path: root/tests
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
17 files changed, 3475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/SConscript b/tests/SConscript
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5eadce6d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/SConscript
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+# -*- mode:python -*-
+# Copyright (c) 2004-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+import os
+import sys
+import glob
+from SCons.Script.SConscript import SConsEnvironment
+env['DIFFOUT'] = File('diff-out')
+# Dict that accumulates lists of tests by category (quick, medium, long)
+env.Tests = {}
+def contents(node):
+ return file(str(node)).read()
+def check_test(target, source, env):
+ """Check output from running test.
+ Targets are as follows:
+ target[0] : outdiff
+ target[1] : statsdiff
+ target[2] : status
+ """
+ # make sure target files are all gone
+ for t in target:
+ if os.path.exists(t.abspath):
+ Execute(Delete(t.abspath))
+ # Run diff on output & ref directories to find differences.
+ # Exclude m5stats.txt since we will use diff-out on that.
+ Execute(env.subst('diff -ubr ${SOURCES[0].dir} ${SOURCES[1].dir} ' +
+ '-I "^command line:" ' + # for stdout file
+ '-I "^M5 compiled on" ' + # for stderr file
+ '-I "^M5 simulation started" ' + # for stderr file
+ '-I "^Simulation complete at" ' + # for stderr file
+ '-I "^Listening for" ' + # for stderr file
+ '--exclude=m5stats.txt --exclude=SCCS ' +
+ '--exclude=${TARGETS[0].file} ' +
+ '> ${TARGETS[0]}', target=target, source=source), None)
+ print "===== Output differences ====="
+ print contents(target[0])
+ # Run diff-out on m5stats.txt file
+ status = Execute(env.subst('$DIFFOUT $SOURCES > ${TARGETS[1]}',
+ target=target, source=source),
+ strfunction=None)
+ print "===== Statistics differences ====="
+ print contents(target[1])
+ # Generate status file contents based on exit status of diff-out
+ if status == 0:
+ status_str = "passed."
+ else:
+ status_str = "FAILED!"
+ f = file(str(target[2]), 'w')
+ print >>f, env.subst('${TARGETS[2].dir}', target=target, source=source), \
+ status_str
+ f.close()
+ # done
+ return 0
+def check_test_string(target, source, env):
+ return env.subst("Comparing outputs in ${TARGETS[0].dir}.",
+ target=target, source=source)
+testAction = env.Action(check_test, check_test_string)
+def print_test(target, source, env):
+ print '***** ' + contents(source[0])
+ return 0
+printAction = env.Action(print_test, strfunction = None)
+def update_test(target, source, env):
+ """Update reference test outputs.
+ Target is phony. First two sources are the ref & new m5stats.txt
+ files, respectively. We actually copy everything in the
+ respective directories except the status & diff output files.
+ """
+ dest_dir = str(source[0].get_dir())
+ src_dir = str(source[1].get_dir())
+ dest_files = os.listdir(dest_dir)
+ src_files = os.listdir(src_dir)
+ # Exclude status & diff outputs
+ for f in ('outdiff', 'statsdiff', 'status'):
+ if f in src_files:
+ src_files.remove(f)
+ for f in src_files:
+ if f in dest_files:
+ print " Replacing file", f
+ dest_files.remove(f)
+ else:
+ print " Creating new file", f
+ copyAction = Copy(os.path.join(dest_dir, f), os.path.join(src_dir, f))
+ copyAction.strfunction = None
+ Execute(copyAction)
+ # warn about any files in dest not overwritten (other than SCCS dir)
+ if 'SCCS' in dest_files:
+ dest_files.remove('SCCS')
+ if dest_files:
+ print "Warning: file(s) in", dest_dir, "not updated:",
+ print ', '.join(dest_files)
+ return 0
+def update_test_string(target, source, env):
+ return env.subst("Updating ${SOURCES[0].dir} from ${SOURCES[1].dir}",
+ target=target, source=source)
+updateAction = env.Action(update_test, update_test_string)
+def test_builder(env, category, cpu_list=[], os_list=[], refdir='ref', timeout=15):
+ """Define a test.
