path: root/source/fitz
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Diffstat (limited to 'source/fitz')
3 files changed, 844 insertions, 39 deletions
diff --git a/source/fitz/dtoa.c b/source/fitz/dtoa.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..eaa3b713
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source/fitz/dtoa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,843 @@
+/* The authors of this software are Rob Pike and Ken Thompson.
+ * Copyright (c) 2002 by Lucent Technologies.
+ * Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software for any
+ * purpose without fee is hereby granted, provided that this entire notice
+ * is included in all copies of any software which is or includes a copy
+ * or modification of this software and in all copies of the supporting
+ * documentation for such software.
+ */
+#include "mupdf/fitz.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <float.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+typedef unsigned long ulong;
+enum { NSIGNIF = 17 };
+ * first few powers of 10, enough for about 1/2 of the
+ * total space for doubles.
+ */
+static double pows10[] =
+ 1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9,
+ 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19,
+ 1e20, 1e21, 1e22, 1e23, 1e24, 1e25, 1e26, 1e27, 1e28, 1e29,
+ 1e30, 1e31, 1e32, 1e33, 1e34, 1e35, 1e36, 1e37, 1e38, 1e39,
+ 1e40, 1e41, 1e42, 1e43, 1e44, 1e45, 1e46, 1e47, 1e48, 1e49,
+ 1e50, 1e51, 1e52, 1e53, 1e54, 1e55, 1e56, 1e57, 1e58, 1e59,
+ 1e60, 1e61, 1e62, 1e63, 1e64, 1e65, 1e66, 1e67, 1e68, 1e69,
+ 1e70, 1e71, 1e72, 1e73, 1e74, 1e75, 1e76, 1e77, 1e78, 1e79,
+ 1e80, 1e81, 1e82, 1e83, 1e84, 1e85, 1e86, 1e87, 1e88, 1e89,
+ 1e90, 1e91, 1e92, 1e93, 1e94, 1e95, 1e96, 1e97, 1e98, 1e99,
+ 1e100, 1e101, 1e102, 1e103, 1e104, 1e105, 1e106, 1e107, 1e108, 1e109,
+ 1e110, 1e111, 1e112, 1e113, 1e114, 1e115, 1e116, 1e117, 1e118, 1e119,
+ 1e120, 1e121, 1e122, 1e123, 1e124, 1e125, 1e126, 1e127, 1e128, 1e129,
+ 1e130, 1e131, 1e132, 1e133, 1e134, 1e135, 1e136, 1e137, 1e138, 1e139,
+ 1e140, 1e141, 1e142, 1e143, 1e144, 1e145, 1e146, 1e147, 1e148, 1e149,
+ 1e150, 1e151, 1e152, 1e153, 1e154, 1e155, 1e156, 1e157, 1e158, 1e159,
+#define npows10 ((int)(sizeof(pows10)/sizeof(pows10[0])))
+#define pow10(x) fmtpow10(x)
+static double
+pow10(int n)
+ double d;
+ int neg;
+ neg = 0;
+ if(n < 0){
+ neg = 1;
+ n = -n;
+ }
+ if(n < npows10)
+ d = pows10[n];
+ else{
+ d = pows10[npows10-1];
+ for(;;){
+ n -= npows10 - 1;
+ if(n < npows10){
+ d *= pows10[n];
+ break;
+ }
+ d *= pows10[npows10 - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ if(neg)
+ return 1./d;
+ return d;
+ * add 1 to the decimal integer string a of length n.
+ * if 99999 overflows into 10000, return 1 to tell caller
+ * to move the virtual decimal point.
+ */
+static int
+xadd1(char *a, int n)
+ char *b;
+ int c;
+ if(n < 0 || n > NSIGNIF)
+ return 0;
+ for(b = a+n-1; b >= a; b--) {
+ c = *b + 1;
+ if(c <= '9') {
+ *b = c;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *b = '0';
+ }
+ /*
+ * need to overflow adding digit.
+ * shift number down and insert 1 at beginning.
