path: root/src
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
33 files changed, 651 insertions, 807 deletions
diff --git a/src/SConscript b/src/SConscript
index 268bcc745..184c7ccc1 100644
--- a/src/SConscript
+++ b/src/SConscript
@@ -46,9 +46,7 @@ Import('env')
base_sources = Split('''
- base/
- base/
@@ -99,10 +97,6 @@ base_sources = Split('''
- mem/
- python/
- python/
@@ -358,43 +352,45 @@ def make_objs(sources, env):
# files.
+# List of constructed environments to pass back to SConstruct
+envList = []
+# Function to create a new build environment as clone of current
+# environment 'env' with modified object suffix and optional stripped
+# binary. Additional keyword arguments are appended to corresponding
+# build environment vars.
+def makeEnv(label, objsfx, strip = False, **kwargs):
+ newEnv = env.Copy(OBJSUFFIX=objsfx)
+ newEnv.Label = label
+ newEnv.Append(**kwargs)
+ exe = 'm5.' + label # final executable
+ bin = exe + '.bin' # executable w/o appended Python zip archive
+ newEnv.Program(bin, make_objs(sources, newEnv))
+ if strip:
+ stripped_bin = bin + '.stripped'
+ newEnv.Command(stripped_bin, bin, 'strip $SOURCE -o $TARGET')
+ bin = stripped_bin
+ targets = newEnv.Concat(exe, [bin, 'python/'])
+ newEnv.M5Binary = targets[0]
+ envList.append(newEnv)
# Debug binary
-debugEnv = env.Copy(OBJSUFFIX='.do')
-debugEnv.Label = 'debug'
-debugEnv.Append(CCFLAGS=Split('-g3 -gdwarf-2 -O0'))
-tlist = debugEnv.Program(target = 'm5.debug',
- source = make_objs(sources, debugEnv))
-debugEnv.M5Binary = tlist[0]
+makeEnv('debug', '.do',
+ CCFLAGS = Split('-g3 -gdwarf-2 -O0'),
# Optimized binary
-optEnv = env.Copy()
-optEnv.Label = 'opt'
-optEnv.Append(CCFLAGS=Split('-g -O3'))
-tlist = optEnv.Program(target = 'm5.opt',
- source = make_objs(sources, optEnv))
-optEnv.M5Binary = tlist[0]
+makeEnv('opt', '.o',
+ CCFLAGS = Split('-g -O3'))
# "Fast" binary
-fastEnv = env.Copy(OBJSUFFIX='.fo')
-fastEnv.Label = 'fast'
-fastEnv.Program(target = '',
- source = make_objs(sources, fastEnv))
-tlist = fastEnv.Command(target = '',
- source = '',
- action = 'strip $SOURCE -o $TARGET')
-fastEnv.M5Binary = tlist[0]
+makeEnv('fast', '.fo', strip = True,
+ CCFLAGS = Split('-O3'),
# Profiled binary
-profEnv = env.Copy(OBJSUFFIX='.po')
-profEnv.Label = 'prof'
-profEnv.Append(CCFLAGS=Split('-O3 -g -pg'), LINKFLAGS='-pg')
-tlist = profEnv.Program(target = '',
- source = make_objs(sources, profEnv))
-profEnv.M5Binary = tlist[0]
-envList = [debugEnv, optEnv, fastEnv, profEnv]
+makeEnv('prof', '.po',
+ CCFLAGS = Split('-O3 -g -pg'),
+ LINKFLAGS = '-pg')
diff --git a/src/cpu/simple/ b/src/cpu/simple/
index 3cad6e43f..99b022c07 100644
--- a/src/cpu/simple/
+++ b/src/cpu/simple/
@@ -106,11 +106,10 @@ AtomicSimpleCPU::CpuPort::recvStatusChange(Status status)
panic("AtomicSimpleCPU doesn't expect recvStatusChange callback!");
-Packet *
panic("AtomicSimpleCPU doesn't expect recvRetry callback!");
- return NULL;
@@ -121,26 +120,17 @@ AtomicSimpleCPU::AtomicSimpleCPU(Params *p)
_status = Idle;
- ifetch_req = new Request(true);
- ifetch_req->setAsid(0);
- // @todo fix me and get the real cpu iD!!!
- ifetch_req->setCpuNum(0);
- ifetch_req->setSize(sizeof(MachInst));
+ // @todo fix me and get the real cpu id & thread number!!!
+ ifetch_req = new Request();
ifetch_pkt = new Packet(ifetch_req, Packet::ReadReq, Packet::Broadcast);
- data_read_req = new Request(true);
- // @todo fix me and get the real cpu iD!!!
- data_read_req->setCpuNum(0);
- data_read_req->setAsid(0);
+ data_read_req = new Request();
data_read_pkt = new Packet(data_read_req, Packet::ReadReq,
- data_write_req = new Request(true);
- // @todo fix me and get the real cpu iD!!!
- data_write_req->setCpuNum(0);
- data_write_req->setAsid(0);
+ data_write_req = new Request();
data_write_pkt = new Packet(data_write_req, Packet::WriteReq,
@@ -237,10 +227,7 @@ template <class T>
AtomicSimpleCPU::read(Addr addr, T &data, unsigned flags)
- data_read_req->setVaddr(addr);
- data_read_req->setSize(sizeof(T));
- data_read_req->setFlags(flags);
- data_read_req->setTime(curTick);
+ data_read_req->setVirt(0, addr, sizeof(T), flags, cpuXC->readPC());
if (traceData) {
@@ -251,10 +238,9 @@ AtomicSimpleCPU::read(Addr addr, T &data, unsigned flags)
// Now do the access.
if (fault == NoFault) {
- data_read_pkt->reset();
- dcache_complete = dcachePort.sendAtomic(data_read_pkt);
+ dcache_latency = dcachePort.sendAtomic(data_read_pkt);
dcache_access = true;
assert(data_read_pkt->result == Packet::Success);
@@ -316,10 +302,7 @@ template <class T>
AtomicSimpleCPU::write(T data, Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *res)
- data_write_req->setVaddr(addr);
- data_write_req->setTime(curTick);
- data_write_req->setSize(sizeof(T));
- data_write_req->setFlags(flags);
+ data_write_req->setVirt(0, addr, sizeof(T), flags, cpuXC->readPC());
if (traceData) {
@@ -330,12 +313,11 @@ AtomicSimpleCPU::write(T data, Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *res)
// Now do the access.
if (fault == NoFault) {
- data_write_pkt->reset();
data = htog(data);
- data_write_pkt->dataStatic(&data);
+ data_write_pkt->dataStatic(&data);
- dcache_complete = dcachePort.sendAtomic(data_write_pkt);
+ dcache_latency = dcachePort.sendAtomic(data_write_pkt);
dcache_access = true;
assert(data_write_pkt->result == Packet::Success);
@@ -411,12 +393,12 @@ AtomicSimpleCPU::tick()
- ifetch_req->resetMin();
- ifetch_pkt->reset();
- Fault fault = setupFetchPacket(ifetch_pkt);
+ Fault fault = setupFetchRequest(ifetch_req);
if (fault == NoFault) {
- Tick icache_complete = icachePort.sendAtomic(ifetch_pkt);
+ ifetch_pkt->reinitFromRequest();
+ Tick icache_latency = icachePort.sendAtomic(ifetch_pkt);
// ifetch_req is initialized to read the instruction directly
// into the CPU object's inst field.
@@ -431,9 +413,9 @@ AtomicSimpleCPU::tick()
// cycle time. If not, the next tick event may get
// scheduled at a non-integer multiple of the CPU
// cycle time.
