToTiming(system):
+ if not isinstance(system, objects.Root) and not isinstance(system, System):
+ raise TypeError, "Object is not a root or system object. Checkpoint must be "
+ "called on a root object."
+ doQuiesce(system)
+ print "Changing memory mode to timing"
+ system.changeTiming(cc_main.SimObject.Timing)
+ resume(system)
+def switchCpus(cpuList):
+ if not isinstance(cpuList, list):
+ raise RuntimeError, "Must pass a list to this function"
+ for i in cpuList:
+ if not isinstance(i, tuple):
+ raise RuntimeError, "List must have tuples of (oldCPU,newCPU)"
+ [old_cpus, new_cpus] = zip(*cpuList)
+ for cpu in old_cpus:
+ if not isinstance(cpu, objects.BaseCPU):
+ raise TypeError, "%s is not of type BaseCPU", cpu
+ for cpu in new_cpus:
+ if not isinstance(cpu, objects.BaseCPU):
+ raise TypeError, "%s is not of type BaseCPU", cpu
+ # Quiesce all of the individual CPUs
+ quiesce = cc_main.createCountedQuiesce()
+ unready_cpus = 0
+ for old_cpu in old_cpus:
+ unready_cpus += old_cpu.startQuiesce(quiesce, False)
+ # If we've got some objects that can't quiesce immediately, then simulate
+ if unready_cpus > 0:
+ quiesce.setCount(unready_cpus)
+ simulate()
+ cc_main.cleanupCountedQuiesce(quiesce)
+ # Now all of the CPUs are ready to be switched out
+ for old_cpu in old_cpus:
+ old_cpu._ccObject.switchOut()
+ index = 0
+ print "Switching CPUs"
+ for new_cpu in new_cpus:
+ new_cpu.takeOverFrom(old_cpus[index])
+ new_cpu._ccObject.resume()
+ index += 1
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index 1e25e0d09..6f2873d40 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2006 The Regents of The University of Michigan
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
@@ -23,12 +23,14 @@
+# Authors: Steve Reinhardt
+# Nathan Binkert
-from __future__ import generators
-import os, re, sys, types, inspect
+import os, re, sys, types, inspect, copy
import m5
-panic = m5.panic
+from m5 import panic, cc_main
from convert import *
from multidict import multidict
@@ -82,60 +84,24 @@ class Singleton(type):
# Once a set of Python objects have been instantiated in a hierarchy,
# calling 'instantiate(obj)' (where obj is the root of the hierarchy)
-# will generate a .ini file. See for an example
-# (corresponding to m5-test/simple-4cpu.ini).
+# will generate a .ini file.
-# ConfigNode/SimObject classes
-# The Python class hierarchy rooted by ConfigNode (which is the base
-# class of SimObject, which in turn is the base class of all other M5
-# SimObject classes) has special attribute behavior. In general, an
-# object in this hierarchy has three categories of attribute-like
-# things:
-# 1. Regular Python methods and variables. These must start with an
-# underscore to be treated normally.
-# 2. SimObject parameters. These values are stored as normal Python
-# attributes, but all assignments to these attributes are checked
-# against the pre-defined set of parameters stored in the class's
-# _params dictionary. Assignments to attributes that do not
-# correspond to predefined parameters, or that are not of the correct
-# type, incur runtime errors.
+# dict to look up SimObjects based on path
+instanceDict = {}
-# 3. Hierarchy children. The child nodes of a ConfigNode are stored
-# in the node's _children dictionary, but can be accessed using the
-# Python attribute dot-notation (just as they are printed out by the
-# simulator). Children cannot be created using attribute assigment;
-# they must be added by specifying the parent node in the child's
-# constructor or using the '+=' operator.
-# The SimObject parameters are the most complex, for a few reasons.
-# First, both parameter descriptions and parameter values are
-# inherited. Thus parameter description lookup must go up the
-# inheritance chain like normal attribute lookup, but this behavior
-# must be explicitly coded since the lookup occurs in each class's
-# _params attribute. Second, because parameter values can be set
-# on SimObject classes (to implement default values), the parameter
-# checking behavior must be enforced on class attribute assignments as
-# well as instance attribute assignments. Finally, because we allow
-# class specialization via inheritance (e.g., see the L1Cache class in
-# the example), we must do parameter checking even on
-# class instantiation. To provide all these features, we use a
-# metaclass to define most of the SimObject parameter behavior for
-# this class hierarchy.
+# Utility methods
def isSimObject(value):
return isinstance(value, SimObject)
-def isSimObjSequence(value):
- if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
+def isSimObjectSequence(value):
+ if not isinstance(value, (list, tuple)) or len(value) == 0:
return False
for val in value:
@@ -144,48 +110,76 @@ def isSimObjSequence(value):
return True
+def isSimObjectOrSequence(value):
+ return isSimObject(value) or isSimObjectSequence(value)
def isNullPointer(value):
return isinstance(value, NullSimObject)
-# The metaclass for ConfigNode (and thus for everything that derives
-# from ConfigNode, including SimObject). This class controls how new
-# classes that derive from ConfigNode are instantiated, and provides
-# inherited class behavior (just like a class controls how instances
-# of that class are instantiated, and provides inherited instance
-# behavior).
+# Apply method to object.
+# applyMethod(obj, 'meth', <args>) is equivalent to obj.meth(<args>)
+def applyMethod(obj, meth, *args, **kwargs):
+ return getattr(obj, meth)(*args, **kwargs)
+# If the first argument is an (non-sequence) object, apply the named
+# method with the given arguments. If the first argument is a
+# sequence, apply the method to each element of the sequence (a la
+# 'map').
