path: root/src/systemc/tests/tlm/endian_conv/test_endian_conv.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/systemc/tests/tlm/endian_conv/test_endian_conv.cpp')
1 files changed, 419 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/systemc/tests/tlm/endian_conv/test_endian_conv.cpp b/src/systemc/tests/tlm/endian_conv/test_endian_conv.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8a6ff5c56
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/systemc/tests/tlm/endian_conv/test_endian_conv.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,419 @@
+ Licensed to Accellera Systems Initiative Inc. (Accellera) under one or
+ more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
+ with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ Accellera licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
+ License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ implied. See the License for the specific language governing
+ permissions and limitations under the License.
+ *****************************************************************************/
+This C++ programme runs single transactions through a single
+endianness conversion function, then through a simple memory model,
+then converts it back.
+Takes the initial memory state as input and provides the final
+memory state as output.
+#define BUFFER_SIZE 2048
+#include "tlm.h"
+#include <fstream>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace tlm;
+using namespace sc_dt;
+// simple set of types with known sizeof(), for testing //
+template<int SIZE> class dt {
+ char content[SIZE];
+#define convert(function) \
+ switch(data_width) { \
+ case 1: function<dt<1> >(&txn,bus_width); break; \
+ case 2: function<dt<2> >(&txn,bus_width); break; \
+ case 4: function<dt<4> >(&txn,bus_width); break; \
+ case 8: function<dt<8> >(&txn,bus_width); break; \
+ case 16: function<dt<16> >(&txn,bus_width); break; \
+ case 32: function<dt<32> >(&txn,bus_width); break; \
+ default: cout << "bad data width\n"; \
+ exit(1); \
+ }
+// forward declarations - see below
+template<class DATAWORD> inline void
+local_single_tohe(tlm_generic_payload *txn, unsigned int sizeof_databus);
+template<class DATAWORD> inline void
+local_single_fromhe(tlm_generic_payload *txn, unsigned int sizeof_databus);
+void test_a_conversion(char cmd, tlm_generic_payload &txn, std::ifstream & fin) {
+ if(cmd == 'R') txn.set_read();
+ else txn.set_write();
+ fin.ignore(10000,'=');
+ uint64 a;
+ fin >> a;
+ txn.set_address(a);
+ fin.ignore(10000,'=');
+ int l;
+ fin >> l;
+ txn.set_data_length(l);
+ int bus_width;
+ fin.ignore(10000,'='); fin >> bus_width;
+ int data_width;
+ fin.ignore(10000,'='); fin >> data_width;
+ int initiator_offset;
+ fin.ignore(10000,'='); fin >> initiator_offset;
+ unsigned char *original_byte_enable = 0;
+ unsigned char *byte_enable_legible =
+ new unsigned char[txn.get_data_length() + 1];
+ memset(byte_enable_legible, 0, txn.get_data_length() + 1);
+ fin.ignore(10000,'=');
+ for(unsigned b=0; b<txn.get_data_length(); b++) {
+ char tmp; fin >> tmp;
+ if((tmp=='0')||(tmp=='1')||(tmp=='x')) byte_enable_legible[b]=tmp;
+ else break;
+ }
+ if((byte_enable_legible[0] == '1') || (byte_enable_legible[0] == '0')) {
+ txn.set_byte_enable_ptr(new unsigned char[txn.get_data_length()]);
+ txn.set_byte_enable_length(txn.get_data_length());
+ original_byte_enable = txn.get_byte_enable_ptr();
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<txn.get_data_length(); i++) {
+ if(byte_enable_legible[i] == '0') {
+ txn.get_byte_enable_ptr()[i] = TLM_BYTE_DISABLED;
+ } else if(byte_enable_legible[i] == '1') {
+ txn.get_byte_enable_ptr()[i] = TLM_BYTE_ENABLED;
+ } else {
+ // not enough byte enables
