path: root/platform/windows/gsview/MainWindow.xaml.cs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'platform/windows/gsview/MainWindow.xaml.cs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 5058 deletions
diff --git a/platform/windows/gsview/MainWindow.xaml.cs b/platform/windows/gsview/MainWindow.xaml.cs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ca822e9..00000000
--- a/platform/windows/gsview/MainWindow.xaml.cs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5058 +0,0 @@
-using System;
-using System.Collections.Generic;
-using System.Linq;
-using System.Text;
-using System.Threading;
-using System.Threading.Tasks;
-using System.Windows;
-using System.Windows.Controls;
-using System.Windows.Data;
-using System.Windows.Documents;
-using System.Windows.Input;
-using System.Windows.Media;
-using System.Windows.Media.Imaging;
-using System.Windows.Navigation;
-using System.Windows.Shapes;
-using System.Windows.Forms;
-using System.ComponentModel;
-using System.IO;
-using System.Windows.Xps.Packaging;
-using System.Printing;
-using System.Windows.Markup;
-using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
-using Microsoft.Win32; /* For registry */
-using System.Reflection;
-using System.Diagnostics;
-public enum AA_t
- HIGH = 8,
- MEDHIGH = 6,
- MED = 4,
- LOW = 2,
- NONE = 0
-enum PDFType_t
-enum AppBar_t
-enum NotifyType_t
-enum RenderingStatus_t
- REN_PAGE /* Used to ignore value when source based setting */
-public enum status_t
-public enum textout_t
- HTML = 0,
- XML,
-enum zoom_t
-enum view_t
-public enum Page_Content_t
-/* Put all the PDF types first to make the switch statment shorter
- Save_Type_t.PDF is the test */
-public enum Save_Type_t
- PDF13,
- PDF,
- XPS,
- SVG,
-public enum Extract_Type_t
- PDF,
- EPS,
- PS,
-/* C# has no defines.... */
-static class Constants
- public const int SCROLL_STEPSIZE = 48;
- public const int INIT_LOOK_AHEAD = 2; /* A + count on the pages to pre-render */
- public const int THUMB_PREADD = 10;
- public const double MIN_SCALE = 0.5;
- public const double SCALE_THUMB = 0.05;
- public const int BLANK_WIDTH = 17;
- public const int BLANK_HEIGHT = 22;
- public const double ZOOM_STEP = 0.25;
- public const int ZOOM_MAX = 4;
- public const double ZOOM_MIN = 0.25;
- public const int KEY_PLUS = 0xbb;
- public const int KEY_MINUS = 0xbd;
- public const int ZOOM_IN = 0;
- public const int ZOOM_OUT = 1;
- public const double SCREEN_SCALE = 1;
- public const int HEADER_SIZE = 54;
- public const int SEARCH_FORWARD = 1;
- public const int SEARCH_BACKWARD = -1;
- public const int TEXT_NOT_FOUND = -1;
- public const int DEFAULT_GS_RES = 300;
- public const int DISPATCH_TIME = 50;
- public const int SCROLL_STEP = 10;
- public const int SCROLL_EDGE_BUFFER = 90;
- public const int VERT_SCROLL_STEP = 48;
- public const int PAGE_MARGIN = 1;
- public const int MAX_PRINT_PREVIEW_LENGTH = 250;
-public static class DocumentTypes
- public const string PDF = "Portable Document Format";
- public const string PS = "PostScript";
- public const string XPS = "XPS";
- public const string EPS = "Encapsulated PostScript";
- public const string CBZ = "Comic Book Archive";
- public const string PNG = "Portable Network Graphics Image";
- public const string JPG = "Joint Photographic Experts Group Image";
- public const string UNKNOWN = "Unknown";
-namespace gsview
- /// <summary>
- /// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
- /// </summary>
- ///
- public struct pageprogress_t
- {
- public Byte[] bitmap;
- public BlocksText charlist;
- public int pagenum;
- public Point size;
- public Annotate_t annot;
- }
- public struct ContextMenu_t
- {
- public int page_num;
- public Point mouse_position;
- }
- public struct thumb_t
- {
- public int page_num;
- public Byte[] bitmap;
- public Point size;
- }
- public struct searchResults_t
- {
- public String needle;
- public bool done;
- public int page_found;
- public List<Rect> rectangles;
- public int num_rects;
- }
- public struct printPreviewPage_t
- {
- public Byte[] bitmap;
- public int width;
- public int height;
- public double width_inches;
- public double height_inches;
- }
- public struct textSelectInfo_t
- {
- public int pagenum;
- public bool first_line_full;
- public bool last_line_full;
- }
- public static class ScrollBarExtensions
- {
- public static double GetThumbCenter(this System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollBar s)
- {
- double thumbLength = GetThumbLength(s);
- double trackLength = s.Maximum - s.Minimum;
- return thumbLength / 2 + s.Minimum + (s.Value - s.Minimum) *
- (trackLength - thumbLength) / trackLength;
- }
- public static void SetThumbCenter(this System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollBar s, double thumbCenter)
- {
- double thumbLength = GetThumbLength(s);
- double trackLength = s.Maximum - s.Minimum;
- if (thumbCenter >= s.Maximum - thumbLength / 2)
- {
- s.Value = s.Maximum;
- }
- else if (thumbCenter <= s.Minimum + thumbLength / 2)
- {
- s.Value = s.Minimum;
- }
- else if (thumbLength >= trackLength)
- {
- s.Value = s.Minimum;
- }
- else
- {
- s.Value = (int)(s.Minimum + trackLength *
- ((thumbCenter - s.Minimum - thumbLength / 2)
- / (trackLength - thumbLength)));
- }
- }
- public static double GetThumbLength(this System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollBar s)
- {
- double trackLength = s.Maximum - s.Minimum;
- return trackLength * s.ViewportSize /
- (trackLength + s.ViewportSize);
- }
- public static void SetThumbLength(this System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollBar s, double thumbLength)
- {
- double trackLength = s.Maximum - s.Minimum;
- if (thumbLength < 0)
- {
- s.ViewportSize = 0;
- }
- else if (thumbLength < trackLength)
- {
- s.ViewportSize = trackLength * thumbLength / (trackLength - thumbLength);
- }
- else
- {
- s.ViewportSize = double.MaxValue;
- }
- }
- }
- public partial class MainWindow : Window
- {
- mudocument mu_doc = null;
- public Pages m_docPages;
- List<textSelectInfo_t> m_textSelect;
- List<DocPage> m_thumbnails;
- List<List<RectList>> m_page_link_list = null;
- IList<RectList> m_text_list;
- DocPage m_PrintPreviewPage;
- public List<LinesText> m_lineptrs = null;
- public List<BlocksText> m_textptrs = null;
- List<Boolean> m_textset = null;
- private bool m_file_open;
- private int m_currpage;
- private int m_searchpage;
- private int m_num_pages;
- private bool m_init_done;
- private bool m_links_on;
- String m_textsearchcolor = "#4072AC25";
- String m_textselectcolor = "#402572AC";
- String m_regionselect = "#00FFFFFF";
- String m_blockcolor = "#00FFFFFF";
- //String m_regionselect = "#FFFF0000"; /* Debug */
- String m_linkcolor = "#40AC7225";
- private bool m_have_thumbs;
- double m_doczoom;
- ghostsharp m_ghostscript;
- String m_currfile;
- String m_origfile;
- private gsprint m_ghostprint = null;
- bool m_isXPS;
- bool m_isImage;
- gsOutput m_gsoutput;
- Convert m_convertwin;
- PageExtractSave m_extractwin;
- Password m_password = null;
- PrintControl m_printcontrol = null;
- String m_currpassword = null;
- BackgroundWorker m_thumbworker = null;
- BackgroundWorker m_textsearch = null;
- BackgroundWorker m_linksearch = null;
- BackgroundWorker m_openfile = null;
- BackgroundWorker m_initrender = null;
- BackgroundWorker m_printerpreview = null;
- BackgroundWorker m_copytext = null;
- String m_document_type;
- Info m_infowindow;
- OutputIntent m_outputintents;
- Selection m_selection;
- String m_prevsearch = null;
- bool m_clipboardset;
- bool m_doscroll;
- bool m_intxtselect;
- bool m_textselected;
- System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer m_dispatcherTimer = null;
- double m_lastY;
- double m_maxY;
- bool m_ignorescrollchange;
- double m_totalpageheight;
- AA_t m_AA;
- bool m_regstartup;
- int m_initpage;
- bool m_selectall;
- bool m_showannot;
- bool m_ScrolledChanged;
- public MainWindow()
- {
- InitializeComponent();
- this.Closing += new System.ComponentModel.CancelEventHandler(Window_Closing);
- m_file_open = false;
- m_regstartup = true;
- m_showannot = true;
- /* Allocations and set up */
- try
- {
- m_docPages = new Pages();
- m_thumbnails = new List<DocPage>();
- m_PrintPreviewPage = new DocPage();
- m_lineptrs = new List<LinesText>();
- m_textptrs = new List<BlocksText>();
- m_textset = new List<Boolean>();
- m_ghostscript = new ghostsharp();
- m_ghostscript.gsUpdateMain += new ghostsharp.gsCallBackMain(gsProgress);
- m_gsoutput = new gsOutput();
- m_gsoutput.Activate();
- m_outputintents = new OutputIntent();
- m_outputintents.Activate();
- m_ghostscript.gsIOUpdateMain += new ghostsharp.gsIOCallBackMain(gsIO);
- m_ghostscript.gsDLLProblemMain += new ghostsharp.gsDLLProblem(gsDLL);
- m_convertwin = null;
- m_extractwin = null;
- m_selection = null;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.AddHandler(MouseLeftButtonUpEvent, new MouseButtonEventHandler(ZoomReleased), true);
- xaml_PageList.AddHandler(Grid.DragOverEvent, new System.Windows.DragEventHandler(Grid_DragOver), true);
- xaml_PageList.AddHandler(Grid.DropEvent, new System.Windows.DragEventHandler(Grid_Drop), true);
- DimSelections();
- status_t result = CleanUp();
- string[] arguments = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs();
- if (arguments.Length > 1)
- {
- string filePath = arguments[1];
- ProcessFile(filePath);
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_regstartup)
- InitFromRegistry();
- }
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed at initialization\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- }
- private void Grid_DragOver(object sender, System.Windows.DragEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(System.Windows.DataFormats.FileDrop))
- {
- e.Effects = System.Windows.DragDropEffects.All;
- }
- else
- {
- e.Effects = System.Windows.DragDropEffects.None;
- }
- e.Handled = false;
- }
- private void Grid_Drop(object sender, System.Windows.DragEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(System.Windows.DataFormats.FileDrop))
- {
- string[] docPath = (string[]) e.Data.GetData(System.Windows.DataFormats.FileDrop);
- ProcessFile(String.Join("",docPath));
- }
- }
- void CloseExtraWindows(bool shutdown)
- {
- if (m_selection != null)
- m_selection.Close();
- if (m_convertwin != null)
- m_convertwin.Close();
- if (m_extractwin != null)
- m_extractwin.Close();
- if (m_infowindow != null)
- m_infowindow.Close();
- if (shutdown)
- {
- if (m_gsoutput != null)
- m_gsoutput.RealWindowClosing();
- if (m_outputintents != null)
- m_outputintents.RealWindowClosing();
- if (m_printcontrol != null)
- m_printcontrol.RealWindowClosing();
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_gsoutput != null)
- m_gsoutput.Hide();
- if (m_outputintents != null)
- m_outputintents.Hide();
- if (m_printcontrol != null)
- m_printcontrol.Hide();
- }
- }
- void Window_Closing(object sender, System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs e)
- {
- CloseExtraWindows(true);
- }
- /* Stuff not enabled when source is XPS */
- void EnabletoPDF()
- {
- xaml_savepdf.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_linearize_pdf.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_saveas.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_Extract.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_conversions.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_extractselection.IsEnabled = true;
- }
- void DisabletoPDF()
- {
- xaml_savepdf.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_linearize_pdf.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_saveas.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_Extract.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_conversions.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_extractselection.IsEnabled = false;
- }
- private void DimSelections()
- {
- xaml_currPage.Text = "";
- xaml_TotalPages.Text = "/ 0";
- xaml_Zoomsize.Text = "100";
- xaml_BackPage.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_Contents.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_currPage.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_currPage.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_ForwardPage.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_Links.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_Print.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_SavePDF.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_Search.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_Thumbs.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_TotalPages.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_zoomIn.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_zoomOut.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_Zoomsize.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_ExpandFill.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_ContScrollFill.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_ActualSize.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_Zoomsize.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_saveas.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_closefile.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_showinfo.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_extractselection.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_conversions.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_gsmessage.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_print_menu.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_view.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_edit.IsEnabled = false;
- }
- private status_t CleanUp()
- {
- m_init_done = false;
- this.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Arrow;
- /* Collapse this stuff since it is going to be released */
- xaml_ThumbGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_ContentGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- /* Clear out everything */
- if (m_docPages != null && m_docPages.Count > 0)
- m_docPages.Clear();
- if (m_textSelect != null)
- m_textSelect.Clear();
- if (m_textset != null)
- m_textset.Clear();
- if (m_lineptrs != null && m_lineptrs.Count > 0)
- m_lineptrs.Clear();
- if (m_thumbnails != null && m_thumbnails.Count > 0)
- m_thumbnails.Clear();
- if (m_textptrs != null && m_textptrs.Count > 0)
- m_textptrs.Clear();
- if (m_page_link_list != null && m_page_link_list.Count > 0)
- {
- m_page_link_list.Clear();
- m_page_link_list = null;
- }
- if (m_text_list != null && m_text_list.Count > 0)
- {
- m_text_list.Clear();
- m_text_list = null;
- }
- if (mu_doc != null)
- mu_doc.CleanUp();
- try
- {
- mu_doc = new mudocument();
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed during clean up\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- mu_doc.mupdfDLLProblemMain += new mudocument.mupdfDLLProblem(muDLL);
- status_t result = mu_doc.Initialize();
- mu_doc.mupdfUpdateMain += new mudocument.mupdfCallBackMain(mupdfUpdate);
- if (result != status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Library allocation failed during clean up\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Library allocation failed!");
- return result;
- }
- m_have_thumbs = false;
- m_file_open = false;
- m_num_pages = -1;
- m_links_on = false;
- m_doczoom = 1.0;
- m_isXPS = false;
- m_isImage = false;
- //xaml_CancelThumb.IsEnabled = true;
- m_currpage = 0;
- m_ignorescrollchange = false;
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.UNKNOWN;
- EnabletoPDF();
- m_clipboardset = false;
- m_doscroll = false;
- m_intxtselect = false;
- m_textselected = false;
- m_currpassword = null;
- CloseExtraWindows(false);
- ResetScroll();
- m_totalpageheight = 0;
- m_AA = GetAA();
- m_origfile = null;
- m_initpage = 0;
- xaml_Zoomsize.Text = "100";
- m_selectall = false;
- return result;
- }
- private String GetVersion()
- {
- Assembly assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
- FileVersionInfo fileVersionInfo = FileVersionInfo.GetVersionInfo(assembly.Location);
- String vers = fileVersionInfo.ProductVersion;
- String[] parts = vers.Split('.');
- String simple_vers = parts[0] + '.' + parts[1];
- return simple_vers;
- }
- /* Initialize from registry */
- private void InitFromRegistry()
- {
- RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software");
- RegistryKey keyA = key.CreateSubKey("Artifex Software");
- String vers = GetVersion();
- RegistryKey keygs = keyA.CreateSubKey("gsview " + vers);
- String filepath = null;
- Int32 page;
- AA_t aa = AA_t.HIGH;
- try
- {
- filepath = (String)keygs.GetValue("File", null);
- aa = (AA_t)keygs.GetValue("AA");
- page = (Int32)keygs.GetValue("Page");
- }
- catch
- {
- return;
- }
- keygs.Close();
- keyA.Close();
- key.Close();
- SetAA(aa);
- m_AA = aa;
- if (filepath != null && File.Exists(filepath))
- {
- m_initpage = page;
- ProcessFile(filepath);
- }
- else
- m_initpage = 0;
- }
- private void SetRegistry()
- {
- if (m_currfile == null)
- return;
- RegistryKey key = Registry.CurrentUser.CreateSubKey("Software");
- RegistryKey keyA = key.CreateSubKey("Artifex Software");
- String vers = GetVersion();
- RegistryKey keygs = keyA.CreateSubKey("gsview " + vers);
- if (m_origfile != null && (m_document_type == DocumentTypes.PS ||
- m_document_type == DocumentTypes.EPS))
- {
- keygs.SetValue("File", m_origfile, RegistryValueKind.String);
- }
- else
- {
- keygs.SetValue("File", m_currfile, RegistryValueKind.String);
- }
- keygs.SetValue("Page", m_currpage, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
- Int32 aa_int = (Int32)m_AA;
- keygs.SetValue("AA", aa_int, RegistryValueKind.DWord);
- keygs.Close();
- keyA.Close();
- key.Close();
- }
- private void AppClosing(object sender, CancelEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_init_done)
- SetRegistry();
- }
- private void ShowMessage(NotifyType_t type, String Message)
- {
- if (type == NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR)
- {
- System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Message, "Error",
- MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Exclamation);
- }
- else
- {
- System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show(Message, "Notice",
- MessageBoxButtons.OK);
- }
- }
- private void CloseCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_init_done)
- CloseDoc();
- }
- private void CloseDoc()
- {
- CleanUp();
- }
- /* Set the page with the new raster information */
- private void UpdatePage(int page_num, Byte[] bitmap, Point ras_size,
- Page_Content_t content, double zoom_in, AA_t AA)
- {
- DocPage doc_page = this.m_docPages[page_num];
- doc_page.Width = (int)ras_size.X;
- doc_page.Height = (int)ras_size.Y;
- doc_page.Content = content;
- doc_page.Zoom = zoom_in;
- int stride = doc_page.Width * 4;
- doc_page.BitMap = BitmapSource.Create(doc_page.Width, doc_page.Height,
- 72, 72, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, BitmapPalettes.Halftone256, bitmap, stride);
- doc_page.PageNum = page_num;
- doc_page.AA = AA;
- if (content == Page_Content_t.THUMBNAIL)
- {
- doc_page.Width = (int)(ras_size.X / Constants.SCALE_THUMB);
- doc_page.Height = (int)(ras_size.Y / Constants.SCALE_THUMB);
- }
- }
- private void OpenFileCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- OpenFile(sender, e);
- }
- private void OpenFile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_password != null && m_password.IsActive)
- m_password.Close();
- if (m_printcontrol != null && m_printcontrol.IsActive)
- m_printcontrol.Close();
- /* Release the print control regardless of it being opened.
