path: root/asm
diff options
authorIru Cai <>2021-05-14 13:09:10 +0800
committerIru Cai <>2021-05-14 13:09:10 +0800
commit66aee2adab9e368f88659e269681a8b27ace4466 (patch)
treed0b5ba0e4d467695b2ae01d9324c1a56fcc7bf24 /asm
parente77e983754542a8b02ac7319655d7658284d6953 (diff)
move out some entry code
Diffstat (limited to 'asm')
3 files changed, 251 insertions, 320 deletions
diff --git a/asm/Makefile b/asm/Makefile
index 4e4041a..d65cddf 100644
--- a/asm/Makefile
+++ b/asm/Makefile
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-LDFLAGS=-e fcn_0045709c
+LDFLAGS=-e entry
LIBS=-lgdi32 -luser32 -lkernel32 -lwinmm -ldsound -lddraw
-OBJS = rich4.obj rich4_time.obj card_strings.obj stocks_data.obj card_table.obj tool_strings.obj \
+OBJS = entry.obj \
+ rich4.obj rich4_time.obj card_strings.obj stocks_data.obj card_table.obj tool_strings.obj \
players.obj \
window_util.obj \
rich4_crt_mthread.obj rich4_clib.obj
diff --git a/asm/entry.asm b/asm/entry.asm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2ab9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/asm/entry.asm
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+global entry
+extern loc_004588b0
+extern __imp__GetModuleHandleA@4
+extern _LpCmdLine
+extern memset
+extern rich4_main
+extern __ThreadDataSize
+extern fcn_0045abc6
+extern _GetThreadPtr
+extern __init_stack_limits
+extern __NewExceptionFilter
+extern __NTInit
+extern ref_00488f8c
+extern ref_00489330
+extern ref_004898ca
+extern ref_00489900
+extern ref_004991c0
+extern fcn_0045ac2a
+section .text
+push ebx
+push ebp
+mov ebp, esp
+sub esp, 8
+call __InitRtns ; call 0x45abd6
+mov eax, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
+add eax, 3
+and al, 0xfc
+sub esp, eax
+mov ebx, esp
+mov edx, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov edx, dword [0x4894b0]
+push edx
+push 0
+push ebx
+call memset ; call 0x456f60
+add esp, 0xc
+mov eax, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
+push ebx
+mov dword [ebx + 0xf0], eax
+lea eax, [ebp - 8]
+push eax
+call __NTMainInit ; call 0x458859
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489334]
+add ebx, 3
+add esp, 8
+and bl, 0xfc
+call fcn_0045ada0 ; call 0x45ada0
+cmp ebx, eax
+jae short loc_00458d61 ; jae 0x458d61
+push ebx
+call __GRO ; call 0x45aded
+mov eax, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov eax, dword [0x489334]
+add eax, 3
+and al, 0xfc
+sub esp, eax
+mov eax, esp
+jmp short loc_00458d63 ; jmp 0x458d63
+xor eax, eax
+mov ebx, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489334]
+add eax, ebx
+mov dword [ref_00489338], eax ; mov dword [0x489338], eax
+push 0xa
+mov ebx, dword [_LpCmdLine] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489310]
+push ebx
+push 0
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleHandleA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623bc]
+push eax
+call rich4_main ; call 0x401b9c
+push eax
+call fcn_0045ae23 ; call 0x45ae23
+add esp, 4
+mov esp, ebp
+pop ebp
+pop ebx
+push eax
+push ebx
+mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
+mov ebx, 0xfffffffc
+mov dword [esp + ebx], ebx
+sub ebx, 0x1000
+sub eax, 0x1000
+jg short loc_0045adf8 ; jg 0x45adf8
+pop ebx
+pop eax
+ret 4
+; __NTMainInit(REGISTRATION_RECORD *rr, thread_data *tdata)
