path: root/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi')
10 files changed, 630 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/Makefrag b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/Makefrag
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b0ddefee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/Makefrag
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+# Makefrag for rv64mi tests
+rv64mi_sc_tests = \
+ access \
+ breakpoint \
+ csr \
+ mcsr \
+ illegal \
+ ma_fetch \
+ ma_addr \
+ scall \
+ sbreak \
+rv32ud_p_tests = $(addprefix rv32ud-p-, $(rv32ud_sc_tests))
+#rv32ud_ps_tests = $(addprefix rv32ud-ps-, $(rv32ud_sc_tests))
+spike_tests += $(rv64mi_p_tests)
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/access.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/access.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..202a36412
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/access.S
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+# access.S
+# Test access-exception behavior.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+ .align 2
+ # Flipping just the MSB should result in an illegal address for RV64.
+ la t2, fail
+ li t0, 1 << (__riscv_xlen - 1)
+ xor t0, t0, t2
+ # jalr to an illegal address should commit (hence should write rd).
+ # after the pc is set to rs1, an access exception should be raised.
+ li TESTNUM, 2
+ la t3, 1f
+ li t2, 0
+ jalr t2, t0
+ # A load to an illegal address should not commit.
+ li TESTNUM, 3
+ la t3, 1f
+ mv t2, t3
+ lb t2, (t0)
+ j fail
+ j pass
+ .align 2
+ .global mtvec_handler
+ li a0, 2
+ beq TESTNUM, a0, 2f
+ li a0, 3
+ beq TESTNUM, a0, 2f
+ j fail
+ bne t2, t3, fail
+ csrr t2, mcause
+ bne t2, t1, fail
+ csrw mepc, t3
+ mret
+ .data
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/breakpoint.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/breakpoint.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..647430b8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/breakpoint.S
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+# breakpoint.S
+# Test breakpoints, if they are implemented.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+ # Set up breakpoint to trap on M-mode fetches.
+ li TESTNUM, 2
+ # Skip tselect if hard-wired.
+ csrw tselect, x0
+ csrr a1, tselect
+ bne x0, a1, pass
+ # Make sure there's a breakpoint there.
+ csrr a0, tdata1
+ srli a0, a0, __riscv_xlen - 4
+ li a1, 2
+ bne a0, a1, pass
+ la a2, 1f
+ csrw tdata2, a2
+ csrw tdata1, a0
+ # Skip if breakpoint type is unsupported.
+ csrr a1, tdata1
+ andi a1, a1, 0x7ff
+ bne a0, a1, 2f
+ .align 2
+ # Trap handler should skip this instruction.
+ beqz x0, fail
+ # Make sure reads don't trap.
+ li TESTNUM, 3
+ lw a0, (a2)
+ # Set up breakpoint to trap on M-mode reads.
+ li TESTNUM, 4
+ csrw tdata1, a0
+ # Skip if breakpoint type is unsupported.
+ csrr a1, tdata1
+ andi a1, a1, 0x7ff
+ bne a0, a1, 2f
+ la a2, data1
+ csrw tdata2, a2
+ # Trap handler should skip this instruction.
+ lw a2, (a2)
+ beqz a2, fail
+ # Make sure writes don't trap.
+ li TESTNUM, 5
+ sw x0, (a2)
+ # Set up breakpoint to trap on M-mode stores.
+ li TESTNUM, 6
+ csrw tdata1, a0
+ # Skip if breakpoint type is unsupported.
+ csrr a1, tdata1
+ andi a1, a1, 0x7ff
+ bne a0, a1, 2f
+ # Trap handler should skip this instruction.
+ sw a2, (a2)
+ # Make sure store didn't succeed.
+ li TESTNUM, 7
+ lw a2, (a2)
+ bnez a2, fail
+ # Try to set up a second breakpoint.
+ li a0, 1
+ csrw tselect, a0
+ csrr a1, tselect
+ bne a0, a1, pass
+ # Make sure there's a breakpoint there.
+ csrr a0, tdata1
+ srli a0, a0, __riscv_xlen - 4
+ li a1, 2
+ bne a0, a1, pass
+ csrw tdata1, a0
+ la a3, data2
+ csrw tdata2, a3
+ # Make sure the second breakpoint triggers.
+ li TESTNUM, 8
+ lw a3, (a3)
+ beqz a3, fail
+ # Make sure the first breakpoint still triggers.
+ li TESTNUM, 10
+ la a2, data1
+ sw a2, (a2)
+ li TESTNUM, 11
+ lw a2, (a2)
+ bnez a2, fail
+ .align 2
+ .global mtvec_handler
+ # Only even-numbered tests should trap.