- We don't want previous documents pages in the preview */
- m_printcontrol = null;
- if (m_infowindow != null && m_infowindow.IsActive)
- m_infowindow.Close();
- /* Check if gs is currently busy. If it is then don't allow a new
- * file to be opened. They can cancel gs with the cancel button if
- * they want */
- if (m_ghostscript.GetStatus() != gsStatus.GS_READY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS busy. Cancel to open new file.");
- return;
- }
- if (m_ghostprint != null && m_ghostprint.IsBusy())
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Let printing complete");
- return;
- }
- System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog();
- dlg.Filter = "Document Files(*.ps;*.eps;*.pdf;*.xps;*.oxps;*.cbz;*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg)|*.ps;*.eps;*.pdf;*.xps;*.oxps;*.cbz;*.png;*.jpg;*.jpeg|All files (*.*)|*.*";
- dlg.FilterIndex = 1;
- if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- ProcessFile(dlg.FileName);
- }
- private void ProcessFile(String FileName)
- {
- if (m_file_open)
- {
- CloseDoc();
- }
- /* If we have a ps or eps file then launch the distiller first
- * and then we will get a temp pdf file which will be opened by
- * mupdf */
- string extension = System.IO.Path.GetExtension(FileName);
- /* We are doing this based on the extension but like should do
- * it based upon the content */
- switch (extension.ToUpper())
- {
- case ".PS":
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.PS;
- break;
- case ".EPS":
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.EPS;
- break;
- case ".XPS":
- case ".OXPS":
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.XPS;
- break;
- case ".PDF":
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.PDF;
- break;
- case ".CBZ":
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.CBZ;
- break;
- case ".PNG":
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.PNG;
- break;
- case ".JPG":
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.JPG;
- break;
- case ".JPEG":
- m_document_type = DocumentTypes.JPG;
- break;
- default:
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Unknown File Type");
- return;
- }
- }
- if (extension.ToUpper() == ".PS" || extension.ToUpper() == ".EPS")
- {
- xaml_DistillProgress.Value = 0;
- if (m_ghostscript.DistillPS(FileName, Constants.DEFAULT_GS_RES) == gsStatus.GS_BUSY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS currently busy");
- return;
- }
- xaml_DistillName.Text = "Distilling";
- xaml_CancelDistill.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- xaml_DistillName.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- return;
- }
- /* Set if this is already xps for printing */
- if (extension.ToUpper() == ".XPS" || extension.ToUpper() == ".OXPS")
- m_isXPS = true;
- if (extension.ToUpper() == ".CBZ" || extension.ToUpper() == ".PNG" ||
- extension.ToUpper() == ".JPG")
- m_isImage = true;
- OpenFile2(FileName);
- }
- private void OpenFile2(String File)
- {
- m_currfile = File;
- xaml_OpenProgressGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- xaml_openfilestatus.Text = "Opening File";
- /* The file open can take a fair amount of time. So that we can show
- * an indeterminate progress bar while opening, go ahead an do this
- * on a separate thread */
- OpenFileBG();
- }
- private void OpenWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
- {
- BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
- status_t code = mu_doc.OpenFile(m_currfile);
- worker.ReportProgress(100, code);
- }
- private void OpenProgress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- status_t result = (status_t)(e.UserState);
- if (result == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- /* Check if we need a password */
- if (mu_doc.RequiresPassword())
- {
- xaml_OpenProgressGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- GetPassword();
- }
- else
- StartViewer();
- }
- else
- {
- m_currfile = null;
- }
- }
- private void OpenFileBG()
- {
- try
- {
- m_openfile = new BackgroundWorker();
- m_openfile.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
- m_openfile.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
- m_openfile.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(OpenWork);
- m_openfile.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(OpenProgress);
- m_openfile.RunWorkerAsync();
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed during opening\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- }
- private void SetPageAnnot(int page_num, Annotate_t render_result)
- {
- if (m_docPages[page_num].Annotate == Annotate_t.UNKNOWN ||
- m_docPages[page_num].Annotate == Annotate_t.COMPUTING)
- {
- if (render_result == Annotate_t.NO_ANNOTATE)
- m_docPages[page_num].Annotate = Annotate_t.NO_ANNOTATE;
- else
- {
- if (m_showannot)
- m_docPages[page_num].Annotate = Annotate_t.ANNOTATE_VISIBLE;
- else
- m_docPages[page_num].Annotate = Annotate_t.ANNOTATE_HIDDEN;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_docPages[page_num].Annotate != Annotate_t.NO_ANNOTATE)
- {
- if (m_showannot)
- m_docPages[page_num].Annotate = Annotate_t.ANNOTATE_VISIBLE;
- else
- m_docPages[page_num].Annotate = Annotate_t.ANNOTATE_HIDDEN;
- }
- }
- }
- private void InitialRenderWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
- {
- BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
- int look_ahead = Math.Min(m_num_pages, Constants.INIT_LOOK_AHEAD);
- /* Do the first few full res pages */
- for (int k = 0; k < look_ahead; k++)
- {
- if (m_num_pages > k)
- {
- Point ras_size;
- double scale_factor = 1.0;
- Byte[] bitmap;
- BlocksText charlist;
- status_t code;
- Annotate_t annot;
- if (ComputePageSize(k, scale_factor, out ras_size) == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- try
- {
- bitmap = new byte[(int)ras_size.X * (int)ras_size.Y * 4];
- /* Synchronous call on our background thread */
- code = (status_t)mu_doc.RenderPage(k, bitmap, (int)ras_size.X,
- (int)ras_size.Y, scale_factor, false, true,
- !(m_textset[k]), out charlist, m_showannot, out annot);
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException em)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed init page " + k + em.Message + "\n");
- break;
- }
- /* create new page if we rendered ok. set ui value with
- * progress call back, pass page number, charlist and bitmap */
- if (code == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- pageprogress_t page_prog = new pageprogress_t();
- page_prog.bitmap = bitmap;
- page_prog.charlist = charlist;
- page_prog.pagenum = k;
- page_prog.size = ras_size;
- page_prog.annot = annot;
- worker.ReportProgress(100, page_prog);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void InitialRenderProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- pageprogress_t result = (pageprogress_t)(e.UserState);
- int k = result.pagenum;
- m_textset[k] = true;
- m_textptrs[k] = result.charlist;
- m_docPages[k].TextBlocks = result.charlist;
- UpdatePage(k, result.bitmap, result.size, Page_Content_t.FULL_RESOLUTION, 1.0, m_AA);
- m_docPages[k].NativeHeight = (int) result.size.Y;
- m_docPages[k].NativeWidth = (int)result.size.X;
- SetPageAnnot(k, result.annot);
- }
- private void InitialRenderCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
- {
- m_init_done = true;
- m_currpage = 0;
- RenderThumbs();
- m_file_open = true;
- xaml_BackPage.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_Contents.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_currPage.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_ForwardPage.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_Links.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_Print.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_SavePDF.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_Search.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_Thumbs.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_TotalPages.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_zoomIn.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_zoomOut.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_Zoomsize.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_ExpandFill.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_ContScrollFill.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_ActualSize.Opacity = 1;
- xaml_Zoomsize.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_currPage.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_TotalPages.Text = "/ " + m_num_pages.ToString();
- xaml_currPage.Text = "1";
- xaml_ZoomSlider.Opacity = 1.0;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_closefile.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_saveas.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_showinfo.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_extractselection.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_conversions.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_gsmessage.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_print_menu.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_view.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_edit.IsEnabled = true;
- if (m_isXPS || m_isImage)
- DisabletoPDF();
- if (m_isImage)
- {
- xaml_Print.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_print_menu.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_Print.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_print_menu.Opacity = 0.5;
- }
- else
- {
- xaml_Print.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_print_menu.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_Print.Opacity = 1.0;
- xaml_print_menu.Opacity = 1.0;
- }
- xaml_OpenProgressGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Value = 0;
- }
- private void InitialRenderBG()
- {
- int look_ahead = Math.Min(Constants.INIT_LOOK_AHEAD, m_num_pages);
- m_currpage = 0;
- m_thumbnails.Capacity = m_num_pages;
- for (int k = 0; k < Constants.INIT_LOOK_AHEAD; k++)
- {
- m_docPages.Add(InitDocPage());
- m_docPages[k].PageNum = k;
- m_textptrs.Add(new BlocksText());
- m_lineptrs.Add(new LinesText());
- m_textset.Add(false);
- }
- var dummy = InitDocPage();
- for (int k = Constants.INIT_LOOK_AHEAD; k < m_num_pages; k++)
- {
- m_docPages.Add(dummy);
- m_textptrs.Add(new BlocksText());
- m_lineptrs.Add(new LinesText());
- m_textset.Add(false);
- }
- xaml_PageList.ItemsSource = m_docPages;
- try
- {
- m_initrender = new BackgroundWorker();
- m_initrender.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
- m_initrender.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
- m_initrender.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(InitialRenderWork);
- m_initrender.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(InitialRenderCompleted);
- m_initrender.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(InitialRenderProgressChanged);
- m_initrender.RunWorkerAsync();
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed during initial render\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- }
- private void StartViewer()
- {
- m_num_pages = mu_doc.GetPageCount();
- if (m_num_pages == 0)
- {
- xaml_OpenProgressGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- CleanUp();
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, m_currfile + " is corrupted");
- }
- else
- {
- xaml_openfilestatus.Text = "Initial Page Rendering";
- xaml_openfilestatus.UpdateLayout();
- InitialRenderBG();
- }
- }
- private status_t ComputePageSize(int page_num, double scale_factor,
- out Point render_size)
- {
- Point renpageSize = new Point();
- status_t code = (status_t)mu_doc.GetPageSize(page_num, out render_size);
- if (code != status_t.S_ISOK)
- return code;
- renpageSize.X = (render_size.X * scale_factor);
- renpageSize.Y = (render_size.Y * scale_factor);
- render_size = renpageSize;
- return status_t.S_ISOK;
- }
- private DocPage InitDocPage()
- {
- DocPage doc_page = new DocPage();
- doc_page.BitMap = null;
- doc_page.Height = Constants.BLANK_HEIGHT;
- doc_page.Width = Constants.BLANK_WIDTH;
- doc_page.NativeHeight = Constants.BLANK_HEIGHT;
- doc_page.NativeWidth = Constants.BLANK_WIDTH;
- doc_page.Content = Page_Content_t.NOTSET;
- doc_page.TextBox = null;
- doc_page.LinkBox = null;
- doc_page.SelHeight = 0;
- doc_page.SelWidth = 0;
- doc_page.SelX = 0;
- doc_page.SelY = 0;
- return doc_page;
- }
- #region Navigation
- private void OnBackPageClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_currpage == 0 || !m_init_done) return;
- m_ignorescrollchange = true;
- RenderRange(m_currpage - 1, true, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- private void OnForwardPageClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_currpage == m_num_pages - 1 || !m_init_done) return;
- m_ignorescrollchange = true;
- RenderRange(m_currpage + 1, true, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- private void PageEnterClicked(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.Key == Key.Return)
- {
- e.Handled = true;
- var desired_page = xaml_currPage.Text;
- try
- {
- int page = System.Convert.ToInt32(desired_page);
- if (page > 0 && page < (m_num_pages + 1))
- {
- m_ignorescrollchange = true;
- RenderRange(page - 1, true, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- }
- catch (FormatException e1)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("String is not a sequence of digits.");
- }
- catch (OverflowException e2)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("The number cannot fit in an Int32.");
- }
- }
- }
- private void OnKeyDownHandler(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
- {
- switch (e.Key)
- {
- case Key.Left:
- case Key.PageUp:
- if (m_currpage == 0 || !m_init_done)
- return;
- m_ignorescrollchange = true;
- RenderRange(m_currpage - 1, true, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- e.Handled = true;
- break;
- case Key.Right:
- case Key.PageDown:
- if (m_currpage == m_num_pages - 1 || !m_init_done)
- return;
- m_ignorescrollchange = true;
- RenderRange(m_currpage + 1, true, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- e.Handled = true;
- break;
- case Key.Up:
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- e.Handled = true;
- OffsetScroll(-Constants.VERT_SCROLL_STEP * m_doczoom);
- break;
- case Key.Down:
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- e.Handled = true;
- OffsetScroll(Constants.VERT_SCROLL_STEP * m_doczoom);
- break;
- }
- }
- #endregion Navigation
- private void CancelLoadClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- /* Cancel during thumbnail loading. Deactivate the button
- * and cancel the thumbnail rendering */
- if (m_thumbworker != null)
- m_thumbworker.CancelAsync();
- //xaml_CancelThumb.IsEnabled = false;
- }
- private void ToggleThumbs(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_have_thumbs)
- {
- if (xaml_ThumbGrid.Visibility == System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed)
- {
- xaml_ThumbGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- }
- else
- {
- xaml_ThumbGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- }
- }
- }
- private void ToggleContents(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (xaml_ContentGrid.Visibility == System.Windows.Visibility.Visible)
- {
- xaml_ContentGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- return;
- }
- if (m_num_pages < 0)
- return;
- if (xaml_ContentList.Items.IsEmpty)
- {
- int size_content = mu_doc.ComputeContents();
- if (size_content == 0)
- return;
- xaml_ContentList.ItemsSource = mu_doc.contents;
- }
- xaml_ContentGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- }
- private void ThumbSelected(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- var item = ((FrameworkElement)e.OriginalSource).DataContext as DocPage;
- if (item != null)
- {
- if (item.PageNum < 0)
- return;
- RenderRange(item.PageNum, true, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- }
- private void ContentSelected(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- var item = ((FrameworkElement)e.OriginalSource).DataContext as ContentItem;
- if (item != null && item.Page < m_num_pages)
- {
- int page = m_docPages[item.Page].PageNum;
- if (page >= 0 && page < m_num_pages)
- RenderRange(page, true, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- }
- /* We need to avoid rendering due to size changes */
- private void ListViewScrollChanged(object sender, ScrollChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- /* This makes sure we dont call render range a second time due to
- * page advances */
- int first_item = -1;
- int second_item = -1;
- //Console.WriteLine("***************************************/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("VerticalChange = " + e.VerticalChange + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("ExtentHeightChange = " + e.ExtentHeightChange + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("ExtentWidthChange = " + e.ExtentWidthChange + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("HorizontalChange = " + e.HorizontalChange + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("ViewportHeightChange = " + e.ViewportHeightChange + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("ViewportWidthChange = " + e.ViewportWidthChange + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("ExtentHeight = " + e.ExtentHeight + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("ViewportHeight = " + e.ViewportHeight + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("VerticalOffset = " + e.VerticalOffset + "/n");
- //Console.WriteLine("***************************************/n");
- if (m_ignorescrollchange == true)
- {
- m_ignorescrollchange = false;
- return;
- }
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- if (e.VerticalChange == 0)
- return;
- if (m_num_pages == 1)
- return;
- /* From current page go forward and backward checking if pages are
- * visible */
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer != null)
