path: root/source/xps/xps-zip.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2014-12-03xps: Use ZIP archive module.Tor Andersson
2014-07-18fix ZIP64 support in xps-zip.cSimon Bünzli
2014-04-22Error out on unsupported encrypted zip filesSebastian Rasmussen
2014-01-06Bug 694869: Fix indetermisms with broken PNG files.Robin Watts
2014-01-06fix MSVC warnings C4054 and C4152Simon Bünzli
2014-01-06fix various MSVC warningsSimon Bünzli
2014-01-02Add rebinding for fz_devices and fz_documentsRobin Watts
2013-06-20Rearrange source files.Tor Andersson