path: root/filter/dcte.c
diff options
authorTor Andersson <>2005-03-30 08:30:22 +0200
committerTor Andersson <>2005-03-30 08:30:22 +0200
commitee154f16bd09a43359967f7e7b86c3677c09461d (patch)
tree08896cfa9ff55e05bfe7855965c620d45115d4d5 /filter/dcte.c
parent460ad7040d67a4a93a153f98095ff952a2b15d37 (diff)
rename part 1 -- files
Diffstat (limited to 'filter/dcte.c')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 252 deletions
diff --git a/filter/dcte.c b/filter/dcte.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 547721b4..00000000
--- a/filter/dcte.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-#include <fitz.h>
-#include "dctc.h"
-typedef struct fz_dcte_s fz_dcte;
-struct mydstmgr
- struct jpeg_destination_mgr super;
- fz_buffer *buf;
-struct fz_dcte_s
- fz_filter super;
- struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
- struct mydstmgr dst;
- struct myerrmgr err;
- int stage;
- int columns;
- int rows;
- int colors;
-static void myinitdest(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { /* empty */ }
-static boolean myemptybuf(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { return FALSE; }
-static void mytermdest(j_compress_ptr cinfo) { /* empty */ }
-fz_error *
-fz_newdcte(fz_filter **fp, fz_obj *params)
- fz_error *err;
- fz_obj *obj;
- int i;
- FZ_NEWFILTER(fz_dcte, e, dcte);
- e->stage = 0;
- obj = fz_dictgets(params, "Columns");
- if (!obj) { fz_free(e); return fz_throw("ioerror in dcte: missing Columns parameter"); }
- e->columns = fz_toint(obj);
- obj = fz_dictgets(params, "Rows");
- if (!obj) { fz_free(e); return fz_throw("ioerror in dcte: missing Rows parameter"); }
- e->rows = fz_toint(obj);
- obj = fz_dictgets(params, "Colors");
- if (!obj) { fz_free(e); return fz_throw("ioerror in dcte: missing Colors parameter"); }
- e->colors = fz_toint(obj);
- /* setup error callback first thing */
- myiniterr(&e->err);
- e->cinfo.err = (struct jpeg_error_mgr*) &e->err;
- if (setjmp(e->err.jb)) {
- err = fz_throw("ioerror in dcte: %s", e->err.msg);
- fz_free(e);
- return err;
- }
- jpeg_create_compress(&e->cinfo);
- /* prepare destination manager */
- e->cinfo.dest = (struct jpeg_destination_mgr *) &e->dst;
- e->dst.super.init_destination = myinitdest;
- e->dst.super.empty_output_buffer = myemptybuf;
- e->dst.super.term_destination = mytermdest;
- e->dst.super.next_output_byte = nil;
- e->dst.super.free_in_buffer = 0;
- /* prepare required encoding options */
- e->cinfo.image_width = e->columns;
- e->cinfo.image_height = e->rows;
- e->cinfo.input_components = e->colors;
- switch (e->colors) {
- case 1: e->cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_GRAYSCALE; break;
- case 3: e->cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; break;
- case 4: e->cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_CMYK; break;
- default: e->cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_UNKNOWN; break;
- }
- jpeg_set_defaults(&e->cinfo);
- /* FIXME check this */
- obj = fz_dictgets(params, "ColorTransform");
- if (obj) {
- int colortransform = fz_toint(obj);
- if (e->colors == 3 && !colortransform)
- jpeg_set_colorspace(&e->cinfo, JCS_RGB);
- if (e->colors == 4 && colortransform)