- {
- double bottom = this.ActualHeight;
- /* first going forward */
- for (int kk = m_currpage + 1; kk < m_num_pages; kk++)
- {
- UIElement uiElement = (UIElement)xaml_PageList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(kk);
- double y_top = uiElement.TranslatePoint(new System.Windows.Point(0, 0), xaml_PageList).Y;
- double y_bottom = uiElement.TranslatePoint(new System.Windows.Point(0, m_docPages[kk].Height), xaml_PageList).Y;
- /* Test if this and all further pages are outside window */
- if (y_top > bottom)
- break;
- /* Test if page is not even yet in window */
- if (y_bottom > 0)
- {
- if (!(m_dispatcherTimer != null && m_dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled == true))
- {
- /* In this case grab the first one that we find */
- if (second_item == -1)
- second_item = kk;
- }
- }
- }
- /* and now going backward */
- for (int kk = m_currpage; kk > -1; kk--)
- {
- UIElement uiElement = (UIElement)xaml_PageList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(kk);
- double y_top = uiElement.TranslatePoint(new System.Windows.Point(0, 0), xaml_PageList).Y;
- double y_bottom = uiElement.TranslatePoint(new System.Windows.Point(0, m_docPages[kk].Height), xaml_PageList).Y;
- /* Test if this and all further pages are outside window */
- if (y_bottom < 0)
- break;
- if (y_top < bottom)
- if (!(m_dispatcherTimer != null && m_dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled == true))
- first_item = kk;
- }
- e.Handled = true;
- if (first_item != -1)
- second_item = first_item;
- /* Finish */
- if (m_ScrolledChanged)
- {
- m_ScrolledChanged = false;
- }
- else
- {
- /* We have to update the vertical scroll position */
- double perc = (e.VerticalOffset) / (e.ExtentHeight - e.ViewportHeight);
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Value = perc * xaml_VerticalScroll.Maximum;
- }
- if (second_item < 0)
- second_item = 0;
- RenderRange(second_item, false, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- }
- /* ScrollIntoView will not scroll to top on its own. If item is already
- * in view it just sits there */
- private void ScrollPageToTop(int k, double offset, bool from_scroller)
- {
- if (m_num_pages == 1)
- return;
- /* Get access to the scrollviewer */
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer != null)
- {
- UIElement uiElement = (UIElement) xaml_PageList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(k);
- double y = uiElement.TranslatePoint(new System.Windows.Point(0, offset), xaml_PageList).Y;
- double curr_value = viewer.VerticalOffset;
- viewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(curr_value + y);
- if (!from_scroller)
- {
- double perc = (double) k / (double) ( m_num_pages - 1);
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Value = perc * xaml_VerticalScroll.Maximum;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Scroll to offset */
- private void OffsetScroll(double offset)
- {
- if (m_num_pages == 1)
- return;
- /* Get access to the scrollviewer */
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer != null)
- {
- double curr_value = viewer.VerticalOffset;
- AdjustScrollPercent(offset / viewer.ScrollableHeight);
- viewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(curr_value + offset);
- }
- }
- /* Scroll to offset */
- private void OffsetScrollPercent(double percent)
- {
- /* Get access to the scrollviewer */
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer != null)
- {
- double curr_value = viewer.VerticalOffset;
- if (curr_value < 0 || curr_value > viewer.MaxHeight)
- return;
- var extentheight = viewer.ExtentHeight - viewer.ViewportHeight;
- var pos = extentheight * percent;
- viewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(pos);
- }
- }
- /* Render +/- the look ahead from where we are if blank page is present */
- async private void RenderRange(int new_page, bool scrollto, zoom_t newzoom, double zoom_offset)
- {
- /* Need to figure out what pages are going to be visible */
- double bottom = this.ActualHeight;
- bool done = false;
- int final_page = new_page;
- double count = -zoom_offset;
- int offset = -1;
- bool scrollbottom = false;
- if (newzoom != zoom_t.NO_ZOOM)
- offset = 0;
- if (m_thumbnails.Count < m_num_pages)
- final_page = final_page + 1;
- else
- {
- while (!done && final_page >= 0 && final_page < m_num_pages)
- {
- count = count + m_thumbnails[final_page].NativeHeight * m_doczoom;
- final_page = final_page + 1;
- if (final_page == m_num_pages || count > bottom)
- done = true;
- }
- /* We have zoomed out to a point where the offset will not stay
- * in its current spot. Figure out where we need to be */
- final_page = final_page - 1;
- if (newzoom == zoom_t.ZOOM_OUT && count < bottom)
- {
- int curr_page = new_page - 1;
- while (true)
- {
- if (curr_page < 0)
- break;
- count = count + m_thumbnails[curr_page].NativeHeight * m_doczoom;
- if (count > bottom)
- break;
- curr_page = curr_page - 1;
- }
- new_page = curr_page;
- if (new_page < 0)
- new_page = 0;
- scrollbottom = true;
- }
- }
- for (int k = new_page + offset; k <= final_page + 1; k++)
- {
- if (k >= 0 && k < m_num_pages)
- {
- /* Check if page is already rendered */
- var doc = m_docPages[k];
- if (doc.Content != Page_Content_t.FULL_RESOLUTION ||
- doc.Zoom != m_doczoom || m_AA != doc.AA ||
- (doc.Annotate == Annotate_t.UNKNOWN && m_showannot) ||
- (doc.Annotate == Annotate_t.ANNOTATE_VISIBLE && !m_showannot) ||
- (doc.Annotate == Annotate_t.ANNOTATE_HIDDEN && m_showannot))
- {
- Point ras_size;
- double scale_factor = m_doczoom;
- /* To avoid multiple page renderings on top of one
- * another with scroll changes mark this as being
- * full resolution */
- m_docPages[k].Content = Page_Content_t.FULL_RESOLUTION;
- /* Avoid launching another thread just because we don't
- * know the annotation condition for this page */
- m_docPages[k].Annotate = Annotate_t.COMPUTING;
- if (ComputePageSize(k, scale_factor, out ras_size) == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- try
- {
- Byte[] bitmap = new byte[(int)ras_size.X * (int)ras_size.Y * 4];
- BlocksText charlist = null;
- Annotate_t annot = Annotate_t.UNKNOWN;
- m_docPages[k].NativeWidth = (int)(ras_size.X / scale_factor);
- m_docPages[k].NativeHeight = (int)(ras_size.Y / scale_factor);
- Task<int> ren_task =
- new Task<int>(() => mu_doc.RenderPage(k, bitmap,
- (int)ras_size.X, (int)ras_size.Y, scale_factor,
- false, true, !(m_textset[k]), out charlist, m_showannot,
- out annot));
- ren_task.Start();
- await ren_task.ContinueWith((antecedent) =>
- {
- status_t code = (status_t)ren_task.Result;
- if (code == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- SetPageAnnot(k, annot);
- if (m_docPages[k].TextBox != null)
- ScaleTextBox(k);
- if (m_links_on && m_page_link_list != null)
- {
- m_docPages[k].LinkBox = m_page_link_list[k];
- if (m_docPages[k].LinkBox != null)
- ScaleLinkBox(k);
- }
- else
- {
- m_docPages[k].LinkBox = null;
- }
- if (!(m_textset[k]) && charlist != null)
- {
- m_textptrs[k] = charlist;
- if (scale_factor != 1.0)
- ScaleTextBlocks(k, scale_factor);
- m_docPages[k].TextBlocks = m_textptrs[k];
- m_textset[k] = true;
- if (m_selectall)
- {
- int num_blocks = m_docPages[k].TextBlocks.Count;
- for (int jj = 0; jj < num_blocks; jj++)
- {
- m_docPages[k].TextBlocks[jj].Color = m_textselectcolor;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* We had to rerender due to scale */
- if (m_textptrs[k] != null)
- {
- ScaleTextBlocks(k, scale_factor);
- m_docPages[k].TextBlocks = m_textptrs[k];
- }
- if (m_lineptrs[k] != null)
- {
- ScaleTextLines(k, scale_factor);
- m_docPages[k].SelectedLines = m_lineptrs[k];
- }
- }
- /* This needs to be handled here to reduce
- * flashing effects */
- if (newzoom != zoom_t.NO_ZOOM && k == new_page)
- {
- m_ignorescrollchange = true;
- UpdatePageSizes();
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Maximum = m_totalpageheight * m_doczoom + 4 * m_num_pages;
- if (!scrollbottom)
- ScrollPageToTop(new_page, zoom_offset, false);
- }
- UpdatePage(k, bitmap, ras_size,
- Page_Content_t.FULL_RESOLUTION, m_doczoom, m_AA);
- if (k == new_page && scrollto && new_page != m_currpage)
- {
- m_doscroll = true;
- ScrollPageToTop(k, 0, false);
- }
- }
- }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed page " + k + "\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* We did not have to render the page but we may need to
- * scroll to it */
- if (k == new_page && scrollto && new_page != m_currpage)
- {
- m_ignorescrollchange = true;
- ScrollPageToTop(k, 0, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Release old range and set new page */
- //ReleasePages(m_currpage, new_page - 1, final_page + 1);
- m_currpage = new_page;
- xaml_currPage.Text = (m_currpage + 1).ToString();
- }
- /* Avoids the next page jumping into view when touched by mouse. See xaml code */
- private void AvoidScrollIntoView(object sender, RequestBringIntoViewEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_doscroll)
- e.Handled = true;
- else
- m_doscroll = false;
- }
- private void ReleasePages(int old_page, int new_page, int final_page)
- {
- if (old_page == new_page) return;
- /* To keep from having memory issue reset the page back to
- the thumb if we are done rendering the thumbnails */
- for (int k = 0; k < m_num_pages; k++)
- {
- if (k < new_page || k > final_page)
- {
- if (k >= 0 && k < m_num_pages)
- {
- SetThumb(k);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /* Return this page from a full res image to the thumb image */
- private void SetThumb(int page_num)
- {
- /* See what is there now */
- var doc_page = m_docPages[page_num];
- if (doc_page.Content == Page_Content_t.THUMBNAIL &&
- doc_page.Zoom == m_doczoom) return;
- if (m_thumbnails.Count > page_num)
- {
- doc_page.Content = Page_Content_t.THUMBNAIL;
- doc_page.Zoom = m_doczoom;
- doc_page.BitMap = m_thumbnails[page_num].BitMap;
- doc_page.Width = (int)(m_doczoom * doc_page.BitMap.PixelWidth / Constants.SCALE_THUMB);
- doc_page.Height = (int)(m_doczoom * doc_page.BitMap.PixelHeight / Constants.SCALE_THUMB);
- doc_page.PageNum = page_num;
- doc_page.LinkBox = null;
- doc_page.TextBox = null;
- /* No need to refresh unless it just occurs during other stuff
- * we just want to make sure we can release the bitmaps */
- //doc_page.PageRefresh();
- }
- }
- private void gsDLL(object gsObject, String mess)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, mess);
- }
- /* Catastrophic */
- private void muDLL(object gsObject, String mess)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, mess);
- /* Disable even the ability to open a file */
- xaml_open.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_open.IsEnabled = false;
- xaml_file.Opacity = 0.5;
- xaml_file.IsEnabled = false;
- /* And to drag - drop or registry start up */
- xaml_PageList.RemoveHandler(Grid.DragOverEvent, new System.Windows.DragEventHandler(Grid_DragOver));
- xaml_PageList.RemoveHandler(Grid.DropEvent, new System.Windows.DragEventHandler(Grid_Drop));
- m_regstartup = false;
- }
- private void gsIO(object gsObject, String mess, int len)
- {
- m_gsoutput.Update(mess, len);
- }
- private void mupdfUpdate(object muObject, muPDFEventArgs asyncInformation)
- {
- if (asyncInformation.Completed)
- {
- xaml_MuPDFProgress.Value = 100;
- xaml_MuPDFGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- if (asyncInformation.Params.result == GS_Result_t.gsFAILED)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "MuPDF failed to convert document");
- }
- MuPDFResult(asyncInformation.Params);
- }
- else
- {
- this.xaml_MuPDFProgress.Value = asyncInformation.Progress;
- }
- }
- /* MuPDF Result*/
- public void MuPDFResult(ConvertParams_t gs_result)
- {
- if (gs_result.result == GS_Result_t.gsCANCELLED)
- {
- xaml_MuPDFGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- return;
- }
- if (gs_result.result == GS_Result_t.gsFAILED)
- {
- xaml_MuPDFGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "MuPDF Failed Conversion");
- return;
- }
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "MuPDF Completed Conversion");
- }
- private void gsProgress(object gsObject, gsEventArgs asyncInformation)
- {
- if (asyncInformation.Completed)
- {
- xaml_DistillProgress.Value = 100;
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- if (asyncInformation.Params.result == GS_Result_t.gsFAILED)
- {
- switch (asyncInformation.Params.task)
- {
- case GS_Task_t.CREATE_XPS:
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Ghostscript failed to create XPS");
- break;
- case GS_Task_t.PS_DISTILL:
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Ghostscript failed to distill PS");
- break;
- case GS_Task_t.SAVE_RESULT:
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Ghostscript failed to convert document");
- break;
- }
- return;
- }
- GSResult(asyncInformation.Params);
- }
- else
- {
- this.xaml_DistillProgress.Value = asyncInformation.Progress;
- }
- }
- /* GS Result*/
- public void GSResult(gsParams_t gs_result)
- {
- if (gs_result.result == GS_Result_t.gsCANCELLED)
- {
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- return;
- }
- if (gs_result.result == GS_Result_t.gsFAILED)
- {
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS Failed Conversion");
- return;
- }
- switch (gs_result.task)
- {
- case GS_Task_t.CREATE_XPS:
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- PrintXPS(gs_result.outputfile);
- break;
- case GS_Task_t.PS_DISTILL:
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- m_origfile = gs_result.inputfile;
- OpenFile2(gs_result.outputfile);
- break;
- case GS_Task_t.SAVE_RESULT:
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS Completed Conversion");
- break;
- }
- }
- private void PrintCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- Print(sender, e);
- }
- /* Printing is achieved using xpswrite device in ghostscript and
- * pushing that file through the XPS print queue */
- private void Print(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_file_open)
- return;
- if (m_printcontrol == null)
- {
- m_printcontrol = new PrintControl(m_num_pages, m_currpage);
- m_printcontrol.PrintDiagUpdatePreview += new PrintControl.PrintDiagCallBackPreview(PrintDiagUpdatePreview);
- m_printcontrol.PrintDiagPrint += new PrintControl.PrintDiagCallBackPrint(PrintDiagPrint);
- m_printcontrol.PrintDLLProblemMain += new PrintControl.PrintDLLProblem(gsDLL);
- m_printcontrol.Activate();
- m_printcontrol.Show(); /* Makes it modal */
- PrintDiagEventArgs args = new PrintDiagEventArgs(0);
- PrintDiagUpdatePreview(null, args);
- }
- else
- m_printcontrol.Show();
- return;
- }
- private void PrintXPS(String file)
- {
- gsprint ghostprint = new gsprint();
- /* We have to create the XPS document on a different thread */
- XpsDocument xpsDocument = new XpsDocument(file, FileAccess.Read);
- FixedDocumentSequence fixedDocSeq = xpsDocument.GetFixedDocumentSequence();
- System.Windows.Size temp = new Size(200, 200);
- fixedDocSeq.DocumentPaginator.PageSize = temp;
- PrintQueue printq = m_printcontrol.m_selectedPrinter;
- m_ghostprint = ghostprint;
- xaml_PrintGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- xaml_PrintProgress.Value = 0;
- ghostprint.Print(printq, fixedDocSeq, m_printcontrol);
- }
- private void PrintProgress(object printHelper, gsPrintEventArgs Information)
- {
- if (Information.Status != PrintStatus_t.PRINT_BUSY)
- {
- xaml_PrintProgress.Value = 100;
- xaml_PrintGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- }
- else
- {
- xaml_PrintProgress.Value =
- 100.0 * (double)Information.Page / (double)m_num_pages;
- }
- }
- private void CancelMuPDFClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- xaml_CancelMuPDF.IsEnabled = false;
- mu_doc.Cancel();
- }
- private void CancelDistillClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- xaml_CancelDistill.IsEnabled = false;
- if (m_ghostscript != null)
- m_ghostscript.Cancel();
- }
- private void CancelPrintClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- m_ghostprint.CancelAsync();
- }
- private void ShowGSMessage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- m_gsoutput.Show();
- }
- private void ConvertClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_ghostscript.GetStatus() != gsStatus.GS_READY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS busy");
- return;
- }
- if (m_convertwin == null || !m_convertwin.IsActive)
- {
- m_convertwin = new Convert(m_num_pages);
- m_convertwin.ConvertUpdateMain += new Convert.ConvertCallBackMain(ConvertReturn);
- m_convertwin.Activate();
- m_convertwin.Show();
- }
- }
- private void ConvertReturn(object sender)
- {
- Device device = (Device)m_convertwin.xaml_DeviceList.SelectedItem;
- if (device == null)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "No Device Selected");
- return;
- }
- if (m_ghostscript.GetStatus() != gsStatus.GS_READY &&
- !device.MuPDFDevice)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS busy");
- return;
- }
- System.Collections.IList pages = m_convertwin.xaml_PageList.SelectedItems;
- System.Collections.IList pages_selected = null;
- String options = m_convertwin.xaml_options.Text;
- int resolution = 72;
- bool multi_page_needed = false;
- int first_page = -1;
- int last_page = -1;
- if (pages.Count == 0)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "No Pages Selected");
- return;
- }
- /* Get a filename */
- System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog();
- dlg.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*";
- dlg.FilterIndex = 1;
- if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- {
- if (device.MuPDFDevice)
- {
- /* Allow only one of these as a time */
- pages_selected = pages;
- var val = m_convertwin.xaml_resolution.Text;
- if (val.Length > 0)
- {
- bool isok = true;
- int num = resolution;
- try
- {
- num = System.Convert.ToInt32(val);
- }
- catch (FormatException e)
- {
- isok = false;
- Console.WriteLine("Input string is not a sequence of digits.");