+ Args:
+ category -- string describing test category (e.g., 'quick')
+ cpu_list -- list of CPUs to runs this test on (blank means all compiled CPUs)
+ os_list -- list of OSs to run this test on
+ refdir -- subdirectory containing reference output (default 'ref')
+ timeout -- test timeout in minutes (only enforced on pool)
+ """
+ default_refdir = False
+ if refdir == 'ref':
+ default_refdir = True
+ if len(cpu_list) == 0:
+ cpu_list = env['CPU_MODELS']
+# if len(os_list) == 0:
+# raise RuntimeError, "No OS specified"
+# else:
+# for test_os in os_list:
+# build_cpu_test(env, category, test_os, cpu_list, refdir, timeout)
+ # Loop through CPU models and generate proper options, ref directories for each
+ for cpu in cpu_list:
+ test_os = ''
+ if cpu == "AtomicSimpleCPU":
+ cpu_option = ('','atomic/')
+ elif cpu == "TimingSimpleCPU":
+ cpu_option = ('--timing','timing/')
+ elif cpu == "O3CPU":
+ cpu_option = ('--detailed','detailed/')
+ else:
+ raise TypeError, "Unknown CPU model specified"
+ if default_refdir:
+ # Reference stats located in ref/arch/os/cpu or ref/arch/cpu if no OS specified
+ test_refdir = os.path.join(refdir, env['TARGET_ISA'])
+ if test_os != '':
+ test_refdir = os.path.join(test_refdir, test_os)
+ cpu_refdir = os.path.join(test_refdir, cpu_option[1])
+ ref_stats = os.path.join(cpu_refdir, 'm5stats.txt')
+ # base command for running test
+ base_cmd = '${SOURCES[0]} -d $TARGET.dir ${SOURCES[1]}'
+ base_cmd = base_cmd + ' ' + cpu_option[0]
+ # stdout and stderr files
+ cmd_stdout = '${TARGETS[0]}'
+ cmd_stderr = '${TARGETS[1]}'
+ stdout_string = cpu_option[1] + 'stdout'
+ stderr_string = cpu_option[1] + 'stderr'
+ m5stats_string = cpu_option[1] + 'm5stats.txt'
+ outdiff_string = cpu_option[1] + 'outdiff'
+ statsdiff_string = cpu_option[1] + 'statsdiff'
+ status_string = cpu_option[1] + 'status'
+ # Prefix test run with batch job submission command if appropriate.
+ # Output redirection is also different for batch runs.
+ # Batch command also supports timeout arg (in seconds, not minutes).
+ if env['BATCH']:
+ cmd = [env['BATCH_CMD'], '-t', str(timeout * 60),
+ '-o', cmd_stdout, '-e', cmd_stderr, base_cmd]
+ else:
+ cmd = [base_cmd, '>', cmd_stdout, '2>', cmd_stderr]
+ env.Command([stdout_string, stderr_string, m5stats_string], [env.M5Binary, ''],
+ ' '.join(cmd))
+ # order of targets is important... see check_test
+ env.Command([outdiff_string, statsdiff_string, status_string],
+ [ref_stats, m5stats_string],
+ testAction)
+ # phony target to echo status
+ if env['update_ref']:
+ p = env.Command(cpu_option[1] + '_update', [ref_stats, m5stats_string, status_string],
+ updateAction)
+ else:
+ p = env.Command(cpu_option[1] + '_print', [status_string], printAction)
+ env.AlwaysBuild(p)
+ env.Tests.setdefault(category, [])
+ env.Tests[category] += p
+# Make test_builder a "wrapper" function. See SCons wiki page at
+SConsEnvironment.Test = test_builder
+cwd = os.getcwd()
+scripts = glob.glob('*/SConscript')
+for s in scripts:
+ SConscript(s, exports = 'env', duplicate = False)
+# Set up phony commands for various test categories
+allTests = []
+for (key, val) in env.Tests.iteritems():
+ env.Command(key, val, env.NoAction)
+ allTests += val
+# The 'all' target is redundant since just specifying the test
+# directory name (e.g., ALPHA_SE/test/opt) has the same effect.
+env.Command('all', allTests, env.NoAction)
diff --git a/tests/diff-out b/tests/diff-out
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..5ebe97dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/diff-out
@@ -0,0 +1,409 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2001-2005 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Steve Reinhardt
+# This script diffs two SimpleScalar statistics output files.
+use Getopt::Std;
+# -t thresh sets threshold for ignoring differences (in %)
+# -p sorts differences by % chg (default is alphabetic)
+# -f ignores fetch-loss statistics
+# -d ignores all distributions
+if ($#ARGV < 1)
+ print "\nError: need two file arguments (<reference> <new>).\n";
+ print " Options: -d = Ignore distributions\n";
+ print " -f = Ignore fetch-loss stats\n";
+ print " -p = Sort errors by percentage\n";
+ print " -h = Diff header info separately from stats\n";
+ print " -n <num> = Print top <num> errors (default 20)\n";
+ print " -t <num> = Error threshold in percent (default 1)\n\n";
+ die -1;
+open(REF, "<$ARGV[0]") or die "Error: can't open $ARGV[0].\n";
+open(NEW, "<$ARGV[1]") or die "Error: can't open $ARGV[1].\n";
+# Things that really should be adjustable via the command line
+# Ignorable error (in percent)
+$err_thresh = ($opt_t) ? $opt_t : 0;
+# Number of stats to print before omitting
+$omit_count = ($opt_n) ? $opt_n : 20;
+# First copy everything up to the simulation statistics to a pair of
+# temporary files, stripping out date-related items, and do a plain
+# diff. Any differences in the arguments are not necessarily an issue;
+# any differences in the program output should be caught by the EIO
+# mechanism if an EIO file is used.
