path: root/Devinit/devinit.xsl
diff options
authorJohn Hubbard <>2019-04-21 17:09:24 -0700
committerJohn Hubbard <>2019-04-24 11:13:31 -0700
commit60b67c31fcad6d0dc9603a034994a12efe3d5202 (patch)
treec71d32e4b2a0d2a9770ac6b9add6ed49b0320e51 /Devinit/devinit.xsl
parentd1be635fac4adad238916d28dde406c81ba564a8 (diff)
Open doc files, version 1 of everything
This copies over files from: with a few overrides from local, as-yet-to-be-published files (generally just a file suffix and licensing tweak). Here's the script that was used to create this commit: wget -r mv* . rm -rf find . -name index.html | xargs rm -f find . -name Thumbs.db | xargs rm -f find . -type f | grep -v \.git | xargs file | grep CRLF | cut -f1 -d: | xargs dos2unix for f in `find . -name 1 | cut -f2 -d "/"`; do pushd $f; mv 1/* .; popd; done find . -name 1 | xargs rmdir rm -rf Host-Fifo/volta/gv100 mkdir -p Host-Fifo/volta/gv100 cp $sw/docs/Public_Devel_Docs/release/Host-Fifo/volta/gv100/* Host-Fifo/volta/gv100/ rm Display-Ref-Manuals/gv100/dev_display.ref cp $sw/docs/Public_Devel_Docs/release/Display-Ref-Manuals/1/gv100/dev_display.ref \ Display-Ref-Manuals/gv100/dev_display.ref.txt git add . git mv DCB/DCB-4.0-Specification.html DCB/DCB-4.x-Specification.html git reset HEAD Display-Class-Methods/2 git reset HEAD DCB/2 git commit Reviewed-by: Andy Ritger
Diffstat (limited to 'Devinit/devinit.xsl')
1 files changed, 384 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/Devinit/devinit.xsl b/Devinit/devinit.xsl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1f4777
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Devinit/devinit.xsl
@@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
+<?xml version='1.0'?>
+<xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="" version="1.0">
+ <xsl:template match="/">
+ <HTML>
+ <HEAD>
+ <TITLE>NVIDIA VGA BIOS Device Initialization (devinit) Script Opcode Specification</TITLE>
+ <LINK type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="devinit.css"/>
+ </HEAD>
+ <BODY>
+ <DIV class="title">NVIDIA VGA BIOS Device Initialization (devinit) Script Opcode Specification</DIV>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="devinit_spec/topic"/>
+ <DIV class="index-header">Opcode Index</DIV>
+ <DIV class="index-body">
+ <DIV class="index">
+ <DIV class="index-table-header">
+ <SPAN class="link">
+ Opcode
+ </SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="element">
+ Description
+ </SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="devinit_spec/opcode" mode="opcode_index">
+ <xsl:sort data-type="text" select="@id"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV class="index-header">Numeric Opcode Index</DIV>
+ <DIV class="index-body">
+ <DIV class="numeric-index">
+ <DIV class="index-table-header">
+ <SPAN class="numeric">
+ Numeric
+ </SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="link">
+ Opcode
+ </SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="devinit_spec/opcode" mode="numeric_index">
+ <xsl:sort data-type="text" select="@value"/>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="devinit_spec/opcode">
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </BODY>
+ </HTML>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="topic">
+ <DIV class="topic-header"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></DIV>
+ <DIV class="topic-body">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="paragraph[parent::topic]">
+ <DIV class="topic-paragraph">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="code">
+ <DIV class="topic-code">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="opcode" mode="opcode_index">
+ <DIV class="index-row">
+ <SPAN class="link">
+ <A>
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">#<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ </A>
+ </SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="element">
+ <xsl:value-of select="summary"/>
+ </SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="opcode" mode="numeric_index">
+ <DIV class="index-row">
+ <SPAN class="numeric">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@value"/>
+ </SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="link">
+ <A>
+ <xsl:attribute name="href">#<xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@id"/>
+ </A>
+ </SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="opcode">
+ <DIV class="opcode-page">
+ <DIV class="opcode">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="( @deprecated = 'true' )">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">opcode-deprecated</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ( history/core[@name='core6']/@supported = 'true' ) or ( history/core[@name='core6r2']/@supported = 'true' ) ) and ( history/core[@name='core5']/@supported = 'false' )">
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">opcode-new</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>
+ <xsl:attribute name="class">opcode</xsl:attribute>
+ </xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <DIV class="opcode-header">
+ <xsl:attribute name="id"><xsl:value-of select="@id"/></xsl:attribute>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@id"/> (<xsl:value-of select="@value"/>)
+ </DIV>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="summary"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="layout"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="details"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="example"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="history"/>
+ <xsl:if test="./audit">
+ <DIV class="audits-header">Audits</DIV>
+ <DIV class="audits-body">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="audit"/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:if>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="summary">
+ <DIV class="summary">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="layout">
+ <DIV class="layout-header">Format</DIV>
+ <DIV class="layout-body">
+ <DIV class="layout-table">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@deprecated = 'true' )">
+ <DIV class="watermark">
+ Deprecated
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ( ../history/core[@name='core6']/@supported = 'true' ) or ( ../history/core[@name='core6r2']/@supported = 'true' ) ) and ( ../history/core[@name='core5']/@supported = 'false' )">