- }
- catch (OverflowException e)
- {
- isok = false;
- Console.WriteLine("The number cannot fit in an Int32.");
- }
- if (isok && num > 0)
- resolution = num;
- }
- if (mu_doc.ConvertSave(device.DeviceType, dlg.FileName,
- pages.Count, pages_selected, resolution) == gsStatus.GS_BUSY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "MuPDF conversion busy");
- return;
- }
- xaml_CancelMuPDF.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- xaml_MuPDFGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- }
- else
- {
- if (!device.SupportsMultiPage && m_num_pages > 1)
- multi_page_needed = true;
- if (pages.Count != m_num_pages)
- {
- /* We may need to go through page by page. Determine if
- * selection of pages is continuous. This is done by
- * looking at the first one in the list and the last one
- * in the list and checking the length */
- SelectPage lastpage = (SelectPage)pages[pages.Count - 1];
- SelectPage firstpage = (SelectPage)pages[0];
- int temp = lastpage.Page - firstpage.Page + 1;
- if (temp == pages.Count)
- {
- /* Pages are contiguous. Add first and last page
- * as command line option */
- options = options + " -dFirstPage=" + firstpage.Page + " -dLastPage=" + lastpage.Page;
- first_page = firstpage.Page;
- last_page = lastpage.Page;
- }
- else
- {
- /* Pages are not continguous. We will do this page
- * by page.*/
- pages_selected = pages;
- multi_page_needed = true; /* need to put in separate outputs */
- }
- }
- xaml_DistillProgress.Value = 0;
- if (m_ghostscript.Convert(m_currfile, options,
- device.DeviceName, dlg.FileName, pages.Count, resolution,
- multi_page_needed, pages_selected, first_page, last_page,
- null, null) == gsStatus.GS_BUSY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS busy");
- return;
- }
- xaml_DistillName.Text = "GS Converting Document";
- xaml_CancelDistill.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_DistillName.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- }
- m_convertwin.Close();
- }
- return;
- }
- private void ExtractPages(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done || m_isXPS || m_isImage)
- return;
- if (m_extractwin == null || !m_extractwin.IsActive)
- {
- m_extractwin = new PageExtractSave(m_num_pages);
- m_extractwin.ExtractMain += new PageExtractSave.ExtractCallBackMain(ExtractReturn);
- m_extractwin.Activate();
- m_extractwin.Show();
- }
- }
- private void ExtractReturn(object sender)
- {
- if (m_extractwin.xaml_PageList.SelectedItems.Count == 0)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "No Pages Selected");
- return;
- }
- /* Go through the actual list not the selected items list. The
- * selected items list contains them in the order that the were
- * selected not the order graphically shown */
- List<SelectPage> pages = new List<SelectPage>(m_extractwin.xaml_PageList.SelectedItems.Count);
- for (int kk = 0; kk < m_extractwin.xaml_PageList.Items.Count; kk++)
- {
- var item = (m_extractwin.xaml_PageList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(kk)) as System.Windows.Controls.ListViewItem;
- if (item.IsSelected == true)
- {
- pages.Add((SelectPage) m_extractwin.Pages[kk]);
- }
- }
- /* Get a filename */
- System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog();
- dlg.Filter = "All files (*.pdf)|*.pdf";
- dlg.FilterIndex = 1;
- if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- {
- mu_doc.PDFExtract(m_currfile, dlg.FileName, m_currpassword, m_currpassword != null,
- false, pages.Count, pages);
- m_extractwin.Close();
- }
- return;
- }
- private void GetPassword()
- {
- if (m_password == null)
- {
- m_password = new Password();
- m_password.PassUpdateMain += new Password.PassCallBackMain(PasswordReturn);
- m_password.Activate();
- m_password.Show();
- }
- }
- private void PasswordReturn(object sender)
- {
- if (mu_doc.ApplyPassword(m_password.xaml_Password.Password))
- {
- m_currpassword = m_password.xaml_Password.Password;
- m_password.Close();
- m_password = null;
- xaml_OpenProgressGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- xaml_openfilestatus.Text = "Opening File";
- StartViewer();
- }
- else
- {
- xaml_OpenProgressGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Password Incorrect");
- }
- }
- private void ShowInfo(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- String Message;
- if (m_file_open)
- {
- String filename;
- if (m_origfile != null && (m_document_type == DocumentTypes.PS ||
- m_document_type == DocumentTypes.EPS))
- filename = m_origfile;
- else
- filename = m_currfile;
- Message =
- " File: " + filename + "\n" +
- "Document Type: " + m_document_type + "\n" +
- " Pages: " + m_num_pages + "\n" +
- " Current Page: " + (m_currpage + 1) + "\n";
- if (m_infowindow == null || !(m_infowindow.IsActive))
- m_infowindow = new Info();
- m_infowindow.xaml_TextInfo.Text = Message;
- m_infowindow.FontFamily = new FontFamily("Courier New");
- m_infowindow.Show();
- }
- }
- #region Zoom Control
- /* Find out where the current page is */
- private double ComputeOffsetZoomOut(double old_zoom)
- {
- double y = 0;
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer != null)
- {
- /* Look at the offset and where it falls relative to the top of our current page */
- UIElement uiElement = (UIElement)xaml_PageList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(m_currpage);
- y = viewer.TranslatePoint(new System.Windows.Point(0, 0), uiElement).Y;
- }
- return y * m_doczoom / old_zoom;
- }
- private double ComputeOffsetZoomIn(double old_zoom, out int new_page)
- {
- double y = 0;
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- new_page = m_currpage;
- if (viewer != null)
- {
- /* Look at the offset and where it falls relative to the top of our current page */
- UIElement uiElement = (UIElement)xaml_PageList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(m_currpage);
- y = viewer.TranslatePoint(new System.Windows.Point(0, 0), uiElement).Y;
- /* If we are zoomed out, we can be on a page that is not on the top boundry. See if we can find one
- * that is */
- if (y < 0)
- {
- new_page = m_currpage - 1;
- while (true)
- {
- if (new_page < 0)
- {
- new_page = 0;
- return 0;
- }
- uiElement = (UIElement)xaml_PageList.ItemContainerGenerator.ContainerFromIndex(new_page);
- y = viewer.TranslatePoint(new System.Windows.Point(0, 0), uiElement).Y;
- if (y >= 0)
- {
- return y * m_doczoom / old_zoom;
- }
- new_page = new_page - 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return y * m_doczoom / old_zoom;
- }
- private void ZoomOut(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done || m_doczoom <= Constants.ZOOM_MIN)
- return;
- double old_zoom = m_doczoom;
- m_doczoom = m_doczoom - Constants.ZOOM_STEP;
- if (m_doczoom < Constants.ZOOM_MIN)
- m_doczoom = Constants.ZOOM_MIN;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.Value = m_doczoom * 100.0;
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomOut(old_zoom);
- RenderRange(m_currpage, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_OUT, offset);
- }
- private void ZoomIn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done || m_doczoom >= Constants.ZOOM_MAX)
- return;
- double old_zoom = m_doczoom;
- m_doczoom = m_doczoom + Constants.ZOOM_STEP;
- if (m_doczoom > Constants.ZOOM_MAX)
- m_doczoom = Constants.ZOOM_MAX;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.Value = m_doczoom * 100.0;
- int newpage;
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomIn(old_zoom, out newpage);
- RenderRange(newpage, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_IN, offset);
- }
- private void ActualSize(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- double old_zoom = m_doczoom;
- m_doczoom = 1.0;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.Value = m_doczoom * 100.0;
- if (old_zoom < 1.0)
- {
- int new_page;
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomIn(old_zoom, out new_page);
- RenderRange(new_page, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_IN, offset);
- }
- else if (old_zoom > 1.0)
- {
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomOut(old_zoom);
- RenderRange(m_currpage, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_OUT, offset);
- }
- }
- private void ContScrollFill(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- /* Scale our pages based upon the size of scrollviewer */
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer == null)
- return;
- double width = viewer.ViewportWidth;
- double page_width = m_thumbnails[m_currpage].NativeWidth;
- double scale = width / page_width;
- if (scale < Constants.ZOOM_MIN)
- scale = Constants.ZOOM_MIN;
- if (scale > Constants.ZOOM_MAX)
- scale = Constants.ZOOM_MAX;
- if (m_doczoom == scale)
- return;
- double old_zoom = m_doczoom;
- m_doczoom = scale;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.Value = m_doczoom * 100.0;
- if (old_zoom > m_doczoom)
- RenderRange(m_currpage, true, zoom_t.ZOOM_OUT, 0);
- else
- RenderRange(m_currpage, true, zoom_t.ZOOM_IN, 0);
- }
- private void ExpandFill(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- /* Scale our pages based upon the size of scrollviewer */
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer == null)
- return;
- double height = viewer.ViewportHeight;
- double width = viewer.ViewportWidth;
- double page_height = m_thumbnails[m_currpage].NativeHeight;
- double page_width = m_thumbnails[m_currpage].NativeWidth;
- double height_scale = height / page_height;
- double width_scale = width / page_width;
- double scale = Math.Min(height_scale, width_scale);
- if (scale < Constants.ZOOM_MIN)
- scale = Constants.ZOOM_MIN;
- if (scale > Constants.ZOOM_MAX)
- scale = Constants.ZOOM_MAX;
- if (m_doczoom == scale)
- return;
- double old_zoom = m_doczoom;
- m_doczoom = scale;
- xaml_ZoomSlider.Value = m_doczoom * 100.0;
- if (old_zoom > m_doczoom)
- RenderRange(m_currpage, true, zoom_t.ZOOM_OUT, 0);
- else
- RenderRange(m_currpage, true, zoom_t.ZOOM_IN, 0);
- }
- private void ShowFooter(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- xaml_FooterControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- }
- private void HideFooter(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- xaml_FooterControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- }
- private void ZoomReleased(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_init_done)
- {
- double zoom = xaml_ZoomSlider.Value / 100.0;
- if (zoom > Constants.ZOOM_MAX)
- zoom = Constants.ZOOM_MAX;
- if (zoom < Constants.ZOOM_MIN)
- zoom = Constants.ZOOM_MIN;
- double old_zoom = zoom;
- m_doczoom = zoom;
- if (old_zoom > m_doczoom)
- {
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomOut(old_zoom);
- RenderRange(m_currpage, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_OUT, offset);
- }
- else
- {
- int new_page;
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomIn(old_zoom, out new_page);
- RenderRange(new_page, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_IN, offset);
- }
- }
- }
- /* If the zoom is not equalto 1 then set the zoom to 1 and scoll to this page */
- private void PageDoubleClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- return; /* Disable this for now */
- if (m_doczoom != 1.0)
- {
- double old_zoom = m_doczoom;
- m_doczoom = 1.0;
- xaml_Zoomsize.Text = "100";
- var item = ((FrameworkElement)e.OriginalSource).DataContext as DocPage;
- if (item != null)
- {
- if (old_zoom > m_doczoom)
- {
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomOut(old_zoom);
- RenderRange(m_currpage, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_OUT, offset);
- }
- else
- {
- int new_page;
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomIn(old_zoom, out new_page);
- RenderRange(new_page, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_IN, offset);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void ZoomEnterClicked(object sender, System.Windows.Input.KeyEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.Key == Key.Return)
- {
- e.Handled = true;
- var desired_zoom = xaml_Zoomsize.Text;
- try
- {
- double zoom = (double)System.Convert.ToInt32(desired_zoom) / 100.0;
- if (zoom > Constants.ZOOM_MAX)
- zoom = Constants.ZOOM_MAX;
- if (zoom < Constants.ZOOM_MIN)
- zoom = Constants.ZOOM_MIN;
- double old_zoom = m_doczoom;
- m_doczoom = zoom;
- if (old_zoom > m_doczoom)
- {
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomOut(old_zoom);
- RenderRange(m_currpage, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_OUT, offset);
- }
- else
- {
- int new_page;
- double offset = ComputeOffsetZoomIn(old_zoom, out new_page);
- RenderRange(new_page, false, zoom_t.ZOOM_IN, offset);
- }
- }
- catch (FormatException e1)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("String is not a sequence of digits.");
- }
- catch (OverflowException e2)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("The number cannot fit in an Int32.");
- }
- }
- }
- /* Rescale the pages based upon the zoom value and the native size */
- private void UpdatePageSizes()
- {
- SetThumbwidth();
- for (int k = 0; k > m_num_pages; k++)
- {
- var thumbpage = m_thumbnails[k];
- var page = m_docPages[k];
- if (page.Zoom == m_doczoom)
- continue;
- int scale_zoom = (int)Math.Round((double)page.Height / (double)thumbpage.NativeHeight);
- if (scale_zoom != m_doczoom)
- {
- page.Height = (int)Math.Round(thumbpage.NativeHeight * m_doczoom);
- page.Width = (int)Math.Round(thumbpage.NativeWidth * m_doczoom);
- }
- }
- }
- #endregion Zoom Control
- #region Thumb Rendering
- void SetThumbInit(int page_num, Byte[] bitmap, Point ras_size, double zoom_in)
- {
- /* Three jobs. Store the thumb and possibly update the full page. Also
- add to collection of pages. Set up page geometry info (scale of
- 100 percent ) */
- DocPage doc_page = new DocPage();
- m_thumbnails.Add(doc_page);
- doc_page.Width = (int)ras_size.X;
- doc_page.Height = (int)ras_size.Y;
- doc_page.NativeWidth = (int)(ras_size.X / Constants.SCALE_THUMB);
- doc_page.NativeHeight = (int)(ras_size.Y / Constants.SCALE_THUMB);
- m_totalpageheight = m_totalpageheight + doc_page.NativeHeight;
- doc_page.Content = Page_Content_t.THUMBNAIL;
- doc_page.Zoom = zoom_in;
- int stride = doc_page.Width * 4;
- doc_page.BitMap = BitmapSource.Create(doc_page.Width, doc_page.Height,
- 72, 72, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, BitmapPalettes.Halftone256, bitmap, stride);
- doc_page.PageNum = page_num;
- /* Lets see if we need to set the main page */
- var doc = m_docPages[page_num];
- switch (doc.Content)
- {
- case Page_Content_t.FULL_RESOLUTION:
- case Page_Content_t.THUMBNAIL:
- return;
- case Page_Content_t.NOTSET:
- doc_page = InitDocPage();
- doc_page.Content = Page_Content_t.THUMBNAIL;
- doc_page.Zoom = zoom_in;
- doc_page.BitMap = m_thumbnails[page_num].BitMap;
- doc_page.Width = (int)(ras_size.X / Constants.SCALE_THUMB);
- doc_page.Height = (int)(ras_size.Y / Constants.SCALE_THUMB);
- doc_page.PageNum = page_num;
- this.m_docPages[page_num] = doc_page;
- break;
- case Page_Content_t.OLD_RESOLUTION:
- return;
- }
- }
- private void ThumbsWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
- {
- Point ras_size;
- status_t code;
- double scale_factor = Constants.SCALE_THUMB;
- BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
- Byte[] bitmap;
- for (int k = 0; k < m_num_pages; k++)
- {
- if (ComputePageSize(k, scale_factor, out ras_size) == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- try
- {
- bitmap = new byte[(int)ras_size.X * (int)ras_size.Y * 4];
- BlocksText charlist;
- Annotate_t annot;
- /* Synchronous call on our background thread */
- code = (status_t)mu_doc.RenderPage(k, bitmap, (int)ras_size.X,
- (int)ras_size.Y, scale_factor, false, false, false,
- out charlist, false, out annot);
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException em)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed thumb page " + k + em.Message + "\n");
- break;
- }
- /* Use thumb if we rendered ok */
- if (code == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- double percent = 100 * (double)(k + 1) / (double)m_num_pages;
- thumb_t curr_thumb = new thumb_t();
- curr_thumb.page_num = k;
- curr_thumb.bitmap = bitmap;
- curr_thumb.size = ras_size;
- worker.ReportProgress((int)percent, curr_thumb);
- }
- }
- if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
- {
- e.Cancel = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- private void ThumbsCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
- {
- xaml_ProgressGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_ThumbProgress.Value = 0;
- xaml_ThumbList.ItemsSource = m_thumbnails;
- m_have_thumbs = true;
- m_thumbworker = null;
- //xaml_CancelThumb.IsEnabled = true;
- xaml_ThumbList.Items.Refresh();
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Minimum = 0;
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Maximum = m_totalpageheight + 4 * m_num_pages;
- //thumbSize = (viewportSize/(maximum–minimum+viewportSize))×trackLength
- SetThumbwidth();
- //ScrollBarExtensions.SetThumbLength(xaml_VerticalScroll, 1);
- }
- private void ThumbsProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- thumb_t thumb = (thumb_t)(e.UserState);
- xaml_ThumbProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
- SetThumbInit(thumb.page_num, thumb.bitmap, thumb.size, 1.0);
- }
- private void RenderThumbs()
- {
- /* Create background task for rendering the thumbnails. Allow
- this to be cancelled if we open a new doc while we are in loop
- rendering. Put the UI updates in the progress changed which will
- run on the main thread */
- try
- {
- m_thumbworker = new BackgroundWorker();
- m_thumbworker.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
- m_thumbworker.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
- m_thumbworker.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(ThumbsWork);
- m_thumbworker.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(ThumbsCompleted);