+# copy_header takes input filehandle and output filename
+sub copy_header
+ my ($inhandle, $outname) = @_;
+ open(OUTPUT, ">$outname") or die "Error: can't open $outname.\n";
+ while (<$inhandle>)
+ {
+ # strip out lines that can vary
+ next if /^(command line:|M5 compiled on |M5 simulation started |M5 executing on )/;
+ last if /Begin Simulation Statistics/;
+ print OUTPUT;
+ }
+ close OUTPUT;
+if ($opt_h) {
+ # Diff header separately from stats
+ $refheader = "/tmp/smt-test.refheader.$$";
+ $newheader = "/tmp/smt-test.newheader.$$";
+ copy_header(\*REF, $refheader);
+ copy_header(\*NEW, $newheader);
+ print "\n===== Header and program output differences =====\n\n";
+ print `diff $refheader $newheader`;
+ print "\n===== Statistics differences =====\n\n";
+# Now parse statistics
+# This function takes an open filehandle and returns a reference to
+# a hash containing all the statistics variables and their values.
+sub parse_file
+ $stathandle = shift;
+ $in_dist = undef;
+ $hashref = { }; # initialize hash for values
+ while (<$stathandle>)
+ {
+ next if /^\s*$/; # skip blank lines
+ next if /^\*\*Ignore/; # temporary, to make totaling scripts easy for ISCA 03
+ last if /End Simulation Statistics/;
+ s/ *#.*//; # strip comments
+ if (/^Memory usage: (\d+) KBytes/) {
+ $stat = 'memory usage';
+ $value = $1;
+ }
+ elsif ($in_dist) {
+ if ($in_dist =~ /^fetch_loss_counters/) {
+ if (/^fetch_loss_counters_\d+\.end/) {
+ # end line of distribution: clear $in_dist flag
+ $in_dist = undef;
+ next;
+ }
+ else {
+ next if $opt_f;
+ ($stat, $value) = /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (/(.*)\.end_dist/) {
+ # end line of distribution: clear $in_dist flag
+ $in_dist = undef;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($opt_d) {
+ next; # bail out if we are ignoring dists...
+ }
+ elsif (/(.*)\.(min|max)_value/) {
+ # treat these like normal stats
+ ($stat, $value) = /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/;
+ }
+ else {
+ # this is ugly because labels in the distribution
+ # buckets don't start in column 0 and may include
+ # embedded spaces
+ ($stat, $value) =
+ /^\s*(\S+(?:.*\S)?)\s+(\d+)\s+\d+\.\d+%/;
+ $stat = $in_dist . '::' . $stat;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (/(.*)\.start_dist/) {
+ # start line of distribution: set $in_dist flag
+ # and save distribution name for future reference
+ $in_dist = $1;
+ $stat = $1;
+ $value = 0;
+ }
+ elsif (/^(fetch_loss_counters_\d+)\.start/) {
+ # treat fetch loss counters like distribution, sort of
+ $in_dist = $1;
+ $stat = $1;
+ $value = 0;
+ }
+ else {
+ ($stat, $value) = /^(\S+)\s+(.*)/;
+ }
+ }
+ $$hashref{$stat} = $value;
+ }
+ close($stathandle);
+ return $hashref;
+# pct_diff($old, $new) returns percent difference from $old to $new.
+sub pct_diff
+ my ($old, $new) = @_;
+ return ($old == 0) ? (($new == 0) ? 0 : 9999) : 100 * ($new - $old) / $old;
+# Statistics to ignore: these relate to simulator performance, not
+# correctness, so don't fail on changes here.