+ andi t0, TESTNUM, 1
+ bnez t0, fail
+ csrr t1, mcause
+ bne t0, t1, fail
+ csrr t0, mepc
+ addi t0, t0, 4
+ csrw mepc, t0
+ mret
+ .data
+data1: .word 0
+data2: .word 0
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/csr.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/csr.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..77e7619ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/csr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#undef RVTEST_RV64S
+#define __MACHINE_MODE
+#include "../rv64si/csr.S"
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/illegal.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/illegal.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d825c4492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/illegal.S
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+# illegal.S
+# Test illegal instruction trap.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+ .align 2
+ .option norvc
+ li TESTNUM, 2
+ .word 0
+ j fail
+ # Skip the rest of the test if S-mode is not present.
+ li t0, MSTATUS_MPP
+ csrc mstatus, t0
+ csrs mstatus, t1
+ csrr t2, mstatus
+ and t2, t2, t0
+ bne t1, t2, pass
+ # Test vectored interrupts if they are supported.
+ csrwi mip, MIP_SSIP
+ csrwi mie, MIP_SSIP
+ la t0, mtvec_handler + 1
+ csrrw s0, mtvec, t0
+ csrr t0, mtvec
+ andi t0, t0, 1
+ beqz t0, msip
+ csrsi mstatus, MSTATUS_MIE
+ j 1b
+ csrw mtvec, s0
+ # Delegate supervisor software interrupts so WFI won't stall.
+ csrwi mideleg, MIP_SSIP
+ # Enter supervisor mode.
+ la t0, 1f
+ csrw mepc, t0
+ li t0, MSTATUS_MPP
+ csrc mstatus, t0
+ csrs mstatus, t1
+ mret
+ # Make sure WFI doesn't trap when TW=0.
+ wfi
+ .word 0
+ j fail
+ # Make sure WFI does trap when TW=1.
+ wfi
+ j fail
+ # Make sure SFENCE.VMA and sptbr don't trap when TVM=0.
+ sfence.vma
+ csrr t0, sptbr
+ .word 0
+ j fail
+ # Make sure SFENCE.VMA and sptbr do trap when TVM=1.
+ sfence.vma
+ j fail
+ csrr t0, sptbr
+ j fail
+ # Make sure SRET doesn't trap when TSR=0.
+ la t0, bad8
+ csrw sepc, t0
+ li t0, SSTATUS_SPP
+ csrs sstatus, t0
+ csrc sstatus, t0
+ sret
+ .word 0
+ j fail
+ # Make sure SRET does trap when TSR=1.
+ la t0, 1f
+ csrw sepc, t0
+ sret
+ j fail
+ .align 8
+ .global mtvec_handler
+ j synchronous_exception
+ j msip
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ j fail
+ csrr t0, mcause
+ bne t0, t1, fail
+ csrr t0, mepc
+ # Make sure mtval contains either 0 or the instruction word.
+ csrr t2, mbadaddr
+ beqz t2, 1f
+ lhu t3, 0(t0)
+ lhu t4, 2(t0)
+ slli t4, t4, 16
+ or t3, t3, t4
+ bne t2, t3, fail
+ la t1, bad2
+ beq t0, t1, 2f
+ la t1, bad3
+ beq t0, t1, 3f
+ la t1, bad4
+ beq t0, t1, 4f
+ la t1, bad5
+ beq t0, t1, 5f
+ la t1, bad6
+ beq t0, t1, 6f
+ la t1, bad7
+ beq t0, t1, 7f
+ la t1, bad8
+ beq t0, t1, 8f
+ la t1, bad9
+ beq t0, t1, 9f
+ j fail
+ addi t0, t0, 8
+ csrw mepc, t0
+ mret
+ li t1, MSTATUS_TW
+ csrs mstatus, t1
+ j 2b
+ li t1, MSTATUS_TVM
+ csrs mstatus, t1
+ j 2b
+ li t1, MSTATUS_TSR
+ csrs mstatus, t1
+ j 2b
+ j 2b
+ .data
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/ma_addr.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/ma_addr.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..721ac6afc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/ma_addr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+# ma_addr.S
+# Test misaligned ld/st trap.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+ .align 2
+ .option norvc
+ la s0, data
+ # indicate it's a load test
+#define SEXT(x, n) ((-((x) >> ((n)-1)) << (n)) | ((x) & ((1 << (n))-1)))
+/* Check that a misaligned load either writes the correct value, or
+ takes an exception and performs no writeback. */
+#define MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(testnum, insn, base, offset, res) \
+ li TESTNUM, testnum; \
+ la t2, 1f; \
+ addi t1, base, offset; \
+ insn t1, offset(base); \
+ li t2, res; \
+ bne t1, t2, fail; \
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(2, lh, s0, 1, SEXT(0xbbcc, 16))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(3, lhu, s0, 1, 0xbbcc)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(4, lw, s0, 1, SEXT(0x99aabbcc, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(5, lw, s0, 2, SEXT(0x8899aabb, 32))
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(6, lw, s0, 3, SEXT(0x778899aa, 32))
