path: root/src/systemc/tests/systemc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit/test01
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/systemc/tests/systemc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit/test01')
2 files changed, 294 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/systemc/tests/systemc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit/test01/golden/test01.log b/src/systemc/tests/systemc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit/test01/golden/test01.log
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..537dd619b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/systemc/tests/systemc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit/test01/golden/test01.log
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+SystemC Simulation
+Info: (I804) /IEEE_Std_1666/deprecated: sc_bit is deprecated, use bool instead
+Caught exception for sc_bit(2)
+Caught exception for sc_bit('2')
+Warning: (W212) sc_logic value 'X' cannot be converted to bool
+In file: <removed by>
+Info: (I804) /IEEE_Std_1666/deprecated: You can turn off warnings about
+ IEEE 1666 deprecated features by placing this method call
+ as the first statement in your sc_main() function:
+ sc_core::sc_report_handler::set_actions( "/IEEE_Std_1666/deprecated",
+ sc_core::SC_DO_NOTHING );
diff --git a/src/systemc/tests/systemc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit/test01/test01.cpp b/src/systemc/tests/systemc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit/test01/test01.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e96061ac8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/systemc/tests/systemc/datatypes/bit/sc_bit/test01/test01.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+ Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or
+ more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ test01.cpp --
+ Original Author: Joe Buck, Synopsys, Inc., 2002-02-15
+ *****************************************************************************/
+ MODIFICATION LOG - modifiers, enter your name, affiliation, date and
+ changes you are making here.
+ Name, Affiliation, Date:
+ Description of Modification:
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "systemc.h"
+void cover_sc_bit()
+ sc_bit bdef;
+ sc_bit bf(false);
+ sc_bit bt(true);
+ sc_bit b0(0);
+ sc_bit b1(1);
+ try {
+ sc_bit foo(2);
+ }
+ catch (sc_report) {
+ cout << "Caught exception for sc_bit(2)\n";
+ }
+ sc_bit bc0('0');
+ sc_bit bc1('1');
+ try {
+ sc_bit foo('2');
+ }
+ catch (sc_report) {
+ cout << "Caught exception for sc_bit('2')\n";
+ }
+ sc_bit blc0(sc_logic('0'));
+ sc_bit blc1(sc_logic('1'));
+ sc_bit blcx(sc_logic('X'));
+ sc_bit bcop(bt);
+ cout << bdef << bf << bt << b0 << b1 << bc0 << bc1 << blc0 << blc1
+ << blcx << bcop << endl;
+ sc_bit b;
+ b = bt;
+ sc_assert(b);
+ b = 0;
+ sc_assert(!b);
+ b = true;
+ sc_assert(b.to_bool());
+ b = '0';
+ sc_assert(!b.to_bool());
+ b = sc_logic('1');
+ sc_assert(b.to_char() == '1');
+ b = bf;
+ sc_assert(~b);
+ b |= bt;
+ sc_assert(b);
+ b &= bf;
+ sc_assert(!b);
+ b |= 1;
+ sc_assert(b);
+ b &= 0;
+ sc_assert(!b);
+ b |= '1';
+ sc_assert(b);
+ b &= '0';
+ sc_assert(!b);
+ b |= true;
+ sc_assert(b);
+ b &= false;
+ sc_assert(!b);
+ b ^= bt;
+ sc_assert(b);
+ b ^= 1;
+ sc_assert(!b);
+ b ^= '1';
+ sc_assert(b);
+ b ^= true;
+ sc_assert(!b);
+ sc_assert(b == bf);
+ sc_assert(b == 0);
+ sc_assert(b == '0');
+ sc_assert(b == false);
+ b = 1;
+ sc_assert(b == bt);
+ sc_assert(b == 1);
+ sc_assert(b == '1');
+ sc_assert(b == true);
+ sc_assert(1 == b);
+ sc_assert('1' == b);
+ sc_assert(true == b);
+ sc_assert(equal(b, bt));
+ sc_assert(equal(b, 1));
+ sc_assert(equal(b, '1'));
+ sc_assert(equal(b, true));
+ sc_assert(equal(1, b));
+ sc_assert(equal('1', b));
+ sc_assert(equal(true, b));
+ b = 0;
+ sc_assert(b != bt);
+ sc_assert(b != 1);
+ sc_assert(b != '1');
+ sc_assert(b != true);
+ sc_assert(1 != b);
+ sc_assert('1' != b);
+ sc_assert(true != b);
+ sc_assert(not_equal(b, bt));
+ sc_assert(not_equal(b, 1));
+ sc_assert(not_equal(b, '1'));
+ sc_assert(not_equal(b, true));
+ sc_assert(not_equal(1, b));
+ sc_assert(not_equal('1', b));
+ sc_assert(not_equal(true, b));
+ // the following assertion is incorrect, because the b_not() method
+ // is destructive, i.e., it implements something like b ~= void.