- Tick icache_stall = icache_complete - curTick - cycles(1);
+ Tick icache_stall = icache_latency - cycles(1);
Tick dcache_stall =
- dcache_access ? dcache_complete - curTick - cycles(1) : 0;
+ dcache_access ? dcache_latency - cycles(1) : 0;
latency += icache_stall + dcache_stall;
diff --git a/src/cpu/simple/atomic.hh b/src/cpu/simple/atomic.hh
index ab3a3e8ef..8c76fbdc8 100644
--- a/src/cpu/simple/atomic.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/simple/atomic.hh
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class AtomicSimpleCPU : public BaseSimpleCPU
virtual void recvStatusChange(Status status);
- virtual Packet *recvRetry();
+ virtual void recvRetry();
virtual void getDeviceAddressRanges(AddrRangeList &resp,
AddrRangeList &snoop)
@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ class AtomicSimpleCPU : public BaseSimpleCPU
Packet *data_write_pkt;
bool dcache_access;
- Tick dcache_complete;
+ Tick dcache_latency;
diff --git a/src/cpu/simple/ b/src/cpu/simple/
index 18f170449..2e979870c 100644
--- a/src/cpu/simple/
+++ b/src/cpu/simple/
@@ -351,29 +351,17 @@ BaseSimpleCPU::checkForInterrupts()
-BaseSimpleCPU::setupFetchPacket(Packet *ifetch_pkt)
+BaseSimpleCPU::setupFetchRequest(Request *req)
- // Try to fetch an instruction
// set up memory request for instruction fetch
DPRINTF(Fetch,"Fetch: PC:%08p NPC:%08p NNPC:%08p\n",cpuXC->readPC(),
- Request *ifetch_req = ifetch_pkt->req;
- ifetch_req->setVaddr(cpuXC->readPC() & ~3);
- ifetch_req->setTime(curTick);
- ifetch_req->setFlags((cpuXC->readPC() & 1) ? PHYSICAL : 0);
- ifetch_req->setFlags(0);
- Fault fault = cpuXC->translateInstReq(ifetch_req);
+ req->setVirt(0, cpuXC->readPC() & ~3, sizeof(MachInst),
+ (FULL_SYSTEM && (cpuXC->readPC() & 1)) ? PHYSICAL : 0,
+ cpuXC->readPC());
- if (fault == NoFault) {
- ifetch_pkt->reinitFromRequest();
- }
+ Fault fault = cpuXC->translateInstReq(req);
return fault;
diff --git a/src/cpu/simple/base.hh b/src/cpu/simple/base.hh
index 4c0e6f3c7..dbeb6afce 100644
--- a/src/cpu/simple/base.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/simple/base.hh
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ class BaseSimpleCPU : public BaseCPU
StaticInstPtr curStaticInst;
void checkForInterrupts();
- Fault setupFetchPacket(Packet *ifetch_pkt);
+ Fault setupFetchRequest(Request *req);
void preExecute();
void postExecute();
void advancePC(Fault fault);
diff --git a/src/cpu/simple/ b/src/cpu/simple/
index 7cdcdafa1..9cccb97f7 100644
--- a/src/cpu/simple/
+++ b/src/cpu/simple/
@@ -172,12 +172,10 @@ template <class T>
TimingSimpleCPU::read(Addr addr, T &data, unsigned flags)
- Request *data_read_req = new Request(true);
+ // need to fill in CPU & thread IDs here
+ Request *data_read_req = new Request();
- data_read_req->setVaddr(addr);
- data_read_req->setSize(sizeof(T));
- data_read_req->setFlags(flags);
- data_read_req->setTime(curTick);
+ data_read_req->setVirt(0, addr, sizeof(T), flags, cpuXC->readPC());
if (traceData) {
@@ -255,11 +253,9 @@ template <class T>
TimingSimpleCPU::write(T data, Addr addr, unsigned flags, uint64_t *res)
- Request *data_write_req = new Request(true);
- data_write_req->setVaddr(addr);
- data_write_req->setTime(curTick);
- data_write_req->setSize(sizeof(T));
- data_write_req->setFlags(flags);
+ // need to fill in CPU & thread IDs here
+ Request *data_write_req = new Request();
+ data_write_req->setVirt(0, addr, sizeof(T), flags, cpuXC->readPC());
// translate to physical address
Fault fault = cpuXC->translateDataWriteReq(data_write_req);
@@ -340,13 +336,13 @@ TimingSimpleCPU::fetch()
- Request *ifetch_req = new Request(true);
- ifetch_req->setSize(sizeof(MachInst));
+ // need to fill in CPU & thread IDs here
+ Request *ifetch_req = new Request();
+ Fault fault = setupFetchRequest(ifetch_req);
ifetch_pkt = new Packet(ifetch_req, Packet::ReadReq, Packet::Broadcast);
- Fault fault = setupFetchPacket(ifetch_pkt);
if (fault == NoFault) {
if (!icachePort.sendTiming(ifetch_pkt)) {
// Need to wait for retry
@@ -419,17 +415,18 @@ TimingSimpleCPU::IcachePort::recvTiming(Packet *pkt)
return true;
-Packet *
// we shouldn't get a retry unless we have a packet that we're
// waiting to transmit
assert(cpu->ifetch_pkt != NULL);
assert(cpu->_status == IcacheRetry);
- cpu->_status = IcacheWaitResponse;
Packet *tmp = cpu->ifetch_pkt;
- cpu->ifetch_pkt = NULL;
- return tmp;
+ if (sendTiming(tmp)) {
+ cpu->_status = IcacheWaitResponse;
+ cpu->ifetch_pkt = NULL;
+ }
@@ -459,17 +456,18 @@ TimingSimpleCPU::DcachePort::recvTiming(Packet *pkt)
return true;
-Packet *
// we shouldn't get a retry unless we have a packet that we're
// waiting to transmit
assert(cpu->dcache_pkt != NULL);
assert(cpu->_status == DcacheRetry);
- cpu->_status = DcacheWaitResponse;
Packet *tmp = cpu->dcache_pkt;
- cpu->dcache_pkt = NULL;
- return tmp;
+ if (sendTiming(tmp)) {
+ cpu->_status = DcacheWaitResponse;
+ cpu->dcache_pkt = NULL;
+ }
diff --git a/src/cpu/simple/timing.hh b/src/cpu/simple/timing.hh
index b46631d5a..cb37824bc 100644
--- a/src/cpu/simple/timing.hh
+++ b/src/cpu/simple/timing.hh
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ class TimingSimpleCPU : public BaseSimpleCPU
virtual bool recvTiming(Packet *pkt);
- virtual Packet *recvRetry();
+ virtual void recvRetry();
class DcachePort : public CpuPort
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ class TimingSimpleCPU : public BaseSimpleCPU
virtual bool recvTiming(Packet *pkt);
- virtual Packet *recvRetry();
+ virtual void recvRetry();
IcachePort icachePort;
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 0b4bb048c..c5b105fc7 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -98,7 +98,6 @@ AlphaConsole::read(Packet *pkt)
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;
@@ -191,8 +190,6 @@ AlphaConsole::read(Packet *pkt)
AlphaConsole::write(Packet *pkt)
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index eb03d5db8..d8dff0870 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -430,7 +430,6 @@ IdeController::read(Packet *pkt)
IdeRegType reg_type;
int disk;
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
if (pkt->getSize() != 1 && pkt->getSize() != 2 && pkt->getSize() !=4)
panic("Bad IDE read size: %d\n", pkt->getSize());
@@ -518,8 +517,6 @@ IdeController::write(Packet *pkt)
int disk;
uint8_t oldVal, newVal;
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
parseAddr(pkt->getAddr(), offset, channel, reg_type);
if (!io_enabled) {
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 87fdbb765..c644308b6 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@
+#include "base/trace.hh"
#include "dev/io_device.hh"
#include "sim/builder.hh"
@@ -55,12 +56,13 @@ PioPort::getDeviceAddressRanges(AddrRangeList &resp, AddrRangeList &snoop)
-Packet *
Packet* pkt = transmitList.front();
- transmitList.pop_front();
- return pkt;
+ if (Port::sendTiming(pkt)) {
+ transmitList.pop_front();
+ }
@@ -74,13 +76,14 @@ PioPort::SendEvent::process()
PioPort::recvTiming(Packet *pkt)
- device->recvAtomic(pkt);
+ Tick latency = device->recvAtomic(pkt);
// turn packet around to go back to requester
- sendTiming(pkt, pkt->time - pkt->req->getTime());
+ sendTiming(pkt, latency);
return true;
@@ -116,16 +119,20 @@ DmaPort::recvTiming(Packet *pkt)
if (pkt->senderState) {
DmaReqState *state;
+ DPRINTF(DMA, "Received response Packet %#x with senderState: %#x\n",
+ pkt, pkt->senderState);
state = dynamic_cast<DmaReqState*>(pkt->senderState);
- state->completionEvent->schedule(pkt->time - pkt->req->getTime());
+ assert(state);
+ state->completionEvent->process();
delete pkt->req;
delete pkt;
} else {
+ DPRINTF(DMA, "Received response Packet %#x with no senderState\n", pkt);
delete pkt->req;
delete pkt;
- return Packet::Success;
+ return true;
DmaDevice::DmaDevice(Params *p)
@@ -133,20 +140,19 @@ DmaDevice::DmaDevice(Params *p)
{ }
- if (port->Port::sendTiming(packet))
- return;
- port->transmitList.push_back(packet);
-Packet *
Packet* pkt = transmitList.front();
- transmitList.pop_front();
- return pkt;
+ DPRINTF(DMA, "Retry on Packet %#x with senderState: %#x\n",
+ pkt, pkt->senderState);
+ if (sendTiming(pkt)) {
+ DPRINTF(DMA, "-- Done\n");
+ transmitList.pop_front();
+ pendingCount--;
+ assert(pendingCount >= 0);
+ } else {
+ DPRINTF(DMA, "-- Failed, queued\n");
+ }
@@ -160,15 +166,12 @@ DmaPort::dmaAction(Packet::Command cmd, Addr addr, int size, Event *event,
for (ChunkGenerator gen(addr, size, peerBlockSize());
!gen.done(); {
- Request *req = new Request(false);
- req->setPaddr(gen.addr());
- req->setSize(gen.size());
- req->setTime(curTick);
+ Request *req = new Request(gen.addr(), gen.size(), 0);
Packet *pkt = new Packet(req, cmd, Packet::Broadcast);
// Increment the data pointer on a write
if (data)
- pkt->dataStatic(data + prevSize) ;
+ pkt->dataStatic(data + prevSize);
prevSize += gen.size();
@@ -192,13 +195,22 @@ DmaPort::sendDma(Packet *pkt)
// switching actually work
/* MemState state = device->platform->system->memState;
- if (state == Timing) {
- if (!sendTiming(pkt))
- transmitList.push_back(&packet);
- } else if (state == Atomic) {*/
+ if (state == Timing) { */
+ DPRINTF(DMA, "Attempting to send Packet %#x with senderState: %#x\n",
+ pkt, pkt->senderState);
+ if (!sendTiming(pkt)) {
+ transmitList.push_back(pkt);
+ DPRINTF(DMA, "-- Failed: queued\n");
+ } else {
+ DPRINTF(DMA, "-- Done\n");
+ pendingCount--;
+ assert(pendingCount >= 0);
+ }
+ /* } else if (state == Atomic) {
if (pkt->senderState) {
DmaReqState *state = dynamic_cast<DmaReqState*>(pkt->senderState);
+ assert(state);
state->completionEvent->schedule(curTick + (pkt->time - pkt->req->getTime()) +1);
@@ -206,7 +218,7 @@ DmaPort::sendDma(Packet *pkt)
delete pkt->req;
delete pkt;
-/* } else if (state == Functional) {
+ } else if (state == Functional) {
// Is this correct???
