path: root/src/dev/net/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2016-10-26dev: Add m5 op to toggle synchronization for dist-gem5.Michael LeBeane
This patch adds the ability for an application to request dist-gem5 to begin/ end synchronization using an m5 op. When toggling on sync, all nodes agree on the next sync point based on the maximum of all nodes' ticks. CPUs are suspended until the sync point to avoid sending network messages until sync has been enabled. Toggling off sync acts like a global execution barrier, where all CPUs are disabled until every node reaches the toggle off point. This avoids tricky situations such as one node hitting a toggle off followed by a toggle on before the other nodes hit the first toggle off.
2016-10-26dev: Add 'simLength' parameter in EthPacketDatamlebeane
Currently, all the network devices create a 16K buffer for the 'data' field in EthPacketData, and use 'length' to keep track of the size of the packet in the buffer. This patch introduces the 'simLength' parameter to EthPacketData, which is used to hold the effective length of the packet used for all timing calulations in the simulator. Serialization is performed using only the useful data in the packet ('length') and not necessarily the entire original buffer.
2016-09-13dev: Exit correctly in dist-gem5Michael LeBeane
The receiver thread in dist_iface is allowed to directly exit the simulation. This can cause exit to be called twice if the main thread simultaneously wants to exit the simulation. Therefore, have the receiver thread enqueue a request to exit on the primary event queue for the main simulation thread to handle.
2016-01-07dev: Distributed Ethernet link for distributed gem5 simulationsGabor Dozsa
Distributed gem5 (abbreviated dist-gem5) is the result of the convergence effort between multi-gem5 and pd-gem5 (from Univ. of Wisconsin). It relies on the base multi-gem5 infrastructure for packet forwarding, synchronisation and checkpointing but combines those with the elaborated network switch model from pd-gem5. --HG-- rename : src/dev/net/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/net/multi_etherlink.hh => src/dev/net/dist_etherlink.hh rename : src/dev/net/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/net/multi_iface.hh => src/dev/net/dist_iface.hh rename : src/dev/net/multi_packet.hh => src/dev/net/dist_packet.hh
2015-12-10dev: Move network devices to src/dev/net/Andreas Sandberg
--HG-- rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/etherbus.hh => src/dev/net/etherbus.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/etherdevice.hh => src/dev/net/etherdevice.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/etherdump.hh => src/dev/net/etherdump.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/etherint.hh => src/dev/net/etherint.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/etherlink.hh => src/dev/net/etherlink.hh rename : src/dev/etherobject.hh => src/dev/net/etherobject.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/etherpkt.hh => src/dev/net/etherpkt.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/ethertap.hh => src/dev/net/ethertap.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/i8254xGBe.hh => src/dev/net/i8254xGBe.hh rename : src/dev/i8254xGBe_defs.hh => src/dev/net/i8254xGBe_defs.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/multi_etherlink.hh => src/dev/net/multi_etherlink.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/multi_iface.hh => src/dev/net/multi_iface.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/multi_packet.hh => src/dev/net/multi_packet.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/ns_gige.hh => src/dev/net/ns_gige.hh rename : src/dev/ns_gige_reg.h => src/dev/net/ns_gige_reg.h rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/pktfifo.hh => src/dev/net/pktfifo.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/sinic.hh => src/dev/net/sinic.hh rename : src/dev/sinicreg.hh => src/dev/net/sinicreg.hh rename : src/dev/ => src/dev/net/ rename : src/dev/tcp_iface.hh => src/dev/net/tcp_iface.hh