BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
chromium/3589Remove third arg to CFX_DIBitmap::LoadChannel()Tom Sepez6 years
chromium/3590Modernize app.* JS method tests.Tom Sepez6 years
chromium/3591Add CFX_Matrix::AsTuple().Lei Zhang6 years
chromium/3592Remove rarely used GDI+ using statements.Lei Zhang6 years
chromium/3593Rename NewPDFWindow() => NewPWLWindow()Tom Sepez6 years
chromium/3594Pass CreateParams to CPWL_Wnd constructor.Tom Sepez6 years
chromium/3595Pass CreateParams to CPWL_Wnd constructor.Tom Sepez6 years
chromium/3596Do bilinear interpolation for "huge" images.Lei Zhang6 years
infra/configAdd android_no_v8 build bot to the waterfall.Lei Zhang6 years
masterRename two more CJS_PublicMethods methods.Tom Sepez6 years
old_master_before_xfapdfium-old_master_before_xfa.tar.xz  Tom Sepez8 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2018-07-20Roll buildtools/ 893eb86b0..4ae75c1f8 (10 commits)chromium/3500chromium/3499Lei Zhang
2018-07-20Replace downcasts in cxfa_node to checked conversion methods.Tom Sepez
2018-07-20Rework of CPDF_Parser::RebuildCrossRef.chromium/3498Artem Strygin
2018-07-19Remove some unused default values in cfxjse_context.h.Tom Sepez
2018-07-19Change some ASSERTS() to early returns in cfxjse_class.cppTom Sepez
2018-07-19Make FX stream internal details more private to .cpp files.Tom Sepez
2018-07-19Fix unbalanced endobj keyword in rectangles_multi_pages.pdf.Lei Zhang
2018-07-19Use pdfium::as_writable_bytes() in cxfa_xmllocale_unittest.cppTom Sepez
2018-07-18Roll third_party/skia/ af7700265..588f87967 (1391 commits; 41 trivial rolls)Lei Zhang
2018-07-18Handle wrong tag element count in littlecms.Lei Zhang