- jpeg_set_colorspace(&e->cinfo, JCS_YCCK);
- if (e->colors == 4 && !colortransform)
- jpeg_set_colorspace(&e->cinfo, JCS_CMYK);
- }
- obj = fz_dictgets(params, "HSamples");
- if (obj && fz_isarray(obj)) {
- fz_obj *o;
- for (i = 0; i < e->colors; i++) {
- o = fz_arrayget(obj, i);
- e->cinfo.comp_info[i].h_samp_factor = fz_toint(o);
- }
- }
- obj = fz_dictgets(params, "VSamples");
- if (obj && fz_isarray(obj)) {
- fz_obj *o;
- for (i = 0; i < e->colors; i++) {
- o = fz_arrayget(obj, i);
- e->cinfo.comp_info[i].v_samp_factor = fz_toint(o);
- }
- }
- /* TODO: quant-tables and huffman-tables */
- return nil;
-fz_dropdcte(fz_filter *filter)
- fz_dcte *e = (fz_dcte*)filter;
- if (setjmp(e->err.jb)) {
- fprintf(stderr, "ioerror in dcte: jpeg_destroy_compress: %s", e->err.msg);
- return;
- }
- jpeg_destroy_compress(&e->cinfo);
-/* Adobe says zigzag order. IJG > v6a says natural order. */
-#define unzigzag(x) unzigzagorder[x]
-/* zigzag array position of n'th element of natural array order */
-static const unsigned char unzigzagorder[] =
- 0, 1, 5, 6, 14, 15, 27, 28,
- 2, 4, 7, 13, 16, 26, 29, 42,
- 3, 8, 12, 17, 25, 30, 41, 43,
- 9, 11, 18, 24, 31, 40, 44, 53,
- 10, 19, 23, 32, 39, 45, 52, 54,
- 20, 22, 33, 38, 46, 51, 55, 60,
- 21, 34, 37, 47, 50, 56, 59, 61,
- 35, 36, 48, 49, 57, 58, 62, 63
-#define unzigzag(x) (x)
-fz_error *
-fz_setquanttables(fz_dcte *e, unsigned int **qtables, int qfactor)
- int i, j;
- unsigned int table[64];
- if (setjmp(e->err.jb)) {
- return fz_throw("ioerror in dcte: %s", e->err.msg);
- }
- /* TODO: check for duplicate tables */
- for (i = 0; i < e->colors; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < 64; j++) {
- table[j] = unzigzag(qtables[i][j]);
- }
- jpeg_add_quant_table(&e->cinfo, i, table, qfactor, TRUE);
- e->cinfo.comp_info[i].quant_tbl_no = i;
- }
- return nil;
-fz_error *
-fz_processdcte(fz_filter *filter, fz_buffer *in, fz_buffer *out)
- fz_dcte *e = (fz_dcte*)filter;
- JSAMPROW scanline[1];
- int stride;
- int i;
- e->dst.buf = out;
- e->dst.super.free_in_buffer = out->ep - out->wp;
- e->dst.super.next_output_byte = out->wp;
- if (setjmp(e->err.jb)) {
- return fz_throw("ioerror in dcte: %s", e->err.msg);
- }
- switch (e->stage)
- {
- case 0:
- /* must have enough space for markers, typically 600 bytes or so */
- if (out->wp + 1024 > out->ep)
- goto needoutput;
- jpeg_start_compress(&e->cinfo, TRUE);
- /* TODO: write Adobe ColorTransform marker */
- /* fall through */
- e->stage = 1;
- case 1:
- stride = e->columns * e->colors;
- while (e->cinfo.next_scanline < e->cinfo.image_height)
- {
- if (in->rp + stride > in->wp)
- goto needinput;
- scanline[0] = in->rp;
- i = jpeg_write_scanlines(&e->cinfo, scanline, 1);
- if (i == 0)
- goto needoutput;
- in->rp += stride;
- }
- /* fall through */
- e->stage = 2;
- case 2:
- /* must have enough space for end markers */
- if (out->wp + 100 > out->ep)
- goto needoutput;
- /* finish compress cannot suspend! */
- jpeg_finish_compress(&e->cinfo);
- e->stage = 3;
- out->eof = 1;
- out->wp = out->ep - e->dst.super.free_in_buffer;
- return fz_iodone;
- }
- out->wp = out->ep - e->dst.super.free_in_buffer;
- return fz_ioneedin;
- out->wp = out->ep - e->dst.super.free_in_buffer;
- return fz_ioneedout;