AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2018-10-29Rename two more CJS_PublicMethods methods.HEADmasterTom Sepez
2018-10-29Rename CJS_PublicMethods::MakeFormatDate() and MakeRegularDate()Tom Sepez
2018-10-29Make IJS_Runtime::AsCJSRuntime be XFA-onlyTom Sepez
2018-10-29Remove ctors from CJS_ objects which cant be instantiated.Tom Sepez
2018-10-29Test CFX_V8::ToByteString() in cfx_v8_unittest.cpp.Tom Sepez
2018-10-29Do bilinear interpolation for "huge" images.chromium/3596Lei Zhang
2018-10-29Fold virtual CPWL_Wnd::OnCreate into subclass constructors.Tom Sepez
2018-10-26Pass CreateParams to CPWL_Wnd constructor.chromium/3595chromium/3594Tom Sepez
2018-10-26Roll testing/corpus/ 502691e08..56802dad1 (1 commit)Lei Zhang
2018-10-26Convert CPWL_Wnd::m_Children to vector of unique_ptr.Tom Sepez
2018-10-26Replace int flags with struct FXDIB_ResampleOptions.Lei Zhang
2018-10-26Pass unique_ptr to CPWL_Wnd::AddChild().Tom Sepez
2018-10-26Roll v8/ db22e96fb..a4f6a37da (307 commits)Lei Zhang
2018-10-26Include platform-specific fxge sources with conditionals.Lei Zhang
2018-10-26Remove pParentWnd field entirely from CreateParams.Tom Sepez
2018-10-26Fix more nits in fx_win32_gdipext.cpp.Lei Zhang
2018-10-26Implement CFX_RenderDevice::GetFlipMatrix().Lei Zhang
2018-10-26cp.pParentWindow is always NULL in NewPWLWindow()Tom Sepez
2018-10-26Forward declare a bunch of classes.Lei Zhang
2018-10-26Stop transfering ownership of |this| as CPWL_Wnd::Create() side-effectTom Sepez
2018-10-26Rename NewPDFWindow() => NewPWLWindow()chromium/3593Tom Sepez
2018-10-25Make CPWL_Wnd own its pAttachedData.Tom Sepez
2018-10-25Simplify some code in CGdiDisplayDriver.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Pass source rect parameter to SetDIBits() by const-ref.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Remove rarely used GDI+ using statements.chromium/3592Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Remove unused GDI+ code.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Change DrawBitsWithMask() to take a matrix by const-ref.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Change StartDIBits() to take a matrix by reference.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Change FXDIB_BLEND_FOO typedefs to an enum class.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Fix blend mode usage in CFX_ScanlineCompositor helpers.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Initialize SkiaState members where declared.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Initialize CFX_ImageRenderer members in the header.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Add android_no_v8 builder to the default try job set.Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Revert "Add android_nov8 builder to the default try job set."Lei Zhang
2018-10-25Add android_nov8 builder to the default try job set.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Fix CPLW_Wnd ownership model in CFFL_FormFiller.Tom Sepez
2018-10-24Clean up CFX_ImageTransformer parameters.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Remove FXDIB_BLEND_UNSUPPORTED.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Initialize CPDF_GeneralState::StateData in the header.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Use ASSERT() consistently. Replace assert() usage.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Assert CPDF_Image::m_pDocument is never nullptr.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Make CPDF_PathObject::m_Path private.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Make CPDF_PathObject::m_FillType private.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Make CPDF_PathObject::m_bStroke private.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Start making CPDF_PathObject members private.Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Add CFX_Matrix::AsTuple().chromium/3591Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Implement FPDFImageObj_GetMatrix().Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Implement FPDFPageObj_GetLineCap().Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Implement FPDFPageObj_GetLineJoin().Lei Zhang
2018-10-24Check CPDFFooObjectFromFPDFPageObject() result.Lei Zhang