completionEvent->schedule(pkt->req->responseTime - pkt->req->requestTime);
diff --git a/src/dev/io_device.hh b/src/dev/io_device.hh
index 74730ad92..5836da3c9 100644
--- a/src/dev/io_device.hh
+++ b/src/dev/io_device.hh
@@ -105,8 +105,9 @@ class PioPort : public Port
void sendTiming(Packet *pkt, Tick time)
{ new PioPort::SendEvent(this, pkt, time); }
- /** This function pops the last element off the transmit list and sends it.*/
- virtual Packet *recvRetry();
+ /** This function is notification that the device should attempt to send a
+ * packet again. */
+ virtual void recvRetry();
PioPort(PioDevice *dev, Platform *p);
@@ -146,28 +147,11 @@ class DmaPort : public Port
virtual void recvStatusChange(Status status)
{ ; }
- virtual Packet *recvRetry() ;
+ virtual void recvRetry() ;
virtual void getDeviceAddressRanges(AddrRangeList &resp, AddrRangeList &snoop)
{ resp.clear(); snoop.clear(); }
- class SendEvent : public Event
- {
- DmaPort *port;
- Packet *packet;
- SendEvent(PioPort *p, Packet *pkt, Tick t)
- : Event(&mainEventQueue), packet(pkt)
- { schedule(curTick + t); }
- virtual void process();
- virtual const char *description()
- { return "Future scheduled sendTiming event"; }
- friend class DmaPort;
- };
void sendDma(Packet *pkt);
@@ -178,8 +162,6 @@ class DmaPort : public Port
bool dmaPending() { return pendingCount > 0; }
- friend class DmaPort::SendEvent;
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index c303ffc30..c00ee0adb 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -54,8 +54,6 @@ IsaFake::read(Packet *pkt)
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
DPRINTF(Tsunami, "read va=%#x size=%d\n", pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize());
switch (pkt->getSize()) {
@@ -80,7 +78,6 @@ IsaFake::read(Packet *pkt)
IsaFake::write(Packet *pkt)
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
DPRINTF(Tsunami, "write - va=%#x size=%d \n", pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize());
pkt->result = Packet::Success;
return pioDelay;
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 963675847..719747b26 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -492,7 +492,6 @@ NSGigE::read(Packet *pkt)
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
//The mask is to give you only the offset into the device register file
@@ -728,8 +727,6 @@ NSGigE::write(Packet *pkt)
DPRINTF(EthernetPIO, "write da=%#x pa=%#x size=%d\n",
daddr, pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize());
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
if (daddr > LAST && daddr <= RESERVED) {
panic("Accessing reserved register");
} else if (daddr > RESERVED && daddr <= 0x3FC) {
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 14a28e86d..9b679ed95 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -99,7 +99,6 @@ PciConfigAll::read(Packet *pkt)
int func = (daddr >> 8) & 0x7;
int reg = daddr & 0xFF;
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
DPRINTF(PciConfigAll, "read va=%#x da=%#x size=%d\n", pkt->getAddr(), daddr,
@@ -134,8 +133,6 @@ PciConfigAll::read(Packet *pkt)
PciConfigAll::write(Packet *pkt)
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
assert(pkt->getSize() == sizeof(uint8_t) || pkt->getSize() == sizeof(uint16_t) ||
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 31fbc49aa..529024a90 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -322,7 +322,6 @@ Device::read(Packet *pkt)
Addr index = daddr >> Regs::VirtualShift;
Addr raddr = daddr & Regs::VirtualMask;
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
if (!regValid(raddr))
@@ -410,8 +409,6 @@ Device::write(Packet *pkt)
Addr index = daddr >> Regs::VirtualShift;
Addr raddr = daddr & Regs::VirtualMask;
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
if (!regValid(raddr))
panic("invalid register: cpu=%d, da=%#x pa=%#x size=%d",
cpu, daddr, pkt->getAddr(), pkt->getSize());
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 146321b9f..e5ef18448 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ TsunamiCChip::read(Packet *pkt)
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
Addr regnum = (pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr) >> 6;
Addr daddr = (pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr);
@@ -182,9 +181,6 @@ TsunamiCChip::read(Packet *pkt)
TsunamiCChip::write(Packet *pkt)
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;
Addr regnum = (pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr) >> 6 ;
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 729a61cf7..8eaf7679f 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -447,7 +447,6 @@ TsunamiIO::read(Packet *pkt)
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;
DPRINTF(Tsunami, "io read va=%#x size=%d IOPorrt=%#x\n", pkt->getAddr(),
@@ -511,8 +510,6 @@ TsunamiIO::read(Packet *pkt)
TsunamiIO::write(Packet *pkt)
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index c430ca0a0..5252ccea6 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -70,8 +70,6 @@ TsunamiPChip::read(Packet *pkt)
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
Addr daddr = (pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr) >> 6;;
assert(pkt->getSize() == sizeof(uint64_t));
@@ -151,8 +149,6 @@ TsunamiPChip::read(Packet *pkt)
TsunamiPChip::write(Packet *pkt)
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
assert(pkt->result == Packet::Unknown);
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
Addr daddr = (pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr) >> 6;
diff --git a/src/dev/ b/src/dev/
index 8a5a1f1cd..9aae6a75b 100644
--- a/src/dev/
+++ b/src/dev/
@@ -114,7 +114,6 @@ Uart8250::read(Packet *pkt)
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
assert(pkt->getSize() == 1);
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;
@@ -198,7 +197,6 @@ Uart8250::write(Packet *pkt)
assert(pkt->getAddr() >= pioAddr && pkt->getAddr() < pioAddr + pioSize);
assert(pkt->getSize() == 1);
- pkt->time += pioDelay;
Addr daddr = pkt->getAddr() - pioAddr;
DPRINTF(Uart, " write register %#x value %#x\n", daddr, pkt->get<uint8_t>());
diff --git a/src/mem/ b/src/mem/
index 736e8dc81..5b8b9164b 100644
--- a/src/mem/
+++ b/src/mem/
@@ -90,7 +90,17 @@ Bridge::BridgePort::recvTiming(Packet *pkt)
DPRINTF(BusBridge, "recvTiming: src %d dest %d addr 0x%x\n",
pkt->getSrc(), pkt->getDest(), pkt->getAddr());
- if (pkt->isResponse()) {
+ return otherPort->queueForSendTiming(pkt);
+Bridge::BridgePort::queueForSendTiming(Packet *pkt)
+ if (queueFull())
+ return false;
+ if (pkt->isResponse()) {
// This is a response for a request we forwarded earlier. The
// corresponding PacketBuffer should be stored in the packet's
// senderState field.
@@ -99,22 +109,16 @@ Bridge::BridgePort::recvTiming(Packet *pkt)
// set up new packet dest & senderState based on values saved
// from original request
+ DPRINTF(BusBridge, "restoring sender state: %#X, from packet buffer: %#X\n",
+ pkt->senderState, buf);
DPRINTF(BusBridge, " is response, new dest %d\n", pkt->getDest());
delete buf;
- return otherPort->queueForSendTiming(pkt);
-Bridge::BridgePort::queueForSendTiming(Packet *pkt)
- if (queueFull())
- return false;
Tick readyTime = curTick + delay;
PacketBuffer *buf = new PacketBuffer(pkt, readyTime);
+ DPRINTF(BusBridge, "old sender state: %#X, new sender state: %#X\n",
+ buf->origSenderState, buf);
// If we're about to put this packet at the head of the queue, we
// need to schedule an event to do the transmit. Otherwise there
@@ -126,43 +130,16 @@ Bridge::BridgePort::queueForSendTiming(Packet *pkt)
- // Did we just become blocked? If yes, let other side know.