+ /// sc_assert(b == b_not(b.b_not()));
+ b.b_not();
+ sc_assert(b);
+ sc_bit bx;
+ b_not(bx, b0);
+ sc_assert(bx);
+ b_not(bx, b1);
+ sc_assert(!bx);
+ cout << (b0|b0) << (b0|b1) << (b1|b0) << (b1|b1) << endl;
+ cout << (b0&b0) << (b0&b1) << (b1&b0) << (b1&b1) << endl;
+ cout << (b0^b0) << (b0^b1) << (b1^b0) << (b1^b1) << endl;
+ cout << (b0|0) << (b0|1) << (b1|0) << (b1|1) << endl;
+ cout << (b0&0) << (b0&1) << (b1&0) << (b1&1) << endl;
+ cout << (b0^0) << (b0^1) << (b1^0) << (b1^1) << endl;
+ cout << (b0|'0') << (b0|'1') << (b1|'0') << (b1|'1') << endl;
+ cout << (b0&'0') << (b0&'1') << (b1&'0') << (b1&'1') << endl;
+ cout << (b0^'0') << (b0^'1') << (b1^'0') << (b1^'1') << endl;
+ cout << (b0|true) << (b0|false) << (b1|true) << (b1|false) << endl;
+ cout << (b0&true) << (b0&false) << (b1&true) << (b1&false) << endl;
+ cout << (b0^true) << (b0^false) << (b1^true) << (b1^false) << endl;
+ cout << (0|b0) << (0|b1) << (1|b0) << (1|b1) << endl;
+ cout << (0&b0) << (0&b1) << (1&b0) << (1&b1) << endl;
+ cout << (0^b0) << (0^b1) << (1^b0) << (1^b1) << endl;
+ cout << ('0'|b0) << ('0'|b1) << ('1'|b0) << ('1'|b1) << endl;
+ cout << ('0'&b0) << ('0'&b1) << ('1'&b0) << ('1'&b1) << endl;
+ cout << ('0'^b0) << ('0'^b1) << ('1'^b0) << ('1'^b1) << endl;
+ cout << (false|b0) << (false|b1) << (true|b0) << (true|b1) << endl;
+ cout << (false&b0) << (false&b1) << (true&b0) << (true&b1) << endl;
+ cout << (false^b0) << (false^b1) << (true^b0) << (true^b1) << endl;
+ cout << b_or(b0,b0) << b_or(b0,b1) << b_or(b1,b0) << b_or(b1,b1) << endl;
+ cout << b_and(b0,b0) << b_and(b0,b1) << b_and(b1,b0) << b_and(b1,b1)
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_xor(b0,b0) << b_xor(b0,b1) << b_xor(b1,b0) << b_xor(b1,b1)
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_or(b0,0) << b_or(b0,1) << b_or(b1,0) << b_or(b1,1) << endl;
+ cout << b_and(b0,0) << b_and(b0,1) << b_and(b1,0) << b_and(b1,1) << endl;
+ cout << b_xor(b0,0) << b_xor(b0,1) << b_xor(b1,0) << b_xor(b1,1) << endl;
+ cout << b_or(b0,'0') << b_or(b0,'1') << b_or(b1,'0') << b_or(b1,'1')
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_and(b0,'0') << b_and(b0,'1') << b_and(b1,'0') << b_and(b1,'1')
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_xor(b0,'0') << b_xor(b0,'1') << b_xor(b1,'0') << b_xor(b1,'1')
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_or(b0,false) << b_or(b0,true) << b_or(b1,false) << b_or(b1,true)
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_and(b0,false) << b_and(b0,true) << b_and(b1,false)
+ << b_and(b1,true) << endl;
+ cout << b_xor(b0,false) << b_xor(b0,true) << b_xor(b1,false)
+ << b_xor(b1,true) << endl;
+ cout << b_or(0,b0) << b_or(0,b1) << b_or(1,b0) << b_or(1,b1) << endl;
+ cout << b_and(0,b0) << b_and(0,b1) << b_and(1,b0) << b_and(1,b1) << endl;
+ cout << b_xor(0,b0) << b_xor(0,b1) << b_xor(1,b0) << b_xor(1,b1) << endl;
+ cout << b_or('0',b0) << b_or('0',b1) << b_or('1',b0) << b_or('1',b1)
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_and('0',b0) << b_and('0',b1) << b_and('1',b0) << b_and('1',b1)
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_xor('0',b0) << b_xor('0',b1) << b_xor('1',b0) << b_xor('1',b1)
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_or(false,b0) << b_or(false,b1) << b_or(true,b0) << b_or(true,b1)
+ << endl;
+ cout << b_and(false,b0) << b_and(false,b1) << b_and(true,b0)
+ << b_and(true,b1) << endl;
+ cout << b_xor(false,b0) << b_xor(false,b1) << b_xor(true,b0)
+ << b_xor(true,b1) << endl;
+ b_or(b, b0, b1);
+ sc_assert(b);
+ b_and(b, b0, b1);
+ sc_assert(!b);
+ b_xor(b, b0, b1);
+ sc_assert(b);
+sc_main(int, char*[])
+ cover_sc_bit();
+ return 0;