+def applyOrMap(objOrSeq, meth, *args, **kwargs):
+ if not isinstance(objOrSeq, (list, tuple)):
+ return applyMethod(objOrSeq, meth, *args, **kwargs)
+ else:
+ return [applyMethod(o, meth, *args, **kwargs) for o in objOrSeq]
+# The metaclass for SimObject. This class controls how new classes
+# that derive from SimObject are instantiated, and provides inherited
+# class behavior (just like a class controls how instances of that
+# class are instantiated, and provides inherited instance behavior).
class MetaSimObject(type):
# Attributes that can be set only at initialization time
init_keywords = { 'abstract' : types.BooleanType,
'type' : types.StringType }
# Attributes that can be set any time
- keywords = { 'check' : types.FunctionType,
- 'children' : types.ListType }
+ keywords = { 'check' : types.FunctionType }
# __new__ is called before __init__, and is where the statements
# in the body of the class definition get loaded into the class's
- # __dict__. We intercept this to filter out parameter assignments
+ # __dict__. We intercept this to filter out parameter & port assignments
# and only allow "private" attributes to be passed to the base
# __new__ (starting with underscore).
def __new__(mcls, name, bases, dict):
- # Copy "private" attributes (including special methods such as __new__)
- # to the official dict. Everything else goes in _init_dict to be
+ # Copy "private" attributes, functions, and classes to the
+ # official dict. Everything else goes in _init_dict to be
# filtered in __init__.
cls_dict = {}
+ value_dict = {}
for key,val in dict.items():
- if key.startswith('_'):
+ if key.startswith('_') or isinstance(val, (types.FunctionType,
+ types.TypeType)):
cls_dict[key] = val
- del dict[key]
- cls_dict['_init_dict'] = dict
+ else:
+ # must be a param/port setting
+ value_dict[key] = val
+ cls_dict['_value_dict'] = value_dict
return super(MetaSimObject, mcls).__new__(mcls, name, bases, cls_dict)
- # initialization
+ # subclass initialization
def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
+ # calls type.__init__()... I think that's a no-op, but leave
+ # it here just in case it's not.
super(MetaSimObject, cls).__init__(name, bases, dict)
# initialize required attributes
- cls._params = multidict()
- cls._values = multidict()
- cls._anon_subclass_counter = 0
+ # class-only attributes
+ cls._params = multidict() # param descriptions
+ cls._ports = multidict() # port descriptions
+ # class or instance attributes
+ cls._values = multidict() # param values
+ cls._port_map = multidict() # port bindings
+ cls._instantiated = False # really instantiated, cloned, or subclassed
# We don't support multiple inheritance. If you want to, you
# must fix multidict to deal with it properly.
@@ -194,35 +188,34 @@ class MetaSimObject(type):
base = bases[0]
+ # Set up general inheritance via multidicts. A subclass will
+ # inherit all its settings from the base class. The only time
+ # the following is not true is when we define the SimObject
+ # class itself (in which case the multidicts have no parent).
if isinstance(base, MetaSimObject):
cls._params.parent = base._params
+ cls._ports.parent = base._ports
cls._values.parent = base._values
- # If your parent has a value in it that's a config node, clone
- # it. Do this now so if we update any of the values'
- # attributes we are updating the clone and not the original.
- for key,val in base._values.iteritems():
- # don't clone if (1) we're about to overwrite it with
- # a local setting or (2) we've already cloned a copy
- # from an earlier (more derived) base
- if cls._init_dict.has_key(key) or cls._values.has_key(key):
- continue
- if isSimObject(val):
- cls._values[key] = val()
- elif isSimObjSequence(val) and len(val):
- cls._values[key] = [ v() for v in val ]
- # now process remaining _init_dict items
- for key,val in cls._init_dict.items():
- if isinstance(val, (types.FunctionType, types.TypeType)):
- type.__setattr__(cls, key, val)
+ cls._port_map.parent = base._port_map
+ # mark base as having been subclassed
+ base._instantiated = True
+ # Now process the _value_dict items. They could be defining
+ # new (or overriding existing) parameters or ports, setting
+ # class keywords (e.g., 'abstract'), or setting parameter
+ # values or port bindings. The first 3 can only be set when
+ # the class is defined, so we handle them here. The others
+ # can be set later too, so just emulate that by calling
+ # setattr().
+ for key,val in cls._value_dict.items():
# param descriptions
- elif isinstance(val, ParamDesc):
+ if isinstance(val, ParamDesc):
cls._new_param(key, val)
+ # port objects
+ elif isinstance(val, Port):
+ cls._ports[key] = val
# init-time-only keywords
elif cls.init_keywords.has_key(key):
cls._set_keyword(key, val, cls.init_keywords[key])
@@ -256,10 +249,19 @@ class MetaSimObject(type):
cls._set_keyword(attr, value, cls.keywords[attr])
- # must be SimObject param
+ if cls._ports.has_key(attr):
+ self._ports[attr].connect(self, attr, value)
+ return
+ if isSimObjectOrSequence(value) and cls._instantiated:
+ raise RuntimeError, \
+ "cannot set SimObject parameter '%s' after\n" \
+ " class %s has been instantiated or subclassed" \
+ % (attr, cls.__name__)
+ # check for param
param = cls._params.get(attr, None)
if param:
- # It's ok: set attribute by delegating to 'object' class.
cls._values[attr] = param.convert(value)
except Exception, e:
@@ -267,12 +269,12 @@ class MetaSimObject(type):
(e, cls.__name__, attr, value)
e.args = (msg, )
- # I would love to get rid of this
- elif isSimObject(value) or isSimObjSequence(value):
- cls._values[attr] = value
+ elif isSimObjectOrSequence(value):
+ # if RHS is a SimObject, it's an implicit child assignment
+ cls._values[attr] = value
raise AttributeError, \
- "Class %s has no parameter %s" % (cls.__name__, attr)
+ "Class %s has no parameter \'%s\'" % (cls.__name__, attr)
def __getattr__(cls, attr):
if cls._values.has_key(attr):
@@ -281,7 +283,7 @@ class MetaSimObject(type):
raise AttributeError, \
"object '%s' has no attribute '%s'" % (cls.__name__, attr)
-# The ConfigNode class is the root of the special hierarchy. Most of
+# The SimObject class is the root of the special hierarchy. Most of
# the code in this class deals with the configuration hierarchy itself
# (parent/child node relationships).
class SimObject(object):
@@ -289,29 +291,79 @@ class SimObject(object):
# get this metaclass.
__metaclass__ = MetaSimObject
- def __init__(self, _value_parent = None, **kwargs):
+ # Initialize new instance. For objects with SimObject-valued
+ # children, we need to recursively clone the classes represented
+ # by those param values as well in a consistent "deep copy"-style
+ # fashion. That is, we want to make sure that each instance is
+ # cloned only once, and that if there are multiple references to
+ # the same original object, we end up with the corresponding
+ # cloned references all pointing to the same cloned instance.