- if (queueFull())
- otherPort->sendStatusChange(Port::Blocked);
return true;
-Bridge::BridgePort::finishSend(PacketBuffer *buf)
- if (buf->expectResponse) {
- // Must wait for response. We just need to count outstanding
- // responses (in case we want to cap them); PacketBuffer
- // pointer will be recovered on response.
- ++outstandingResponses;
- DPRINTF(BusBridge, " successful: awaiting response (%d)\n",
- outstandingResponses);
- } else {
- // no response expected... deallocate packet buffer now.
- DPRINTF(BusBridge, " successful: no response expected\n");
- delete buf;
- }
- // If there are more packets to send, schedule event to try again.
- if (!sendQueue.empty()) {
- buf = sendQueue.front();
- sendEvent.schedule(std::max(buf->ready, curTick + 1));
- }
+ bool was_full = queueFull();
PacketBuffer *buf = sendQueue.front();
assert(buf->ready <= curTick);
@@ -176,20 +153,41 @@ Bridge::BridgePort::trySend()
// send successful
buf->pkt = NULL; // we no longer own packet, so it's not safe to look at it
- finishSend(buf);
+ if (buf->expectResponse) {
+ // Must wait for response. We just need to count outstanding
+ // responses (in case we want to cap them); PacketBuffer
+ // pointer will be recovered on response.
+ ++outstandingResponses;
+ DPRINTF(BusBridge, " successful: awaiting response (%d)\n",
+ outstandingResponses);
+ } else {
+ // no response expected... deallocate packet buffer now.
+ DPRINTF(BusBridge, " successful: no response expected\n");
+ delete buf;
+ }
+ // If there are more packets to send, schedule event to try again.
+ if (!sendQueue.empty()) {
+ buf = sendQueue.front();
+ sendEvent.schedule(std::max(buf->ready, curTick + 1));
+ }
+ // Let things start sending again
+ if (was_full) {
+ DPRINTF(BusBridge, "Queue was full, sending retry\n");
+ otherPort->sendRetry();
+ }
} else {
DPRINTF(BusBridge, " unsuccessful\n");
-Packet *
- PacketBuffer *buf = sendQueue.front();
- Packet *pkt = buf->pkt;
- finishSend(buf);
- return pkt;
+ trySend();
/** Function called by the port when the bus is receiving a Atomic
@@ -223,9 +221,6 @@ Bridge::BridgePort::recvFunctional(Packet *pkt)
Bridge::BridgePort::recvStatusChange(Port::Status status)
- if (status == Port::Blocked || status == Port::Unblocked)
- return;
diff --git a/src/mem/bridge.hh b/src/mem/bridge.hh
index 8a5cbf92a..8c7af562c 100644
--- a/src/mem/bridge.hh
+++ b/src/mem/bridge.hh
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <queue>
#include "mem/mem_object.hh"
#include "mem/packet.hh"
#include "mem/port.hh"
@@ -77,7 +76,8 @@ class Bridge : public MemObject
origSenderState(_pkt->senderState), origSrc(_pkt->getSrc()),
- pkt->senderState = this;
+ if (!pkt->isResponse())
+ pkt->senderState = this;
void fixResponse(Packet *pkt)
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ class Bridge : public MemObject
/** When receiving a retry request from the peer port,
pass it to the bridge. */
- virtual Packet* recvRetry();
+ virtual void recvRetry();
/** When receiving a Atomic requestfrom the peer port,
pass it to the bridge. */
diff --git a/src/mem/ b/src/mem/
index cfc99a64f..aec3ef2f6 100644
--- a/src/mem/
+++ b/src/mem/
@@ -72,9 +72,35 @@ Bus::recvTiming(Packet *pkt)
assert(dest != pkt->getSrc()); // catch infinite loops
port = interfaces[dest];
- return port->sendTiming(pkt);
+ if (port->sendTiming(pkt)) {
+ // packet was successfully sent, just return true.
+ return true;
+ }
+ // packet not successfully sent
+ retryList.push_back(interfaces[pkt->getSrc()]);
+ return false;
+Bus::recvRetry(int id)
+ // Go through all the elements on the list calling sendRetry on each
+ // This is not very efficient at all but it works. Ultimately we should end
+ // up with something that is more intelligent.
+ int initialSize = retryList.size();
+ int i;
+ Port *p;
+ for (i = 0; i < initialSize; i++) {
+ assert(retryList.size() > 0);
+ p = retryList.front();
+ retryList.pop_front();
+ p->sendRetry();
+ }
Port *
Bus::findPort(Addr addr, int id)
diff --git a/src/mem/bus.hh b/src/mem/bus.hh
index 5eeb07904..774f9f3a4 100644
--- a/src/mem/bus.hh
+++ b/src/mem/bus.hh
@@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ class Bus : public MemObject
void recvFunctional(Packet *pkt);
+ /** Timing function called by port when it is once again able to process
+ * requests. */
+ void recvRetry(int id);
/** Function called by the port when the bus is recieving a status change.*/
void recvStatusChange(Port::Status status, int id);
@@ -126,6 +130,11 @@ class Bus : public MemObject
virtual void recvStatusChange(Status status)
{ bus->recvStatusChange(status, id); }
+ /** When reciving a retry from the peer port (at id),
+ pass it to the bus. */
+ virtual void recvRetry()
+ { bus->recvRetry(id); }
// This should return all the 'owned' addresses that are
// downstream from this bus, yes? That is, the union of all
// the 'owned' address ranges of all the other interfaces on
@@ -143,6 +152,10 @@ class Bus : public MemObject
connected to this bus.*/
std::vector<Port*> interfaces;
+ /** An array of pointers to ports that retry should be called on because the
+ * original send failed for whatever reason.*/
+ std::list<Port*> retryList;
/** A function used to return the port associated with this bus object. */
diff --git a/src/mem/ b/src/mem/
index 3b415d77f..4cda657f5 100644
--- a/src/mem/
+++ b/src/mem/
@@ -97,20 +97,6 @@ Packet::intersect(Packet *p)
return false;
-/** Minimally reset a packet so something like simple cpu can reuse it. */
- result = Unknown;
- if (dynamicData) {
- deleteData();
- dynamicData = false;
- arrayData = false;
- time = curTick;
- }
fixPacket(Packet *func, Packet *timing)
diff --git a/src/mem/packet.hh b/src/mem/packet.hh
index 83f52ede5..4bcc05abd 100644
--- a/src/mem/packet.hh
+++ b/src/mem/packet.hh
@@ -28,8 +28,7 @@
* @file
- * Declaration of the Packet Class, a packet is a transaction occuring
- * between a single level of the memory heirarchy (ie L1->L2).
+ * Declaration of the Packet class.
#ifndef __MEM_PACKET_HH__
@@ -44,81 +43,96 @@ typedef Packet* PacketPtr;
typedef uint8_t* PacketDataPtr;
- * A Packet is the structure to handle requests between two levels
- * of the memory system. The Request is a global object that trancends
- * all of the memory heirarchy, but at each levels interface a packet
- * is created to transfer data/requests. For example, a request would
- * be used to initiate a request to go to memory/IOdevices, as the request
- * passes through the memory system several packets will be created. One
- * will be created to go between the L1 and L2 caches and another to go to
- * the next level and so forth.
- *
- * Packets are assumed to be returned in the case of a single response. If
- * the transaction has no response, then the consumer will delete the packet.
+ * A Packet is used to encapsulate a transfer between two objects in
+ * the memory system (e.g., the L1 and L2 cache). (In contrast, a
+ * single Request travels all the way from the requester to the
+ * ultimate destination and back, possibly being conveyed by several
+ * different Packets along the way.)
class Packet
- /** A pointer to the data being transfered. It can be differnt sizes
- at each level of the heirarchy so it belongs in the packet,
- not request. This may or may not be populated when a responder recieves
- the packet. If not populated it memory should be allocated.
+ /** A pointer to the data being transfered. It can be differnt
+ * sizes at each level of the heirarchy so it belongs in the
+ * packet, not request. This may or may not be populated when a
+ * responder recieves the packet. If not populated it memory
+ * should be allocated.
