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authorSebastian Rasmussen <>2012-02-02 01:37:12 +0100
committerRobin Watts <>2012-02-26 19:33:21 +0000
commit2bb18f5bc078ff2715644f74f318837fe320cd7c (patch)
parente08676c9e7036673aebf7617010fecd947ef91f3 (diff)
Document the most commonly used interface functions.
2 files changed, 380 insertions, 9 deletions
diff --git a/fitz/fitz.h b/fitz/fitz.h
index 7a13ef75..fc4bd570 100644
--- a/fitz/fitz.h
+++ b/fitz/fitz.h
@@ -243,9 +243,46 @@ struct fz_context_s
fz_glyph_cache *glyph_cache;
+ fz_new_context: Allocate context containing global state.
+ The global state contains exception stack, resource store,
+ etc. Most functions in MuPDF take a context argument to be
+ able to reference the global state.
+ alloc: Supply a custom memory allocator through a set of
+ function pointers. Set to NULL for the standard library
+ allocator. The context will keep the allocator pointer, so it
+ must not be modified or freed during the lifetime of the
+ context.
+ locks: Supply a set of locks and functions to lock/unlock
+ them, intended for multi-threaded environment. Set to NULL
+ when using MuPDF in a single-threaded environment. The context
+ will keep the locks pointer, so it must not be modified or
+ freed during the lifetime of the context.
+ max_store: Maximum size in bytes of the resource store, before
+ it will start evicting cached resources such as fonts and
+ images. FZ_STORE_UNLIMITED can be used to not set a hard
+ upper limit. Use FZ_STORE_DEFAULT to get a reasonable size.
+ Does not throw exceptions, but may return NULL.
fz_context *fz_new_context(fz_alloc_context *alloc, fz_locks_context *locks, unsigned int max_store);
fz_context *fz_clone_context(fz_context *ctx);
fz_context *fz_clone_context_internal(fz_context *ctx);
+ fz_free_context: Frees a context and its global state.
+ The context and all of its global state is freed, and any
+ cached warnings are flushed. If NULL is passed in nothing will
+ happen.
+ Does not throw exceptions.
void fz_free_context(fz_context *ctx);
void fz_new_aa_context(fz_context *ctx);
@@ -457,19 +494,54 @@ struct fz_bbox_s
int x1, y1;
+ fz_identity: Identity transform matrix.
extern const fz_matrix fz_identity;
-fz_matrix fz_concat(fz_matrix one, fz_matrix two);
+ fz_concat: Multiply two matrices.
+ The order of the two matrices are important since matrix
+ multiplication is not commutative.
+fz_matrix fz_concat(fz_matrix left, fz_matrix right);
+ fz_scale: Create a scaling matrix.
+ sx, sy: Scaling factors along the X- and Y-axes. A scaling
+ factor of 1.0 will not cause any scaling along that relevant
+ axis.
fz_matrix fz_scale(float sx, float sy);
fz_matrix fz_shear(float sx, float sy);
-fz_matrix fz_rotate(float theta);
+ fz_rotate: Create a rotation matrix.
+fz_matrix fz_rotate(float degrees);
fz_matrix fz_translate(float tx, float ty);
fz_matrix fz_invert_matrix(fz_matrix m);
int fz_is_rectilinear(fz_matrix m);
float fz_matrix_expansion(fz_matrix m);
float fz_matrix_max_expansion(fz_matrix m);
-fz_bbox fz_round_rect(fz_rect r);
+ fz_round_rect: Convert a rect into a bounding box.
+ Coordinates in a bounding box are integers, so rounding of the
+ rects coordinates takes place. The top left corner is rounded
+ upwards and left while the bottom right corner is rounded
+ downwards and to the right. There are no overflows, instead
+ the coordinates will be clamped to INT_MIN/INT_MAX.
+ rect: The rect to be converted.
+fz_bbox fz_round_rect(fz_rect rect);
fz_bbox fz_intersect_bbox(fz_bbox a, fz_bbox b);
fz_rect fz_intersect_rect(fz_rect a, fz_rect b);
fz_bbox fz_union_bbox(fz_bbox a, fz_bbox b);
@@ -477,7 +549,19 @@ fz_rect fz_union_rect(fz_rect a, fz_rect b);
fz_point fz_transform_point(fz_matrix m, fz_point p);
fz_point fz_transform_vector(fz_matrix m, fz_point p);
-fz_rect fz_transform_rect(fz_matrix m, fz_rect r);
+ fz_transform_rect: Apply a transformation to a rect.
+ transform: Transformation matrix to apply. See fz_concat,
+ fz_scale and fz_rotate of how to create a matrix.