- m_thumbworker.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(ThumbsProgressChanged);
- xaml_ProgressGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- m_thumbworker.RunWorkerAsync();
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed during thumb rendering\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- }
- #endregion Thumb Rendering
- #region Copy Paste
- /* Copy the current page as a bmp to the clipboard this is done at the
- * current resolution */
- private void CopyPage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- var curr_page = m_docPages[m_currpage];
- System.Windows.Clipboard.SetImage(curr_page.BitMap);
- m_clipboardset = true;
- }
- /* Paste the page to various types supported by the windows encoder class */
- private void PastePage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- var menu = (System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem)sender;
- String tag = (String)menu.Tag;
- if (!m_clipboardset || !System.Windows.Clipboard.ContainsImage() ||
- !m_init_done)
- return;
- var bitmap = System.Windows.Clipboard.GetImage();
- BitmapEncoder encoder;
- System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog();
- dlg.FilterIndex = 1;
- switch (tag)
- {
- case "PNG":
- dlg.Filter = "PNG Files(*.png)|*.png";
- encoder = new PngBitmapEncoder();
- break;
- case "JPG":
- dlg.Filter = "JPEG Files(*.jpg)|*.jpg";
- encoder = new JpegBitmapEncoder();
- break;
- case "WDP":
- dlg.Filter = "HDP Files(*.wdp)|*.wdp";
- encoder = new WmpBitmapEncoder();
- break;
- case "TIF":
- dlg.Filter = "TIFF Files(*.tif)|*.tif";
- encoder = new TiffBitmapEncoder();
- break;
- case "BMP":
- dlg.Filter = "BMP Files(*.bmp)|*.bmp";
- encoder = new BmpBitmapEncoder();
- break;
- case "GIF":
- dlg.Filter = "GIF Files(*.gif)|*.gif";
- encoder = new GifBitmapEncoder();
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- encoder.Frames.Add(BitmapFrame.Create(bitmap));
- if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- {
- using (var stream = dlg.OpenFile())
- encoder.Save(stream);
- }
- }
- #endregion Copy Paste
- #region SaveAs
- String CreatePDFXA(Save_Type_t type)
- {
- Byte[] Resource;
- String Profile;
- switch (type)
- {
- case Save_Type_t.PDFA1_CMYK:
- case Save_Type_t.PDFA2_CMYK:
- Resource = Properties.Resources.PDFA_def;
- Profile = m_outputintents.cmyk_icc;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFA1_RGB:
- case Save_Type_t.PDFA2_RGB:
- Resource = Properties.Resources.PDFA_def;
- Profile = m_outputintents.rgb_icc;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFX3_CMYK:
- Resource = Properties.Resources.PDFX_def;
- Profile = m_outputintents.cmyk_icc;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFX3_GRAY:
- Resource = Properties.Resources.PDFX_def;
- Profile = m_outputintents.gray_icc;
- break;
- default:
- return null;
- }
- String Profile_new = Profile.Replace("\\", "/");
- String result = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Resource);
- String pdfx_cust = result.Replace("ICCPROFILE", Profile_new);
- var out_file = System.IO.Path.GetTempFileName();
- System.IO.File.WriteAllText(out_file, pdfx_cust);
- return out_file;
- }
- private void SaveFile(Save_Type_t type)
- {
- if (!m_file_open)
- return;
- System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog();
- dlg.FilterIndex = 1;
- /* PDF output types */
- if (type <= Save_Type_t.PDF)
- {
- dlg.Filter = "PDF Files(*.pdf)|*.pdf";
- if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- {
- String options = null;
- bool use_gs = true;
- String init_file = CreatePDFXA(type);
- switch (type)
- {
- case Save_Type_t.PDF:
- /* All done. No need to use gs or mupdf */
- System.IO.File.Copy(m_currfile, dlg.FileName, true);
- use_gs = false;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.LINEAR_PDF:
- mu_doc.PDFExtract(m_currfile, dlg.FileName, m_currpassword,
- m_currpassword != null, true, -1, null);
- use_gs = false;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDF13:
- options = "-dCompatibilityLevel=1.3";
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFA1_CMYK:
- options = "-dPDFA=1 -dNOOUTERSAVE -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK -dColorConversionStrategy=/CMYK -sOutputICCProfile=" + m_outputintents.cmyk_icc;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFA1_RGB:
- options = "-dPDFA=1 -dNOOUTERSAVE -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -sProcessColorModel=DeviceRGB -dColorConversionStrategy=/RGB -sOutputICCProfile=" + m_outputintents.rgb_icc;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFA2_CMYK:
- options = "-dPDFA=2 -dNOOUTERSAVE -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK -dColorConversionStrategy=/CMYK -sOutputICCProfile=" + m_outputintents.cmyk_icc;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFA2_RGB:
- options = "-dPDFA=2 -dNOOUTERSAVE -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -sProcessColorModel=DeviceRGB -dColorConversionStrategy=/RGB -sOutputICCProfile=" + m_outputintents.rgb_icc;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFX3_CMYK:
- options = "-dPDFX -dNOOUTERSAVE -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -sProcessColorModel=DeviceCMYK -dColorConversionStrategy=/CMYK -sOutputICCProfile=" + m_outputintents.cmyk_icc;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PDFX3_GRAY:
- options = "-dPDFX -dNOOUTERSAVE -dPDFACompatibilityPolicy=1 -sProcessColorModel=DeviceGray -dColorConversionStrategy=/Gray -sOutputICCProfile=" + m_outputintents.cmyk_icc;
- break;
- }
- if (use_gs)
- {
- xaml_DistillProgress.Value = 0;
- if (m_ghostscript.Convert(m_currfile, options,
- Enum.GetName(typeof(gsDevice_t), gsDevice_t.pdfwrite),
- dlg.FileName, m_num_pages, 300, false, null, -1, -1,
- init_file, null) == gsStatus.GS_BUSY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS busy");
- return;
- }
- xaml_DistillName.Text = "Creating PDF";
- xaml_CancelDistill.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_DistillName.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Non PDF output */
- gsDevice_t Device = gsDevice_t.xpswrite;
- bool use_mupdf = true;
- String Message = "";
- textout_t textout = textout_t.HTML;
- switch (type)
- {
- case Save_Type_t.HTML:
- dlg.Filter = "HTML (*.html)|*.html";
- Message = "HTML content written";
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.XML:
- dlg.Filter = "XML (*.xml)|*.xml";
- Message = "XML content written";
- textout = textout_t.XML;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.TEXT:
- dlg.Filter = "Text (*.txt)|*.txt";
- Message = "Text content written";
- textout = textout_t.TEXT;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.PCLXL:
- use_mupdf = false;
- dlg.Filter = "PCL-XL (*.bin)|*.bin";
- Device = gsDevice_t.pxlcolor;
- break;
- case Save_Type_t.XPS:
- use_mupdf = false;
- dlg.Filter = "XPS Files(*.xps)|*.xps";
- break;
- }
- if (!use_mupdf)
- {
- if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- {
- if (m_ghostscript.Convert(m_currfile, "",
- Enum.GetName(typeof(gsDevice_t), Device),
- dlg.FileName, 1, 300, false, null, -1, -1,
- null, null) == gsStatus.GS_BUSY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS busy");
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- {
- /* Write out first non null page then append the rest */
- int curr_page = 0;
- bool done = false;
- while (!done)
- {
- String output = null;
- output = mu_doc.GetText(curr_page, textout);
- if (output == null)
- {
- curr_page = curr_page + 1;
- if (curr_page == m_num_pages)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "No text found in file");
- return;
- }
- }
- else
- {
- System.IO.File.WriteAllText(dlg.FileName, output);
- done = true;
- }
- }
- curr_page = curr_page + 1;
- if (curr_page == m_num_pages)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, Message);
- return;
- }
- done = false;
- while (!done)
- {
- String output = null;
- output = mu_doc.GetText(curr_page, textout);
- if (output != null)
- {
- System.IO.File.AppendAllText(dlg.FileName, output);
- }
- curr_page = curr_page + 1;
- if (curr_page == m_num_pages)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, Message);
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void SaveSVG(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.SVG);
- }
- private void SavePDF(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PDF);
- }
- private void SaveText(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.TEXT);
- }
- private void SaveXML(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.XML);
- }
- private void SaveHTML(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.HTML);
- }
- private void Linearize(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.LINEAR_PDF);
- }
- private void SavePDF13(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PDF13);
- }
- private void SavePDFX3_Gray(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_outputintents.gray_icc == null)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Set Gray Output Intent ICC Profile");
- return;
- }
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PDFX3_GRAY);
- }
- private void SavePDFX3_CMYK(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_outputintents.cmyk_icc == null)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Set CMYK Output Intent ICC Profile");
- return;
- }
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PDFX3_CMYK);
- }
- private void SavePDFA1_RGB(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_outputintents.rgb_icc == null)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Set RGB Output Intent ICC Profile");
- return;
- }
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PDFA1_RGB);
- }
- private void SavePDFA1_CMYK(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_outputintents.cmyk_icc == null)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Set CMYK Output Intent ICC Profile");
- return;
- }
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PDFA1_CMYK);
- }
- private void SavePDFA2_RGB(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_outputintents.rgb_icc == null)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Set RGB Output Intent ICC Profile");
- return;
- }
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PDFA2_RGB);
- }
- private void SavePDFA2_CMYK(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_outputintents.cmyk_icc == null)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "Set CMYK Output Intent ICC Profile");
- return;
- }
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PDFA2_CMYK);
- }
- private void SavePCLXL(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.PCLXL);
- }
- private void SaveXPS(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- SaveFile(Save_Type_t.XPS);
- }
- #endregion SaveAs
- #region Extract
- private void Extract(Extract_Type_t type)
- {
- if (m_selection != null || !m_init_done)
- return;
- m_selection = new Selection(m_currpage + 1, m_doczoom, type);
- m_selection.UpdateMain += new Selection.CallBackMain(SelectionMade);
- m_selection.Show();
- m_selection.xaml_Image.Source = m_docPages[m_currpage].BitMap;
- m_selection.xaml_Image.Height = m_docPages[m_currpage].Height;
- m_selection.xaml_Image.Width = m_docPages[m_currpage].Width;
- }
- async private void SelectionZoom(int page_num, double zoom)
- {
- Point ras_size;
- if (ComputePageSize(page_num, zoom, out ras_size) == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- try
- {
- Byte[] bitmap = new byte[(int)ras_size.X * (int)ras_size.Y * 4];
- BlocksText charlist;
- Annotate_t annot;
- Task<int> ren_task =
- new Task<int>(() => mu_doc.RenderPage(page_num, bitmap,
- (int)ras_size.X, (int)ras_size.Y, zoom, false, true,
- false, out charlist, true, out annot));
- ren_task.Start();
- await ren_task.ContinueWith((antecedent) =>
- {
- status_t code = (status_t)ren_task.Result;
- if (code == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- if (m_selection != null)
- {
- int stride = (int)ras_size.X * 4;
- m_selection.xaml_Image.Source = BitmapSource.Create((int)ras_size.X, (int)ras_size.Y, 72, 72, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, BitmapPalettes.Halftone256, bitmap, stride);
- m_selection.xaml_Image.Height = (int)ras_size.Y;
- m_selection.xaml_Image.Width = (int)ras_size.X;
- m_selection.UpdateRect();
- m_selection.m_curr_state = SelectStatus_t.OK;
- }
- }
- }, TaskScheduler.FromCurrentSynchronizationContext());
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed page " + page_num + "\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- }
- }
- private void SelectionMade(object gsObject, SelectEventArgs results)
- {
- switch (results.State)
- {
- case SelectStatus_t.CANCEL:
- case SelectStatus_t.CLOSE:
- m_selection = null;
- return;
- case SelectStatus_t.SELECT:
- /* Get the information we need */
- double zoom = results.ZoomFactor;
- Point start = results.TopLeft;
- Point size = results.Size;
- int page = results.PageNum;
- gsDevice_t Device = gsDevice_t.pdfwrite;
- start.X = start.X / zoom;
- start.Y = start.Y / zoom;
- size.X = size.X / zoom;
- size.Y = size.Y / zoom;
- /* Do the actual extraction */
- String options;
- System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog dlg = new System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog();
- dlg.FilterIndex = 1;
- /* Get us set up to do a fixed size */
- options = "-dFirstPage=" + page + " -dLastPage=" + page +
- size.Y + " -dFIXEDMEDIA";
- /* Set up the translation */
- String init_string = "<</Install {-" + start.X + " -" +
- start.Y + " translate (testing) == flush}>> setpagedevice";
- switch (results.Type)
- {
- case Extract_Type_t.PDF:
- dlg.Filter = "PDF Files(*.pdf)|*.pdf";
- break;
- case Extract_Type_t.EPS:
- dlg.Filter = "EPS Files(*.eps)|*.eps";
- Device = gsDevice_t.eps2write;
- break;
- case Extract_Type_t.PS:
- dlg.Filter = "PostScript Files(*.ps)|*.ps";
- Device = gsDevice_t.ps2write;
- break;
- case Extract_Type_t.SVG:
- dlg.Filter = "SVG Files(*.svg)|*.svg";
- break;
- }
- if (dlg.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
- {
- if (m_ghostscript.Convert(m_currfile, options,
- Enum.GetName(typeof(gsDevice_t), Device),
- dlg.FileName, 1, 300, false, null, page, page,
- null, init_string) == gsStatus.GS_BUSY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS busy");
- return;
- }
- }
- m_selection.Close();
- break;
- case SelectStatus_t.ZOOMIN:
- /* Render new page at this resolution and hand it off */
- SelectionZoom(results.PageNum - 1, results.ZoomFactor);
- break;
- case SelectStatus_t.ZOOMOUT:
- /* Render new page at this resolution and hand it off */
- SelectionZoom(results.PageNum - 1, results.ZoomFactor);
- break;
- }
- }
- private void ExtractPDF(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- Extract(Extract_Type_t.PDF);
- }
- private void ExtractEPS(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- Extract(Extract_Type_t.EPS);
- }
- private void ExtractPS(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- Extract(Extract_Type_t.PS);
- }
- private void OutputIntents(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- m_outputintents.Show();
- }
- #endregion Extract
- #region Search
- /* Search related code */
- private void Search(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done || (m_textsearch != null && m_textsearch.IsBusy))
- return;
- m_textsearch = null; /* Start out fresh */
- if (xaml_SearchControl.Visibility == System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed)
- xaml_SearchControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- else
- {
- xaml_SearchControl.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_SearchGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- ClearTextSearch();
- }
- }
- private void OnSearchBackClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- String textToFind = xaml_SearchText.Text;
- TextSearchSetUp(-1, textToFind);
- }
- private void OnSearchForwardClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- String textToFind = xaml_SearchText.Text;
- TextSearchSetUp(1, textToFind);
- }
- /* The thread that is actually doing the search work */
- void SearchWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
- {
- BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
- List<object> genericlist = e.Argument as List<object>;
- int direction = (int)genericlist[0];
- String needle = (String)genericlist[1];
- /* To make sure we get the next page or current page during search */
- int in_search = (int)genericlist[2];
- m_searchpage = m_currpage + direction * in_search;
- searchResults_t results = new searchResults_t();
- /* Break if we find something, get to the end (or start of doc)
- * or if we have a cancel occur */
- while (true)
- {
- int box_count = mu_doc.TextSearchPage(m_searchpage, needle);
- int percent;
- if (direction == 1)
- percent = (int)(100.0 * ((double)m_searchpage + 1) / (double)m_num_pages);
- else
- percent = 100 - (int)(100.0 * ((double)m_searchpage) / (double)m_num_pages);
- if (box_count > 0)
- {
- /* This page has something lets go ahead and extract and
- * signal to the UI thread and end this thread */
- results.done = false;
- results.num_rects = box_count;
- results.page_found = m_searchpage;
- results.rectangles = new List<Rect>();
- for (int kk = 0; kk < box_count; kk++)
- {
- Point top_left;
- Size size;
- mu_doc.GetTextSearchItem(kk, out top_left, out size);
- var rect = new Rect(top_left, size);
- results.rectangles.Add(rect);
- }
- /* Reset global smart pointer once we have everything */
- mu_doc.ReleaseTextSearch();
- worker.ReportProgress(percent, results);
- break;
- }
- else
- {
- /* This page has nothing. Lets go ahead and just update
- * the progress bar */
- worker.ReportProgress(percent, null);
- if (percent >= 100)
- {
- results.done = true;
- results.needle = needle;
- break;
- }
- m_searchpage = m_searchpage + direction;
- }
- if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
- {