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(7, lwu, s0, 1, 0x99aabbcc)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(8, lwu, s0, 2, 0x8899aabb)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(9, lwu, s0, 3, 0x778899aa)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(10, ld, s0, 1, 0x5566778899aabbcc)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(11, ld, s0, 2, 0x445566778899aabb)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(12, ld, s0, 3, 0x33445566778899aa)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(13, ld, s0, 4, 0x2233445566778899)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(14, ld, s0, 5, 0x1122334455667788)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(15, ld, s0, 6, 0xee11223344556677)
+ MISALIGNED_LOAD_TEST(16, ld, s0, 7, 0xffee112233445566)
+ # indicate it's a store test
+/* Check that a misaligned store has some effect and takes no exception,
+ or takes no effect and generates an exception. This is not very
+ thorough. */
+#define MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(testnum, insn, base, offset, size) \
+ li TESTNUM, testnum; \
+ la t2, 1f; \
+ addi t1, base, offset; \
+ insn x0, offset(base); \
+ lb t1, (offset - 1)(base); \
+ beqz t1, fail; \
+ lb t1, (offset + size)(base); \
+ beqz t1, fail; \
+ lb t1, (offset + 0)(base); \
+ bnez t1, fail; \
+ lb t1, (offset + size - 1)(base); \
+ bnez t1, fail; \
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(22, sh, s0, 1, 2)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(23, sw, s0, 5, 4)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(24, sw, s0, 10, 4)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(25, sw, s0, 15, 4)
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(26, sd, s0, 25, 8)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(27, sd, s0, 34, 8)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(28, sd, s0, 43, 8)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(29, sd, s0, 52, 8)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(30, sd, s0, 61, 8)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(31, sd, s0, 70, 8)
+ MISALIGNED_STORE_TEST(32, sd, s0, 79, 8)
+ .align 3
+ .global mtvec_handler
+ csrr t0, mcause
+ bne t0, s1, fail
+ csrr t0, mbadaddr
+ bne t0, t1, fail
+ lb t0, (t0)
+ beqz t0, fail
+ csrw mepc, t2
+ mret
+ .data
+ .align 3
+.word 0xaabbccdd
+.word 0x66778899
+.word 0x22334455
+.word 0xeeffee11
+.fill 0xff, 1, 80
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/ma_fetch.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/ma_fetch.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..cfcb90c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/ma_fetch.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#undef RVTEST_RV64S
+#define __MACHINE_MODE
+#include "../rv64si/ma_fetch.S"
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/mcsr.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/mcsr.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e0256e7ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/mcsr.S
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+# mcsr.S
+# Test various M-mode CSRs.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#include "test_macros.h"
+ # Check that mcpuid reports the correct XLEN
+#if __riscv_xlen == 64
+ TEST_CASE(2, a0, 0x2, csrr a0, misa; srl a0, a0, 62)
+ TEST_CASE(2, a0, 0x1, csrr a0, misa; srl a0, a0, 30)
+ # Check that mhartid reports 0
+ TEST_CASE(3, a0, 0x0, csrr a0, mhartid)
+ # Check that reading the following CSRs doesn't cause an exception
+ csrr a0, mimpid
+ csrr a0, marchid
+ csrr a0, mvendorid
+ # Check that writing hte following CSRs doesn't cause an exception
+ li t0, 0
+ csrs mtvec, t0
+ csrs mepc, t0
+ .data
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/sbreak.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/sbreak.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f36a9f83d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/sbreak.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#undef RVTEST_RV64S
+#define __MACHINE_MODE
+#include "../rv64si/sbreak.S"
diff --git a/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/scall.S b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/scall.S
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..22e9eb55d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test-progs/asmtest/src/riscv/isa/rv64mi/scall.S
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# See LICENSE for license details.
+#include "riscv_test.h"
+#undef RVTEST_RV64S
+#define __MACHINE_MODE
+#include "../rv64si/scall.S"