+ * decimal is known to be 0s or we wouldn't
+ * have gotten this far. (e.g., 99999+1 => 00000)
+ */
+ a[0] = '1';
+ return 1;
+ * subtract 1 from the decimal integer string a.
+ * if 10000 underflows into 09999, make it 99999
+ * and return 1 to tell caller to move the virtual
+ * decimal point. this way, xsub1 is inverse of xadd1.
+ */
+static int
+xsub1(char *a, int n)
+ char *b;
+ int c;
+ if(n < 0 || n > NSIGNIF)
+ return 0;
+ for(b = a+n-1; b >= a; b--) {
+ c = *b - 1;
+ if(c >= '0') {
+ if(c == '0' && b == a) {
+ /*
+ * just zeroed the top digit; shift everyone up.
+ * decimal is known to be 9s or we wouldn't
+ * have gotten this far. (e.g., 10000-1 => 09999)
+ */
+ *b = '9';
+ return 1;
+ }
+ *b = c;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ *b = '9';
+ }
+ /*
+ * can't get here. the number a is always normalized
+ * so that it has a nonzero first digit.
+ */
+ return 0;
+ * format exponent like sprintf(p, "e%+d", e)
+ */
+static void
+fmtexp(char *p, int e)
+ char se[9];
+ int i;
+ *p++ = 'e';
+ if(e < 0) {
+ *p++ = '-';
+ e = -e;
+ } else
+ *p++ = '+';
+ i = 0;
+ while(e) {
+ se[i++] = e % 10 + '0';
+ e /= 10;
+ }
+ while(i < 1)
+ se[i++] = '0';
+ while(i > 0)
+ *p++ = se[--i];
+ *p++ = '\0';
+ * compute decimal integer m, exp such that:
+ * f = m*10^exp
+ * m is as short as possible with losing exactness
+ * assumes special cases (NaN, +Inf, -Inf) have been handled.
+ */
+fz_dtoa(double f, char *s, int *exp, int *neg, int *ns)
+ int c, d, e2, e, ee, i, ndigit, oerrno;
+ char tmp[NSIGNIF+10];
+ double g;
+ oerrno = errno; /* in case strtod smashes errno */
+ /*
+ * make f non-negative.
+ */
+ *neg = 0;
+ if(f < 0) {
+ f = -f;
+ *neg = 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * must handle zero specially.
+ */
+ if(f == 0){
+ *exp = 0;
+ s[0] = '0';
+ s[1] = '\0';
+ *ns = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ * find g,e such that f = g*10^e.
+ * guess 10-exponent using 2-exponent, then fine tune.
+ */
+ frexp(f, &e2);
+ e = (int)(e2 * .301029995664);
+ g = f * pow10(-e);
+ while(g < 1) {
+ e--;
+ g = f * pow10(-e);
+ }
+ while(g >= 10) {
+ e++;
+ g = f * pow10(-e);
+ }
+ /*
+ * convert NSIGNIF digits as a first approximation.
+ */
+ for(i=0; i<NSIGNIF; i++) {
+ d = (int)g;
+ s[i] = d+'0';
+ g = (g-d) * 10;
+ }
+ s[i] = 0;
+ /*
+ * adjust e because s is 314159... not 3.14159...
+ */
+ e -= NSIGNIF-1;
+ fmtexp(s+NSIGNIF, e);
+ /*
+ * adjust conversion until strtod(s) == f exactly.
+ */
+ for(i=0; i<10; i++) {
+ g = fz_strtod(s, NULL);
+ if(f > g) {
+ if(xadd1(s, NSIGNIF)) {
+ /* gained a digit */
+ e--;
+ fmtexp(s+NSIGNIF, e);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(f < g) {
+ if(xsub1(s, NSIGNIF)) {
+ /* lost a digit */
+ e++;
+ fmtexp(s+NSIGNIF, e);
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * play with the decimal to try to simplify.