- e.Cancel = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- e.Result = results;
- }
- private void SearchProgressChanged(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.UserState == null)
- {
- /* Nothing found */
- xaml_SearchProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
- }
- else
- {
- m_text_list = new List<RectList>();
- /* found something go to page and show results */
- searchResults_t results = (searchResults_t)e.UserState;
- xaml_SearchProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
- m_currpage = results.page_found;
- /* Add in the rectangles */
- for (int kk = 0; kk < results.num_rects; kk++)
- {
- var rect_item = new RectList();
- rect_item.Scale = m_doczoom;
- rect_item.Color = m_textsearchcolor;
- rect_item.Height = results.rectangles[kk].Height * m_doczoom;
- rect_item.Width = results.rectangles[kk].Width * m_doczoom;
- rect_item.X = results.rectangles[kk].X * m_doczoom;
- rect_item.Y = results.rectangles[kk].Y * m_doczoom;
- rect_item.Index = kk.ToString();
- m_text_list.Add(rect_item);
- }
- m_docPages[results.page_found].TextBox = m_text_list;
- m_doscroll = true;
- xaml_PageList.ScrollIntoView(m_docPages[results.page_found]);
- }
- }
- private void SearchCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.Cancelled == true)
- {
- xaml_SearchGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- m_textsearch = null;
- }
- else
- {
- searchResults_t results = (searchResults_t)e.Result;
- if (results.done == true)
- {
- xaml_SearchGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- m_textsearch = null;
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "End of document search for \"" + results.needle + "\"");
- }
- }
- }
- private void CancelSearchClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_textsearch != null && m_textsearch.IsBusy)
- m_textsearch.CancelAsync();
- xaml_SearchGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- m_textsearch = null;
- ClearTextSearch();
- }
- private void ClearTextSearch()
- {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < m_num_pages; kk++)
- {
- var temp = m_docPages[kk].TextBox;
- if (temp != null)
- {
- m_docPages[kk].TextBox = null;
- }
- }
- }
- private void ScaleTextBox(int pagenum)
- {
- var temp = m_docPages[pagenum].TextBox;
- for (int kk = 0; kk < temp.Count; kk++)
- {
- var rect_item = temp[kk];
- double factor = m_doczoom / temp[kk].Scale;
- temp[kk].Height = temp[kk].Height * factor;
- temp[kk].Width = temp[kk].Width * factor;
- temp[kk].X = temp[kk].X * factor;
- temp[kk].Y = temp[kk].Y * factor;
- temp[kk].Scale = m_doczoom;
- temp[kk].PageRefresh();
- }
- m_docPages[pagenum].TextBox = temp;
- }
- private void TextSearchSetUp(int direction, String needle)
- {
- /* Create background task for performing text search. */
- try
- {
- int in_text_search = 0;
- if (m_textsearch != null && m_textsearch.IsBusy)
- return;
- if (m_textsearch != null)
- {
- in_text_search = 1;
- m_textsearch = null;
- }
- if (m_prevsearch != null && needle != m_prevsearch)
- {
- in_text_search = 0;
- ClearTextSearch();
- }
- if (m_textsearch == null)
- {
- m_prevsearch = needle;
- m_textsearch = new BackgroundWorker();
- m_textsearch.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
- m_textsearch.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
- var arguments = new List<object>();
- arguments.Add(direction);
- arguments.Add(needle);
- arguments.Add(in_text_search);
- m_textsearch.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(SearchWork);
- m_textsearch.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(SearchCompleted);
- m_textsearch.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(SearchProgressChanged);
- xaml_SearchGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- m_textsearch.RunWorkerAsync(arguments);
- }
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed during text search\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- }
- #endregion Search
- #region Link
- private void LinksToggle(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- m_links_on = !m_links_on;
- if (m_page_link_list == null)
- {
- if (m_linksearch != null && m_linksearch.IsBusy)
- return;
- m_page_link_list = new List<List<RectList>>();
- m_linksearch = new BackgroundWorker();
- m_linksearch.WorkerReportsProgress = false;
- m_linksearch.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
- m_linksearch.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(LinkWork);
- m_linksearch.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(LinkCompleted);
- m_linksearch.RunWorkerAsync();
- }
- else
- {
- if (m_links_on)
- LinksOn();
- else
- LinksOff();
- }
- }
- private void LinkWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
- {
- BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
- for (int k = 0; k < m_num_pages; k++)
- {
- int box_count = mu_doc.GetLinksPage(k);
- List<RectList> links = new List<RectList>();
- if (box_count > 0)
- {
- for (int j = 0; j < box_count; j++)
- {
- Point top_left;
- Size size;
- String uri;
- int type;
- int topage;
- mu_doc.GetLinkItem(j, out top_left, out size, out uri,
- out topage, out type);
- var rectlist = new RectList();
- rectlist.Height = size.Height * m_doczoom;
- rectlist.Width = size.Width * m_doczoom;
- rectlist.X = top_left.X * m_doczoom;
- rectlist.Y = top_left.Y * m_doczoom;
- rectlist.Color = m_linkcolor;
- rectlist.Index = k.ToString() + "." + j.ToString();
- rectlist.PageNum = topage;
- rectlist.Scale = m_doczoom;
- if (uri != null)
- rectlist.Urilink = new Uri(uri);
- rectlist.Type = (Link_t)type;
- links.Add(rectlist);
- }
- }
- mu_doc.ReleaseLink();
- m_page_link_list.Add(links);
- if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
- {
- e.Cancel = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- private void LinkCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
- {
- LinksOn();
- }
- private void ScaleLinkBox(int pagenum)
- {
- var temp = m_docPages[pagenum].LinkBox;
- for (int kk = 0; kk < temp.Count; kk++)
- {
- var rect_item = temp[kk];
- double factor = m_doczoom / temp[kk].Scale;
- temp[kk].Height = temp[kk].Height * factor;
- temp[kk].Width = temp[kk].Width * factor;
- temp[kk].X = temp[kk].X * factor;
- temp[kk].Y = temp[kk].Y * factor;
- temp[kk].Scale = m_doczoom;
- temp[kk].PageRefresh();
- }
- m_docPages[pagenum].LinkBox = temp;
- }
- /* Merge these */
- private void ScaleTextLines(int pagenum, double scale_factor)
- {
- var temp = m_lineptrs[pagenum];
- for (int kk = 0; kk < temp.Count; kk++)
- {
- var rect_item = temp[kk];
- double factor = scale_factor / temp[kk].Scale;
- temp[kk].Height = temp[kk].Height * factor;
- temp[kk].Width = temp[kk].Width * factor;
- temp[kk].X = temp[kk].X * factor;
- temp[kk].Y = temp[kk].Y * factor;
- temp[kk].Scale = scale_factor;
- }
- m_lineptrs[pagenum] = temp;
- }
- private void ScaleTextBlocks(int pagenum, double scale_factor)
- {
- var temp = m_textptrs[pagenum];
- for (int kk = 0; kk < temp.Count; kk++)
- {
- var rect_item = temp[kk];
- double factor = scale_factor / temp[kk].Scale;
- temp[kk].Height = temp[kk].Height * factor;
- temp[kk].Width = temp[kk].Width * factor;
- temp[kk].X = temp[kk].X * factor;
- temp[kk].Y = temp[kk].Y * factor;
- temp[kk].Scale = scale_factor;
- }
- m_textptrs[pagenum] = temp;
- }
- private int GetVisibleRange()
- {
- /* Need to figure out what pages are going to be visible */
- double bottom = this.ActualHeight;
- bool done = false;
- int final_page = m_currpage;
- double count = 0;
- while (!done)
- {
- count = count + m_thumbnails[final_page].NativeHeight * m_doczoom;
- final_page = final_page + 1;
- if (final_page == m_num_pages || count > bottom)
- done = true;
- }
- return final_page;
- }
- /* Only visible pages */
- private void LinksOff()
- {
- int final_page = GetVisibleRange();
- for (int kk = m_currpage - 1; kk <= final_page + 1; kk++)
- {
- var temp = m_docPages[kk].LinkBox;
- if (temp != null)
- {
- m_docPages[kk].LinkBox = null;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Only visible pages */
- private void LinksOn()
- {
- int final_page = GetVisibleRange();
- for (int kk = m_currpage - 1; kk <= final_page + 1; kk++)
- {
- if (!(kk < 0 || kk > m_num_pages - 1))
- {
- var temp = m_docPages[kk].LinkBox;
- if (temp == null)
- {
- m_docPages[kk].LinkBox = m_page_link_list[kk];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- private void LinkClick(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- var item = (Rectangle)sender;
- if (item == null)
- return;
- String tag = (String)item.Tag;
- int page = 0;
- int index = 0;
- if (tag == null || tag.Length < 3 || !(tag.Contains('.')))
- return;
- String[] parts = tag.Split('.');
- try
- {
- page = System.Convert.ToInt32(parts[0]);
- index = System.Convert.ToInt32(parts[1]);
- }
- catch (FormatException e1)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("String is not a sequence of digits.");
- }
- catch (OverflowException e2)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("The number cannot fit in an Int32.");
- }
- if (index >= 0 && index < m_num_pages && page >= 0 && page < m_num_pages)
- {
- var link_list = m_page_link_list[page];
- var link = link_list[index];
- if (link.Type == Link_t.LINK_GOTO)
- {
- if (m_currpage != link.PageNum && link.PageNum >= 0 &&
- link.PageNum < m_num_pages)
- RenderRange(link.PageNum, true, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- else if (link.Type == Link_t.LINK_URI)
- System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(link.Urilink.AbsoluteUri);
- }
- }
- #endregion Link
- #region TextSelection
- /* Change cursor if we are over text block */
- private void ExitTextBlock(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- this.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.Arrow;
- }
- private void EnterTextBlock(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- this.Cursor = System.Windows.Input.Cursors.IBeam;
- }
- private void ClearSelections()
- {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < m_textSelect.Count; kk++)
- {
- m_lineptrs[m_textSelect[kk].pagenum].Clear();
- if (m_docPages[m_textSelect[kk].pagenum].SelectedLines != null)
- m_docPages[m_textSelect[kk].pagenum].SelectedLines.Clear();
- }
- m_textSelect.Clear();
- m_textselected = false;
- m_selectall = false;
- SetSelectAll(m_blockcolor);
- }
- private void InitTextSelection(DocPage page)
- {
- if (m_textSelect != null)
- ClearSelections();
- else
- m_textSelect = new List<textSelectInfo_t>();
- m_intxtselect = true;
- textSelectInfo_t selinfo = new textSelectInfo_t();
- selinfo.pagenum = page.PageNum;
- selinfo.first_line_full = false;
- selinfo.last_line_full = false;
- m_textSelect.Add(selinfo);
- }
- private void PageMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- if (this.Cursor != System.Windows.Input.Cursors.IBeam)
- return;
- var page = ((FrameworkElement)e.Source).DataContext as DocPage;
- Canvas can = ((FrameworkElement)e.Source).Parent as Canvas;
- if (page == null || can == null)
- return;
- InitTextSelection(page);
- var posit = e.GetPosition(can);
- page.SelX = posit.X;
- page.SelY = posit.Y;
- page.SelAnchorX = posit.X;
- page.SelAnchorY = posit.Y;
- page.SelColor = m_regionselect;
- /* Create new holder for lines highlighted */
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum] = new LinesText();
- }
- private void PageMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- if (e.LeftButton == MouseButtonState.Released || m_intxtselect == false)
- return;
- var page = ((FrameworkElement)e.Source).DataContext as DocPage;
- Canvas can = ((FrameworkElement)e.Source).Parent as Canvas;
- if (page == null || can == null)
- return;
- if (page.PageNum < 0)
- return;
- /* Store the location of our most recent page in case we exit window */
- var pos = e.GetPosition(can);
- m_lastY = pos.Y;
- m_maxY = can.Height;
- /* Don't allow the listview to maintain control of the mouse, we need
- * to detect if we leave the window */
- /* Make sure page is rendered */
- if (page.Content != Page_Content_t.FULL_RESOLUTION ||
- page.Zoom != m_doczoom)
- {
- RenderRange(page.PageNum, false, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- UpdateSelection(pos, page);
- }
- /* Resize selection rect */
- private void UpdateSelection(System.Windows.Point pos, DocPage page)
- {
- bool new_page = true;
- TextLine start_line, end_line;
- double x = 0, y, w = 0, h;
- bool found_first = false;
- bool above_anchor = true;
- bool first_line_full = false;
- bool last_line_full = false;
- for (int kk = 0; kk < m_textSelect.Count; kk++)
- if (m_textSelect[kk].pagenum == page.PageNum)
- new_page = false;
- /* See if we have gone back to a previous page */
- if (!new_page && page.PageNum != m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1].pagenum)
- {
- DocPage curr_page = m_docPages[m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1].pagenum];
- curr_page.SelHeight = 0;
- curr_page.SelWidth = 0;
- m_textSelect.RemoveAt(m_textSelect.Count - 1);
- m_lineptrs[curr_page.PageNum].Clear();
- curr_page.SelectedLines.Clear();
- }
- if (new_page)
- {
- /* New page */
- page.SelX = pos.X;
- page.SelY = pos.Y;
- page.SelAnchorX = m_docPages[m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1].pagenum].SelAnchorX;
- if (m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1].pagenum > page.PageNum)
- {
- page.SelAnchorY = page.Height;
- }
- else
- {
- page.SelAnchorY = 0;
- }
- page.SelColor = m_regionselect;
- textSelectInfo_t info = new textSelectInfo_t();
- info.pagenum = page.PageNum;
- info.first_line_full = false;
- info.last_line_full = false;
- m_textSelect.Add(info);
- /* Create new holder for lines highlighted */
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum] = new LinesText();
- }
- if (page.TextBlocks == null || page.TextBlocks.Count == 0)
- return;
- /* Width changes translate across the pages */
- for (int jj = 0; jj < m_textSelect.Count; jj++)
- {
- DocPage curr_page = m_docPages[m_textSelect[jj].pagenum];
- x = Math.Min(pos.X, curr_page.SelAnchorX);
- w = Math.Max(pos.X, curr_page.SelAnchorX) - x;
- curr_page.SelX = x;
- curr_page.SelWidth = w;
- }
- /* Height is just the current page */
- y = Math.Min(pos.Y, page.SelAnchorY);
- h = Math.Max(pos.Y, page.SelAnchorY) - y;
- /* Determine if we are going up or down */
- if (pos.Y > page.SelAnchorY)
- above_anchor = false;
- page.SelY = y;
- page.SelHeight = h;
- /* Clear out what we currently have */
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Clear();
- /* Stuff already selected above us */
- if (m_textSelect.Count > 1)
- found_first = true;
- /* Moving backwards through pages */
- if (m_textSelect.Count > 1 && m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 2].pagenum > page.PageNum)
- found_first = false;
- for (int jj = 0; jj < page.TextBlocks.Count; jj++)
- {
- /* Text blocks are already scaled. Lines are not */
- var intersect_blk = page.TextBlocks[jj].CheckIntersection(x, y, w, h);
- var lines = page.TextBlocks[jj].TextLines;
- if (intersect_blk == Intersection_t.FULL)
- {
- /* Just add all the lines for this block */
- for (int kk = 0; kk < lines.Count; kk++)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- if (jj == 0)
- {
- first_line_full = true;
- found_first = true;
- }
- if (jj == page.TextBlocks.Count - 1)
- last_line_full = true;
- }
- else if (intersect_blk != Intersection_t.NONE)
- {
- /* Now go through the lines */
- for (int kk = 0; kk < lines.Count; kk++)
- {
- double scale = m_doczoom / lines[kk].Scale;
- //var intersect_line = lines[kk].CheckIntersection(x * scale, y * scale, w * scale, h * scale);
- var intersect_line = lines[kk].CheckIntersection(x / scale , y / scale , w / scale , h / scale);
- if (intersect_line == Intersection_t.FULL)
- {
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- found_first = true;
- if (jj == 0 && kk == 0)
- first_line_full = true;
- if (jj == page.TextBlocks.Count - 1 &&
- kk == lines.Count - 1)
- last_line_full = true;
- }
- else if (intersect_line == Intersection_t.PARTIAL)
- {
- double val;
- var lett = lines[kk].TextCharacters;
- /* Now go through the width. */
- if (found_first)
- {
- if (above_anchor)
- val = page.SelAnchorX;
- else
- val = pos.X;
- /* our second partial line */
- if (val > lines[kk].X * scale + lines[kk].Width * scale)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- else
- {
- /* Use either anchor point or mouse pos */
- end_line = new TextLine();
- end_line.TextCharacters = new List<TextCharacter>();
- end_line.Height = 0;
- end_line.Scale = m_doczoom;
- for (int mm = 0; mm < lett.Count; mm++)
- {
- double letscale = m_doczoom / lett[mm].Scale;
- if (lett[mm].X * letscale < val)
- {
- /* Can set to special color for debug */
- end_line.Color = m_textselectcolor;
- /* special color for debug */
- //end_line.Color = "#4000FF00";
- end_line.Height = lines[kk].Height * scale;
- end_line.Width = lett[mm].X * letscale + lett[mm].Width * letscale - lines[kk].X * scale;
- end_line.Y = lines[kk].Y * scale;
- end_line.X = lines[kk].X * scale;
- end_line.TextCharacters.Add(lett[mm]);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (end_line.Height != 0)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(end_line);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!above_anchor)
- val = page.SelAnchorX;
- else
- val = pos.X;
- /* our first partial line */
- found_first = true;
- if (val < lines[kk].X * scale)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- else
- {
- start_line = new TextLine();
- start_line.TextCharacters = new List<TextCharacter>();
- start_line.Height = 0;
- start_line.Scale = m_doczoom;
- /* Use either anchor point or mouse pos */
- bool highlight_done = false;
- for (int mm = 0; mm < lett.Count; mm++)
- {
- double letscale = m_doczoom / lett[mm].Scale;
- if (lett[mm].X * letscale + lett[mm].Width * letscale >= val)
- {
- /* In this case, we are done with the
- * highlight section as it only
- * depends upon the first character
- * we encounter and the line end.
