path: root/source/fitz/filter-fax.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2015-02-17Add ctx parameter and remove embedded contexts for API regularity.Tor Andersson
2015-02-17Rename fz_close_* and fz_free_* to fz_drop_*.Tor Andersson
2014-03-17Rework fz_streams.Robin Watts
2014-01-08sanitize number of columns in fz_open_faxdSimon Bünzli
2014-01-02Add rebinding for fz_streams.Robin Watts
2013-09-27fix bug 694573Simon Bünzli
2013-08-28optionally detect initial EOL in CCITTFaxDecode streamsSimon Bünzli
2013-06-20Rearrange source files.Tor Andersson