path: root/src/mem/slicc/ast/
AgeCommit message (Collapse)Author
2011-03-18SLICC: Remove the keyword wake_up_all_dependentsNilay Vaish
In order to add stall and wait facility for protocols, a keyword wake_up_all_dependents was introduced. This patch removes the keyword, instead this functionality is now implemented as function call.
2011-02-06ruby: support to stallAndWait the mandatory queueBrad Beckmann
By stalling and waiting the mandatory queue instead of recycling it, one can ensure that no incoming messages are starved when the mandatory queue puts signficant of pressure on the L1 cache controller (i.e. the ruby memtester). --HG-- rename : src/mem/slicc/ast/ => src/mem/slicc/ast/