+push ebx
+push 0
+call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleHandleA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623bc]
+push eax
+mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
+push edx
+push 0
+call __NTInit ; call 0x4585ef
+add esp, 0xc
+push ref_00489330 ; push 0x489330
+call dword [_GetThreadPtr] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+push eax
+call __init_stack_limits ; call 0x45a666
+add esp, 8
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+call __NewExceptionFilter ; call 0x45ab58
+add esp, 4
+mov eax, 0x21
+call __InitRtns ; call 0x45abd6
+call dword [ref_00488f8c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f8c]
+mov eax, 0xff
+call __InitRtns ; call 0x45abd6
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+push esi
+push es
+sub esp, 4
+mov esi, ref_00489900 ; mov esi, 0x489900
+mov byte [esp], al
+mov eax, ref_004898ca ; mov eax, 0x4898ca
+mov dl, byte [esp]
+mov ebx, esi
+cmp eax, ref_00489900 ; cmp eax, 0x489900
+jae short loc_0045ac0a ; jae 0x45ac0a
+cmp byte [eax], 2
+je short loc_0045ac05 ; je 0x45ac05
+mov cl, byte [eax + 1]
+cmp dl, cl
+jb short loc_0045ac05 ; jb 0x45ac05
+mov ebx, eax
+mov dl, cl
+add eax, 6
+jmp short loc_0045abee ; jmp 0x45abee
+cmp ebx, ref_00489900 ; cmp ebx, 0x489900
+je short loc_0045ac23 ; je 0x45ac23
+lea eax, [ebx + 2]
+push eax
+call fcn_0045abc6 ; call 0x45abc6
+add esp, 4
+mov byte [ebx], 2
+jmp short loc_0045abe4 ; jmp 0x45abe4
+add esp, 4
+pop es
+pop esi
+pop ebx
+push ebx
+call dword [_GetThreadPtr] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
+mov ebx, eax
+mov eax, esp
+sub eax, dword [ebx]
+pop ebx
+call dword [ref_004894c8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894c8]
+cmp byte [ref_004991c0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x4991c0], 0
+jne short loc_0045ae41 ; jne 0x45ae41
+mov edx, 0xff
+mov eax, 0x10
+call fcn_0045ac2a ; call 0x45ac2a
+mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
+push edx
+call fcn_0045ae4f ; call 0x45ae4f
+add esp, 4
+push ebx
+call dword [ref_004894c8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894c8]
+call dword [ref_004894cc] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894cc]
+cmp dword [ref_004891ec], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4891ec], 0
+je short loc_0045ae6b ; je 0x45ae6b
+call dword [ref_004891ec] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ec]
+mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
+push ebx
+jmp near loc_004588b0 ; jmp 0x4588b0
+section .data
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+dd 0x00000000
+ref_004894c8: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_0045ae22
+ref_004894cc: ; may contain a jump table
+dd fcn_0045ae22
diff --git a/asm/rich4.asm b/asm/rich4.asm
index 4898558..b2bfc31 100644
--- a/asm/rich4.asm
+++ b/asm/rich4.asm
@@ -115,8 +115,24 @@ extern __imp__timeKillEvent@4
extern __imp__timeSetEvent@20
extern __imp__DirectSoundCreate@12
extern __imp__DirectDrawCreate@12
-; link flag and libs: -e fcn_0045709c -lgdi32 -luser32 -lkernel32 -lwinmm -ldsound -lddraw
-global fcn_0045709c
+global loc_004588b0
+global __imp__GetModuleHandleA@4
+global _LpCmdLine
+global memset
+global rich4_main
