path: root/util/minorview/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/minorview/')
1 files changed, 1109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/util/minorview/ b/util/minorview/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a120f1f7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/minorview/
@@ -0,0 +1,1109 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2013 ARM Limited
+# All rights reserved
+# The license below extends only to copyright in the software and shall
+# not be construed as granting a license to any other intellectual
+# property including but not limited to intellectual property relating
+# to a hardware implementation of the functionality of the software
+# licensed hereunder. You may use the software subject to the license
+# terms below provided that you ensure that this notice is replicated
+# unmodified and in its entirety in all distributions of the software,
+# modified or unmodified, in source code or in binary form.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Andrew Bardsley
+import parse
+import colours
+from colours import unknownColour
+from point import Point
+import re
+import blobs
+from time import time as wall_time
+import os
+id_parts = "TSPLFE"
+all_ids = set(id_parts)
+no_ids = set([])
+class BlobDataSelect(object):
+ """Represents which data is displayed for Ided object"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ # Copy all_ids
+ self.ids = set(all_ids)
+ def __and__(self, rhs):
+ """And for filtering"""
+ ret = BlobDataSelect()
+ ret.ids = self.ids.intersection(rhs.ids)
+ return ret
+class BlobVisualData(object):
+ """Super class for block data colouring"""
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ """Return an array of colours to use for a striped block"""
+ return unknownColour
+ def get_inst(self):
+ """Get an instruction Id (if any) from this data"""
+ return None
+ def get_line(self):
+ """Get a line Id (if any) from this data"""
+ return None
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return self.__class__.__name__ + '().from_string(' + \
+ self.__str__() + ')'
+ def __str__(self):
+ return ''
+class Id(BlobVisualData):
+ """A line or instruction id"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.isFault = False
+ self.threadId = 0
+ self.streamSeqNum = 0
+ self.predictionSeqNum = 0
+ self.lineSeqNum = 0
+ self.fetchSeqNum = 0
+ self.execSeqNum = 0
+ def as_list(self):
+ return [self.threadId, self.streamSeqNum, self.predictionSeqNum,
+ self.lineSeqNum, self.fetchSeqNum, self.execSeqNum]
+ def __cmp__(self, right):
+ return cmp(self.as_list(), right.as_list())
+ def from_string(self, string):
+ m = re.match('^(F;)?(\d+)/(\d+)\.(\d+)/(\d+)(/(\d+)(\.(\d+))?)?',
+ string)
+ def seqnum_from_string(string):
+ if string is None:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return int(string)
+ if m is None:
+ print 'Invalid Id string', string
+ else:
+ elems = m.groups()
+ if elems[0] is not None:
+ self.isFault = True
+ else:
+ self.isFault = False
+ self.threadId = seqnum_from_string(elems[1])
+ self.streamSeqNum = seqnum_from_string(elems[2])
+ self.predictionSeqNum = seqnum_from_string(elems[3])
+ self.lineSeqNum = seqnum_from_string(elems[4])
+ self.fetchSeqNum = seqnum_from_string(elems[6])
+ self.execSeqNum = seqnum_from_string(elems[8])
+ return self
+ def get_inst(self):
+ if self.fetchSeqNum != 0:
+ return self
+ else:
+ return None
+ def get_line(self):
+ return self
+ def __str__(self):
+ """Returns the usual id T/S.P/L/F.E string"""
+ return (
+ str(self.threadId) + '/' +
+ str(self.streamSeqNum) + '.' +
+ str(self.predictionSeqNum) + '/' +
+ str(self.lineSeqNum) + '/' +
+ str(self.fetchSeqNum) + '.' +
+ str(self.execSeqNum))
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ ret = []
+ if self.isFault:
+ ret.append(colours.faultColour)
+ if 'T' in select.ids:
+ ret.append(colours.number_to_colour(self.threadId))
+ if 'S' in select.ids:
+ ret.append(colours.number_to_colour(self.streamSeqNum))
+ if 'P' in select.ids:
+ ret.append(colours.number_to_colour(self.predictionSeqNum))
+ if 'L' in select.ids:
+ ret.append(colours.number_to_colour(self.lineSeqNum))
+ if self.fetchSeqNum != 0 and 'F' in select.ids:
+ ret.append(colours.number_to_colour(self.fetchSeqNum))
+ if self.execSeqNum != 0 and 'E' in select.ids:
+ ret.append(colours.number_to_colour(self.execSeqNum))
+ if len(ret) == 0:
+ ret = [colours.unknownColour]
+ if self.isFault:
+ ret.append(colours.faultColour)
+ return ret
+class Branch(BlobVisualData):
+ """Branch data new stream and prediction sequence numbers, a branch
+ reason and a new PC"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.newStreamSeqNum = 0
+ self.newPredictionSeqNum = 0
+ self.newPC = 0
+ self.reason = "NoBranch"
+ = Id()
+ def from_string(self, string):
+ m = re.match('^(\w+);(\d+)\.(\d+);([0-9a-fA-Fx]+);(.*)$', string)
+ if m is not None:
+ self.reason, newStreamSeqNum, newPredictionSeqNum, \
+ newPC, id = m.groups()
+ self.newStreamSeqNum = int(newStreamSeqNum)
+ self.newPredictionSeqNum = int(newPredictionSeqNum)
+ self.newPC = int(newPC, 0)
+ = special_view_decoder(Id)(id)
+ # self.branch = special_view_decoder(Branch)(branch)
+ else:
+ print "Bad Branch data:", string
+ return self
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ return [colours.number_to_colour(self.newStreamSeqNum),
+ colours.number_to_colour(self.newPredictionSeqNum),
+ colours.number_to_colour(self.newPC)]
+class Counts(BlobVisualData):
+ """Treat the input data as just a /-separated list of count values (or
+ just a single value)"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.counts = []
+ def from_string(self, string):
+ self.counts = map(int, re.split('/', string))
+ return self
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ return map(colours.number_to_colour, self.counts)
+class Colour(BlobVisualData):
+ """A fixed colour block, used for special colour decoding"""
+ def __init__(self, colour):
+ self.colour = colour
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ return [self.colour]
+class DcacheAccess(BlobVisualData):
+ """Data cache accesses [RW];id"""
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.direc = 'R'
+ = Id()
+ def from_string(self, string):
+ self.direc, id = re.match('^([RW]);([^;]*);.*$', string).groups()
+ return self
+ def get_inst(self):
+ return
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ if self.direc == 'R':
+ direc_colour = colours.readColour
+ elif self.direc == 'R':
+ direc_colour = colours.writeColour
+ else:
+ direc_colour = colours.errorColour
+ return [direc_colour] +
+class ColourPattern(object):
+ """Super class for decoders that make 2D grids rather than just single
+ striped blocks"""
+ def elems(self):
+ return []
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ return [[[colours.errorColour]]]
+def special_view_decoder(class_):
+ """Generate a decode function that checks for special character
+ arguments first (and generates a fixed colour) before building a
+ BlobVisualData of the given class"""
+ def decode(symbol):
+ if symbol in special_state_colours:
+ return Colour(special_state_colours[symbol])
+ else:
+ return class_().from_string(symbol)
+ return decode
+class TwoDColours(ColourPattern):
+ """A 2D grid pattern decoder"""
+ def __init__(self, blockss):
+ self.blockss = blockss
+ @classmethod
+ def decoder(class_, elemClass, dataName):
+ """Factory for making decoders for particular block types"""
+ def decode(pairs):
+ if dataName not in pairs:
+ print 'TwoDColours: no event data called:', \
+ dataName, 'in:', pairs
+ return class_([[Colour(colours.errorColour)]])
+ else:
+ parsed = parse.list_parser(pairs[dataName])
+ return class_(parse.map2(special_view_decoder(elemClass), \
+ parsed))
+ return decode
+ @classmethod
+ def indexed_decoder(class_, elemClass, dataName, picPairs):
+ """Factory for making decoders for particular block types but