+ */
+ /*
+ * bump last few digits up to 9 if we can
+ */
+ for(i=NSIGNIF-1; i>=NSIGNIF-3; i--) {
+ c = s[i];
+ if(c != '9') {
+ s[i] = '9';
+ g = fz_strtod(s, NULL);
+ if(g != f) {
+ s[i] = c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * add 1 in hopes of turning 9s to 0s
+ */
+ if(s[NSIGNIF-1] == '9') {
+ strcpy(tmp, s);
+ ee = e;
+ if(xadd1(tmp, NSIGNIF)) {
+ ee--;
+ fmtexp(tmp+NSIGNIF, ee);
+ }
+ g = fz_strtod(tmp, NULL);
+ if(g == f) {
+ strcpy(s, tmp);
+ e = ee;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * bump last few digits down to 0 as we can.
+ */
+ for(i=NSIGNIF-1; i>=NSIGNIF-3; i--) {
+ c = s[i];
+ if(c != '0') {
+ s[i] = '0';
+ g = fz_strtod(s, NULL);
+ if(g != f) {
+ s[i] = c;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * remove trailing zeros.
+ */
+ ndigit = NSIGNIF;
+ while(ndigit > 1 && s[ndigit-1] == '0'){
+ e++;
+ --ndigit;
+ }
+ s[ndigit] = 0;
+ *exp = e;
+ *ns = ndigit;
+ errno = oerrno;
+static ulong
+umuldiv(ulong a, ulong b, ulong c)
+ double d;
+ d = ((double)a * (double)b) / (double)c;
+ if(d >= 4294967295.)
+ d = 4294967295.;
+ return (ulong)d;
+ * This routine will convert to arbitrary precision
+ * floating point entirely in multi-precision fixed.
+ * The answer is the closest floating point number to
+ * the given decimal number. Exactly half way are
+ * rounded ala ieee rules.
+ * Method is to scale input decimal between .500 and .999...
+ * with external power of 2, then binary search for the
+ * closest mantissa to this decimal number.
+ * Nmant is is the required precision. (53 for ieee dp)
+ * Nbits is the max number of bits/word. (must be <= 28)
+ * Prec is calculated - the number of words of fixed mantissa.
+ */
+ Nbits = 28, /* bits safely represented in a ulong */
+ Nmant = 53, /* bits of precision required */
+ Prec = (Nmant+Nbits+1)/Nbits, /* words of Nbits each to represent mantissa */
+ Sigbit = 1<<(Prec*Nbits-Nmant), /* first significant bit of Prec-th word */
+ Ndig = 1500,
+ One = (ulong)(1<<Nbits),
+ Half = (ulong)(One>>1),
+ Maxe = 310,
+ Fsign = 1<<0, /* found - */
+ Fesign = 1<<1, /* found e- */
+ Fdpoint = 1<<2, /* found . */
+ S0 = 0, /* _ _S0 +S1 #S2 .S3 */
+ S1, /* _+ #S2 .S3 */
+ S2, /* _+# #S2 .S4 eS5 */
+ S3, /* _+. #S4 */
+ S4, /* _+#.# #S4 eS5 */
+ S5, /* _+#.#e +S6 #S7 */
+ S6, /* _+#.#e+ #S7 */
+ S7 /* _+#.#e+# #S7 */
+static int xcmp(char*, char*);
+static int fpcmp(char*, ulong*);
+static void frnorm(ulong*);
+static void divascii(char*, int*, int*, int*);
+static void mulascii(char*, int*, int*, int*);
+typedef struct Tab Tab;
+struct Tab
+ int bp;
+ int siz;
+ char* cmp;
+fz_strtod(const char *as, char **aas)
+ int na, ex, dp, bp, c, i, flag, state;
+ ulong low[Prec], hig[Prec], mid[Prec];
+ double d;
+ char *s, a[Ndig];
+ flag = 0; /* Fsign, Fesign, Fdpoint */