+%ignore = (
+ 'host_seconds' => 1,
+ 'host_tick_rate' => 1,
+ 'host_inst_rate' => 1,
+ 'host_mem_usage' => 1
+# List of key statistics (always displayed)
+# ==> list stats here WITHOUT trailing thread ID
+@key_stat_list = (
+ 'COM:IPC',
+ 'COM:count',
+ 'host_inst_rate',
+ 'sim_insts',
+ 'sim_ticks',
+ 'host_mem_usage'
+$key_stat_pattern = join('|', @key_stat_list);
+# initialize first statistics from each file
+$max_err_mag = 0;
+$refhash = parse_file(\*REF);
+$newhash = parse_file(\*NEW);
+# The string sim-smt prints on a divide by zero
+$divbyzero = '<err: divide by zero>';
+foreach $stat (sort keys %$refhash)
+ $refvalue = $$refhash{$stat};
+ $newvalue = $$newhash{$stat};
+ if (!defined($newvalue)) {
+ # stat missing from new file
+ push @missing_stats, $stat;
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($stat =~ /($key_stat_pattern)/o) {
+ # key statistics: always record & display changes in these
+ push @key_stats, [$stat, $refvalue, $newvalue];
+ }
+ if ($ignore{$stat} or $refvalue eq $newvalue) {
+ # stat is in "ignore" list, or hasn't changed
+ }
+ else {
+ if ($refvalue eq $divbyzero || $newvalue eq $divbyzero) {
+ # one or the other was a divide by zero:
+ # no point in trying to quantify error
+ print "$stat: $refvalue --> $newvalue\n";
+ }
+ else {
+ $reldiff = pct_diff($refvalue, $newvalue);
+ $diffmag = abs($reldiff);
+ if ($diffmag > $err_thresh) {
+ push @errs,
+ [$stat, $refvalue, $newvalue, $reldiff];
+ }
+ if ($diffmag > $max_err_mag) {
+ $max_err_mag = $diffmag;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # remove from new hash so we can detect added stats
+ delete $$newhash{$stat};
+# All done. Print comparison summary.
+printf("Maximum error magnitude: %+f%%\n\n", $max_err_mag);
+printf(" %-30s %10s %10s %10s %7s\n", ' ', 'Reference', 'New Value', 'Abs Diff', 'Pct Chg');
+printf("Key statistics:\n\n");
+foreach $key_stat (@key_stats)
+ ($statname, $refvalue, $newvalue, $reldiff) = @$key_stat;
+ # deduce format from reference value
+ $pointpos = rindex($refvalue, '.');
+ $digits = ($pointpos < 0) ? 0 :(length($refvalue) - $pointpos - 1);
+ $fmt = "%10.${digits}f";
+ # print differing values with absolute and relative error
+ printf(" %-30s $fmt $fmt $fmt %+7.2f%%\n",
+ $statname, $refvalue, $newvalue,
+ $newvalue - $refvalue, pct_diff($refvalue, $newvalue));
+printf("\nLargest $omit_count relative errors (> %d%%):\n\n", $err_thresh);
+$num_errs = 0;
+if ($opt_p)
+ # sort differences by percent change
+ @errs = sort { abs($$b[3]) <=> abs($$a[3]) } @errs;
+foreach $err (@errs)
+ ($statname, $refvalue, $newvalue, $reldiff) = @$err;
+ # deduce format from reference value
+ $pointpos1 = rindex($refvalue, '.');
+ $digits1 = ($pointpos1 < 0) ? 0 :(length($refvalue) - $pointpos1 - 1);
+ $pointpos2 = rindex($newvalue, '.');
+ $digits2 = ($pointpos2 < 0) ? 0 :(length($newvalue) - $pointpos2 - 1);
+ $digits = ($digits1 > $digits2) ? $digits1 : $digits2;
+ $fmt = "%10.${digits}f";
+ # print differing values with absolute and relative error
+ printf(" %-30s $fmt $fmt $fmt %+7.2f%%\n",
+ $statname, $refvalue, $newvalue, $newvalue - $refvalue, $reldiff);
+ # only print top N errors
+ if (++$num_errs >= $omit_count)
+ {
+ print "[... additional errors omitted ...]\n";
+ last;
+ }
+# Report missing stats, but first filter out distribution buckets:
+# these are mostly noise
+@missing_stats = grep { !/::(\d+|overflows)?$/ } @missing_stats;
+# get count
+$missing_stats = scalar(@missing_stats);
+if ($missing_stats)
+ print "\nMissing $missing_stats reference statistics:\n\n";
+ foreach $stat (@missing_stats)
+ {
+# print "\t$stat\n";
+ printf " %-50s ", $stat;
+ print "$$refhash{$stat}\n";
+ }
+# Any stats left in newhash are added since the reference file
+@added_stats = keys %$newhash;
+# first filter out distribution buckets: mostly noise
+@added_stats = grep { !/::(\d+|overflows)?$/ } @added_stats;
+# get count
+$added_stats = scalar(@added_stats);
+if ($added_stats)
+ print "\nFound $added_stats new statistics:\n\n";
+ foreach $stat (sort @added_stats)
+ {
+# print "\t$stat\n";
+ printf " %-50s ", $stat;
+ print "$$newhash{$stat}\n";
+ }
+# Exit code is 0 if no stats error, 1 otherwise
+$status = ($max_err_mag == 0.0) ? 0 : 1;
+exit $status;
+sub cleanup
+ unlink($refheader) if ($refheader);
+ unlink($newheader) if ($newheader);
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/config.ini b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/config.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9961fe389
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/config.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+children=cpu0 physmem workload
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/config.out b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/config.out
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a9c04ceff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/config.out
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// range not specified
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/m5stats.txt b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/m5stats.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..09e94d639
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/m5stats.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------
+host_inst_rate 1301768 # Simulator instruction rate (inst/s)
+host_mem_usage 147756 # Number of bytes of host memory used
+host_seconds 0.38 # Real time elapsed on the host
+host_tick_rate 1300060 # Simulator tick rate (ticks/s)
+sim_freq 1000000000000 # Frequency of simulated ticks
+sim_insts 500000 # Number of instructions simulated
+sim_seconds 0.000000 # Number of seconds simulated
+sim_ticks 499999 # Number of ticks simulated
+system.cpu0.idle_fraction 0 # Percentage of idle cycles
+system.cpu0.not_idle_fraction 1 # Percentage of non-idle cycles
+system.cpu0.numCycles 500000 # number of cpu cycles simulated
+system.cpu0.num_insts 500000 # Number of instructions executed
+system.cpu0.num_refs 182204 # Number of memory references
+system.workload.PROG:num_syscalls 18 # Number of system calls
+---------- End Simulation Statistics ----------
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/stderr b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/stderr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e444fa6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+warn: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation...
+gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/stdout b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/stdout
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78ab05bdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/atomic/stdout
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+main dictionary has 1245 entries
+49508 bytes wasted
+>M5 Simulator System
+Copyright (c) 2001-2006
+The Regents of The University of Michigan
+All Rights Reserved
+M5 compiled Jul 19 2006 15:49:01
+M5 started Wed Jul 19 15:49:10 2006
+M5 executing on
+Creating SE system
+Exiting @ tick 499999 because a thread reached the max instruction count
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/config.ini b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/config.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..192833c8b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/config.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+children=cpu0 physmem workload
+children=checker fuPool mem
+children=FUList0 FUList1 FUList2 FUList3 FUList4 FUList5 FUList6 FUList7
+FUList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList1 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList2 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList3 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList4 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList5 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList6 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList7
+children=opList0 opList1
+opList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList1.opList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList1.opList1
+children=opList0 opList1 opList2
+opList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList2.opList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList2.opList1 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList2.opList2
+children=opList0 opList1 opList2
+opList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList3.opList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList3.opList1 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList3.opList2
+children=opList0 opList1
+opList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList6.opList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList6.opList1
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/config.out b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/config.out
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..07c092a2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/config.out
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+// range not specified
+opList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList1.opList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList1.opList1
+opList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList2.opList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList2.opList1 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList2.opList2
+opList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList3.opList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList3.opList1 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList3.opList2
+opList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList6.opList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList6.opList1
+FUList=system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList0 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList1 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList2 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList3 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList4 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList5 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList6 system.cpu0.fuPool.FUList7
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/m5stats.txt b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/m5stats.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ff727085
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/m5stats.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,1775 @@
+---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------
+global.BPredUnit.BTBCorrect 0 # Number of correct BTB predictions (this stat may not work properly.
+global.BPredUnit.BTBHits 45390 # Number of BTB hits
+global.BPredUnit.BTBLookups 59902 # Number of BTB lookups
+global.BPredUnit.RASInCorrect 85 # Number of incorrect RAS predictions.
+global.BPredUnit.condIncorrect 3098 # Number of conditional branches incorrect
+global.BPredUnit.condPredicted 46029 # Number of conditional branches predicted
+global.BPredUnit.lookups 70231 # Number of BP lookups
+global.BPredUnit.usedRAS 7755 # Number of times the RAS was used to get a target.
+host_inst_rate 69741 # Simulator instruction rate (inst/s)
+host_mem_usage 148316 # Number of bytes of host memory used
+host_seconds 7.17 # Real time elapsed on the host
+host_tick_rate 36160 # Simulator tick rate (ticks/s)
+memdepunit.memDep.conflictingLoads 15235 # Number of conflicting loads.
+memdepunit.memDep.conflictingStores 2693 # Number of conflicting stores.
+memdepunit.memDep.insertedLoads 145639 # Number of loads inserted to the mem dependence unit.
+memdepunit.memDep.insertedStores 60928 # Number of stores inserted to the mem dependence unit.