+global __ThreadDataSize
+global fcn_0045abc6
+global _GetThreadPtr
+global __init_stack_limits
+global __NewExceptionFilter
+global __NTInit
+global ref_00488f8c
+global ref_00489330
+global ref_004898ca
+global ref_00489900
+global ref_004991c0
+global fcn_0045ac2a
extern _abs
@@ -116513,41 +116529,6 @@ pop esi
pop ebx
-jmp near loc_00458ced ; jmp 0x458ced
-dd ref_00401003
-db 0x57
-db 0x41
-db 0x54
-dd 0x204d4f43
-dd 0x2b432f43
-dd 0x2032332b
-dd 0x2d6e7552
-dd 0x656d6954
-dd 0x73797320
-dd 0x2e6d6574
-dd 0x29632820
-dd 0x706f4320
-dd 0x67697279
-dd 0x62207468
-dd 0x41572079
-dd 0x4d4f4354
-dd 0x746e4920
-dd 0x616e7265
-dd 0x6e6f6974
-dd 0x43206c61
-dd 0x2e70726f
-dd 0x38393120
-dd 0x39312d38
-dd 0x202e3539
-dd 0x206c6c41
-dd 0x68676972
-dd 0x72207374
-dd 0x72657365
-dd 0x2e646576
push ebx
sub esp, 4
@@ -118437,34 +118418,6 @@ pop esi
pop ebx
-; __NTMainInit(REGISTRATION_RECORD *rr, thread_data *tdata)
-push ebx
-push 0
-call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleHandleA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623bc]
-push eax
-mov edx, dword [esp + 0x10]
-push edx
-push 0
-call __NTInit ; call 0x4585ef
-add esp, 0xc
-push ref_00489330 ; push 0x489330
-call dword [_GetThreadPtr] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
-push eax
-call __init_stack_limits ; call 0x45a666
-add esp, 8
-mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
-push ebx
-call __NewExceptionFilter ; call 0x45ab58
-add esp, 4
-mov eax, 0x21
-call __InitRtns ; call 0x45abd6
-call dword [ref_00488f8c] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f8c]
-mov eax, 0xff
-call __InitRtns ; call 0x45abd6
-pop ebx
cmp dword [ref_004991c0], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4991c0], 0
je short loc_004588d4 ; je 0x4588d4
@@ -119007,73 +118960,6 @@ fcn_00458cea:
xor eax, eax
-push ebx
-push ebp
-mov ebp, esp
-sub esp, 8
-call __InitRtns ; call 0x45abd6
-mov eax, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
-add eax, 3
-and al, 0xfc
-sub esp, eax
-mov ebx, esp
-mov edx, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov edx, dword [0x4894b0]
-push edx
-push 0
-push ebx
-call memset ; call 0x456f60
-add esp, 0xc
-mov eax, dword [__ThreadDataSize] ; mov eax, dword [0x4894b0]
-push ebx
-mov dword [ebx + 0xf0], eax
-lea eax, [ebp - 8]
-push eax
-call __NTMainInit ; call 0x458859
-mov ebx, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489334]
-add ebx, 3
-add esp, 8
-and bl, 0xfc
-call fcn_0045ada0 ; call 0x45ada0
-cmp ebx, eax
-jae short loc_00458d61 ; jae 0x458d61
-push ebx
-call __GRO ; call 0x45aded
-mov eax, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov eax, dword [0x489334]
-add eax, 3
-and al, 0xfc
-sub esp, eax
-mov eax, esp
-jmp short loc_00458d63 ; jmp 0x458d63
-xor eax, eax
-mov ebx, dword [ref_00489334] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489334]
-add eax, ebx
-mov dword [ref_00489338], eax ; mov dword [0x489338], eax
-call fcn_0045ae21 ; call 0x45ae21
-push 0xa
-mov ebx, dword [_LpCmdLine] ; mov ebx, dword [0x489310]
-push ebx
-push 0
-push 0
-call dword [cs:__imp__GetModuleHandleA@4] ; ucall: call dword cs:[0x4623bc]
-push eax
-call rich4_main ; call 0x401b9c
-push eax
-call fcn_0045ae23 ; call 0x45ae23
-add esp, 4
-mov esp, ebp