+ na = 0; /* number of digits of a[] */
+ dp = 0; /* na of decimal point */
+ ex = 0; /* exonent */
+ state = S0;
+ for(s=(char*)as;; s++) {
+ c = *s;
+ if(c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
+ switch(state) {
+ case S0:
+ case S1:
+ case S2:
+ state = S2;
+ break;
+ case S3:
+ case S4:
+ state = S4;
+ break;
+ case S5:
+ case S6:
+ case S7:
+ state = S7;
+ ex = ex*10 + (c-'0');
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(na == 0 && c == '0') {
+ dp--;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(na < Ndig-50)
+ a[na++] = c;
+ continue;
+ }
+ switch(c) {
+ case '\t':
+ case '\n':
+ case '\v':
+ case '\f':
+ case '\r':
+ case ' ':
+ if(state == S0)
+ continue;
+ break;
+ case '-':
+ if(state == S0)
+ flag |= Fsign;
+ else
+ flag |= Fesign;
+ case '+':
+ if(state == S0)
+ state = S1;
+ else
+ if(state == S5)
+ state = S6;
+ else
+ break; /* syntax */
+ continue;
+ case '.':
+ flag |= Fdpoint;
+ dp = na;
+ if(state == S0 || state == S1) {
+ state = S3;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(state == S2) {
+ state = S4;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'e':
+ case 'E':
+ if(state == S2 || state == S4) {
+ state = S5;
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /*
+ * clean up return char-pointer
+ */
+ switch(state) {
+ case S0:
+ if(xcmp(s, "nan") == 0) {
+ if(aas != NULL)
+ *aas = s+3;
+ goto retnan;
+ }
+ case S1:
+ if(xcmp(s, "infinity") == 0) {
+ if(aas != NULL)
+ *aas = s+8;
+ goto retinf;
+ }
+ if(xcmp(s, "inf") == 0) {
+ if(aas != NULL)
+ *aas = s+3;
+ goto retinf;
+ }
+ case S3:
+ if(aas != NULL)
+ *aas = (char*)as;
+ goto ret0; /* no digits found */
+ case S6:
+ s--; /* back over +- */
+ case S5:
+ s--; /* back over e */
+ break;
+ }
+ if(aas != NULL)
+ *aas = s;
+ if(flag & Fdpoint)
+ while(na > 0 && a[na-1] == '0')
+ na--;
+ if(na == 0)
+ goto ret0; /* zero */
+ a[na] = 0;
+ if(!(flag & Fdpoint))
+ dp = na;
+ if(flag & Fesign)
+ ex = -ex;
+ dp += ex;
+ if(dp < -Maxe){
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ goto ret0; /* underflow by exp */
+ } else
+ if(dp > +Maxe)
+ goto retinf; /* overflow by exp */
+ /*
+ * normalize the decimal ascii number
+ * to range .[5-9][0-9]* e0
+ */
+ bp = 0; /* binary exponent */
+ while(dp > 0)
+ divascii(a, &na, &dp, &bp);
+ while(dp < 0 || a[0] < '5')
+ mulascii(a, &na, &dp, &bp);
+ /* close approx by naive conversion */
+ mid[0] = 0;
+ mid[1] = 1;
+ for(i=0; (c=a[i]) != '\0'; i++) {
+ mid[0] = mid[0]*10 + (c-'0');
+ mid[1] = mid[1]*10;
+ if(i >= 8)
+ break;
+ }
+ low[0] = umuldiv(mid[0], One, mid[1]);
+ hig[0] = umuldiv(mid[0]+1, One, mid[1]);
+ for(i=1; i<Prec; i++) {
+ low[i] = 0;
+ hig[i] = One-1;
+ }
+ /* binary search for closest mantissa */
+ for(;;) {
+ /* mid = (hig + low) / 2 */