+ def __init__(self, **kwargs):
+ ancestor = kwargs.get('_ancestor')
+ memo_dict = kwargs.get('_memo')
+ if memo_dict is None:
+ # prepare to memoize any recursively instantiated objects
+ memo_dict = {}
+ elif ancestor:
+ # memoize me now to avoid problems with recursive calls
+ memo_dict[ancestor] = self
+ if not ancestor:
+ ancestor = self.__class__
+ ancestor._instantiated = True
+ # initialize required attributes
+ self._parent = None
self._children = {}
- if _value_parent and type(_value_parent) != type(self):
- # this was called as a type conversion rather than a clone
- raise TypeError, "Cannot convert %s to %s" % \
- (_value_parent.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
- if not _value_parent:
- _value_parent = self.__class__
- # clone values
- self._values = multidict(_value_parent._values)
- for key,val in _value_parent._values.iteritems():
+ self._ccObject = None # pointer to C++ object
+ self._instantiated = False # really "cloned"
+ # Inherit parameter values from class using multidict so
+ # individual value settings can be overridden.
+ self._values = multidict(ancestor._values)
+ # clone SimObject-valued parameters
+ for key,val in ancestor._values.iteritems():
if isSimObject(val):
- setattr(self, key, val())
- elif isSimObjSequence(val) and len(val):
- setattr(self, key, [ v() for v in val ])
+ setattr(self, key, val(_memo=memo_dict))
+ elif isSimObjectSequence(val) and len(val):
+ setattr(self, key, [ v(_memo=memo_dict) for v in val ])
+ # clone port references. no need to use a multidict here
+ # since we will be creating new references for all ports.
+ self._port_map = {}
+ for key,val in ancestor._port_map.iteritems():
+ self._port_map[key] = applyOrMap(val, 'clone', memo_dict)
# apply attribute assignments from keyword args, if any
for key,val in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, key, val)
+ # "Clone" the current instance by creating another instance of
+ # this instance's class, but that inherits its parameter values
+ # and port mappings from the current instance. If we're in a
+ # "deep copy" recursive clone, check the _memo dict to see if
+ # we've already cloned this instance.
def __call__(self, **kwargs):
- return self.__class__(_value_parent = self, **kwargs)
+ memo_dict = kwargs.get('_memo')
+ if memo_dict is None:
+ # no memo_dict: must be top-level clone operation.
+ # this is only allowed at the root of a hierarchy
+ if self._parent:
+ raise RuntimeError, "attempt to clone object %s " \
+ "not at the root of a tree (parent = %s)" \
+ % (self, self._parent)
+ # create a new dict and use that.
+ memo_dict = {}
+ kwargs['_memo'] = memo_dict
+ elif memo_dict.has_key(self):
+ # clone already done & memoized
+ return memo_dict[self]
+ return self.__class__(_ancestor = self, **kwargs)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ if self._ports.has_key(attr):
+ # return reference that can be assigned to another port
+ # via __setattr__
+ return self._ports[attr].makeRef(self, attr)
if self._values.has_key(attr):
return self._values[attr]
@@ -326,10 +378,19 @@ class SimObject(object):
object.__setattr__(self, attr, value)
+ if self._ports.has_key(attr):
+ # set up port connection
+ self._ports[attr].connect(self, attr, value)
+ return
+ if isSimObjectOrSequence(value) and self._instantiated:
+ raise RuntimeError, \
+ "cannot set SimObject parameter '%s' after\n" \
+ " instance been cloned %s" % (attr, `self`)
# must be SimObject param
param = self._params.get(attr, None)
if param:
- # It's ok: set attribute by delegating to 'object' class.
value = param.convert(value)
except Exception, e:
@@ -337,8 +398,7 @@ class SimObject(object):
(e, self.__class__.__name__, attr, value)
e.args = (msg, )
- # I would love to get rid of this
- elif isSimObject(value) or isSimObjSequence(value):
+ elif isSimObjectOrSequence(value):
raise AttributeError, "Class %s has no parameter %s" \
@@ -349,7 +409,7 @@ class SimObject(object):
if isSimObject(value):
value.set_path(self, attr)
- elif isSimObjSequence(value):
+ elif isSimObjectSequence(value):
value = SimObjVector(value)
[v.set_path(self, "%s%d" % (attr, i)) for i,v in enumerate(value)]
@@ -376,13 +436,13 @@ class SimObject(object):
self._children[name] = value
def set_path(self, parent, name):
- if not hasattr(self, '_parent'):
+ if not self._parent:
self._parent = parent
self._name = name
parent.add_child(name, self)
def path(self):
- if not hasattr(self, '_parent'):
+ if not self._parent:
return 'root'
ppath = self._parent.path()
if ppath == 'root':
@@ -423,6 +483,8 @@ class SimObject(object):
def print_ini(self):
print '[' + self.path() + ']' # .ini section header
+ instanceDict[self.path()] = self
if hasattr(self, 'type') and not isinstance(self, ParamContext):
print 'type=%s' % self.type
@@ -454,6 +516,60 @@ class SimObject(object):
for child in child_names:
+ # Call C++ to create C++ object corresponding to this object and
+ # (recursively) all its children
+ def createCCObject(self):
+ self.getCCObject() # force creation
+ for child in self._children.itervalues():
+ child.createCCObject()
+ # Get C++ object corresponding to this object, calling C++ if
+ # necessary to construct it. Does *not* recursively create
+ # children.