+ where the list elements are pairs of (index, data) and
+ strip and stripelems counts are picked up from the pair
+ data on the decoder's picture file. This gives a 2D layout
+ of the values with index 0 at strip=0, elem=0 and index 1
+ at strip=0, elem=1"""
+ def decode(pairs):
+ if dataName not in pairs:
+ print 'TwoDColours: no event data called:', \
+ dataName, 'in:', pairs
+ return class_([[Colour(colours.errorColour)]])
+ else:
+ strips = int(picPairs['strips'])
+ strip_elems = int(picPairs['stripelems'])
+ raw_iv_pairs = pairs[dataName]
+ parsed = parse.parse_indexed_list(raw_iv_pairs)
+ array = [[Colour(colours.emptySlotColour)
+ for i in xrange(0, strip_elems)]
+ for j in xrange(0, strips)]
+ for index, value in parsed:
+ try:
+ array[index % strips][index / strips] = \
+ special_view_decoder(elemClass)(value)
+ except:
+ print "Element out of range strips: %d," \
+ " stripelems %d, index: %d" % (strips,
+ strip_elems, index)
+ # return class_(array)
+ return class_(array)
+ return decode
+ def elems(self):
+ """Get a flat list of all elements"""
+ ret = []
+ for blocks in self.blockss:
+ ret += blocks
+ return ret
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ return parse.map2(lambda d: d.to_striped_block(select), self.blockss)
+class FrameColours(ColourPattern):
+ """Decode to a 2D grid which has a single occupied row from the event
+ data and some blank rows forming a frame with the occupied row as a
+ 'title' coloured stripe"""
+ def __init__(self, block, numBlankSlots):
+ self.numBlankSlots = numBlankSlots
+ self.block = block
+ @classmethod
+ def decoder(class_, elemClass, numBlankSlots, dataName):
+ """Factory for element type"""
+ def decode(pairs):
+ if dataName not in pairs:
+ print 'FrameColours: no event data called:', dataName, \
+ 'in:', pairs
+ return class_([Colour(colours.errorColour)])
+ else:
+ parsed = parse.list_parser(pairs[dataName])
+ return class_(special_view_decoder(elemClass)
+ (parsed[0][0]), numBlankSlots)
+ return decode
+ def elems(self):
+ return [self.block]
+ def to_striped_block(self, select):
+ return ([[self.block.to_striped_block(select)]] +
+ (self.numBlankSlots * [[[colours.backgroundColour]]]))
+special_state_colours = {
+ 'U': colours.unknownColour,
+ 'B': colours.blockedColour,
+ '-': colours.bubbleColour,
+ '': colours.emptySlotColour,
+ 'E': colours.emptySlotColour,
+ 'R': colours.reservedSlotColour,
+ 'X': colours.errorColour,
+ 'F': colours.faultColour,
+ 'r': colours.readColour,
+ 'w': colours.writeColour
+ }
+special_state_names = {
+ 'U': '(U)nknown',
+ 'B': '(B)locked',
+ '-': '(-)Bubble',
+ '': '()Empty',
+ 'E': '(E)mpty',
+ 'R': '(R)eserved',
+ 'X': '(X)Error',
+ 'F': '(F)ault',
+ 'r': '(r)ead',
+ 'w': '(w)rite'
+ }
+special_state_chars = special_state_colours.keys()
+# The complete set of available block data types
+decoder_element_classes = {
+ 'insts': Id,
+ 'lines': Id,
+ 'branch': Branch,
+ 'dcache': DcacheAccess,
+ 'counts': Counts
+ }
+indexed_decoder_element_classes = {
+ 'indexedCounts' : Counts
+ }
+def find_colour_decoder(stripSpace, decoderName, dataName, picPairs):
+ """Make a colour decoder from some picture file blob attributes"""
+ if decoderName == 'frame':
+ return FrameColours.decoder(Counts, stripSpace, dataName)
+ elif decoderName in decoder_element_classes:
+ return TwoDColours.decoder(decoder_element_classes[decoderName],
+ dataName)
+ elif decoderName in indexed_decoder_element_classes:
+ return TwoDColours.indexed_decoder(
+ indexed_decoder_element_classes[decoderName], dataName, picPairs)
+ else:
+ return None
+class IdedObj(object):
+ """An object identified by an Id carrying paired data.
+ The super class for Inst and Line"""
+ def __init__(self, id, pairs={}):
+ = id
+ self.pairs = pairs
+ def __cmp__(self, right):
+ return cmp(,
+ def table_line(self):
+ """Represent the object as a list of table row data"""
+ return []
+ # FIXME, add a table column titles?
