bitbucketmy bitbucket vimacs7 years
broadwell-refcode vimacs4 years
chingnux/devel-docchingnux docs for developers vimacs6 years
corebootSome coreboot project code with my work vimacs
coreboot-talkMy presentation on coreboot vimacs7 years
dissertationmy master dissertation vimacs6 years
edk2-platforms.git( 7 years
fqtermA Telnet/SSH BBS client written in C++ and Qt vimacs4 years
fsfs-zhFree Software Free Society (zh-cn) 7 years
gnulinux-bookAn introductory book on computer application, based on GNU/Linux vimacs7 years
iogameIO wargames @ vimacs6 years
liveusb-builderA script suite to create multiboot USB stick for GNU/Linux distributions vimacs20 months
matrix-curlMatrix client implemented in C vimacs7 years
matrix-synapse-scriptsscripts to maintain a Matrix homeserver vimacs7 years
minijavaMini Java to MIPS 7 years
mupdfMuPDF PDF reader and library 6 years
open-gpu-doc.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 6 years
pdfium.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 6 years
pkulib-dlDownload dissertations from PKU library vimacs6 years
project_eulerMy Project Euler ( solution code vimacs4 years
reverse-docslides on reverse engineering vimacs6 years
rich4reverse engineering rich4 vimacs4 years
rich4.r2radare2 files for the rich4 project vimacs4 years
uext4U-Boot ext4 filesystem implementation vimacs5 years
usacoUSACO exercise vimacs7 years
win32-examplessome win32 asm example to test r2dumpbin vimacs4 years
zprj.gitUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 5 years