+ def getCCObject(self):
+ if not self._ccObject:
+ self._ccObject = -1 # flag to catch cycles in recursion
+ self._ccObject = cc_main.createSimObject(self.path())
+ elif self._ccObject == -1:
+ raise RuntimeError, "%s: recursive call to getCCObject()" \
+ % self.path()
+ return self._ccObject
+ # Create C++ port connections corresponding to the connections in
+ # _port_map (& recursively for all children)
+ def connectPorts(self):
+ for portRef in self._port_map.itervalues():
+ applyOrMap(portRef, 'ccConnect')
+ for child in self._children.itervalues():
+ child.connectPorts()
+ def startQuiesce(self, quiesce_event, recursive):
+ count = 0
+ # ParamContexts don't serialize
+ if isinstance(self, SimObject) and not isinstance(self, ParamContext):
+ if self._ccObject.quiesce(quiesce_event):
+ count = 1
+ if recursive:
+ for child in self._children.itervalues():
+ count += child.startQuiesce(quiesce_event, True)
+ return count
+ def resume(self):
+ if isinstance(self, SimObject) and not isinstance(self, ParamContext):
+ self._ccObject.resume()
+ for child in self._children.itervalues():
+ child.resume()
+ def changeTiming(self, mode):
+ if isinstance(self, SimObject) and not isinstance(self, ParamContext):
+ self._ccObject.setMemoryMode(mode)
+ for child in self._children.itervalues():
+ child.changeTiming(mode)
+ def takeOverFrom(self, old_cpu):
+ cpu_ptr = cc_main.convertToBaseCPUPtr(old_cpu._ccObject)
+ self._ccObject.takeOverFrom(cpu_ptr)
# generate output file for 'dot' to display as a pretty graph.
# this code is currently broken.
def outputDot(self, dot):
@@ -544,9 +660,9 @@ class BaseProxy(object):
if self._search_up:
while not done:
- try: obj = obj._parent
- except: break
+ obj = obj._parent
+ if not obj:
+ break
result, done = self.find(obj)
if not done:
@@ -662,16 +778,16 @@ Self = ProxyFactory(search_self = True, search_up = False)
# Parameter description classes
-# The _params dictionary in each class maps parameter names to
-# either a Param or a VectorParam object. These objects contain the
+# The _params dictionary in each class maps parameter names to either
+# a Param or a VectorParam object. These objects contain the
# parameter description string, the parameter type, and the default
-# value (loaded from the PARAM section of the .odesc files). The
-# _convert() method on these objects is used to force whatever value
-# is assigned to the parameter to the appropriate type.
+# value (if any). The convert() method on these objects is used to
+# force whatever value is assigned to the parameter to the appropriate
+# type.
# Note that the default values are loaded into the class's attribute
# space when the parameter dictionary is initialized (in
-# MetaConfigNode._setparams()); after that point they aren't used.
+# MetaSimObject._new_param()); after that point they aren't used.
@@ -725,7 +841,7 @@ class ParamDesc(object):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
if attr == 'ptype':
- ptype = eval(self.ptype_str, m5.__dict__)
+ ptype = eval(self.ptype_str, m5.objects.__dict__)
if not isinstance(ptype, type):
panic("Param qualifier is not a type: %s" % self.ptype)
self.ptype = ptype
@@ -772,7 +888,7 @@ class VectorParamDesc(ParamDesc):
if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)):
# list: coerce each element into new list
tmp_list = [ ParamDesc.convert(self, v) for v in value ]
- if isSimObjSequence(tmp_list):
+ if isSimObjectSequence(tmp_list):
return SimObjVector(tmp_list)
return VectorParamValue(tmp_list)
@@ -794,7 +910,7 @@ class ParamFactory(object):
# E.g., Param.Int(5, "number of widgets")
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
+ caller_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
ptype = None
ptype = eval(self.ptype_str,
@@ -1066,7 +1182,10 @@ class EthernetAddr(ParamValue):
def __str__(self):
if self.value == NextEthernetAddr:
- return self.addr
+ if hasattr(self, 'addr'):
+ return self.addr
+ else:
+ return "NextEthernetAddr (unresolved)"
return self.value
@@ -1285,24 +1404,108 @@ MaxAddr = Addr.max
MaxTick = Tick.max
AllMemory = AddrRange(0, MaxAddr)
+# Port objects
+# Ports are used to interconnect objects in the memory system.
-# The final hook to generate .ini files. Called from configuration
-# script once config is built.
-def instantiate(root):
- global ticks_per_sec
- ticks_per_sec = float(root.clock.frequency)
- root.print_ini()
- noDot = True # temporary until we fix dot
- if not noDot:
- dot = pydot.Dot()
- instance.outputDot(dot)
- dot.orientation = "portrait"
- dot.size = "8.5,11"
- dot.ranksep="equally"
- dot.rank="samerank"
- dot.write("")
- dot.write_ps("")
+# Port reference: encapsulates a reference to a particular port on a
+# particular SimObject.
+class PortRef(object):
+ def __init__(self, simobj, name, isVec):
+ assert(isSimObject(simobj))
+ self.simobj = simobj
+ = name
+ self.index = -1
+ self.isVec = isVec # is this a vector port?
+ self.peer = None # not associated with another port yet
+ self.ccConnected = False # C++ port connection done?
+ # Set peer port reference. Called via __setattr__ as a result of
+ # a port assignment, e.g., "obj1.port1 = obj2.port2".