+sim_freq 1000000000000 # Frequency of simulated ticks
+sim_insts 500002 # Number of instructions simulated
+sim_seconds 0.000000 # Number of seconds simulated
+sim_ticks 259259 # Number of ticks simulated
+system.cpu0.checker.numCycles 518940 # number of cpu cycles simulated
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:branches 61160 # Number of branches committed
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:bw_lim_events 17172 # number cycles where commit BW limit reached
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:bw_limited 0 # number of insts not committed due to BW limits
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:committed_per_cycle.start_dist # Number of insts commited each cycle
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:committed_per_cycle.samples 251997
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:committed_per_cycle.min_value 0
+ 0 70509 2798.01%
+ 1 75489 2995.63%
+ 2 28876 1145.89%
+ 3 23224 921.60%
+ 4 21222 842.15%
+ 5 3198 126.91%
+ 6 8368 332.07%
+ 7 3939 156.31%
+ 8 17172 681.44%
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:committed_per_cycle.max_value 8
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:count 518948 # Number of instructions committed
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:loads 131376 # Number of loads committed
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:membars 0 # Number of memory barriers committed
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:refs 189772 # Number of memory references committed
+system.cpu0.commit.COM:swp_count 0 # Number of s/w prefetches committed
+system.cpu0.commit.branchMispredicts 2836 # The number of times a branch was mispredicted
+system.cpu0.commit.commitCommittedInsts 518948 # The number of committed instructions
+system.cpu0.commit.commitNonSpecStalls 18 # The number of times commit has been forced to stall to communicate backwards
+system.cpu0.commit.commitSquashedInsts 44297 # The number of squashed insts skipped by commit
+system.cpu0.committedInsts 500002 # Number of Instructions Simulated
+system.cpu0.committedInsts_total 500002 # Number of Instructions Simulated
+system.cpu0.cpi 0.518516 # CPI: Cycles Per Instruction
+system.cpu0.cpi_total 0.518516 # CPI: Total CPI of All Threads
+system.cpu0.decode.DECODE:BlockedCycles 743 # Number of cycles decode is blocked
+system.cpu0.decode.DECODE:BranchMispred 281 # Number of times decode detected a branch misprediction
+system.cpu0.decode.DECODE:BranchResolved 16033 # Number of times decode resolved a branch
+system.cpu0.decode.DECODE:DecodedInsts 586219 # Number of instructions handled by decode
+system.cpu0.decode.DECODE:IdleCycles 143055 # Number of cycles decode is idle
+system.cpu0.decode.DECODE:RunCycles 108199 # Number of cycles decode is running
+system.cpu0.decode.DECODE:SquashCycles 7263 # Number of cycles decode is squashing
+system.cpu0.decode.DECODE:SquashedInsts 989 # Number of squashed instructions handled by decode
+system.cpu0.fetch.Branches 70231 # Number of branches that fetch encountered
+system.cpu0.fetch.CacheLines 71036 # Number of cache lines fetched
+system.cpu0.fetch.Cycles 180480 # Number of cycles fetch has run and was not squashing or blocked
+system.cpu0.fetch.IcacheSquashes 962 # Number of outstanding Icache misses that were squashed
+system.cpu0.fetch.Insts 594968 # Number of instructions fetch has processed
+system.cpu0.fetch.SquashCycles 3140 # Number of cycles fetch has spent squashing
+system.cpu0.fetch.branchRate 0.270890 # Number of branch fetches per cycle
+system.cpu0.fetch.icacheStallCycles 71036 # Number of cycles fetch is stalled on an Icache miss
+system.cpu0.fetch.predictedBranches 53145 # Number of branches that fetch has predicted taken
+system.cpu0.fetch.rate 2.294870 # Number of inst fetches per cycle
+system.cpu0.fetch.rateDist.start_dist # Number of instructions fetched each cycle (Total)
+system.cpu0.fetch.rateDist.samples 259260
+system.cpu0.fetch.rateDist.min_value 0
+ 0 149817 5778.64%
+ 1 3603 138.97%
+ 2 9058 349.38%
+ 3 10685 412.13%
+ 4 8455 326.12%
+ 5 18775 724.18%
+ 6 25664 989.89%
+ 7 6109 235.63%
+ 8 27094 1045.05%
+system.cpu0.fetch.rateDist.max_value 8
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:branches 64672 # Number of branches executed
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:insts 526242 # Number of executed instructions
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:loads 140576 # Number of load instructions executed
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:nop 19405 # number of nop insts executed
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:rate 2.029785 # Inst execution rate
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:refs 200121 # number of memory reference insts executed
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:squashedInsts 5760 # Number of squashed instructions skipped in execute
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:stores 59545 # Number of stores executed
+system.cpu0.iew.EXEC:swp 0 # number of swp insts executed
+system.cpu0.iew.WB:consumers 394903 # num instructions consuming a value
+system.cpu0.iew.WB:count 523588 # cumulative count of insts written-back
+system.cpu0.iew.WB:fanout 0.746115 # average fanout of values written-back
+system.cpu0.iew.WB:penalized 0 # number of instrctions required to write to 'other' IQ
+system.cpu0.iew.WB:penalized_rate 0 # fraction of instructions written-back that wrote to 'other' IQ
+system.cpu0.iew.WB:producers 294643 # num instructions producing a value
+system.cpu0.iew.WB:rate 2.019548 # insts written-back per cycle
+system.cpu0.iew.WB:sent 524223 # cumulative count of insts sent to commit