+ txn.set_byte_enable_length(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ txn.set_byte_enable_ptr(0);
+ txn.set_byte_enable_length(0);
+ }
+ int stream_width;
+ fin.ignore(10000,'='); fin >> stream_width;
+ txn.set_streaming_width(stream_width);
+ cout << "enter initiator memory state = ("<< BUFFER_SIZE << " characters)\n";
+ unsigned char initiator_mem[BUFFER_SIZE+1];
+ memset(initiator_mem, 0, BUFFER_SIZE+1);
+ fin.ignore(10000,'='); fin >> initiator_mem;
+ txn.set_data_ptr(initiator_mem + initiator_offset);
+ cout << "enter target memory state = ("<< BUFFER_SIZE << " characters)\n";
+ unsigned char target_mem[BUFFER_SIZE+1];
+ memset(target_mem, 0, BUFFER_SIZE+1);
+ fin.ignore(10000,'='); fin >> target_mem;
+ cout << "enter converter choice = (0 => generic, 1 => word, 2 => aligned, 3 => single)\n";
+ int converter;
+ fin.ignore(10000,'='); fin >> converter;
+ cout << "Initiator Intent\n";
+ cout << " Cmd = " << cmd << endl;
+ cout << " Addr = " << txn.get_address() << endl;
+ cout << " Len = " << txn.get_data_length() << endl;
+ cout << " Bus Width = " << bus_width << endl;
+ cout << " Data Word = " << data_width << endl;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+ cout << " Initiator offset and txn data pointer = " << initiator_offset << ", " << int(txn.get_data_ptr()) << endl;
+ cout << " Byte enables and byte enable pointer = " << byte_enable_legible << ", " << int(txn.get_byte_enable_ptr()) << endl;
+ cout << " Initiator offset = " << initiator_offset << endl;
+ cout << " Byte enables = " << byte_enable_legible << endl;
+ cout << " Byte enable length = " << txn.get_byte_enable_length() << endl;
+ cout << " Streaming width = " << txn.get_streaming_width() << endl;
+ cout << " Initiator memory = " << initiator_mem << endl;
+ cout << " Target memory = " << target_mem << endl;
+ cout << " Converter = " << converter << endl << endl;
+ // initiator //
+ switch(converter) {
+ case 0: convert(tlm_to_hostendian_generic); break;
+ case 1: convert(tlm_to_hostendian_word); break;
+ case 2: convert(tlm_to_hostendian_aligned); break;
+ case 3: convert(tlm_to_hostendian_single); break;
+ case 4: convert(local_single_tohe); break;
+ default: cout << "no such converter as " << converter << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ cout << "Converted Transaction\n";
+ cout << " Addr = " << txn.get_address() << endl;
+ cout << " Len = " << txn.get_data_length() << endl;
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+ cout << " Txn data pointer = " << int(txn.get_data_ptr()) << endl;
+ if(txn.get_byte_enable_ptr() != 0) {
+ cout << " Byte enables and byte enable pointer = ";
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<txn.get_data_length(); i++)
+ cout << (txn.get_byte_enable_ptr()[i] ? '1' : '0');
+ cout << ", " << int(txn.get_byte_enable_ptr()) << endl;
+ }
+ cout << " Txn data pointer = " <<
+ (txn.get_data_ptr() == initiator_mem+initiator_offset ? "unchanged" : "changed") << endl;
+ if(txn.get_byte_enable_ptr() != 0) {
+ cout << " Byte enables and byte enable pointer = ";
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<txn.get_data_length(); i++)
+ cout << (txn.get_byte_enable_ptr()[i] ? '1' : '0');
+ cout << ", " <<
+ (txn.get_byte_enable_ptr() == original_byte_enable ? "unchanged" : "changed") << endl;
+ }
+ cout << " Byte enable length = " << txn.get_byte_enable_length() << endl;
+ cout << " Streaming width = " << txn.get_streaming_width() << endl;
+ cout << endl;
+ // target //
+ int sw = txn.get_streaming_width();
+ if((txn.get_data_length()/sw)*sw != txn.get_data_length()) {
+ cout << "ERROR: Data length not a multiple of streaming width\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ for(unsigned int ss = 0; ss < txn.get_data_length(); ss += sw) {
+ if(txn.get_byte_enable_ptr() == 0) {
