path: root/test/
diff options
authorKrzysztof Kowalczyk <>2008-03-28 05:29:19 +0100
committerKrzysztof Kowalczyk <>2008-03-28 05:29:19 +0100
commitbec4b91f24751be3225b57673c1736a353359a6e (patch)
treef19733d8a80b1e85f496315babf9ca3032308055 /test/
parente0aa0b157db017d14be14f51d917c8ee5749dd75 (diff)
add a script for easy regression testing (runs pdftool draw -m on a list of PDFs accessible via http)
Diffstat (limited to 'test/')
1 files changed, 151 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..70ee5f94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+import sys, os, os.path, urllib2, gzip, bz2, traceback
+# Written by Krzysztof Kowalczyk (
+# This code is in public domain.
+# A regression testing script
+# Given a list of urls to PDF files, it downloads them and runs
+# pdftool draw -m $file-name
+# on each file. This allows catching crashes e.g. on linux:
+# python test/ | grep Segmentation
+# will produce an output if pdftool crashed on any of the pdfs
+# Regression PDFs can be put anywhere. They can be gzipp'ed or bzip2'ed
+# to save the bandwidth (in which case url must end in .gz or .bz2)
+# The script doesn't redownload the file if it has been downloaded before.
+# Missing files are ignored
+pdfs_to_test = [
+ ""
+local_pdfs_dir = os.path.expanduser("~/testpdfs")
+def dir_exists(path):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return os.path.isdir(path)
+ return False
+def file_exists(path):
+ if os.path.exists(path):
+ return os.path.isfile(path)
+ return False
+# make a directory if doesn't exist yet.
+def make_dir(path):
+ if not dir_exists(path): os.makedirs(path)
+def write_to_file(path, data):
+ fo = open(path, "wb")
+ fo.write(data)
+ fo.close()
+# Does HTTP GET or POST (if data != None). Returns body of the response or
+# None if there was an error
+# If username/pwd are provided, we assume it's for basic authentication
+def do_http(url, data = None, dump_exception=False):
+ body = None
+ try:
+ req = urllib2.Request(url, data)
+ resp = urllib2.urlopen(req)
+ body =
+ except:
+ if dump_exception:
+ print "do_http failed",url
+ print '-'*60
+ traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
+ print '-'*60
+ return body
+# Tries to find root of the repository. Starts and pwd and goes up
+# until can't go anymore or finds "mupdf" directory
+def find_repo_root():
+ curdir = os.getcwd()
+ prevdir = None
+ while curdir != prevdir:
+ if dir_exists(os.path.join(curdir, "mupdf")):
+ return curdir
+ prevdir = curdir
+ curdir = os.path.dirname(curdir)
+ return None
+def find_pdftool():
+ root = find_repo_root()
+ if root == None:
+ print "Didn't find the root directory"
+ print "Current directory: '%s'" % os.getcwd()
+ sys.exit(1)
+ print root
+ # check build results for Jam and Makefile
+ for f in [os.path.join("obj-rel", "pdftool"), os.path.join("obj-dbg", "pdftool"),
+ os.path.join("build", "relase", "pdftool"), os.path.join("build", "debug", "pdftool")]:
+ path = os.path.join(root, f)
+ if file_exists(path):
+ return path
+ print "Didn't find pdftool. Did you build it?"
+ print "Root dir: '%s'" % root
+ sys.exit(1)
+def is_gzipped(filename): return filename.endswith(".gz")
+def is_bzip2ed(filename): return filename.endswith(".bz2")
+def uncompress_if_needed(filepath):
+ if is_gzipped(filepath):
+ finalpath = filepath[:-len(".gz")]
+ print "Uncompressing '%s' to '%s'" % (filepath, finalpath)
+ fin =, "rb")
+ fout = open(finalpath, "wb")
+ data =
+ fout.write(data)
+ fin.close()
+ fout.close()
+ os.remove(filepath)
+ elif is_bzip2ed(filepath):
+ finalpath = filepath[:-len(".bz2")]
+ print "Uncompressing '%s' to '%s'" % (filepath, finalpath)
+ fin = bz2.BZ2File(filepath, "r")
+ fout = open(finalpath, "wb")
+ data =
+ fout.write(data)
+ fin.close()
+ fout.close()
+ os.remove(filepath)
+def pdfname_from_url(url): return url.split("/")[-1]
+def final_pdfname_from_url(url):
+ potentially_compressed = pdfname_from_url(url)
+ for suffix in [".gz", ".bz2"]:
+ if potentially_compressed.endswith(suffix):
+ return potentially_compressed[:-len(suffix)]
+ return potentially_compressed
+def main():
+ print "Starting the test"
+ pdftool = find_pdftool() # make sure to abort early if pdftool doesn't exist
+ #print "pdftool: '%s'" % pdftool
+ make_dir(local_pdfs_dir)
+ for pdfurl in pdfs_to_test:
+ pdfname = pdfname_from_url(pdfurl)
+ local_pdf_path = os.path.join(local_pdfs_dir, pdfname)
+ final_pdfname = final_pdfname_from_url(pdfurl)
+ local_final_pdf_path = os.path.join(local_pdfs_dir, final_pdfname)
+ # Download the file if not already downloaded
+ if not os.path.exists(local_final_pdf_path):
+ print "Downloading pdf file '%s' as '%s'" % (pdfurl, local_pdf_path)
+ pdf_file_data = do_http(pdfurl)
+ if None == pdf_file_data:
+ print "Failed to download '%s'" % pdfurl
+ continue # don't stop the test just because of that
+ write_to_file(local_pdf_path, pdf_file_data)
+ uncompress_if_needed(local_pdf_path)
+ cmd = pdftool + " draw -m " + local_final_pdf_path
+ print "Running '%s'" % cmd
+ os.system(cmd)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ main()