+system.cpu0.iew.branchMispredicts 2948 # Number of branch mispredicts detected at execute
+system.cpu0.iew.iewBlockCycles 0 # Number of cycles IEW is blocking
+system.cpu0.iew.iewDispLoadInsts 145639 # Number of dispatched load instructions
+system.cpu0.iew.iewDispNonSpecInsts 27 # Number of dispatched non-speculative instructions
+system.cpu0.iew.iewDispSquashedInsts 1523 # Number of squashed instructions skipped by dispatch
+system.cpu0.iew.iewDispStoreInsts 60928 # Number of dispatched store instructions
+system.cpu0.iew.iewDispatchedInsts 563297 # Number of instructions dispatched to IQ
+system.cpu0.iew.iewIQFullEvents 0 # Number of times the IQ has become full, causing a stall
+system.cpu0.iew.iewIdleCycles 0 # Number of cycles IEW is idle
+system.cpu0.iew.iewLSQFullEvents 0 # Number of times the LSQ has become full, causing a stall
+system.cpu0.iew.iewSquashCycles 7263 # Number of cycles IEW is squashing
+system.cpu0.iew.iewUnblockCycles 0 # Number of cycles IEW is unblocking
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.blockedLoads 1 # Number of blocked loads due to partial load-store forwarding
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.cacheBlocked 0 # Number of times an access to memory failed due to the cache being blocked
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.forwLoads 18223 # Number of loads that had data forwarded from stores
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.ignoredResponses 9 # Number of memory responses ignored because the instruction is squashed
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.invAddrLoads 0 # Number of loads ignored due to an invalid address
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.invAddrSwpfs 0 # Number of software prefetches ignored due to an invalid address
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.rescheduledLoads 1 # Number of loads that were rescheduled
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.squashedLoads 14246 # Number of loads squashed
+system.cpu0.iew.lsq.thread.0.squashedStores 2528 # Number of stores squashed
+system.cpu0.iew.memOrderViolationEvents 44 # Number of memory order violations
+system.cpu0.iew.predictedNotTakenIncorrect 1750 # Number of branches that were predicted not taken incorrectly
+system.cpu0.iew.predictedTakenIncorrect 1198 # Number of branches that were predicted taken incorrectly
+system.cpu0.ipc 1.928581 # IPC: Instructions Per Cycle
+system.cpu0.ipc_total 1.928581 # IPC: Total IPC of All Threads # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from dispatch to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ # cycles from operands ready to issue 0 0
+ 0 0
+ 2 0
+ 4 0
+ 6 0
+ 8 0
+ 10 0
+ 12 0
+ 14 0
+ 16 0
+ 18 0
+ 20 0
+ 22 0
+ 24 0
+ 26 0
+ 28 0
+ 30 0
+ 32 0
+ 34 0
+ 36 0
+ 38 0
+ 40 0
+ 42 0
+ 44 0
+ 46 0
+ 48 0
+ 50 0
+ 52 0
+ 54 0
+ 56 0
+ 58 0
+ 60 0
+ 62 0
+ 64 0
+ 66 0
+ 68 0
+ 70 0
+ 72 0
+ 74 0
+ 76 0
+ 78 0
+ 80 0
+ 82 0
+ 84 0
+ 86 0
+ 88 0
+ 90 0
+ 92 0
+ 94 0
+ 96 0
+ 98 0 0
+ 532005 # Type of FU issued
+ (null) 0 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ IntAlu 329259 61.89% # Type of FU issued
+ IntMult 10 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ IntDiv 0 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ FloatAdd 13 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ FloatCmp 3 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ FloatCvt 0 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ FloatMult 2 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ FloatDiv 0 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ FloatSqrt 0 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ MemRead 142868 26.85% # Type of FU issued
+ MemWrite 59850 11.25% # Type of FU issued
+ IprAccess 0 0.00% # Type of FU issued
+ InstPrefetch 0 0.00% # Type of FU issued 5510 # FU busy when requested 0.010357 # FU busy rate (busy events/executed inst)
+ (null) 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ IntAlu 1663 30.18% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ IntMult 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ IntDiv 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ FloatAdd 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ FloatCmp 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ FloatCvt 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ FloatMult 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ FloatDiv 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ FloatSqrt 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ MemRead 2693 48.87% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ MemWrite 1154 20.94% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ IprAccess 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available
+ InstPrefetch 0 0.00% # attempts to use FU when none available # Number of insts issued each cycle 259260 0
+ 0 59185 2282.84%
+ 1 72964 2814.32%
+ 2 38364 1479.75%
+ 3 33144 1278.41%
+ 4 19818 764.41%
+ 5 14624 564.07%
+ 6 18233 703.27%
+ 7 2333 89.99%
+ 8 595 22.95% 8
+ 2.052013 # Inst issue rate 543865 # Number of instructions added to the IQ (excludes non-spec) 532005 # Number of instructions issued 27 # Number of non-speculative instructions added to the IQ 42716 # Number of squashed instructions iterated over during squash; mainly for profiling 611 # Number of squashed instructions issued 9 # Number of squashed non-spec instructions that were removed 21818 # Number of squashed operands that are examined and possibly removed from graph
+system.cpu0.numCycles 259260 # number of cpu cycles simulated
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:BlockCycles 191 # Number of cycles rename is blocking