PacketDataPtr data;
- /** Is the data pointer set to a value that shouldn't be freed when the
- * packet is destroyed? */
+ /** Is the data pointer set to a value that shouldn't be freed
+ * when the packet is destroyed? */
bool staticData;
- /** The data pointer points to a value that should be freed when the packet
- * is destroyed. */
+ /** The data pointer points to a value that should be freed when
+ * the packet is destroyed. */
bool dynamicData;
- /** the data pointer points to an array (thus delete [] ) needs to be called
- * on it rather than simply delete.*/
+ /** the data pointer points to an array (thus delete [] ) needs to
+ * be called on it rather than simply delete.*/
bool arrayData;
- /** The address of the request, could be virtual or physical (depending on
- cache configurations). */
+ /** The address of the request. This address could be virtual or
+ * physical, depending on the system configuration. */
Addr addr;
- /** Indicates the size of the request. */
+ /** The size of the request or transfer. */
int size;
- /** A index of the source of the transaction. */
+ /** Device address (e.g., bus ID) of the source of the
+ * transaction. The source is not responsible for setting this
+ * field; it is set implicitly by the interconnect when the
+ * packet * is first sent. */
short src;
- /** A index to the destination of the transaction. */
+ /** Device address (e.g., bus ID) of the destination of the
+ * transaction. The special value Broadcast indicates that the
+ * packet should be routed based on its address. This field is
+ * initialized in the constructor and is thus always valid
+ * (unlike * addr, size, and src). */
short dest;
- bool addrValid;
- bool sizeValid;
+ /** Are the 'addr' and 'size' fields valid? */
+ bool addrSizeValid;
+ /** Is the 'src' field valid? */
bool srcValid;
+ /** The special destination address indicating that the packet
+ * should be routed based on its address. */
static const short Broadcast = -1;
- /** A pointer to the overall request. */
+ /** A pointer to the original request. */
RequestPtr req;
+ /** A virtual base opaque structure used to hold coherence-related
+ * state. A specific subclass would be derived from this to
+ * carry state specific to a particular coherence protocol. */
class CoherenceState {
virtual ~CoherenceState() {}
- /** A virtual base opaque structure used to hold
- coherence status messages. */
- CoherenceState *coherence; // virtual base opaque,
- // assert(dynamic_cast<Foo>) etc.
+ /** This packet's coherence state. Caches should use
+ * dynamic_cast<> to cast to the state appropriate for the
+ * system's coherence protocol. */
+ CoherenceState *coherence;
+ /** A virtual base opaque structure used to hold state associated
+ * with the packet but specific to the sending device (e.g., an
+ * MSHR). A pointer to this state is returned in the packet's
+ * response so that the sender can quickly look up the state
+ * needed to process it. A specific subclass would be derived
+ * from this to carry state specific to a particular sending
+ * device. */
class SenderState {
virtual ~SenderState() {}
- /** A virtual base opaque structure used to hold the senders state. */
- SenderState *senderState; // virtual base opaque,
- // assert(dynamic_cast<Foo>) etc.
+ /** This packet's sender state. Devices should use dynamic_cast<>
+ * to cast to the state appropriate to the sender. */
+ SenderState *senderState;
/** List of command attributes. */
@@ -144,9 +158,11 @@ class Packet
WriteResp = IsWrite | IsResponse
+ /** Return the string name of the cmd field (for debugging and
+ * tracing). */
const std::string &cmdString() const;
- /** The command of the transaction. */
+ /** The command field of the packet. */
Command cmd;
bool isRead() { return (cmd & IsRead) != 0; }
@@ -154,20 +170,7 @@ class Packet
bool isResponse() { return (cmd & IsResponse) != 0; }
bool needsResponse() { return (cmd & NeedsResponse) != 0; }
- void makeTimingResponse() {
- assert(needsResponse());
- int icmd = (int)cmd;
- icmd &= ~(IsRequest | NeedsResponse);
- icmd |= IsResponse;
- cmd = (Command)icmd;
- dest = src;
- srcValid = false;
- }
- /** The time this request was responded to. Used to calculate latencies. */
- Tick time;
- /** The result of a particular packets request. */
+ /** Possible results of a packet's request. */
enum Result
@@ -175,7 +178,7 @@ class Packet
- /** The result of the packet transaction. */
+ /** The result of this packet's request. */
Result result;
/** Accessor function that returns the source index of the packet. */
@@ -187,33 +190,59 @@ class Packet
short getDest() const { return dest; }
void setDest(short _dest) { dest = _dest; }
- Addr getAddr() const { assert(addrValid); return addr; }
- void setAddr(Addr _addr) { addr = _addr; addrValid = true; }
- int getSize() const { assert(sizeValid); return size; }
- void setSize(int _size) { size = _size; sizeValid = true; }
+ Addr getAddr() const { assert(addrSizeValid); return addr; }
+ int getSize() const { assert(addrSizeValid); return size; }
+ /** Constructor. Note that a Request object must be constructed
+ * first, but the Requests's physical address and size fields
+ * need not be valid. The command and destination addresses
+ * must be supplied. */
Packet(Request *_req, Command _cmd, short _dest)
: data(NULL), staticData(false), dynamicData(false), arrayData(false),
addr(_req->paddr), size(_req->size), dest(_dest),
- addrValid(_req->validPaddr), sizeValid(_req->validSize),
+ addrSizeValid(_req->validPaddr),
req(_req), coherence(NULL), senderState(NULL), cmd(_cmd),
- time(curTick), result(Unknown)
+ result(Unknown)
+ /** Destructor. */
{ deleteData(); }
- /** Minimally reset a packet so something like simple cpu can reuse it. */
- void reset();
+ /** Reinitialize packet address and size from the associated
+ * Request object, and reset other fields that may have been
+ * modified by a previous transaction. Typically called when a
+ * statically allocated Request/Packet pair is reused for
+ * multiple transactions. */
void reinitFromRequest() {
- if (req->validPaddr) setAddr(req->paddr);
- if (req->validSize) setSize(req->size);
+ assert(req->validPaddr);
+ addr = req->paddr;
+ size = req->size;
+ addrSizeValid = true;
+ result = Unknown;
+ if (dynamicData) {
+ deleteData();
+ dynamicData = false;
+ arrayData = false;
+ }
+ }
+ /** Take a request packet and modify it in place to be suitable
+ * for returning as a response to that request. Used for timing
+ * accesses only. For atomic and functional accesses, the
+ * request packet is always implicitly passed back *without*
+ * modifying the command or destination fields, so this function
+ * should not be called. */
+ void makeTimingResponse() {
+ assert(needsResponse());
+ int icmd = (int)cmd;
+ icmd &= ~(IsRequest | NeedsResponse);
+ icmd |= IsResponse;
+ cmd = (Command)icmd;
+ dest = src;
+ srcValid = false;
/** Set the data pointer to the following value that should not be freed. */
diff --git a/src/mem/ b/src/mem/
index 26dbef0cd..fa7eb803e 100644
--- a/src/mem/
+++ b/src/mem/
@@ -139,8 +139,7 @@ Tick
PhysicalMemory::doAtomicAccess(Packet *pkt)
- pkt->time = curTick + lat;
- return curTick + lat;
+ return lat;
diff --git a/src/mem/ b/src/mem/
index 651cb739a..e216ffe71 100644
--- a/src/mem/
+++ b/src/mem/
@@ -45,13 +45,12 @@ Port::setPeer(Port *port)
Port::blobHelper(Addr addr, uint8_t *p, int size, Packet::Command cmd)
- Request req(false);
+ Request req;
Packet pkt(&req, cmd, Packet::Broadcast);
for (ChunkGenerator gen(addr, size, peerBlockSize());
!gen.done(); {
- req.setPaddr(gen.addr());
- req.setSize(gen.size());
+ req.setPhys(gen.addr(), gen.size(), 0);
diff --git a/src/mem/port.hh b/src/mem/port.hh
index f9103865e..80ae035b1 100644
--- a/src/mem/port.hh
+++ b/src/mem/port.hh
@@ -74,6 +74,11 @@ class Port
/** Descriptive name (for DPRINTF output) */
const std::string portName;
+ /** A pointer to the peer port. Ports always come in pairs, that way they
+ can use a standardized interface to communicate between different
+ memory objects. */
+ Port *peer;
@@ -83,7 +88,7 @@ class Port
* of memory system object to which the port belongs.
Port(const std::string &_name)
- : portName(_name)
+ : portName(_name), peer(NULL)
{ }
/** Return port name (for DPRINTF). */
@@ -92,23 +97,12 @@ class Port
virtual ~Port() {};
// mey be better to use subclasses & RTTI?
- /** Holds the ports status. Keeps track if it is blocked, or has
- calculated a range change. */
+ /** Holds the ports status. Currently just that a range recomputation needs
+ * to be done. */
enum Status {
- Blocked,
- Unblocked,
- private:
- /** A pointer to the peer port. Ports always come in pairs, that way they
- can use a standardized interface to communicate between different
- memory objects. */
- Port *peer;
- public:
/** Function to set the pointer for the peer port.
@todo should be called by the configuration stuff (python).
@@ -140,7 +134,7 @@ class Port
wait. This shouldn't be valid for response paths (IO Devices).
so it is set to panic if it isn't already defined.
- virtual Packet *recvRetry() { panic("??"); }
+ virtual void recvRetry() { panic("??"); }
/** Called by a peer port in order to determine the block size of the
device connected to this port. It sometimes doesn't make sense for
@@ -165,16 +159,17 @@ class Port
port receive function.
@return This function returns if the send was succesful in it's
recieve. If it was a failure, then the port will wait for a recvRetry
- at which point it can issue a successful sendTiming. This is used in
+ at which point it can possibly issue a successful sendTiming. This is used in
case a cache has a higher priority request come in while waiting for
the bus to arbitrate.
bool sendTiming(Packet *pkt) { return peer->recvTiming(pkt); }
- /** Function called by the associated device to send an atomic access,
- an access in which the data is moved and the state is updated in one
- cycle, without interleaving with other memory accesses.