+ def setPeer(self, other):
+ if self.isVec:
+ curMap = self.simobj._port_map.get(, [])
+ self.index = len(curMap)
+ curMap.append(other)
+ else:
+ curMap = self.simobj._port_map.get(
+ if curMap and not self.isVec:
+ print "warning: overwriting port", self.simobj,
+ curMap = other
+ self.simobj._port_map[] = curMap
+ self.peer = other
+ def clone(self, memo):
+ newRef = copy.copy(self)
+ assert(isSimObject(newRef.simobj))
+ newRef.simobj = newRef.simobj(_memo=memo)
+ # Tricky: if I'm the *second* PortRef in the pair to be
+ # cloned, then my peer is still in the middle of its clone
+ # method, and thus hasn't returned to its owner's
+ # SimObject.__init__ to get installed in _port_map. As a
+ # result I have no way of finding the *new* peer object. So I
+ # mark myself as "waiting" for my peer, and I let the *first*
+ # PortRef clone call set up both peer pointers after I return.
+ newPeer = newRef.simobj._port_map.get(
+ if newPeer:
+ if self.isVec:
+ assert(self.index != -1)
+ newPeer = newPeer[self.index]
+ # other guy is all set up except for his peer pointer
+ assert(newPeer.peer == -1) # peer must be waiting for handshake
+ newPeer.peer = newRef
+ newRef.peer = newPeer
+ else:
+ # other guy is in clone; just wait for him to do the work
+ newRef.peer = -1 # mark as waiting for handshake
+ return newRef
+ # Call C++ to create corresponding port connection between C++ objects
+ def ccConnect(self):
+ if self.ccConnected: # already done this
+ return
+ peer = self.peer
+ cc_main.connectPorts(self.simobj.getCCObject(),, self.index,
+ peer.simobj.getCCObject(),, peer.index)
+ self.ccConnected = True
+ peer.ccConnected = True
+# Port description object. Like a ParamDesc object, this represents a
+# logical port in the SimObject class, not a particular port on a
+# SimObject instance. The latter are represented by PortRef objects.
+class Port(object):
+ def __init__(self, desc):
+ self.desc = desc
+ self.isVec = False
+ # Generate a PortRef for this port on the given SimObject with the
+ # given name
+ def makeRef(self, simobj, name):
+ return PortRef(simobj, name, self.isVec)
+ # Connect an instance of this port (on the given SimObject with
+ # the given name) with the port described by the supplied PortRef
+ def connect(self, simobj, name, ref):
+ if not isinstance(ref, PortRef):
+ raise TypeError, \
+ "assigning non-port reference port '%s'" % name
+ myRef = self.makeRef(simobj, name)
+ myRef.setPeer(ref)
+ ref.setPeer(myRef)
+# VectorPort description object. Like Port, but represents a vector
+# of connections (e.g., as on a Bus).
+class VectorPort(Port):
+ def __init__(self, desc):
+ Port.__init__(self, desc)
+ self.isVec = True
# __all__ defines the list of symbols that get exported when
# 'from config import *' is invoked. Try to keep this reasonably
@@ -1319,5 +1522,6 @@ __all__ = ['SimObject', 'ParamContext', 'Param', 'VectorParam',
'NetworkBandwidth', 'MemoryBandwidth',
'Range', 'AddrRange', 'MaxAddr', 'MaxTick', 'AllMemory',
'Null', 'NULL',
- 'NextEthernetAddr', 'instantiate']
+ 'NextEthernetAddr',
+ 'Port', 'VectorPort']
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index 73181e985..580a579bc 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
+# Authors: Nathan Binkert
# metric prefixes
exa = 1.0e18
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index fd40ebbbd..34fc3139b 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -23,13 +23,15 @@
+# Authors: Nathan Binkert
__all__ = [ 'multidict' ]
class multidict(object):
__nodefault = object()
def __init__(self, parent = {}, **kwargs):
- self.dict = dict(**kwargs)
+ self.local = dict(**kwargs)
self.parent = parent
self.deleted = {}
@@ -40,11 +42,11 @@ class multidict(object):
return `dict(self.items())`
def __contains__(self, key):
- return self.dict.has_key(key) or self.parent.has_key(key)
+ return self.local.has_key(key) or self.parent.has_key(key)
def __delitem__(self, key):
- del self.dict[key]
+ del self.local[key]
except KeyError, e:
if key in self.parent:
self.deleted[key] = True
@@ -53,11 +55,11 @@ class multidict(object):
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.deleted.pop(key, False)
- self.dict[key] = value
+ self.local[key] = value
def __getitem__(self, key):
- return self.dict[key]
+ return self.local[key]
except KeyError, e:
if not self.deleted.get(key, False) and key in self.parent:
return self.parent[key]
@@ -65,15 +67,15 @@ class multidict(object):
raise KeyError, e
def __len__(self):
- return len(self.dict) + len(self.parent)
+ return len(self.local) + len(self.parent)
def next(self):
- for key,value in self.dict.items():
+ for key,value in self.local.items():
yield key,value
if self.parent:
for key,value in
- if key not in self.dict and key not in self.deleted:
+ if key not in self.local and key not in self.deleted:
yield key,value
def has_key(self, key):
@@ -114,22 +116,22 @@ class multidict(object):
return self[key]
except KeyError:
self.deleted.pop(key, False)
- self.dict[key] = default
+ self.local[key] = default
return default
def _dump(self):
print 'multidict dump'
node = self
while isinstance(node, multidict):
- print ' ', node.dict
+ print ' ', node.local
node = node.parent
def _dumpkey(self, key):
values = []
node = self
while isinstance(node, multidict):
- if key in node.dict:
- values.append(node.dict[key])
+ if key in node.local:
+ values.append(node.local[key])
node = node.parent
print key, values
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 68e6089ab..329b8c5bd 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from Device import BasicPioDevice
class AlphaConsole(BasicPioDevice):
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 5edf8e13d..11c1792ee 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class AlphaTLB(SimObject):
type = 'AlphaTLB'
abstract = True
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 9cb9a8f03..186b733fa 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from Device import BasicPioDevice
class BadDevice(BasicPioDevice):
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 49cb2a8f3..2e78578df 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5 import build_env
+from m5.config import *
class BaseCPU(SimObject):
type = 'BaseCPU'
abstract = True
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 79d21572a..497b2b038 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,29 +1,26 @@
-from m5 import *
-from BaseMem import BaseMem
+from m5.config import *
+from MemObject import MemObject
class Prefetch(Enum): vals = ['none', 'tagged', 'stride', 'ghb']
-class BaseCache(BaseMem):
+class BaseCache(MemObject):
type = 'BaseCache'
adaptive_compression = Param.Bool(False,
"Use an adaptive compression scheme")
assoc = Param.Int("associativity")
block_size = Param.Int("block size in bytes")
+ latency = Param.Int("Latency")
compressed_bus = Param.Bool(False,
"This cache connects to a compressed memory")