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:CommittedMaps 386063 # Number of HB maps that are committed
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:IdleCycles 144885 # Number of cycles rename is idle
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:LSQFullEvents 336 # Number of times rename has blocked due to LSQ full
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:RenameLookups 753146 # Number of register rename lookups that rename has made
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:RenamedInsts 577319 # Number of instructions processed by rename
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:RenamedOperands 432146 # Number of destination operands rename has renamed
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:RunCycles 106374 # Number of cycles rename is running
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:SquashCycles 7263 # Number of cycles rename is squashing
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:UnblockCycles 302 # Number of cycles rename is unblocking
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:UndoneMaps 46034 # Number of HB maps that are undone due to squashing
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:serializeStallCycles 245 # count of cycles rename stalled for serializing inst
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:serializingInsts 34 # count of serializing insts renamed
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:skidInsts 421 # count of insts added to the skid buffer
+system.cpu0.rename.RENAME:tempSerializingInsts 32 # count of temporary serializing insts renamed
+system.workload.PROG:num_syscalls 18 # Number of system calls
+---------- End Simulation Statistics ----------
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/stderr b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/stderr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2b973e482
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+warn: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation...
+warn: cycle 0: fault (1) detected @ PC 0x000000
+gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/stdout b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/stdout
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2c46aa4f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/detailed/stdout
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+main dictionary has 1245 entries
+49508 bytes wasted
+>M5 Simulator System
+Copyright (c) 2001-2006
+The Regents of The University of Michigan
+All Rights Reserved
+M5 compiled Jul 19 2006 15:49:01
+M5 started Wed Jul 19 15:49:12 2006
+M5 executing on
+Creating SE system
+Exiting @ tick 259259 because a thread reached the max instruction count
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/config.ini b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/config.ini
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..58dc6741b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/config.ini
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+children=cpu0 physmem workload
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/config.out b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/config.out
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b28de6f74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/config.out
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// range not specified
+// width not specified
+// simulate_stalls not specified
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/m5stats.txt b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/m5stats.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..64d05099f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/m5stats.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+---------- Begin Simulation Statistics ----------
+host_inst_rate 739858 # Simulator instruction rate (inst/s)
+host_mem_usage 147760 # Number of bytes of host memory used
+host_seconds 0.68 # Real time elapsed on the host
+host_tick_rate 1006609 # Simulator tick rate (ticks/s)
+sim_freq 1000000000000 # Frequency of simulated ticks
+sim_insts 500000 # Number of instructions simulated
+sim_seconds 0.000001 # Number of seconds simulated
+sim_ticks 680774 # Number of ticks simulated
+system.cpu0.idle_fraction 0 # Percentage of idle cycles
+system.cpu0.not_idle_fraction 1 # Percentage of non-idle cycles
+system.cpu0.numCycles 0 # number of cpu cycles simulated
+system.cpu0.num_insts 500000 # Number of instructions executed
+system.cpu0.num_refs 182203 # Number of memory references
+system.workload.PROG:num_syscalls 18 # Number of system calls
+---------- End Simulation Statistics ----------
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/stderr b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/stderr
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4e444fa6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/stderr
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+warn: Entering event queue @ 0. Starting simulation...
+gzip: stdout: Broken pipe
diff --git a/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/stdout b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/stdout
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..980af1477
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test1/ref/alpha/timing/stdout
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+main dictionary has 1245 entries
+49508 bytes wasted
+>M5 Simulator System
+Copyright (c) 2001-2006
+The Regents of The University of Michigan
+All Rights Reserved
+M5 compiled Jul 19 2006 15:49:01
+M5 started Wed Jul 19 15:49:19 2006
+M5 executing on
+Creating SE system
+Exiting @ tick 680774 because a thread reached the max instruction count