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return ' '.join(self.table_line())
+class Inst(IdedObj):
+ """A non-fault instruction"""
+ def __init__(self, id, disassembly, addr, pairs={}):
+ super(Inst,self).__init__(id, pairs)
+ if 'nextAddr' in pairs:
+ self.nextAddr = int(pairs['nextAddr'], 0)
+ del pairs['nextAddr']
+ else:
+ self.nextAddr = None
+ self.disassembly = disassembly
+ self.addr = addr
+ def table_line(self):
+ if self.nextAddr is not None:
+ addrStr = '0x%x->0x%x' % (self.addr, self.nextAddr)
+ else:
+ addrStr = '0x%x' % self.addr
+ ret = [addrStr, self.disassembly]
+ for name, value in self.pairs.iteritems():
+ ret.append("%s=%s" % (name, str(value)))
+ return ret
+class InstFault(IdedObj):
+ """A fault instruction"""
+ def __init__(self, id, fault, addr, pairs={}):
+ super(InstFault,self).__init__(id, pairs)
+ self.fault = fault
+ self.addr = addr
+ def table_line(self):
+ ret = ["0x%x" % self.addr, self.fault]
+ for name, value in self.pairs:
+ ret.append("%s=%s", name, str(value))
+ return ret
+class Line(IdedObj):
+ """A fetched line"""
+ def __init__(self, id, vaddr, paddr, size, pairs={}):
+ super(Line,self).__init__(id, pairs)
+ self.vaddr = vaddr
+ self.paddr = paddr
+ self.size = size
+ def table_line(self):
+ ret = ["0x%x/0x%x" % (self.vaddr, self.paddr), "%d" % self.size]
+ for name, value in self.pairs:
+ ret.append("%s=%s", name, str(value))
+ return ret
+class LineFault(IdedObj):
+ """A faulting line"""
+ def __init__(self, id, fault, vaddr, pairs={}):
+ super(LineFault,self).__init__(id, pairs)
+ self.vaddr = vaddr
+ self.fault = fault
+ def table_line(self):
+ ret = ["0x%x" % self.vaddr, self.fault]
+ for name, value in self.pairs:
+ ret.append("%s=%s", name, str(value))
+ return ret
+class BlobEvent(object):
+ """Time event for a single blob"""
+ def __init__(self, unit, time, pairs = {}):
+ # blob's unit name
+ self.unit = unit
+ self.time = time
+ # dict of picChar (blob name) to visual data
+ self.visuals = {}
+ # Miscellaneous unparsed MinorTrace line data
+ self.pairs = pairs
+ # Non-MinorTrace debug printout for this unit at this time
+ self.comments = []
+ def find_ided_objects(self, model, picChar, includeInstLines):
+ """Find instructions/lines mentioned in the blob's event
+ data"""
+ ret = []
+ if picChar in self.visuals:
+ blocks = self.visuals[picChar].elems()
+ def find_inst(data):
+ instId = data.get_inst()
+ lineId = data.get_line()
+ if instId is not None:
+ inst = model.find_inst(instId)
+ line = model.find_line(instId)
+ if inst is not None:
+ ret.append(inst)
+ if includeInstLines and line is not None:
+ ret.append(line)
+ elif lineId is not None:
+ line = model.find_line(lineId)
+ if line is not None:
+ ret.append(line)
+ map(find_inst, blocks)
+ return sorted(ret)
+class BlobModel(object):
+ """Model bringing together blob definitions and parsed events"""
+ def __init__(self, unitNamePrefix=''):
+ self.blobs = []
+ self.unitNameToBlobs = {}
+ self.unitEvents = {}
+ self.clear_events()
+ self.picSize = Point(20,10)
+ self.lastTime = 0
+ self.unitNamePrefix = unitNamePrefix
+ def clear_events(self):
+ """Drop all events and times"""
+ self.lastTime = 0
+ self.times = []
+ self.insts = {}
+ self.lines = {}
+ self.numEvents = 0
+ for unit, events in self.unitEvents.iteritems():
+ self.unitEvents[unit] = []
+ def add_blob(self, blob):
+ """Add a parsed blob to the model"""
+ self.blobs.append(blob)
+ if blob.unit not in self.unitNameToBlobs:
+ self.unitNameToBlobs[blob.unit] = []
+ self.unitNameToBlobs[blob.unit].append(blob)
+ def add_inst(self, inst):
+ """Add a MinorInst instruction definition to the model"""
+ # Is this a non micro-op instruction. Microops (usually) get their
+ # fetchSeqNum == 0 varient stored first
+ macroop_key = (, 0)
+ full_key = (,
+ if != 0 and macroop_key not in self.insts:
+ self.insts[macroop_key] = inst
+ self.insts[full_key] = inst
+ def find_inst(self, id):
+ """Find an instruction either as a microop or macroop"""
+ macroop_key = (id.fetchSeqNum, 0)
+ full_key = (id.fetchSeqNum, id.execSeqNum)
+ if full_key in self.insts:
+ return self.insts[full_key]
+ elif macroop_key in self.insts:
+ return self.insts[macroop_key]
+ else:
+ return None
+ def add_line(self, line):
+ """Add a MinorLine line to the model"""
+ self.lines[] = line
+ def add_unit_event(self, event):
+ """Add a single event to the model. This must be an event at a
+ time >= the current maximum time"""
+ if event.unit in self.unitEvents:
+ events = self.unitEvents[event.unit]
+ if len(events) > 0 and events[len(events)-1].time > event.time:
+ print "Bad event ordering"
+ events.append(event)
+ self.numEvents += 1
+ self.lastTime = max(self.lastTime, event.time)
+ def extract_times(self):
+ """Extract a list of all the times from the seen events. Call after
+ reading events to give a safe index list to use for time indices"""
+ times = {}
+ for unitEvents in self.unitEvents.itervalues():
+ for event in unitEvents:
+ times[event.time] = 1
+ self.times = times.keys()
+ self.times.sort()
+ def find_line(self, id):
+ """Find a line by id"""
+ key = id.lineSeqNum
+ return self.lines.get(key, None)
+ def find_event_bisection(self, unit, time, events,
+ lower_index, upper_index):
+ """Find an event by binary search on time indices"""
+ while lower_index <= upper_index:
+ pivot = (upper_index + lower_index) / 2
+ pivotEvent = events[pivot]
+ event_equal = (pivotEvent.time == time or
+ (pivotEvent.time < time and
+ (pivot == len(events) - 1 or
+ events[pivot + 1].time > time)))
+ if event_equal:
+ return pivotEvent
+ elif time > pivotEvent.time:
+ if pivot == upper_index:
+ return None
+ else:
+ lower_index = pivot + 1
+ elif time < pivotEvent.time:
+ if pivot == lower_index:
+ return None
+ else:
+ upper_index = pivot - 1
+ else:
+ return None
+ return None
+ def find_unit_event_by_time(self, unit, time):
+ """Find the last event for the given unit at time <= time"""
+ if unit in self.unitEvents:
+ events = self.unitEvents[unit]
+ ret = self.find_event_bisection(unit, time, events,
+ 0, len(events)-1)
+ return ret
+ else:
+ return None
+ def find_time_index(self, time):
+ """Find a time index close to the given time (where
+ times[return] <= time and times[return+1] > time"""
+ ret = 0
+ lastIndex = len(self.times) - 1
+ while ret < lastIndex and self.times[ret + 1] <= time:
+ ret += 1
+ return ret
+ def add_minor_inst(self, rest):
+ """Parse and add a MinorInst line to the model"""
+ pairs = parse.parse_pairs(rest)
+ other_pairs = dict(pairs)
+ id = Id().from_string(pairs['id'])
+ del other_pairs['id']
+ addr = int(pairs['addr'], 0)
+ del other_pairs['addr']
+ if 'inst' in other_pairs:
+ del other_pairs['inst']
+ # Collapse unnecessary spaces in disassembly
+ disassembly = re.sub(' *', ' ',
+ re.sub('^ *', '', pairs['inst']))
+ inst = Inst(id, disassembly, addr, other_pairs)
+ self.add_inst(inst)
+ elif 'fault' in other_pairs:
+ del other_pairs['fault']
+ inst = InstFault(id, pairs['fault'], addr, other_pairs)
+ self.add_inst(inst)
+ def add_minor_line(self, rest):
+ """Parse and add a MinorLine line to the model"""
+ pairs = parse.parse_pairs(rest)
+ other_pairs = dict(pairs)
+ id = Id().from_string(pairs['id'])
+ del other_pairs['id']
+ vaddr = int(pairs['vaddr'], 0)
+ del other_pairs['vaddr']
+ if 'paddr' in other_pairs:
+ del other_pairs['paddr']
+ del other_pairs['size']
+ paddr = int(pairs['paddr'], 0)
+ size = int(pairs['size'], 0)
+ self.add_line(Line(id,
+ vaddr, paddr, size, other_pairs))
+ elif 'fault' in other_pairs:
+ del other_pairs['fault']
+ self.add_line(LineFault(id, pairs['fault'], vaddr, other_pairs))
+ def load_events(self, file, startTime=0, endTime=None):
+ """Load an event file and add everything to this model"""
+ def update_comments(comments, time):
+ # Add a list of comments to an existing event, if there is one at
+ # the given time, or create a new, correctly-timed, event from
+ # the last event and attach the comments to that
+ for commentUnit, commentRest in comments:
+ event = self.find_unit_event_by_time(commentUnit, time)
+ # Find an event to which this comment can be attached
+ if event is None:
+ # No older event, make a new empty one
+ event = BlobEvent(commentUnit, time, {})
+ self.add_unit_event(event)
+ elif event.time != time:
+ # Copy the old event and make a new one with the right
+ # time and comment
+ newEvent = BlobEvent(commentUnit, time, event.pairs)
+ newEvent.visuals = dict(event.visuals)
+ event = newEvent
+ self.add_unit_event(event)
+ event.comments.append(commentRest)
+ self.clear_events()
+ # A negative time will *always* be different from an event time
+ time = -1
+ time_events = {}
+ last_time_lines = {}
+ minor_trace_line_count = 0
+ comments = []
+ default_colour = [[colours.unknownColour]]
+ next_progress_print_event_count = 1000
+ if not os.access(file, os.R_OK):
+ print 'Can\'t open file', file
+ exit(1)
+ else:
+ print 'Opening file', file
+ f = open(file)
+ start_wall_time = wall_time()
+ # Skip leading events
+ still_skipping = True
+ l = f.readline()
+ while l and still_skipping:
+ match = re.match('^\s*(\d+):', l)
+ if match is not None:
+ event_time = match.groups()
+ if int(event_time[0]) >= startTime:
+ still_skipping = False
+ else:
+ l = f.readline()
+ else:
+ l = f.readline()
+ match_line_re = re.compile(
+ '^\s*(\d+):\s*([\w\.]+):\s*(Minor\w+:)?\s*(.*)$')
+ # Parse each line of the events file, accumulating comments to be
+ # attached to MinorTrace events when the time changes
+ reached_end_time = False
+ while not reached_end_time and l:
+ match = match_line_re.match(l)
+ if match is not None:
+ event_time, unit, line_type, rest = match.groups()
+ event_time = int(event_time)
+ unit = re.sub('^' + self.unitNamePrefix + '\.?(.*)$',
+ '\\1', unit)
+ # When the time changes, resolve comments
+ if event_time != time:
+ if self.numEvents > next_progress_print_event_count:
+ print ('Parsed to time: %d' % event_time)
+ next_progress_print_event_count = (
+ self.numEvents + 1000)
+ update_comments(comments, time)
+ comments = []
+ time = event_time
+ if line_type is None:
+ # Treat this line as just a 'comment'
+ comments.append((unit, rest))
+ elif line_type == 'MinorTrace:':
+ minor_trace_line_count += 1
+ # Only insert this event if it's not the same as
+ # the last event we saw for this unit
+ if last_time_lines.get(unit, None) != rest:
+ event = BlobEvent(unit, event_time, {})
+ pairs = parse.parse_pairs(rest)
+ event.pairs = pairs
+ # Try to decode the colour data for this event
+ blobs = self.unitNameToBlobs.get(unit, [])
+ for blob in blobs:
+ if blob.visualDecoder is not None:
+ event.visuals[blob.picChar] = (
+ blob.visualDecoder(pairs))
+ self.add_unit_event(event)
+ last_time_lines[unit] = rest
+ elif line_type == 'MinorInst:':
+ self.add_minor_inst(rest)
+ elif line_type == 'MinorLine:':
+ self.add_minor_line(rest)
+ if endTime is not None and time > endTime:
+ reached_end_time = True
+ l = f.readline()
+ update_comments(comments, time)
+ self.extract_times()
+ f.close()
+ end_wall_time = wall_time()
+ print 'Total events:', minor_trace_line_count, 'unique events:', \
+ self.numEvents
+ print 'Time to parse:', end_wall_time - start_wall_time
+ def add_blob_picture(self, offset, pic, nameDict):
+ """Add a parsed ASCII-art pipeline markup to the model"""
+ pic_width = 0
+ for line in pic:
+ pic_width = max(pic_width, len(line))
+ pic_height = len(pic)
+ # Number of horizontal characters per 'pixel'. Should be 2
+ charsPerPixel = 2
+ # Clean up pic_width to a multiple of charsPerPixel
+ pic_width = (pic_width + charsPerPixel - 1) // 2
+ self.picSize = Point(pic_width, pic_height)
+ def pic_at(point):
+ """Return the char pair at the given point.