compression_latency = Param.Latency('0ns',
"Latency in cycles of compression algorithm")
do_copy = Param.Bool(False, "perform fast copies in the cache")
hash_delay = Param.Int(1, "time in cycles of hash access")
- in_bus = Param.Bus(NULL, "incoming bus object")
lifo = Param.Bool(False,
"whether this NIC partition should use LIFO repl. policy")
max_miss_count = Param.Counter(0,
"number of misses to handle before calling exit")
- mem_trace = Param.MemTraceWriter(NULL,
- "memory trace writer to record accesses")
mshrs = Param.Int("number of MSHRs (max outstanding requests)")
- out_bus = Param.Bus("outgoing bus object")
prioritizeRequests = Param.Bool(False,
"always service demand misses first")
protocol = Param.CoherenceProtocol(NULL, "coherence protocol to use")
@@ -63,3 +60,6 @@ class BaseCache(BaseMem):
"Use the CPU ID to seperate calculations of prefetches")
prefetch_data_accesses_only = Param.Bool(False,
"Only prefetch on data not on instruction accesses")
+ hit_latency = Param.Int(1,"Hit Latency of the cache")
+ cpu_side = Port("Port on side closer to CPU")
+ mem_side = Port("Port on side closer to MEM")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index ada715ce9..c9e673afb 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from MemObject import MemObject
class Bridge(MemObject):
type = 'Bridge'
+ side_a = Port('Side A port')
+ side_b = Port('Side B port')
queue_size_a = Param.Int(16, "The number of requests to buffer")
queue_size_b = Param.Int(16, "The number of requests to buffer")
delay = Param.Latency('0ns', "The latency of this bridge")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 8c5397281..019e15034 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from MemObject import MemObject
class Bus(MemObject):
type = 'Bus'
+ port = VectorPort("vector port for connecting devices")
bus_id = Param.Int(0, "blah")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 7013000d6..64b6cbacf 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class Coherence(Enum): vals = ['uni', 'msi', 'mesi', 'mosi', 'moesi']
class CoherenceProtocol(SimObject):
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 2a71bbc65..222f750da 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from MemObject import MemObject
class PioDevice(MemObject):
type = 'PioDevice'
abstract = True
+ pio = Port("Programmed I/O port")
platform = Param.Platform(Parent.any, "Platform this device is part of")
system = Param.System(Parent.any, "System this device is part of")
@@ -16,3 +17,4 @@ class BasicPioDevice(PioDevice):
class DmaDevice(PioDevice):
type = 'DmaDevice'
abstract = True
+ dma = Port("DMA port")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 0d55e9329..70d8b2e45 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class DiskImage(SimObject):
type = 'DiskImage'
abstract = True
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 4286c71c8..418670592 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5 import build_env
+from m5.config import *
from Device import DmaDevice
from Pci import PciDevice
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cbf1089cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+from m5.config import *
+class FUPool(SimObject):
+ type = 'FUPool'
+ FUList = VectorParam.FUDesc("list of FU's for this pool")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f61590ae9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+from m5.config import *
+class OpType(Enum):
+ vals = ['(null)', 'IntAlu', 'IntMult', 'IntDiv', 'FloatAdd',
+ 'FloatCmp', 'FloatCvt', 'FloatMult', 'FloatDiv', 'FloatSqrt',
+ 'MemRead', 'MemWrite', 'IprAccess', 'InstPrefetch']
+class OpDesc(SimObject):
+ type = 'OpDesc'
+ issueLat = Param.Int(1, "cycles until another can be issued")
+ opClass = Param.OpType("type of operation")
+ opLat = Param.Int(1, "cycles until result is available")
+class FUDesc(SimObject):
+ type = 'FUDesc'
+ count = Param.Int("number of these FU's available")
+ opList = VectorParam.OpDesc("operation classes for this FU type")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 2403e6d36..9ee578177 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from Pci import PciDevice
class IdeID(Enum): vals = ['master', 'slave']
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 66c82c182..514c3fc62 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class IntrControl(SimObject):
type = 'IntrControl'
cpu = Param.BaseCPU(Parent.any, "the cpu")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 4d68243e6..d957dae17 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class MemObject(SimObject):
type = 'MemObject'
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 34299faf0..9916d7cb4 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class MemTest(SimObject):
type = 'MemTest'
cache = Param.BaseCache("L1 cache")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4ecfa8fbd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+from m5 import build_env
+from m5.config import *
+from BaseCPU import BaseCPU
+class DerivO3CPU(BaseCPU):
+ type = 'DerivO3CPU'
+ activity = Param.Unsigned("Initial count")
+ numThreads = Param.Unsigned("number of HW thread contexts")
+ checker = Param.BaseCPU(NULL, "checker")
+ cachePorts = Param.Unsigned("Cache Ports")
+ decodeToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Decode to fetch delay")
+ renameToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to fetch delay")
+ iewToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to fetch "
+ "delay")
+ commitToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to fetch delay")
+ fetchWidth = Param.Unsigned("Fetch width")
+ renameToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to decode delay")
+ iewToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to decode "
+ "delay")
+ commitToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to decode delay")
+ fetchToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Fetch to decode delay")
+ decodeWidth = Param.Unsigned("Decode width")
+ iewToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to rename "
+ "delay")
+ commitToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to rename delay")
+ decodeToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Decode to rename delay")
+ renameWidth = Param.Unsigned("Rename width")
+ commitToIEWDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to "
+ "Issue/Execute/Writeback delay")
+ renameToIEWDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to "
+ "Issue/Execute/Writeback delay")
+ issueToExecuteDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue to execute delay (internal "
+ "to the IEW stage)")
+ issueWidth = Param.Unsigned("Issue width")
+ executeWidth = Param.Unsigned("Execute width")
+ executeIntWidth = Param.Unsigned("Integer execute width")
+ executeFloatWidth = Param.Unsigned("Floating point execute width")