+ <DIV class="watermark">
+ New
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:when>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <DIV class="parameter">
+ <SPAN class="parameter-size">BYTE </SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="parameter-name"><xsl:value-of select="../@id"/></SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="parameter-desc">; Opcode</SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="array">
+ <xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:with-param name="n">0</xsl:with-param>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:with-param name="n">1</xsl:with-param>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:apply-templates>
+ <xsl:with-param name="n">&lt;N-1&gt;</xsl:with-param>
+ </xsl:apply-templates>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="parameter">
+ <xsl:param name="n"></xsl:param>
+ <DIV class="parameter">
+ <SPAN class="parameter-size">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '8' )">BYTE </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '-8' )">BYTE </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '16' )">WORD </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '-16' )">WORD </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '32' )">DWORD </xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise><SPAN class="error">&lt;Unknown size&gt;</SPAN></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="parameter-name">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '8' )">u008</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '-8' )">s008</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '16' )">u016</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '-16' )">s016</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @size = '32' )">u032</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise><SPAN class="error">unknown</SPAN></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:value-of select="@name"/>
+ <xsl:value-of select="$n"/>
+ </SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="parameter-desc">
+ ; <xsl:value-of select="@description"/><xsl:text> </xsl:text><xsl:value-of select="$n"/>
+ </SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="details">
+ <DIV class="details-header">Details</DIV>
+ <DIV class="details-body">
+ <DIV class="attrib-table">
+ <DIV class="attrib-row">
+ <SPAN class="attrib-name">Deprecated</SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="attrib-value">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@deprecated = 'true' )">Yes</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise>No</xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ <DIV class="attrib-row">
+ <SPAN class="attrib-name">Condition Flag</SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="attrib-value">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@conditionflag = 'failsets' )">Set to SKIP operations on failure</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@conditionflag = 'clears' )">Reset to allow operations to be performed</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@conditionflag = 'honors' )">Operations shall not performed when set to SKIP</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@conditionflag = 'skipswrite' )">Only final register write not performed when set to SKIP</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@conditionflag = 'skipsarraywrite' )">Only final writes to each register are not performed when set to SKIP</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@conditionflag = 'skipsrw' )">Only final read/modify/write not performed when set to SKIP</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@conditionflag = 'inverts' )">Inverted</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( ../@conditionflag = 'ignores' )">Ignored</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise><SPAN class="error">&lt;UNKNOWN&gt;</SPAN></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="../restriction"/>
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="../todo"/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="paragraph[parent::details]">
+ <DIV class="paragraph">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="note">
+ <DIV class="note">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="list">
+ <DIV class="list">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="item">
+ <DIV class="item">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="todo">
+ <DIV class="todo">
+ TODO: <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="restriction">
+ <DIV class="restriction">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="example">
+ <DIV class="example-header">Example</DIV>
+ <DIV class="example-body">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="description"/>
+ <DIV class="example">
+ <xsl:apply-templates select="line"/>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="description">
+ <DIV class="example-description">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="line">
+ <DIV class="example-line">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="history">
+ <DIV class="history-header">History</DIV>
+ <DIV class="history-body">
+ <DIV class="history-table">
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="core">
+ <DIV class="history-row">
+ <SPAN class="history-core"><xsl:value-of select="@name"/></SPAN>
+ <SPAN class="history-value">
+ <xsl:choose>
+ <xsl:when test="( @supported = 'true' )">Yes</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @supported = 'false' )">No</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @supported = 'modified' )">Modified</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @supported = 'resman' )">Resman only</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:when test="( @supported = 'vbios' )">VBIOS only</xsl:when>
+ <xsl:otherwise><SPAN class="error">&lt;UNKNOWN&gt;</SPAN></xsl:otherwise>
+ </xsl:choose>
+ </SPAN>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>
+ <xsl:template match="audit">
+ <DIV class="audit">
+ <xsl:value-of select="@date"/> -
+ <xsl:value-of select="@engine"/>:
+ <xsl:apply-templates/>
+ </DIV>
+ </xsl:template>