path: root/util/stats/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'util/stats/')
1 files changed, 96 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/util/stats/ b/util/stats/
index b2b0ff8ad..c9b7ab2ac 100755
--- a/util/stats/
+++ b/util/stats/
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import division
-import re, sys
+import re, sys, math
def usage():
print '''\
Usage: %s [-E] [-F] [-d <db> ] [-g <get> ] [-h <host>] [-p]
- [-s <system>] [-r <runs> ] [-u <username>] <command> [command args]
+ [-s <system>] [-r <runs> ] [-T <samples>] [-u <username>]
+ <command> [command args]
+ commands extra parameters description
+ ----------- ------------------ ---------------------------------------
+ bins [regex] List bins (only matching regex)
+ formula <formula> Evaluated formula specified
+ formulas [regex] List formulas (only matching regex)
+ runs none List all runs in database
+ samples none List samples present in database
+ stability <pairnum> <stats> Calculated statistical info about stats
+ stat <regex> Show stat data (only matching regex)
+ stats [regex] List all stats (only matching regex)
''' % sys.argv[0]
@@ -249,6 +262,86 @@ def commands(options, command, args):
+ if command == 'stability':
+ if len(args) < 2:
+ raise CommandException
+ try:
+ merge = int(args[0])
+ except ValueError:
+ usage()
+ stats = info.source.getStat(args[1])
+ info.source.get = "sum"
+ #loop through all the stats selected
+ for stat in stats:
+ print "%s:" %
+ print "%-20s %12s %12s %4s %5s %5s %5s %10s" % \
+ ("run name", "average", "stdev", ">10%", ">1SDV", ">2SDV", "SAMP", "CV")
+ print "%-20s %12s %12s %4s %5s %5s %5s %10s" % \
+ ("--------------------", "------------",
+ "------------", "----", "-----", "-----", "-----", "----------")
+ #loop through all the selected runs
+ for run in runs:
+ info.display_run =;
+ runTicks = info.source.retTicks([ run ])
+ #throw away the first one, it's 0
+ runTicks.pop(0)
+ info.globalTicks = runTicks
+ avg = 0
+ stdev = 0
+ numoutsideavg = 0
+ numoutside1std = 0
+ numoutside2std = 0
+ pairRunTicks = []
+ if float(stat) == 1e300*1e300:
+ continue
+ for t in range(0, len(runTicks)-(merge-1), merge):
+ tempPair = []
+ for p in range(0,merge):
+ tempPair.append(runTicks[t+p])
+ pairRunTicks.append(tempPair)
+ #loop through all the various ticks for each run
+ for tick in pairRunTicks:
+ info.globalTicks = tick
+ avg += float(stat)
+ avg /= len(pairRunTicks)
+ for tick in pairRunTicks:
+ info.globalTicks = tick
+ val = float(stat)
+ stdev += pow((val-avg),2)
+ stdev = math.sqrt(stdev / len(pairRunTicks))
+ for tick in pairRunTicks:
+ info.globalTicks = tick
+ val = float(stat)
+ if (val < (avg * .9)) or (val > (avg * 1.1)):
+ numoutsideavg += 1
+ if (val < (avg - stdev)) or (val > (avg + stdev)):
+ numoutside1std += 1
+ if (val < (avg - (2*stdev))) or (val > (avg + (2*stdev))):
+ numoutside2std += 1
+ if avg > 1000:
+ print "%-20s %12s %12s %4s %5s %5s %5s %10s" % \
+ (, "%.1f" % avg, "%.1f" % stdev,
+ "%d" % numoutsideavg, "%d" % numoutside1std,
+ "%d" % numoutside2std, "%d" % len(pairRunTicks),
+ "%.3f" % (stdev/avg*100))
+ elif avg > 100:
+ print "%-20s %12s %12s %4s %5s %5s %5s %10s" % \
+ (, "%.1f" % avg, "%.1f" % stdev,
+ "%d" % numoutsideavg, "%d" % numoutside1std,
+ "%d" % numoutside2std, "%d" % len(pairRunTicks),
+ "%.5f" % (stdev/avg*100))
+ else:
+ print "%-20s %12s %12s %4s %5s %5s %5s %10s" % \
+ (, "%.5f" % avg, "%.5f" % stdev,
+ "%d" % numoutsideavg, "%d" % numoutside1std,
+ "%d" % numoutside2std, "%d" % len(pairRunTicks),
+ "%.7f" % (stdev/avg*100))
+ return
if command == 'stats':
if len(args) == 0:
@@ -270,7 +363,7 @@ def commands(options, command, args):
if options.ticks:
print 'only displaying sample %s' % options.ticks
- stat.ticks = options.ticks
+ info.globalTicks = [ int(x) for x in options.ticks.split() ]
if options.binned:
print 'kernel ticks'