- */
+ /** Function called by the associated device to send an atomic
+ * access, an access in which the data is moved and the state is
+ * updated in one cycle, without interleaving with other memory
+ * accesses. Returns estimated latency of access.
+ */
Tick sendAtomic(Packet *pkt)
{ return peer->recvAtomic(pkt); }
@@ -194,7 +189,7 @@ class Port
/** When a timing access doesn't return a success, some time later the
Retry will be sent.
- Packet *sendRetry() { return peer->recvRetry(); }
+ void sendRetry() { return peer->recvRetry(); }
/** Called by the associated device if it wishes to find out the blocksize
of the device on attached to the peer port.
diff --git a/src/mem/request.hh b/src/mem/request.hh
index 10550e859..c69b36c40 100644
--- a/src/mem/request.hh
+++ b/src/mem/request.hh
@@ -61,139 +61,155 @@ const unsigned NO_ALIGN_FAULT = 0x400;
class Request
- //@todo Make Accesor functions, make these private.
- public:
- /** Constructor, needs a bool to signify if it is/isn't Cpu Request. */
- Request(bool isCpu);
- /** reset the request to it's initial state so it can be reused.*/
- void resetAll(bool isCpu);
- /** reset the request's addrs times, etc, so but not everything to same
- * time. */
- void resetMin();
-//First non-cpu request fields
- /** The physical address of the request. */
+ /**
+ * The physical address of the request. Valid only if validPaddr
+ * is set. */
Addr paddr;
- /** Wether or not paddr is valid (has been written yet). */
- bool validPaddr;
- /** The size of the request. */
+ /**
+ * The size of the request. This field must be set when vaddr or
+ * paddr is written via setVirt() or setPhys(), so it is always
+ * valid as long as one of the address fields is valid. */
int size;
- /** Wether or not size is valid (has been written yet). */
- bool validSize;
- /** The time this request was started. Used to calculate latencies. */
- Tick time;
- /** Wether or not time is valid (has been written yet). */
- bool validTime;
- /** Destination address if this is a block copy. */
- Addr copyDest;
- /** Wether or not copyDest is valid (has been written yet). */
- bool validCopyDest;
/** Flag structure for the request. */
uint32_t flags;
-//Accsesors for non-cpu request fields
- public:
- /** Accesor for paddr. */
- Addr getPaddr();
- /** Accesor for paddr. */
- void setPaddr(Addr _paddr);
- /** Accesor for size. */
- int getSize();
- /** Accesor for size. */
- void setSize(int _size);
- /** Accesor for time. */
- Tick getTime();
- /** Accesor for time. */
- void setTime(Tick _time);
- /** Accesor for copy dest. */
- Addr getCopyDest();
- /** Accesor for copy dest. */
- void setCopyDest(Addr _copyDest);
- /** Accesor for flags. */
- uint32_t getFlags();
- /** Accesor for paddr. */
- void setFlags(uint32_t _flags);
-//Now cpu-request fields
- private:
- /** Bool to signify if this is a cpuRequest. */
- bool cpuReq;
- /** The virtual address of the request. */
- Addr vaddr;
- /** Wether or not the vaddr is valid. */
- bool validVaddr;
+ /**
+ * The time this request was started. Used to calculate
+ * latencies. This field is set to curTick any time paddr or vaddr
+ * is written. */
+ Tick time;
/** The address space ID. */
int asid;
- /** Wether or not the asid is valid. */
- bool validAsid;
+ /** The virtual address of the request. */
+ Addr vaddr;
/** The return value of store conditional. */
uint64_t scResult;
- /** Wether or not the sc result is valid. */
- bool validScResult;
- /** The cpu number for statistics. */
+ /** The cpu number (for statistics, typically). */
int cpuNum;
- /** Wether or not the cpu number is valid. */
- bool validCpuNum;
- /** The requesting thread id. */
+ /** The requesting thread id (for statistics, typically). */
int threadNum;
- /** Wether or not the thread id is valid. */
- bool validThreadNum;
/** program counter of initiating access; for tracing/debugging */
Addr pc;
- /** Wether or not the pc is valid. */
+ /** Whether or not paddr is valid (has been written yet). */
+ bool validPaddr;
+ /** Whether or not the asid & vaddr are valid. */
+ bool validAsidVaddr;
+ /** Whether or not the sc result is valid. */
+ bool validScResult;
+ /** Whether or not the cpu number & thread ID are valid. */
+ bool validCpuAndThreadNums;
+ /** Whether or not the pc is valid. */
bool validPC;
-//Accessor Functions for cpu request fields
- /** Accesor function to determine if this is a cpu request or not.*/
- bool isCpuRequest();
- /** Accesor function for vaddr.*/
- Addr getVaddr();
- /** Accesor function for vaddr.*/
- void setVaddr(Addr _vaddr);
- /** Accesor function for asid.*/
- int getAsid();
- /** Accesor function for asid.*/
- void setAsid(int _asid);
- /** Accesor function for store conditional return value.*/
- uint64_t getScResult();
- /** Accesor function for store conditional return value.*/
- void setScResult(uint64_t _scResult);
- /** Accesor function for cpu number.*/
- int getCpuNum();
- /** Accesor function for cpu number.*/
- void setCpuNum(int _cpuNum);
- /** Accesor function for thread number.*/
- int getThreadNum();
- /** Accesor function for thread number.*/
- void setThreadNum(int _threadNum);
- /** Accesor function for pc.*/
- Addr getPC();
- /** Accesor function for pc.*/
- void setPC(Addr _pc);
+ /** Minimal constructor. No fields are initialized. */
+ Request()
+ : validPaddr(false), validAsidVaddr(false),
+ validScResult(false), validCpuAndThreadNums(false), validPC(false)
+ {}
+ /**
+ * Constructor for physical (e.g. device) requests. Initializes
+ * just physical address, size, flags, and timestamp (to curTick).
+ * These fields are adequate to perform a request. */
+ Request(Addr _paddr, int _size, int _flags)
+ : validCpuAndThreadNums(false)
+ { setPhys(_paddr, _size, _flags); }
+ /**
+ * Set up CPU and thread numbers. */
+ void setThreadContext(int _cpuNum, int _threadNum)
+ {
+ cpuNum = _cpuNum;
+ threadNum = _threadNum;
+ validCpuAndThreadNums = true;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set up a physical (e.g. device) request in a previously
+ * allocated Request object. */
+ void setPhys(Addr _paddr, int _size, int _flags)
+ {
+ paddr = _paddr;
+ size = _size;
+ flags = _flags;
+ time = curTick;
+ validPaddr = true;
+ validAsidVaddr = false;
+ validPC = false;
+ validScResult = false;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Set up a virtual (e.g., CPU) request in a previously
+ * allocated Request object. */
+ void setVirt(int _asid, Addr _vaddr, int _size, int _flags, Addr _pc)
+ {
+ asid = _asid;
+ vaddr = _vaddr;
+ size = _size;
+ flags = _flags;
+ pc = _pc;
+ time = curTick;
+ validPaddr = false;
+ validAsidVaddr = true;
+ validPC = true;
+ validScResult = false;
+ }
+ /** Set just the physical address. This should only be used to
+ * record the result of a translation, and thus the vaddr must be
+ * valid before this method is called. Otherwise, use setPhys()
+ * to guarantee that the size and flags are also set.