+ c = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<Prec; i++) {
+ mid[i] = hig[i] + low[i];
+ if(c)
+ mid[i] += One;
+ c = mid[i] & 1;
+ mid[i] >>= 1;
+ }
+ frnorm(mid);
+ /* compare */
+ c = fpcmp(a, mid);
+ if(c > 0) {
+ c = 1;
+ for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+ if(low[i] != mid[i]) {
+ c = 0;
+ low[i] = mid[i];
+ }
+ if(c)
+ break; /* between mid and hig */
+ continue;
+ }
+ if(c < 0) {
+ for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+ hig[i] = mid[i];
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* only hard part is if even/odd roundings wants to go up */
+ c = mid[Prec-1] & (Sigbit-1);
+ if(c == Sigbit/2 && (mid[Prec-1]&Sigbit) == 0)
+ mid[Prec-1] -= c;
+ break; /* exactly mid */
+ }
+ /* normal rounding applies */
+ c = mid[Prec-1] & (Sigbit-1);
+ mid[Prec-1] -= c;
+ if(c >= Sigbit/2) {
+ mid[Prec-1] += Sigbit;
+ frnorm(mid);
+ }
+ goto out;
+ return 0;
+ return NAN;
+ /*
+ * Unix strtod requires these. Plan 9 would return Inf(0) or Inf(-1). */
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ if(flag & Fsign)
+ return -HUGE_VAL;
+ return HUGE_VAL;
+ d = 0;
+ for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+ d = d*One + mid[i];
+ if(flag & Fsign)
+ d = -d;
+ d = ldexp(d, bp - Prec*Nbits);
+ if(d == 0){ /* underflow */
+ errno = ERANGE;
+ }
+ return d;
+static void
+frnorm(ulong *f)
+ int i, c;
+ c = 0;
+ for(i=Prec-1; i>0; i--) {
+ f[i] += c;
+ c = f[i] >> Nbits;
+ f[i] &= One-1;
+ }
+ f[0] += c;
+static int
+fpcmp(char *a, ulong* f)
+ ulong tf[Prec];
+ int i, d, c;
+ for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+ tf[i] = f[i];
+ for(;;) {
+ /* tf *= 10 */
+ for(i=0; i<Prec; i++)
+ tf[i] = tf[i]*10;
+ frnorm(tf);
+ d = (tf[0] >> Nbits) + '0';
+ tf[0] &= One-1;
+ /* compare next digit */
+ c = *a;
+ if(c == 0) {
+ if('0' < d)
+ return -1;
+ if(tf[0] != 0)
+ goto cont;
+ for(i=1; i<Prec; i++)
+ if(tf[i] != 0)
+ goto cont;
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if(c > d)
+ return +1;
+ if(c < d)
+ return -1;
+ a++;
+ cont:;
+ }
+static void
+divby(char *a, int *na, int b)
+ int n, c;
+ char *p;
+ p = a;
+ n = 0;
+ while(n>>b == 0) {
+ c = *a++;
+ if(c == 0) {
+ while(n) {
+ c = n*10;
+ if(c>>b)
+ break;
+ n = c;
+ }
+ goto xx;
+ }
+ n = n*10 + c-'0';
+ (*na)--;
+ }
+ for(;;) {
+ c = n>>b;
+ n -= c<<b;
+ *p++ = c + '0';
+ c = *a++;
+ if(c == 0)
+ break;
+ n = n*10 + c-'0';
+ }
+ (*na)++;
+ while(n) {
+ n = n*10;
+ c = n>>b;
+ n -= c<<b;
+ *p++ = c + '0';
+ (*na)++;
+ }
+ *p = 0;
+static Tab tab1[] =
+ { 1, 0, "" },
+ { 3, 1, "7" },
+ { 6, 2, "63" },
+ { 9, 3, "511" },
+ { 13, 4, "8191" },
+ { 16, 5, "65535" },
+ { 19, 6, "524287" },
+ { 23, 7, "8388607" },
+ { 26, 8, "67108863" },
+ { 27, 9, "134217727" },
+static void
+divascii(char *a, int *na, int *dp, int *bp)
+ int b, d;
+ Tab *t;