+ executeBranchWidth = Param.Unsigned("Branch execute width")
+ executeMemoryWidth = Param.Unsigned("Memory execute width")
+ fuPool = Param.FUPool(NULL, "Functional Unit pool")
+ iewToCommitDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to commit "
+ "delay")
+ renameToROBDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to reorder buffer delay")
+ commitWidth = Param.Unsigned("Commit width")
+ squashWidth = Param.Unsigned("Squash width")
+ trapLatency = Param.Tick("Trap latency")
+ fetchTrapLatency = Param.Tick("Fetch trap latency")
+ predType = Param.String("Branch predictor type ('local', 'tournament')")
+ localPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of local predictor")
+ localCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
+ localHistoryTableSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of local history table")
+ localHistoryBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits for the local history")
+ globalPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of global predictor")
+ globalCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
+ globalHistoryBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of history")
+ choicePredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of choice predictor")
+ choiceCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of choice counters")
+ BTBEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of BTB entries")
+ BTBTagSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of the BTB tags, in bits")
+ RASSize = Param.Unsigned("RAS size")
+ LQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of load queue entries")
+ SQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of store queue entries")
+ LFSTSize = Param.Unsigned("Last fetched store table size")
+ SSITSize = Param.Unsigned("Store set ID table size")
+ numRobs = Param.Unsigned("Number of Reorder Buffers");
+ numPhysIntRegs = Param.Unsigned("Number of physical integer registers")
+ numPhysFloatRegs = Param.Unsigned("Number of physical floating point "
+ "registers")
+ numIQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of instruction queue entries")
+ numROBEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of reorder buffer entries")
+ instShiftAmt = Param.Unsigned("Number of bits to shift instructions by")
+ function_trace = Param.Bool(False, "Enable function trace")
+ function_trace_start = Param.Tick(0, "Cycle to start function trace")
+ smtNumFetchingThreads = Param.Unsigned("SMT Number of Fetching Threads")
+ smtFetchPolicy = Param.String("SMT Fetch policy")
+ smtLSQPolicy = Param.String("SMT LSQ Sharing Policy")
+ smtLSQThreshold = Param.String("SMT LSQ Threshold Sharing Parameter")
+ smtIQPolicy = Param.String("SMT IQ Sharing Policy")
+ smtIQThreshold = Param.String("SMT IQ Threshold Sharing Parameter")
+ smtROBPolicy = Param.String("SMT ROB Sharing Policy")
+ smtROBThreshold = Param.String("SMT ROB Threshold Sharing Parameter")
+ smtCommitPolicy = Param.String("SMT Commit Policy")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8aff89203
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+from m5 import build_env
+from m5.config import *
+from BaseCPU import BaseCPU
+class DerivOzoneCPU(BaseCPU):
+ type = 'DerivOzoneCPU'
+ numThreads = Param.Unsigned("number of HW thread contexts")
+ checker = Param.BaseCPU("Checker CPU")
+ width = Param.Unsigned("Width")
+ frontEndWidth = Param.Unsigned("Front end width")
+ backEndWidth = Param.Unsigned("Back end width")
+ backEndSquashLatency = Param.Unsigned("Back end squash latency")
+ backEndLatency = Param.Unsigned("Back end latency")
+ maxInstBufferSize = Param.Unsigned("Maximum instruction buffer size")
+ maxOutstandingMemOps = Param.Unsigned("Maximum number of outstanding memory operations")
+ decodeToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Decode to fetch delay")
+ renameToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to fetch delay")
+ iewToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to fetch "
+ "delay")
+ commitToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to fetch delay")
+ fetchWidth = Param.Unsigned("Fetch width")
+ renameToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to decode delay")
+ iewToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to decode "
+ "delay")
+ commitToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to decode delay")
+ fetchToDecodeDelay = Param.Unsigned("Fetch to decode delay")
+ decodeWidth = Param.Unsigned("Decode width")
+ iewToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to rename "
+ "delay")
+ commitToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to rename delay")
+ decodeToRenameDelay = Param.Unsigned("Decode to rename delay")
+ renameWidth = Param.Unsigned("Rename width")
+ commitToIEWDelay = Param.Unsigned("Commit to "
+ "Issue/Execute/Writeback delay")
+ renameToIEWDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to "
+ "Issue/Execute/Writeback delay")
+ issueToExecuteDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue to execute delay (internal "
+ "to the IEW stage)")
+ issueWidth = Param.Unsigned("Issue width")
+ executeWidth = Param.Unsigned("Execute width")
+ executeIntWidth = Param.Unsigned("Integer execute width")
+ executeFloatWidth = Param.Unsigned("Floating point execute width")
+ executeBranchWidth = Param.Unsigned("Branch execute width")
+ executeMemoryWidth = Param.Unsigned("Memory execute width")
+ iewToCommitDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to commit "
+ "delay")
+ renameToROBDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to reorder buffer delay")
+ commitWidth = Param.Unsigned("Commit width")
+ squashWidth = Param.Unsigned("Squash width")
+ predType = Param.String("Type of branch predictor ('local', 'tournament')")
+ localPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of local predictor")
+ localCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
+ localHistoryTableSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of local history table")
+ localHistoryBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits for the local history")
+ globalPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of global predictor")
+ globalCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
+ globalHistoryBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of history")
+ choicePredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of choice predictor")
+ choiceCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of choice counters")
+ BTBEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of BTB entries")
+ BTBTagSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of the BTB tags, in bits")
+ RASSize = Param.Unsigned("RAS size")
+ LQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of load queue entries")
+ SQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of store queue entries")