+ rect: The rect to be transformed. The two degenerate cases see
+ fz_empty_rect and fz_infinite_rect, may be used but the
+ resulting rect will be identical.
+fz_rect fz_transform_rect(fz_matrix transform, fz_rect rect);
fz_bbox fz_transform_bbox(fz_matrix m, fz_bbox b);
void fz_gridfit_matrix(fz_matrix *m);
@@ -752,11 +836,47 @@ struct fz_stream_s
unsigned char buf[4096];
-fz_stream *fz_open_fd(fz_context *ctx, int file);
+ fz_open_file: Open a named file and wrap it in a stream.
+ The stream is reference counted.
+ filename: Path to a file as it would be given to open(2).
fz_stream *fz_open_file(fz_context *ctx, const char *filename);
-fz_stream *fz_open_file_w(fz_context *ctx, const wchar_t *filename); /* only on win32 */
+ fz_open_file_w: Open a named file and wrap it in a stream.
+ This function is only available when compiling for Win32. The
+ stream is reference counted.
+ filename: Wide character path to the file as it would be given
+ to _wopen().
+fz_stream *fz_open_file_w(fz_context *ctx, const wchar_t *filename);
+ fz_open_fd: Wrap an open file descriptor in a stream.
+ file: An open file descriptor supporting bidirectional
+ seeking. The stream will take ownership of the file
+ descriptor, so it may not be modified or closed after the call
+ to fz_open_fd. When the stream is closed it will also close
+ the file descriptor.
+fz_stream *fz_open_fd(fz_context *ctx, int file);
fz_stream *fz_open_buffer(fz_context *ctx, fz_buffer *buf);
fz_stream *fz_open_memory(fz_context *ctx, unsigned char *data, int len);
+ fz_close: Close an open stream.
+ Drops a reference for the stream. Once no references remain
+ the stream will be closed, as will any file descriptor the
+ stream is using.
void fz_close(fz_stream *stm);
void fz_lock_stream(fz_stream *stm);
@@ -904,14 +1024,52 @@ struct fz_pixmap_s
fz_bbox fz_bound_pixmap(fz_pixmap *pix);
fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap_with_data(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *colorspace, int w, int h, unsigned char *samples);
+ fz_new_pixmap_with_rect: Create a pixmap of a given size and
+ format.
+ The bounding box specifies the size of the created pixmap and
+ where it will be located. The colorspace determines the number
+ of components per pixel, exluding alpha which is always
+ present. Pixmaps are reference counted, so drop references
+ using fz_drop_pixmap.
+ colorspace: Colorspace format used for the created pixmap. The
+ pixmap will keep a reference to the colorspace.
+ bbox: Bounding box specifcying location/size of created
+ pixmap.
fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap_with_rect(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *, fz_bbox bbox);
fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap_with_rect_and_data(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *, fz_bbox bbox, unsigned char *samples);
fz_pixmap *fz_new_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_colorspace *, int w, int h);
fz_pixmap *fz_keep_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);
+ fz_drop_pixmap: Drop a reference and free a pixmap.
+ pix: Pixmap whose reference count will be decremented. If no
+ reference remain the pixmap will also be freed.
void fz_drop_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);
void fz_free_pixmap_imp(fz_context *ctx, fz_storable *pix);
void fz_clear_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);
+ fz_clear_pixmap_with_value: Clears a pixmap with the given value
+ pix: Pixmap obtained from fz_new_pixmap*.
+ value: Values in the range 0 to 255 are accepted (higher
+ values get truncated). Each component sample for each pixel in
+ the pixmap will be set to this value, while alpha will always
+ be set to 255 (non-transparent).
void fz_clear_pixmap_with_value(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix, int value);
void fz_clear_pixmap_rect_with_value(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix, int value, fz_bbox r);
void fz_copy_pixmap_rect(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *dest, fz_pixmap *src, fz_bbox r);
void fz_premultiply_pixmap(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *pix);
@@ -1375,11 +1533,25 @@ void fz_begin_tile(fz_device *dev, fz_rect area, fz_rect view, float xstep, floa
void fz_end_tile(fz_device *dev);
fz_device *fz_new_device(fz_context *ctx, void *user);
+ fz_free_device: Free a devices of any type and its resources.
void fz_free_device(fz_device *dev);
fz_device *fz_new_trace_device(fz_context *ctx);
fz_device *fz_new_bbox_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_bbox *bboxp);
+ fz_new_draw_device: Create a device drawing on a pixmap.