- * But we must continue to add in
- * the selected characters */
- if (!highlight_done)
- {
- start_line.Color = m_textselectcolor;
- /* special color for debug */
- /* start_line.Color = "#40FF0000"; */
- start_line.Height = lines[kk].Height * scale;
- start_line.Width = lines[kk].X * scale + lines[kk].Width * scale - lett[mm].X * letscale;
- start_line.X = lett[mm].X * letscale;
- start_line.Y = lines[kk].Y * scale;
- highlight_done = true;
- }
- start_line.TextCharacters.Add(lett[mm]);
- }
- }
- if (start_line.Height > 0)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(start_line);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- var txtsel = m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1];
- txtsel.first_line_full = first_line_full;
- txtsel.last_line_full = last_line_full;
- m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1] = txtsel;
- /* Adjust for scale before assigning */
- var temp = m_lineptrs[page.PageNum];
- for (int kk = 0; kk < temp.Count; kk++)
- {
- var rect_item = temp[kk];
- double factor = m_doczoom / rect_item.Scale;
- temp[kk].Height = temp[kk].Height * factor;
- temp[kk].Width = temp[kk].Width * factor;
- temp[kk].X = temp[kk].X * factor;
- temp[kk].Y = temp[kk].Y * factor;
- temp[kk].Scale = m_doczoom;
- }
- page.SelectedLines = m_lineptrs[page.PageNum];
- }
- /* A fix for handling column cases TODO FIXME */
- private void UpdateSelectionCol(System.Windows.Point pos, DocPage page)
- {
- bool new_page = true;
- TextLine start_line, end_line;
- double x = 0, y, w = 0, h;
- bool found_first = false;
- bool above_anchor = true;
- bool first_line_full = false;
- bool last_line_full = false;
- for (int kk = 0; kk < m_textSelect.Count; kk++)
- if (m_textSelect[kk].pagenum == page.PageNum)
- new_page = false;
- /* See if we have gone back to a previous page */
- if (!new_page && page.PageNum != m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1].pagenum)
- {
- DocPage curr_page = m_docPages[m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1].pagenum];
- curr_page.SelHeight = 0;
- curr_page.SelWidth = 0;
- m_textSelect.RemoveAt(m_textSelect.Count - 1);
- m_lineptrs[curr_page.PageNum].Clear();
- curr_page.SelectedLines.Clear();
- }
- if (new_page)
- {
- /* New page */
- page.SelX = pos.X;
- page.SelY = pos.Y;
- page.SelAnchorX = m_docPages[m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1].pagenum].SelAnchorX;
- if (m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1].pagenum > page.PageNum)
- {
- page.SelAnchorY = page.Height;
- }
- else
- {
- page.SelAnchorY = 0;
- }
- page.SelColor = m_regionselect;
- textSelectInfo_t info = new textSelectInfo_t();
- info.pagenum = page.PageNum;
- info.first_line_full = false;
- info.last_line_full = false;
- m_textSelect.Add(info);
- /* Create new holder for lines highlighted */
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum] = new LinesText();
- }
- if (page.TextBlocks == null || page.TextBlocks.Count == 0)
- return;
- /* Width changes translate across the pages */
- for (int jj = 0; jj < m_textSelect.Count; jj++)
- {
- DocPage curr_page = m_docPages[m_textSelect[jj].pagenum];
- x = Math.Min(pos.X, curr_page.SelAnchorX);
- w = Math.Max(pos.X, curr_page.SelAnchorX) - x;
- curr_page.SelX = x;
- curr_page.SelWidth = w;
- }
- /* Height is just the current page */
- y = Math.Min(pos.Y, page.SelAnchorY);
- h = Math.Max(pos.Y, page.SelAnchorY) - y;
- /* Determine if we are going up or down */
- if (pos.Y > page.SelAnchorY)
- above_anchor = false;
- page.SelY = y;
- page.SelHeight = h;
- /* Clear out what we currently have */
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Clear();
- /* Stuff already selected above us */
- if (m_textSelect.Count > 1)
- found_first = true;
- /* Moving backwards through pages */
- if (m_textSelect.Count > 1 && m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 2].pagenum > page.PageNum)
- found_first = false;
- /* To properly handle the multiple columns we have to find the last
- * line and make sure that all blocks between our first and last
- * line are included. To do this we do an initial step through the
- * blocks looking at our intersections */
- int first_block = -1;
- int last_block = -1;
- for (int jj = 0; jj < page.TextBlocks.Count; jj++ )
- {
- var intersect_blk = page.TextBlocks[jj].CheckIntersection(x, y, w, h);
- if (intersect_blk == Intersection_t.NONE && first_block != -1)
- {
- last_block = jj; /* NB: this is just past last block */
- break;
- }
- else if (intersect_blk != Intersection_t.NONE && first_block == -1)
- first_block = jj; /* NB: this is the first block */
- }
- if (first_block == -1)
- return;
- if (last_block == -1)
- {
- /* Only 1 block */
- last_block = first_block + 1;
- }
- for (int jj = first_block; jj < last_block; jj++)
- {
- /* Text blocks are already scaled. Lines are not */
- var intersect_blk = page.TextBlocks[jj].CheckIntersection(x, y, w, h);
- var lines = page.TextBlocks[jj].TextLines;
- if (jj == first_block || jj == last_block - 1)
- {
- /* Partial cases */
- if (intersect_blk == Intersection_t.FULL)
- {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < lines.Count; kk++)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- if (jj == first_block)
- {
- first_line_full = true;
- found_first = true;
- }
- if (jj == last_block - 1)
- {
- last_line_full = true;
- }
- }
- else if (intersect_blk == Intersection_t.PARTIAL)
- {
- for (int kk = 0; kk < lines.Count; kk++)
- {
- double scale = m_doczoom / lines[kk].Scale;
- var intersect_line = lines[kk].CheckIntersection(x * scale, y * scale, w * scale, h * scale);
- if (intersect_line == Intersection_t.FULL)
- {
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- found_first = true;
- if (jj == 0 && kk == 0)
- first_line_full = true;
- if (jj == page.TextBlocks.Count - 1 &&
- kk == lines.Count - 1)
- last_line_full = true;
- }
- else if (intersect_line == Intersection_t.PARTIAL)
- {
- double val;
- var lett = lines[kk].TextCharacters;
- /* Now go through the width. */
- if (found_first)
- {
- if (above_anchor)
- val = page.SelAnchorX;
- else
- val = pos.X;
- /* our second partial line */
- if (val > lines[kk].X * scale + lines[kk].Width * scale)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- else
- {
- /* Use either anchor point or mouse pos */
- end_line = new TextLine();
- end_line.TextCharacters = new List<TextCharacter>();
- end_line.Height = 0;
- end_line.Scale = m_doczoom;
- for (int mm = 0; mm < lett.Count; mm++)
- {
- double letscale = m_doczoom / lett[mm].Scale;
- if (lett[mm].X * letscale < val)
- {
- /* Can set to special color for debug */
- end_line.Color = m_textselectcolor;
- /* special color for debug */
- //end_line.Color = "#4000FF00";
- end_line.Height = lines[kk].Height * scale;
- end_line.Width = lett[mm].X * letscale + lett[mm].Width * letscale - lines[kk].X * scale;
- end_line.Y = lines[kk].Y * scale;
- end_line.X = lines[kk].X * scale;
- end_line.TextCharacters.Add(lett[mm]);
- }
- else
- break;
- }
- if (end_line.Height != 0)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(end_line);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (!above_anchor)
- val = page.SelAnchorX;
- else
- val = pos.X;
- /* our first partial line */
- found_first = true;
- if (val < lines[kk].X * scale)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- else
- {
- start_line = new TextLine();
- start_line.TextCharacters = new List<TextCharacter>();
- start_line.Height = 0;
- start_line.Scale = m_doczoom;
- /* Use either anchor point or mouse pos */
- for (int mm = 0; mm < lett.Count; mm++)
- {
- double letscale = m_doczoom / lett[mm].Scale;
- if (lett[mm].X * letscale + lett[mm].Width * letscale >= val)
- {
- start_line.Color = m_textselectcolor;
- /* special color for debug */
- //start_line.Color = "#40FF0000";
- start_line.Height = lines[kk].Height * scale;
- start_line.Width = lines[kk].X * scale + lines[kk].Width * scale - lett[mm].X * letscale;
- start_line.X = lett[mm].X * letscale;
- start_line.Y = lines[kk].Y * scale;
- start_line.TextCharacters.Add(lett[mm]);
- break;
- }
- }
- if (start_line.Height > 0)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(start_line);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- /* Add all the lines for the blocks between the first and last */
- for (int kk = 0; kk < lines.Count; kk++)
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum].Add(lines[kk]);
- }
- }
- var txtsel = m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1];
- txtsel.first_line_full = first_line_full;
- txtsel.last_line_full = last_line_full;
- m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1] = txtsel;
- /* Adjust for scale before assigning */
- var temp = m_lineptrs[page.PageNum];
- for (int kk = 0; kk < temp.Count; kk++)
- {
- var rect_item = temp[kk];
- double factor = m_doczoom / rect_item.Scale;
- temp[kk].Height = temp[kk].Height * factor;
- temp[kk].Width = temp[kk].Width * factor;
- temp[kk].X = temp[kk].X * factor;
- temp[kk].Y = temp[kk].Y * factor;
- temp[kk].Scale = m_doczoom;
- }
- page.SelectedLines = m_lineptrs[page.PageNum];
- }
- private void CheckIfSelected()
- {
- m_textselected = false;
- if (m_selectall)
- {
- SetSelectAll(m_blockcolor);
- m_selectall = false;
- }
- /* Check if anything was selected */
- for (int kk = 0; kk < m_lineptrs.Count; kk++)
- {
- if (m_lineptrs[kk].Count > 0)
- {
- m_textselected = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- /* Rect should be removed */
- private void PageLeftClickUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- m_intxtselect = false;
- CheckIfSelected();
- }
- private void StepScroll(int stepsize)
- {
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer != null)
- {
- var scrollpos = viewer.VerticalOffset;
- viewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(scrollpos + stepsize);
- }
- }
- private void ResetScroll()
- {
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer != null)
- viewer.ScrollToVerticalOffset(0);
- }
- /* Recursive call to find the scroll viewer */
- private ScrollViewer FindScrollViewer(DependencyObject d)
- {
- if (d is ScrollViewer)
- return d as ScrollViewer;
- for (int i = 0; i < VisualTreeHelper.GetChildrenCount(d); i++)
- {
- var sw = FindScrollViewer(VisualTreeHelper.GetChild(d, i));
- if (sw != null) return sw;
- }
- return null;
- }
- /* Only worry about cases where we are moving and left button is down */
- private void ListPreviewMouseMove(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- var relPoint = e.GetPosition(xaml_PageList);
- var absPoint = this.PointToScreen(relPoint);
- /* Console.Write("abs Y position = " + absPoint.Y + "\n");
- Console.Write("rel Y position = " + relPoint.Y + "\n");
- Console.Write("Height is = " + (this.Top + this.Height) + "\n"); */
- if (xaml_PageList.IsMouseCaptured == true)
- {
- if (!m_intxtselect)
- {
- xaml_PageList.ReleaseMouseCapture();
- e.Handled = true;
- return;
- }
- if (relPoint.Y < Constants.SCROLL_EDGE_BUFFER ||
- absPoint.Y > (this.Top + this.Height - Constants.SCROLL_EDGE_BUFFER))
- {
- if (m_dispatcherTimer == null)
- {
- m_dispatcherTimer = new System.Windows.Threading.DispatcherTimer();
- m_dispatcherTimer.Tick += new EventHandler(dispatcherTimerTick);
- m_dispatcherTimer.Interval = new TimeSpan(0, 0, 0, 0, Constants.DISPATCH_TIME);
- }
- if (m_dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled == false)
- m_dispatcherTimer.Start();
- e.Handled = true;
- }
- /* This is not desirable, but the scrollviewer behaves badly
- * when it has captured the mouse and we move beyond the
- * range. So we wont allow it */
- if (relPoint.Y < 0 ||
- absPoint.Y > (this.Top + this.Height) - Constants.SCROLL_EDGE_BUFFER / 2.0)
- {
- xaml_PageList.ReleaseMouseCapture();
- e.Handled = true;
- if (m_dispatcherTimer != null && m_dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled == true)
- m_dispatcherTimer.Stop();
- return;
- }
- }
- }
- private void ListPreviewMouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_dispatcherTimer != null && m_dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled)
- {
- m_dispatcherTimer.Stop();
- }
- }
- private void ListMouseLeave(object sender, System.Windows.Input.MouseEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_dispatcherTimer != null && m_dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled)
- {
- m_dispatcherTimer.Stop();
- }
- if (xaml_PageList.IsMouseCaptured == true)
- xaml_PageList.ReleaseMouseCapture();
- }
- /* Get mouse position, update selection accordingly */
- private void dispatcherTimerTick(object sender, EventArgs e)
- {
- var position = this.PointToScreen(Mouse.GetPosition(xaml_PageList));
- /* Console.Write("Y position = " + position.Y + "\n");
- Console.Write("Top position = " + this.Top + "\n");
- Console.Write("Bottom position = " + (this.Top + this.Height) + "\n"); */
- DocPage page;
- int page_num;
- if (!xaml_PageList.IsMouseCaptured)
- {
- //Console.Write("Lost capture\n");
- return;
- }
- /*else
- {
- Console.Write("Have capture\n");
- } */
- /* Get our most recent page */
- var pageinfo = m_textSelect[m_textSelect.Count - 1];
- page_num = pageinfo.pagenum;
- /* Scrolling up */
- if (position.Y > this.Top + this.Height - Constants.SCROLL_EDGE_BUFFER)
- {
- /* See if we have the last line for this page */
- if (pageinfo.last_line_full)
- {
- page_num = page_num + 1;
- m_lastY = 0;
- if (page_num >= m_num_pages)
- return;
- }
- page = m_docPages[page_num];
- StepScroll(Constants.SCROLL_STEP);
- /* Set position for proper selection update */
- m_lastY = m_lastY + Constants.SCROLL_STEP;
- if (m_lastY > m_maxY)
- m_lastY = m_maxY;
- position.Y = m_lastY;
- UpdateSelection(position, page);
- }
- else if (position.Y < this.Top + Constants.SCROLL_EDGE_BUFFER)
- {
- /* See if we have the first line for this page */
- if (pageinfo.first_line_full)
- {
- if (page_num <= 0)
- return;
- page_num = page_num - 1;
- m_lastY = m_docPages[page_num].Height;
- }
- page = m_docPages[page_num];
- StepScroll(-Constants.SCROLL_STEP);
- /* Set position for proper selection update */
- m_lastY = m_lastY - Constants.SCROLL_STEP;
- if (m_lastY < 0)
- m_lastY = 0;
- position.Y = m_lastY;
- UpdateSelection(position, page);
- }
- }
- private void ListPreviewLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_dispatcherTimer != null && m_dispatcherTimer.IsEnabled)
- {
- m_dispatcherTimer.Stop();
- }
- }
- private void ShowContextMenu(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
- {
- if (this.Cursor != System.Windows.Input.Cursors.IBeam)
- return;
- var contextmenu = new System.Windows.Controls.ContextMenu();
- Canvas can = ((FrameworkElement)e.Source).Parent as Canvas;
- var page = ((FrameworkElement)e.Source).DataContext as DocPage;
- if (can == null || page == null)
- return;
- var posit = e.GetPosition(can);
- ContextMenu_t info = new ContextMenu_t();
- info.mouse_position = posit;
- info.page_num = page.PageNum;
- can.ContextMenu = contextmenu;
- if (m_textselected || m_selectall)
- {
- var m1 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- m1.Header = "Copy";
- /* amazing what I have to do here to get the icon out of the
- * resources into something that wpf can use */
- var iconres = Properties.Resources.copy;
- var bitmap = iconres.ToBitmap();
- using (MemoryStream memory = new MemoryStream())
- {
- bitmap.Save(memory, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png);
- memory.Position = 0;
- BitmapImage bitmapImage = new BitmapImage();
- bitmapImage.BeginInit();
- bitmapImage.StreamSource = memory;
- bitmapImage.CacheOption = BitmapCacheOption.OnLoad;
- bitmapImage.EndInit();
- Image iconImage = new Image();
- iconImage.Source = bitmapImage;
- m1.Icon = iconImage;
- m1.Click += cntxMenuCopy;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(m1);
- }
- var m6 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- m6.Header = "Deselect All";
- m6.Click += cntxMenuDeselectAll;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(m6);
- /* Below to be enabled when we add annotations */
- /*
- var ma1 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- ma1.Header = "Highlight";
- ma1.Click += cntxMenuHighlight;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(ma1);
- var ma2 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- ma2.Header = "Underline";
- ma2.Click += cntxMenuUnderline;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(ma2);
- var ma3 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- ma3.Header = "Strikeout";
- ma3.Click += cntxMenuStrike;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(ma3);*/
- }
- var m2 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- m2.Header = "Select Line";
- m2.Click += cntxMenuSelectLine;
- m2.Tag = info;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(m2);
- var m3 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- m3.Header = "Select Block";
- m3.Click += cntxMenuSelectBlock;
- m3.Tag = info;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(m3);
- var m4 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- m4.Header = "Select Page";
- m4.Click += cntxMenuSelectPage;
- m4.Tag = info;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(m4);
- var m5 = new System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem();
- m5.Header = "Select All";
- m5.Click += cntxMenuSelectAll;
- contextmenu.Items.Add(m5);
- }
- private void CopyTextDone(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