-pop ebp
-pop ebx
-db 0x00
push ebx
mov eax, dword [esp + 8]
@@ -121907,51 +121793,6 @@ loc_0045abd4:
pop es
-push ebx
-push esi
-push es
-sub esp, 4
-mov esi, ref_00489900 ; mov esi, 0x489900
-mov byte [esp], al
-mov eax, ref_004898ca ; mov eax, 0x4898ca
-mov dl, byte [esp]
-mov ebx, esi
-cmp eax, ref_00489900 ; cmp eax, 0x489900
-jae short loc_0045ac0a ; jae 0x45ac0a
-cmp byte [eax], 2
-je short loc_0045ac05 ; je 0x45ac05
-mov cl, byte [eax + 1]
-cmp dl, cl
-jb short loc_0045ac05 ; jb 0x45ac05
-mov ebx, eax
-mov dl, cl
-add eax, 6
-jmp short loc_0045abee ; jmp 0x45abee
-cmp ebx, ref_00489900 ; cmp ebx, 0x489900
-je short loc_0045ac23 ; je 0x45ac23
-lea eax, [ebx + 2]
-push eax
-call fcn_0045abc6 ; call 0x45abc6
-add esp, 4
-mov byte [ebx], 2
-jmp short loc_0045abe4 ; jmp 0x45abe4
-add esp, 4
-pop es
-pop esi
-pop ebx
push ebx
push esi
@@ -122124,135 +121965,9 @@ pop esi
pop ebx
-db 0x53
-db 0xff
-db 0x15
-dd ref_00488f78
-dd 0x0824448b
-db 0x8b
-db 0x1d
-dd __ThreadDataSize
-db 0x01
-db 0xd8
-db 0xa3
-dd __ThreadDataSize
-db 0xe8
-db 0xf2
-db 0x1a
-dd 0x15ff0000
-dd ref_00488f7c
-dd 0xc35bd889
-push ebx
-call dword [_GetThreadPtr] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
-mov ebx, eax
-mov eax, esp
-sub eax, dword [ebx]
-pop ebx
-db 0x00
-db 0x87
-db 0x44
-db 0x24
-dd 0x0007e804
-dd 0x448b0000
-dd 0x04c20424
-db 0x00
-push eax
-cmp eax, esp
-jae short loc_0045ade0 ; jae 0x45ade0
-sub eax, esp
-neg eax
-push esi
-push eax
-call dword [_GetThreadPtr] ; ucall: call dword [0x488f4c]
-mov esi, eax
-pop eax
-cmp eax, dword [esi]
-pop esi
-jbe short loc_0045ade0 ; jbe 0x45ade0
-call __GRO ; call 0x45aded
-pop eax
-push 1
-push ref_004894b4 ; push 0x4894b4
-call __fatal_runtime_error ; call 0x45c690
-push eax
-push ebx
-mov eax, dword [esp + 0xc]
-mov ebx, 0xfffffffc
-mov dword [esp + ebx], ebx
-sub ebx, 0x1000
-sub eax, 0x1000
-jg short loc_0045adf8 ; jg 0x45adf8
-pop ebx
-pop eax
-ret 4
-db 0x50
-db 0xe8
-db 0xda
-dd 0x50ffffff
-dd 0x0824448d
-dd 0x9424042b
-dd 0xff04408b
-db 0xe0
-call dword [ref_004894c8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894c8]
-cmp byte [ref_004991c0], 0 ; cmp byte [0x4991c0], 0
-jne short loc_0045ae41 ; jne 0x45ae41
-mov edx, 0xff
-mov eax, 0x10
-call fcn_0045ac2a ; call 0x45ac2a
-mov edx, dword [esp + 4]
-push edx
-call fcn_0045ae4f ; call 0x45ae4f
-add esp, 4
-push ebx
-call dword [ref_004894c8] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894c8]
-call dword [ref_004894cc] ; ucall: call dword [0x4894cc]
-cmp dword [ref_004891ec], 0 ; cmp dword [0x4891ec], 0
-je short loc_0045ae6b ; je 0x45ae6b
-call dword [ref_004891ec] ; ucall: call dword [0x4891ec]
-mov ebx, dword [esp + 8]
-push ebx
-jmp near loc_004588b0 ; jmp 0x4588b0
-db 0x00
push ebx
push esi
@@ -172624,9 +172339,6 @@ dd 0x00000000
ref_004891e8: ; may contain a jump table
dd 0x00000000
-ref_004891ec: ; may contain a jump table
-dd 0x00000000
dd ref_0046c418
dd ref_0046c41c
@@ -172728,12 +172440,6 @@ dd 0x00000000
dd 0x00000000
-dd 0x00000000
-dd 0x00000000
dd 0x00000000
dd 0x00000000
@@ -172898,12 +172604,6 @@ dd 0x000000f4
db 'Stack Overflow!',0x0d,0x0a,0x00,0x00,0x00
-ref_004894c8: ; may contain a jump table
-dd fcn_0045ae22
-ref_004894cc: ; may contain a jump table
-dd fcn_0045ae22
db 0x00