+ dest: Target pixmap for the draw device. See fz_new_pixmap*
+ for how to obtain a pixmap. The pixmap is not cleared by the
+ draw device, see fz_clear_pixmap* for how to clear it prior to
+ calling fz_new_draw_device.
fz_device *fz_new_draw_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *dest);
fz_device *fz_new_draw_device_type3(fz_context *ctx, fz_pixmap *dest);
@@ -1419,6 +1591,40 @@ fz_device *fz_new_text_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_text_span *text);
typedef struct fz_cookie_s fz_cookie;
+ Provide two-way communication between application and library.
+ Intended for multi-threaded applications where one thread is
+ rendering pages and another thread wants read progress
+ feedback or abort a job that takes a long time to finish. The
+ communication is unsynchronized without locking.
+ abort: The appliation should set this field to 0 before
+ calling fz_run_page to render a page. At any point when the
+ page is being rendered the application my set this field to 1
+ which will cause the rendering to finish soon. This field is
+ checked periodically when the page is rendered, but exactly
+ when is not known, therefore there is no upper bound on
+ exactly when the the rendering will abort. If the application
+ did not provide a set of locks to fz_new_context, it must also
+ await the completion of fz_run_page before issuing another
+ call to fz_run_page. Note that once the application has set
+ this field to 1 after it called fz_run_page it may not change
+ the value again.
+ progress: Communicates rendering progress back to the
+ application and is read only. Increments as a page is being
+ rendered. The value starts out at 0 and is limited to less
+ than or equal to progress_max, unless progress_max is -1.
+ progress_max: Communicates known upper bound of rendering back
+ to the application and is read only. Maximum value that the
+ progress field may take. If there is no known upper bound on
+ how long the rendering may take this value is -1 and
+ progress is not limited. Note that the value of progress_max
+ may change from -1 to a positive value once an upper bound is
+ known, so take this into consideration when comparing the
+ value of progress to that of progress_max.
struct fz_cookie_s
int abort;
@@ -1432,12 +1638,38 @@ struct fz_cookie_s
typedef struct fz_display_list_s fz_display_list;
+ fz_new_display_list: Create an empty display list.
+ A display list contains a page's objects (text, images, etc.)
+ in drawing order. Use fz_new_list_device for populating the list.
fz_display_list *fz_new_display_list(fz_context *ctx);
-void fz_free_display_list(fz_context *ctx, fz_display_list *list);
+ fz_new_list_device: Create a rendering device for a display list.
+ When the device is rendering a page it will populate the
+ display list with the page's objects (text, images, etc.) in
+ drawing order. The display list can later be reused to render
+ a page many times without having to re-interpret the page from
+ the document file for each rendering.
+ list: A display list that the list device takes ownership of.
fz_device *fz_new_list_device(fz_context *ctx, fz_display_list *list);
void fz_run_display_list(fz_display_list *list, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm, fz_bbox area, fz_cookie *cookie);
+ fz_free_display_list: Frees a display list.
+ list: Display list to be freed. Any objects put into the
+ display list by a list device will also be freed.
+void fz_free_display_list(fz_context *ctx, fz_display_list *list);
* Plotting functions.
@@ -1599,8 +1831,27 @@ struct fz_document_s
void (*free_page)(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page);
+ fz_open_document: Open a PDF, XPS or CBZ document.
+ Open a document file and read its basic structure so pages and
+ objects can be located. MuPDF will try to repair broken
+ documents (without actually changing the file contents).
+ The returned fz_document sould be provided when calling most
+ other fz_* functions. Note that it wraps the context, so those
+ functions implicitly can access the global state in context.
+ filename: a path to a file as it would be given to open(2).
fz_document *fz_open_document(fz_context *ctx, char *filename);
+ fz_close_document: Closes and frees an opened document.
+ The resource store in the context associated with fz_document
+ is emptied, and any allocations for the document are freed.
void fz_close_document(fz_document *doc);
int fz_needs_password(fz_document *doc);
@@ -1608,11 +1859,65 @@ int fz_authenticate_password(fz_document *doc, char *password);
fz_outline *fz_load_outline(fz_document *doc);
+ fz_count_pages: Return number of pages in document
+ May return 0 for documents without any pages at all.
int fz_count_pages(fz_document *doc);
+ fz_load_page: Load a page and its resources.
+ Locates the page number in an open document and loads the page
+ and its resources. After fz_load_page is it possible to
+ retrieve the size of the page using fz_bound_page, or to
+ render the page using fz_run_page_*.
+ number: page number, 0 is the first page of the document.
fz_page *fz_load_page(fz_document *doc, int number);
fz_link *fz_load_links(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page);
+ fz_bound_page: Determine the size of a page.
+ Determine the page size in user space units, taking page
+ rotation into account. The page size is taken to be the crop
+ box if it exists (visible area after cropping), otherwise the
+ media box will be used (possibly including printing marks).
fz_rect fz_bound_page(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page);
+ fz_run_page: Run a page through a device.