+ d = *dp;
+ if(d >= (int)(nelem(tab1)))
+ d = (int)(nelem(tab1))-1;
+ t = tab1 + d;
+ b = t->bp;
+ if(memcmp(a, t->cmp, t->siz) > 0)
+ d--;
+ *dp -= d;
+ *bp += b;
+ divby(a, na, b);
+static void
+mulby(char *a, char *p, char *q, int b)
+ int n, c;
+ n = 0;
+ *p = 0;
+ for(;;) {
+ q--;
+ if(q < a)
+ break;
+ c = *q - '0';
+ c = (c<<b) + n;
+ n = c/10;
+ c -= n*10;
+ p--;
+ *p = c + '0';
+ }
+ while(n) {
+ c = n;
+ n = c/10;
+ c -= n*10;
+ p--;
+ *p = c + '0';
+ }
+static Tab tab2[] =
+ { 1, 1, "" }, /* dp = 0-0 */
+ { 3, 3, "125" },
+ { 6, 5, "15625" },
+ { 9, 7, "1953125" },
+ { 13, 10, "1220703125" },
+ { 16, 12, "152587890625" },
+ { 19, 14, "19073486328125" },
+ { 23, 17, "11920928955078125" },
+ { 26, 19, "1490116119384765625" },
+ { 27, 19, "7450580596923828125" }, /* dp 8-9 */
+static void
+mulascii(char *a, int *na, int *dp, int *bp)
+ char *p;
+ int d, b;
+ Tab *t;
+ d = -*dp;
+ if(d >= (int)(nelem(tab2)))
+ d = (int)(nelem(tab2))-1;
+ t = tab2 + d;
+ b = t->bp;
+ if(memcmp(a, t->cmp, t->siz) < 0)
+ d--;
+ p = a + *na;
+ *bp -= b;
+ *dp += d;
+ *na += d;
+ mulby(a, p+d, p, b);
+static int
+xcmp(char *a, char *b)
+ int c1, c2;
+ while((c1 = *b++) != '\0') {
+ c2 = *a++;
+ if(c2 >= 'A' && c2 <= 'Z')
+ c2 = c2 - 'A' + 'a';
+ if(c1 != c2)
+ return 1;
+ }
+ return 0;
diff --git a/source/fitz/printf.c b/source/fitz/printf.c
index e9d43dbb..b4fe844a 100644
--- a/source/fitz/printf.c
+++ b/source/fitz/printf.c
@@ -15,44 +15,6 @@ static void fmtputc(struct fmtbuf *out, int c)
- * Compute decimal integer m, exp such that:
- * f = m*10^exp
- * m is as short as possible with losing exactness
- * assumes special cases (NaN, +Inf, -Inf) have been handled.
- */
-static void fz_dtoa(float f, char *digits, int *exp, int *neg, int *ndigits)
- char buf[20], *s, *p, *e;
- int n;
- /* TODO: binary search */
- for (n = 1; n < 9; ++n) {
- sprintf(buf, "%+.*e", n, f);
- if (strtof(buf, NULL) == f)
- break;
- }
- *neg = (buf[0] == '-');
- p = buf + 3;
- e = strchr(p, 'e');
- *exp = atoi(e + 1) - (e - p);
- if (e[-1] == '0') {
- --e;
- ++(*exp);
- }
- s = digits;
- *s++ = buf[1];
- while (p < e)
- *s++ = *p++;
- *s = 0;
- *ndigits = s - digits;
* Convert float to shortest possible string that won't lose precision, except:
* NaN to 0, +Inf to FLT_MAX, -Inf to -FLT_MAX.
diff --git a/source/fitz/string.c b/source/fitz/string.c
index 1442b205..cab8387e 100644
--- a/source/fitz/string.c
+++ b/source/fitz/string.c
@@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ float fz_atof(const char *s)
* don't read a number that's OK as a double and then become invalid
* as we convert to a float. */
errno = 0;
- d = strtod(s, NULL);
+ d = fz_strtod(s, NULL);
if (errno == ERANGE || isnan(d)) {
/* Return 1.0, as it's a small known value that won't cause a divide by 0. */
return 1.0;