+ */
+ void setPaddr(Addr _paddr)
+ {
+ assert(validAsidVaddr);
+ paddr = _paddr;
+ validPaddr = true;
+ }
+ /** Accessor for paddr. */
+ Addr getPaddr() { assert(validPaddr); return paddr; }
+ /** Accessor for size. */
+ int getSize() { assert(validPaddr || validAsidVaddr); return size; }
+ /** Accessor for time. */
+ Tick getTime() { assert(validPaddr || validAsidVaddr); return time; }
+ /** Accessor for flags. */
+ uint32_t getFlags() { assert(validPaddr || validAsidVaddr); return flags; }
+ /** Accessor for paddr. */
+ void setFlags(uint32_t _flags)
+ { assert(validPaddr || validAsidVaddr); flags = _flags; }
+ /** Accessor function for vaddr.*/
+ Addr getVaddr() { assert(validAsidVaddr); return vaddr; }
+ /** Accessor function for asid.*/
+ int getAsid() { assert(validAsidVaddr); return asid; }
+ /** Accessor function for store conditional return value.*/
+ uint64_t getScResult() { assert(validScResult); return scResult; }
+ /** Accessor function for store conditional return value.*/
+ void setScResult(uint64_t _scResult)
+ { scResult = _scResult; validScResult = true; }
+ /** Accessor function for cpu number.*/
+ int getCpuNum() { assert(validCpuAndThreadNums); return cpuNum; }
+ /** Accessor function for thread number.*/
+ int getThreadNum() { assert(validCpuAndThreadNums); return threadNum; }
+ /** Accessor function for pc.*/
+ Addr getPC() { assert(validPC); return pc; }
friend class Packet;
diff --git a/src/python/SConscript b/src/python/SConscript
index 4407e403d..1f2d7fe0e 100644
--- a/src/python/SConscript
+++ b/src/python/SConscript
@@ -27,126 +27,55 @@
import os, os.path, re, sys
+from zipfile import PyZipFile
+# handy function for path joins
+def join(*args):
+ return os.path.normpath(os.path.join(*args))
-import scons_helper
-def WriteEmbeddedPyFile(target, source, path, name, ext, filename):
- if isinstance(source, str):
- source = file(source, 'r')
- if isinstance(target, str):
- target = file(target, 'w')
- print >>target, "AddModule(%s, %s, %s, %s, '''\\" % \
- (`path`, `name`, `ext`, `filename`)
- for line in source:
- line = line
- # escape existing backslashes
- line = line.replace('\\', '\\\\')
- # escape existing triple quotes
- line = line.replace("'''", r"\'\'\'")
- print >>target, line,
- print >>target, "''')"
- print >>target
-def WriteCFile(target, source, name):
- if isinstance(source, str):
- source = file(source, 'r')
- if isinstance(target, str):
- target = file(target, 'w')
- print >>target, 'const char %s_string[] = {' % name
- count = 0
- from array import array
- try:
- while True:
- foo = array('B')
- foo.fromfile(source, 10000)
- l = [ str(i) for i in foo.tolist() ]
- count += len(l)
- for i in xrange(0,9999,20):
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:i+20]) + ','
- except EOFError:
- l = [ str(i) for i in foo.tolist() ]
- count += len(l)
- for i in xrange(0,len(l),20):
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:i+20]) + ','
- print >>target, ','.join(l[i:]) + ','
- print >>target, '};'
- print >>target, 'const int %s_length = %d;' % (name, count)
- print >>target
-def splitpath(path):
- dir,file = os.path.split(path)
- path = []
- assert(file)
- while dir:
- dir,base = os.path.split(dir)
- path.insert(0, base)
- return path, file
-def MakeEmbeddedPyFile(target, source, env):
- target = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
- tree = {}
- for src in source:
- src = str(src)
- path,pyfile = splitpath(src)
- node = tree
- for dir in path:
- if not node.has_key(dir):
- node[dir] = { }
- node = node[dir]
- name,ext = pyfile.split('.')
- if name == '__init__':
- node['.hasinit'] = True
- node[pyfile] = (src,name,ext,src)
- done = False
- while not done:
- done = True
- for name,entry in tree.items():
- if not isinstance(entry, dict): continue
- if entry.has_key('.hasinit'): continue
- done = False
- del tree[name]
- for key,val in entry.iteritems():
- if tree.has_key(key):
- raise NameError, \
- "dir already has %s can't add it again" % key
- tree[key] = val
- files = []
- def populate(node, path = []):
- names = node.keys()
- names.sort()
- for name in names:
- if name == '.hasinit':
- continue
- entry = node[name]
- if isinstance(entry, dict):
- if not entry.has_key('.hasinit'):
- raise NameError, 'package directory missing'
- populate(entry, path + [ name ])
- else:
- pyfile,name,ext,filename = entry
- files.append((pyfile, path, name, ext, filename))
- populate(tree)
- for pyfile, path, name, ext, filename in files:
- WriteEmbeddedPyFile(target, pyfile, path, name, ext, filename)
+# This SConscript is in charge of collecting .py files and generating a zip archive that is appended to the m5 binary.
+# Copy .py source files here (relative to src/python in the build
+# directory).
+pyzip_root = 'zip'
+# List of files & directories to include in the zip file. To include
+# a package, list only the root directory of the package, not any
+# internal .py files (else they will get the path stripped off when
+# they are imported into the zip file).
+pyzip_files = []
+# List of additional files on which the zip archive depends, but which
+# are not included in pyzip_files... i.e. individual .py files within
+# a package.
+pyzip_dep_files = []
+# Add the specified package to the zip archive. Adds the directory to
+# pyzip_files and all included .py files to pyzip_dep_files.
+def addPkg(pkgdir):
+ pyzip_files.append(join(pyzip_root, pkgdir))
+ origdir = os.getcwd()
+ srcdir = join(Dir('.').srcnode().abspath, pkgdir)
+ os.chdir(srcdir)
+ for path, dirs, files in os.walk('.'):
+ for i,dir in enumerate(dirs):
+ if dir == 'SCCS':
+ del dirs[i]
+ break
+ for f in files:
+ if f.endswith('.py'):
+ source = join(pkgdir, path, f)
+ target = join(pyzip_root, source)
+ pyzip_dep_files.append(target)
+ env.CopyFile(target, source)
+ os.chdir(origdir)
+# Generate Python file that contains a dict specifying the current
+# build_env flags.
def MakeDefinesPyFile(target, source, env):
f = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
print >>f, "import __main__"
@@ -154,54 +83,21 @@ def MakeDefinesPyFile(target, source, env):
print >>f, source[0]
-CFileCounter = 0
-def MakePythonCFile(target, source, env):
- global CFileCounter
- target = file(str(target[0]), 'w')
- print >>target, '''\
-#include "base/embedfile.hh"
-namespace {
- for src in source:
- src = str(src)
- fname = os.path.basename(src)
- name = 'embedded_file%d' % CFileCounter
- CFileCounter += 1
- WriteCFile(target, src, name)
- print >>target, '''\
-EmbedMap %(name)s("%(fname)s",
- %(name)s_string, %(name)s_length);
-''' % locals()
- print >>target, '''\
-/* namespace */ }
-# base list of .py files to embed
-embedded_py_files = [ os.path.join(env['ROOT'], 'util/pbs/') ]
-# add all .py files in python/m5
-objpath = os.path.join(env['SRCDIR'], 'python', 'm5')
-for root, dirs, files in os.walk(objpath, topdown=True):
- for i,dir in enumerate(dirs):
- if dir == 'SCCS':
- del dirs[i]
- break
- assert(root.startswith(objpath))
- for f in files:
- if f.endswith('.py'):
- embedded_py_files.append(os.path.join(root, f))
-embedfile_hh = os.path.join(env['SRCDIR'], 'base/embedfile.hh')
optionDict = dict([(opt, env[opt]) for opt in env.ExportOptions])
env.Command('', Value(optionDict), MakeDefinesPyFile)
-env.Command('', embedded_py_files, MakeEmbeddedPyFile)
-env.Depends('', embedfile_hh)
- ['', '', ''],
- MakePythonCFile)
+# Now specify the packages & files for the zip archive.
+pyzip_files.append(join(env['ROOT'], 'util/pbs/'))
+# Action function to build the zip archive. Uses the PyZipFile module
+# included in the standard Python library.
+def buildPyZip(target, source, env):
+ pzf = PyZipFile(str(target[0]), 'w')
+ for s in source:
+ pzf.writepy(str(s))
+# Add the zip file target to the environment.
+env.Command('', pyzip_files, buildPyZip)
+env.Depends('', pyzip_dep_files)
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index 9bb68a090..06875d1f0 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -24,7 +24,53 @@
-import sys, os
+import sys, os, time
+import __main__
+briefCopyright = '''
+Copyright (c) 2001-2006
+The Regents of The University of Michigan
+All Rights Reserved
+fullCopyright = '''
+Copyright (c) 2001-2006
+The Regents of The University of Michigan
+All Rights Reserved
+Permission is granted to use, copy, create derivative works and
+redistribute this software and such derivative works for any purpose,
+so long as the copyright notice above, this grant of permission, and
+the disclaimer below appear in all copies made; and so long as the
+name of The University of Michigan is not used in any advertising or
+publicity pertaining to the use or distribution of this software
+without specific, written prior authorization.
+def sayHello(f):
+ print >> f, "M5 Simulator System"
+ print >> f, briefCopyright
+ print >> f, "M5 compiled on", __main__.compileDate
+ hostname = os.environ.get('HOSTNAME')
+ if not hostname:
+ hostname = os.environ.get('HOST')
+ if hostname:
+ print >> f, "M5 executing on", hostname
+ print >> f, "M5 simulation started", time.ctime()
# define this here so we can use it right away if necessary
def panic(string):
@@ -72,3 +118,63 @@ from config import *
# import the built-in object definitions
from objects import *
+args_left = sys.argv[1:]
+configfile_found = False
+while args_left:
+ arg = args_left.pop(0)
+ if arg.startswith('--'):
+ # if arg starts with '--', parse as a special python option
+ # of the format --<python var>=<string value>
+ try:
+ (var, val) = arg.split('=', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ panic("Could not parse configuration argument '%s'\n"
+ "Expecting --<variable>=<value>\n" % arg);
+ eval("%s = %s" % (var, repr(val)))
+ elif arg.startswith('-'):
+ # if the arg starts with '-', it should be a simulator option
+ # with a format similar to getopt.