+ page: Page obtained from fz_load_page.
+ dev: Device obtained from fz_new_*_device.
+ transform: Transform to apply to page. May include for example
+ scaling and rotation, see fz_scale, fz_rotate and fz_concat.
+ Set to fz_identity if no transformation is desired.
+ cookie: Communication mechanism between caller and library
+ rendering the page. Intended for multi-threaded environments,
+ while single-threaded environments set cookie to NULL. The
+ caller may abort an ongoing rendering of a page. Cookie also
+ communicates progress information back to the caller. The
+ fields inside cookie are continually updated while the page is
+ rendering.
void fz_run_page(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix transform, fz_cookie *cookie);
+ fz_free_page: Free a loaded page.
+ page: A loaded page to be freed. Its own references to
+ resources are dropped, the resources themselves may still be
+ refered to by the resource store in the context.
void fz_free_page(fz_document *doc, fz_page *page);
diff --git a/pdf/mupdf.h b/pdf/mupdf.h
index 15a96541..f35d4d59 100644
--- a/pdf/mupdf.h
+++ b/pdf/mupdf.h
@@ -217,8 +217,39 @@ fz_stream *pdf_open_stream(pdf_document *doc, int num, int gen);
fz_stream *pdf_open_stream_with_offset(pdf_document *doc, int num, int gen, fz_obj *dict, int stm_ofs);
fz_stream *pdf_open_image_decomp_stream(fz_context *ctx, fz_buffer *, pdf_image_params *params, int *factor);
-pdf_document *pdf_open_document_with_stream(fz_stream *file);
+ pdf_open_document: Open a PDF document.
+ Open a PDF document by reading its cross reference table, so MuPDF
+ can locate PDF objects inside the file. Upon an broken cross
+ reference table or other parse errors MuPDF will restart parsing
+ the file from the beginning to try to rebuild a (hopefully correct)
+ cross reference table to allow further processing of the file.
+ The returned pdf_document should be used when calling most other
+ PDF functions. Note that it wraps the context, so those functions
+ implicitly get access to the global state in context.
+ filename: a path to a file as it would be given to open(2).
pdf_document *pdf_open_document(fz_context *ctx, const char *filename);
+ pdf_open_document_with_stream: Opens a PDF document.
+ Same as pdf_open_document, but takes a stream instead of a filename
+ to locate the PDF document to open. Increments the reference count
+ of the stream. See fz_open_file, fz_open_file_w or fz_open_fd for
+ opening a stream, and fz_close for closing an open stream.
+pdf_document *pdf_open_document_with_stream(fz_stream *file);
+ pdf_close_document: Closes and frees an opened PDF document.
+ The resource store in the context associated with pdf_document is
+ emptied.
void pdf_close_document(pdf_document *doc);
/* private */
@@ -566,17 +597,52 @@ struct pdf_page_s
int pdf_find_page_number(pdf_document *doc, fz_obj *pageobj);
int pdf_count_pages(pdf_document *doc);
+ pdf_load_page: Load a page and its resources.
+ Locates the page in the PDF document and loads the page and its
+ resources. After pdf_load_page is it possible to retrieve the size
+ of the page using pdf_bound_page, or to render the page using
+ pdf_run_page_*.
+ number: page number, where 0 is the first page of the document.
pdf_page *pdf_load_page(pdf_document *doc, int number);
fz_link *pdf_load_links(pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page);
+ pdf_bound_page: Determine the size of a page.
+ Determine the page size in user space units, taking page rotation
+ into account. The page size is taken to be the crop box if it
+ exists (visible area after cropping), otherwise the media box will
+ be used (possibly including printing marks).
fz_rect pdf_bound_page(pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page);
+ pdf_free_page: Frees a page and its resources.
void pdf_free_page(pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page);
* Content stream parsing
-void pdf_run_page_with_usage(pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm, char *event, fz_cookie *cookie);
+ pdf_run_page: Interpret a loaded page and render it on a device.
+ page: A page loaded by pdf_load_page.
+ dev: Device used for rendering, obtained from fz_new_*_device.
+ ctm: A transformation matrix applied to the objects on the page,
+ e.g. to scale or rotate the page contents as desired.
void pdf_run_page(pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm, fz_cookie *cookie);
+void pdf_run_page_with_usage(pdf_document *doc, pdf_page *page, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm, char *event, fz_cookie *cookie);
void pdf_run_glyph(pdf_document *doc, fz_obj *resources, fz_buffer *contents, fz_device *dev, fz_matrix ctm, void *gstate);