path: root/stream/obj_print.c
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2009-02-28Moved Fitz files into one directory.Tor Andersson
2009-02-19Fixed a typo. If fz_debug cannot fit the resulting string into a static buffe...Tor Andersson
2008-08-17Adjust debugobj calls to compensate for fz_debugobj printing a newline.Tor Andersson
2008-08-14print trailing newline and flush output when debugging objects.Sebastian Rasmussen
2008-08-14Whitespace fix.Sebastian Rasmussen
2006-09-22hex-encode names with white-space and delimiters on outputTor Andersson
2005-06-04new world order ii -- revenge of the header filesTor Andersson
2005-03-30rename part 1 -- filesTor Andersson