+ optchar = arg[1]
+ if len(arg) > 2:
+ args_left.insert(0, arg[2:])
+ if optchar == 'd':
+ outdir = args_left.pop(0)
+ elif optchar == 'h':
+ showBriefHelp(sys.stderr)
+ sys.exit(1)
+ elif optchar == 'E':
+ env_str = args_left.pop(0)
+ split_result = env_str.split('=', 1)
+ var = split_result[0]
+ if len(split_result == 2):
+ val = split_result[1]
+ else:
+ val = True
+ env[var] = val
+ elif optchar == 'I':
+ AddToPath(args_left.pop(0))
+ elif optchar == 'P':
+ eval(args_left.pop(0))
+ else:
+ showBriefHelp(sys.stderr)
+ panic("invalid argument '%s'\n" % arg_str)
+ else:
+ # In any other case, treat the option as a configuration file
+ # name and load it.
+ if not arg.endswith('.py'):
+ panic("Config file '%s' must end in '.py'\n" % arg)
+ configfile_found = True
+ m5execfile(arg, globals())
+if not configfile_found:
+ panic("no configuration file specified!")
+if globals().has_key('root') and isinstance(root, Root):
+ sys.stdout = file('config.ini', 'w')
+ instantiate(root)
+ print 'Instantiation skipped: no root object found.'
diff --git a/src/python/m5/ b/src/python/m5/
index 1e25e0d09..ce7e5a964 100644
--- a/src/python/m5/
+++ b/src/python/m5/
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ class ParamFactory(object):
# E.g., Param.Int(5, "number of widgets")
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
- caller_frame = inspect.stack()[1][0]
+ caller_frame = inspect.currentframe().f_back
ptype = None
ptype = eval(self.ptype_str,
diff --git a/src/sim/ b/src/sim/
index aecc171ed..430dd8f3a 100644
--- a/src/sim/
+++ b/src/sim/
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
/// @file sim/
+#include <Python.h> // must be before system headers... see Python docs
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <errno.h>
@@ -40,8 +42,6 @@
#include <string>
#include <vector>
-#include "base/copyright.hh"
-#include "base/embedfile.hh"
#include "base/inifile.hh"
#include "base/misc.hh"
#include "base/output.hh"
@@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
#include "base/time.hh"
#include "cpu/base.hh"
#include "cpu/smt.hh"
-#include "python/pyconfig.hh"
#include "sim/async.hh"
#include "sim/builder.hh"
#include "sim/configfile.hh"
@@ -111,50 +110,6 @@ abortHandler(int sigtype)
/// Simulator executable name
char *myProgName = "";
-/// Show brief help message.
-showBriefHelp(ostream &out)
- char *prog = basename(myProgName);
- ccprintf(out, "Usage:\n");
- ccprintf(out,
-"%s [-d <dir>] [-E <var>[=<val>]] [-I <dir>] [-P <python>]\n"
-" [--<var>=<val>] <config file>\n"
-" -d set the output directory to <dir>\n"
-" -E set the environment variable <var> to <val> (or 'True')\n"
-" -I add the directory <dir> to python's path\n"
-" -P execute <python> directly in the configuration\n"
-" --var=val set the python variable <var> to '<val>'\n"
-" <configfile> config file name (ends in .py)\n\n",
- prog);
- ccprintf(out, "%s -X\n -X extract embedded files\n\n", prog);
- ccprintf(out, "%s -h\n -h print short help\n\n", prog);
-/// Print welcome message.
-sayHello(ostream &out)
- extern const char *compileDate; // from
- ccprintf(out, "M5 Simulator System\n");
- // display copyright
- ccprintf(out, "%s\n", briefCopyright);
- ccprintf(out, "M5 compiled on %d\n", compileDate);
- char *host = getenv("HOSTNAME");
- if (!host)
- host = getenv("HOST");
- if (host)
- ccprintf(out, "M5 executing on %s\n", host);
- ccprintf(out, "M5 simulation started %s\n", Time::start);
/// Echo the command line for posterity in such a way that it can be
/// used to rerun the same simulation (given the same .ini files).
@@ -191,20 +146,6 @@ echoCommandLine(int argc, char **argv, ostream &out)
out << endl << endl;
-char *
-getOptionString(int &index, int argc, char **argv)
- char *option = argv[index] + 2;
- if (*option != '\0')
- return option;
- // We didn't find an argument, it must be in the next variable.
- if (++index >= argc)
- panic("option string for option '%s' not found", argv[index - 1]);
- return argv[index];
main(int argc, char **argv)
@@ -218,121 +159,42 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
signal(SIGINT, exitNowHandler); // dump final stats and exit
signal(SIGABRT, abortHandler);
- bool configfile_found = false;
- PythonConfig pyconfig;
- string outdir;
- if (argc < 2) {
- showBriefHelp(cerr);
- exit(1);
- }
- sayHello(cerr);
- // Parse command-line options.
- // Since most of the complex options are handled through the
- // config database, we don't mess with getopts, and just parse
- // manually.
- for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i) {
- char *arg_str = argv[i];
- // if arg starts with '--', parse as a special python option
- // of the format --<python var>=<string value>, if the arg
- // starts with '-', it should be a simulator option with a
- // format similar to getopt. In any other case, treat the
- // option as a configuration file name and load it.
- if (arg_str[0] == '-' && arg_str[1] == '-') {
- string str = &arg_str[2];
- string var, val;
- if (!split_first(str, var, val, '='))
- panic("Could not parse configuration argument '%s'\n"
- "Expecting --<variable>=<value>\n", arg_str);
- pyconfig.setVariable(var, val);
- } else if (arg_str[0] == '-') {
- char *option;
- string var, val;
- // switch on second char
- switch (arg_str[1]) {
- case 'd':
- outdir = getOptionString(i, argc, argv);
- break;
- case 'h':
- showBriefHelp(cerr);
- exit(1);
- case 'E':
- option = getOptionString(i, argc, argv);
- if (!split_first(option, var, val, '='))
- val = "True";
- if (setenv(var.c_str(), val.c_str(), true) == -1)
- panic("setenv: %s\n", strerror(errno));
- break;
- case 'I':
- option = getOptionString(i, argc, argv);
- pyconfig.addPath(option);
- break;
- case 'P':
- option = getOptionString(i, argc, argv);
- pyconfig.writeLine(option);
- break;
- case 'X': {
- list<EmbedFile> lst;
- EmbedMap::all(lst);
- list<EmbedFile>::iterator i = lst.begin();
- list<EmbedFile>::iterator end = lst.end();
- while (i != end) {
- cprintf("Embedded File: %s\n", i->name);
- cout.write(i->data, i->length);
- ++i;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- default:
- showBriefHelp(cerr);
- panic("invalid argument '%s'\n", arg_str);
- }
- } else {
- string file(arg_str);
- string base, ext;
+ // Python embedded interpreter invocation
+ Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]);
+ const char *fileName = Py_GetProgramFullPath();
+ Py_Initialize();
+ PySys_SetArgv(argc, argv);
- if (!split_last(file, base, ext, '.') || ext != "py")
- panic("Config file '%s' must end in '.py'\n", file);
+ // loadSwigModules();
- pyconfig.load(file);
- configfile_found = true;
- }
- }
+ // Set Python module path to include current file to find embedded
+ // zip archive
+ if (PyRun_SimpleString("import sys") != 0)
+ panic("Python error importing 'sys' module\n");
+ string pathCmd = csprintf("sys.path[1:1] = ['%s']", fileName);
+ if (PyRun_SimpleString(pathCmd.c_str()) != 0)
+ panic("Python error setting sys.path\n");
- if (outdir.empty()) {
- char *env = getenv("OUTPUT_DIR");
- outdir = env ? env : ".";
- }
- simout.setDirectory(outdir);
+ // Pass compile timestamp string to Python
+ extern const char *compileDate; // from
+ string setCompileDate = csprintf("compileDate = '%s'", compileDate);
+ if (PyRun_SimpleString(setCompileDate.c_str()) != 0)
+ panic("Python error setting compileDate\n");
- char *env = getenv("CONFIG_OUTPUT");
- if (!env)
- env = "config.out";
- configStream = simout.find(env);
+ // PyRun_InteractiveLoop(stdin, "stdin");
+ // m5/ currently contains main argv parsing loop etc.,
+ // and will write out config.ini file before returning.
+ if (PyImport_ImportModule("defines") == NULL)
+ panic("Python error importing ''\n");
+ if (PyImport_ImportModule("m5") == NULL)
+ panic("Python error importing 'm5' module\n");
+ Py_Finalize();
- if (!configfile_found)
- panic("no configuration file specified!");
+ configStream = simout.find("config.out");
// The configuration database is now complete; start processing it.
IniFile inifile;
- if (!pyconfig.output(inifile))
- panic("Error processing python code");
+ inifile.load("config.ini");
// Initialize statistics database
@@ -346,11 +208,6 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
- // Print hello message to stats file if it's actually a file. If
- // it's not (i.e. it's cout or cerr) then we already did it above.
- if (simout.isFile(*outputStream))
- sayHello(*outputStream);
// Echo command line and all parameter settings to stats file as well.
echoCommandLine(argc, argv, *outputStream);