+ // simple transaction can be processed by mem-copy
+ if(txn.is_read())
+ memcpy(ss+txn.get_data_ptr(), target_mem+txn.get_address(), sw);
+ else
+ memcpy(target_mem+txn.get_address(), ss+txn.get_data_ptr(), sw);
+ } else {
+ // complex transaction, byte enables, maybe shorter than data
+ int bel = txn.get_byte_enable_length();
+ if(txn.is_read()) {
+ for(int j=0; j<sw; j++) {
+ if(txn.get_byte_enable_ptr()[(ss+j) % bel])
+ (txn.get_data_ptr())[ss+j] = target_mem[j+txn.get_address()];
+ }
+ } else {
+ for(int j=0; j<sw; j++) {
+ if(txn.get_byte_enable_ptr()[(ss+j) % bel])
+ target_mem[j+txn.get_address()] = (txn.get_data_ptr())[ss+j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // initiator again //
+ if((rand() & 0x100) && (converter < 4)) {
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+ cout << "using single entry point for response\n";
+ tlm_from_hostendian(&txn);
+ } else {
+#ifdef VERBOSE
+ cout << "using specific entry point for response\n";
+ switch(converter) {
+ case 0: convert(tlm_from_hostendian_generic); break;
+ case 1: convert(tlm_from_hostendian_word); break;
+ case 2: convert(tlm_from_hostendian_aligned); break;
+ case 3: convert(tlm_from_hostendian_single); break;
+ case 4: convert(local_single_fromhe); break;
+ default: cout << "no such converter as " << converter << endl;
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ // print the results //
+ cout << "Memory States after Transaction\n";
+ cout << " initiator = " << initiator_mem << endl;
+ cout << " target = " << target_mem << endl << endl;
+ // clean up
+ delete [] byte_enable_legible;
+ if(original_byte_enable != 0) delete [] original_byte_enable;
+void pool_status() {
+ cout << "Pool status: ";
+ tlm_endian_context *f = global_tlm_endian_context_pool.first;
+ while(f!=0) {
+ cout << "(" << f->dbuf_size << "," << f->bebuf_size << ") ";
+ f = f->next;
+ }
+ cout << endl;
+int sc_main(int argc, char **argv) {
+ #include <string>
+ // no command line parameters //
+ // get everything from stdin and build transaction object //
+ cout << "\nTLM-2 Endianness Conversion Helper Functions Tester\n";
+ cout << "March 2008\n";
+ cout << "January 2012 Updated to read from endian_conv/input.txt\n\n";
+ std::string filename;
+ std::ifstream fin;
+ if (1 == argc)
+ filename = "endian_conv/input.txt";
+ else if (2 == argc)
+ filename = argv[1];
+ else {
+ std::cerr << "Too many input arguments" << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+, ios_base::in);
+ if (!fin) {
+ std::cerr << "Could not open input filename " << filename << std::endl;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ srand(time(NULL));
+ const int nr_txns_in_pool = 7;
+ const int txn_to_cycle = 4;
+ tlm_generic_payload *txns[nr_txns_in_pool];
+ for(int i=0; i < nr_txns_in_pool; i++) txns[i] = new tlm_generic_payload;
+ for(int i=0; true; i = ((i+1) % nr_txns_in_pool)) {
+ cout << i << " enter {R|W}, addr=a, len=l, bus width=b, word width=w, initiator offset=i, be={x|01}, stream width=s\n";
+ pool_status();
+ char command;
+ fin >> command;
+ if(fin.eof()) break;
+ if((command != 'R') && (command != 'W')) break;
+ if(i==txn_to_cycle) {
+ // should cause 2 extensions to get pushed to the pool once they've been used
+ delete txns[i];
+ pool_status();
+ delete txns[i-1];
+ pool_status();
+ // and popped back later when these new ones establish contexts
+ txns[i] = new tlm_generic_payload;
+ txns[i-1] = new tlm_generic_payload;
+ pool_status();
+ }
+ test_a_conversion(command, *txns[i], fin);
+ }
+ for(int i=0; i < nr_txns_in_pool; i++) {
+ delete txns[i];
+ pool_status();
+ }
+ return 0;
+// converter functions for non-aligned single transactions
+// included here for validation only. not designed for general use.