- {
- String result = (String) e.Result;
- xaml_CopyTextProgress.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_CopyTextProgress.Value = 0;
- try
- {
- System.Windows.Clipboard.SetText(result);
- }
- catch
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- private void CopyTextWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
- {
- String output = null;
- String fullstring = null;
- BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
- for (int k = 0; k < m_num_pages; k++)
- {
- output = mu_doc.GetText(k, textout_t.TEXT);
- if (output != null)
- fullstring = fullstring + output;
- double percent = 100 * (double)(k + 1) / (double)m_num_pages;
- worker.ReportProgress((int)percent, output);
- if (worker.CancellationPending == true)
- {
- e.Cancel = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- e.Result = fullstring;
- }
- private void CopyTextProgress(object sender, ProgressChangedEventArgs e)
- {
- String output = (String)(e.UserState);
- xaml_CopyTextProgress.Value = e.ProgressPercentage;
- }
- private void cntxMenuCopy(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_selectall)
- {
- /* Start a thread to go through and copy the pages to the
- * clipboard */
- m_copytext = new BackgroundWorker();
- m_copytext.WorkerReportsProgress = true;
- m_copytext.WorkerSupportsCancellation = true;
- m_copytext.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(CopyTextWork);
- m_copytext.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(CopyTextDone);
- m_copytext.ProgressChanged += new ProgressChangedEventHandler(CopyTextProgress);
- xaml_CopyTextProgress.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- m_copytext.RunWorkerAsync();
- return;
- }
- /* Go through and get each line of text */
- String result = null;
- for (int kk = 0; kk < m_textSelect.Count; kk++)
- {
- var lines = m_lineptrs[m_textSelect[kk].pagenum];
- for (int jj = 0; jj < lines.Count; jj++)
- {
- var text = lines[jj].TextCharacters;
- for (int mm = 0; mm < text.Count; mm++)
- {
- result += text[mm].character;
- }
- result += "\r\n";
- }
- }
- System.Windows.Clipboard.SetText(result);
- }
- private void cntxMenuSelectLine(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- var mi = sender as System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem;
- ContextMenu_t info = (ContextMenu_t)mi.Tag;
- var page = m_docPages[info.page_num];
- InitTextSelection(page);
- page.SelX = 0;
- page.SelY = info.mouse_position.Y - 1;
- page.SelAnchorX = 0;
- page.SelAnchorY = info.mouse_position.Y - 1;
- page.SelColor = m_regionselect;
- /* Create new holder for lines highlighted */
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum] = new LinesText();
- Point pos = new Point();
- pos.X = page.Width;
- pos.Y += info.mouse_position.Y + 1;
- UpdateSelection(pos, page);
- CheckIfSelected();
- }
- /* This one requires its own special handling TODO FIXME */
- private void cntxMenuSelectBlock(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- var mi = sender as System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem;
- ContextMenu_t info = (ContextMenu_t)mi.Tag;
- var page = m_docPages[info.page_num];
- bool found = false;
- int jj;
- InitTextSelection(page);
- /* Find the block that we are in */
- for (jj = 0; jj < page.TextBlocks.Count; jj++)
- {
- var intersect_blk = page.TextBlocks[jj].CheckIntersection(info.mouse_position.X, info.mouse_position.Y, 1, 1);
- if (intersect_blk != Intersection_t.NONE)
- {
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (found)
- {
- page.SelX = page.TextBlocks[jj].X;
- page.SelY = page.TextBlocks[jj].Y;
- page.SelAnchorX = page.TextBlocks[jj].X;
- page.SelAnchorY = page.TextBlocks[jj].Y;
- page.SelColor = m_regionselect;
- /* Create new holder for lines highlighted */
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum] = new LinesText();
- Point pos = new Point();
- pos.X = page.TextBlocks[jj].X + page.TextBlocks[jj].Width;
- pos.Y = page.TextBlocks[jj].Y + page.TextBlocks[jj].Height;
- UpdateSelection(pos, page);
- CheckIfSelected();
- }
- else
- m_textselected = false;
- }
- private void SelectFullPage(int page_num)
- {
- var page = m_docPages[page_num];
- InitTextSelection(page);
- page.SelX = 0;
- page.SelY = 0;
- page.SelAnchorX = 0;
- page.SelAnchorY = 0;
- page.SelColor = m_regionselect;
- /* Create new holder for lines highlighted */
- m_lineptrs[page.PageNum] = new LinesText();
- Point pos = new Point();
- pos.X = page.Width;
- pos.Y = page.Height;
- UpdateSelection(pos, page);
- }
- private void cntxMenuSelectPage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- var mi = sender as System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem;
- ContextMenu_t info = (ContextMenu_t)mi.Tag;
- SelectFullPage(info.page_num);
- CheckIfSelected();
- }
- private void cntxMenuSelectAll(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- var mi = sender as System.Windows.Controls.MenuItem;
- if (m_textSelect != null)
- ClearSelections();
- else
- m_textSelect = new List<textSelectInfo_t>();
- m_selectall = true;
- SetSelectAll(m_textselectcolor);
- }
- private void SetSelectAll(String color)
- {
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- for (int kk = 0; kk < m_num_pages; kk++)
- {
- if (m_docPages[kk] != null && m_docPages[kk].TextBlocks != null)
- {
- int num_blocks = m_docPages[kk].TextBlocks.Count;
- for (int jj = 0; jj < num_blocks; jj++)
- m_docPages[kk].TextBlocks[jj].Color = color;
- }
- }
- }
- private void cntxMenuDeselectAll(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- ClearSelections();
- }
- private void SelectAllCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_init_done)
- cntxMenuSelectAll(sender, e);
- }
- private void CopyCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_init_done)
- cntxMenuCopy(sender, e);
- }
- private void CancelCopyText(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (m_copytext != null && m_copytext.IsBusy)
- m_copytext.CancelAsync();
- }
- /* To add with annotation support */
- /*
- private void cntxMenuHighlight(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- }
- private void cntxMenuUnderline(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- }
- private void cntxMenuStrike(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- }
- */
- #endregion TextSelection
- private void OnAboutClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- String muversion;
- About about = new About(this);
- var desc_static = about.Description;
- String desc;
- /* Get our gs and mupdf version numbers to add to the description */
- mu_doc.GetVersion(out muversion);
- if (muversion == null)
- desc = desc_static + "\nMuPDF DLL: Not Found";
- else
- {
- if (mu_doc.is64bit)
- {
- desc = desc_static + "\nUsing MuPDF Version " + muversion + " 64 bit\n";
- }
- else
- {
- desc = desc_static + "\nUsing MuPDF Version " + muversion + " 32 bit\n";
- }
- }
- String gs_vers = m_ghostscript.GetVersion();
- if (gs_vers == null)
- desc = desc + "\nGhostscript DLL: Not Found";
- else
- if (mu_doc.is64bit)
- {
- desc = desc + "\nGhostscript DLL: " + gs_vers + " 64 bit\n";
- }
- else
- {
- desc = desc + "\nGhostscript DLL: " + gs_vers + " 64 bit\n";
- }
- about.description.Text = desc;
- about.ShowDialog();
- }
- private void HelpCommand(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- OnHelpClick(sender, e);
- }
- private void OnHelpClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- }
- private void CloseFile(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- CleanUp();
- DimSelections();
- }
- private double GetTotalHeightZoom()
- {
- return m_totalpageheight * m_doczoom + (m_num_pages - 1) * Constants.PAGE_MARGIN;
- }
- private double GetTotalHeightNoZoom()
- {
- return m_totalpageheight + (m_num_pages - 1) * Constants.PAGE_MARGIN;
- }
- private double GetViewPortSize()
- {
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- return viewer.ViewportHeight;
- }
- private void SetThumbwidth()
- {
- double percent = GetViewPortSize() / GetTotalHeightZoom();
- double range = xaml_VerticalScroll.Maximum - xaml_VerticalScroll.Minimum;
- xaml_VerticalScroll.SetThumbLength(percent * range);
- }
- private void AdjustScrollPercent(double percent)
- {
- double curr_value = xaml_VerticalScroll.Value;
- double range = xaml_VerticalScroll.Maximum;
- double step = range * percent;
- xaml_VerticalScroll.Value = curr_value + step;
- }
- /* Due to the scroll bar on the scroll viewer being wonky on its updating during zooming
- * we have to do this ourselves */
- private void VerticalScroll(object sender, System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventArgs e)
- {
- var mi = sender as System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollBar;
- ScrollViewer viewer = FindScrollViewer(xaml_PageList);
- if (viewer == null || mi == null)
- return;
- m_ScrolledChanged = true;
- if (e.ScrollEventType == System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventType.ThumbTrack)
- {
- OffsetScrollPercent(mi.Value / mi.Maximum);
- e.Handled = true;
- }
- else if (e.ScrollEventType == System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventType.First)
- {
- mi.Value = 0;
- viewer.ScrollToTop();
- }
- else if (e.ScrollEventType == System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventType.Last)
- {
- mi.Value = mi.Maximum;
- viewer.ScrollToBottom();
- }
- else if (e.ScrollEventType == System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventType.SmallDecrement)
- {
- OffsetScroll(-Constants.VERT_SCROLL_STEP * m_doczoom);
- }
- else if (e.ScrollEventType == System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventType.SmallIncrement)
- {
- OffsetScroll(Constants.VERT_SCROLL_STEP * m_doczoom);
- }
- else if (e.ScrollEventType == System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventType.LargeDecrement)
- {
- if (m_currpage == 0)
- {
- mi.Value = 0;
- viewer.ScrollToTop();
- }
- else
- OnBackPageClick(null, null);
- }
- else if (e.ScrollEventType == System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventType.LargeIncrement)
- {
- if (m_currpage == m_num_pages - 1)
- {
- mi.Value = mi.Maximum;
- viewer.ScrollToBottom();
- }
- else
- OnForwardPageClick(null, null);
- }
- else if (e.ScrollEventType == System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ScrollEventType.ThumbPosition)
- {
- OffsetScrollPercent(e.NewValue / mi.Maximum);
- }
- }
- private void OnAAChecked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- var control = sender as System.Windows.Controls.Control;
- string Name = control.Name;
- /* It would be nice to uncheck all and then recheck the one
- * that we want to avoid the repeated code below, but that puts
- * us in a infinite recursion with the call from the xaml Checked
- * call */
- switch (Name)
- {
- case "xaml_AA_High":
- m_AA = AA_t.HIGH;
- if (xaml_AA_MedHigh != null)
- xaml_AA_MedHigh.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_Med != null)
- xaml_AA_Med.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_Low != null)
- xaml_AA_Low.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_None != null)
- xaml_AA_None.IsChecked = false;
- break;
- case "xaml_AA_MedHigh":
- m_AA = AA_t.MEDHIGH;
- if (xaml_AA_High != null)
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_Med != null)
- xaml_AA_Med.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_Low != null)
- xaml_AA_Low.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_None != null)
- xaml_AA_None.IsChecked = false;
- break;
- case "xaml_AA_Med":
- m_AA = AA_t.MED;
- if (xaml_AA_High != null)
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_MedHigh != null)
- xaml_AA_MedHigh.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_Low != null)
- xaml_AA_Low.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_None != null)
- xaml_AA_None.IsChecked = false;
- break;
- case "xaml_AA_Low":
- m_AA = AA_t.LOW;
- if (xaml_AA_High != null)
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_MedHigh != null)
- xaml_AA_MedHigh.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_Med != null)
- xaml_AA_Med.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_None != null)
- xaml_AA_None.IsChecked = false;
- break;
- case "xaml_AA_None":
- m_AA = AA_t.NONE;
- if (xaml_AA_High != null)
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_MedHigh != null)
- xaml_AA_MedHigh.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_Med != null)
- xaml_AA_Med.IsChecked = false;
- if (xaml_AA_Low != null)
- xaml_AA_Low.IsChecked = false;
- break;
- }
- if (mu_doc != null)
- mu_doc.SetAA(m_AA);
- if (m_init_done)
- RenderRange(m_currpage, false, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- private AA_t GetAA()
- {
- if (xaml_AA_High.IsChecked)
- return AA_t.HIGH;
- else if (xaml_AA_MedHigh.IsChecked)
- return AA_t.MEDHIGH;
- else if (xaml_AA_Med.IsChecked)
- return AA_t.MED;
- else if (xaml_AA_Low.IsChecked)
- return AA_t.LOW;
- else
- return AA_t.NONE;
- }
- private void SetAA(AA_t aa)
- {
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = false;
- xaml_AA_MedHigh.IsChecked = false;
- xaml_AA_Med.IsChecked = false;
- xaml_AA_Low.IsChecked = false;
- xaml_AA_None.IsChecked = false;
- switch (aa)
- {
- case AA_t.HIGH:
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = true;
- break;
- case AA_t.MEDHIGH:
- xaml_AA_MedHigh.IsChecked = true;
- break;
- case AA_t.MED:
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = true;
- break;
- case AA_t.LOW:
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = true;
- break;
- case AA_t.NONE:
- xaml_AA_High.IsChecked = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- private void AnnotationOn(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- m_showannot = true;
- RenderRange(m_currpage, false, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- private void AnnotationOff(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
- {
- if (!m_init_done)
- return;
- m_showannot = false;
- RenderRange(m_currpage, false, zoom_t.NO_ZOOM, 0);
- }
- /* Print preview rendering and control */
- private void RenderPrintPreview(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
- {
- BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker;
- List<object> genericlist = e.Argument as List<object>;
- int k = (int)genericlist[0];
- int desiredMax = Constants.MAX_PRINT_PREVIEW_LENGTH;
- Point ras_size;
- double scale_factor = 1.0;
- Byte[] bitmap;
- BlocksText charlist;
- status_t code;
- Annotate_t annot;
- if (ComputePageSize(k, scale_factor, out ras_size) == status_t.S_ISOK)
- {
- /* Adjust the scale factor to ensure max length is set as desired */
- int maxSize = Math.Max((int)ras_size.X, (int)ras_size.Y);
- scale_factor = (double)desiredMax / (double)maxSize;
- ComputePageSize(k, scale_factor, out ras_size);
- printPreviewPage_t result;
- try
- {
- bitmap = new byte[(int)ras_size.X * (int)ras_size.Y * 4];
- code = (status_t)mu_doc.RenderPage(k, bitmap, (int)ras_size.X,
- (int)ras_size.Y, scale_factor, false, true,
- false, out charlist, m_showannot, out annot);
- result.width = (int)ras_size.X;
- result.height = (int)ras_size.Y;
- result.bitmap = bitmap;
- ComputePageSize(k, 1.0, out ras_size);
- result.height_inches = ras_size.Y / 72.0;
- result.width_inches = ras_size.X / 72.0;
- e.Result = result;
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException em)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed print preview page " + k + em.Message + "\n");
- }
- }
- }
- private void RenderPrintPreviewCompleted(object sender, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
- {
- BitmapSource BitMapSrc;
- printPreviewPage_t Result = (printPreviewPage_t)e.Result;
- int stride = Result.width * 4;
- BitMapSrc = BitmapSource.Create(Result.width, Result.height,
- 72, 72, PixelFormats.Pbgra32, BitmapPalettes.Halftone256, Result.bitmap, stride);
- m_printcontrol.SetImage(BitMapSrc, Result.height_inches, Result.width_inches);
- }
- private bool PrintDiagUpdatePreview(object PrintDiag, PrintDiagEventArgs args)
- {
- try
- {
- m_printerpreview = new BackgroundWorker();
- m_printerpreview.WorkerReportsProgress = false;
- m_printerpreview.WorkerSupportsCancellation = false;
- m_printerpreview.DoWork += new DoWorkEventHandler(RenderPrintPreview);
- m_printerpreview.RunWorkerCompleted += new RunWorkerCompletedEventHandler(RenderPrintPreviewCompleted);
- var arguments = new List<object>();
- arguments.Add(args.m_page);
- m_printerpreview.RunWorkerAsync(arguments);
- }
- catch (OutOfMemoryException e)
- {
- Console.WriteLine("Memory allocation failed during printpreview render\n");
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_ERROR, "Out of memory: " + e.Message);
- }
- return true;
- }
- private void PrintDiagPrint(object PrintDiag)
- {
- /* If file is already xps then gs need not do this */
- if (!m_isXPS)
- {
- xaml_DistillProgress.Value = 0;
- if (m_ghostscript.CreateXPS(m_currfile, Constants.DEFAULT_GS_RES, m_num_pages, m_printcontrol) == gsStatus.GS_BUSY)
- {
- ShowMessage(NotifyType_t.MESS_STATUS, "GS currently busy");
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- xaml_CancelDistill.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Collapsed;
- xaml_DistillName.Text = "Convert to XPS";
- xaml_DistillName.FontWeight = FontWeights.Bold;
- xaml_DistillGrid.Visibility = System.Windows.Visibility.Visible;
- }
- }
- else
- PrintXPS(m_currfile);
- }
- }
-} \ No newline at end of file