+ LFSTSize = Param.Unsigned("Last fetched store table size")
+ SSITSize = Param.Unsigned("Store set ID table size")
+ numPhysIntRegs = Param.Unsigned("Number of physical integer registers")
+ numPhysFloatRegs = Param.Unsigned("Number of physical floating point "
+ "registers")
+ numIQEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of instruction queue entries")
+ numROBEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of reorder buffer entries")
+ instShiftAmt = Param.Unsigned("Number of bits to shift instructions by")
+ function_trace = Param.Bool(False, "Enable function trace")
+ function_trace_start = Param.Tick(0, "Cycle to start function trace")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 85cefcd44..9e1e91b13 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from Device import BasicPioDevice, DmaDevice
class PciConfigData(SimObject):
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index c59910093..9cc7510a2 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from MemObject import *
class PhysicalMemory(MemObject):
type = 'PhysicalMemory'
+ port = Port("the access port")
range = Param.AddrRange("Device Address")
file = Param.String('', "memory mapped file")
latency = Param.Latency(Parent.clock, "latency of an access")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 4da0ffab4..89fee9991 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class Platform(SimObject):
type = 'Platform'
abstract = True
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 60b00229e..0091d8654 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class Process(SimObject):
type = 'Process'
abstract = True
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index afd256082..8e9f1094f 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class Repl(SimObject):
type = 'Repl'
abstract = True
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 205a93c76..373475a7a 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from Serialize import Serialize
from Statistics import Statistics
from Trace import Trace
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index df3061908..9e1452c6d 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class ConsoleListener(SimObject):
type = 'ConsoleListener'
port = Param.TcpPort(3456, "listen port")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index e34155ace..44ef709af 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
class SimpleDisk(SimObject):
type = 'SimpleDisk'
disk = Param.DiskImage("Disk Image")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 48989d057..5d968cab0 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,14 +1,21 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5 import build_env
+from m5.config import *
from BaseCPU import BaseCPU
-class DerivAlphaFullCPU(BaseCPU):
- type = 'DerivAlphaFullCPU'
+class SimpleOzoneCPU(BaseCPU):
+ type = 'SimpleOzoneCPU'
numThreads = Param.Unsigned("number of HW thread contexts")
if not build_env['FULL_SYSTEM']:
mem = Param.FunctionalMemory(NULL, "memory")
+ width = Param.Unsigned("Width")
+ frontEndWidth = Param.Unsigned("Front end width")
+ backEndWidth = Param.Unsigned("Back end width")
+ backEndSquashLatency = Param.Unsigned("Back end squash latency")
+ backEndLatency = Param.Unsigned("Back end latency")
+ maxInstBufferSize = Param.Unsigned("Maximum instruction buffer size")
decodeToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Decode to fetch delay")
renameToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Rename to fetch delay")
iewToFetchDelay = Param.Unsigned("Issue/Execute/Writeback to fetch "
@@ -48,15 +55,15 @@ class DerivAlphaFullCPU(BaseCPU):
commitWidth = Param.Unsigned("Commit width")
squashWidth = Param.Unsigned("Squash width")
- local_predictor_size = Param.Unsigned("Size of local predictor")
- local_ctr_bits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
- local_history_table_size = Param.Unsigned("Size of local history table")
- local_history_bits = Param.Unsigned("Bits for the local history")
- global_predictor_size = Param.Unsigned("Size of global predictor")
- global_ctr_bits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
- global_history_bits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of history")
- choice_predictor_size = Param.Unsigned("Size of choice predictor")
- choice_ctr_bits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of choice counters")
+ localPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of local predictor")
+ localCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
+ localHistoryTableSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of local history table")
+ localHistoryBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits for the local history")
+ globalPredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of global predictor")
+ globalCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits per counter")
+ globalHistoryBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of history")
+ choicePredictorSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of choice predictor")
+ choiceCtrBits = Param.Unsigned("Bits of choice counters")
BTBEntries = Param.Unsigned("Number of BTB entries")
BTBTagSize = Param.Unsigned("Size of the BTB tags, in bits")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 622b5a870..9a1e1d690 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5 import build_env
+from m5.config import *
class System(SimObject):
type = 'System'
@@ -7,8 +8,6 @@ class System(SimObject):
boot_cpu_frequency = Param.Frequency(Self.cpu[0].clock.frequency,
"boot processor frequency")
init_param = Param.UInt64(0, "numerical value to pass into simulator")
- bin = Param.Bool(False, "is this system binned")
- binned_fns = VectorParam.String([], "functions broken down and binned")
boot_osflags = Param.String("a", "boot flags to pass to the kernel")
kernel = Param.String("file that contains the kernel code")
readfile = Param.String("", "file to read startup script from")
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 27ea0bce8..4613571d8 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5.config import *
from Device import BasicPioDevice
from Platform import Platform
diff --git a/src/python/m5/objects/ b/src/python/m5/objects/
index 54754aeb9..8e1fd1a37 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/objects/
+++ b/src/python/m5/objects/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
-from m5 import *
+from m5 import build_env
+from m5.config import *
from Device import BasicPioDevice
class Uart(BasicPioDevice):
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index cd38d7326..d85dbd517 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -23,6 +23,8 @@
+# Authors: Nathan Binkert
# The SmartDict class fixes a couple of issues with using the content
# of os.environ or similar dicts of strings as Python variables: