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8 files changed, 2292 insertions, 697 deletions
diff --git a/util/config/ b/util/config/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2daf5d94d..000000000
--- a/util/config/
+++ /dev/null
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-from __future__ import generators
-import os
-import re
-import sys
-# M5 Python Configuration Utility
-# The basic idea is to write simple Python programs that build Python
-# objects corresponding to M5 SimObjects for the deisred simulation
-# configuration. For now, the Python emits a .ini file that can be
-# parsed by M5. In the future, some tighter integration between M5
-# and the Python interpreter may allow bypassing the .ini file.
-# Each SimObject class in M5 is represented by a Python class with the
-# same name. The Python inheritance tree mirrors the M5 C++ tree
-# (e.g., SimpleCPU derives from BaseCPU in both cases, and all
-# SimObjects inherit from a single SimObject base class). To specify
-# an instance of an M5 SimObject in a configuration, the user simply
-# instantiates the corresponding Python object. The parameters for
-# that SimObject are given by assigning to attributes of the Python
-# object, either using keyword assignment in the constructor or in
-# separate assignment statements. For example:
-# cache = BaseCache('my_cache', root, size=64*K)
-# cache.hit_latency = 3
-# cache.assoc = 8
-# (The first two constructor arguments specify the name of the created
-# cache and its parent node in the hierarchy.)
-# The magic lies in the mapping of the Python attributes for SimObject
-# classes to the actual SimObject parameter specifications. This
-# allows parameter validity checking in the Python code. Continuing
-# the example above, the statements "cache.blurfl=3" or
-# "cache.assoc='hello'" would both result in runtime errors in Python,
-# since the BaseCache object has no 'blurfl' parameter and the 'assoc'
-# parameter requires an integer, respectively. This magic is done
-# primarily by overriding the special __setattr__ method that controls
-# assignment to object attributes.
-# The Python module provides another class, ConfigNode, which is a
-# superclass of SimObject. ConfigNode implements the parent/child
-# relationship for building the configuration hierarchy tree.
-# Concrete instances of ConfigNode can be used to group objects in the
-# hierarchy, but do not correspond to SimObjects themselves (like a
-# .ini section with "children=" but no "type=".
-# Once a set of Python objects have been instantiated in a hierarchy,
-# calling 'instantiate(obj)' (where obj is the root of the hierarchy)
-# will generate a .ini file. See for an example
-# (corresponding to m5-test/simple-4cpu.ini).
-# ConfigNode/SimObject classes
-# The Python class hierarchy rooted by ConfigNode (which is the base
-# class of SimObject, which in turn is the base class of all other M5
-# SimObject classes) has special attribute behavior. In general, an
-# object in this hierarchy has three categories of attribute-like
-# things:
-# 1. Regular Python methods and variables. These must start with an
-# underscore to be treated normally.
-# 2. SimObject parameters. These values are stored as normal Python
-# attributes, but all assignments to these attributes are checked
-# against the pre-defined set of parameters stored in the class's
-# _param_dict dictionary. Assignments to attributes that do not
-# correspond to predefined parameters, or that are not of the correct
-# type, incur runtime errors.
-# 3. Hierarchy children. The child nodes of a ConfigNode are stored
-# in the node's _children dictionary, but can be accessed using the
-# Python attribute dot-notation (just as they are printed out by the
-# simulator). Children cannot be created using attribute assigment;
-# they must be added by specifying the parent node in the child's
-# constructor or using the '+=' operator.
-# The SimObject parameters are the most complex, for a few reasons.
-# First, both parameter descriptions and parameter values are
-# inherited. Thus parameter description lookup must go up the
-# inheritance chain like normal attribute lookup, but this behavior
-# must be explicitly coded since the lookup occurs in each class's
-# _param_dict attribute. Second, because parameter values can be set
-# on SimObject classes (to implement default values), the parameter
-# checking behavior must be enforced on class attribute assignments as
-# well as instance attribute assignments. Finally, because we allow
-# class specialization via inheritance (e.g., see the L1Cache class in
-# the example), we must do parameter checking even on
-# class instantiation. To provide all these features, we use a
-# metaclass to define most of the SimObject parameter behavior for
-# this class hierarchy.
-# The metaclass for ConfigNode (and thus for everything that derives
-# from ConfigNode, including SimObject). This class controls how new
-# classes that derive from ConfigNode are instantiated, and provides
-# inherited class behavior (just like a class controls how instances
-# of that class are instantiated, and provides inherited instance
-# behavior).
-class MetaConfigNode(type):
- # __new__ is called before __init__, and is where the statements
- # in the body of the class definition get loaded into the class's
- # __dict__. We intercept this to filter out parameter assignments
- # and only allow "private" attributes to be passed to the base
- # __new__ (starting with underscore).
- def __new__(cls, name, bases, dict):
- priv_keys = [k for k in dict.iterkeys() if k.startswith('_')]
- priv_dict = {}
- for k in priv_keys: priv_dict[k] = dict[k]; del dict[k]
- # entries left in dict will get passed to __init__, where we'll
- # deal with them as params.
- return super(MetaConfigNode, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, priv_dict)
- # initialization: start out with an empty param dict (makes life
- # simpler if we can assume _param_dict is always valid). Also
- # build inheritance list to simplify searching for inherited
- # params. Finally set parameters specified in class definition
- # (if any).
- def __init__(cls, name, bases, dict):
- super(MetaConfigNode, cls).__init__(cls, name, bases, {})
- # initialize _param_dict to empty
- cls._param_dict = {}
- # __mro__ is the ordered list of classes Python uses for
- # method resolution. We want to pick out the ones that have a
- # _param_dict attribute for doing parameter lookups.
- cls._param_bases = \
- [c for c in cls.__mro__ if hasattr(c, '_param_dict')]
- # initialize attributes with values from class definition
- for (pname, value) in dict.items():
- try:
- setattr(cls, pname, value)
- except Exception, exc:
- print "Error setting '%s' to '%s' on class '%s'\n" \
- % (pname, value, cls.__name__), exc
- # set the class's parameter dictionary (called when loading
- # class descriptions)
- def set_param_dict(cls, param_dict):
- # should only be called once (current one should be empty one
- # from __init__)
- assert not cls._param_dict
- cls._param_dict = param_dict
- # initialize attributes with default values
- for (pname, param) in param_dict.items():
- try:
- setattr(cls, pname, param.default)
- except Exception, exc:
- print "Error setting '%s' default on class '%s'\n" \
- % (pname, cls.__name__), exc
- # Set the class's parameter dictionary given a code string of
- # parameter initializers (as from an object description file).
- # Note that the caller must pass in the namespace in which to
- # execute the code (usually the caller's globals()), since if we
- # call globals() from inside this function all we get is this
- # module's internal scope.
- def init_params(cls, init_code, ctx):
- dict = {}
- try:
- exec fixPythonIndentation(init_code) in ctx, dict
- except Exception, exc:
- print "Error in %s.init_params:" % cls.__name__, exc
- raise
- cls.set_param_dict(dict)
- # Lookup a parameter description by name in the given class. Use
- # the _param_bases list defined in __init__ to go up the
- # inheritance hierarchy if necessary.
- def lookup_param(cls, param_name):
- for c in cls._param_bases:
- param = c._param_dict.get(param_name)
- if param: return param
- return None
- # Set attribute (called on foo.attr_name = value when foo is an
- # instance of class cls).
- def __setattr__(cls, attr_name, value):
- # normal processing for private attributes
- if attr_name.startswith('_'):
- object.__setattr__(cls, attr_name, value)
- return
- # no '_': must be SimObject param
- param = cls.lookup_param(attr_name)
- if not param:
- raise AttributeError, \
- "Class %s has no parameter %s" % (cls.__name__, attr_name)
- # It's ok: set attribute by delegating to 'object' class.
- # Note the use of param.make_value() to verify/canonicalize
- # the assigned value
- object.__setattr__(cls, attr_name, param.make_value(value))
- # generator that iterates across all parameters for this class and
- # all classes it inherits from
- def all_param_names(cls):
- for c in cls._param_bases:
- for p in c._param_dict.iterkeys():
- yield p
-# The ConfigNode class is the root of the special hierarchy. Most of
-# the code in this class deals with the configuration hierarchy itself
-# (parent/child node relationships).
-class ConfigNode(object):
- # Specify metaclass. Any class inheriting from ConfigNode will
- # get this metaclass.
- __metaclass__ = MetaConfigNode
- # Constructor. Since bare ConfigNodes don't have parameters, just
- # worry about the name and the parent/child stuff.
- def __init__(self, _name, _parent=None):
- # Type-check _name
- if type(_name) != str:
- if isinstance(_name, ConfigNode):
- # special case message for common error of trying to
- # coerce a SimObject to the wrong type
- raise TypeError, \
- "Attempt to coerce %s to %s" \
- % (_name.__class__.__name__, self.__class__.__name__)
- else:
- raise TypeError, \
- "%s name must be string (was %s, %s)" \
- % (self.__class__.__name__, _name, type(_name))
- # if specified, parent must be a subclass of ConfigNode
- if _parent != None and not isinstance(_parent, ConfigNode):
- raise TypeError, \
- "%s parent must be ConfigNode subclass (was %s, %s)" \
- % (self.__class__.__name__, _name, type(_name))
- self._name = _name
- self._parent = _parent
- if (_parent):
- _parent._add_child(self)
- self._children = {}
- # keep a list of children in addition to the dictionary keys
- # so we can remember the order they were added and print them
- # out in that order.
- self._child_list = []
- # When printing (e.g. to .ini file), just give the name.
- def __str__(self):
- return self._name
- # Catch attribute accesses that could be requesting children, and
- # satisfy them. Note that __getattr__ is called only if the
- # regular attribute lookup fails, so private and parameter lookups
- # will already be satisfied before we ever get here.
- def __getattr__(self, name):
- try:
- return self._children[name]
- except KeyError:
- raise AttributeError, \
- "Node '%s' has no attribute or child '%s'" \
- % (self._name, name)
- # Set attribute. All attribute assignments go through here. Must
- # be private attribute (starts with '_') or valid parameter entry.
- # Basically identical to MetaConfigClass.__setattr__(), except
- # this sets attributes on specific instances rather than on classes.
- def __setattr__(self, attr_name, value):
- if attr_name.startswith('_'):
- object.__setattr__(self, attr_name, value)
- return
- # not private; look up as param
- param = self.__class__.lookup_param(attr_name)
- if not param:
- raise AttributeError, \
- "Class %s has no parameter %s" \
- % (self.__class__.__name__, attr_name)
- # It's ok: set attribute by delegating to 'object' class.
- # Note the use of param.make_value() to verify/canonicalize
- # the assigned value.
- v = param.make_value(value)
- object.__setattr__(self, attr_name, v)
- # A little convenient magic: if the parameter is a ConfigNode
- # (or vector of ConfigNodes, or anything else with a
- # '_set_parent_if_none' function attribute) that does not have
- # a parent (and so is not part of the configuration
- # hierarchy), then make this node its parent.
- if hasattr(v, '_set_parent_if_none'):
- v._set_parent_if_none(self)
- def _path(self):
- # Return absolute path from root.
- if not self._parent and self._name != 'Universe':
- print >> sys.stderr, "Warning:", self._name, "has no parent"
- parent_path = self._parent and self._parent._path()
- if parent_path and parent_path != 'Universe':
- return parent_path + '.' + self._name
- else:
- return self._name
- # Add a child to this node.
- def _add_child(self, new_child):
- # set child's parent before calling this function
- assert new_child._parent == self
- if not isinstance(new_child, ConfigNode):
- raise TypeError, \
- "ConfigNode child must also be of class ConfigNode"
- if new_child._name in self._children:
- raise AttributeError, \
- "Node '%s' already has a child '%s'" \
- % (self._name, new_child._name)
- self._children[new_child._name] = new_child
- self._child_list += [new_child]
- # operator overload for '+='. You can say "node += child" to add
- # a child that was created with parent=None. An early attempt
- # at playing with syntax; turns out not to be that useful.
- def __iadd__(self, new_child):
- if new_child._parent != None:
- raise AttributeError, \
- "Node '%s' already has a parent" % new_child._name
- new_child._parent = self
- self._add_child(new_child)
- return self
- # Set this instance's parent to 'parent' if it doesn't already
- # have one. See ConfigNode.__setattr__().
- def _set_parent_if_none(self, parent):
- if self._parent == None:
- parent += self
- # Print instance info to .ini file.
- def _instantiate(self):
- print '[' + self._path() + ']' # .ini section header
- if self._child_list:
- # instantiate children in same order they were added for
- # backward compatibility (else we can end up with cpu1
- # before cpu0).
- print 'children =', ' '.join([c._name for c in self._child_list])
- self._instantiateParams()
- print
- # recursively dump out children
- for c in self._child_list:
- c._instantiate()
- # ConfigNodes have no parameters. Overridden by SimObject.
- def _instantiateParams(self):
- pass
-# SimObject is a minimal extension of ConfigNode, implementing a
-# hierarchy node that corresponds to an M5 SimObject. It prints out a
-# "type=" line to indicate its SimObject class, prints out the
-# assigned parameters corresponding to its class, and allows
-# parameters to be set by keyword in the constructor. Note that most
-# of the heavy lifting for the SimObject param handling is done in the
-# MetaConfigNode metaclass.
-class SimObject(ConfigNode):
- # initialization: like ConfigNode, but handle keyword-based
- # parameter initializers.
- def __init__(self, _name, _parent=None, **params):
- ConfigNode.__init__(self, _name, _parent)
- for param, value in params.items():
- setattr(self, param, value)
- # print type and parameter values to .ini file
- def _instantiateParams(self):
- print "type =", self.__class__._name
- for pname in self.__class__.all_param_names():
- value = getattr(self, pname)
- if value != None:
- print pname, '=', value
- def _sim_code(cls):
- name = cls.__name__
- param_names = cls._param_dict.keys()
- param_names.sort()
- code = "BEGIN_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(%s)\n" % name
- decls = [" " + cls._param_dict[pname].sim_decl(pname) \
- for pname in param_names]
- code += "\n".join(decls) + "\n"
- code += "END_DECLARE_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(%s)\n\n" % name
- code += "BEGIN_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(%s)\n" % name
- inits = [" " + cls._param_dict[pname].sim_init(pname) \
- for pname in param_names]
- code += ",\n".join(inits) + "\n"
- code += "END_INIT_SIM_OBJECT_PARAMS(%s)\n\n" % name
- return code
- _sim_code = classmethod(_sim_code)
-# Parameter description classes
-# The _param_dict dictionary in each class maps parameter names to
-# either a Param or a VectorParam object. These objects contain the
-# parameter description string, the parameter type, and the default
-# value (loaded from the PARAM section of the .odesc files). The
-# make_value() method on these objects is used to force whatever value
-# is assigned to the parameter to the appropriate type.
-# Note that the default values are loaded into the class's attribute
-# space when the parameter dictionary is initialized (in
-# MetaConfigNode.set_param_dict()); after that point they aren't
-# used.
-def isNullPointer(value):
- return isinstance(value, NullSimObject)
-# Regular parameter.
-class Param(object):
- # Constructor. E.g., Param(Int, "number of widgets", 5)
- def __init__(self, ptype, desc, default=None):
- self.ptype = ptype
- self.ptype_name = self.ptype.__name__
- self.desc = desc
- self.default = default
- # Convert assigned value to appropriate type. Force parameter
- # value (rhs of '=') to ptype (or None, which means not set).
- def make_value(self, value):
- # nothing to do if None or already correct type. Also allow NULL
- # pointer to be assigned where a SimObject is expected.
- if value == None or isinstance(value, self.ptype) or \
- isNullPointer(value) and issubclass(self.ptype, ConfigNode):
- return value
- # this type conversion will raise an exception if it's illegal
- return self.ptype(value)
- def sim_decl(self, name):
- return 'Param<%s> %s;' % (self.ptype_name, name)
- def sim_init(self, name):
- if self.default == None:
- return 'INIT_PARAM(%s, "%s")' % (name, self.desc)
- else:
- return 'INIT_PARAM_DFLT(%s, "%s", %s)' % \
- (name, self.desc, str(self.default))
-# The _VectorParamValue class is a wrapper for vector-valued
-# parameters. The leading underscore indicates that users shouldn't
-# see this class; it's magically generated by VectorParam. The
-# parameter values are stored in the 'value' field as a Python list of
-# whatever type the parameter is supposed to be. The only purpose of
-# storing these instead of a raw Python list is that we can override
-# the __str__() method to not print out '[' and ']' in the .ini file.
-class _VectorParamValue(object):
- def __init__(self, value):
- assert isinstance(value, list) or value == None
- self.value = value
- def __str__(self):
- return ' '.join(map(str, self.value))
- # Set member instance's parents to 'parent' if they don't already
- # have one. Extends "magic" parenting of ConfigNodes to vectors
- # of ConfigNodes as well. See ConfigNode.__setattr__().
- def _set_parent_if_none(self, parent):
- if self.value and hasattr(self.value[0], '_set_parent_if_none'):
- for v in self.value:
- v._set_parent_if_none(parent)
-# Vector-valued parameter description. Just like Param, except that
-# the value is a vector (list) of the specified type instead of a
-# single value.
-class VectorParam(Param):
- # Inherit Param constructor. However, the resulting parameter
- # will be a list of ptype rather than a single element of ptype.
- def __init__(self, ptype, desc, default=None):
- Param.__init__(self, ptype, desc, default)
- # Convert assigned value to appropriate type. If the RHS is not a
- # list or tuple, it generates a single-element list.
- def make_value(self, value):
- if value == None: return value
- if isinstance(value, list) or isinstance(value, tuple):
- # list: coerce each element into new list
- val_list = [Param.make_value(self, v) for v in iter(value)]
- else:
- # singleton: coerce & wrap in a list
- val_list = [Param.make_value(self, value)]
- # wrap list in _VectorParamValue (see above)
- return _VectorParamValue(val_list)
- def sim_decl(self, name):
- return 'VectorParam<%s> %s;' % (self.ptype_name, name)
- # sim_init inherited from Param
-# Parameter Types
-# Though native Python types could be used to specify parameter types
-# (the 'ptype' field of the Param and VectorParam classes), it's more
-# flexible to define our own set of types. This gives us more control
-# over how Python expressions are converted to values (via the
-# __init__() constructor) and how these values are printed out (via
-# the __str__() conversion method). Eventually we'll need these types
-# to correspond to distinct C++ types as well.
-# Integer parameter type.
-class Int(object):
- # Constructor. Value must be Python int or long (long integer).
- def __init__(self, value):
- t = type(value)
- if t == int or t == long:
- self.value = value
- else:
- raise TypeError, "Int param got value %s %s" % (repr(value), t)
- # Use Python string conversion. Note that this puts an 'L' on the
- # end of long integers; we can strip that off here if it gives us
- # trouble.
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.value)
-# Counter, Addr, and Tick are just aliases for Int for now.
-class Counter(Int):
- pass
-class Addr(Int):
- pass
-class Tick(Int):
- pass
-# Boolean parameter type.
-class Bool(object):
- # Constructor. Typically the value will be one of the Python bool
- # constants True or False (or the aliases true and false below).
- # Also need to take integer 0 or 1 values since bool was not a
- # distinct type in Python 2.2. Parse a bunch of boolean-sounding
- # strings too just for kicks.
- def __init__(self, value):
- t = type(value)
- if t == bool:
- self.value = value
- elif t == int or t == long:
- if value == 1:
- self.value = True
- elif value == 0:
- self.value = False
- elif t == str:
- v = value.lower()
- if v == "true" or v == "t" or v == "yes" or v == "y":
- self.value = True
- elif v == "false" or v == "f" or v == "no" or v == "n":
- self.value = False
- # if we didn't set it yet, it must not be something we understand
- if not hasattr(self, 'value'):
- raise TypeError, "Bool param got value %s %s" % (repr(value), t)
- # Generate printable string version.
- def __str__(self):
- if self.value: return "true"
- else: return "false"
-# String-valued parameter.
-class String(object):
- # Constructor. Value must be Python string.
- def __init__(self, value):
- t = type(value)
- if t == str:
- self.value = value
- else:
- raise TypeError, "String param got value %s %s" % (repr(value), t)
- # Generate printable string version. Not too tricky.
- def __str__(self):
- return self.value
-# Special class for NULL pointers. Note the special check in
-# make_param_value() above that lets these be assigned where a
-# SimObject is required.
-class NullSimObject(object):
- # Constructor. No parameters, nothing to do.
- def __init__(self):
- pass
- def __str__(self):
- return "NULL"
-# The only instance you'll ever need...
-NULL = NullSimObject()
-# Enumerated types are a little more complex. The user specifies the
-# type as Enum(foo) where foo is either a list or dictionary of
-# alternatives (typically strings, but not necessarily so). (In the
-# long run, the integer value of the parameter will be the list index
-# or the corresponding dictionary value. For now, since we only check
-# that the alternative is valid and then spit it into a .ini file,
-# there's not much point in using the dictionary.)
-# What Enum() must do is generate a new type encapsulating the
-# provided list/dictionary so that specific values of the parameter
-# can be instances of that type. We define two hidden internal
-# classes (_ListEnum and _DictEnum) to serve as base classes, then
-# derive the new type from the appropriate base class on the fly.
-# Base class for list-based Enum types.
-class _ListEnum(object):
- # Constructor. Value must be a member of the type's map list.
- def __init__(self, value):
- if value in
- self.value = value
- self.index =
- else:
- raise TypeError, "Enum param got bad value '%s' (not in %s)" \
- % (value,
- # Generate printable string version of value.
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.value)
-class _DictEnum(object):
- # Constructor. Value must be a key in the type's map dictionary.
- def __init__(self, value):
- if value in
- self.value = value
- self.index =[value]
- else:
- raise TypeError, "Enum param got bad value '%s' (not in %s)" \
- % (value,
- # Generate printable string version of value.
- def __str__(self):
- return str(self.value)
-# Enum metaclass... calling Enum(foo) generates a new type (class)
-# that derives from _ListEnum or _DictEnum as appropriate.
-class Enum(type):
- # counter to generate unique names for generated classes
- counter = 1
- def __new__(cls, map):
- if isinstance(map, dict):
- base = _DictEnum
- keys = map.keys()
- elif isinstance(map, list):
- base = _ListEnum
- keys = map
- else:
- raise TypeError, "Enum map must be list or dict (got %s)" % map
- classname = "Enum%04d" % Enum.counter
- Enum.counter += 1
- # New class derives from selected base, and gets a 'map'
- # attribute containing the specified list or dict.
- return type.__new__(cls, classname, (base,), { 'map': map })
-# "Constants"... handy aliases for various values.
-# For compatibility with C++ bool constants.
-false = False
-true = True
-# Some memory range specifications use this as a default upper bound.
-MAX_ADDR = 2**64 - 1
-# For power-of-two sizing, e.g. 64*K gives an integer value 65536.
-K = 1024
-M = K*K
-G = K*M
-# Munge an arbitrary Python code string to get it to execute (mostly
-# dealing with indentation). Stolen from see
-# comments there for a more detailed description.
-def fixPythonIndentation(s):
- # get rid of blank lines first
- s = re.sub(r'(?m)^\s*\n', '', s);
- if (s != '' and re.match(r'[ \t]', s[0])):
- s = 'if 1:\n' + s
- return s
-# Hook to generate C++ parameter code.
-def gen_sim_code(file):
- for objname in sim_object_list:
- print >> file, eval("%s._sim_code()" % objname)
-# The final hook to generate .ini files. Called from configuration
-# script once config is built.
-def instantiate(*objs):
- for obj in objs:
- obj._instantiate()
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4cba82446
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+import MySQLdb, re, string
+def statcmp(a, b):
+ v1 = a.split('.')
+ v2 = b.split('.')
+ last = min(len(v1), len(v2)) - 1
+ for i,j in zip(v1[0:last], v2[0:last]):
+ if i != j:
+ return cmp(i, j)
+ # Special compare for last element.
+ if len(v1) == len(v2):
+ return cmp(v1[last], v2[last])
+ else:
+ return cmp(len(v1), len(v2))
+class RunData:
+ def __init__(self, row):
+ = int(row[0])
+ = row[1]
+ self.user = row[2]
+ self.project = row[3]
+class SubData:
+ def __init__(self, row):
+ self.stat = int(row[0])
+ self.x = int(row[1])
+ self.y = int(row[2])
+ = row[3]
+ self.descr = row[4]
+class Data:
+ def __init__(self, row):
+ if len(row) != 5:
+ raise 'stat db error'
+ self.stat = int(row[0])
+ = int(row[1])
+ self.x = int(row[2])
+ self.y = int(row[3])
+ = float(row[4])
+ def __repr__(self):
+ return '''Data(['%d', '%d', '%d', '%d', '%f'])''' % ( self.stat,
+, self.x, self.y,
+class StatData(object):
+ def __init__(self, row):
+ self.stat = int(row[0])
+ = row[1]
+ self.desc = row[2]
+ self.type = row[3]
+ self.prereq = int(row[5])
+ self.precision = int(row[6])
+ import flags
+ self.flags = 0
+ if int(row[4]): self.flags |= flags.printable
+ if int(row[7]): self.flags |= flags.nozero
+ if int(row[8]): self.flags |= flags.nonan
+ if int(row[9]): self.flags |=
+ if int(row[10]): self.flags |= flags.pdf
+ if int(row[11]): self.flags |= flags.cdf
+ if self.type == 'DIST' or self.type == 'VECTORDIST':
+ self.min = float(row[12])
+ self.max = float(row[13])
+ self.bktsize = float(row[14])
+ self.size = int(row[15])
+ if self.type == 'FORMULA':
+ self.formula = self.db.allFormulas[self.stat]
+class Node(object):
+ def __init__(self, name):
+ = name
+ def __str__(self):
+ return name
+class Database(object):
+ def __init__(self):
+ = 'zizzer.pool'
+ self.user = ''
+ self.passwd = ''
+ self.db = 'm5stats'
+ self.cursor = None
+ self.allStats = []
+ self.allStatIds = {}
+ self.allStatNames = {}
+ self.allSubData = {}
+ self.allRuns = []
+ self.allRunIds = {}
+ self.allRunNames = {}
+ self.allBins = []
+ self.allBinIds = {}
+ self.allBinNames = {}
+ self.allFormulas = {}
+ self.stattop = {}
+ self.statdict = {}
+ self.statlist = []
+ self.mode = 'sum';
+ self.runs = None
+ self.bins = None
+ self.ticks = None
+ self.__dict__['get'] = type(self).sum
+ def query(self, sql):
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
+ def update_dict(self, dict):
+ dict.update(self.stattop)
+ def append(self, stat):
+ statname = re.sub(':', '__',
+ path = string.split(statname, '.')
+ pathtop = path[0]
+ fullname = ''
+ x = self
+ while len(path) > 1:
+ name = path.pop(0)
+ if not x.__dict__.has_key(name):
+ x.__dict__[name] = Node(fullname + name)
+ x = x.__dict__[name]
+ fullname = '%s%s.' % (fullname, name)
+ name = path.pop(0)
+ x.__dict__[name] = stat
+ self.stattop[pathtop] = self.__dict__[pathtop]
+ self.statdict[statname] = stat
+ self.statlist.append(statname)
+ def connect(self):
+ # connect
+ self.thedb = MySQLdb.connect(db=self.db,
+ user=self.user,
+ passwd=self.passwd)
+ # create a cursor
+ self.cursor = self.thedb.cursor()
+ self.query('''select rn_id,rn_name,rn_sample,rn_user,rn_project
+ from runs''')
+ for result in self.cursor.fetchall():
+ run = RunData(result);
+ self.allRuns.append(run)
+ self.allRunIds[] = run
+ self.allRunNames[] = run
+ self.query('select * from bins')
+ for id,name in self.cursor.fetchall():
+ self.allBinIds[int(id)] = name
+ self.allBinNames[name] = int(id)
+ self.query('select sd_stat,sd_x,sd_y,sd_name,sd_descr from subdata')
+ for result in self.cursor.fetchall():
+ subdata = SubData(result)
+ if self.allSubData.has_key(subdata.stat):
+ self.allSubData[subdata.stat].append(subdata)
+ else:
+ self.allSubData[subdata.stat] = [ subdata ]
+ self.query('select * from formulas')
+ for id,formula in self.cursor.fetchall():
+ self.allFormulas[int(id)] = formula
+ StatData.db = self
+ self.query('select * from stats')
+ import info
+ for result in self.cursor.fetchall():
+ stat = info.NewStat(StatData(result))
+ self.append(stat)
+ self.allStats.append(stat)
+ self.allStatIds[stat.stat] = stat
+ self.allStatNames[] = stat
+ # Name: listbins
+ # Desc: Prints all bins matching regex argument, if no argument
+ # is given all bins are returned
+ def listBins(self, regex='.*'):
+ print '%-50s %-10s' % ('bin name', 'id')
+ print '-' * 61
+ names = self.allBinNames.keys()
+ names.sort()
+ for name in names:
+ id = self.allBinNames[name]
+ print '%-50s %-10d' % (name, id)
+ # Name: listruns
+ # Desc: Prints all runs matching a given user, if no argument
+ # is given all runs are returned
+ def listRuns(self, user=None):
+ print '%-40s %-10s %-5s' % ('run name', 'user', 'id')
+ print '-' * 62
+ for run in self.allRuns:
+ if user == None or user == run.user:
+ print '%-40s %-10s %-10d' % (, run.user,
+ # Name: listTicks
+ # Desc: Prints all samples for a given run
+ def listTicks(self, run=None):
+ print "tick"
+ print "----------------------------------------"
+ sql = 'select distinct dt_tick from data where dt_stat=1950'
+ #if run != None:
+ # sql += ' where dt_run=%d' % run
+ self.query(sql)
+ for r in self.cursor.fetchall():
+ print r[0]
+ # Name: liststats
+ # Desc: Prints all statistics that appear in the database,
+ # the optional argument is a regular expression that can
+ # be used to prune the result set
+ def listStats(self, regex=None):
+ print '%-60s %-8s %-10s' % ('stat name', 'id', 'type')
+ print '-' * 80
+ rx = None
+ if regex != None:
+ rx = re.compile(regex)
+ stats = [ for stat in self.allStats ]
+ stats.sort(statcmp)
+ for stat in stats:
+ stat = self.allStatNames[stat]
+ if rx == None or rx.match(
+ print '%-60s %-8s %-10s' % (, stat.stat, stat.type)
+ # Name: liststats
+ # Desc: Prints all statistics that appear in the database,
+ # the optional argument is a regular expression that can
+ # be used to prune the result set
+ def listFormulas(self, regex=None):
+ print '%-60s %s' % ('formula name', 'formula')
+ print '-' * 80
+ rx = None
+ if regex != None:
+ rx = re.compile(regex)
+ stats = [ for stat in self.allStats ]
+ stats.sort(statcmp)
+ for stat in stats:
+ stat = self.allStatNames[stat]
+ if stat.type == 'FORMULA' and (rx == None or rx.match(
+ print '%-60s %s' % (, self.allFormulas[stat.stat])
+ def getStat(self, stats):
+ if type(stats) is not list:
+ stats = [ stats ]
+ ret = []
+ for stat in stats:
+ if type(stat) is int:
+ ret.append(self.allStatIds[stat])
+ if type(stat) is str:
+ rx = re.compile(stat)
+ for stat in self.allStats:
+ if rx.match(
+ ret.append(stat)
+ return ret
+ def getBin(self, bins):
+ if type(bins) is not list:
+ bins = [ bins ]
+ ret = []
+ for bin in bins:
+ if type(bin) is int:
+ ret.append(bin)
+ elif type(bin) is str:
+ ret.append(self.allBinNames[bin])
+ else:
+ for name,id in self.allBinNames.items():
+ if bin.match(name):
+ ret.append(id)
+ return ret
+ def getNotBin(self, bin):
+ map = {}
+ for bin in getBin(bin):
+ map[bin] = 1
+ ret = []
+ for bin in self.allBinIds.keys():
+ if not map.has_key(bin):
+ ret.append(bin)
+ return ret
+ #########################################
+ # get the data
+ #
+ def inner(self, op, stat, bins, ticks, group=False):
+ sql = 'select '
+ sql += 'dt_stat as stat, '
+ sql += 'dt_run as run, '
+ sql += 'dt_x as x, '
+ sql += 'dt_y as y, '
+ if group:
+ sql += 'dt_tick as tick, '
+ sql += '%s(dt_data) as data ' % op
+ sql += 'from data '
+ sql += 'where '
+ if isinstance(stat, list):
+ val = ' or '.join([ 'dt_stat=%d' % s.stat for s in stat ])
+ sql += ' (%s)' % val
+ else:
+ sql += ' dt_stat=%d' % stat.stat
+ if self.runs != None and len(self.runs):
+ val = ' or '.join([ 'dt_run=%d' % r for r in self.runs ])
+ sql += ' and (%s)' % val
+ if bins != None and len(bins):
+ val = ' or '.join([ 'dt_bin=%d' % b for b in bins ])
+ sql += ' and (%s)' % val
+ if ticks != None and len(ticks):
+ val = ' or '.join([ 'dt_tick=%d' % s for s in ticks ])
+ sql += ' and (%s)' % val
+ sql += ' group by dt_stat,dt_run,dt_x,dt_y'
+ if group:
+ sql += ',dt_tick'
+ return sql
+ def outer(self, op_out, op_in, stat, bins, ticks):
+ sql = self.inner(op_in, stat, bins, ticks, True)
+ sql = 'select stat,run,x,y,%s(data) from (%s) as tb ' % (op_out, sql)
+ sql += 'group by stat,run,x,y'
+ return sql
+ # Name: sum
+ # Desc: given a run, a stat and an array of samples and bins,
+ # sum all the bins and then get the standard deviation of the
+ # samples for non-binned runs. This will just return the average
+ # of samples, however a bin array still must be passed
+ def sum(self, stat, bins, ticks):
+ return self.inner('sum', stat, bins, ticks)
+ # Name: avg
+ # Desc: given a run, a stat and an array of samples and bins,
+ # sum all the bins and then average the samples for non-binned
+ # runs this will just return the average of samples, however
+ # a bin array still must be passed
+ def avg(self, stat, bins, ticks):
+ return self.outer('avg', 'sum', stat, bins, ticks)
+ # Name: stdev
+ # Desc: given a run, a stat and an array of samples and bins,
+ # sum all the bins and then get the standard deviation of the
+ # samples for non-binned runs. This will just return the average
+ # of samples, however a bin array still must be passed
+ def stdev(self, stat, bins, ticks):
+ return self.outer('stddev', 'sum', stat, bins, ticks)
+ def __getattribute__(self, attr):
+ if attr != 'get':
+ return super(Database, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ if self.__dict__['get'] == type(self).sum:
+ return 'sum'
+ elif self.__dict__['get'] == type(self).avg:
+ return 'avg'
+ elif self.__dict__['get'] == type(self).stdev:
+ return 'stdev'
+ else:
+ return ''
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ if attr != 'get':
+ super(Database, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
+ return
+ if value == 'sum':
+ self.__dict__['get'] = type(self).sum
+ elif value == 'avg':
+ self.__dict__['get'] = type(self).avg
+ elif value == 'stdev':
+ self.__dict__['get'] = type(self).stdev
+ else:
+ raise AttributeError, "can only set get to: sum | avg | stdev"
+ def data(self, stat, bins=None, ticks=None):
+ if bins is None:
+ bins = self.bins
+ if ticks is None:
+ ticks = self.ticks
+ sql = self.__dict__['get'](self, stat, bins, ticks)
+ self.query(sql)
+ runs = {}
+ for x in self.cursor.fetchall():
+ data = Data(x)
+ if not runs.has_key(
+ runs[] = {}
+ if not runs[].has_key(data.x):
+ runs[][data.x] = {}
+ runs[][data.x][data.y] =
+ return runs
diff --git a/util/stats/ b/util/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..686f55c98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+import MySQLdb
+class MyDB(object):
+ def __init__(self, options):
+ = options.db
+ =
+ self.user = options.user
+ self.passwd = options.passwd
+ self.mydb = None
+ self.cursor = None
+ def admin(self):
+ self.close()
+ self.mydb = MySQLdb.connect(db='mysql',, user=self.user,
+ passwd=self.passwd)
+ self.cursor = self.mydb.cursor()
+ def connect(self):
+ self.close()
+ self.mydb = MySQLdb.connect(,,
+ user=self.user, passwd=self.passwd)
+ self.cursor = self.mydb.cursor()
+ def close(self):
+ if self.mydb is not None:
+ self.mydb.close()
+ self.cursor = None
+ def query(self, sql):
+ self.cursor.execute(sql)
+ def drop(self):
+ self.query('DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS %s' %
+ def create(self):
+ self.query('CREATE DATABASE %s' %
+ def populate(self):
+ #
+ # Each run (or simulation) gets its own entry in the runs table to
+ # group stats by where they were generated
+ #
+ # 'id' is a unique identifier for each run to be used in other
+ # tables.
+ # 'name' is the user designated name for the data generated. It is
+ # configured in the simulator.
+ # 'user' identifies the user that generated the data for the given
+ # run.
+ # 'project' another name to identify runs for a specific goal
+ # 'date' is a timestamp for when the data was generated. It can be
+ # used to easily expire data that was generated in the past.
+ # 'expire' is a timestamp for when the data should be removed from
+ # the database so we don't have years worth of junk.
+ #
+ # 'run' is indexed so you can find out details of a run if the run
+ # was retreived from the data table.
+ # 'name' is indexed so that two all run names are forced to be unique
+ #
+ self.query('''
+ rn_name VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL,
+ rn_sample VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
+ rn_user VARCHAR(32) NOT NULL,
+ rn_project VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (rn_id),
+ UNIQUE (rn_name,rn_sample)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB''')
+ #
+ # We keep the bin names separate so that the data table doesn't get
+ # huge since bin names are frequently repeated.
+ #
+ # 'id' is the unique bin identifer.
+ # 'name' is the string name for the bin.
+ #
+ # 'bin' is indexed to get the name of a bin when data is retrieved
+ # via the data table.
+ # 'name' is indexed to get the bin id for a named bin when you want
+ # to search the data table based on a specific bin.
+ #
+ self.query('''
+ bn_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY(bn_id),
+ UNIQUE (bn_name)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB''')
+ #
+ # The stat table gives us all of the data for a particular stat.
+ #
+ # 'stat' is a unique identifier for each stat to be used in other
+ # tables for references.
+ # 'name' is simply the simulator derived name for a given
+ # statistic.
+ # 'descr' is the description of the statistic and what it tells
+ # you.
+ # 'type' defines what the stat tells you. Types are:
+ # SCALAR: A simple scalar statistic that holds one value
+ # VECTOR: An array of statistic values. Such a something that
+ # is generated per-thread. Vectors exist to give averages,
+ # pdfs, cdfs, means, standard deviations, etc across the
+ # stat values.
+ # DIST: Is a distribution of data. When the statistic value is
+ # sampled, its value is counted in a particular bucket.
+ # Useful for keeping track of utilization of a resource.
+ # (e.g. fraction of time it is 25% used vs. 50% vs. 100%)
+ # VECTORDIST: Can be used when the distribution needs to be
+ # factored out into a per-thread distribution of data for
+ # example. It can still be summed across threads to find
+ # the total distribution.
+ # VECTOR2D: Can be used when you have a stat that is not only
+ # per-thread, but it is per-something else. Like
+ # per-message type.
+ # FORMULA: This statistic is a formula, and its data must be
+ # looked up in the formula table, for indicating how to
+ # present its values.
+ # 'subdata' is potentially used by any of the vector types to
+ # give a specific name to all of the data elements within a
+ # stat.
+ # 'print' indicates whether this stat should be printed ever.
+ # (Unnamed stats don't usually get printed)
+ # 'prereq' only print the stat if the prereq is not zero.
+ # 'prec' number of decimal places to print
+ # 'nozero' don't print zero values
+ # 'nonan' don't print NaN values
+ # 'total' for vector type stats, print the total.
+ # 'pdf' for vector type stats, print the pdf.
+ # 'cdf' for vector type stats, print the cdf.
+ #
+ # The Following are for dist type stats:
+ # 'min' is the minimum bucket value. Anything less is an underflow.
+ # 'max' is the maximum bucket value. Anything more is an overflow.
+ # 'bktsize' is the approximate number of entries in each bucket.
+ # 'size' is the number of buckets. equal to (min/max)/bktsize.
+ #
+ # 'stat' is indexed so that you can find out details about a stat
+ # if the stat id was retrieved from the data table.
+ # 'name' is indexed so that you can simply look up data about a
+ # named stat.
+ #
+ self.query('''
+ st_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ st_descr TEXT NOT NULL,
+ st_print BOOL NOT NULL,
+ st_nozero BOOL NOT NULL,
+ st_nonan BOOL NOT NULL,
+ st_total BOOL NOT NULL,
+ st_pdf BOOL NOT NULL,
+ st_cdf BOOL NOT NULL,
+ st_bktsize DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (st_id),
+ UNIQUE (st_name)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB''')
+ #
+ # This is the main table of data for stats.
+ #
+ # 'stat' refers to the stat field given in the stat table.
+ #
+ # 'x' referrs to the first dimension of a multi-dimensional stat. For
+ # a vector, x will start at 0 and increase for each vector
+ # element.
+ # For a distribution:
+ # -1: sum (for calculating standard deviation)
+ # -2: sum of squares (for calculating standard deviation)
+ # -3: total number of samples taken (for calculating
+ # standard deviation)
+ # -4: minimum value
+ # -5: maximum value
+ # -6: underflow
+ # -7: overflow
+ # 'y' is used by a VECTORDIST and the VECTOR2D to describe the second
+ # dimension.
+ # 'run' is the run that the data was generated from. Details up in
+ # the run table
+ # 'tick' is a timestamp generated by the simulator.
+ # 'bin' is the name of the bin that the data was generated in, if
+ # any.
+ # 'data' is the actual stat value.
+ #
+ # 'stat' is indexed so that a user can find all of the data for a
+ # particular stat. It is not unique, because that specific stat
+ # can be found in many runs, bins, and samples, in addition to
+ # having entries for the mulidimensional cases.
+ # 'run' is indexed to allow a user to remove all of the data for a
+ # particular execution run. It can also be used to allow the
+ # user to print out all of the data for a given run.
+ #
+ self.query('''
+ dt_data DOUBLE NOT NULL,
+ INDEX (dt_stat),
+ INDEX (dt_run),
+ UNIQUE (dt_stat,dt_x,dt_y,dt_run,dt_tick,dt_bin)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB;''')
+ #
+ # Names and descriptions for multi-dimensional stats (vectors, etc.)
+ # are stored here instead of having their own entry in the statistics
+ # table. This allows all parts of a single stat to easily share a
+ # single id.
+ #
+ # 'stat' is the unique stat identifier from the stat table.
+ # 'x' is the first dimension for multi-dimensional stats
+ # corresponding to the data table above.
+ # 'y' is the second dimension for multi-dimensional stats
+ # corresponding to the data table above.
+ # 'name' is the specific subname for the unique stat,x,y combination.
+ # 'descr' is the specific description for the uniqe stat,x,y
+ # combination.
+ #
+ # 'stat' is indexed so you can get the subdata for a specific stat.
+ #
+ self.query('''
+ CREATE TABLE subdata(
+ sd_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ sd_descr TEXT,
+ UNIQUE (sd_stat,sd_x,sd_y)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB''')
+ #
+ # The formula table is maintained separately from the data table
+ # because formula data, unlike other stat data cannot be represented
+ # there.
+ #
+ # 'stat' refers to the stat field generated in the stat table.
+ # 'formula' is the actual string representation of the formula
+ # itself.
+ #
+ # 'stat' is indexed so that you can just look up a formula.
+ #
+ self.query('''
+ CREATE TABLE formulas(
+ fm_formula BLOB NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY(fm_stat)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB''')
+ #
+ # Each stat used in each formula is kept in this table. This way, if
+ # you want to print out a particular formula, you can simply find out
+ # which stats you need by looking in this table. Additionally, when
+ # you remove a stat from the stats table and data table, you remove
+ # any references to the formula in this table. When a formula is no
+ # longer referred to, you remove its entry.
+ #
+ # 'stat' is the stat id from the stat table above.
+ # 'child' is the stat id of a stat that is used for this formula.
+ # There may be many children for any given 'stat' (formula)
+ #
+ # 'stat' is indexed so you can look up all of the children for a
+ # particular stat.
+ # 'child' is indexed so that you can remove an entry when a stat is
+ # removed.
+ #
+ self.query('''
+ CREATE TABLE formula_ref(
+ UNIQUE (fr_stat,fr_run),
+ INDEX (fr_stat),
+ INDEX (fr_run)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB''')
+ # 'event' is the unique event id from the event_desc table
+ # 'run' is simulation run id that this event took place in
+ # 'tick' is the tick when the event happened
+ #
+ # 'event' is indexed so you can look up all occurences of a
+ # specific event
+ # 'run' is indexed so you can find all events in a run
+ # 'tick' is indexed because we want the unique thing anyway
+ # 'event,run,tick' is unique combination
+ self.query('''
+ CREATE TABLE events(
+ INDEX(ev_event),
+ INDEX(ev_run),
+ INDEX(ev_tick),
+ UNIQUE(ev_event,ev_run,ev_tick)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB''')
+ # 'id' is the unique description id
+ # 'name' is the name of the event that occurred
+ #
+ # 'id' is indexed because it is the primary key and is what you use
+ # to look up the descriptions
+ # 'name' is indexed so one can find the event based on name
+ #
+ self.query('''
+ CREATE TABLE event_names(
+ en_name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY (en_id),
+ UNIQUE (en_name)
+ ) TYPE=InnoDB''')
+ def clean(self):
+ self.query('''
+ DELETE data
+ FROM data
+ LEFT JOIN runs ON dt_run=rn_id
+ WHERE rn_id IS NULL''')
+ self.query('''
+ DELETE formula_ref
+ FROM formula_ref
+ LEFT JOIN runs ON fr_run=rn_id
+ WHERE rn_id IS NULL''')
+ self.query('''
+ DELETE formulas
+ FROM formulas
+ LEFT JOIN formula_ref ON fm_stat=fr_stat
+ WHERE fr_stat IS NULL''')
+ self.query('''
+ DELETE stats
+ FROM stats
+ LEFT JOIN data ON st_id=dt_stat
+ WHERE dt_stat IS NULL''')
+ self.query('''
+ DELETE subdata
+ FROM subdata
+ LEFT JOIN data ON sd_stat=dt_stat
+ WHERE dt_stat IS NULL''')
+ self.query('''
+ DELETE bins
+ FROM bins
+ LEFT JOIN data ON bn_id=dt_bin
+ WHERE dt_bin IS NULL''')
+ self.query('''
+ DELETE events
+ FROM events
+ LEFT JOIN runs ON ev_run=rn_id
+ WHERE rn_id IS NULL''')
+ self.query('''
+ DELETE event_names
+ FROM event_names
+ LEFT JOIN events ON en_id=ev_event
+ WHERE ev_event IS NULL''')
diff --git a/util/stats/ b/util/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..68a26852d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+class Value:
+ def __init__(self, value, precision, percent = False):
+ self.value = value
+ self.precision = precision
+ self.percent = percent
+ def __str__(self):
+ if isinstance(self.value, str):
+ if self.value.lower() == 'nan':
+ value = 'NaN'
+ if self.value.lower() == 'inf':
+ value = 'Inf'
+ else:
+ if self.precision >= 0:
+ format = "%%.%df" % self.precision
+ elif self.value == 0.0:
+ format = "%.0f"
+ elif self.value % 1.0 == 0.0:
+ format = "%.0f"
+ else:
+ format = "%f"
+ value = self.value
+ if self.percent:
+ value = value * 100.0
+ value = format % value
+ if self.percent:
+ value = value + "%"
+ return value
+class Print:
+ def __init__(self, **vals):
+ self.__dict__.update(vals)
+ def __str__(self):
+ value = Value(self.value, self.precision)
+ pdf = ''
+ cdf = ''
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('pdf'):
+ pdf = Value(self.pdf, 2, True)
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('cdf'):
+ cdf = Value(self.cdf, 2, True)
+ output = "%-40s %12s %8s %8s" % (, value, pdf, cdf)
+ if descriptions and self.__dict__.has_key('desc') and self.desc:
+ output = "%s # %s" % (output, self.desc)
+ return output
+ def doprint(self):
+ if display_all:
+ return True
+ if self.value == 0.0 and (self.flags & flags_nozero):
+ return False
+ if isinstance(self.value, str):
+ if self.value == 'NaN' and (self.flags & flags_nonan):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def display(self):
+ if self.doprint():
+ print self
+class VectorDisplay:
+ def display(self):
+ p = Print()
+ p.flags = self.flags
+ p.precision = self.precision
+ if issequence(self.value):
+ if not len(self.value):
+ return
+ mytotal = reduce(lambda x,y: float(x) + float(y), self.value)
+ mycdf = 0.0
+ value = self.value
+ if display_all:
+ subnames = [ '[%d]' % i for i in range(len(value)) ]
+ else:
+ subnames = [''] * len(value)
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('subnames'):
+ for i,each in enumerate(self.subnames):
+ if len(each) > 0:
+ subnames[i] = '.%s' % each
+ subdescs = [self.desc]*len(value)
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('subdescs'):
+ for i in xrange(min(len(value), len(self.subdescs))):
+ subdescs[i] = self.subdescs[i]
+ for val,sname,sdesc in map(None, value, subnames, subdescs):
+ if mytotal > 0.0:
+ mypdf = float(val) / float(mytotal)
+ mycdf += mypdf
+ if (self.flags & flags_pdf):
+ p.pdf = mypdf
+ p.cdf = mycdf
+ if len(sname) == 0:
+ continue
+ = + sname
+ p.desc = sdesc
+ p.value = val
+ p.display()
+ if (self.flags & flags_total):
+ if (p.__dict__.has_key('pdf')): del p.__dict__['pdf']
+ if (p.__dict__.has_key('cdf')): del p.__dict__['cdf']
+ = + '.total'
+ p.desc = self.desc
+ p.value = mytotal
+ p.display()
+ else:
+ =
+ p.desc = self.desc
+ p.value = self.value
+ p.display()
diff --git a/util/stats/ b/util/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7a57e722b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2004 The Regents of The University of Michigan
+# All rights reserved.
+# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+# met: redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer;
+# redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+# notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+# documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution;
+# neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its
+# contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+# this software without specific prior written permission.
+# Authors: Nathan Binkert
+init = 0x00000001
+printable = 0x00000002
+total = 0x00000010
+pdf = 0x00000020
+cdf = 0x00000040
+dist = 0x00000080
+nozero = 0x00000100
+nonan = 0x00000200
diff --git a/util/stats/ b/util/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a94563cf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,724 @@
+from __future__ import division
+import operator, re, types
+source = None
+display_run = 0
+def issequence(t):
+ return isinstance(t, types.TupleType) or isinstance(t, types.ListType)
+def total(f):
+ if isinstance(f, FormulaStat):
+ v = f.value
+ else:
+ v = f
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ if issequence(v):
+ f.value = reduce(operator.add, v)
+ else:
+ f.value = v
+ return f
+def unaryop(op, f):
+ if isinstance(f, FormulaStat):
+ v = f.value
+ else:
+ v = f
+ if issequence(v):
+ return map(op, v)
+ else:
+ return op(v)
+def zerodiv(lv, rv):
+ if rv == 0.0:
+ return 0.0
+ else:
+ return operator.truediv(lv, rv)
+def wrapop(op, lv, rv):
+ if isinstance(lv, str):
+ return lv
+ if isinstance(rv, str):
+ return rv
+ return op(lv, rv)
+def same(lv, rv):
+ for lrun,rrun in zip(lv.keys(),rv.keys()):
+ if lrun != rrun:
+ print 'lrun != rrun'
+ print lrun, rrun
+ print lv.keys()
+ print rv.keys()
+ return False
+ for lx,rx in zip(lv[lrun].keys(),rv[rrun].keys()):
+ if lx != rx:
+ print 'lx != rx'
+ print lx, rx
+ print lv[lrun].keys()
+ print rv[rrun].keys()
+ return False
+ for ly,ry in zip(lv[lrun][lx].keys(),rv[rrun][rx].keys()):
+ if ly != ry:
+ print 'ly != ry'
+ print ly, ry
+ print lv[lrun][lx].keys()
+ print rv[rrun][rx].keys()
+ return False
+ return True
+def binaryop(op, lf, rf):
+ result = {}
+ if isinstance(lf, FormulaStat) and isinstance(rf, FormulaStat):
+ lv = lf.value
+ rv = rf.value
+ if not same(lv, rv):
+ raise AttributeError, "run,x,y not identical"
+ for run in lv.keys():
+ result[run] = {}
+ for x in lv[run].keys():
+ result[run][x] = {}
+ for y in lv[run][x].keys():
+ result[run][x][y] = wrapop(op, lv[run][x][y],
+ rv[run][x][y])
+ elif isinstance(lf, FormulaStat):
+ lv = lf.value
+ for run in lv.keys():
+ result[run] = {}
+ for x in lv[run].keys():
+ result[run][x] = {}
+ for y in lv[run][x].keys():
+ result[run][x][y] = wrapop(op, lv[run][x][y], rf)
+ elif isinstance(rf, FormulaStat):
+ rv = rf.value
+ for run in rv.keys():
+ result[run] = {}
+ for x in rv[run].keys():
+ result[run][x] = {}
+ for y in rv[run][x].keys():
+ result[run][x][y] = wrapop(op, lf, rv[run][x][y])
+ return result
+def sums(x, y):
+ if issequence(x):
+ return map(lambda x, y: x + y, x, y)
+ else:
+ return x + y
+def alltrue(list):
+ return reduce(lambda x, y: x and y, list)
+def allfalse(list):
+ return not reduce(lambda x, y: x or y, list)
+def enumerate(list):
+ return map(None, range(len(list)), list)
+def cmp(a, b):
+ if a < b:
+ return -1
+ elif a == b:
+ return 0
+ else:
+ return 1
+class Statistic(object):
+ def __init__(self, data):
+ self.__dict__.update(data.__dict__)
+ if not self.__dict__.has_key('value'):
+ self.__dict__['value'] = None
+ if not self.__dict__.has_key('bins'):
+ self.__dict__['bins'] = None
+ if not self.__dict__.has_key('ticks'):
+ self.__dict__['ticks'] = None
+ def __getattribute__(self, attr):
+ if attr == 'value':
+ if self.__dict__['value'] == None:
+ self.__dict__['value'] = self.getValue()
+ return self.__dict__['value']
+ else:
+ return super(Statistic, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ if attr == 'bins' or attr == 'ticks':
+ if attr == 'bins':
+ global db
+ if value is not None:
+ value = db.getBin(value)
+ elif attr == 'samples' and type(value) is str:
+ value = [ int(x) for x in value.split() ]
+ self.__dict__[attr] = value
+ self.__dict__['value'] = None
+ else:
+ super(Statistic, self).__setattr__(attr, value)
+ def getValue(self):
+ raise AttributeError, 'getValue() must be defined'
+ def zero(self):
+ return False
+ def __ne__(self, other):
+ return not (self == other)
+ def __str__(self):
+ return '%f' % (float(self))
+class FormulaStat(object):
+ def __add__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(operator.add, self, other)
+ return f
+ def __sub__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(operator.sub, self, other)
+ return f
+ def __mul__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(operator.mul, self, other)
+ return f
+ def __truediv__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(zerodiv, self, other)
+ return f
+ def __mod__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(operator.mod, self, other)
+ return f
+ def __radd__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(operator.add, other, self)
+ return f
+ def __rsub__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(operator.sub, other, self)
+ return f
+ def __rmul__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(operator.mul, other, self)
+ return f
+ def __rtruediv__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(zerodiv, other, self)
+ return f
+ def __rmod__(self, other):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = binaryop(operator.mod, other, self)
+ return f
+ def __neg__(self):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = unaryop(operator.neg, self)
+ return f
+ def __getitem__(self, idx):
+ f = FormulaStat()
+ f.value = {}
+ for key in self.value.keys():
+ f.value[key] = {}
+ f.value[key][0] = {}
+ f.value[key][0][0] = self.value[key][idx][0]
+ return f
+ def __float__(self):
+ if isinstance(self.value, FormulaStat):
+ return float(self.value)
+ if not self.value.has_key(display_run):
+ return (1e300*1e300)
+ if len(self.value[display_run]) == 1:
+ return self.value[display_run][0][0]
+ else:
+ #print self.value[display_run]
+ return self.value[display_run][4][0]
+ #raise ValueError
+ def display(self):
+ import display
+ d = display.VectorDisplay()
+ d.flags = 0
+ d.precision = 1
+ = 'formula'
+ d.desc = 'formula'
+ val = self.value[display_run]
+ d.value = [ val[x][0] for x in val.keys() ]
+ d.display()
+class Scalar(Statistic,FormulaStat):
+ def getValue(self):
+ return, self.bins)
+ def display(self):
+ import display
+ p = display.Print()
+ =
+ p.desc = self.desc
+ p.value = float(self)
+ p.flags = self.flags
+ p.precision = self.precision
+ if display.all or (self.flags & flags.printable):
+ p.display()
+ def comparable(self, other):
+ return ==
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.value == other.value
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ self.value -= other.value
+ return self
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ self.value += other.value
+ return self
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return self
+ self.value /= other
+ return self
+class Vector(Statistic,FormulaStat):
+ def getValue(self):
+ return, self.bins);
+ def display(self):
+ import display
+ if not display.all and not (self.flags & flags.printable):
+ return
+ d = display.VectorDisplay()
+ d.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
+ d.display()
+ def comparable(self, other):
+ return == and \
+ len(self.value) == len(other.value)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ if issequence(self.value) != issequence(other.value):
+ return false
+ if issequence(self.value):
+ if len(self.value) != len(other.value):
+ return False
+ else:
+ for v1,v2 in zip(self.value, other.value):
+ if v1 != v2:
+ return False
+ return True
+ else:
+ return self.value == other.value
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ self.value = binaryop(operator.sub, self.value, other.value)
+ return self
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ self.value = binaryop(operator.add, self.value, other.value)
+ return self
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return self
+ if issequence(self.value):
+ for i in xrange(len(self.value)):
+ self.value[i] /= other
+ else:
+ self.value /= other
+ return self
+class Formula(Vector):
+ def getValue(self):
+ formula = re.sub(':', '__', self.formula)
+ x = eval(formula, source.stattop)
+ return x.value
+ def comparable(self, other):
+ return == and \
+ compare(self.dist, other.dist)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.value == other.value
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ return self
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ return self
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return self
+ return self
+class SimpleDist(object):
+ def __init__(self, sums, squares, samples):
+ self.sums = sums
+ self.squares = squares
+ self.samples = samples
+ def getValue(self):
+ return 0.0
+ def display(self, name, desc, flags, precision):
+ import display
+ p = display.Print()
+ p.flags = flags
+ p.precision = precision
+ if self.samples > 0:
+ = name + ".mean"
+ p.value = self.sums / self.samples
+ p.display()
+ = name + ".stdev"
+ if self.samples > 1:
+ var = (self.samples * self.squares - self.sums ** 2) \
+ / (self.samples * (self.samples - 1))
+ if var >= 0:
+ p.value = math.sqrt(var)
+ else:
+ p.value = 'NaN'
+ else:
+ p.value = 0.0
+ p.display()
+ = name + ".samples"
+ p.value = self.samples
+ p.display()
+ def comparable(self, other):
+ return True
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.sums == other.sums and self.squares == other.squares and \
+ self.samples == other.samples
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ self.sums -= other.sums
+ self.squares -= other.squares
+ self.samples -= other.samples
+ return self
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ self.sums += other.sums
+ self.squares += other.squares
+ self.samples += other.samples
+ return self
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return self
+ self.sums /= other
+ self.squares /= other
+ self.samples /= other
+ return self
+class FullDist(SimpleDist):
+ def __init__(self, sums, squares, samples, minval, maxval,
+ under, vec, over, min, max, bsize, size):
+ self.sums = sums
+ self.squares = squares
+ self.samples = samples
+ self.minval = minval
+ self.maxval = maxval
+ self.under = under
+ self.vec = vec
+ self.over = over
+ self.min = min
+ self.max = max
+ self.bsize = bsize
+ self.size = size
+ def getValue(self):
+ return 0.0
+ def display(self, name, desc, flags, precision):
+ import display
+ p = display.Print()
+ p.flags = flags
+ p.precision = precision
+ = name + '.min_val'
+ p.value = self.minval
+ p.display()
+ = name + '.max_val'
+ p.value = self.maxval
+ p.display()
+ = name + '.underflow'
+ p.value = self.under
+ p.display()
+ i = self.min
+ for val in self.vec[:-1]:
+ = name + '[%d:%d]' % (i, i + self.bsize - 1)
+ p.value = val
+ p.display()
+ i += self.bsize
+ = name + '[%d:%d]' % (i, self.max)
+ p.value = self.vec[-1]
+ p.display()
+ = name + '.overflow'
+ p.value = self.over
+ p.display()
+ SimpleDist.display(self, name, desc, flags, precision)
+ def comparable(self, other):
+ return self.min == other.min and self.max == other.max and \
+ self.bsize == other.bsize and self.size == other.size
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.sums == other.sums and self.squares == other.squares and \
+ self.samples == other.samples
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ self.sums -= other.sums
+ self.squares -= other.squares
+ self.samples -= other.samples
+ if other.samples:
+ self.minval = min(self.minval, other.minval)
+ self.maxval = max(self.maxval, other.maxval)
+ self.under -= under
+ self.vec = map(lambda x,y: x - y, self.vec, other.vec)
+ self.over -= over
+ return self
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ if not self.samples and other.samples:
+ self = other
+ return self
+ self.sums += other.sums
+ self.squares += other.squares
+ self.samples += other.samples
+ if other.samples:
+ self.minval = min(self.minval, other.minval)
+ self.maxval = max(self.maxval, other.maxval)
+ self.under += other.under
+ self.vec = map(lambda x,y: x + y, self.vec, other.vec)
+ self.over += other.over
+ return self
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return self
+ self.sums /= other
+ self.squares /= other
+ self.samples /= other
+ if self.samples:
+ self.under /= other
+ for i in xrange(len(self.vec)):
+ self.vec[i] /= other
+ self.over /= other
+ return self
+class Dist(Statistic):
+ def getValue(self):
+ return 0.0
+ def display(self):
+ import display
+ if not display.all and not (self.flags & flags.printable):
+ return
+ self.dist.display(, self.desc, self.flags, self.precision)
+ def comparable(self, other):
+ return == and \
+ self.dist.compareable(other.dist)
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return self.dist == other.dist
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ self.dist -= other.dist
+ return self
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ self.dist += other.dist
+ return self
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return self
+ self.dist /= other
+ return self
+class VectorDist(Statistic):
+ def getValue(self):
+ return 0.0
+ def display(self):
+ import display
+ if not display.all and not (self.flags & flags.printable):
+ return
+ if isinstance(self.dist, SimpleDist):
+ return
+ for dist,sn,sd,i in map(None, self.dist, self.subnames, self.subdescs,
+ range(len(self.dist))):
+ if len(sn) > 0:
+ name = '%s.%s' % (, sn)
+ else:
+ name = '%s[%d]' % (, i)
+ if len(sd) > 0:
+ desc = sd
+ else:
+ desc = self.desc
+ dist.display(name, desc, self.flags, self.precision)
+ if (self.flags & or 1:
+ if isinstance(self.dist[0], SimpleDist):
+ disttotal = SimpleDist( \
+ reduce(sums, [d.sums for d in self.dist]),
+ reduce(sums, [d.squares for d in self.dist]),
+ reduce(sums, [d.samples for d in self.dist]))
+ else:
+ disttotal = FullDist( \
+ reduce(sums, [d.sums for d in self.dist]),
+ reduce(sums, [d.squares for d in self.dist]),
+ reduce(sums, [d.samples for d in self.dist]),
+ min([d.minval for d in self.dist]),
+ max([d.maxval for d in self.dist]),
+ reduce(sums, [d.under for d in self.dist]),
+ reduce(sums, [d.vec for d in self.dist]),
+ reduce(sums, [d.over for d in self.dist]),
+ dist[0].min,
+ dist[0].max,
+ dist[0].bsize,
+ dist[0].size)
+ name = '' % (
+ desc = self.desc
+ disttotal.display(name, desc, self.flags, self.precision)
+ def comparable(self, other):
+ return == and \
+ alltrue(map(lambda x, y : x.comparable(y),
+ self.dist,
+ other.dist))
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return alltrue(map(lambda x, y : x == y, self.dist, other.dist))
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ if issequence(self.dist) and issequence(other.dist):
+ for sd,od in zip(self.dist, other.dist):
+ sd -= od
+ else:
+ self.dist -= other.dist
+ return self
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ if issequence(self.dist) and issequence(other.dist):
+ for sd,od in zip(self.dist, other.dist):
+ sd += od
+ else:
+ self.dist += other.dist
+ return self
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return self
+ if issequence(self.dist):
+ for dist in self.dist:
+ dist /= other
+ else:
+ self.dist /= other
+ return self
+class Vector2d(Statistic):
+ def getValue(self):
+ return 0.0
+ def display(self):
+ import display
+ if not display.all and not (self.flags & flags.printable):
+ return
+ d = display.VectorDisplay()
+ d.__dict__.update(self.__dict__)
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('ysubnames'):
+ ysubnames = list(self.ysubnames)
+ slack = self.x - len(ysubnames)
+ if slack > 0:
+ ysubnames.extend(['']*slack)
+ else:
+ ysubnames = range(self.x)
+ for x,sname in enumerate(ysubnames):
+ o = x * self.y
+ d.value = self.value[o:o+self.y]
+ = '%s[%s]' % (, sname)
+ d.display()
+ if self.flags &
+ d.value = []
+ for y in range(self.y):
+ xtot = 0.0
+ for x in range(self.x):
+ xtot += self.value[y + x * self.x]
+ d.value.append(xtot)
+ = + '.total'
+ d.display()
+ def comparable(self, other):
+ return == and self.x == other.x and \
+ self.y == other.y
+ def __eq__(self, other):
+ return True
+ def __isub__(self, other):
+ return self
+ def __iadd__(self, other):
+ return self
+ def __itruediv__(self, other):
+ if not other:
+ return self
+ return self
+def NewStat(data):
+ stat = None
+ if data.type == 'SCALAR':
+ stat = Scalar(data)
+ elif data.type == 'VECTOR':
+ stat = Vector(data)
+ elif data.type == 'DIST':
+ stat = Dist(data)
+ elif data.type == 'VECTORDIST':
+ stat = VectorDist(data)
+ elif data.type == 'VECTOR2D':
+ stat = Vector2d(data)
+ elif data.type == 'FORMULA':
+ stat = Formula(data)
+ return stat
diff --git a/util/stats/ b/util/stats/
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f4492cd2b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+all = False
+descriptions = False
+class Value:
+ def __init__(self, value, precision, percent = False):
+ self.value = value
+ self.precision = precision
+ self.percent = percent
+ def __str__(self):
+ if isinstance(self.value, str):
+ if self.value.lower() == 'nan':
+ value = 'NaN'
+ if self.value.lower() == 'inf':
+ value = 'Inf'
+ else:
+ if self.precision >= 0:
+ format = "%%.%df" % self.precision
+ elif self.value == 0.0:
+ format = "%.0f"
+ elif self.value % 1.0 == 0.0:
+ format = "%.0f"
+ else:
+ format = "%f"
+ value = self.value
+ if self.percent:
+ value = value * 100.0
+ value = format % value
+ if self.percent:
+ value = value + "%"
+ return value
+class Print:
+ def __init__(self, **vals):
+ self.__dict__.update(vals)
+ def __str__(self):
+ value = Value(self.value, self.precision)
+ pdf = ''
+ cdf = ''
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('pdf'):
+ pdf = Value(self.pdf, 2, True)
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('cdf'):
+ cdf = Value(self.cdf, 2, True)
+ output = "%-40s %12s %8s %8s" % (, value, pdf, cdf)
+ if descriptions and self.__dict__.has_key('desc') and self.desc:
+ output = "%s # %s" % (output, self.desc)
+ return output
+ def doprint(self):
+ if display_all:
+ return True
+ if self.value == 0.0 and (self.flags & flags_nozero):
+ return False
+ if isinstance(self.value, str):
+ if self.value == 'NaN' and (self.flags & flags_nonan):
+ return False
+ return True
+ def display(self):
+ if self.doprint():
+ print self
+class VectorDisplay:
+ def display(self):
+ p = Print()
+ p.flags = self.flags
+ p.precision = self.precision
+ if issequence(self.value):
+ if not len(self.value):
+ return
+ mytotal = reduce(lambda x,y: float(x) + float(y), self.value)
+ mycdf = 0.0
+ value = self.value
+ if display_all:
+ subnames = [ '[%d]' % i for i in range(len(value)) ]
+ else:
+ subnames = [''] * len(value)
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('subnames'):
+ for i,each in enumerate(self.subnames):
+ if len(each) > 0:
+ subnames[i] = '.%s' % each
+ subdescs = [self.desc]*len(value)
+ if self.__dict__.has_key('subdescs'):
+ for i in xrange(min(len(value), len(self.subdescs))):
+ subdescs[i] = self.subdescs[i]
+ for val,sname,sdesc in map(None, value, subnames, subdescs):
+ if mytotal > 0.0:
+ mypdf = float(val) / float(mytotal)
+ mycdf += mypdf
+ if (self.flags & flags_pdf):
+ p.pdf = mypdf
+ p.cdf = mycdf
+ if len(sname) == 0:
+ continue
+ = + sname
+ p.desc = sdesc
+ p.value = val
+ p.display()
+ if (self.flags & flags_total):
+ if (p.__dict__.has_key('pdf')): del p.__dict__['pdf']
+ if (p.__dict__.has_key('cdf')): del p.__dict__['cdf']
+ = + '.total'
+ p.desc = self.desc
+ p.value = mytotal
+ p.display()
+ else:
+ =
+ p.desc = self.desc
+ p.value = self.value
+ p.display()
diff --git a/util/stats/ b/util/stats/
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..1d521fd9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/stats/
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+from __future__ import division
+import re, sys
+def usage():
+ print '''\
+Usage: %s [-E] [-F] [-d <db> ] [-g <get> ] [-h <host>] [-p]
+ [-s <system>] [-r <runs> ] [-u <username>] <command> [command args]
+''' % sys.argv[0]
+ sys.exit(1)
+def getopts(list, flags):
+ import getopt
+ try:
+ opts, args = getopt.getopt(list, flags)
+ except getopt.GetoptError:
+ usage()
+ return opts, args
+def printval(name, value, invert = False):
+ if invert and value != 0.0:
+ value = 1 / value
+ if value == (1e300*1e300):
+ return
+ if printval.mode == 'G':
+ print '%s: %g' % (name, value)
+ elif printval.mode != 'F' and value > 1e6:
+ print '%s: %0.5e' % (name, value)
+ else:
+ print '%s: %f' % (name, value)
+printval.mode = 'G'
+def unique(list):
+ set = {}
+ map(set.__setitem__, list, [])
+ return set.keys()
+def graphdata(runs, tag, label, value):
+ import info
+ configs = ['std', 'csa', 'ht1', 'ht4', 'htx', 'ocm', 'occ', 'ocp' ]
+ benchmarks = [ 'm', 's' ]
+ dmas = [ 'x', 'd', 'b' ]
+ caches = [ '1', '2', '3', '4', '5' ]
+ systems = [ 'M' ]
+ checkpoints = [ '1' ]
+ names = []
+ for bench in benchmarks:
+ for dma in dmas:
+ for cache in caches:
+ for sys in systems:
+ for cpt in checkpoints:
+ names.append([bench, dma, cache, sys, cpt])
+ for bench,dma,cache,sys,cpt in names:
+ base = '%s.%s.%s.%s.%s' % (bench, dma, cache, sys, cpt)
+ fname = '/n/ziff/z/binkertn/graph/' % (tag, base)
+ f = open(fname, 'w')
+ print >>f, '#set TITLE = %s' % base
+ print >>f, '#set xlbl = Configuration'
+ print >>f, '#set ylbl = %s' % label
+ print >>f, '#set sublabels = %s' % ' '.join(configs)
+ for speed,freq in zip(['s', 'q'],['4GHz','10GHz']):
+ print >>f, '"%s"' % freq,
+ for conf in configs:
+ name = '%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s.%s' % (conf, bench, dma, speed,
+ cache, sys, cpt)
+ run = info.source.allRunNames[name]
+ info.display_run =;
+ val = float(value)
+ if val == 1e300*1e300:
+ print >>f, 0.0,
+ else:
+ print >>f, "%f" % val,
+ print >>f
+ f.close()
+def printdata(runs, value, invert = False):
+ import info
+ for run in runs:
+ info.display_run =;
+ val = float(value)
+ printval(, val)
+class CommandException(Exception):
+ pass
+def commands(options, command, args):
+ if command == 'database':
+ if len(args) == 0: raise CommandException
+ import dbinit
+ mydb = dbinit.MyDB(options)
+ if args[0] == 'drop':
+ if len(args) > 2: raise CommandException
+ mydb.admin()
+ mydb.drop()
+ if len(args) == 2 and args[1] == 'init':
+ mydb.create()
+ mydb.connect()
+ mydb.populate()
+ mydb.close()
+ return
+ if args[0] == 'init':
+ if len(args) > 1: raise CommandException
+ mydb.admin()
+ mydb.create()
+ mydb.connect()
+ mydb.populate()
+ mydb.close()
+ return
+ if args[0] == 'clean':
+ if len(args) > 1: raise CommandException
+ mydb.connect()
+ mydb.clean()
+ return
+ raise CommandException
+ import db, info
+ info.source = db.Database()
+ =
+ info.source.db = options.db
+ info.source.passwd = options.passwd
+ info.source.user = options.user
+ info.source.connect()
+ info.source.update_dict(globals())
+ system = info.source.__dict__[options.system]
+ if type(options.get) is str:
+ info.source.get = options.get
+ if options.runs is None:
+ runs = info.source.allRuns
+ else:
+ rx = re.compile(options.runs)
+ runs = []
+ for run in info.source.allRuns:
+ if rx.match(
+ runs.append(run)
+ info.display_run = runs[0].run
+ if command == 'runs':
+ user = None
+ opts, args = getopts(args, '-u')
+ if len(args):
+ raise CommandException
+ for o,a in opts:
+ if o == '-u':
+ user = a
+ info.source.listRuns(user)
+ return
+ if command == 'stats':
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ info.source.listStats()
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ info.source.listStats(args[0])
+ else:
+ raise CommandException
+ return
+ if command == 'stat':
+ if len(args) != 1:
+ raise CommandException
+ stats = info.source.getStat(args[0])
+ for stat in stats:
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs,,, stat)
+ else:
+ print
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ return
+ if command == 'bins':
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ info.source.listBins()
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ info.source.listBins(args[0])
+ else:
+ raise CommandException
+ return
+ if command == 'formulas':
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ info.source.listFormulas()
+ elif len(args) == 1:
+ info.source.listFormulas(args[0])
+ else:
+ raise CommandException
+ return
+ if command == 'samples':
+ if len(args):
+ raise CommandException
+ info.source.listTicks(runs)
+ return
+ if len(args):
+ raise CommandException
+ if command == 'usertime':
+ import copy
+ kernel = copy.copy(system.full_cpu.numCycles)
+ kernel.bins = 'kernel'
+ user = copy.copy(system.full_cpu.numCycles)
+ user.bins = 'user'
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'usertime', 'User Fraction',
+ user / system.full_cpu.numCycles)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, user / system.full_cpu.numCycles)
+ return
+ if command == 'ticks':
+ if binned:
+ print 'kernel ticks'
+ system.full_cpu.numCycles.bins = 'kernel'
+ printdata(runs, system.full_cpu.numCycles)
+ print 'idle ticks'
+ system.full_cpu.numCycles.bins = 'idle'
+ printdata(runs, system.full_cpu.numCycles)
+ print 'user ticks'
+ system.full_cpu.numCycles.bins = 'user'
+ printdata(runs, system.full_cpu.numCycles)
+ print 'total ticks'
+ system.full_cpu.numCycles.bins = None
+ printdata(runs, system.full_cpu.numCycles)
+ return
+ if command == 'packets':
+ packets = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxPackets
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'packets', 'Packets', packets)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, packets)
+ return
+ if command == 'ppt' or command == 'tpp':
+ ppt = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxPackets / sim_ticks
+ printdata(runs, ppt, command == 'tpp')
+ return
+ if command == 'pps':
+ pps = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxPackets / sim_seconds
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'pps', 'Packets/s', pps)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, pps)
+ return
+ if command == 'bpt' or command == 'tpb':
+ bytes = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxBytes + system.tsunami.nsgige.txBytes
+ bpt = bytes / sim_ticks * 8
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'bpt', 'bps / Hz', bpt)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, bpt, command == 'tpb')
+ return
+ if command == 'bptb' or command == 'tpbb':
+ bytes = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxBytes + system.tsunami.nsgige.txBytes
+ print 'kernel stats'
+ bytes.bins = 'kernel'
+ printdata(runs, bytes / ticks)
+ print 'idle stats'
+ bytes.bins = 'idle'
+ printdata(runs, bytes / ticks)
+ print 'user stats'
+ bytes.bins = 'user'
+ printdata(runs, bytes / ticks)
+ return
+ if command == 'bytes':
+ stat = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxBytes + system.tsunami.nsgige.txBytes
+ if binned:
+ print '%s kernel stats' %
+ stat.bins = 'kernel'
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ print '%s idle stats' %
+ stat.bins = 'idle'
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ print '%s user stats' %
+ stat.bins = 'user'
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ print '%s total stats' %
+ stat.bins = None
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ return
+ if command == 'rxbps':
+ gbps = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxBandwidth / 1e9
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'rxbps', 'Bandwidth (Gbps)', gbps)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, gbps)
+ return
+ if command == 'txbps':
+ gbps = system.tsunami.nsgige.txBandwidth / 1e9
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'txbps', 'Bandwidth (Gbps)', gbps)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, gbps)
+ return
+ if command == 'bps':
+ rxbps = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxBandwidth
+ txbps = system.tsunami.nsgige.txBandwidth
+ gbps = (rxbps + txbps) / 1e9
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'bps', 'Bandwidth (Gbps)', gbps)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, gbps)
+ return
+ if command == 'misses':
+ stat = system.L3.overall_mshr_misses
+ if binned:
+ print '%s kernel stats' %
+ stat.bins = 'kernel'
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ print '%s idle stats' %
+ stat.bins = 'idle'
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ print '%s user stats' %
+ stat.bins = 'user'
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ print '%s total stats' %
+ stat.bins = None
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'misses', 'Overall MSHR Misses', stat)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, stat)
+ return
+ if command == 'mpkb':
+ misses = system.L3.overall_mshr_misses
+ rxbytes = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxBytes
+ txbytes = system.tsunami.nsgige.txBytes
+ if binned:
+ print 'mpkb kernel stats'
+ misses.bins = 'kernel'
+ mpkb = misses / ((rxbytes + txbytes) / 1024)
+ printdata(runs, mpkb)
+ print 'mpkb idle stats'
+ misses.bins = 'idle'
+ mpkb = misses / ((rxbytes + txbytes) / 1024)
+ printdata(runs, mpkb)
+ print 'mpkb user stats'
+ misses.bins = 'user'
+ mpkb = misses / ((rxbytes + txbytes) / 1024)
+ printdata(runs, mpkb)
+ print 'mpkb total stats'
+ mpkb = misses / ((rxbytes + txbytes) / 1024)
+ misses.bins = None
+ if graph:
+ graphdata(runs, 'mpkb', 'Misses / KB', mpkb)
+ else:
+ printdata(runs, mpkb)
+ return
+ if command == 'execute':
+ printdata(runs, system.full_cpu.ISSUE__count)
+ return
+ if command == 'commit':
+ printdata(runs, system.full_cpu.COM__count)
+ return
+ if command == 'fetch':
+ printdata(runs, system.full_cpu.FETCH__count)
+ return
+ if command == 'rxbpp':
+ bpp = system.tsunami.nsgige.rxBytes / system.tsunami.nsgige.rxPackets
+ printdata(run, 8 * bpp)
+ return
+ if command == 'txbpp':
+ bpp = system.tsunami.nsgige.txBytes / system.tsunami.nsgige.txPackets
+ printdata(run, 8 * bpp)
+ return
+ raise CommandException
+graph = False
+binned = False
+class Options: pass
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ import getpass
+ options = Options()
+ = 'zizzer.pool'
+ options.db = None
+ options.passwd = ''
+ options.user = getpass.getuser()
+ options.runs = None
+ options.system = 'client'
+ options.get = None
+ opts, args = getopts(sys.argv[1:], '-BEFGd:g:h:pr:s:u:')
+ for o,a in opts:
+ if o == '-B':
+ options.binned = True
+ if o == '-E':
+ printval.mode = 'E'
+ if o == '-F':
+ printval.mode = 'F'
+ if o == '-G':
+ options.graph = True;
+ if o == '-d':
+ options.db = a
+ if o == '-g':
+ options.get = a
+ if o == '-h':
+ = a
+ if o == '-p':
+ options.passwd = getpass.getpass()
+ if o == '-r':
+ options.runs = a
+ if o == '-u':
+ options.user = a
+ if o == '-s':
+ options.system = a
+ if len(args) == 0:
+ usage()
+ command = args[0]
+ args = args[1:]
+ try:
+ commands(options, command, args)
+ except CommandException:
+ usage()