+ Returns None for characters off the picture"""
+ x, y = point.to_pair()
+ x *= 2
+ if y >= len(pic) or x >= len(pic[y]):
+ return None
+ else:
+ return pic[y][x:x + charsPerPixel]
+ def clear_pic_at(point):
+ """Clear the chars at point so we don't trip over them again"""
+ line = pic[point.y]
+ x = point.x * charsPerPixel
+ pic[point.y] = line[0:x] + (' ' * charsPerPixel) + \
+ line[x + charsPerPixel:]
+ def skip_same_char(start, increment):
+ """Skip characters which match pic_at(start)"""
+ char = pic_at(start)
+ hunt = start
+ while pic_at(hunt) == char:
+ hunt += increment
+ return hunt
+ def find_size(start):
+ """Find the size of a rectangle with top left hand corner at
+ start consisting of (at least) a -. shaped corner describing
+ the top right corner of a rectangle of the same char"""
+ char = pic_at(start)
+ hunt_x = skip_same_char(start, Point(1,0))
+ hunt_y = skip_same_char(start, Point(0,1))
+ off_bottom_right = (hunt_x * Point(1,0)) + (hunt_y * Point(0,1))
+ return off_bottom_right - start
+ def point_return(point):
+ """Carriage return, line feed"""
+ return Point(0, point.y + 1)
+ def find_arrow(start):
+ """Find a simple 1-char wide arrow"""
+ def body(endChar, contChar, direc):
+ arrow_point = start
+ arrow_point += Point(0, 1)
+ clear_pic_at(start)
+ while pic_at(arrow_point) == contChar:
+ clear_pic_at(arrow_point)
+ arrow_point += Point(0, 1)
+ if pic_at(arrow_point) == endChar:
+ clear_pic_at(arrow_point)
+ self.add_blob(blobs.Arrow('_', start + offset,
+ direc = direc,
+ size = (Point(1, 1) + arrow_point - start)))
+ else:
+ print 'Bad arrow', start
+ char = pic_at(start)
+ if char == '-\\':
+ body('-/', ' :', 'right')
+ elif char == '/-':
+ body('\\-', ': ', 'left')
+ blank_chars = [' ', ' :', ': ']
+ # Traverse the picture left to right, top to bottom to find blobs
+ seen_dict = {}
+ point = Point(0,0)
+ while pic_at(point) is not None:
+ while pic_at(point) is not None:
+ char = pic_at(point)
+ if char == '->':
+ self.add_blob(blobs.Arrow('_', point + offset,
+ direc = 'right'))
+ elif char == '<-':
+ self.add_blob(blobs.Arrow('_', point + offset,
+ direc = 'left'))
+ elif char == '-\\' or char == '/-':
+ find_arrow(point)
+ elif char in blank_chars:
+ pass
+ else:
+ if char not in seen_dict:
+ size = find_size(point)
+ topLeft = point + offset
+ if char not in nameDict:
+ # Unnamed blobs
+ self.add_blob(blobs.Block(char,
+ nameDict.get(char, '_'),
+ topLeft, size = size))
+ else:
+ # Named blobs, set visual info.
+ blob = nameDict[char]
+ blob.size = size
+ blob.topLeft = topLeft
+ self.add_blob(blob)
+ seen_dict[char] = True
+ point = skip_same_char(point, Point(1,0))
+ point = point_return(point)
+ def load_picture(self, filename):
+ """Load a picture file into the model"""
+ def parse_blob_description(char, unit, macros, pairsList):
+ # Parse the name value pairs in a blob-describing line
+ def expand_macros(pairs, newPairs):
+ # Recursively expand macros
+ for name, value in newPairs:
+ if name in macros:
+ expand_macros(pairs, macros[name])
+ else:
+ pairs[name] = value
+ return pairs
+ pairs = expand_macros({}, pairsList)
+ ret = None
+ typ = pairs.get('type', 'block')
+ colour = colours.name_to_colour(pairs.get('colour', 'black'))
+ if typ == 'key':
+ ret = blobs.Key(char, unit, Point(0,0), colour)
+ elif typ == 'block':
+ ret = blobs.Block(char, unit, Point(0,0), colour)
+ else:
+ print "Bad picture blog type:", typ
+ if 'hideId' in pairs:
+ hide = pairs['hideId']
+ ret.dataSelect.ids -= set(hide)
+ if typ == 'block':
+ ret.displayName = pairs.get('name', unit)
+ ret.nameLoc = pairs.get('nameLoc', 'top')
+ ret.shape = pairs.get('shape', 'box')
+ ret.stripDir = pairs.get('stripDir', 'horiz')
+ ret.stripOrd = pairs.get('stripOrd', 'LR')
+ ret.blankStrips = int(pairs.get('blankStrips', '0'))
+ ret.shorten = int(pairs.get('shorten', '0'))
+ if 'decoder' in pairs:
+ decoderName = pairs['decoder']
+ dataElement = pairs.get('dataElement', decoderName)
+ decoder = find_colour_decoder(ret.blankStrips,
+ decoderName, dataElement, pairs)
+ if decoder is not None:
+ ret.visualDecoder = decoder
+ else:
+ print 'Bad visualDecoder requested:', decoderName
+ if 'border' in pairs:
+ border = pairs['border']
+ if border == 'thin':
+ ret.border = 0.2
+ elif border == 'mid':
+ ret.border = 0.5
+ else:
+ ret.border = 1.0
+ elif typ == 'key':
+ ret.colours = pairs.get('colours', ret.colours)
+ return ret
+ def line_is_comment(line):
+ """Returns true if a line starts with #, returns False
+ for lines which are None"""
+ return line is not None \
+ and re.match('^\s*#', line) is not None
+ def get_line(f):
+ """Get a line from file f extending that line if it ends in
+ '\' and dropping lines that start with '#'s"""
+ ret = f.readline()
+ # Discard comment lines
+ while line_is_comment(ret):
+ ret = f.readline()
+ if ret is not None:
+ extend_match = re.match('^(.*)\\\\$', ret)
+ while extend_match is not None:
+ new_line = f.readline()
+ if new_line is not None and not line_is_comment(new_line):
+ line_wo_backslash, = extend_match.groups()
+ ret = line_wo_backslash + new_line
+ extend_match = re.match('^(.*)\\\\$', ret)
+ else:
+ extend_match = None
+ return ret
+ # Macros are recursively expanded into name=value pairs
+ macros = {}
+ if not os.access(filename, os.R_OK):
+ print 'Can\'t open file', filename
+ exit(1)
+ else:
+ print 'Opening file', filename
+ f = open(filename)
+ l = get_line(f)
+ picture = []
+ blob_char_dict = {}
+ self.unitEvents = {}
+ self.clear_events()
+ # Actually parse the file
+ in_picture = False
+ while l:
+ l = parse.remove_trailing_ws(l)
+ l = re.sub('#.*', '', l)
+ if re.match("^\s*$", l) is not None:
+ pass
+ elif l == '<<<':
+ in_picture = True
+ elif l == '>>>':
+ in_picture = False
+ elif in_picture:
+ picture.append(re.sub('\s*$', '', l))
+ else:
+ line_match = re.match(
+ '^([a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]):\s+([\w.]+)\s*(.*)', l)
+ macro_match = re.match('macro\s+(\w+):(.*)', l)
+ if macro_match is not None:
+ name, defn = macro_match.groups()
+ macros[name] = parse.parse_pairs_list(defn)
+ elif line_match is not None:
+ char, unit, pairs = line_match.groups()
+ blob = parse_blob_description(char, unit, macros,
+ parse.parse_pairs_list(pairs))
+ blob_char_dict[char] = blob
+ # Setup the events structure
+ self.unitEvents[unit] = []
+ else:
+ print 'Problem with Blob line:', l
+ l = get_line(f)
+ self.blobs = []
+ self.add_blob_picture(Point(0,1), picture, blob_char_dict)