+unsigned char *original_dptr;
+sc_dt::uint64 original_addr;
+template<class DATAWORD> inline void
+local_single_tohe(tlm_generic_payload *txn, unsigned int sizeof_databus) {
+ if(txn->get_data_length() != sizeof(DATAWORD)) {
+ cout << "Error: local_single_tohe() wrongly called\n";
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ sc_dt::uint64 mask = sizeof_databus - 1;
+ // set up new buffers, length and address
+ if(sizeof(DATAWORD) > sizeof_databus)
+ txn->set_data_length(sizeof_databus + sizeof(DATAWORD));
+ else
+ txn->set_data_length(2 * sizeof_databus);
+ txn->set_streaming_width(txn->get_data_length());
+ unsigned char *new_data = new unsigned char[txn->get_data_length()];
+ unsigned char *new_be = new unsigned char[txn->get_data_length()];
+ // drive all BEs to zero initially
+ for(unsigned int i=0; i<txn->get_data_length(); i++) new_be[i] = 0;
+ sc_dt::uint64 new_addr = txn->get_address() & ~mask;
+ // Comments assume arithmetic mode big endian initiator modelled on little
+ // endian host (but the functionality is the same for LE initiator on BE host)
+ // iterate over the initiator word byte by byte, MSB first
+ unsigned char *curr_d = txn->get_data_ptr() + sizeof(DATAWORD) - 1;
+ unsigned char *curr_b = txn->get_byte_enable_ptr() + sizeof(DATAWORD) - 1;
+ // initiator intent is to put the MSB at the address given in the transaction
+ sc_dt::uint64 curr_a = txn->get_address();
+ // iterate copying data and byte enables
+ for( ; curr_d >= txn->get_data_ptr(); curr_d--, curr_b--, curr_a++) {
+ // work out the address in the TLM interpretation of the initiator's intent
+ sc_dt::uint64 he_addr = curr_a ^ mask;
+ int idx = he_addr - new_addr;
+ if(txn->is_write()) new_data[idx] = *curr_d;
+ if(txn->get_byte_enable_ptr() == 0) new_be[idx] = 1;
+ else new_be[idx] = *curr_b;
+ }
+ // replace the pointers
+ original_dptr = txn->get_data_ptr();
+ txn->set_data_ptr(new_data);
+ txn->set_byte_enable_ptr(new_be);
+ txn->set_byte_enable_length(txn->get_data_length());
+ original_addr = txn->get_address();
+ txn->set_address(new_addr);
+template<class DATAWORD> inline void
+local_single_fromhe(tlm_generic_payload *txn, unsigned int sizeof_databus) {
+ sc_dt::uint64 mask = sizeof_databus - 1;
+ // Comments assume arithmetic mode big endian initiator modelled on little
+ // endian host (but the functionality is the same for LE initiator on BE host)
+ // iterate over the initiator word byte by byte, MSB first
+ unsigned char *curr_d = original_dptr + sizeof(DATAWORD) - 1;
+ // initiator intent is to put the MSB at the address given in the transaction
+ sc_dt::uint64 curr_a = original_addr;
+ // iterate copying data and byte enables
+ for( ; curr_d >= original_dptr; curr_d--, curr_a++) {
+ // work out the address in the TLM interpretation of the initiator's intent
+ sc_dt::uint64 he_addr = curr_a ^ mask;
+ int idx = he_addr - txn->get_address();
+ if((txn->is_read()) && (txn->get_byte_enable_ptr()[idx] != 0))
+ *curr_d = txn->get_data_ptr()[idx];
+ }
+ // clean up
+ delete [] txn->get_data_ptr();
+ delete [] txn->get_byte_enable_ptr();